HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Power Corporation (1) -1961 03 15 .. ~ ? , . ' .'.. -. ~ .~. , . - 353,. 51 OffICIAt., . . . ' , . RECOROS"~ ,. IIlIlV AU." Dr TIIIBI ~Irm, 'l'bat. the ~1ped, 1D Cau1MnU-oiD or the .. or ODe DoUalr _ other ftluab1e C<lUi4era- , Uou, the :receipt. or vb1ch 11 henb1 ~, &J'lIQt.a.end CQD~ ~ J'UJaDA l"OWIR ~0If, it. INCceuon end ...~, the ; ~, prhtlep im4 euiF'lllt to~, os>eI'te IIld ~ ~ sucb perlocl or t. .. it ~ UN the ... or UIltU the \1M thereor 18 3baD4coed, & s1Dgle pole, 'H-hue ea1/or towr l1De tor the traDaI11J1tl~ aDd 41at.r1but1~ or eJ..ctridt.7, lacl\IIUQs nece..ary cCllllllQ1cati~ 5Dd other Vlfta,po1es, ~, lUlChora,' ~ CO!mee- tloaa, attacbment., 'nxture., equ1s-ent IlD4 ee~aor1.. desirable 1D COlUlleCtlCl1:1. therev1th O'ftr, \IPOD'ud acroaa the folloving described eUfllIeIlt areas located vith1D l8Dda la ~ole CouIlt7, State ot Florida, to vit: ~'ARBA "A" A 175-toot vide easement area tbrouslitbe tollov.l1llg described .land: ':." , . Lot 15, Block "C"; lot 15,' Bl~:;,~.;' D. R. Mitchell'. 8urw7 ot LeY;y ~l#j;~ . to plat thereot, recorded in ';~:~Book 1, Paee 5, Public JleCoM. or ~.~ Count7, norlda. ' , "}:;'~i ~, . '. . ~~:;:~~:~~:::. !WIHMmfr ARRA fB AiJ;',,- A 15Q-toot vide ~~at .rea t~_{~ described ~: .'tii~~:; Lota9~, 94, 95 lIDd 107, aDd ~~J' ~,.~,ot lote 92 md"l06 lying Vnt ~\~',.:,:;:" all ~ Block "D ,D. R. Mitchell ,"t. 'r .; f!II IAn)< Gr&u.t acc:orting to plat. ,....... }.~ in Plat Book 1, h6e 5, ~Uo '~, or _. . 8eIII1nole County; nOrida .. ..-:.': ::'. . ~. ,~ ~;)~' ~; ~ ); :.i~W\ :.' t: " ~ :b <.1\ ..'.0<..' r _\. \~ .",'.'..,.., . '. .... t . .t....... . . -f:.:: :;: . .... ',: \ . <7:';:(':~~/ .~ ;'. ~.. \ ,~. . ..)r'~:-1' .~. I -- . :'.;}~~::':. ~ ::., ~ . ~~.'..', .', ,.,,, .' " "~~'''~' ,r-::C:':~i::' ,~' '~, .,..d."::';': .:,...., . ~ '.~ ~.:r,..J;~.,:~.:,:;i~~... .'."_ :.;-~:.. ....~..r.. ,~ ;;':..' .'. '.. "'.-r~',,,,,,!: ....11.... ~I:',. ,. ','0:' ......~~."- ~.....,"\.~......'...~:';':'.....~::..~;::l.:. '. J.I ' t.:, 1'j;- ~" ~."' t\ Balli ,J"'-J 'ACE \If:, .i~ Of f IC.Al. ~;:; RECORDS ~'::;" t':: PACn:.......... AREA "C" '*1 ~& ~ A l25-foot Vide easetlcnt area throUCh the following!~ described land: " tot ~05 and that part of Lot 106 ly1ng East ot Moss Road, Block "D", 0. rl. Mitchell's Survey of Levy Grant , according to plat thereOf recorled 1n Plat Book 1, P~ 5, Public Records of , Seminole County, -Flor1da. Easement area "c" includes Grantee's existing 100-foot Vide easement area ~ North ot and contiguous to the North J.1ne or Block "A", North Orlando Ranches Section 1 according to plat thereof' recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 3, Public Records ot Seminole County, Florida; . 