HomeMy WebLinkAboutEsterson Construction Company Amendment #1 Correction of Contract Price Hickory Grove -2002 08 13 1 !~~ ; ( ( ~~~~m'm~e.(fd.mirn{#.i.1~G.ffir:e~r5.ti,QnIottC.o.htrJip'jm.m.c;.Q Project Title: Hickory Grove Park and Tuskawilla Road Roadway Improvements Contractor: Esterson Construction Company, Inc. Amendment #1 corrects the price shown in Section 00520 AGREEMENT FORM and the NOTICE OF AWARD as follows: SECTION 00520.5. CONTRACT PRICE. UNIT PRICE WORK The OWNER will pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the perform~ncJ-- of the work, subject to additions and deduetlon by Change Order, 7ota, Contract Price of "One Million Ei ht Hundred Ei ht Three Thousa tJ - Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars and 00 Cents 1 3215.00 " as approved at the January 14,2002 Regular Meeting of the City Commission Consent Item E (Attachment "A"), as shown on the Contractors billings (Attachment "B"), and as stipulated in Purchase Order # 00001733-00 issued on 01/24/02 (Attachment "C"). The contract price is computed as follows: ------- Base Cost $1,583,188.45 Water & Sewer $134,588.55 Alternate #1 $101,062.50 Alternate #2 $55,030.50 Alternate #3 $9,345.00 TOTAL $1,883,215.00 Accepted By Contractor: Date: ~/~/o3 Cap. Prj. Coordinator: Date: O')/?#L , Dir. Pb Wks/Utilities: Date: 7/J ] J 07- I , Accepted By Owner: Date: t - 15-. Oy -~.::. .. './ J]IDG~ , AUG 1 :1 .2002 , ;;. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Capital Projects Coordinator -. ----.-- ; Co ~tj A TT ACHMENT "A" COMMISSION AGENDA CG~ a~ CONSENT INFORMATIONAL . '-M"":';;;; :;"/E' . r. ,........ ~-~.~-.!..,.. . .~. . l~ ~ t! ,.l.i.V=,'\~\"":"~. . 'C . PUBLIC HEARING .J REGULAR X "-"'l~~'."":'h'" ..... '1 MGR (V:EPT J/Y ".,JaniC' 'J4~:.;io02. ' ::':';;'.:;o:.~::!r..~J' . Meeting Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting Authorization to enter into a Contractual Agreement for the construction of Hickory Grove Park Road and Tuskawilla Road (Main Street) Roadway Improvements. - - PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization to enter into a contractuaf agreement with Esterson Construction Company, Inc. of Longwood, for the construction of the Hickory Grove Park Road and Tuskawilla Road Roadway Improvements,..This project provides.forwater,.sewer,-storm drain, and ,road. access. "__ __n__ facilities for the Town Center at a base cost of$1 ,717,777.00 plus any additive alternates selected plus a 10% contingency. CONSIDERATIONS: This project is needed to implement developer agreement commitments made by the City to JDC Calhoun and Schrimsher. This project provides the necessary infrastructure to begin construction of the Town Center. Bids for this project were opened on November 28, 200 1 under;J~1~~~9~?JlfJ?! The City Clerks swnmary is attached. The low bidder was " Esterson Construction Company, Inc. of Longwood, Florida, with a bid of $1,717,777.00. The engineer's estimate of construction cost was $1,815,000.00. The project scope of work includes all labor, equipment, iuitl materials for the construction of a water distribution system, wastewater collection system, stormwater management system and the roadways conceptually designated Hickory Grove Park Road and Main Street. All pennits have been received. In addition, the bid included three alternatives ~: for