HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormunis Master License Agreement -2001 04 24 FORMUNIS GBF INFOSYSTEMS, INC. MASTER LICENSE AGREEMENT DATED: November 17, 2000 FORMUNIS (GBF INFOSYSTEMS, INC (GBF)) 501 Forest Avenue Portland, ME 04101 Principal Contact: L. Clifford George Attention: Rita Hartman CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 This agreement consists of (1) the accompanying standard Terms and Conditions governing the FORMUNIS software product (the "Product") and (2) incorporated licenses terms of the JetForm Central ProT"' package. GBF also offers, by separate agreement, annual maintenance services for the Product provided under this agreement. BY SIGNING BELOW, IT IS AGREED THAT THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE ACCOMPANYING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND THE PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS ADOPTED HEREUNDER, IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND SUPERSEDES ALL PROPOSALS OR PRIOR AGREEMENTS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, AND ALL OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN THE PARTIES RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE WHEN IT IS ACCEPTED AND EXECUTED BY YOU AS THE CUSTOMER AND APPROVED AND EXECUTED BY GBF. Accepted: Customer Signature' ~or-a.ld W • ~1'1C.Lemdr~ Customer Printed Name 9~-14-0~ Date Page One of Five Rev. 9/00 Accented: r. By: L. Clifford George President FORMUNIS, GBF Infosystems ^~^8 D^D FORMUNIS OUTPACK for MUNIS® CUSTOMER'S PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Customer: Name of Program(s): Implementation Date: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FORMUNIS NOVEMBER 17, 2000 Term of License: The license granted under this Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated or expired. If Licensee wishes to terminate the license at any time, it may do so by ceasing all use of the Program and related materials. JetForm® may terminate the license due to Licensee's failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement. Upon termination by Licensee or JetForm® or expiration, Licensee agrees to return to JetForm® all copies of the Program and related materials. Accepted: %~ ~ Customer Signature ~One.1d W , MSC l.emere. Customer Printed Name ~'~•Z~I'- 01 Date Page Two of Five Rev. 9/00 Accepted: By: L. Clifford George President FORMUNIS (GBF Infosystems) ^~^S OD Master License Agreement 1. ClNBRAL 'Yom' oe.us the goreirunedal tilt sigdrrg this Agrceaent. Yaw Neae sludl Bead b wdtlpk deprtrents wNhn you garemw.nl udt Km provYed la the Progoo DealpUoe ad b the erred w proddd. w hmg (atl aaly w brag) as wd wdtipk dep.rtrwnn arc an argardraUarrl pct d you goverawnol adt. 2. LICPNSB CBF grams you a ratrknd atl awetdusire Ikeme b (.) Imoll die PtoduR m compute [hx yw own «kase at the Desigar.nd Laotba(s); (b) Use atl aearn the hodam t« purpoes d sating yew ntertl weds: atl (d Ia support d pa wtiahed uw d tie trofirct. physloily narois the Prodixt fora or mmputy b another. sloe the Ptadrstk ardrWrretlabk imtrrreYbns a dap a . [twtpaoy bask n sla nwaory. ataerdtl scaay, a apatltl sawry d soil mopder systra a.etw.r7 to soh use: atl tntraN soil iauwetloa a datr through computes atl ~saorJx.d devka at the Dalgwttl Laotian(s). odes otlrawlw proMdtl Y the hagsaa Oaaipthm, Yw wy nor .n the Ptodat b ptoces am.wn a recoils err b geaaate wtptt dub tae the dhae bewflt d, « to purpoms d sadalag sarvirzs to atry other 6uilnas entitles a orpt.latlors. s. o6JBCr ODOB udaa atiewlae povldd `the rrograa DesalpNon. We Ptodxt k provided b atl eery be rstl b.eehlee•adtbk ahJett~ude tea atilt'. CBPdfas 6r tle -todr.t a soap chile Earaw Ayr«med thx provide far alone d the sauce code vesla. d the rrogeo troy anar upou the ttasrwae d tettdn rek.ro evmn, such a CBFs faWre b ptovMe required sehsmanee srsrka as agretl. H stprately mtraded. s. swGU Corr u.ka.[hawke provided la the Propam Dewlptlon. yw ~ YsoIL rte. ord Braun only one (I) mpy d the htlum a colt' aw (1) compeer x a tree. S. 6ALTi-Ur f~aS Yom asry -mate two (a) mpkc d the Prtluet k wddne-eadsWe. o6Jat rode tom.. far ~ ~uP r ~ P~tl tlrx Yw Rw"dwa atl hrdrrde cBra mprrlgld nuke atl pmpknry kgetd on ewd badrp copy Pad h.dap copy east 6e stored n a s.fe atl scene leatloa AN copier d tle Prodat mat 6e aaaurdd for spoe CBFs equeu. 8. ram-usAl YATRBIALS w-tke Yxedals clot aaampwy the PtaduR aro prodded wkly tr soPPat ro« au[hodrod use d the Ir.Gtt. You Dry wt use. copy, oodltg a dLsWhub the Etl-Ute Yxeki. a aq copy. ad.patlon. Oawcrlptia.. a adgcd portbn thereof; esrept a ~h wthalrtl M CBF by wpmte wrkten w- 7. rERY OP LD'7tiSI The Teo d ywr Iiwse for the Product h irmtrttl b the applitabk Pragnm Desu'Iptian• Upar eapi.tN. d the R,. ~ appBohk), the Ito:ae B taewahk t« sdoeasNe tewewat tans d the sane Iargth, u yea optlan ~rr/.pon pyaent d CBPY rive-mtsmt xoeme fx 0. O6111rRRY AND Y4GII~TlON CBP trN ate In heat Biters b ddFe wd hsnxiie rtedud b atrorda.ae with the hgdamawxiw Stbexrde isJrded n tie appopdan hegram Dmalptlen. CBf trgl nor k «spoalMe br ddys n.stl by etas a dratatwaes bsywd Its ewrobk mxrd Ter. ere ogrorrWlet.r abtddtrg mmpwes atl opaxh; systet.a aoraUhl° tdtlr the rmdutt. a shows M the taiatol spedDotlerr for the Prodrtct. ttwWl.tlan slrN be aenpYtr chat. mpy(ta) d the Prodrat im ben irnxtl on you comprrv sysnm x the d ksnBetkn sirx mnntlMe yaaioapWr~x d the Boeae to rtr~Ptodutt. ba shill ant dhtt eery watwtia stBl n elEet under Paragraph Li. 8. oTiDt CBARC6S Ilcawe fee m .ot irehrde travel atl Bvhg espmsa fa Irpkoenntbn nuxtlngs Issnllatlw cad trddrrg, ftk mnvarslw men. aptiowi products atl aerviax maukl.g settles equated by Cawme, sNppl.g darga, a theme d cry raomrnmded Mdtno. Yau.gtee to pq cad fee and mats, when atl a the taviam are rrrdetl wd de expewa htorred, a i.vaktl g GBE CBP remora tie right b requhe ptep.yarart a advoee dnpedt for service a acpeaes b some hrtamss. Yom aro dw rapawibk to sda a use news cad ante a loW paspersy « arrJw taxes atsodattl with yOa B«aslrgF pawsdoo, «rce d the Product a Programts)- 10. LATR txAr~a u aq tee a mat B not pdd .dwa W cry (so) dyt after k 6 dom. CBF wt'. x In option, cMrge lateral x. otr dew and one-haKpx«w tl i/2%) pa mwd (eighteen psaw uBYU pa awm) a, If lee, the highex con dbwed bf appllobk hw~ frow the dxe soil tom a large hst heooe due. l 1. YAINTBNANC6 AND CaWltlQie upon errplaNw d the waroxy psbd billeted In raraDaph 1s, CBFs rapandhlllry b wlntab the (hadrrtt shah tad orders yw dwe ids a Sdtwre Ydnte.aaro Agreemex dtertl by CBP. to tie cued that yea egnest mmWtlrig service th.t ere beyotl the amps d tlds Ag.sawrrt cad the Softwae Y.hwemwe Agrwea. CY _p provide soil aerl«s «remwwtl aPPsoPdfe autslde owblWUS. I. dl rasa. tea fa sod servbea wlxM drarged at CBrs shndad rota and yw wW 6e rapadMe fa paylag ash tors. plus aq retessary ward and Bvirrg expaws If savkts ere provtled aae tlan thity (3O) miles freer the nearest servloe lootlan. la. CUSTOMER RPSPONS®H.II1Q Yw ere raporwBtk to the foRarirrg aetlor.: W Detatlakg wheHa de Product wix adkve the resole pct desie; (b) -roaring. IwtaBhrg, ..d opaatlrg txmrprrtm atl operaUrg sysnms b roe the ProMrtt: (d ProvWhtg a proper atriormex atl props utltitks to the eamputas w whld the Product opeota Indtlirrg as usiwenupted powe supply: (d) Sdeairg wd [rahd.g you pnowd w thry on operate mnprdas atl w thry ere tatllhr Mth the aotaaaf and tetab that ttr-e a lope atl wtpd tar the Pradnet: oil (e) Esnhlbddrig adequate opaatlonal Mil-up pevkloa in We ewes d a defect a mlfunctlon tlrx carders the Prod.et a Yte mmp.ter systaa m whhir [ley roe naepe.tiwr. CBfreserva tie right to tinge additbnd sevvlae tea K w oper.ta serfs aalsnwe wkh nspsx [o sod bak lafarmatlan a.ry «he sattm nor directly rdatlrrg b tie operatlw dthe Pradua. CEP doe rra hold Itself wt w . prdesslond egert atl tlMse ngtardrrg pw compute a Idareatba weds. GBP h nor resporotbk fa aisakaceto d tle renderer thx rrr resuk trom darga In rag rcgilrmrarts I~, rwrRlEUeT PtOFttT1ON CBP shill have sok std mdnsive wwttasMp d aR right tltb wd laerest In and to the rrodnR atl FaA-IlseYataiak. ax Dopler rived. and aO modlflatlow atl mVteesents thereto (imduding onwersldp d A mpyridrh and otlre indkttud propery dghe PenioOK tlreerol. su6Jea atilt' m tle dBtr atl Ikewe a:pealy goad b yea bade THs Agreawx dm wa pralde yea witlr tltk a ownasYp d the Product « Program(s). 