HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreative Pyrotechnics Mardi Gras Fireworks Display Contract -2009 03 12CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 2009 MARAI GRA,SFIREWORKS DISPLAY CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT is made this, ~ day of ~r'[ 2009 by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida Municipal Corporation, whose address is 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida {"City") and CREATIVE PYROTECHNICS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company ("Contractor'. ~tECITALS: WHEREAS, the Contractor desires to provide to the City certain services under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and provisions hereof, and other good, and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency all or which is hereby acknowlodged, the parties desiring to be legally bound do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 D do .For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms and words shall have the meaning ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (a) "Agreement" or "Contract" shall be used interchangeably and shall refer to this Agreement, as amended from time to time, which shall constitute authorization for the Contractor to provide the services stated herein to the City. (b) "City" is the City of Winter Springs, Florida, a Florida Municipal Corporation. (c) "Contractor" shall mean Creative Pymtechnies, a Florida Limited Liability Company and its agents, employees and contractors thereof. (d) "Effective Date" shall be the date an which the last signatory hereto shall execute this Agreement, and it shall be the daft on which this Agreemerrt shall to into effect. The Agreement shall not be effective against any party until said date. (e) "Public Record" is as described in Section 119.011(1), Florida Statutes. (f) "Services" shall include the performance of the Services outlined in Article 2 of this Agreement. Zoo9 Mardi ores Fireworks Display Contract Gity of V/izttex Springs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 1 of 10 i.Z Ent. The City hereby engages the Contractor and the Contractor agrees ' to perform the Services outlined in this Agreement for the stated fee arrangement. No prior or present agreements or representations shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. 1.3 Due Diliaenee. The Contractor acknowledges that it has investigated prior to execution of the Agreement and satisfied itself, as to the conditions affecting the Services, the availability of materials and labor, the cost thereof? the requirements to obtain necessary to complete the Services within the time set forth herein. The Contractor warrants unto the City that ii has the competence and abilities to carefully and faithfully complete the Services within the time set forth. The Contractor will perform it Services with due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional practices. ARTICLE 2 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICESE TO BE jERFQ ED Z.1 Scone of Services. The Services to be performed under this Agreement are as follows: (a) Sl,~11 ~~,-~lD~e ~• 11e~+ ~~~•:t, Lotw~Wf- 1,5"-x 2y 3"• ~ y t y,t ~ ~Q 5"~- ~ 6" - y ro> ~'' - Z t ~! ~G P~v . .:~j Nia,..~.~ (~> (d) Contractor agrees to furnish the City an outdoor public exhibition of pyrotechnics (a/k/a fireworks display) for the City's Mardi C3ras Special Event. The exhibition shall be discharged from the Winter Springs High School Baseball field and shall be seen by the public in the Town Cemer (SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road) on the evening of March 13, 2009 at 9:30 PM. The specific areas for staging shall be at locations designated by the City and reasonably approved by Contractor. Contractor agrees to famish a duly qualified and experienced pyrotechnist and all labor necessary for exhibition of pyrotechnics. The exhibition shall last a minimum of five {5) minutes and shall contain a minimum of 17S - 3 inch shells, 24 - 5 inch shells, and SO - 4 inch shells. Contractor agrees to pay all freight, expenses and cartage charges. Contractor agrees to pay all traveling and other expenses of pyrotechnist and assistants, which may be necessary for exhibition of pyrotechnics. (e) Contractor agrees that, in the event of rain or inclement weather, a postponement may be made by the City, at its discretion, to the evening of March 14 or 15, 2009. Any additional reasonable and actual out-of- pocket expenses that are incurred by the Contractor due to the postponement may be added to the original contract price upon advance approval of the City provided, however, the total of such additional expenses shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of contract price. 