the construction of additi~nal.brick pavers; i ).all of Main Street to north of the proposed -, . . -.. ~- .. ( ( . - January 14,2001 Regular Agenda Item E Page 2 ~ Spine Road, 2) all the parking spaces along Main Street, and 3) the turn lane at S.R, 434. The bid cost for these alternatives was $101,062.50, $55,030.50, and $9;345, respectively. Base Costs $1,583,188.45 $1 ,583~ 1.88.45 $1,583,188045 $1,583,188.45 IIC;-- 5 ~? ,. Water & Sewer $134,588.55 $134,588.55 $134,588.55 :~j~l~j,_1~~':?:S:';. 3lA 0- Alternate # 1 $101,062.50 $101,062.50 $101..062.50 II) Alternate #2 $55,030.50 $55,030.50 1/-) Alternate #3 $9 5 TotAL $1,717,777.00 $1,818,839.50 $1,873,870.00 The Capital Projects Coordinator and consultant's recommendation are atta - the agreement form. - FUNDING: The base contract amountof$1 ,717,777.00 of which $134,588.55 is for utility improvements. The proposed funding source for the majority of the roadway work is the City's portion of the 1991-2001 One Cent Sales Tax ($2,431,121 remaining) and the Utility 2000 Construction Fund will fund the Utility improvements. In addition, we have budgeted $300,000 from the Transportation Impact Fee Fund for this project. - REVENUES Initial One-Cent Sales Tax $2,800,000.00 Transportation Impact Fee Fund $300.000.00 . Available Funds $3,100,000.00 EXPENSES Oak Forest Wall Footing ($292,000.00) Stamped Asphalt Project ($76,879.00) RJW Acquisition (Blumberg, Kingsbury) ($152,723.37) . . . Design Services (less utilities design cost) ($165,571.97) :...: - ..: ~~. . .... . . . ~ -" .,...: .. Base Construction contract (less utilities) ($1,583,188.45) ., .... Construction Contingency (with paver alternates) (~1?~,721.85) Construction Administration ($121,605.00) A II three paver alternates ($165,348.00) Bury utilities (estimated) ($175,000.00) Signalization Upgrades (134/Main) (est.) ($125,000.00) \ Remaining Funds $65,872.37 ., .... , ( - ((J/) A TT ACHMENT "B" SECTION 00680 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT. f PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 1 ENGINEERS PROJECT NO. W04100 BID NO. ITB-002-02/GE FINANCE ACCOUNT NO. 1'733 - 00 CONTRACTOR ESTERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. CONTRACT DATE January 24, 2002 COMPLETION DATE APPLICATION DATE March 1, 2002 FOR PERIOD ENDING February 28, 2002 . STATEMENT OF WORK -- Original Contract Price $ 1,883,215.00 Work to Date $ ~ ?11/6~/ 01) Net Change Order Amount Retained .-1. 719. W ~ 1/ 6, ~O Current Contract Price 1,883.215. Subtotal 69.472.80 b t/; tJ '/7. CO .. Work to be Done ~6.02T. Previous Payments Approved /1 fllz. J oS-I. OD ArL. - - . .. - . - The undersigned Contractor hereby swears under penalty of perjury that (1) all previous progress p~yments received from the Owner on account of work performed under the Contract referred to above have been applied by the undersigned to discharge In full all obligations of the undersigned incurred in connection with work covered QY prior Application for Payment under said contract, being Applications for Payment numbered 1 through _ Inclusive; and, (2) all materials and equipment incorporated in said Project or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment are free and clear of all liens, claims. security Interests and encumbrances. DATED March 1 . 