6a ady. slglw d emited ere. l~. LYYTATION ON USE, ETC. Beaune of the spend prkhrg esclalve b YUNIS mstawas. ktPan raaicts the Morose hat wi6 dhnr auomers w upgtadmble fdi lkear aptha Olsdada: 'Thb Lkeaw n smtlktad b outprE ter the YUNIS apptlatloas odr' the Yasre k xoNd d prYt appxatlea fa YUNIS appBotl«r onlyc Koxput furetlowxry Ls desired frm appllotba otlrr than YIxILi, ertorae an.pgrade ro a fdi Beene A f.B Iimre 4 offered to puhlk seta aocounn at . dkownt d ES4 aQ We srggattl renU prkx w Jetrarm twtd ho atl oche Jetfonn products who upgraded. Yom wq not use, mPY• arodify. « diswl6ute the Product (eksrioninxp a othewlse), a on' mpr, tlspratlw. tmaeiptbn. «mergtl porthm [heed, eenpt a expwsdy autiodeed 6y fiF, w appNahk Progto. Desulptkn. «.. sepran morocco agreement signed 6r CBE lbu wry .ot rovers. amwb(e revxw toepxa a aMwne u.aYn the Product. Ywr ikeree arty cot ba trarrftrred, kaef. a..igaed. a wbeoeaed witlea CBPs ptbr wdttet moment. mnpt to . torekr d the Podat a their entiery b i frtonssor i. Nterost d you es.Le busbws who xsumes the obligxlaa of thh Agreeaat. Yar w.y sot Iab11 tle rraaet arrywiae hx tle Oalgxntl Loothm(s) withwt ceps prkr written twwea (wM8 wxl .ot ee ..tt++a..hy wfthhdd). pnwided thx yw m~11 toaster the hoduct to .wther kotla. tesparadly Y tit .vent d r iaertuptlon d msputer operxbro x the Dalprttl tonthm(s). Yw wthoiae CBP b ante y.. b ardor to heped the [wdrrrx dakg raguhr busirnm heron b verlhr mmplloroe wiW th mm dells .. IS. DAb1 Yom arirowledge that den maaslaa n suiJect b lie Riderood d hrwn aril nua:hie eras. oatnbac delays, atl losses, iairding Iwdrertmt bra d dw err drr.p o. aiedl.. tlud crag ghv: dro b hen a drnage. CBP shah not be Bdrk t« any weir Brats, atdsla.s. debt'., a bma. Yom are retpardbk for adoptlrg reuarobk nsmswa m Ilmit tie hnpaa d soil prabl®s. NdrNag MW.g ap d.b, atl adopting prooedrres to Beare the aoar.ty of Input con; esamhdng atl aaihalag rmdb prier m m+ec atl adoptlrrg proedaa b IdeaKy atl meect erne sod omissbrw, ephr. hat a drrpl milk. atl eemmiuR Gtr. Yea aro .Iw rapanMle ke mmpykg win dl foal. son. atl ftlad htwa paodNq b the use atl ditdawe d all d.n. t& WARRANTY CBF wamas for a period d sixty (B~ dsys.ftts hWdYtlo. d tk Product. for your beteftt abne. thx tie Product. when opaattl with the equlpam[ wullpr.tloa..d N the operotlr~ aviarroew spedfttl by CBP, motif ptrfam subsontWly In acmd.ae with tie tedwd lndrdtl a eterod to b the appeobte hograa Daafptke. fdlF aoa as waroa ux tM rroAra ttMlbe agar-free b ere drawannoe. b tie eveet d airy detect «aar covered hY such waearyt yw tgpwe I, ptwlde 6M wNb sdftdart datill to iliac CBF to repradxe the defect « era. As yea eciudre tesedP for w9 deka a eta b tlr rrodat twvatl by soil waonry. atl as ears endrc Babiliry k eoatra«, tat, a ahawYa CiF wRf cotter ssd.sa a ddem x GBPs faWq by Isrrhrg meattl brtructba, . nseiNaw. a • byprl: KCM b wbk m mwam soil ddea afara after a reaowhk oppartuaNy, CEP will rotund the Rcetre ks ptrY MMsNeBta. Iloweva. GBF b tat rapmtdbk fa cry defefa m« nor reported dutirg the wawaoty l~ ~ Ms ~a a eta a tie rraarrd yea Moe snYfkd. .Bevil. « aaasged. ER;Ert AS EaPRlSSQ SET PDBfM 61 n@s rARMYAPII. CBP SHALL KAYE No Luettm moll nor -ROOUCr oR ANY s(xvttst rorrDED, ni(3,tiegr(; arc tustttTY Poe NECUCnia: cer YAREs AND YOURealvE xD wARRANTIPS. tEPRESS. pIFlJm, sYAYUIOtP. ~ p ANP ODD6ERR PROVmoN oP TxLt ACREfJIPM OR ANY OTHER OJYMUNIGTION; AND CBP SPffie1fALLY B6GA9L4 ANY wAlRANTY OP YERCIWNBIBI4 IlY OR FITNESS !OR A PARTICULAR PURPOSL Lr. LtYRArLON ~ LW WTY; IXCUISIat Op WIrSBQU.RLAI. DAtfA1;iS The tv.wl.Ove WbBlry d CBP tr you fa ax ttilw rd.tlrtg b tie Pmdut and aq tevlca wadered Merenrd'/ k maroa. tort. a otlerwto. sMx not e.meed the bd sower dell Ikertu tea pdd b CY fa dm rwtaldtatsim Md4rdr prhx yar. I. w Brae sire dtbe perry be Ilabk b the aha fa a9' ca.sq.entW, hllieit.>• a hstlAeWl drnagee, Bova Y wd port' hs 6aaadrissd d tie posaBdNty d tad polantW lea a ~fett+golrrg YoNxlan d Ba6bity and adrrhm d oanln doe.ges shell apply nq(ardfas d tie s.ast a Botha rmrtlies. tR DVAUQ Sleuht you tali b pay airy tea a titles dw iaat.rda a fx b erry oa arry otie ahligtlo. under chi Agreerwrrc « cry other agreemrt mold CBF. CM oy. a b b addltbe b aler avNlabk rvrotllo, tamhute this Agremeet a dls.bk tie trodua. providd tlrt Y /ist gNes yw nrtmr pS) dtrys' prkr rrtka u order m psMt you ro too yva defadt. IB. TEdONATWN Upw teoriwdon d this Agraoat a. • teak d yes ddwlt. a upw aplratkn d the Teen d you Baase galas enewtl, your Ihme trip tetlwta std yuuaro req.id b setae a dauoy, a oqunad by CBF. all mpks d the Product In yo« pouetslaa (wlredra arsdxled a uamodBled). atl a6 Odra rnxalak petNNng to tle hodwt, ircludirg ill milks thereof. To. spw b nWry yes moplhrrre with soil mgoierext rgtw CBFs regret. ao. NQILgS Au naims a ahe mmaudotwm requitl ro 6e gNn heertle sWl he tr wdtlag and deivetl eNher persoaaxy « by O.S. two. aadxta. renurr reelpt egwaed. pat.'s prep.W, wd addressed a povYd b the Ageemmt w as ahawie requeted by the tadv4rg parts Notloa deNwxd persowtly shill be effadve opw ddFery atl n«kes adl.eed it' max dap it tffattwt opw [lei eea~t it' rile perry m wine tiey at adaaaae. al. slYERA6ILRY/NO MIRCKASE ORDEI TfiYS Y air provkbn d tin Agrwaea b toutl to be hwilM « uwdormYa milt povWw shill be sevetl loo tin Agneomt and tk emoiw.g povidoa shN rmeb 1. tax faux: atl etft«. NawNhstanding aaY pmvibm b der marry a eery pradase order « sbaikr datwoerw, w tams, ootlilar a stlpuladws wdten w a pudtae dom.raw w61 .[Fat these Ikme temw eves K such prdose ode a doormat k aoapttl by the retridag. 