'l'OGZl.'HiR WITH an.additional 25-foot vide easement area lying North of and con- tiguous to the North line of' Crantee's so.1d J.00-1'oot wide easement area. ~ ARSA."D" . A 25-:foot vide easement area through the following describ.ed. land: tots 2 and 3,. Block "A", north OrIando Rl>..nches section 1, accordiTl8 to plat thereot' re- corded in Plat Book 12, Page 3, Public . Records of Seminole .County" Floridn. Easement Area .nn" proVides :for a 25- foot Vide easement area ly1.ng 1m- mediate1;y South of and. contiguous to the North llDe ot: said tots 2 and 3, Block "A", North Orlando Ranches Sec- tion ~ according to plat thereo~ recorMd in Plat Book 12, Page 3, Public Rifcol'lU ot 8em1nole County, Florida. ' -2- ' \ i - -- ; , . ,.... . . , ,," .~'" ~)1-,~~./:. .'j~j<.r .:. ',:>,J .: f.'~~:': I.' .;": ..~. . ". ~ .., . ..:. .~:-..,~y ':, .. - . . '., , .' .t ;. ,. '. , . _.353 NCl 53 ...., AMA ..... OffICIAL . RECORDS A 125-~ vide ..-......,.t ana ~ tile tol1.ov1as ~ 1u4: Lot 1.., Block "B". ucl that PoruClD of cna~'. ~~toot V14e riCbt- of-.... abolm ClD plat of. Jbrth Or1u4o Rulcbn .SectlClD 1 acClOl'd1as to plat tbereot ncord84 ill P'J.at Book 12, Pqe .3, PubUc ~ of 8IlI1Do1e CouDt7, P1or14a. ....t arM. "rl-tw-'nae. tbat portiClD - of ONDtee'. exut1Dg lOO-toot vide eu-t area ~ H.1d lot. 1, Block "B" ~ 1fortb0i'1aD4o RIIIcbea Sec- tiClD 1, aceor41ac, to plat tbeNot recorded in Plat Book'12, ,... 3, . Publ1c Ritcor4eOt, ....fno1,e Couat7, "P'l~; ~ VlTR'aD 8d41t10D&1. 25-t'Qot vide eU<<"eD1; area. ~ South of aod CClQtlg11OW1. to the South 11M of Gl'IIDtee' s said ,lOO-toot vide .......~t area. EA8IlHEifr ARM "I'" '- A 150-toot V1de eaaement area tbrclusb the tollowing described"l.aDd : That port1OQ otBlock "E", Borth Ck'lando RanchO, SeetlOD.,l, accoitiDs to plat, thereof recorded in Plat Book:12, h8e 3, PubUc Recorda of "-i..oa,~, . nor1da,. described aa toll.ova: i'~ 10 ,and 11 ot said Block '''B", '&Di:1 ~" exi.ting lOO-toot viae r16bt-of.~u ,hOlm OQ said plat of North Or~ Ilanebes Sec:t101l 1. _ . '. ,'"'~;; . '.':-.r: , "~t are. ......1IM:1\11l.. ~.. existing lOO-toOt v:l4e __'-'111:: ana ...,... ClD aa1d 'plat of Rorth Ck'1aD4o.~: 8ect.iOD 1; '1'OOImlER VI'maa acW.t1.oat.i:a;:';oot , vide e&lHllDlmt area tbro\ash.!4tli 10 &DIll, MilS 2S-toot viele- eueaeDt uM'~ 1forth of .m CClDt18uoua to the Borth .1.1De of OnDt8e', ex1lttng lOO-toOt viae ....-nt area. -3- , . ,.~. , r - . ';~,~Jj;., . ',,-'..'.' ." ~ .'. );,... /.. ',"~ i l.: " '. .. -. . ..' . . - .. ,.. -:.... -'-, "; :"C :;~"':.",:,.,,~1:"'~ ,:rf,'$". .~::",,:'\<~':; .,..., . \ .- - 1001 353 rl.