20.J)L ESTERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. INC. (contr~ ~ BY PRESIDENT (Name & Title) 00680-1 . '. )-. ' . ...... ..- ... A TT ACHMENT "c" Gffurchase Order .-y<' .. i City of Winter Spr...~. 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Fiscal Year 2002 Page 1 (407) 327.1800 ~i~~ Purchase 00001733-00 Order # Tax No. 69-13-035082-54C . ESTERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. ~. TOWN CENTER IMPVT PROJECT 794 BIG TREE DRIVE AlTN KIP LOCKCUFF SUITE 108 -- 1126 EAST S R 434 LONGWOOD, FL 32750 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 ,..-. ...~-.... . --- , I 001 HICKORY GROVE PARK; ~ & TUSKAWILLA 1.0 ; 1583188.45000 1,583,188.45 ] - ." .. ROAD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS BASE COST. BASE 115-56385 1,583,188.45 . ("117117. I ) , ... ! .1. 0'; 13'1588. ~5000 002 WATER & SEWER 134,588.55 . ." . JOB .--- - .- ; : The Above Line Item Is For Department:: - ; 00. -UTIL 'GO 3640-56310 134,588.55 : 003 ALTERNATE #1 - Brick Pavers for 1.0 101062.50000 101,062.50 Roadway JOB 115-56385 101,062..50 004 ALTERNATE #2 Brick Pavers for Parking 1.0 55030.50000 55,030.50 JOB 115""56385 55,030.50 005 ALTERNATE #3. APPROVED REGULAR 1.0 9345.00000 9,345.00 AGENDA ITEM E 1/14/0.2. BIDtt JOB ITB-002-02/GE. 115-56385 9,345.00 PO Total 1,883,215.00 i By /?~ tJ. m~ CilV M.n,gcr nco^ DT",.,CI\''"J" f"""("'\nv '~ . f/ , CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER - HICKORY GROVE PARK ROAD & TUSKAWILLA No.: 6 Contract ChanQe Order Date: 10/29/2002 Project Title: Hickory Grove Park Road Contractor: Esterson Construction Company, Inc. Reason for Change: ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY ROAD 1. 24 Foot Wide Temporary Road LS $52,790.00 $52,790.00 per proposal dated 10/29/2002 2. 2 White Edge Lines & 1 Yellow LS $795.00 $795.00 Center Line 3. Arbor Permit (0fl.~...t) ) LS $8,000.00 $8,00000 Change Order Value: $ 61,585.00 Original Contract Price: $ 1,883,215.00 Total Value Previous Change Orders: $ 184,40437 New Contract Price: $ 2,129,204.37 Original Contract Duration 270 da 5 Original Contract Completion Date 2-Nov-02 Approved Time Extensions 109 da 5 Current Contract Duration 379 da 5 Proposed Time Extension -0 - New Contract Duration 379 da 5 New Contract Completion Date 19-Feb-03 . ^" ~ , CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CHANGE ORDER # 6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER - HIC ORY GROVE PARK ROAD & TUSKAWILLA Accepted By Contractor: Date: Cap, Prj. Coordinator: Date: Dir. Pb Wks/Utilities: Date: Accepted By Owner: Date: '0 - Jt' 10 ---L- ,\,.1>0' '.! . Hickory Grove Park Road and Tuskawilla Road .-,..... Temporary Road to Winter Springs High School - Revised 1 . October 29, 2002 I. Clearing and Demolition A) Demolition 1) Curb $ 480.00 2) Dispose $ 760.00 B) Clearing 1) .41 Ae $ 2,460.00 2) dispose $ 3,200,00 SUBTOTAL: $6,900.00 II. Earthwork A) Cut and Fill $ 4,800,00 B) Swale Grade $ 3,600.00 SUBTOTAL: $8,400.00 1 III. Pavement (24 wide roadway) A) Compacted Subgrade $ 3,930.00 B) Base 6" Durarock $16,310,00 C) Asphalt I" $11,005.00 SUBTOTAL: $31,245.00 IV. Mise, A) Testing $ 935,00 B) Stripe and Signage $ 1,565,00 C) Sod 480 SY $ 985.00 D) Seed & Mulch $ 720.00 E) Survey $ 2,040.00 F) 2 White Edge Lines & 1 Yellow Center Line $ 795,00 G) Arbor Permit $ 8,000.00 SUBTOTAL: $15,040.00 TOTAL: $61,585.00