HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Data Bank, Inc. -1996 04 2601131/1996 05:2' 40'4222774 ~ FDB LIT SUPPORT ~- :.J- CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT FLORIDA DATA BANK, Inc. 200 Avenue B Northwest Post Office Box 7378 Winter Haven, FL 33881 941-297-3691 941-293-5765 fax PAGE 02 This CONSULTING .SERVICES AGREEMi:NT (the "Agreement") is made as of this day of August, 1996, by and between FLORIDA DATA BANK, Inc.,. a Florida corporation ("FpB"), and'fFiE CITY OF WINTE SPRINGS (the "Client"). For valuable consideration and the mutual covenants set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. erv ces and g ifications. FDB agrees to use its best efforts, skill, experience, and knowledge in pe rming da co ectran, data analysrs and development of a records management plan {the "SeNices") set forth on Exhibit "A" attached in accordance with the Specifications set forth on Exhibit "A" attached, 2. Pa ment. For all Services performed, Client agrees to pay those fees and expenses set forth on Exhibit nA attached. All charges are due upon receipt of invoice and, if not paid within fifteen (15) days thereafter, shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. fn the event that FDB must initiate litigation to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to an additional award of attorney's fees and court costs. 3. Confide ttlail FDB represents and agrees that the. informs#ion provided to FDB by Client in connection with t e Serv ces shell be maintained by FDB in strict confidence and not revealed to others, except upon the prior written consent of Client. 4. Warran Client agrees that the soleand exclusive warranty of FDB shall be to provide a work product that is usable as a records management plan for the Client. If the work product is not delivered by FDB, FDB's sole obiiga#ion will be to re-wr-te, or to correct any errors or omissions and/or re- process the applicable work product at FDB's own expense. FDB shall not be liable to Client for any loss or injury whatsoever to the information delivered by Client, unless such lass or injury results from the failure by FDB to exercise such care with r®gard to such information as a reasonably careful person would exercise under like circumstances. in the event the loss or injury results from the failure of FDB to exercise such care, the liability of FDB to Client shall be strictly limited to amounts not exceeding $0.15 per document page. If Client delivers to FDB any documents valued in excess of these limits, Client warrants and represents that Client has secured its own insurance in the amount adequate to insure the documents against loss or injury however caused. IN NO EVENT SHALL FDB BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY FDB HEREUNDER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS OR DATA, LOSS OF OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, EVEN IF FDB HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SAME. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE. 5. nti Are Thls Agreement represents the entire understanding of the parties and no oral representations y B or any empbyees or agents of FDB shall be part of this Agreement. No alteration, amendment, or additions shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties. EXECUTED as of the date first written above. THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By its "Client" FLORIDA DATA BANK, INC. By Its Ghlef Financial Officer "FDB" .._ _ 01131/1996 05:27 4074222.774 FDS LIT SUPPORT 03,'14/159~ t~9:25 94129367b5 F>aa iNe w ~~ A P.O. ,1lkuS'f3'~8 'tNtttler Hs~ea, 1'7odda 33883737E 941-l9'!til" 891 ~a~c 941-R93-0765 April 28, 1996 Mr. l~onatd W. ilAclemore City Mpneg~sr City d Winter Sprinya 1 t28 fast 3.R. 4.34 M/intet 