2t COYSNDIC IAW 7hk Agteerwnt shill 6e govead bt oil mwtroed atl enforced n aawrdmrm with tie hws d the Sate d Maine a It applks m s mxwR mode aril pedamtl h web stxe Cotama leteby while to the Jwitlktkn d the uan a fedeol cowls loottl In Yabe .tl fasthe sdpaktes th.t venue n appopriate n the mum slttlrrg n Cumbeland fmnry, Wiw. 23. YODffIfATIONS AND WAIVERS me Agreement of rr% be arorftd adept by a wdthg siprtl by wthalaed repreexxlva d bah pxtks. A waNe by dthe perry d Ns rlghn ieeundv slrll not 6e biding osiers txawa4rtl In a wrNhg tlgned by w wthadttd repaea.tlve d tie paaytrivhq Its ridtn. Tie amerdaraae.t a walror d arryparvkhm on we (1) accalon s1oi1 m[ ootstlate a wtlra d sod provlsbn w Dry aid atotlm alas esprady w agrad in wdtng. tt Is.grad that err ere d rode a aha tegnir praRla a mahad dtblig between tie pxks hereto shall he used to mtllfy. Interpet, suppksad. a ilte k arty mwwr the tans d chi Agrarwnt. Page ThreeAo-f,F,ive Initials: /~ Rev. 9/00 JETFORM CENTRAL PROTM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Customer Name: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Name of Program: JETFORM CENTRAL PROT"' Scope of Use: LIMITED TO USE WITH THE MUMS APPLICATION ONLY AND ACCORDING TO THE JETFORM END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (ATTACHED) Designated Location(s): ACCORDING TO JETFORM END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (ATTACHED) Operating Requirements: ACCORDING TO JETFORM END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (ATTACHED) Implementation Schedule: ACCORDING TO JETFORM END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (ATTACHED) Term of License: ACCORDING TO JETFORM END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (ATTACHED) Accepted: Accepted: ~or~rrl~w ?~~,~ Customer Signature 1~ Oho,-Id W • MC l.~mo rQ. Customer Printed Name ~' By: L. Clifford George President FORMUNIS (GBF Infosystems) '4`- oZ ~}- 01 Date Page Four of Five Rev. 9/00 ^~^S D^D • JetForm CentralTM, JetForm Central Pro"', ietForm Forms PakTM for PeopleSoft Student Administratlon, Fentasia® DEAR JETFORM CUSTOMER: BEFORE OPEIWNG TFE PACKAGE CONTAINNG THE JETFORM SOFTWARE OR CLICKNG ON 'ACCEPT' WRING REVIEW OF THB UCENSE OR INSTALLNG OR USNG TFf PROGRAM, PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS LKaJSE, MAiICFI CONTAINS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IIFDER WHICH YOU ('LICENSEE') ARE ACQUIRING A UCENSE TO USE THE ACCOM1oMNYNG JETFORM SOFTWARE IF LK~MSEE DOES NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDTIONS OF THE LICENSE, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL TFE SOFTYWRE AND PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNOPENED OR UNNSTALLED SOFTWARE TO THE PLACE AT WHICH LKTNSEE ACQUIRED R FOR A FIAT REFLR~D OF ANY LICENSE FEE PAD. IF LICENSE OPENS THE ACCOMRVJYNG SOFTNbIRE OR NSTALLS OR USES R, LICEFSEE WILL BE ACQURRJG A LICENSE TO USE THE ~TFORM SOFTWARE PRODVCT IN OB~CT CODE FORM (THE 'PROOtAM') N ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITONS OF THS LK~NSE, AND LICENSEE WILL BE CONSDERED TO HAVE ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO THESE TERMS AND CONDmONS. Licertse In consideration of the payment of the license fee for the Program, unless waived in writing by Jetfrorm, Jetform grants to the person who paid such license fee ('Licensee') a restricted and non- exclusivelicense to use the Program and the enclosed materials as set out in this Agreement for Licensee's own internal business purposes, but not for resale, relicensing, export, re-export or other redistribution. JetForm Central Personal Edition"" must be 1'Kensed under separate agreement on a per workstatkxT basis. Ownership The copyright and all other right, title and interest in the Program and related materials shall at all times remain with JetForm or its licensors. Physical copies of the Program remain the property of JetForm or its licensor and such copies are deemed to be on loan to Licensee dur'mg the term of this Agreement. Licensee must fully reproduce arty copyright or other notice marked on any part of the Program on all copies and must not alter or remove arty such copyright or other notice on the original copy of the Program. JetForm reserves all rights not expressly granted to Liceruee. Permitted Uses Licensee moy: a) if the Program is ietForm CentralTM, JetForm Central Pro"' or Fantasia®, use the Program on a single local area network or wide area network to which, collectively, no more than the number of server(s) and/or workstation(s) indicated above have access to the Program or its output, regardless of whether the Program has been installed on such server(s) and/or workstation(s); b) if the Program is JetForm Fonns PakTM for PeopleSoft Student Administration, use one (1) copy of the Program for each copy of PeopleSoft Student Administration installed; c) make one (1) additional copy of the Program in machine readable form, for backup purposes only; and d) transfer Licensees right to use the Program to a third party provided Licensee assigns all Licensees rights under this Agreement, ceases all use of the Program, deirstalls the Program, and notifies JetForm of the name and address of the other party and that the other party agrees in writing to the terms of this Agreement. Except os expressly arthorizedunder this ifcense, Liceraee is prohibited from dorg ony of the IDUoFVing tlTVFgs to the /Wiest extent permitted by law: i) sublease, lease, sell, distribute, rent, permit concurrent use of or grant other rights in the Program; ii) provide use of the Program in a computer service business, network, time sharing or interactive cable television arrangement to users who are not properly licensed by ietForm; iii) transfer this license to use the Program except as set out above; iv) translate, reverse engineer, modify, adapt, create derivative works, decompile or disassemble any part of the Program; use the J-forms created using JetForm Design"' unless properly licensed under separate license from JetForm. Audit JetFarm may, at its expense, appoint an independent third party to audit no more than once annualy the number of copies of the Program used by Licensee. Any such audit shall be conducted during regular business hours at Licensees offices and shall not unreasonably interfere with Licensees business activities. If underpaid fees are in excess of five percent (5%), then Licensee shall pay such underpaid fees and JetForms reasonable costs of conducting the audit. 5. Basis of Bargain The limited warranty, exclusive remedies and limited liability set forth below are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between JetForm and Licensee. JetForm would not be able to provide the Program on an economic basis without such limitations. 6. Limited Warranty Upon receipt by ietForm from Licensee of the applicable license fees for the Program, Licensee is entitled to JetForms 60-Day free Warranty from the earlier of the date that licensee acquired Licensees copy of the Program or the date that Licensee first called JetForms customer support line in respect of the Program. If Licensee's Warranty has expired, Licensee may purchase software maintenance and support at JetForms then current rates, terms and conditions. During JetForms 60-Day Free Warranty, ietForm warrants that: (a) the media on which JetForm has supplied the Program are not defective and the Program is properly recorded on them; (b} any users manuals, whether in electronic or paper media, provided by Jetform with the Program are substantially complete; and (c) the Program functions substantially as described in the accompanying users manuals. Licensees sole remedy under this limited warranty is to return the Program for replacement within the warranty period, and if the problem persists following such replacement to require a full refund of license fees paid hereunder provided Licensee returns to JetForm all copies of the Program and related materials. ietForm shall have no responsibility for the Program and this warranty shall be void if the Program has been altered in any way, if the media has been damaged by accident, abuse or misapplication, a if the problem arises out of use of the Program in conjunction with software