HomeMy WebLinkAboutDover, Kohl & Partners - Scope of Work -1998 01 13 . Scope of Work DOVER, KOHL & PARTNERS and their subconsultants THE GIBBS PLANNING GROUP, and MICHAEL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INe. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Consultants') will accomplish the tasks described below on behalf of THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as 'the Client'). STEP I The Consultants will create a Master Plan for approximately 230 acres for the town center of Winter Springs on behalf of the Client. This plan will be created through a combination of an on-location design session and work carried out in the offices of the Consultants. Task 1: Kick-off Presentation Task la - Kick-off Presentation The Consultants will present a slide presentation to the City Commission of Winter Springs on the basic principles of urban design and traditional town centers. Task Ib - Base Map I Design Session Setup Coordination The Consultants will collect base information provided by the Client and work with the City of Winter Springs to coordinate design session logistics. Task 2 - Field Evaluation and Market Analysis The Consultants will visit the surrounding area including, adjacent/regional shopping centers and the projected residential growth ar~as within the proposed trade area. The Consultants will review existing demographic data: household income, age, growth, etc. (as supplied by the City and available on our data base). The Consultants will define a primary and secondary trade area for the proposed town center development area. The Consultants will complete a qualitative analysis of the areas retail development potential based upon: pedestrian circulation; general vehicular circulation patterns, proposed adjacent residential and office construction, as well as other relevant conditions. The Consultants will prepare: . a map identifying the location of all major retail centers in the study area primary and secondary areas. . GIS maps of key demographic factors of the market by census tract. . . a written summary of the relevant population and demographic characteristics of the trade area. . a written summary of the study area and provide a void analysis for the market with specific recommended retail category types, tenant mix, targeted retailers, and appropriate contacts when available. Proposal to Mr, McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8. 1998 Page 2 of 11 Task 3: Design Session The Consultants will conduct a design session of at least seven days. The Consultants will design a town center for the City of Winter Springs. The C;onstiltants will gather and incorporate input with other participants or local experts as determined necessary in coordination with the Client. The Client will arrange the locationfor the on-location work and the following: Sixteen 3' x 6'folding tables; a minimum of 100 stacking chairs; electrical power; 24 hour access to aphotocopier, telephone and fax machine; and meals & refreshments for 7 days for 12 consultants + others as you deem appropriate. The room chosen for each design session should ideally be on or very near to the site, and should include a large, well-lit and air conditioned space, with room to rearrange chairs & tables into a variety of configurations, and with the ability to be darkenedfor minor presentations. Task 3a - Conference Room Sessions: The Consultants will conduct interviews and meetings with individuals or small groups chosen by the Client. Suggested groups include the Florida Department of Transportation, vested stakeholders, business owners, property owners, and neighborhood representatives. These sessions will last approximately 1.5 hours each. These sessions give an individual forum to key stakeholders to discuss relevant issues and design possibilities. Task 3b - Design the Physical Plan The Consultants will design an overall physical plan showing streets, blocks, curbs, public spaces, new & existing buildings, and civic buildings at a scale to be determined, and in color suitable for publication. . Task 3c - Illustrate Design Concepts for the Town Center The Consultants will draw perspective renderings (3-4) illustrating the conceptual character of the Town Center. These drawing will be hand drawn and in color. Task 3d - Urban Retail Plan 'The Consultants will prepare the Urban Retail Plan which will include: . a written summary of the physical options for the property, where applicable, including suggested reuse and/or demolition of existing structures. . identification of specialty, regional and national retail, service and entertainment tenants that meet the above market study criteria and that could be appropriate for the site. . a statement of qualitative opinion regarding supportable retail development in and around the Town Center. . . a master leasing/tenant mix plan for the study area illustrating potential locations for retail, residential, office, civic, entertainment and service businesses. . an overall phasing and development plan for