5~~, FI. X708 Faxed tQ: (~iO7) 327.6912 peer Mr. Mcl.emore, :. ~~ PAGE 03 PAGE B2 Thank you for this. opportunity to propose devolopment of a comprehensiv® rac:ords rnanagernent plan far the City afi IMlnter ~rinps. enjoyed meeting and talking with you and th4 r staff rr>ennb®rs, end am very e~ccited about the pvssibillties of helping you develop a piers far the City.. l must say, t am very impressed with the Seminar you conducted for the~City Glerk land I am very pleased that you Invited rrw to attend: I'm sure the benefits of ihAt meeting will be visible for many years to come. .There is ns~ question in my mind: that a great deal ran be acxomplished towards streamlining and economizing records managslment functions, l'~re listed speck gaale that roe teamed aver the years address the koy results a comprehdnsive recorcls program should achieve: 1. re~tplrltivrti and dispoeifsan at records. in accardanvs with. alt. state and federal rvquirementa; . 2. managernealt access to both active and Inadive records in an avaXate and timely talshion (ta include a flir>g sysfem and consideration of imaging polenti>all~; 3. retention of aN records under avcurp- conditions, proventirp unauthorized access by both employees and third parties; 4, protection of all records from physical. calamity and decay; 5. prevision for .the timely destruction of records at the end of their retention period in a secure manner;. 8. conversion of ion fl term retention records to microfilm; .. The integrxeed App~xoach to xn£otrnation Management Albany -.gdanta - Baltimore • Bouon • Chlca~o • CJnclnriat! • JJU11at • Driver I-llartioxd - ~owtaa - :Kaneaa Ciq - l;.a~ AstBele~- • New Yrts~k City - OaklamVF.aet Bay Orar~a County. -Orlando - P'hlladelphia . l~hornix • Pxovidence • 9acramenty • San Diegn San Fxancfaco -San Jose -'ahmpa - Warhia8cori D.C. - Wilrniarto+A .~ ~XN-/ ~ 1 7 ~ ~ p a~ e. I o ~ .. --P 01f31/1996 05:27 4074222774 FDB LIT SUPPORT 0$f 1 df'1 °96 09:15 9412936'155 FDB INC r , G 7, provision for disaster recovery; artd .. PAGE 04 PAGE 83 8. achievement of these goatsf in tho mast cost-eff~+ent manner available. t do not mean to imply that many of these goals are not being. addrsaod now, t merely mean that a plan ssFrould exist and that th8 plan sftould, address thear areas. Gamplete implementation of these goals !s a long process. lNy role as a oorisultant will bb to describe the. steps in priority order to achieve en initial pattial implementation, together with ongoing technicawt assist~dt to actaeve s .complete impilennentation within .the three .year deadlint you have established as a Qvai. Far instance, a tul! disaster recovery. pieun wN) r'ec~iro a specialized cyiting p .tor d~ prvcossMQ end voice ~~+"!+' ,end another ter business recovery, if you goose that routs. HovMever, vita! reccarrds protection is within the scups of my irlltiat proposed report. 1 propose to spend approximately two working days on alts. C4It8Cting date, sampling key r~scord oallectlons and interviewing key personnei. !will requiro s staff member Math days to ossist rrrs with. lagistks. prior to data coNectirsn 1'li` discuss ioyistiG requirerr-e~lts with the assigned steffinember. I'll also provkle that staNff mornber with a lid of infom~itlon ! believe is best collected by in-hous+a personnel. May 1 sugges# the a~propriat~e atafF member is the City Cleric, Margo M. Hopkins. 