for which it is not intended to be used as set out in the user manual. ExCEVr AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS CLAUSE, THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LEU OF ALL OTIER wARRANTlES, CONDITIONS, UNDERTAKINGS OR TERMS EXPRESS OR RyPLIED, WRffTEN OR ORAL, INCLUDNG, BUT NOT LMffED TO, WARRANTIES OR CONDrnONS OF MERCHANTABILnY, FTFNESS FOR A PARTICIR.AR PURPOSE, AND THOSE ARISNG BY STATUTE OR FROM A COURSE OF DEALRJG, USAGE OR TRADE. JETFORM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE PROGRAM WILL BE ERROR FREE OR THAT ~~ P3d3 Page ~lve caf Five hritials: Rev. 9/00 E T F O f2 t41 L 1 C E N S E A G R E E M E N T ITS OPERATION Wkl BE INNTERaIATED. NO JETFORM AGENT, REPRESENTATIVE, OR OEALEN IS AUTHORIZED TO MODIfY, EXTEND OR ADD TO TENS WARRANTY ON BEFUIF of JFTFORM. THE WARRANTIES N THIS AGREEMENT GIVE LICENSEE SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. LICENSEE AMY MANE OTHER RIGHTS, WHKH YARY FROM IURISDICTION TO RmISDICTION. Limitation of Liability EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PRCAr10ED N SECTKxd 6, THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFOW.MMCE OF THE PROGRAM IS ASSUMED BY LICENSEE., UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, FORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, SHALL JETFORM HAVE ANY LIABQnY TO LICENSEE CIR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY fOR ANY LOSS OF REVENJE OR PROFR, LOST OR DAMAGED DATA, OR OTHER COMMERCIAL OR ECONOANC LOSS OR FOR ANY NORIECT, NCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQtENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF jETFORM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSS~IUTY OF SUCH DMMGES; NOR SHALL JETFORM'S AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES OR LICENSORS HAVE ANY SUQI LIABILITY. THE AIA%IMIXvI AGGREGATE LABILITY OF jETFORM AND ITS AGENTS, REPRESENMTNES AND LKENSORS N ANY CONNECTKNI WITH TENS AGI~FAFNi Oa THE PROGRAM, WHETHER N TdtT (INCLUDNG NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT OR OTHEfiMSE SHALL NO7 E%CEED THE LICENSE FEES PAS RY LICENSEE FOR 7'Ff COPY(IES) Of THE PROGRAM GOVERNED 8Y TENS LICENSE. THIS t1AITATION SHALL APPLY EVEN N TFE EVENT OF A FIFJDAMENTAL BREACH OR A BREACN OF THE FtNDAMENTAI TERMS Of THIS AGREEMENT. NOTHNG N TMS AGREEABdT SHALL REST'RKT JETFORM'S LNBRnY N A MANNER WHICH IS EXPRESSLY -ROINBITED NY STATUTE OR REGULATION. 8. Term The license granted under this Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated If Licensee wishes to terminate the license at arty time, it ma do so by ceasing alt use of the Program and related materials. JetForm may terminate the license due to UcerlseeS fablar to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement. Upon termination by Licensee or jetFOrm, Licensee agrees to return to JetForm all copies of the Program and related materials 9. US. Government End Users The Program (i) was developed exclusively at private expense; (R) is a trade secret of JetFartn for all purposes of the Freedom of N-formation Act; (iii) is'commercial computer software' subject to Rmlted utilization (Restricted Rights); and (iv), including all copies of the Program, in all respects is and shall remain proprietary to jetForm or its licensor. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government or any person or entity acting on its behalf is subject to restrictions for 3ofEwue developed exclusively at private expense as set forth in: (i) for Ehe DoD, the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DfAR3 252.227-7013 or any successor clause; and (ii) for aR government agencies, the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights clwse at FAR 52.227-19 or any successor clause. The U.S. Government must refrain from changing or removing any insignia or lettering from the Program or from producing copies of the Program and manuals (except one copy of the Program for backup purposes). Use of the Program shall be limited to the facility for which it is acquired All other U.S. Government personnel using the Program are hereby on notice that use of the Program is wbject to restrictions which are the same as, or similar to, those specified above. 10. Export Restrictions Licensee hereby agrees and confirms that Licensee is not a resident of, and this transaction is not nT any way connected with, any jurisdictions which are prohaTited by applicable law, including without limiting the foregoing, jurisdictions included under the Area Control List of the Exports and Imports Permit Act of Canada. Licensee agrees and confirms that this transaction is in full and complete tompliance with the laws of Licensees jurisdiction, and that Licensee shall not, in any mamer whatsoever, either remove, convey, export or transmit the Program from Licensees jurisdiction without the prior written consent of JetForm. 11. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law, and excluding that body of law applicable Eo choice of law and excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the hternational Sale of Goods, if applicable. Licensee agrees that the courts of such province constitute a convenient forum for any such litigation and Licensee attorns and submits tothe rwn-exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. This transaction is void whtrever such transaction is prohibited 12. Severability / No Purchase Order Terms If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from this Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary on any purchase osier or similar document, no terms, conditions or stipulations written on a purchase order or sRrlilar document will affect these license terms even if such purchase order or document is accepted by the receiving party 13. Publication Licensee consents to publication of its name by jetForm as an and user of the JetForm software and/or services in a factual listing of jetForm customers to be published within presentations, on trade show signs and on its Web site. jetForm will seek Licensees prior written authorization for use of LicenseeY name for promotional activities beyond the above- mentioned, which may include press releases and brochures. C AgagS:ktfmn Corparariat AI rigM1ts resersed ktForm u o registered trodemark md(rtFwm Centrd, /etforrn Cawd ho, Jetrorm Daigrt /etFarm farm Pdr ad'e-protases ~v ouomote <yar> dairetl'ae vadesnRrks ot/rKarm CorporaeAre Faxasta B om~islered tradertnrk orletForm GK LYNted Ptopkioll h areghteYM tradenwrk or PeapkSol4l~e ~'I r • r Fua6vI.0 ~~ ^s SITE PLAN FOR INSTALLATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL REVISED -MARCH 15, 2001 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Project Manager Phone Fax Email Physical Address Rita Hartman Joanne Dalka 407-327=5954 407-327-4753 rhartman@winterspringsfl.org jdalka@winterspringsfl.org 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Pre-Installation FORMUNIS is relying on the accuracy of the information provided to create a successful install for print output. FORMUNIS will create the laser output system design in advance of our site installation. Our installation schedule does not allow time for more than a few minor modifications. All modifications are billable and may require us to return to your site at your expense. Scope ' The live date for the accounts payable checks, payroll check, direct deposit and purchase order is