retail mix. Task 3e - Urban Greenspace System Element The Consultants will provide an interconnected greenspace system plan through the Town Center. The greenspaces will be designed to create exciting vistas and views to public and commercial buildings and features. The plan will be designed to promote circulation, and public gathering functions such as art festivals, political events, and other civic and comerc!al ventures, . Parks of all scales (passive and active) Proposal to Mr, McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, 1998 Page 3 of 11 . recreation facilitieS (associated with the greenspace system) . Overland stormwater transfer system (incorporating wetlands, ponds, and streams) . Boulevard greenspaces Task 3f - Circulation Element The Consultants establish a multimodal and interconnected street system. The community will be pedestrian and bicycle friendly, and the vehicular traffic will be calmed with a variety of design devices. Coordinate with City Engineer regarding utility requirements. Task 3g - Design Session Presentation The Consultants will make a presentation of work-in-progress to the City Commission at the end of the design session. This presentation will: . briefly review the design session activities; . describe the results from the design session; . present the design session work products; . show the significant details of the physical Plan; . show the significant details of the Retail Plan; and . seek the advice and reaction of the Commission regarding the design at that point. Task 4: Finish Design Work and Final Presentation After the design session presentation, the Consultants will return to their offices to complete their work. This will include updating the design, completing any work products not finished during the design session, and incorporating input from the Commission. They will return to the City of Winter Springs approximately three weeks later to present the Final Work Products to the City Commission. STEP II This step is conditional upon the approval of the final plan and work products in-concept by the City Commission at the conclusion of STEP I. Task 1: Urban Design Graphic Code The Consultants will prepare a prescriptive graphic code for the town center plan in two drafts. This will include a first draft for comments from the Client and City staff and a final version based upon those comments and refinements. The codejs likely to include: 1. A Regulating Plan, showing build-to lines and street or building types; 2. A Basic Standards section governing details such as building placement, location of architectural elements, parking, and lot coverage; 3, Street Standards regarding elements within the right-of-way and the relationship of buildings to the street; and 4. Architectural Standards prescribing a palette of materials and acceptable architectural features. Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, /998 Page 4 of 11 Work Products The following list summarizes the work products from the tasks described above: Step I Task 2: Field Evaluation and Market Analysis 1. A map identifying the location of all major retail centers in the study area primary and secondary areas. 2. GIS maps of key demographic factors of the market by census tract. 3. A written summary of the relevant population and demographic characteristics of the trade area. Task 3: Design Session Work Products 1. Master Plan, at an appropriate scale, hand drawn and suitable for publication. 2. Perspective Renderings (3-4), hand drawn and suitable for publication. 3. . Diagrams, representing various concepts such as public space, transportation, and connectivity. 4. Retail Plan illustrating tenant mix and overall phasing. Task 4: Final Work Products 1. Completed and Final work products from the design session (Task 3). 2. Final Master Plan, in AutoCAD format. 3. Phasing plan illustrating initial projects within the plan. 4. Final Written report of the Urban .Retail Plan. 5. A CDROM of the Final Presentation Slide Show. STEP II Task 1: Urban Design Code The code is likely to include: .1. A Regulating Plan, showing build-to lines and street or building types; 2. A Basic Standards section gQverning detai!s such as building placement, location of architectural elements, parking, and lot coverage; 3. Street Standards regarding elements within the right-of-way and the relationship of buildings to the street; 4. Architectural Standards prescribing a palette of materials and acceptable architectural features; and 5. Landscape Standards prescribing streyt trees species, public green spaces requirements, and green ways edge conditions. Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, /998 Page 5 of J J Proposed Schedule . January . Execute contract; Begin Step I . Task 1: Kick-off Presentation . Arrange Design session Logistics February . Task 2: Field Evaluation / Market Analysis Feb. 11-13 . Task 3: Public Design session Feb. 16-20 March 23 . Task 4: Final Presentation When Authorized . Begin Step II :Graphic Code (schedule to be determined) Ongoing . Followup work, hourly as requested Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs JanuGI}' 8, 1998 Page 6 of JJ Base Information To perform the work the Consultants shall be provided by the Client with the following types of base information: - BASE MAP(S), which indicate existing conditions within the study area, including property lines, buildings, rights-of-way, easements, curb lines, driveways, and sidewalks, plus any environmental limitations if known, etc; These maps should be in AutoCAD format or comparable computerizedfiles, and should be provided as hard copy at a scale to be determined in coordination with the Client. - CURRENT ZONING or FUTURE LAND USE MAP, and supporting information as necessary to interpret the map - AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, in plan view, such as 'REDI-Maps', at the largest possible scale and preferably in color - PROPOSED PLANS (if any)for developmentsfor the site, including development program, phasing, site plan and any submitted traffic analysis - OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION, such as existing zoning regulations, street standards, historical background, previous studies etc. - OWNERSHIP MAP, reflecting current ownership of land parcels and lots within the study area. Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, 1998 Page 7 of 11 Fees & Reimbursable Expenses The Consultants and their team agree to perform the work described above forfees not-to-exceed $147,500. Reimbursable expenses are estimated at $18,000. Fee Breakdown: Fees Expenses STEP I Task 1: Kick -off Presentation $ $ 250 Task 2: Market Analysis / Retail Plan 27,500 5,500 Task 3: Design Session 75,000 7,000 Task 4: Finish Design / Final Presentation 20,000 3,500 SubTOTAL $122,500 $16,250 STEP 11* Task 5: . Urban Design Code $ 25,000 $ 1,750 TOTAL $147,500 $18,000 *STEP II is conditional upon the approval-in-concept of the final plan and work products by the City Commission at the conclusion of STEP I. Reimbursable expenses include long distance tolls, faxes, lodging, meals, travel expenses, mileage, and reprographic services. To minimize expenses it is essential to schedule the on-location work well in advance. Any additional services shall be charged on an hourly basis with the Client's approval. Hourly rates are as follows: $175 per hour for Victor Dover; $100 per hour for project managers, staff designers, architects, illustrators; $75 per hour for draftpersons and assistants; and $35 per hour clerical work. PAYMENT TERMS: The Consultants require a non-refundable retainer/deposit of 25% ($35,000) prior to scheduling and beginning the work. Invoices will be at the end of each Task with the balance due 15 days upon receipt. Overdue accounts are charged a late fee of 1.5% per month. Payment Schedule: . FEES Est. Expenses STEP I Sign Contract (Retainer / Deposit) $ 35,000 $ 0 End of Task 3 72,500 13,250 End of Task 4 15,000 3,000' STEPI TOTAL $122,500 $16,250 STEP II Retainer / Deposit $ 5,000 End of Task 5 20,000 $ 1,750 STEP II TOTAL $ 25,000 $ 1,750 Proposal to Mr, McLemore, The City of Winter Spring,~ January 8, 1998 Page 8 of 11 Terms & Conditions CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF WORK: Changes in the scope of work may be accomplished after execution of this agreement, and without invalidating this agreement, by Change Order. A Change Order is a written instrument prepared by the Consultants and signed by the Client and the Consultants stating their agreement upon all of the following: 1. a change in the Scope of Work; 2. the amount of the adjustment in the Total Fees, if any; and 3. the extent of the adjustment in the Schedule, if any. TERMINATION OF THE WORK: If this project is suspended or delayed for any reason after work has' begun, the Consultat:1ts shall be paid for all work to date and all reimbursable expenses to date. The retainer shall be credited toward this amount. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: In "the course of this project, drawings, graphic aids and written materials will be produced as documentation. Original art works. shall remain the property of Victor Dover and Joseph Kohl or the subconsultants; a set of full-quality reproducible copies will be provided to the Client. CAD data will also be provided on diskette to the Client for use on this and future projects. This agreement provides the. Client with permission to publish these documents, but this permission does not extend to others without written consent from Dover, Kohl and Partners or subconsultants; all reproductions and publications must carry the credit 'Dover, Kohl & Partners, South Miami, FL'. If the plans or drawings are altered in any way subsequent to their submittal by the Consultants to the Client, the Consultants shall retain the right to remove their names from any drawings and/or documents including documents used for the permitting and approval process, marketing, and promotion. The Client may request slides or prints taken during the course of the project and may