HomeMy WebLinkAboutEsterson Construction Company Agreement Form -1997 05 08SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORM 1. GENERAL 1.01 THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of May, 1997, by and between 111 the City of Winter S rin nas ,hereinafter called the Owner, and 121 Esterson Construction Company Inc.. doing business as a 13- Corporation ,and hereinafter called the Contractor. 1.02 WHEREAS, the Owner and the contractor are desirous of entering into an Agreement for improvements to Orange Avenue in reference to the City of Winter Springs bid 97-002. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter exchanged the parties agree as follows: 1. Contract Documents -The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement; all Technical, General, and Supplementary Conditions and Sections contained in the Project Manual; the Drawings as listed on the Bid Form and Index to Drawings; all Addenda issued prior to and all Change Orders issued after execution of this Agreement. These form the Contract and all are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. ' 2. Scone of Work -The Contractor shall perform all work required by the Contract Documents for the improvements to Orangg Avenue 3. Contract Time -The Contractor shall begin work within ten 110) days after the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed and shall complete the work within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. 4. Liquidated Damages -OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in Paragraph 3 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties Involved in proving in a legal arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER 5500.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 3 for final completion until the work is finally complete. 5. Contract Price. Lumo Sum Contract - The Owner will pay the Contractor in current funds for the performance of the work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order, the Total Contract Price of One Hundred Eighty Four Thousand and Three Hundred Seventy Five Dollars (5184,375.001. Payments will be made to the Contractor based on the Lump Sum Bid amount, the Schedule of Values, and subject to completion of the work, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 6. Payments -The Owner will make payments as provided in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. 7. n 'n r - The Project has been designed by Conklin, Porter &Holmes-Engineers, Inc., referred to in the documents as the Engineer, whose authority during the progress of construction is defined in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. (1) Owner 12) Contractor (3) Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or Corporation 00500-1 11- Owner 12- Contractor (3) Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or Corporation 8. Bond -Contractor shall supply a materials, performance and payment bond in accordance with Florida law and to the satisfaction of Owner. 9. Mediation/Venue -The parties agree that should any dispute arise between them regarding the terms or performance of this Agreement, both parties will participate in a mediation. The parties agree to mutually select a mediator and in the event they cannot mutually agree upon a mediator, one will be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The parties agree to equally share the cost of the mediator. Should the parties fail to resolve their differences through mediation, then any casue of action filed hereunder shall be filed in the Circuit or County Court for Seminole County, Florida. 10. Contractor warrants the Oranage Avenue Improvements and Associated Drainage Improvements will be fit for the City's intended use and purpose and will comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations. 1.03 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: Esterson Construction Company. Inc. Name of Firm °` By (Signature and Title) _~ ~'~, ---- Attest OWNER: The Citv of Winter Springs Name of Firm v"• %~ ISeal- By (Signature and Title) on McLemore, City Manager Attest END OF SECTION 00500-2 ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CSR C2 DATEIMMlDD/YYI ~, ESTER-1 05/09/97 PRCOUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Newman-Crane & Assoc Ins. Inc. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P. 0. BOx 568946 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Orlando FL 32856-8946 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Mel H. WaterB COMPANY A Maryland Casualty Company PnoneNo. 407-859-3691 FsxNo.407-857-0409 INSURED COMPANY B FCCI-SIF Esterson Construction Co.,Inc. Esterson Land Clearing; and COMPANY Eric and Ann Esterson C 794 Big Tree Drive Suite 108 COMPANY Longwood FL 32750 D OVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURAN CE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DF.TE (NIMlDD/YY1 POLICY EXPIRATION DATE IiriM/UU/YY) LiNI1T5 GEN ERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE S 1, 000, OOO A ]{ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EPA25328106 04/12/97 04/12/98 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG 51,000,000 CLAIMS MADE ^X OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY 5 1, 000, 000 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE S 1, 000, 000 X Blanket Addl Insd FIRE DAMAGEIAnyonefire) S 300,000 MED EXP (Any one person) 5 10, 000 AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 51 000,000 A ][ ANY AUTO ECA25328569 04/12/97 04/12/98 , ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S IPer person) SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 5 NON-OWNED AUTOS IPer accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE S GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT 5 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S 2, 000, 000 A ][ UMBRELLA FORM UB86895373 04/12/97 04/12/98 AGGREGATE S 2, 000, 000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM 5 WC STATU- OTH- WORKERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EL EACH ACCIDENT 5 500, 000 B THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL 34015-0018 04/01/97 04/01/98 EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 5500,000 PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S 500, 000 OTHER A Equipment EPA25328106 04/12/97 04/12/98 A Property EPA25328106 04/12/97 04/12/98 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS 10 da s notice of cancellation for non-payment of premium Certificate holder is shown as additional insured and a waiver of subrog s added. i 0942 27 Fax: 33 Fax: 830-7550 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITYOFw SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE DER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL I POSE NO O IGATION OR LIABILITY City of Winter Springs - o Avenue Flamin 110 N b REPRE E T YES. OF ANY KIND UPON THE C PANY, S E T g . Winter Springs FL 32826 AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTAT Mel H. Waters ACORD 25-5 (1/95) ~ACORD CORPORATION T988 GUIGNARD COMPANY P.O. BOX 180817 • CASSELBERRY, FL 32718-0817 •4071834-0022 • FAX 4071260-1767 May 7, 1997 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 E. STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32703 Re: Authority to Date Bonds and Powers of Attorney Principal: ESTERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Bond No.: U2634983 Project: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ORANGE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Dear Sir or Madam: Please be advised that as Surety on the above referenced bond, executed on your behalf for this project, we hereby authorize you to date the bonds and the powers of attorney concurrent v~rith the date of the contract agreement. Once dated, please send a copy of the dated bonds to our office. Best regards, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY ~~ B1, ~C~ P•-. GUIGNARD Attorn~~ Ln Fact and F'loEf~'a. Licensed Agent SURETY BOND S J, RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY RELIANCE INSURANCE~1 COMPANY UNTfED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEA~TITY COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Del- aware, and that RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, are corporations duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called "the Companies") and that the Companies by virtue of signature and seals do hereby make, constitute and appoint J.W. Guignard, Bryce R. Guignard, Jeffrey W. Reich, M. Gary Francis, Deidre Eickstaedt., of Cassetberry, Florida their true and lawful Attorneyls)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal end deliver for and on their behalf, and as their act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings of suretyship