~~ a4 Of f ICtAL ~~. AREA 'IGII RlCORDS It. lSO-foot vide easement area through tLe follov1ng - described land: Lot lll, Block "D", D. H. i.J.l.cnell's Survey of ~vy Gro.nt according t.o plAt thereot' record~ 1n Plat Book 1, Page 5, Publ1cRecords of Seminole County, Florlda. SUd l.;<l-toot vide eaaellMlnt area beg1ns at the East boundary llne of North OrUL~do ~lche5 Section 1 according to plat thereof recorded 1nPlnt Book 12, Page 3, PubUc Record& ot Seminole County, Florida, and'runs Southeasterly approx- 1matcly 200 f'eet extend1ng 15 feet on each slde of the center line ot Grantee ',s 'eXisting lOO-foot wide eaaement area. EASm~ AREA "i1" A 1"(5-foOt'Vide easement area through the follov1.ng described land: Lots lll, 119, 121, 135 and 143, Block "n", D. R. l.u.tchell's Survey of levy Gro.nt according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole COlmty, Florlda. Said 115-foot Vide easement !i\rea extends 81~ feet on each side of a center I1ne weier. runs in a Southerly, d1rection from a point 1n . the center line of Grantee's existing lOO-toot vide easement area. Said po1nt being app~tely 200 feet East of the EBat l1De ot North'Orlando Ranches Sec- tioo 1 accord1ng to. plnt thereof re- corded. in Plat Book 1.2, Page 3, Public Becorda ot: Sem1nole Count.y, Fl.or1da. Gra.:ltee ahallha.ve the right to Pa.trol, 1nspect, alter, il:lprove, repair,' rebuild or relIIOYIll su.ch lines, equ.1pment and accessories, including the right to increase or decreo.se tile nl.llllber of vires and voltage, together v1th all rights"8Dd p~iv11egell ~'~ODably neceasary or convenient ~or the eDJo1ment ~r Wle thereof for the purposes -4. . . . : i. .r "" ,j ..\ .''''-~.. ~ ."1'" I,. . ...~...~t:: ...: ...:..... .......':::.:'. :.~~"''-i'" .'~ "~'''. . ,1".;~:' . ~ t - 353 ,I.:r 55 OF F ICtAL . abaft anct1.be4, 1Dclu41ng the ri&bt to tr1Dl, CNt'~~ such tree., 1116. aIl4 ~ ~ ea14l1Dea, aDd all treea adJacent thereto that ~ ~r the proper' operatloa ~ the same, aDd 1nclu41Dg the reuODable r1pt to enter \IpOD a4J01n1Ds l.an4. or the gnmtor tor the purpose ot exerc1a1ag the ~t. bve1n ~ted. Rlpt-<>>r-va;y clear1ng 11 hveby reatricted to the easement aroa8 md to there.moval ot danger trees adJacent thereto. Grantor hereby ~a, that DO trees, other than citrus trees, and DO bu1ld1ngs, structures, or obstacles, other than fences, will be located or cooatruetedwith1n the boun~ ot 'aa.1d ell8el111lDt areas by the Grantor he~1D, ita successor. and assigns. The Grantor, h.ow:ver, ~lIerve8 the r1ght to use 8Id:4 e88eDlent areas for general t'arming, citrus grove, or pasture ~es. The Grantor covenants that itoOhas the r18bt to convey the said easement and that the Grantee, ita Guccea.ora and assigns 8I::J.11 have quiet lU1d pel1C~ful possession, use and eD,1oyBeDt of said easen:ent. nr WlTNBSS WHEREOF, the, said Grantor. hlUI caused these presents to be signed in its nalIIe by ita President, and its corporate seal to be af'r1xed, attested by its Secretary, Tohts /~-r+- ds,y ot' ~~L . A.D. 1961. ' Signed, sealed and delivered tn presence of: . .i 6 LVf\--L~ By . ...rll.)'f~~~'~ LY/~~{ /'... ~ / to, . At".t'Ii,-~-~n~ ~ k",~ ~I""~ .1 I. ( . -5- <', .,' ." .;>~.