October 1, 2001. The live date for utility billing is May 28, 2001. JetPorm will be installed and processing the MUNIS application data to designated printer(s). The forms will be personalized with organizational identity and printed as specifically designed. Platform Windows NT Printer(s) HP 8150DN HP 4050TN ~a o ~~ 2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Estimated Costs for Installation March 23, 2001 (revised) Page One JetForm Central ProT"' Software $ 4,500.00 Limited license restricted to output from the MUMS application software only. Inclccdes Munis integration and supporting software. FORMUNIS Standa-•d Forms Library 3,000.00 Package included nine standard forms: accounts payable checks, payroll check, direct deposit notification, purchase order, W-2, 1099M, 1099R accocmts receivable statement and accounts receivable invoice. Also included is one logo or seal. Custom modifications to any standard form will result in additional costs to be quoted after review of the modification. Additional Accounts Payable Check -Enterprise Fund 500.00 Custom Utility Bill (Estimated) 800.00 Actual cost to be billed upon completion of design. Custom Occupational License & Renewal (2 x $ 600.00/Ea -Estimated) 1,200.00 Actual cost to be billed upon completion of designs. Additional Signature for Occupational License & Renewal 150.00 Custom FORMUNIS Support (1 year) 2,500.00 Installation -Three Days 4,500.00 ($1,500.00 per day) Travel Expenses (Estimated) 1,500.00 Estimated costs for travel (air or vehicle), hotel accommodations, meals and expenses to travel to your location. Actual costs incurred to be billed upon completion of your installation. FORMUNIS Xpress Postal Software 2,995.00 Postal Software Extended Service Plan 2,195.00 Inc[ccdes destination delivery update every 6 (siz) months. FORMUNIS E-Purchase Order 6,000.00 This solution allows you to send pdf copies of purchase orders to finance, purchasing and the individual departments, instead of printing them to paper. This option is available only with the purchase of FORMUNIS In A Box. Included in this option are FORMUNIS Email, FORMUNIS Look-up and FORMUNIS Route and installation and training on the use of this product. Da^ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Estimated Costs for Installation March 23, 2001 (revised) Page Two FORMUNIS In A Box 2,099.00 Includes a HP Vectra VL400 Series Workstation. Workstation has NT, ethernet card, a modem and a monitor. The workstation comes preloaded with JetForm Central Pro, all your form designs, the related Job Management Data Base (JMD), Graphic User Interface (GUI) for your administration and control of printers and all [he service software required for MUNIS integration for seamless user processing and FORMUNIS remote support. Freight for FORMUNIS In A Box 100.00 Two PCMCIA Check Signing Systems ($ 1500.00/each) 3,000.00 Freight for the PCMCIA Check Signing System 75.00 One system for P/R on the 4050TN and one systems for A/P on the 8150DN. Additional PCMCIA Signature Card 150.00 Includes the same two signatures as original card. Additional signatures can be purchased at a cost of $ 150.00 each. # Print orders are subject to a 10% over or 10% underrun. Overruns on forms are billable to customer as applicable. C~ Estimated shipping costs, your actual freight costs may vary. Event Support -Sample prints and modifications from the original specifications will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification. Please note our solution is guaranteed to work with components and papers provided by FORMUNIS. In the event that additional work is required to configure components not supplied or installed by FORMUNIS an additional cost of $180.00/hour will be added to your installation costs for any necessary work required to incorporate products not provided by FORMUNIS. Please sign and date acknowledging you have read and agree to the terms and conditions for components not supplied by FORMUNIS. Name Date Liability -The cost for cancellation within seven working days to scheduled installation date is 1 000.00 in addition to any travel cancellation charges for scheduled travel. „~,~, Pricing is estimated based on the project scope as defined on March 15, 2001. ~,~p~ ~~ ~~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Estimated Costs for Installation March 23, 2001 (revised) Page Three ESTIMATED TOTAL COST** $ ** 35,264.00 **Cos[ includes estimated Travel Expenses. Actual Travel Expenses wi116e billed upon completion of your installation. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the estimated cost of installation. FORMUNIS needs to be advised of any changes to the material outlined. If necessary the estimated cost for installation will be reissued. Purchase Order Number ~.~ A copy of your purchase order should accompany this sheet. Signature C~ ~~ Please note: Your installation will be scheduled when a completed and signed site plan is returned to FORMUNIS. Installations are generally scheduled approximately three weeks after the return of the signed site plan. This sheet must be signed and received (prior to installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank you. ~~ ~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Applications: Contact Person: Live Date: Accounts Payable Check -General Fund Rita Hartman August 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description Laser prints account payable check with signature, MICR and Arabic numbers. FORMUNIS has received a sample of your check. The content of this form has been reviewed based on the spool data from MUNIS. The MUNIS form field names and form content will match. FORMUNIS will make changes to the organizational identity and bank information after reviewing the current check. A "tiff" electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your accounts payable check. Form Output Description Application Part(s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Accounts Payable -General Fund 1* HP 8150 DN 2 1 2 Green Laser Cut Sheet Check Stock When numbering your checks, how many digits will be used for the check number? ~OOCC~ Please note: Financial Institutions require a minimum of 6 digits. (Number beginning 100, 001 or more) *Check has two remittance sections, one on the middle section and one on the bottom section. Winter Springs wi/l tear of]`'the bottom section of the check for internal use. FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications .will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification. Signature ~~Z~'y~~~,-. Date J l ~~ t ~~~ This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-.774-0607. Thank you. ~~ ~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Applications Contact Person: Live Date: Accounts Payable Check -Enterprise Fund Rita Hartman August 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description Laser prints account payable check with signature, MICR and Arabic numbers. FORMUNIS has received a sample of your check. The content of this form has been reviewed based on the spool data from MUNIS. The MUNIS form field names and form content will match. FORMUNIS will make changes to the organizational identity and bank information after reviewing the current check. A "tiff' electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your accounts payable check. Form Output Description Application Part (s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Accounts Payable -Enterprise Fund 1* HP 8150 DN 2 1 2 Blue Laser Cut Sheet Check Stock When numbering your checks, how many digits will be used for the check number? ~OEx Please note: Financial Institutions require a minimum of 6 digits. (Number beginning 100, 001 or more). *Check has two remittance sections, one on the middle section and one on the bottom section. Winter Springs wi// tear of1`'the bottom section of the check for internal use. FORMUNIS requires that each of the form. installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification. / Signature ~ ~~'L~~/~,~ Date 3 l ~U This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank you. "',~ ~~ ~N.