2009 Mardi Gras Cireworks Display Contract City of Winter Springs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 2 of ! 0 (f) Contractor may cancel or delay the start or completion of the fireworks display if in its professional opinion to continue the display would violate any laws of any governing bodies or pose any threat to human life, limb, or property, such as high winds, hazards in the firing area, and unauthorized persons entering the firing area. If Comractor cancels the display, in its professional judgment, the display shall be shown at a later date in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (g) Contractor agrees, at its expense, to procure any and all permits or licenses that may be required by governmental authorities. 2.Z r~esaiorlallam. The Contractor shall do, perform and carry out in a professional manner all Services required to be performed by this Agreement. Z.3 Submittal of Prog,~, Retwr,~. Upon request by the City, Contractor shall submit a written progress report as to the status of all Services set forth in the Agreement. The report shall in a sufficient manner demonstrate what services were performed under this Agreement. if the detail is not sufficient in the City Manager's reasonable discretion to pcrarit the City to determine the Services performed or the manner in which it is being performed, the City may seek more detail &am the Contractor. 2.4 Warranty of Profe~~onal Set~vices. The Contractor hereby warrants unto the City that it has sufficient experience to properly complete the Services specified herein or as may be performed pursuant to this Agreement. In pursuit of any Services, the Contractor shall supervise and direct the Services, using it best skill and attention and shall enforce strict discipline and good order among it employees and agents. The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on performance of the Services. The Contractor shall pay all texts, fees, license fees required by law, including but not limited tv occupational fees anti withholding taxes and assume all costs incident to the Services, except as provided herein. ARTICLE 3 COMPENSATION ~~X~N~.TERMS 3.1 Comnea~satisn. For the performance and full completion of the Services specified herein, City agrees to pay Contractor a total amount of $ 1,500.00. Full payment shall be made by the City to the Contractor after the display. There shall be no other compensation due Contractor for the Services provided under this Agreement, unless specifically agt~eed to by the City in writing. However, in consideration of the discounted price set forth herein, the City agrees to allow Contractor to display a reasonable and customary banner promoting its business at the Mardi Gras Event and the City shall also make a public stage announcement recognizing Contractor's partial sponsorship of the display. 2009 Mardi Gras Fireworks Display Contras Cfry of Winter Springs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 3 of 10 3.2 Invoie~ a,,,,~ nd P~vment Terms. Contractor shall submit to the City detailed invoices for all Services performed and reimbursable expenses incurred under this Agreement. ARTICLE 4 GE,~RAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICES 4.1 City InaDeedon. Subject to a right of appeal to the City Commission of the City Wiener Springs, the City Manager shall have authority to reject Services as not conforming to this Agreement. Prior to the commencement of the exhibition of the pyrotechnics, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to inspect the fireworks to determine that the display is ready for public exhibition as required hereunder. 4.2 Services is a Private Undertakine. With regard to any and aU Services performed hereunder, it is specifically understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto that the contractual relationship between the City and Contractor is such that the Contractor is an independent contractor and is neither an agent nor employee of the City. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the City, on one head, and the Contractor, during or after the perforn3ance of the Services under this Agreement. 4.3 City's Resnonsibi!