~, - ';;1;, ._ __. ,.r.. ,--,- ,-(. . . . - . . . BOlli 353 PACE ' aG ) Off ICfAL .. R[CORDS. . ) S!l. COU!rrY OF d.. -r ~ <c ~( ~~. .. - f. , -t.:.- I ',;.;H,':E\Y Ct:RTIFY tl'.-lt. on t' 1:; ..~ .:~'lY ')f ".:- . A. D~ l~~l. before,.~'7&OQ~~ appeared hL~" .('~ c'( , -- - .~ ~ _j~::_:::...(....~ /\.1 /~of('{t ~ , respectively ______ J>:ocs1de:1t. 't.n:! Secreta.ry of NORTil ORLAHOC' .:et.:PANY, :l ~orpor!.l.~.16:'1 ~f ! :;e :it':l1.:'-~ ~,-,.,::,;..t c{ -. , to I~.e b10vn to be ~.i~~ :-:ersons 'lcr.c::-lbc j 1:'1 anrt IoIho execute1 the foregolne instrument toe t;.e FLlJ:{DA POif~ CORPORATIOn and. severally aCY~'lolollede;ed -:i:e cxc.::utlcn t';erco1' to be their free net 'l.Dd deed as such officers, for t.:;e use& '..n~ purposes therein tlentioned; ;mrt that they :~fnlCe'.1 t::ereto the offici"ll sel1l of ,said corporation, and ti:e caid icstruzent. is' ti:e act. a..'ld tleed of' said corporation. ~ m:I signature and o1'fic1al se::i.l. 1n s..l.11. Co~t). and. ./ , State t:le day and year last aforesalu. (;IOTA!UAL SeAL) . l_~~(.. .~ /.:~:~ , Notary Public MIIl\A II. Ul.!TTA. "'*17 "'_110 In or.d ro' II'. Sr.,. 01 ..... '1'..., Ny Coat:1isslon Expire.: fatc*.tlJ! 1ft C"-Ollt-" r.au~I, fI_ l:.U "'~Ea~" NIl. JO.1" I Q , STATE or NEW YORIC,'-:.=}ss. I. NATHANIEL Y. EUlon. am. of u. c~., ~........ Cllaataaqua eoutJ ClIft.. CMIa' of die Ilupnme Cowt aJld Cowlty COIIrt of ..w ~. die _ ~ c- ., . . ". .....dollllnbyeonllyta&t......~~~:._~l".......~~&i,.... i '\ ' . . - .... - it ~ to tU die ....... eeb.D."da_.tt" ....ric. of .' '. .dIe...... ~t" Ul4 u.- _ 1& eM .... of takIroa ~ ~ . ~ '. ..eb I~t w....Ylt" .. NOTARY PUBLIC......... aU4 CcMiIItJ. rhioriIioIc '- - ... ..'... Oowlty" e '-'1.... ... -. ....~ .......... to'... u.. _ - AM ...... the& I ... .....u -......W wWl die w.1do. '" ....... NOTARY" - ...: \ , r - = ...... that thlllcutuft '" ..w ~ .. ~"'n...~ ar ... '. . -' 4& II ...IIIM, ..... Qat ... ~ '" u.. ... '" ... otary II 1104 ~ It)' ~ ..., ..... to......1a w. dot. " - . AM fwtW. that eaId ~t 10 ~ ..... acbowttd~ ~ to ... . . Ia.. of tb I\eatlt of New YorIt. . . fN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I ....... ........to 1ft ~!laM ..... eIbod u.1Ml , , . . of....wc-tUldC7t)'.tM . ..", .' . "d.. dayot . .' .. . .. \, N'! 12069 .......)>I4...<~t... ... A.D''''~ \ ' ~~., ..............,::....' .~.. . ClIft .. ...... ... ~ .. . . .. , ... -. - - - - - - - - - - ..., -... - - - ~ . ~-- - - '- - - .... - '. - .. -.. -.. - _.. - - - .. - .... -.... -.. -.. -.. -.... --.. - -.. - ......- ,