~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Application: Payroll Check Contact Person: Rita Hartman Live Date: October 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description Laser printing payroll checks with signature(s), MICR and Arabic numbers. FORMUNIS has received an example of your current payroll check and has reviewed its content. Based on the spool file data from MUNIS, the form field names and form content will match. We require verification of the bank name information and MICR changes that may be possible. A "tiff' electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your payroll check. Form Output Description Application Part(s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Payroll Check 1 HP 4050TN 2 1 2 Red Laser Cut Sheet Check Stock When numbering your checks, how many digits will be used for the check number? ?b?7D0 Please note: Financial Institutions require a minimum of 6 digits. (Number beginning 100, 001 or more) FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications. will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification. Signature c ~~~-- Date 3 ~ This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank you. ~tforrn ~N~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installations March 15, 2001 Form User Application: Contact Person: Live Date: Direct Deposit Notification Rita Hartman October 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description FORMUNIS will proceed by designing the direct deposit notification (a mirror of the payroll check). The words "non-negotiable" will be printed in the signature area. A "tiff" electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your direct deposit notification. Form Output Description Application Part (s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Direct Deposit Notification 1 HP 4050TN 2 1 None Customer Supplied FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification., Signature `'~ % Jl/~_ Date~~U ~ This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank you. 9 [br] 0 a "~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Application: Purchase Order Contact Person: Rita Hartman Live Date: August 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description FORMUNIS has received an example of your current purchase order and has reviewed its content. Based on the spool file data from MUNIS, the form field names and form content will match. We will require veriFcation of the number of parts, backer information and color sequence of parts printing. A "tiff' electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your purchase order. Form Output Description Application Part(s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Purchase Order 5 See Below See Below See Below 2 Customer Supplied Part Marginal Words Stock Color Input Tray Output Tray Printer One Vendor White 2 1 HP 4050 DN Duplex print backer on part one -Terms and Conditions. Two Receiving White 2 1 HP 4050 DN Three Finance PDF emailed to a specific static email address Four Department PDF emailed to an email address that is specified in the department location field. Five _ Purchasing PDF emailed to a specific static email address Purchase Order Notes: PDF distribution requires the purchase of FORMUNIS E-Purchase Order and FORMUNIS In a Box. Purchase order is to be signed by one person utilizing JetForm. Part Two: This part will have unique receiving information that needs to be added to the text of the document. Parts Three and Five: We suggest setting up two separate email addresses for the purpose of emailing these copies. The recipients are.going to get a separate email attachment {purchase order image) for every purchase order processed. ~~ ~N~ 10 City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Part Four: We will email an image to the addressed assigned by department location field. Winter Springs will need to supply a list of all employee/recipients by department location. The list should be an exportable text file and include the employee's full name, department location and email address. Because we will be creating a table, the information must be accurate and complete. Once the initial creation of the table is complete, you will be trained on how to keep the table current to reflect the addition and deletion of employees. After training is complete, you will be responsible for the timely maintenance of this table. FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification. / Signature~~i 1 ~, ~~ti~ Date ~ l ~~ v This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank you. ~~ ~~ City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Applications: Utility Bill Contact Person: Rita Hartman Live Date: May 28, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description Laser prints Utility Bill. FORMUNIS has received a sample of your Utility Bill. The content of this form has been reviewed based on the spool data from MUNIS. The MUNIS form field names and form content will match. FORMUNIS will make changes to the organizational identity information after reviewing the current utility bill. A "tiff' electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your utility bill. Form Output Description Application Utility Bill Part(s) 1 Printer HP 8150 DN Input tray(s) 2, 3, 4 Output tray(s) 1 Signatures None Stock White Laser Cut Sheet Stock with Remittance Envelope Note: Neopost equipment will be used to fold and insert this document. This equipment will need to be tested for use with this form design and stock. Bill design is undetermined. Winter Springs will consider adding a message function to the remittance printing on the envelope. FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications .will lie documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/modification. ~ ( f Signature ~~~, Q,tn Date -~ ~ 3~ 1. ~ l This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank ~~ ~~ 12 City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Applications: Contact Person: Live Date: Occupational License Rita Hartman June 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description Laser prints Occupational License. FORMUNIS has received a sample of your Occupational License. The content of this form has been reviewed based on the spool data from MUNIS. The MUNIS form field names and form content will match. FORMUNIS will make changes to the organizational identity information after reviewing the current Occupational License. A "tiff' electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your Occupational License. Form Output Description Application -Part(s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Occupational License 1 2 1 e 1 Customer