}}ies. The City shall cooperate with the Contractor by: {a) 17esignating a person with authority to act on the City's behalf on all matters concerning rho Services being provided hereunder, (b) Arranging for access to public and private property by the Contractor as necessitated by the Services; (e) Providing, with the assistance of Contractor, the location of an area at Winter Springs High School 13asebal! Field which can be caasidered a "Safe Firing Site"; (d) If necessary, agreeing to finttish and set up rope lines and other reasonable crowd control safeguards for the protection of the public and Contractor; and (e) Agreeing to furnish ample police presence to provide crowd control for the protection of the public and Contractor. ARTICLE 5 ~SUBCON'I'RACTS: ASSI~NIVIENT 5.1 Assienment and Snbcontractir}~. Unless otherwise specifically required by this Agtrecnent, the Contractor shall not assign, sublet, or transfer any rights of Services under or interest in (including, but without limitations, moneys that may become due) this Agreement without the written consent of the City, except to the extent that any assignments, sublet, or transfer is mandated by law or the effect of this limitation may be 2009 Mardi Crras Fireworks Display Contract City of Winter Springs - Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Paga 4 of 10 restricted by law. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to any assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. Further, the Contractor shall not subcontract any portion or all of the Services without the written consent of the City. Nothing under dais Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits in this Agreement to anyone other than the City and the Contractor, and all duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be the sole and exclusive benefit of the City and the Comractor and not for the benefit of any other party. 5.2 Any costs caused by defective or ill-tinned Services shall be home by the party responsible therefore. ARTICLE 6 ~SGELi.~I~O„u~S PRUViSIONS 6.1 Governing Lsw: Venue. The Contract shall be governed by the law of the State of Florida. Venue of alE disputes shall be properly placed in Seminole County, Florida The parties egret that the Agreement was consummated in Seminole County, and the site of the Services is Seminole County. If any dispute concerniaxg this Contract arises under Federal law, the venue will be Orlando, Florida. 6.2 Go=~~Rgprg~ent~e, The Contractor shall be designate an individual to act as a representative for the Contractor under this Agreement with the authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and make or interpret the Contractor's decisions. This person shall be the Contractor's contract administrator. The Contractor may from timt to time designate other individuals or delete individuals with the authority to act for the Contractor under this Agreement with the authority to transatit instructions, receive information, and make or interpret the Contractor's decisions. All deletions or designation of individuals to serve as a repn:sentative shall be given by written notice. 6.3 No~iees. Ail projects hereunder, all notices, demands, requests, instructions, approvals, and claims shall be in writing. AlI notices of any type hereunder shall be given by U.S, rnail or by hand delivery to an individual authorized to receive mail for the below listed individuals, all to the following individuals at the following locations: TO THE CITY: Mr. Kevin L. Smith City Manager City of Winter Springs I I26 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32748-2799 {407) 327-5957 (Phone) (407) 327-66$6 (Fax) w/copy to: Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney 2009 Mardi Gras Fireworks Display Cotwact City of Winter Springs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page S of 10 Brown, Garganese, Weiss Bt D'Agresta, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Ste. 2000 P.O. Box 2873 Orlando, FL 32802-2873 (407) 425-9566 (Phone} (407) 425-9596 {Fax) TO THE CONTRACTOR: Chief of Operations Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. 14747 Baltusrol Drive Orlando, Florida 32828 (407) L3~i •02'70 (Phone) (~73~~1.L`L (F~) Notice shall be deemed to have been given and received on the date the notice is physically received if given by hand delivery, or if notice is given by first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, then notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the date said notice was deposited in the U.S. Mali addressed in the mariner set forth above. Any party herato by giving notice in the meaner set forth herein may unilaterally change the name of the person to whom notice is to be given or the address at which notice is to be received. 