HomeMy WebLinkAboutEsterson Construction Company Hickory Grove Park Road Change Order No. 17 -2003 12 01
Esterson Construction Company, Inc.
1235 Myrtle Street
Sanford, Florida. 32773
Phone 407-323-1048
Fax 407-323-7996
December 01, 2003
Mr. Allen C. Lane, Jr. P.E.
CPH Engineers, Inc.
1117 East Robinson street
Orlando, Florida. 32801
RE: (a) City of Winter Springs, Hickory Grove Park Road and Tuskawilla Road
Roadway Improvements. CPH Project Number W04l00.l
(b) CPH letter dated September 4, 2003, referencing above project.
Dear Allen:
As your letter refers to "four copies of Section 00680, Application for
Payment for the above listed project. This is the final payment application
for this project.", we offer the following responses.
1. On June 4, 2003, this company received a letter from Michelle A. Reddin,
who is one of the City of Winter Springs attorneys, directing our attention
to Section 800 of the Specifications/Supplemental Conditions, regarding
execution of change orders. This item, SC-10.03.A.5, coupled with the City's
replacement of the change order form and procedures which were to be used with
the contract documents and the specifications, and since your letter admits
that the project has yet to be closed out by the City, we submit the following
final change order/final payment application as per your letter of September
4, 2003, and the letter of June 4, 2003, by Michelle A. Reddin.
Change Order No.ll
Engineer Project No. W04100
Project Title: Hickory Grove Park Road and
Tuskawilla Road Roadway Improvements
Reason for Change: City's modification of contract documents use,
Changes to the plans,
Deficient plans,
Additional Work
Breakdown of Proposed Changes and Basis for Payment
(Includes pertinent drawings, specifications, and documentation where necessary)
Item No. and Description
Change in Contract Cost + (-)
(a) Engineering of Sewer System, Hickory Grove, (deficient plans) + $ 3,412.00
(b) Engineering Stonn System, Hickory Grove, + $4,500.00
(deficient plans)
(c) Extended Time, Hickory Grove, + $93,768.00
~ d) Tuskawilla Road, extended labor and machine costs
for the sewer system
(e) Tuskawilla Road, extended costs for the storm system
(t) Tuskawilla Road, owner caused change of conditions
in construction of the road
(g) Extended overhead on Hickory Grove and Tuskawilla Road
(h) Temporary Labor Costs
(i) Tuskawilla Road sewer, added construction,
construct outside drop @manhole 6, not on bid plans
(J) Tuskawilla Road sewer, seal manhole 6A, damaged by
others, seal manhole 6, drop damaged by others
(1) Total Proposed Change in Contract Cost + (-)
(2) Original Contract Price
(3) Total All Previous Change Orders (Change Order NO.1 thru 16)
(4) New Contract Price (Total ofItem 1 through Item 3)
(5) Original Contract Time
(6) Addiitional days Approved (Change Order NO.1 through No. 16)
(7) Current Contract Time
(8) Additional Days Proposed
(9) New Contract Time (Total ofItems 7 and 8)
(10) New Construction Completion Date: 14 Mar 03
Recommended by Engm' eer:
r' -7' ..-c:--
Accepted by Contractor: C /7_. ....:: Cdu~~
Accepted by Owner:
+ $91,551.00
+ $68,241.00
+ $73,669.20
+ $46,711.04
+ $3,500.00
+ $2,337.00
+ $425,569.24
Days 270
Days 132
Days 402
Days 0
Days 402
Date: II - / - 0 T
(Note to this Change Order: Inspection to the underdrain along both sides of Tuskawilla Road reveled
extensive damage by others. No costs associated with the underdrain were contemplated in this change order. On
Hickory Grove Road, now called Blumberg Boulevard, from station 104 to 110, no reconstruction or remedial work
was contemplated for the pavement, due to the extreme deficiencies of the plans as to details and grades. If it is the
City's wish to correct the underdrain or the pavement, a new correct set of plans should be issued for that work.)