Supplied FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications will be documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/rpcJdifi~ation. Signature /,~,~~~ Date ~ oZ~ 10' This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax transmission to Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank C4] ~.R l3 City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Form User Applications Contact Person: Live Date: Occupational License Renewal Rita Hartman June 1, 2001 Project Scope • Application Description Laser- prints Occupational License Renewal. FORMUNIS has received a sample of your Occupational License Renewal. The content of this form has been reviewed based on the spool data from MUNIS. The MUNIS form field names and form content will match. FORMUNIS will make changes to the organizational identity information after reviewing the current Occupational License Renewal. A "tiff' electronic file of your seal or organizational identity is required if this is going to be added to the design of your Occupational License Renewal. Form Output Description Application Part(s) Printer Input tray(s) Output tray(s) Signatures Stock Occupational License Renewal 1 2 1 None Customer Supplied FORMUNIS requires that each of the form installations outlined within the site plan be reviewed for their accuracy based on the information outlined. A signature indicates the acceptance of and agreement to the information .defined within the form application. Modifications from the original specifications will be. documented and are a chargeable service that will be billed at $90.00 per change/m9di~€~cation. Signature ~ .r n~,._.~ ~,11~x.C lD, Date ~- as - ~ ~ This sheet must be signed and received (prior to the installation). Please return via fax cransm;ssion co Joanne Lord at 207-774-0607. Thank i~ ^S 14 City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 FORMUNIS Support Plan Page One Support, Maintenance and Consulting The responsibility for the success of your print and output using the JetForm Central Pro software (for the limited license application) has been transferred from JetForm® Corporation to FORMUNIS. FORMUNIS support is a recommended purchase to support your installation. FORMUNIS will provide technical support for the components of the FORMUNIS software package, (including JetForm Central ProT"' software) the form designs along with providing consulting for future development. JetForm Corporation will not support the components associated with this installation for the limited license application. Requirement for Support Remote access via modem is required for support coverage under any of our support plans. With pcAnywhereT"', FORMUNIS supports and troubleshoots technical issues. Remote support is used for modifications and changes to the electronic forms. Custom Support Plan Custom support is intended for MUNIS customers who modify their own forms from the standard forms collection library offering using JetForm DesignT"', customers operating on the UNIX platform or customers using Formunis Postal Software. The Custom support plan provides telephone support (800 line) for two designated individuals within each organization from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST) Monday through Friday. , Included in your support are software upgrades to .the JetForm Central Pro and JetForm Design software .programs (version upgrades) (the support plan does not included upgrades to a full license of JetForm .Central Pro). Also included .in the support plan are form design upgrades of the standard form package (these upgrades are available at support renewal, once per year) and technical troubleshooting. D^D ~0 IS City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 FORMUNIS Support Plan Page Two Included in our support is business analysis, workflow planning and testing of custom form development. Separate fees apply for form design, product integration and training. This support does not include revisions or modifications required by the customer as a result of form design changes that take place in the normal course of business (see event support). Pricing is fixed on an annual basis and the contract is renewable on an annual basis. Design Support FORMUNIS provides design services for modifications to the installed designs. This service is for revisions or modifications required by the customer as a result of form design changes that take place (in the normal course of business) after the installation. Examples are: (but not limited to) modifications to job management, signature changes, bank changes and/or ADA modification, organization identity changes, software modifications by MUNIS (including field placement or size) and any graphic form changes that require a design change. Most of these events would normally render a preprinted form obsolete. Our service charge for electronically modifying the designs remotely is $ 90.00/event. Event Support For customers who do not subscribe to Premium or Custom Support, FORMUNIS offers Event Support. This support is structured on an event/incident basis. This service is billable at the rate of $180:00/per hour with aone-hour minimum charge for each event/incident. This support is intended for customers that require technical troubleshooting and assistance with their application. This support does not include revisions or modifications to any form designs, software upgrades or form design upgrades to any forms. Cba] 0 16 City of Winter Springs, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 FORMUNIS Support Plan Page Three Expanded Support FORMUNIS offers support to their customers from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST) Monday through Friday. For support requirements beyond these hours, FORMUNIS offers expanded support on the following basis: 1. The support is only available through prior arrangement with FORMUNIS staff during the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST) Monday through Friday. 2. -Support is billable at the rate of $180.00/hour with atwo-hour minimum charge ($360.00). 3. The service is intended for disaster recovery and emergency situations only and not intended for services that would normally be provided under the FORMUNIS Custom Support program. 4. FORMUNIS does not guarantee that this service is always available. We will do our best to accommodate individual needs are, staffing is available. PLEASE NOTE JetForm Corporation® requires customers to repurchase their software when the current version is outdated by three versions. In 1999, JetForm Corporation issued four version upgrades to the Central Pro software program. We anticipate that the same will be true in 2000. The cost to replace the JetForm Central ProT"' software exceeds the annual support renewal cost for the FORMUNIS Premium support plan. Support Exclusion FORMUNIS support programs do not cover the following occurrences: reinstallation of any software associated with the FORMUNIS electronic form application due to a disaster recovery circumstance or a required reinstallation for new equipment. We offer these services via remote access and these services are billable at a rate of $180.00/per hour. ~~ ~~ 17 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Customer Preparation for Installation The network system and laser printers that the JetForm Central® software will be installed and printing to must