6A ~b~g Record. It is hereby specifically agreed that any record, document, computerized, information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other wri#ing of the Contractor related, directly or indirectly, to this Agreement, may be deemed to be a Public Record whether in the possession or control of the City or the Contractor. Said record, document, computerized information and program, audio or video tape, photograph, or other writing of the Contractor is subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, F7nrfda Statutes, and may not be destroyed without the specific written approval of the City. Upon request by the City, the Contractor shalt promptly supply copies of said public records of the City. All boolts, cants, registers, receipts, documatts, and other papers in connection with this Agreemem shalt at any and all reasonable times during the normal working hours of the Contractor be open and freely exhibited m the City for the purpose of examination and/or audit. 6.5 Yn#ernretation. Both the City and the Contractor have participated in the drafting of al! parts of this Agreement. As a result, it is the intent of the parties that no portion of this Agreement shall be interpreted more harshly against either of the parties as the draRer. 6.6 ~epdment of A¢ree~. Modifications or changes in this Agreement must be in writing and executed by the parties bound to this Agreement. 6.7 Severability. if a word, sentence, or paragraph herein shall be declared illegal, unenforceable, or unconstitutional, the said word, sentence, or paragraph shall be severed 2009 Mardi alas Fireworks Display Contract City of Wi~rter Springs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 6 of 10 from this Cortttoct, and this Contract shall be read as if said illegal, unenforceable, or unconstitutional woxd, sentence, or paragraph did not exist. 6.8 ~litional Assurances. The Contractor certifies that: (a) No principal (which includes officers, directors, or executive} or individual holding a professional license and performing Services under this Agreement is presently debamd, suspended, Proposed for debarment, declarod ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in any Services required by this Agreement by any Federal, State, or local governmental commission, department, corporation, subdivision, or agency; (b) No principal (which includes officers, directors, or executive), individual holding a professional license and performing Services vender this Agreement, employee, or agent has employed or otherwise provided compensation to, any employee or officer of the City; and (c} No principal (which includes officxrs, directors, or executive), individual holding a professional license and perforning Services under this Agreement, employee or agent has willfully offered an employee or officer of the City any pecuniary or other benefit with the intent to influence the employee or officer's official action or judgtnmt. 6.9 Atbarnev's Fees. Should any litigation arise concerning this Agreement between the parties hereto, the parties agree to bear their own costs and attorney's fees. 6.10 llntire Agreement. This P-greement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or Agreements, either oral or written, and all such matters shall be deemed merged into this Agreement. 6.11 Sovereign l[mmnnlty. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.2$, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed regarding the City's potential liability under state or federal law. ARTICLE 7 '17ME 7.1 Time is th„~e )Esse„~•e„ The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that time is of tht essence for the completion of the Services to be performed under this Agreement. 2009 Mardi Chas Fireworks Display Contract City of Winter Sprlrtgs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 7 of 10 ~~~~ P~OTEC~'ION OF PERS(iN$ AND PROPERTY• xs><rn NCF 8.1 Vyo~~omtoensatdon. Upon the effective date of taus Agreement, Contractor shad provide proof of worker's compensation insurancx in the minimum amount required by law (if required). 8.2 Profe~slon'1 Liabilitv/Malnrsctice General li.iability. Upon the effective daft of this Agreement, Contractor shall submit proof of general liability insurance to cover claims for general liability because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of this Agreement or any Services provided hereunder. The insurance shall have minimum amount of coverage of $ 1,000,000.00 per occurrence. 