This change order is in accordance with the provisions of the contract documents and this change order complies
with the requirements ofSC-10.03.A.5
As to your letter's reference to warranties remaining in effect, we point out to you that we have corresponded with
our bonding company and the position of the bonding company is that the bond runs with the contract. We see no
need in pointing out to you the many times the City has breached the contract. However, here are a few illustrations,.
deficient plans, lack of easements and permits, refusal to honor the contract documents, inability to protect installed
work, etc. Also in reference to warranties, we direct your attention to the City's taking possession of Hickory Grove
on October 2, 2002. It is our position that since the City took possession, all warranties were null and void at the
time of the City's action. As to any remaining warranties, we are sure that there are none. An inspection of all City
documents pertaining to this project at the City Hall reveals no, I repeat, no records of any final inspection for either
Hickory Grove or Tuskawilla Road, or any inspections of the water, sewer, or storm systems.
We have in our files numerous letters referring to punch items, but no certificates of substantial completion as
required by the contract documents. How would one warranty any items, if one does not know when the warranty
In any case, the inspection of the underdrain on Tuskawilla Road shows the system to be damaged beyond repair.
As the underdrain is the protective system for the brick pavers and the base and sub-base on Tuskawilla Road, and
since it has ceased to function due to the damage it has sustained, we will not warranty any portion oftheTuskawilla
road system. By conversations with other utility companies which installed work after we were off the site, we
learned that the other companies were not even furnished plans showing work that we had installed previously. Case
in point, the underdrain cleanouts were located by the City after the sidewalk contractor had poured the sidewalk.
Consequently, many cleanouts are missing, many more are damaged. A written report on the underdrain is enclosed.
Finally, your letter mentions some costs incurred by the City to conduit placed under Tuskawilla Road, in the amount
of$I,500.00 On July 29,2003, a City Vacuum Truck exposed the conduits by the clock tower, at 10:30 a.m. I
witnessed the conduits and recovered several pieces of the conduit, and observed a 1" cable running North and
South, under the broken conduits. It was obvious to me that the conduits were broken when the unidentified cable
was installed. It may have been a temporary Time Warner cable. The Vacuum truck was gone at 1500 hours.
At about 1615 hours, Don Cheny from the City called me via Nextel Radio and said he thought our mixer had hit the
conduits. I took the pieces of conduit I recovered and matched them to the tines on the mixer. It is obvious that the
conduits did not get hit by the mixer, as all of the conduit pieces are longer than the gap between the tines. It is our
position that the City must look elsewhere for it's warranty work.
Change Order No. 17 is presented as per the Specifications in the body of this letter, Change Order No. 16 is for
reference as enclosure 1. Note item 2, additional bond premium, which has not been paid. Change Order No. 17 is
also constructed as per the City's unilateral decision as enclosure 2. Esterson Construction's inspection of the
Tuskawilla underdrain is presented as enclosure 3.
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Eric Esterson
Vice-President, Esterson Construction
Copy: Michele B. Kane, PA
1. Change Order 16
2. Change Order 17
3. Inspection of underdrain
Contract Chanqe Order
No,: 16
~ 3/25/03
Project Title:
Hickory Grove Park Road
Esterson Construction Company, Inc.