and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent es if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the Companies and sealed end attested by one other of such officers, end hereby ratifies and confirms all that their said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under end by the authority of Article VII of the By-Laws of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY which provisions are now in full force and affect, reading es follows: ARTICLE VII -EXECUTION OF BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS 1. TM Bond of Directors, the President, the Charmer of the Board, any Senor Vin Provident, arty V,ca President or Aoviatant Viea President or otMr officer daipnated by [M Board el Dheeton shall Mva power erd authority to lel appoint Anorney Ul-arFaet and to authorise tMm to execute on bahatl of the Company, bonds end urdertalurps, recoprv=eneov, eontraere of irtderrtrrity and otfter wnbnps oblrpatory in tM rwture thereof, and Ibl to remove any ouch Attorrrylsl•irrfact et any ume and revoke tM power end authority pwen to them. 2. AttorrryleHrrFect eftall Mve power end authority, sublect to the urme and limrtaiorr of the Power of AttorrtaY resued to them, to ezeeule debwr on baMlf of [he Company, bolls all tsdenakirtps, reeoprrserteee, contracts of iMemnty and otMr wnunpe obbpatory in tM natwe thereof. TM corporate ovN a not neeoveary for the validtty of any borda and tadenakinps, reeoprtuarrcee, eorrtraea of irdemrrty and otMr writinpe obbpatory m tM nature thereof. 3. AttorrrYlal-rn•Faet shall have power end aulhontY to eaeeuts alfdavlu requued to be ettaehed [o bonds, reeoprusaneov, contracts of rrdemntY or other erxtdmonal or oblipatary taxMrtakirtps and they shell also Mw power end authority to unify the hnanaal statement of tM Compmy and to copies of the By-Lowe of the Company or any artteb or ovenon thereol. TMs Power of Attorrtey a s,pnd end ovabd by bceimda under and by authority of the lollowmp rovoluuon adopted by the Eaecutwe erd Finance Commnteov of the Boards of Duectore of RNrartce Irwanw Company, Urvted Paeifie Irruranes Company erd fiehanee National IMemnity Company by Unarvmous Cortovnt deed ov of February 26, 1004 and by the Executive and Futartdal Committee of tM Bord of Oireetore of Mlienca Surety Company by Urtartimou Corteant dated r of Marsh 31, leY4. 'Resolved tMt tM sipMtura of such diracton end officers end the ovd of the Company may be afh:ed to any such Power o1 Attorroy or any eertihutes relabrtp thereto by faceimila,aM any such Power of Attorney or earuhcate bearrnp aueh bceim,k upnatures or taeamde wai shall W vNid and birdmp upon the Company ell any wch Power so eseeuled and certified by fapimiN eipMtures and laeam,le oval shall be valid and brndmp upon the Company. m the Itnure with respect to any bond or urdertekrnp to which itr attaeltad.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused these presents to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this July 7, 1995. RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY .+.. UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY r°~o~'O'¢+.~ ~ ~~ t-o..~'. ~°±~:o~~~'i, RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY ' ,~ auaaate `S E 4 L~ ~ / m Sft.AL i C SEAL '_ ~~ ~` "(l lase t e `O r~ F. ~ ' • 1st /' a *1~~.«•1~ ;-t .fwy ~+_ Ft raw-~ . .•. 1 ~ ~t - .•~' •eear ~. STATE OF Pennsylvania COUNTY OF Philadelphia ss. On this, July 7, 1995, before me, Valencia Wortham, personally appeared Charles B. Schmalz, who acknowledged himself to be the Executive Vice President of the Reliance Surety Company, and the Vice President of Reliance Insurance Company, United Pacific Insurance Company, and Reliance National Indemnity Company and that as such, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself as its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. yt, //'~ J~~;' /~ I .~.~ NOTAFIAL SEAL u° ~ S' ~J..~1i~l~~%lL~ [? rV~,1 \W , 1 y VALE?';CiA WORTH!•.~9, Notary Public ~ Z ~ y~• l: y~,~ City o! Phdadelph~a. Phila. County ~~~~ Notary Public in end for the State of Pennsylvania AAv Cor~^nss~o~ Exo~res Nov. 1(j 1996 ~ Y Ue~ Residing at Philadelphia 1, Anita Zippert, Secretary of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand end affixed the seals of said Companies this _~dey of 19 °~.,, ree~` Secretary V^Efr ,,~ utp~e ~' ~~40 11 ItJO I~ ~i ~. e r~EOPyp~\CO : ~ ~-W ~\^ _~ ~ '~.