8.3 Inaarance Req enta. This paragraph shall be applicable to Sections 8.I and 8.2. The insurance required by this Article shall include the liability and coverage provided herein, or as required by taw, whatever requirements afford greater coverage. All of the policies of insurance so required to be purchased and maintained for the certificates (or other evidence thereof) shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to the City and the Contractor by certified mail, return receipt requested. All such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment. Unless agreed to by the City to the contrary, the City shall be named on the foregoing insurance policies as "additional insured". The Cornractor shall cause its insurance carriers to famish insurance certificates specifying the types and amounts of coverage in effect pursuant hereto, the expiration dates of such policies, and a statement that no insurance under such policies will be canceled without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City in compliance with other provisions of this Agreement. All insurance policies or coverage's required to be maintained by Contractor under this Agreement shall be "no deductible" policies and coverages. For all Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor shall continuously maintain such insurance in the amounts, type, and quality as required by Sections 8.1 and 8.2. In the event Contractor fails to maintain said insurance, City, at its option, may elect to tet7ni~nate this Agreement without penalty by written notice to Contractor. 8.4 Iindemniffeation and Hold Harmless. For all Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold haranless the City and its employees, officers, and attorneys form and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including but not limited to death), or liability (including reasonable attorney's fees), directly or indirectly arising from the negligent acts, errors, onvssions, imentional or otherwise, arising out of or resulting from Contractor's performance of any Services provided pursuant to this Agreement. The indemnification provided above shall obligate the Contractor to defend at its own expense or to provide for such defense, at the option of the City, as the case may be, of any and all claims of or its employees, officers, and attorneys which may result from the Services under this Agreement whether the Services be performed by the Contractor or 2009 Mandl Gras Fireworks Display Contract City of Wirner Springs --Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 8 of t0 anyone directly or indirectly employed by them. In all events the City shall be permiiud to choose Iegal counsel of it sole choice, the fees for which shall be reasonable and subject to and included with this indemnification provided herein. This paragraph 8.4 shall survive urmination of this Agreemenrt. 8.5 Standard of Care. in performing its Services herounder, the Contractor will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession practicing in the same or simuilar locality. ARTICLE 9 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 9.1 Termination By City. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual writun agreement betwcen the parties. Further, the City may terminate this Agreement for convenience, at any time, without penalty, by providing written notice of termination to Contractor. However, to the extent Services have been performed by Contractor, the City shall pay the Contractor, as full payment for all Services performed and all expenses incurred, the sums that are actually due and owing to the Contractor for payment of all Services completed to the City's satisfaction through the urnunation date, along with reimbursable expenses (if any) as provided in this Agreement, provided the amount will not exceed the contract price as provided in paragraph 3.1 above. Any paymem due shall be subject to the Contractor supplying the City with detailed invoices as described in this Agreement. Upon notice of termination, the Contractor shall cease all Services being provided hereunder unless otherwise directed by City in writing. 9.2 Wg~„~. Failure of the City to insist upon pcrformance within any time period or upon a proper level or quality of performance shall not act as a waiver of the City's right to Later claim a failure to perform on the part of the Contractor. ARTICLE 10 TERM OF AGREEMENT 10.1 ~. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon full execution of this Agreement by the parties and end at such time Contractor has fully performed all the Services required by this Agreement to the complete satisfaction of the City and all claims made pursuant to this Agreement have been fully settled or the statue of limitations for bringing such claims has expired. 