Reason for Change:
1. Quantity Adjustments
2. Additional Bond Premium
Change Order Value:
Original Contract Price:
Total Value Previous Change Orders:
New Contract Price:
305,254 85
Original Contract Duration
Original Contract Completion Date
Approved Time Extensions
Current Contract Duration
Proposed Time Extension
New Contract Duration
New Contract Completion Date
270 da s
132 da s
402 da s
o da s
402 da s
Accepted By Contractor:
Cap. Prj. Coordinator:
Dir. Pb Wks/Utilities:
Accepted By Owner:
Enclosure (l)
Hickory Grove/Tuskawilla Change Order #16
Actual v5. Original Date: 3/25/03
Item #1
3 FDOT Type III Silt Fence 245.00 0.00 -245.00
4 Cleaning and Grubbing 13,200.00 2,640.00 -10,560.00
6 Sodding 19,008.00 15,510.40 .3,497.60
8 Remove of Fence 120.00 3,099.00 2,979.00
10 Remove 5' . Sidewalk 3,458.40 4,034.40 576.00
I 11 Remove 2' . Curb and Gutter 8,706.75 8,987.48 280.73
12 Remove Driveways 1,260.00 2,100.00 840.00
13 Remove Roadways 21,415.80. 21,491.40 75.60
14 Remove Trees 9,450.00 18,630.00 9,180.00
15 Remove 12'X 18' RCP 275.00 308.00 33.00
16 Remove 18' RCP 330.00 275.00 -55.00
17 Remove 24' RCP 1,170.00 1,121.25 -48.75
18 Remove Inlets and Manholes 3,350.00 4,690.00 1,340.00
20 2' Curb and Gutter, 32,294.40 32,564.10 269.70
I 21 3'Valley Gutter I, 532.00 1,236.90 704.90
- 22 S.l Asphalt (2' Thick) 35,826.70 35,509.20 -317 .50
23 Base (8' Thick) 33,569.90 42,447.30 8,877.40
24 Subbase (12' Thick) 30,159.50 30,549.75 390.25
Page 2 ,.
25 12'X18' Header Curb 26,844.00 23,508.00 -3.336.00
26 Brick Pavers 16,200.80 10,321.85 -5,878.95
Standard Pattern 41,622.35 43,104.60 1.482,25
28 Asphalt Overlay (1') 2,362.50 1,106.00 -1,256.50
29 Install 8' Underdrain 31,086.80 31,413.80 327.00
30 Slormwater Piping
18' RCP 13,480.40 13,961.12 480.72
24' RCP 869.40 1,030.40 161 .00
36' RCP 45',441.10 42,759.90 -2,681.20
48' RCP 1,027.80 864.00 -163.80
31 FOOT Type P.5 Inlel Top 6,240.00 5,460.00 .780.00
32 FOOT Bottoms
6'.8' Deep. Index 200 4,830.00 0.00 -4,830.00
33 FOOT Type P.6 Inlet Top 3,375.00 5,625.00 2.250.00
34 FOOT Bottoms
4'.6' Deep, Index 200 2,025.00 4,050.00 2.025.00
8'.10' Deep, Index 200 2,630.00 5,260.00 2,630.00'
10'x5' Box Structure 5,565.00 11,130.00 5,565.00
40 Water Main
12' Dip 37,934.05 29,942.50 ,7,991.55
8' Dip 2,780.00 3,186.50 406.50
42 Valves
12' Gate Valve 3,780.00 1,260.00 -2,520.00 I
43 Tie into Exisllng Water Main 900.00 450.00 -450.00
Page 3
45 Jumper Connecllon 900.00 450.00 -450.00
46 8' PVC Sanitary Sewer 53,759.50 55,596.75 1,837.25
Page 1
47 6' PVC Sanitary Service Line 1,710,00 1,634.00 -76.00
48 Sanitary Sewer Manholes
6' . 8; Deep 11,445.00 14,715.00 3,270.00
8'.10' Deep 3,930.00 9,825,00 5,895.00
1 Cleanino and Grubbing 17,600.00 21,252.00 3,652.00
4 SoddinQ 36,768.00 3,136.00 -33,632.00
6 Remove 18' RCP 1,852.50 2,340.00 487.50
9 2' Curb abd Gutter 25,673.70 28,797.00 3,123.30
10 3' Vailey Gutter 744.80 2,593.50 1,848,70
11 FDOT Type A Curb 1,964.60 1,045.00 -919.60
v 12 l' Ribbon Curb 13,664.80 16,083.40 V 2,418.60 ./'
13 S . 1 Asphalt (2" Thick) 28,257.50 33,921.70 5,664.20
v 14 Base (8" Thick) 26,477.50 36,003.45./ .9,525.95 v
v 16 12' x 18' Header Curb 22,620.00 2,592.00 .,,/ 2,592.00 ./ jf::f:.. \.:,,:: .t:L
($22,620 Deleted CO #3)
19 Stormwater Piping
15' RCP . 5,280.00 5,232.00 -48.00
18' RCP 11,610.00 12,942.00 1,332.00
24" RCP 1,040.00 1,300.00 260,00
Page 4
42' RCP 71,584.70 68,145.00 -3,439,70
20 FDOT Type P.5 Inlet Top 6,240.00 5,460.00 -780.00