`aceM~ apt ~' `SCAI,~> t SEAL ~;i ~ C~ I 1~~'"; ;. ~/ 2 i 6 ~ r~ ~ ~ 117/. ~'••n e.,s•` • 5 r' Y THE BANK OF NEW YORK NO. F 004401 ,-, TRUST COMPANY OF FLORIDA, N.A. 2io ~, 10/15/97 ri PAY THE SUM OF DOLLARS $ 29,997.00 ;~ ~ Tr~enty Nine Thousand Hine Hundred NInety Seven and 00/100 pgYABLE AS AGENT FOR - City of; Winter Springs PAYABLE AT ~~# 460307 ~, ESterSOII COIIStrllCtiOn Company ~ THE BANK OF NEW YORK.N.Y. r • 794 Big Tree-Drive, Suite 108 l TO THE { ORDER Longwood, FL 327SO - ~ ~F AUTH ZE GNATURE r L- J ~ CORPORATE TRUST D PT. NO. 693-125 ~~'00440 Lei' ~:0 2 L0000 LBO: ~~'00009946 26~~' ,~1NTC~`. ~,~ S'n J ~! CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ,~ ~ Ircirrr rr~ml ~~ '°"' ' ° 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 ~ 'c~~~Pj' / WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 October 14, 1997 Attn: Debbie Smith The Bank of New York Trust Company of Florida, N.A. Corporate Trust Division 10161 Centurion Pkwy Towermarc Plaza, 2nd Floor Jacksonville, FL 32256 Re: City of Winter Springs, 1993 Bond Construction Fund Dear Debbie: Please issue a check drawn against the City of Winter Springs, 1993 Bond Construction Fund, made payable to the following: Esterson Construction Company 794 Big Tree Drive, Suite 108 Longwood, FL 32750 $29,997.00 PLEASE RETURN VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, TO THE ATTENTION OF HARRY MARTIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, I Harry E. Martin, Finance Director HEM/ymp Enclosure U~i [Ui 1'~~b -J.~: ~'i ~IUict rrJy~J~ F'UNLi~: WUF•!~~ F.-11:~E 01 SECTION 00680 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAYh1EN7 REQUEST NO. ? ENGINEERS FILE NO. WO 457. 1 BID NO. 97-002 FINANCE ACCOUNT NO. CONTRACTOR ESTERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. CONTRACT DATE 5/8/97 COMPLETION DATE 11/27/97 APPLICA710N DATE 10/3/97 FOR PERIOD ENDING 10/3/97 STATEMtrNT OF WORK Otiginel Contraot Price $ 184, 375. Nel Change Order 1, 465 . Current Contract Price 185 , 840 . Work to be Done 80 , 825 . Work to Date a 105 , 015 . Amount Retained 10, 501.50 Subtotal 94,513.50 Previous Paym6nts Approved 64 , 516.50 Amount Due This Payment 29 , 997 . The undersigned Contractor hereby swears under penalty of perj:r~y that (1) all previous progress paymonts received irorn the Owner on account of work performed under ltte Contract retorted to above have been applied by the undersigned to discltarpe in toil ail obligations of the undersigned incurred in connection with work covered by prior Application (or Payment under said contract, belny Applications (or Payment numbered 1 through ,_ inclusive; end. (2) all materials and equipment incorporated in said Protect or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment are (tee and cleat of el! liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances, GATED October 3,_,Y199 7 ESTERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPA.~IY, YNC. (Contractor) ~~ 6Y _ ~ ~ (Neste & Title) ANN ESTERSON, PRESIDENT ~ i.; _ '. 1 _ ~n ! iI_ : 1;, ai; r' _ ~ r U'J~J'~ r1_IEL .. i.•li irl~ . F'f;~aE EU COUNTY OF SEMINOLE STATE OF FLORIDA pefore me on l1~is 3 day of October 199 7 Ann Esterson Io rne, (or I~as roduced ~ ~ -. Personally appeared _ ,known p as icAnlificatlon and who did ;did not) tako an oath) who, being duly sK-orn did depose and say that he is the Presidnet of the Contractor above-rttenlloned; that he executed the above Application fx Payment and statement rt behalf of said Contractor; and that all of the statements contained therein are true, correct anA complete, ~ ~sr {Notary PUbIIC) " awe arena *7k MY Canmiss,w, CC6279p2 St:A~. Mycor,missione,cpires: ~~~'~,,,.o•°T ExpKesMarcry09.2001 Payment of the amount reQuested above is approved: by Gl~; ~ U G, ~' o i3 7 Date by --'- by ~~ ' ~t.t1~-- bete b y _' '-' ' Date ~ Oate END OF S~CTIOP~ 00880.2 CO NTI nI I.1ATt O N S HEFT ~lU DOCUMEM 6703 (Instructions On reverse S+de) -~•cE Oc -~c~. A`IA DoCUrn NPP G7' Z enL Q , UCIl770N MID CER71FIGlTg FOR Fi~YMEM Contactors signed Cerufiation is aged , containi ng APPLICATION NUMBER: 2 ~ In tabulations below, amounts arc stated to tine nearest dollar. APPLICATIOhi DA. c., 10/3/97 Use Column 1 on ConLac-s where variable retainsbe for [ine items a ~Y PPh= PER100 TO: ' 10 / 3 / 9 7 ARO-tITcCT S PROTECT NO: WO 457. 1 .~ B C D E F C H I I f~ EM NCL DESCRIP'T70t~t OF wOR~C SCttEDULED ~OWC COMP1.~~c ~ YALL,lE FROM htf1i10U5 . THIS ~Jt]00 R:.