2009 Mardi Crras Fireworks Display Contract City of Winces Springs -Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC. Page 9 of 10 IN WITNESS WAEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Agreetnemt to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date Srst written above. CI'T'Y: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: K L. Smith Titlc: City Manager Prins Natne:_ ~,,,~ y'1~ (' V'~ CWT Print Name: Print Name: Dated• 312.1 y`3 CONTRACTOR: Creative Pyrotechnics, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company By: nac~: 3 ~ Z ~z~v 2009 Mardi Ores Fil+eworlo Display Contract City of Winter Springs-Creative Pyrooed~nics. LLC. Page t0 of lt) ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °'"'~'"""°°""Y" „ 3122 09 ~ Phone: 440-248-9711 Fax: 440-248-5406 Britton-Gallagher and Associates, Inc. 6240 SON Center Rd. Cl l d OH 44139 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED A8 A MATTlR OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RKitIT8 UPON TH8 CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOER NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. eve an INSWiER3 AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL S r'I'I~ Ri9URERA; r Creative Pyrotechnics LLC 7 l B l i INe3~Ra 14 47 a tuaro ve Dr Orlando FL 32828 wauRERC: - _-- INSURERD: INBURER E: COVERAGES TTtTC (`RV T7 Ti TC`ATTx QTTUTZ'D S'F.nRC DI>TZt)TATTRT.V Ti`QTTRTI !MlDTTL'Tl~S TD POLICIES OF INSURANCE LIBTSD BELOfP HAVE BEEN I88USD TO THS I'NSUR.ED NAMED ABOVE FOR THS POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. THSTANDINO ANY R84UIREMSNT, TERTI OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMBSJT KITH RESPECT TO WHZCH THIS CSRTIPICATB MAY BS ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THS INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IB SUBJECT TO ALL THS r E7CCLUSIONB AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AdGREl3ATE LIMIT3 9H0/1N MAY HAVE BBSN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIM3. . ._ - . _ - . .. . rO1JCYNIJIIeiR 110N LMITTJJ A oO~III-LUABpJ'Tr 43922020 5/22/2008 5/22/2009 EACH OCCURRENCE ~ CMIMERCiALOENERALLiA61UTY ~ i gJ11MSMADE ®OCCUR FEDEXP als ~nar,) i rERSONALaADVINJURY f 0 OENERALAOpRE0A71E i OENLAGGREOATELIMITAPPIJESPER PRODUCTS-COAAPJDPAGG : Q,.OOQ .... PoucY LOC Au robo.as LWLITY ; ~E uMrr t ANrwro AuowNeAAUros ~~ Ry s BcIiEDU.enAUros ) ~IREDAUTOs BODILY INJURY : NON-0WNEDAVTOS (~~~) OAMAOE _ OARAOILMlIUTY AUTOONLY-EAACgDENT i ANY AUTO 07HERYHAN EA ACC t AUTOONLY: AGO i ~fCdEAall7iLIJ-LMeEJTY EAgiOCI:URREJJCE i OCCUR ~ CLMIAS AU1DE AGGREGATE t i DEDUCTIBLE f RETENTION S --- i WOMm11e6CM~E1NA710NAN0 ° MrLOYERB'IJAWTY , , EL EACH ACCRIENT t ~ ~ ~ OFFICERANEM6ER EXCLUDED'! EJ.. DISEASE - EA EME'LOYEE f R dMala ~ E.LOIBEASE-PClIC1fLeAlT 1 OTFrIt B[J1CItlPTIDN OF OPfd1ATIDNi! LOGTIDME IvlIMCLE61lXCLUBIDNB ADD®~ RIg01lEtM0lTI SPECIAL PROVg10Ni ity of Winter Bpxinge, FL 4 Seminole County School Hosrd are Hoth additionally insured for the Fireworks Display on h 13th, 2009 at the illater Springs Town Center for their Mardi liras Special Event. Aisplay is being Fired at the inter Sprtnga High School Baseball. Field. CERTIFICATE MALDER CANCHLtA110N SHOULD ANY OP THB AHOVS DESCRIBED POLICIBB B8 CANCELLED BEFORE THS S7CCPiRATION DATE TE~REOF, THE i$SU13R3 INSURER Cit of Winter rin $ Y SP g WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THS 116 Sa9t State Road 434 CBRTIFICATB HOLDER NAMED TO THS LEFT, BUT FAILURE Ta DO BO Winter 6prings FL 32708 SI01I,L IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OP ANY KIND UPON THS INSIIRBlt, IT8 AGENTS OR RSPRSSBNTATIVSS. AIlIIIOItliRplllPRle8ITA71VE ~~ ACORD Zs (Z001I~08) ®ACORD CORPORATION 1888 03/l2/09 wirer >~~ Ad~ieNe BeNere~t 13011isksw*t8a llwd manta Spfiews, PlotWa 32708 Phone: (107) 32©-8757 Pax: (1071 370-8765 a a~wwrr AtlrkNc DiKCior (107) 3204717 MATr EtIrSSE1SA8T Aaai~taet AtlfMetic Direc~eor (107) 313 MflCL DBADI.EY Aaaistac~t Athletic Dioector (107) 320-8912 PATH K~ Athletic Secretsry (107) 320-8757 `~ SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Vtsft Our Web Site www. scps. k 12. f1. us To Whom It May Concern, The City of Winter Springs has Winter Springs High School's permission to shoot off fireworks from the OUTFIELD of the baseball field on Friday, 3/13/09 onx all activities on the BASEBALL FIELD and FOOTBALL FIELD have ceased. It is imperative that all trash and debris from the fireworks are picked up after the CVCnt. Keane Brown, Athletic Director "2001 Seminole Athletic Conference All-Sport Champions" ' y' 4 ~.' Creative Pyrotechnics: Phone: 407-234-0270 FAX: 407-82b-5179 Website: www.creativepyro.com E-mail: info~a creativepyro.corn RE~E?~V~L3 MAR 1 ~ 7gg9 CITY OF WINTER ePRIN~$ OFFICE OF THE CITY r;l fp y TO: Chris Carson FROM: Creative Pyrotechnics FAX #: 407.327-4763 DATE: 3-12-2009 # OF PAGF.,S:12 (Including Cover) SUBJECT: Fireworks Display Contract & Certificate of Insurance for Mardi Gras Fireworks Display by Creative Pyrotechnics. Anv Questions Please Cail 407-234-0270