C/ 26 Headwall 3,570.00 0.00
(Deleted CO #3)
28 Modular Retaining Wail 144,400.00 139,780.00 -4,620.00
($4,620 Added Back In CO#10)
30 4' Fence & Columns 86,179.20
(Orlolnal Amount Deleted In CO#7)
.31 Concrete Ramp to Pond 2,550.00 4,186.25 1,636,25
31 8' PVC Sanitary Sewer 36,998.40 28,328.00 .8,670,40
34 Sanitary Sewer Manholes
6' . 8' Deep Manholes 11,620.00 9,960.00 -1,660.00
8' . 10' Deep Manholes 3,900.00 7,800.00 3,900.00
1 Pavers for ail travel lanes on
Tuskawiila Rd In place of
Asphalt 112,420.00 101,063.00 106,009.75 4,94675
2 Pavers for all on street
Parking areas 61,215.00 55,030.00 55,559.35 52935
3 Pavers for turn lane from
Tuskawiila Road to S,R. 434 10,395,00 9,345.00 8,516.20 -828.80
SUBTOTAL ALTERNATES -828.80 5,476.10
Page 2
. i
co #3 2" PVC conduit 2,670.00 5,785.00 0.00 3,115.00
4" PVC conduit 6,360.00 7,898.40 0.00 1,538.40
The above Aclualltem ($7,898.40) includes $3.00 which corrects the previously approved CO#3 from $31,347.40 to $31,350.40
SUBTOTAL CO'S 0.00 4,653.40
TUSKAWILLA -45,137.85 51,876.30
HICKORY GROVE -53,769.70 36,440.50
ALTERNATES -828.80 5,476.10
CO'S 4,653.40
-99,736.35 98.446.30
NET Item #1 -1,290.05
Item #2 -
Additional bond premum for adjusted final contract. 4,130.72
TOTAL CO #16 2,840.67
Page 3
Complete Site Development
794 Big Tree Drive, Suite 108 · Longwood, Florida 32750
Phone (407) 830-8788 · Fax (407) 830-7550
April 18, 2003
CO.1116 Item/l2
Additional Bond Premium
Original Bond Amount based on 110% of original bid.
$1,717,777. X 110% · $1,889,554.70 Basis for original bond premium
Final Contract Amount $ 2,187,179.80
( Does not include additional bond premium)
$2,187,17.9.80XllOX- 2,405,897.78
New bond Basis $ 2,405,897.78
Orig. Bond Basis -1,889,554.70
$ 516,343.08
Bond Rate $8/1000 Additional Bond Premium $ 4,130.72
It was agreed at the beginning of the project that the bond premium
would be adjusted at the end of the project when all additions and deductions
were complete.
State Certified Underground Utility Contractor · lie # CU-C045013 . CU-C045014
Contract ChanQe Order
No.: 17
Date: 11/18/03
Project Title:
Hickory Grove Park Road/Tuskawllla Road Roadway
Esterson Construction Company, Inc.
Reason for Change:
City's Modification of Contract Documents Use
Changes to the Plans
Deficient Plans
Change Order Value:
Original Contract Price:
Total Value Previous Change Orders:
New Contract Price:
$3,412.00 $3,412.00
$4,500.00 $4,500.00
$93,768.00 $93,768.00
$91,551.00 $91,551.00
$68,241.00 $68,241.00
$37,880.00 $37,880.00
$73,669.20 $73,669.20
$46,711.04 $46,711.04
$3,500.00 $3,500.00
$2,337.00 $2,337.00
$ 425,569.24
$ 1,883,215.00
$ 2,616,879.76
1. Engineering of Sewer System
Hickory Grove, Deficient Plans
2. Engineering Storm System,
Hickory Grove, Deficient Plans
3. Extended Time, Hickory Grove
4. Tuskawilla Road,Extended Labor and
Machine Costs for the Sewer System
5. Tuskawilla Road,Extended Costs for
the Storm System
6 Tuskawilla Road, Owner Caused Change
of Conditions in Construction of the Road
7. Extended Overhead on Hickory Grove
and Tuskawilla Road
8. Temporary Labor Costs
9. Tuskawilla Road Sewer, Added Construction,
Construct Outside Drop@MH 6,not on Bid Plans
10.Tuskawilla Road Sewer, Seal MH 6A, Damaged
b Others Seal MH 6 dro Dama ed bOthers
Original Contract Duration
Original Contract Completion Date
Approved Time Extensions
Current Contract Duration
Proposed Time Extension
New Contract Duration
New Contract Completion Date
Accepted By contractor:~ Z.