1'll raquiro appraximatoly three to fput weirkr3 to review the date and write the plan. The plan will describe in detail steps to be teteon to ed~ieve aM eight is +described above. Included will bs `spec>fic reoommendatians and where approprinta, bid apecifiaations fcr implsfr+~tation. i believe my Y-throe ysetr8 experivrioe working with F~dB Public Records (to Indude worker with six Fkxtida S.rxgtaries of Stl~te in the ~ecorda~ Program) wiN pr~+ide you an exceptianel pradupt. Not only am I able !o write tt~e plan, but unlike mast consultants, !will net then disappear ur-t+e-ss you want me to. My .company. is able ~ assist with toll implementatlon, providing i consisty in the pragrom. ff you allow me, i .will transform the records pnsgrnm toe the City of Vtfintsr Springs into a state of tlha ort, model program that will be tt>o envy of every munidpality in Florida, Your ability to provide services' tp yrwr Clients will dramptically improve.. t-t the tune, in house user satisfaction wilt tae ~mp~. Perhaps you would Mica to discuss my pertermsnce with existing slants. City Eierarlc 3ystern, lcey West, is well into the imptarrwntatian ref a similar plan t've written br them. That agency claims. a cost avoidance of ;~"135,t~Q.QO in just on6t arm ~ a result at my recammendvtions. T'he contact prop is iVls. Susy Pita, Records iManagernerrt lf~avn bfltcmr, (~05) 295-1023. 2 O"a ,~.T? 1 n'. 1? 77 ^?:A n. ]- 1 q-n_,F Q ~ ^)a OT;f P f1 01/31/1996 05:27 4074222774 FDB LIT.. SUPPORT PuGE 05 08f`1d11535 m5: I5 9a12335'65 FDB INC PaGE 0a 3 Florida Data Bank manages the recotda of Polk County Sc~rool gcard tc includo Q1f-sitar stsx~ge, rotrieval, ~fea marla~rrwr+t, Ccmputcr O~p~d Microfilm, 1&nm and 35mm source dvrxtment filming and indexing, optimal scanning, system desigr~, type r+atetion, v~sti reQOrds protedl~ and. a wid+i rang4 of cprwuitinp services. Y11e have croat~td elec~onic images thAt pravkle OCR search ra~biiitiest for their iu3nutes ~nriea. We have microl"ilmed over five million ima~rs~and processed thoua~ands of cubic feet of records for thorn during our tour: yrat' relat~or~ship. ~Y htwe also reoerttly engaged me under a aorwultin6 cor-#racc~t to write ~eciticatia~s for #heir main frarr» cotr~auter Wis. My e-xpoKise is very bred. The contact person i8 Mr. IAtord H. Hurs#, Assistant Superirrtend~snt, ~?ivision t~f Technological Services, ('~i+4'1) 334 0663. Ttte diem Cva done the worst job for is the City of Edgewater.. The City Cleric, Susan ,f. Wadsworth ~ tsti' yvu how wa ~xre~ our nastskes: (90e) 42424Q0. ff you would like addi#ional e~ftrrenc~, smd I have many In all are®s of FltXido~ Public Revords mono f,~twrft, please tolephone me at' tfMr I~ef't'taad talaphone nurnbor, exterbian 3G2. 1 took forward to hearing from you.. My t~^~ i.. ror: s~rrice ~ ~3,>ii~o.oo lncluslrr•, Sincerely, s~.w ~. t.ewis Vice-Pres+dent - Govemmerrt Sector 3 ~X hEft~31 T '~+{ Jaay ~ 3 p ~' 3 „r __ " ~3' iev,.T-~ .. , -, _. 0ii 31i '15`36 ~]5: 27 4074222774 ~' 3032 Mercy Drive Orlando, Florida 32808 Phone: 407/$22-8199 fax; 407l5Z2.8481 F~uC *__ FDB LIT SUPPORT PAGE 01 ~~~ AU6 1 519% CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS To: Mr. Ronald McLemore From: Harry V. Dunkhn City Manager Fain 407/327-6912 Paces: 5, including this cover Pftor>e~ Date: August 15, 199$ Rs: Co~tsuidng Agreement CC: ^ Urg•nt ^ For Review ^ Pleas C~+m~rt:en# ^ Please Reply ^ Ploa!* Recycle Mr. McLert~onp: have attached the standard consulting agreement fix Florida Data Bank, along with Exhibit "A°, ~whEch oudinas tha scope of the proJed. Please execute the agreement and mall rt to Jane Donalsan at P.O. Box 7378, Winter Hav~rt, .Florida 33883, If you have any questions, lease feel free to caN me direclty. Thank you. pprl x,,~ ~,~7=?^'J ~'7 $, ~~~_ ~ S-QF----~?~ oEL_F3R _:._ -_-Prl FAX TRANSMISSION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708-2799 .(407) 327- 1800 Fnx: (407) 327-691 2 To: FRANK KRUPPENBACHER Faa #: 426-7767 From: MARGO M. HOPKINS, CITY CLERK Subject: CONSULTING AGREEMENT COMMENTS: FRANTIC: Date: August 16, 1996 Pages: 5, including this cover sheet. PLEASE REVIEW FOR MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. THANK YOU MARGO