be set-up prior to our arrival. The laser printers must be able to print the MUNIS standard laser format forms to the designated network printers. The standard laser forms can be found as a choice in the MUNIS print application screens. FORMUNIS is not responsible for network problems, hardware problems or a customer's unfamiliarity with platforms. We will consult and troubleshoot these problems to the best of our ability but the ownership of the resolution is the responsibility of the customer. Please prepare ten data records of each form application being installed. Live test data must be available, as we require these files for the first day of installation for testing. Log on password(s) and permissions for FORMUNIS's installation and user testing need to be created before our arrival. We will require their use for the first day of the installation. Customer Discipline Preparation for Installation The project manager will be responsible for coordinating the users and the on site installation. The project manager and/or the IS professional who will be responsible for JetForm Central administration should shadow the FORMUNIS Installer at all times and make themselves available during the application installation period. They should also be present when we meet with each user. FORMUNIS will provide a sign off sheet on each project. FORMUNIS installation personnel have a very limited amount of time to manage the transfer of all the information on how JetForm Central works. Our responsibility to a successful installation is limited to the installation of JetForm Central software, printing the forms we've designed and JetForm Central's administration training. We can not be and. are not responsible for network problems with printers or platforms that result in problems and failure of our system to perform. [~ 0 ~g 18 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Installation Scope During the installatioc~, FORMUNIS will require access to a member of the IS department that has administrative rights to the system/network. This individual must have a good understanding of the system and must be available to consult with FORMUNIS during installation. The installation period allows for the software installation and the print output management. At installation time a checklist will be provided and signed by the project manager indicating that the installation and related training has been completed. Day two is spent training the users on supporting JetForm Central. After installation, we will make form revisions remotely (using pc ANYWHERE® software) and provide phone support. Installation Definition Two installation days are equal to a combined total of fifteen (15) or more hours. One day is completed after five hours. A full day is defined as any time over five hours worked. FORMUNIS is prepared to work extra hours (on items pertaining directly to the installation of the predetermined project scope) at no additional charge during this two-day period. The project manager also needs to be prepared for a late evening or consider assigning a specific person to stay into the evening in the event that unexpected problems occur during the first day causing more time for the install than normally necessary. Installation The first day will be the installation of JetForm CentralT"'' and the FORMUNIST"' form package. All users, the primary and secondary IS support person must be available on the morning for training. We will review the print buffer and how to handle security paper, clearing the paper and analyze how many surfaces printed Our training will provide support and education and you will be our first line of support before calling FORMUNIS. JetForm Central® training includes start up of JetForm Central, reloading Job Management Database (JMD), preparing files for remote support. Viewing and using the logs provided by JetForm, deleting print files after successful printing, how to check the JetForm error file, how to check if a printer is off line and checking all views of JetForm. This training should prepare the IS Administrator with a trouble shooting education to support issues related the JetForm Central application in the normal course of business. [b~ ^a ~~ 19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 Installation -Continued FORMUNIS support after installation requires access to your system in the event that an in depth diagnosis is necessary. The client should be prepared to provide FORMUNIS access and provide sample files such as error logs and print log files via e-mail. System administration for JetForm should include access to the system via the Internet. FORMUNIS will train on supporting remote form modifications. Sample prints and any modifications to the original project scope will be documented, are chargeable services and will be billed at $ 90.00 per change. Customer Preparation for FORMUNIS Xpress Postal Software Installation You should have the following items in place before we arrive at your site: a postal software workstation, postage meter and postal trays. Please be ready to provide the following information about the Local Bulk Mail Center you will be using: local postal representative's name and phone number. Additionally, you should know the location of your local mail center and what hours they will accept bulk mail. Day One: You must provide FORMUNIS uninterrupted access to the workstation on which the postal software will be installed. This is generally done after hours. Day Two: If access to the postal software workstation was not made available after hours on day one, you need to provide access in the morning on day two. Please prepare 500 data records for the Utility Bill. Day Three: Neopost representative should be on site during the morning of day three. Training on and testing of postal software will take place. Neopost equipment will be tested at this time. FORMUNIS's Departure The JetForm directory structure will supplied on CD-ROM within. two weeks of your installation. FORMUNIS (GBF Infosystems) warrants to the customer that the material, analysis, data, programs and services to be delivered and or rendered thereunder, will be of the kind and quality designated and will be performed by qualified personnel. FORMUNIS makes no other warranties, whether written or oral or implied, including without limitation warranty of fitness for the purpose of merchantability. ~fOr"= N_~YN~ 20 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Site Plan for Installation March 15, 2001 In no event shall FORMUNIS Infosystems be liable for special or consequential damages, either in contract or tort, whether or not the possibility of such damages has been disclosed to FORMUNIS in advance or could have been reasonably foreseen by FORMUNIS and in the event this limitation of damages is held unenforceable then the parties signed below agree that by reason of the difficulty in foreseeing possible damages all liability shall be limited to One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as liquidated damage and not as a penalty. This project plan is written for customer-signed approval with all the legal, disclosures, our obligations, checklists and timetable. FORMUNIS requires seven working days notification of a change in installation dates. The cost for cancellation within seven working days is $1,000.00 in addition to any travel cancellation charges. 2l c~~ ^~ ~I ~g