Date: /2-/-63
Enclosure (2)
Cap. Prj. Coordinator:
Oir. Pb Wks/Utilities:
Accepted By Owner:
EIlefSln ClnstrucUln ClmBanl, Inc.
1235 Myrtle Street
Sanford, Florida. 32773
Phone 407-323-1048
Fax 407"323-7996
December 01, 2003
On August 20, 2003, an inspection was made by Esterson Construction
Company of the underdrain system on the East and West sides of Tuskawilla Road
North from state Road 434, as it was apparent that the system had been damaged
by other contractors employed by the City of Winter Springs.
At station 13+60, on the West side of Tuskawilla, the underdrain clean out
was broken, and dirt was entering the system.
At station 15+10, on both the East and West sides of Tuskawilla,we were unable
to locate the clean outs. They were either buried or removed by others.
At station 18+10, on the West side, the water level was 18 inches from the top
of the curb grade, with no water movement through the system. Water was
showing at the edges of the brick pavers in the road in this area.
At station 18+20, the clean out behind structure S-3 was not located. There
had been previous damage in this area when another contractor had tied into
structure S-3.
At station 18+40, on the East side, the clean out was gone.
At station 20+00, on the West side, the top was missing from the clean out.
Pieces of underdrain pipe and the typar fabric wrapping were in the excavated
material from the edge of the fountain being constructed, indicating the
underdrain line has been cut in this area. The brick pavers are showing water
at the edges and center line of the road, which indicates a flooded condition
of the base and sub-base of the road.
At station 20+70, on the East side of the road, the clean out was damaged,
the top broken and open.
At station 22+00, on the East side of the road, the clean out is damaged.
On the West side, the clean out is gone.
At station 25+50, the terminus of the underdrain West line, shows slight,
negligible flow, less than one gallon per hour, indicating blockage or damage
in the West run.
At station 27+00, there is a subsidence of material from the West side of the
berm constructed along the edge of the Winter Springs High School retention
pond. The cause of this is unknown, possibly resulting from high water table
due to underdrain line being blocked by concrete at station 27+50.
At station 27+50, at the tee on the clean out, concrete poured at the City
of Winter Springs direction blocks flow fron the line to the South on the West
side. Brick pavers in the road show moisture in the joints.
Station 28+80, terminus of the East underdrain at the catch basin shows
negligible flow.
The condition of the underdrain system on Tuskawilla Road shows that the
system has been heavily damaged and is retaining water under the road.
The City of Winter Springs has failed to advise subsequent contractors as to
the location of the underdrain system, and its importance as to the integrity
of the road's construction.
The presence of water which can be seen at the joints of the brick pavers, and
which can be seen and measured in the few remaining clean outs, indicates a
serious flooded condition under the brick pavers in the base and sub-base.
The lack of flow from the system shows the water is being continously backed
up, and instead of draining, the system is holding the water in the strata
under the road.
Due to the amount of damage to the underdrain system, and the present
conditions which are working against the integrity of the brick paver
system, Esterson Construction cannot warranty either the underdrain system or
the sub-base, base, and brick pavers on Tuskawilla Road.
It is imperative that the City of Winter Springs locate and repair the damaged
sections of the underdrain system immediately, for the result of the damaged
condition being allowed to continue will result in deterioration of the road
and subsequent high maintenance.
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Eric Esterson
Vice President
Esterson Construction Company, Inc.