~LS PRESEIYT'LY TQTi~L COMPti.E;'D Y (C - C) s.~.LM+GF TO FiNtSH RFT.+.Iw~GE C~T)ON STORJ TWO STORE ~ (C - C) (D + O M07 W TO 0.~: E D OR D (D+E+F) ~ Clearing 4,360. 4 360 Earthwork 12,145. , . 4,360. 0 436. Stoma Drainage 84,320. 55,415. 26 995 12,145. Pavement 43,520. , . 82,410. 98 1,910. 8241. Miscellaneous 43,520. Silt Fence '2,630. 2 630 Sod 6,400, , . 2,630. 0 263. ~P ~P 1,640. 6,400. Layout 4,100. 4 100 1,640. Fence Relocate 5,500. , . 1 500 4,100. 410. Swale Block 9,000. , . 1,500. 4,000. 150. Traffic Control 1,800. 120, 870 9 0 Testing 2,200. 400. , 400 990. 55 8 10. 99. Bond 3,800. 3 800 . 800. 40 1,400. 80. Mobilization 2,960. , . 2 960 3,800. , . 2,960. 0 296. C04~1 1,465. 1,465. 1,465. 0 146.50 I ~~~ 185,840. 173,785. I 31,230. 105,015. 80,825. c,vr a~+r t ~~~ •.,. •.~ `~Vr V.~/{~r.J .7v rHVG UL SECTION 00663 SUBCONTRACTOR'S/ SUP)?LIER'S FORM OF CONTRACTOR'S PARTIAL RELEASE OF UEN KNOW ALL MEN t3Y THE8E PRESENTS, that the undersigned, SEMSCO in consideration of partial payment In the sum of 530, receipt whereof b hereby acknowledged, and other valuable considerations and benefits to the undersigned accruing, do hereby waive, release and quit claim alt liens, lien rights, claims or demands of every kind whatsoever which the undersigned now has, yr may hereafter have, against that certain real estate and the improvements thereof, situated in $e,,, m~ County, Florida, and legally described as: Orange Avenue Improvements Winter Springs,iZ on accaint of work and labor performed, and/or materiab furnished in, to, ar about the construction of any building or buildings situated thereon, or in Improving aid property above described, or any part thereof. R being the understanding of the undersigned that fhb b a Partial Waiver and f7elease of Lien whkh the undersigned hss ~~ ~ pre31 / herein, only to the extent of iha payments specified and only for materials furnished or work done up un~ _____~ (but not rskasirig or walvirig charges for changes, additions, or extras), the undersigned warrants that no assignment of said Uens or claims, nor the right to perfect a lion against said real estate, Dy virtue of the accrual of saki payment, has or will be made, and that the undecatgned has the right to execute this Pertlal Wanner and Release, and that all laborers employed by the undersigned, and all buts for materials and supplies turn~hed by others to the unders~ned in connection with the conetruc0on of improvements upon the eforessld premises, to the extent of the payment herein referred to, haw bean tuily paid. iN WITNESS WHEREOF. lMle have executed fhb instrument under seal this day of ~, 19Q~ (SEAta (SEAL) E' 1 ~~ ~~~ e, ~ ~„~~~~~- aicPrieasoa ., -xv ~++ ~o o~rrioo neYUr Bondo4 8Y s~rr+a b ruuie r ~CC572N2 r.e.+q waw I 1 Own ~~BEr?>' l r~~r~C~P~ END OF SECTION OOt389-t SECTION 00663 ~~~ ~-~IJC~e~v~~(r SUBCONTRACTOR'S/ SUPPLIER'S pp.~ FORM OF CONTRACTOR'S PARTIAL RELEASE OF LIEN ~~'~73 $ 2121. 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE S, that the undersigned, Mack Concrete in consideration of partial payment in the sum of $ receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other valuable considerations and benefits to the undersigned accruing, do hereby waive, release and quit claim all liens, lien rights, claims or demands of every kind whatsoever which the undersigned now has, or may hereafter have, against that certain real estate and the improvements thereof, situated In Semino~~unty, Florida, and legally described as: Orange Avenue Improvements, Winter Springs on account of work and labor performed, and/or materials furnished in, to, or about the construction of any building or buildings situated thereon, or in improving said property above described, or any part thereof. It being the understanding of the undersigned that this is a Partial Waiver and Release of Lien which the undersigned has against the premises described herein, only to the extent of the payments specified and only for materials furnished or work done up until 7 /31 / 9 7(but not releasing or waiving charges for changes, additions, or extras), the undersigned warrants that no assignment of said liens or claims, nor the right to perfect a lien against said real estate, by virtue of the accrua! of said payment, has or will be made, and that the undersigned has the right to execute this Partial Waiver and Release, and that all laborers employed by the undersigned, and all bills for materials and supplies furnished by others to the undersigned in connection with the construction of improvements upon the aforesaid premises, to the extent of the payment herein referred to, have been fully paid. IN WITNESS WHE EOF, I/we have executed this instrument under seal this day o ~, 19~t. (SEAL) (SEAL) END OF SECTION 00663-1 SECTION 00663 /J~-~~ SUBCONTRACTOR'S/ SUPPLIER'S ~° FORM OF CONTRACTOR'S PARTIAL RELEASE OF LIEN 737.4 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE S, that the undersigned, CONRAD YELVINGTON in consideration of partial payment in the sum of $ ,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other valuable considerations and benefits to the undersigned accruing, do hereby waive, release and quit claim all liens, lien rights, claims or demands of every kind whatsoever which the undersigned now has, or may hereafter have, against that certain real estate and the improvements thereof, situated In Seminq~gunty, Florida, and legally described as: Orange Avenue Improvements, Winter Springs on account of work and labor performed, and/or materials furnished in, to, or about the construction of any building or buildings situated thereon, or in improving said property above described, or any part thereof. K being the understanding of the undersigned that this is a Partial Waiver and Release of Lien which the undersigned has against the premises described herein, only to the extent of the payments specified and only for materials furnished or work done up until 7 /31 / 97(but not releasing or waiving charges for changes, additions, or extras), the undersigned warrants that no assignment of said liens or claims, nor the right to perfect a lien against said real estate, by virtue of the accrual of said payment, has or will be made, and that the undersigned has the rght to execute this Partial Waiver and Release, and that all laborers employed by the undersigned, and all bills for materials and supplies furnished by others to the undersigned in connection with the construction of improvements upon the aforesaid premises, to the extent of the payment herein referred to, have been fully paid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we have executed this instrument under seal this day o , 19~ (SEAL) (SEAL) WITNESSES ~-- ~ . ~- ~, -~-- . ~C/ END OF SECTION SECTION 00663 SUBCONTRACTOR'S/ SUPPLI)/R'S FORM OF CONTRACTOR'S PARTIAL RELEASE OF LIEN $ 3726.50 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, GAI CONSULTANTS in consideration of partial payment in the sum of $ ,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other valuable considerations and benefits to the undersigned accruing, do hereby waive, release and quit claim all liens, lien rights, claims or demands of every kind whatsoever which the undersigned now has, or may hereafter have, against that certain real estate and the improvements thereof, situated In Semino~®unty, Florida, and legally described as; Orange Avenue Improvements, Winter Springs on account of work and labor performed, and/or materials furnished in, to, or about the construction of any building or buildings situated thereon, or in improving said property above described, or any part thereof. n being the understanding of the undersigned that this is a Partial Waiver and Release of Lien which the undersigned has against the premises described herein, only to the extent of the payments specified and only for materials furnished or workdone up until 7 /31 /97(but not releasing orwaiving charges for changes, additions, or extras), the undersigned warrants that no assignment of said liens or claims, nor the right to perfect a lien against said real estate, by virtue of the accrual of said payment, has or will be made, and that the undersigned has the right to execute this Partial Waiver and Release, and that all laborers employed by the undersigned, and all bills for r.:atsrials and supplies furnished by others to the undersigned in connection with the construction of improvements upon the aforesaid premises, to the extent of a payment herein referred to, have been fully paid. IN WITNESS WHERE , I/we have executed this instrument under seal thisf~ay of ~~, 19 7.7 (SEAL) t'v r S ~'{V~..~ D. A ASS:s tow.T' See~~~.. y (SEAL) -rHOr~uis a c~sT~a~..~:i WITNESSES: ~~~ ~~sGCOMMiSS~oN ~ oc ~s~70 +~ ~' EXPIRES OCT 02, 9th ~ BONDED THRU ~+~a~, ~1w~r~c eoNOaw ca ~ END OF SECTION 00663-1