reproduce them at the Client's cost. OTHER LIMITATIONS: The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless the Consultants from all liabilities, claims, damages, costs, and expenses including attorney's fees, incurred by, demanded, or asserted against the Consultants by third parties as a result of the Consultants participation in providing services to the project. As part of said indemnification, the Client shall provide the Consultants, at the sole cost and expense of the Client, with legal council to defend against any and all such claims. Plans, images and other items produced by Dover, Kohl & Partners and its subconsultants are for the purposes of illustration only and do not represent a guarantee of any kind, These items are instruments of Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, 1998 Page 9 of l/ . . service which remain the property of Dover, Kohl & Partners and may not be duplicated without permission. Dover, Kohl & Partners and its subconsultants shall not have any control over and shall not be responsible for construction means, procedures, safety precautions, or legal disclosures in the implementation of the project, or for the errors or omissions by future consultants, developers, contractors or government. Hourly rates and fees in general are subject to change. The not-to-exceed fees described in this proposal are time-critical and are guaranteed by Dover, Kohl & Partners only if this agreement is executed by both parties within one calendar month of the date of this proposal. Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, 1998 Page 10 of 1 1 - , ' . . , . Signatures If the above arrangements meet with your approval, please sign below, indicate acceptance of any options, and return an executed copy to us with the retainer so that we may schedule the work.. ;&.0FD - /- /3. 98 Accepted by DOVER, KOHL & PARTNERS by Victor Dover AICP Date ,..~..--- ;?t<<tII ;J ~ 1!.13/~~ A~epted for THE Crry OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL by Date to /IJ t:\ L IJ IN. Jl/I ~ J.. ! rVl () /II! Print Name and Title Proposal to Mr. McLemore, The City of Winter Springs January 8, 1998 Page 11 of 11 DOVER, KOHL &, PARTNERS. town planning 7 November 1999 VIA FACSIMILE TO (407) 327-4753 Ronald .W. McLemore, City Manager City of Winter Springs . 1126 State Road 434, East Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Agreement for Continuing Design Services Dear Ron: We are happy to be of further assistance to the City of Winter Springs and to confirm our agreement to provide additional design services relating to the agreement between Dover, Kohl & Partners ("Dover Kohl") and the City of Winter Springs, Florida (the "City") dated January 8, 1998, and signed on January 13, 1998. It shall be our mutual understanding that additional . design services shall include a five-day design charrette in Winter Springs, November 8-12, 1999, to address issues raised by the Wetlands Delineation Map, last updated for Schrimsher Management on September 8, 1994, and transmitted to us on October 12, 1999. Our fee for the additional design services shall be $25,500.00, plus reimbursable expenses. Reimbursable expenses may include but are not limited to the following items: (a) Graphics and reproduction expenses, such as printing, photocopying, photographing, photo-processing, filing, and computer storage supplies and materials; (b) Mailing, packaging~ and shipping by couriers, overnight, express, priority; or other type of delivery service or the U.S. Postal Service; ( c) Long-distance commtlliication charges; . (d) Food and lodging costs; (e) Travel and transportationcosts;and (f) Any other misce,llaneous or out-of-pocket expenses reasonably contemplated in . the service of the Client. The fees shall be paid as follows: $20,000;00 shall be paid on the last day" of the charrette, November 12, 1999, with balance paid upon~delivery of the refined master plan. Reimbursable expenses shall become due and payable as incurred, and will be invoiced monthly or from time to time. Furthermore, over the past many months, the City of Winter Springs has incurred fees and 5879 Sunset Drive, Suite 1 · South Miami, FL 33143 · Tel: (305) 666-0446 ., Fax: (305) 666-0360 Dover, Kohl & Partners Additional Design Services Page 2 of2 reimbursable expenses that have since become past due. The remaining balance of these fees and reimbursable expenses is $36,319,97. By entering this agreement, the City reaffirms this obligation and agrees to immediately pay this remaining balance, plus all accrued interest. If this . letter adequately expresses our. mutual understanding and the City would like us to continue on its behalf, please reaffirm our agreement by signing your name and placing the date in the space provided. Sincerely yours, DOVER, KOHL & PARTNERS ..~n - Victor Dover, AICP President APPROVED and ACCEPTED on this . ;) d day of November, 1999. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By k~~ 'If>F (--=' P'Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager