HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Eagle Community Association Dedication Agreement -1995 05 22
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1. Parties.
The parties to this Dedication Agreement are:
A. The City of winter Springs, Florida, a municipal
corporation not for profit, its present and past officers,
officials, employees and agents, hereinafter collectively referred
to as "the City";
Association, Inc., a Florida
corporation not for profit, its present and past 'officers,
directors, employees and agents, hereinafter collectively referred
to as "the Association";
C. Florida Country Clubs, Inc., a Florida corporation,
d/b/a Tuscawilla Country Club, its present and past officers,
directors, employees and agents, hereinafter collectively referred
to as "FCCI"; and
D. The Haylyn Development Corporation, a Florida
corporation, its present and past officers, directors, employees
and agents, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Haylyn".
2 . Background.
The parties have a longstanding dispute over the care,
maintenance and entitlement to use a certain stormwater drainage
system (hereinafter "the drainage system") consisting of two
certain ponds on FCCI's property and various ingoing and outgoing
pipes to and from the ponds and the four Glen Eagle subdivisions.
FCCI's ponds are described more fully in Exhibit "A", which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The dispute
arises from a certain Declaration of Overflow and Drainage Easement
recorded at O.R. Book 1892, Page 0010, et seq., of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida, and attached hereto as Exhibit
"B", and events that have occurred since the recording of that
3. The Agreement.
In exchange for the consideration referred to in Paragraph 4
below, receipt of which is acknowledged by the signatures of the
parties subscribed herein, the parties have resolved all of their
differences concerning the drainage system, its care, maintenance
and use.
It is the express intent of this Dedication Agreement
that the drainage system will be dedicated for public use as a
stormwater drainage facility to be maintained henceforth by the
Further all rights and privileges and liabilities and
obligations in Declaration of Overflow and Drainage Easement
recorded at O.R. Book 1892, Page 0010, et ~, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida, as such pertain to the
Association and/or Haylyn shall hereafter be null and void and of
no force and effect.
4. Consideration.
The parties have entered into and agreed to be bound by this
The parties agree that the consideration set forth
below is good and valuable and sufficient to support this
A. The City agrees to maintain the drainage system
described in attached Exhibit "c" ("Drainage/System") prospectively
from the date of this Agreement.
The City further agrees to accept
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now the dedication of said Drainage Retention System for the public
use as a stormwater management facility, upon the execution of this
Agreement, the Settlement Agreement and General Release entered
into by the Association, FCCI and Haylyn.
B. FCCI (joined by James R. Mikes, indi vidually, )
agrees to grant easements and dedicate the Drainage/Retention
System on the restored property to the City for public use as a
stormwater management facility. A copy of that certain Dedication
of Drainage & Retention Easements is attached hereto as Exhibit "D"
and incorporated herein by reference.
C. The Association and Haylyn agree that any interests
each may have in these drainage and retention easements shall be
dedicated to the public as set forth in the certain Dedication
atached hereto as Exhibit "D".
5. Necessary Documents.
The parties agree to cooperate with each other and to execute
all additional documents necessary to effect the ends set forth in
this Dedication Agreement.
FLORIDA, a municipal
corporation not for profit
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May 15, 1995
a Florida corporation not for
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a Florida corporation,
d/b/a Tuscawilla Co try
a Florida corporation
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Title: \J,. ~...-
Rvsd, 9/21/87 - 3:00 P;-.t - I
SU62E 9/21/87 TUSe. GOLf-" IIX7315.0005
DR:\IN,\GE E..\SD1E:-\T 11"2.
Begih ot the inters€:ction of lI'e Westerly Ri<J11!.of.\\lJy I:ne of
Grecnbri<lr Lone (GO' R/W) ;lnd tl1e Southerly lil~e of BRAE WICK AT
TUSCAWILU\. PHASE I, 05 recorded in PI,1l [look 37, P;l<JC 53 t!HouQl1
SI\ 01 the Public RL!cords 01 Scminole Cou:1ly. Florld:l. run
S 52019'21\" E ;llong ;l rodial lirw ;11\0 ,110n0 ~;lid Southerly line ler :1
di::.tonce or GO.OO leet to ;l point on :I Cl1l\'l~ conc.:\vc Sou:llC:lsterly
hoving <l rJdil1S 01 5GG.89 fect: tl1cnce run SOlltl\\,,'c::.tcrly along till'
arc or said curve througl1 0 centrol Jngle of 12"55'39" for J (:I~;t.1:1Cl~
01 127.91 leel: thence run S 87.'37'08" r: (or .1 di:;t;1nce or ::;,l.2G
leet; thence run S 35033'46" r: for J di~;t,1nC0 of 1132.3,: fcct:
thence run S 230113'52" E for J disl:H1ce of 502.33 fl'el: :hence run
S 71054'46" W for i..l disl;lnce 01 1 (,i'1.0 1 f(~ct: t1\(~nce run
S 0,1017'52" W for 0 distonce of 22.00 feet \0 il10 POlllt ot
Beginning 01 tl1e fol!owinq described pJ.cd of IJnd:
Thence conlinue S 01\017'52"W for J dlS:Jnce of liS.": feL'1: iI1en("'~
run S 39028'43" E for;] distJnce c( 722.':~ (cet: ll1or~Cl? r.;:1
S 73012'02" E for :l dis:~H~CC "f 2:::3.0:- fcct. :11er~C() fun
N 85020'31" E for :l di:;t:lnce 01 ':02.56 lr-': t!1l!n;::e rUil
S 89035'29" E for :1 dislance 01 i35.38 kL,. :!\(.!nce 1\:11
N 63011'33" E lor ;,) dist~nce of 1130.55 leet: il1enC8 run
S 5~000'08" E for ;l CislJl1ce cl ~96.7,: ~c.:G:: ::\(,;r,ce rl::~
S .n057'50" E for ~ ciisl;1ncc of 183.81 {ce\. :I\Cl1C0 run
S 0805R'SG" E for ~ dl~;lol1ce of 93.~G fee:: t!lcncc.! run
S 53046'20" E for J cistonce of 79.7.; fecl: i!\encc rl;11
S 06015'50" W lor.:'\ diSI,1l1-::C I)f 30.00 fIle\. lIlenee run
S 830...4'0200 E for ::1 diSlonce 01 115.35 Ice:: lIlcncc.! run
N 00009'16" E lor ::1 dist3nce 01 329.20 krll t11enC0 run
N 510I\7"~2" VIi for 0 disl~nce .;1 i88.50 fc?et: \l1011ce S 85' 1 "i'::'G" \V
lor :1 distance of 176.9S fecI: Ihence run N GO'03'58" \V ler J
distJr1ce of 1 ~5.,~,1 leel: thence rlJl1 S G3" 11 '33" W for :1 cist:1n.:e Of
223.53.fe8t: thence run S S5c2C'31" \V for :1 01::1,1I1CC of 550.06 fCI'::
thence run N 73"12'02" \V fer J cist:;nc.' ul 266.79 fcet: tl\ence run
N 09"1,1'17" W for ::1 (ilst;;nce o! 37933 feel: t11encc.? run
N 66005'20" \,V for;) dist::lncc of 3li9.77 feet; 1I1el1ce n:n
N 17"08'59" V"; for J disLJr1CC of 5686 leet: tl1encc run N ~i50': 2'03"
W lor 0 diSIJncc 01 65.00 10 the Poin: cot GCC;;l1nlnu.
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\\,: l!.:..';;,~:;.:. r,': '.:.. .~.;:tkCLARATION OF OVERFLOW AND DRAINAG!:: EASE!-I.ENTS
THIS DECLARATION is made and entered into_as of the 28th day~
F1ori~a corporation (hereinafter called "Developcr"), which f
declares hereby that the "Easement Property" hereinafter :~
described in this Declaration is and shall be held, transferred,~
sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the easements, charges an~
liens hereinafter set forth. !-
WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the followi~g cescr.bed
real ~roperty situate, lying and being in Semi~ole County,
Florida, to-wit:
As set forth in Exhibit "A" att~chcd
hereto and made a part herecf
(Said described real property is hereinafter
referred to as "E~scment Property.")
'WHEREAS, as used in this Declar~tion, fhe term "Owner" shall
mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more per~ons
or ~ntities, of the fee sim91e title to the Easement Property.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideraticn of the sum of One Dollar
($1.00) and other good and valuable cc~siderations and the mutual
covenants and promises of the parties ..-:reto, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledgec by the partie3
hereto, it is ~hereupon understood and agreed as (olloW3:
1. That all of the foregoing recilals contained in this
agreement are true and correct and are incorporated herein in
2. Developer hereby grants, declares and establishes for
the benefit of certain real properties adjacent to the Easement
Property (the "Adjacent Property") owned by Developer, or by the
successors in title to Developer, non-exclusive easements for
ingress, egress, access, use, construction, maintenance, repair,
cleaning out of, and replaceme~t of storm sewer drainage lines,
detention-retention ponds, and storm sewer system and flow of
storm water or drainage, on, over, across, under and through the
Easement property.
It is understood and agreed that nothing in chis ea~cment ,~
established by Developer under the terms of this Par3graph "2" ~~
shall be construed to prevent Owner or its successors in interest'
from the full use and enjoyment of the Easement Property for allY ~
purpose whatsoever. ~
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Exhibit B Page 1 of 14
Settlement Agreement and General Release
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3. Developer agrees thdt in connection \~ith lts development
of the Adjacent Property, (i) that all materials to be furnished
and work to be performed on the Easement Property shall ba ~
performed in accordance with all governmental requirements, (iihS
to pay all costs for all ~a~e:ials a~d ~~:k to be perfor~ed on ;
the E~sement Property in connection with the constructicn and ~.
installation, maintenance, repair and repl~~ement ~f ~ storm ~
sewer drainage line or lines, for the benefit of the Adjacent ~,
Property, (iiif to save and hold harmless Owner from any and al~
costs, expenses, damages and claims arising OLt of or in
connection with any and all materials furnished and work
performed by Developer on the Easement Property, and (iv) to
provide Owner evidence of liability insurance covera~e reasonably
acceptable to Owner as to such work to be performed by Developer
on the Easement Property.
4. After the development of the Easement Property and the
installation and construction of storm sewer drain line or lin~s,
detention-retention ponds, and system in the E3~ement Properly
for the benefit of the Adjacent Prcperty, Developer agrees to
maintain said storm sawer draina~e line or lineu, within the
Easement Property, and to pay all costs and expense~ in
connection therewith. Except as otherwise provided herein. Owner
shall continue to maintain the Ease~ent Property, with the
exception of the storm sewer drainage line or lines. detcntion-
retention ponds and system.
Should Developer fail to ~aintain said storm sewer
drainage line or lines, constructed and installed cn said
Easement Property, after reasonable n. ice of such failure frem
Owner, then Owner may maintain said storm sewer ~raina~e line cr
lines, constructed and installe~ cn said Easement Property, and
in such event Owner shall pay all costs and expense3 in
connection therewith: however Develorcr agrees to reimburse Owrer
all of such reasonable costs and expenses paid by Owner In
connect!Qn therewith, upon receipt by Developer (rom Owner o( a
statement or statements therefor. Owner 3h~11 be entitled to In\
intere~t per annum on any said amount(s) not paid by D~vclQper
within 30 days of Developer's receipt of said statement or
statements (but in no event shall the interest rate cxcped the
amount allowed by law). In addition, ~ny easement granted herein
for which said amount(s) have not been paid shall .111tcmatical\y
te:minate in the event any said amount(s) .1S to ~hat particular
easement are not paid within 90 days of DCvcloPQr's receipt of
said statempnt or st~tements.
5. Developer agrees that Deve:oper will, in connection with
the construction ana ir.stallation of, maintenance of, repair of
and replacement of the storm sewer drainage line or lines, or the
construction and installation of, repair of ~nd replacement of
detention-retention ponds and system on the Ea~ement Property, to
promptly repair any damage to the Easement Property and restor~
same to the condition existing before any said construction,
installation, repair, :eplacement or maintenance, including but
not limited to rep~irs to paving and landscaping.
6. It is understood and .:lgreed that the term, "Owner" sh.:lll
mean the owner of the Easement Propertj. Each time the title to
said E...sement Property is transferred, the transferor shall be ",
relieved of all further liability and obligations hereunder ~.
occurring after the transfer of title: however any owner of the ~
Easement Property shall be liable for all oblig.:ltion~ hereunder ;:.:,
during any such ownership. It is further understood and agreed n
that th~ term, "DeYelop~r" shall mean Developer, or its ~
successors or assigns. Simultaneously with the assignm~nt by ,-
Winter Springs Development Corpor.:1tion of its rights and
obligationo hereunder, Winter Springs Development Corporation
sh~ll be relieved of all further liability and obligationR
her~under, or in the event of a partial assignment, Winter
Springs shall be relieved of all further liability and
obligations with respect to the rights and obligations hereunder
~o assigned.
7. As used in this Agreement any reference to lhe
abandonment or discontinuance of use of the stor~ sewer dr~inage
line or lines, detention-retention ponds and 3ystcm shall me~n at
least six (6) months of continuous non-use by Developer. In the
event the use of the storm sewer drainage linp. or line~,
detention-retention pones and system or a portion thereof is
abandoned or discontinu~d, Owner may furnish ~o days prior
written notice of said ab.:lnccnment or discontinuan~e to
Develcper, with said 60 day period to ~P. me.:lsured frcm the
receipt of said notice by Developer. If Developer fails to
object to said notice within said 60 Jay p~riod, (i) any and all
easement rights in the applicable porti0" of the Easement
rroperty established pursuant to this Agl~ement shall
automatically terminate and (il) Owner shall have the right to
file in the public records of Seminole County, Florid~ a
statement certifying that the Easement Pr0perty or the applicable
portion thereof has noL been used continuously by Developer for
six months, that Owner has given Developer 60 days prior written
notice, and Developer h.:ls faileJ to object. Said 5t~temp.nt 3h~ll
be signed by the Owner .:lnd may be signed by the Developer.
8. Upon the abandonment or discontinuance of use of the
storm sewer drainage line OT lire~ or a portion thereof, and upon
the request of the Owner, the Developer shall remove the storm
sewer drainage line or lines or applicable portion thereof if the
Owner considers the presence of the storm sewer drainage line or
lines or portion thereof to be detriment.:ll to the continued use
by Owner of the Easement Properly. In the event the use of the
storm sewer drainage line or lines or nortion thereof is
abandoned or discontin~~d without the sto~m sewer drainaoc line
or lines or applicable portion thereof being removed, upon
request of Owner, fee title to the storm sewer drainage line or
lines or applicable portion thereof shall be conveyed to th~
Owner. .
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9. Owner shall have the right to relocat~ the easements
granted herein (and the im~rovements located within the Easement
Property): providec, however, that said relocation shall ~e at
Owner's ~ole expense, the stern. se\~er drainage line or lines, co
detention-retention ponds and system shall be reinotallp.d in a ~ ~
lQc~tion rea~onably acc~ssable to the benefited property and ~ ~
shall furnish capacity at least equal to the existing Easement ~
Property, a new easement(s) shall be granted, and the use of the:
storm sewcqdrainage line or lines, detention-retention ponds and (~
system shall not be impaired during the relocation. ~. C)
10. Should the intended creation of any easement pruvided
for in tllis Declar,'1l:icn fa~l by re.'1son of the f3ct th.'lt at the
time of creation there may be no grantee in being havin~ th~
capacity to take and hold such e3sement, then ~ny such grant of
easement deemed not to have been so created shall nevertheless be
considered as having been ~ranted directly to C. 03vid Drown, 11,
P.A., Broad and Caosel, Fourth Floor, 1051 Kinderley Place,
Maitland, Florida 32751 ~s agent (the "Agent") (or such I~tended
grantees for the purpose of allowing the original p~rty or
par~ies to whom the casements were originally intended to h~ve
been granted the benefit of ouch casement and the Owner
designates hereby the Develcper and the Agent (or either of thc~)
ag its lawful attorney-in-fac~ to execute any in~trument an such
Owner's behalf as may hereafter be required or ceemed necessary
for the purpose of later creating such easement as it wa~
intended to have been cre~tcd herein. Formal language of grant
or reservation with respect to su~;, ease~ents, as approprl~te, Is
hereby incorporated in the easement provitiions h~reof to the
pxtent not so recited in some or 3 . of such provisions.
11. The easements created hereby shall run with the l~nd and
shall be binding upon, and Its benefits and advantagc3 shall
inure to the successors and assigns of the Develcper.
tN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have cau~cd lh~ir
hands and seals to be hereunto affixed, ~3 of the day and year
first above written.
Signed, sealed and dp.livered
in the presence of:
-9Jr} i (-LU~
As to "Developer"
CORPORATION, .1 Flori'~4..\.""""
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The foregoing instru~ent w~s,ackno~ledged before ~e this
day of September, 1987, by 1>f-....II~ .~, 'Btr-N~__,
as (P~l~.....-r of i-linter Spr iO'gs Devt!loprnent
Corporatlon, a Florida corporation, on be~alf of s~id
Lkr( H, ~j
State of Florida at Larqe
My Commission Expire3: '
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SL12SE 8/20/87 TUSCAWILLA CONDO #56 #86169.0015
~:32 PM
Frol11 the Northeast corner of Winter Sj)rings Unit 3, as recorded in
Plat Book 17, Pages 89 and 90, Public Records of Seminole County,
Florida: run N ar51'OO"E along an Easteily extension of the North
line of snid Winter Springs Unil 3, <1 distance of 395.67 feet to a
point on the Eost e<1scment lina of Florida Power nnd light Easement
recorded in Official Records of Semino1n County, Florida; thence run
N 3 P4S'52" W, 3674.63 feet: thenco run East 1<126.66' fcet to a
point on the centerline of Howell Creek: thence run S ~,1"2G'.:G" E
for a distance of 216.20 fect to the Point of Geginning; t11cnce run
S 19016'30" W a distance of 236.:38 leot; thence run S "\"29'47" E
a distance of 386.09 feet: thence run $ 7Sn3S"25" E a distance cr
107.22 feet: thence run N 64051'04" E a distnnco of 13.L93 lcet:
thence run N 31050'43" E a distance of 11.6.58 feet; the"ce run
N 15031'52" W a distance of 399.90 feet; thence run
N 40.04'32" W a distance of 122.77 leet: thenco rUl1
S 74034'23" W a di::;tnnce of 140.91 feet to the Point of 13cninning.
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Rvsd. 9/21/87 - 3:00 P!\t - 1
SLl62E 9/21/87 TUSC. GOLf- 1187315.0005
DR:\IN/\GE E:\$E)\IE:-\T 112
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Begih at Ihe inlerzE:clion of \I~e Weslerly Righl.ol-\V:lY line of
Greenbriar Lane. (60' R/W) :lnd Ihe Southerly line of BRAEWICK AT
TUSCAWILLA, PHASE I, a$ recorded in PI:l1 800k 37, P:lge 53 through
54 of the Public R~cords of Seminole eouilly, r-Iorid:t, run
S 52019'24" E <llong :l radi::ll linn ;mo :llong $:lid Southerly line ler ;'\
di~l\1nce of 60.00 feet 10 ;) point on :l Clll\'~ conc;'lV~ SOll:l1C:lstcrly
huving \1 rndius of 566.89 feet: Ihenc(~ run Sou:lw..er.:el1~' ;1loog Ihe
<lre of said curve through \1 cenlral :lnglc of , 2e5S'39" lor ;1 cji::;l:lnce
of 127.91 feet: thence run S 87"37'03" E lor :l di:;l:tncc of 3.1.~6
feel: Ihence run S 35033'46" E for ;) di:il.1nc\J 01 1 1 32.3,~ leet;
thence run S 23018'52" E (or a di~l:\nce of S!)2.33 feci; Ih~I~CC rlln
S 7 P54'46" W for i.1 disl<lnce of 1 ti-1.01 I(~cl; Ihence am
S 04017'52" \", for a distnnce of 22.00 lect 10 ihe Point ot
Beginning of Ihe following cc~cribed pa.cel of I;'\nd;
Thence continue S 04017'52" W lor :I di$~Jnce 01 65.~': leet: i"en("'~
run S 39028'43" E lor;} distance cl 722.,:9 leel: thence l\.m
S 73012'02" E lor :l distar.ce I)f 2S3.~:' ~C0:: :11er~c') run
N 85"20'31" E lor ;1 di::;tnnce 01 ':02.5li l( .-': I!~l!nct? run
S 89035'29" E lor :1 dist;:lnce 01 '35.S3 kL., \llence n:"
N 63"11'33" E for ;l distnnce of 1S0.S5 l('t?t; thencr~ IU:1
S 5~oOC'OS" E ~or :1 distance cf ~9G.7': ~c::c:: t:1cr,cc f\,;ii
S 43057'50" E lor a distnl1ce 01 183.81 !cel: thence run
S 08058'56" E lor a dist;:tnce of 93.% lee:; thence run
S 53046'20" E lor a dislance of 79.7.: le('l; Iht?ncc llm
S 060'5'58" W lor n dislJnCe 01 30.00 l'~el; IIH.!nce run
S 830';4'02" E lor;) dist;:tr.ce 01 , '5.~.5 leel: thence run
N 00009', 6" E lor a distance 01 329.20 lcel' thcI1ce run
N 510.17'42" W for a distance ~f i88.50 ll~ct: thence S 35'.''i'~6" W
for ;:l diztancc of i76.9S leel; th\.!nce run N GO'03'5S" \.V lor ;:l
distance of , 25..~4 lecl; thence run G 63<" '33" W lor a dist;lncc 01
223.53 h~2t: thence run S S5e2C'3 i. \'II lor :I distance 01 550.06 ICl'\:
thence run N 73'" 2'02" \V fer a disI3nc.'~ ul :266.79 lect: thence run
N 09"14'17" W lor u cilslsnce of 379.33 lect: thenC12 run
N 66005'20" \\' lor ;:t disl;:tnce of 369.77 leet; thence nm
N 1 r09'59" V"; for a disl~nce of 56.56 leel; thence run N 850': 2'03"
W lor;) distance of 65.00 to the Poinl of BeG:nning.
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R vsd. 9/21/87 - 2:05 PM
SL163E 9/21/87 TUSC. GOLF 1187315.0005
20.00 FOOT DR/\I~:\GE E:\SE~IE;'\T 413
Begin at the int.ersection of the \^.'esterly Right-ol-Vvoy line of
Greenbriar Lane' (GO' RiW) and the Southerly line of GR/\EWICK ^ T
TUSC^W1LL^, PH^SE I, as recorded in PI,1t 8eok 37, Page 53 t!Wll;g~
54 of the Public ncC,;ord::; of Seminole County, Flori\~a. run
S 52019'24" E along a radi;11 line and along :;aid Sou:l1l'r1y lin~ lor a
distance of 60.00 feet to a point on :l curve conc:we SouthC,l~tcrly
having a r:Jdius 01 SG6.139 fect: Ihe;'\co rlln SOllthwc::;lelly alona Iha
arc 01 said curve through a cenlr~1 nngle 01 , 2< 55'3~~ lor :l CI~,tancc
of 127.91 feet: thence run S 87c3T08~ E for a di~,tanco 01 3.~.2G
feet: thence run S 35033'~G. E lor a di:;t:1I1CO of 1132.3.1 lcct;
thencG run S 230113'52~ E lor a dist:;ncG 01 !j!32.33 leet; the'Ke l\J11
S 71054'46" W lor :l distance 01 15,1.01 feet; \I'cnce 'Ull
S 04017'52" W lor a dist:1nco of S7."~ feat; thol1ce run
S 39"28'43" E for :1 distance of 722.,:9 Icct thel1ee run
S 73"12'02" E for a distance of 2SI1.::5 lcel; tllenec nm
N 85020'3'" E for a di::;tance 01 ':O~.~'G Icel: thence n::1
S 89035'29" E. for a di:;tal~cc of i35.f:~ 11.'l'I: II~el~cl..' Il;n
N 63011'33" E ler a distance of i SO .55 Ir .. 111l.:r.cl..' run
S 59~00'08" E (or .' di::;l:lncc 01 i!,lG.i.: !el::. t1'0:KI~ r,:"
S 43"57'50. E lor 3 di:j13ncc of iS3.Si :(l~l: IJ;c:~C'] ll;n
S 08058'5G" E lor a di~,tanCG 01 93.SG I~vl: ;IH~ncl.: rcn
S 53"46'20. E ler :l di::l:1nCe u( 7~1.7.: !e01; 1:,\'!nCI! run
S OG01S'!,)8" W for a dlst:3r.cc of '21.12 Icel: thence rUI'
S 68017'08"W for a distancu 01 ~'7.2,: I(!n:: Il1car.c ru:,
S 81 o~~n 6" W lor" dist:1n.:c of 213' .27 lCI~1 10 I:~C 1'01:,1 cf
Beginning of 3 20.00 loot wice :;Irip 01 lar~d lying i O.CO :C(!I en C:lc!'
sida of thG following Cl~5cribed CC:1Icrlinc:
ThenCG run S 29c':O'02~ E ler :3 di~lance of 32~L~2 leet: :'1CI1CO ren
S 05"1 ,'~5. I: for a dist<ince of 5C.7i Ice: 10 the Nor;t,c:rly I\igh;.
of-Way linG of Northern \.'..lay ;1!'O ::10 point of \0r:nin:lticn.
- .---.---.... ------..-..---..----...-..-..-
,,' co ....
~? (.:;) -
"-.) :
~ ~
-, c:.> "
: : ~
SLl66F 9-21-87
3:00 PM
From Ihe Nt)rtheasl corner I,f Win:er Sprinl;s Unil 3. as rccorded in
Pial Book 17, P:\ges S9 and ~10 oj Ihe PlI:,iic RCCMds of Seminole
Coun!y,' f-Iorida; run N ~no51'(lO" E along an Easlerly cXlcnsi~lO .-Jf Ihe
North line of said Wintcr Sprin~s Unil 3 for a diSlance 11f :-95.67 feel
10 :t poinl on Ihe E:Il;( l'asemen'- !ine of a Florida I'llwcr ;\1111 Li~hl
Ea::emenl rccorded in Offici:11 Rccnrd B(ll,k 17,1. Pa!=l' 225 and Offi.:';al
Record Book 174. Page 235 of lhe l'nl'lic Rce""ds 1'( S"I1:il1l'le C(\lInlY,
Florida; thence run N 31 ",15'52" W fllr a dislance Ill' 151.1.,:6 fel~1 II'
Ihe Poinl of Bq;illning of the fol;l,wing dcsclihed parcel llf I.,n<l:
Thence conlinue N 31 ",15'52" \V ah'ng said Easl Easemcl\! line for :l
dislance of 898.03 kct 10 Ihe ccntctlinc of lh",'l'!l CH'ck: Ihl'nee lun
S 5s014'O~" W along said ccnlctline for :\ diSI:lnee l,f :'0(1.00 feCI;
Ihellce run S 31045'52" E parallel I';) ;lfl'n'I:1Cnlillnc,1 Ea~1 casemenl
line for :t dir\allce llf l\69.-l2 feel; thence run S 73':{)~'O.:" \\' fM a
dislance of 186.46 feet; lh';1\ce run S 32"35'2CI" \\' for a di~tan('c <If
314,12 feel; thence run S 31 ",:,rJ 3" E fN a diSlance of ~2.1~) feCI;
thence run N 32035'26" E f('lf :t disl:1I1":c l1f 3 )(),31' fccl: Ihl'nce lun
N 73"02'04" E for :\ di~tancc 0f ~15..;1 feel III lhe afOlemcnliolled
E:t~1 casemenl lille of lhe FhHida Power ;1:1'\ Li!:hl \::\(ell1l:nl and lhe
Poinl of BC!l.ill\lill~.
.... co '"
", (0
:r ~
!') c::o
-. C:J
:- ..
'- .
. .
~) II.
( ,
~:_A::::":"Y"":mTw4")'?'r,:- ,
SL167F 9-21-87 TUSC./DRG. ESMT. /15
9/21/87 2:50 PM
Begin at the Northwest corner of Greenbriar Lane :\Ild recorded in
PIa! book 32, Page 32 of the I'cblie Records o( Seminole COUll I)',
Florida: thence N 61)024'(\1)" \V along the Easterly line of
GREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION PJI,\SE I as recorded in Pbt B(ll"'k 33.
P:lge~' I through 4 of the Pcblic Records of Semiuole Count)', Fkrida
for a distance of 3 I 5.:n fe~t: thence run N 23"33'3~1" W for :1
distance of 234.St> feet; thence leaving s:lid GREENBRIAR
SUBDIVISION PHASE I rll:1 N 11023'57" E for a diq:\IKC of i()~U~~.1
feet: thence run N 27"0;1'58" W fm a distance tI( 11.: 22 f~'l'l: th~'na
run N 75033'50" \V for a distance (1( .J,~.,l5 (l'l'l 10 thc E:I~h:r1y line
N 13005'14" \V ak)l1~ said E:lslerIy line (or a distance ,,( 22.55 fl'l't:
Ihenee leaving s:lid Easlerly line run S 7503::.'iO" E f,'r a .list:l1l(c ,'f
56,33 fcel; Ihcncc TUn N 71"0\'22" E I\Ir a diqancc of .,07..11 fCl't;
Ihcnce run S 12",19'23" E fl.'r :t di~lauce of 7.(12 floCI: thcn.:c lun
S 01 021'2S" \V for a distance of \3.~6 (CCI; IhcnCC' ll1n
S 7) 001'22" \V (or a dlslancc o( :93..17 fCCI; thencc IlIn
S 27003'58" E (or a disl:\IlCC l'" S5..1O l'l'CI; Ihl~nl'e ,.Ill S is''.,(l't\:,"' E
(or :t distancc of S.1.S.1 fect: lhcll~'e rlln S 1102:\'57" W f.'1 :1 .liq:llh'l'
o( 227,47 fcet: thcnce run S 2303,1'39" E f~Ir :I "i~I.1"(C ,If 10,\50
(cct: thcnce rUll S 69"::!,l'O~r F. for a diSI:lncc (1f I <iel ('::! tCl't 11' a
point on :t cun'c concavc to Ihe =,,)tlhw,'SI h:l\'in;! .1 radi\1' .'1
) 1<10.24 (ect :lnd :I chord be:tiing ('" S 20<(1.....12.. \\"; Ilh':It"l' 1\1:1
S(\ulh\\'e~tcrly :t1ong the arc o( said CIH\'C I;.. ,)\Ii:h a (\'u:1.11 ,\:1;:1.- .'1
01 "OO'IS" for :\ di:;\;i1\ce o( :0.00 fcet tn Ihe Point "I' !icPUtliUi:.
'^ CO ,-,
", c;o :::
.. ~ .-
~:.. <:::l
... <:::l o.
r- , 0 ;
'.1';) : . ~
SLl64E 9/2] /87. TUSC. GOL r. #87315.0005
20.00 fOOT DRAINAGE EASD1El'\T tl6
Be:gin at the inlersection of lhe \Vesterly Riuht-of.Woy line of
Gr~enbri3r LOl!c (60' RN.') ond the Southerly line of GRAEWICK AT
TUSCAWI'_LA,'PHASE I, os recorded in PI:!1 800k 37, P::lge 53 tl,rough
54 of the Public Records 01 Seminole Ccuntr, Florid:!, run
S 52019'24 M E ~Iong a r;,diol line llnd lllong s:lid Southerly line fer a
dislllnce of 60.00 feel to :l point en J CUIVO conc:\Vo Southc:>ar.tclly
having n rodius 01 SGG.139 fcC'l; thenca run Southwestcrly lllong the
arc of !laid curve through 0 cenlral :lngle 01 12~S5'39" for :l diS1JnCe
of 127.91 feel: lhence run S 37037"00" E lor II dist:lnce 01 :.;.: .2G
feel: thenco run S 35033',:6" E lor a dist:iI~Ce 01 , 132.3.: 1I.'l:t;
lhence run S 23018'52" E for a di$t:lnce 01 S!32.3:3 fcel; Ihcnce run
S 71 054'4G~ W lor 0 diSIJnce 01 18':.01 leel; tho .Cl.! run
S 04017'52" W lor.a d~tonce 01 87.1.: !ect: thence flJl1
S 39028'43" E for a distancQ 01 722.,:9 !ecl; thence run
S 73"12'O?" E lor;) dislance of 255.95 Icet; ll'encc run
N 85020'31M E for a distonca 01 ':02.5G fect; thcnce run
S 8903S'29M E for ;) dis:~ncc of 125.88 Icr.l; ",cnce lun
N 63011'33" E for;) distance of '50 ';5 leet: thcnce run
S 59000'08" E for;) distance of '96.;': '-"1; t1i0ncc rllll
S 43057'50. E for a distor,ce of '83.51 :cc\; thenr:c lun
S Os05S'S6M E f(J; ;) dis!once of 93.96 feet: thencc fiJI'
S 530':6'20. E for ;) dist;jI~ce of 79.7': feet: lI1cmcc rill',
S OGo, S'S8M W lor a dis:once of 12' :12 leel; \he:1CC :I::'
S '3S 0 1 TOSM W for n di::;:oncc of 417.24 feet: tl,cl1cc rll"
S 81058'16" W lor 3 dislonce of 763.79 fecI; IhGnc\.! ru"
N 22C'S'3S" W fer 3 distonca of 478.':G Icct; Ihence Ill:'
S 89' 17'52" \V for n dlsl::lr~ce 01 22i.01 fact 10 the Pcil~1 01
Beginning of 3 20.00 fool wide slrip of l:l"d lying 1 0.00 leel on C;lc;i'
side of th~ following described centerlin'2:
Thence run S .12C'5/'0,M E for;) disto:".ce 01 261,.38 feel 10 the Nor:l~
line of FAIRWAY OAI<S UNIT O~E, JS recorced in Pl~1t Book 23, PJal::)
96 through 98, Public Records of Samir.oie County, Flcrlc3 JI~d Ille
point of termination.
.__________. 'Co- _ __....._..._.....
"' co ,.,
", CoO ;_0
fj -'
~.; c::"
.., <:.;)
~ -
:l IH
DR....J:\..\GE c,\SE:-l[:-'T r.7
Ponions of PHILLIP R, YO~:GE GR:,NT, PI;;I !?ook \, P;uje ::5, Pv:>!,c
Reco'cs of S~:nin.)'o:! Covn:,', FIO"C:l, ;;nd Pol" of GAr-DEN'; FARr.'.S,
Pial Gook'.S, P:lCe ~3. P":::';c ne~orCs. Seminole CounW, Fto"c;;; I).,r.~
in Sections 7.8, 17 :lr.d 'a. Town~hlp 21 Seulh, n:lnce 31 c:lSI, C.ty
of Wintel Sprin()s. S"""r.e:e COVnl)'. FIO"~;I, be,no "'ore P3::'CU!;;':j'
d'~scllbcd :IS follows:
I=,om Ihe 1\'01:!'Ie3sl ce,ner 01 \'Jl~:TEn :;PRIl~GS UNIT 3, .1S recorCNI ,"
Plol Book 17, P;lce~ ::9 ::r.d ~o 01 the Putl:e Recorcs 01 ~en,.nole
Counly, FIOIIC3: '\In N :J,'5"CO' E :lleno :In Easterly e.:en~,en r.t
1110 NOlth line 01 so.d ":INT i::n $;'>RI:~GS ur,IT 3 fel :I d.SI:lnCe 01
3!lS,67 fecI 10 3 I:",nl en t:->e E:lM e;l~crncnt I."e of :I Ft;lllC:I I'o".:'r
:lnd Lighl E.1~cmcnt 'cccrced ,,\ OH,c'al Recer" Geck I ';'.:, f','~e :::5
:lnd Ollici.11 Record [?cc" f';'4. P::ee ~;s. Pull!.' r:'eecrcs 01 Sem'~e:e
County, FioriC3: thenel! run N 3,'.:~'~2' W aleng s;!.d l;:lH c;lsemrr,1
linQ 101 ;\ diSl:lnc:e of 2': I:!.':~ lecl: thcnee E.15t 1.:::6 (;6 tce: 10 I~..?
Point 01 6.?G,,,ninil: :hc/'\ce ."" S S"~6'':6' E Ie-I;! c.st:lr.ce of
216,20 leel: l!'ler.c~ ,,,II S 19' '6':;0' \'J fOI 3 Ctst3nce of .: 167 !et,I,
Ihence ,.,n N S.:':6'~o' W 101 :l C'~:3nee el 2;6:l' feCI to I!:C
cenlelline el Hcwcll ere(!-": thenCI! NCflherly ;\Ion~ ~;!'" eer.lerhr.e
Ihe 101l0\\'.n9 COUI~C'S: N CO'2':'~:l' r: 101 3 d.st31".ee 01 :\2.~1 I(!~t,
Ihl!nr.e lun S jj'.::r.:s' E leI:! C,S:3f.(1! cl ;0.16 !.?ct: 1:'cl".ce '\;:>
~ ""31"5' E fOI :I c's:~I".cc of I.GO :c.e: :: :~.t' Pe,n! cf ee(:.M.no;:
'V "1'q,,,';,II,C.'
c,mll\1. v'~..
It l'II'''Olll1"lhC,
iO\\ .. \I"
II' co t":l
i~ c:..o : ~
,0: N
~ (::;)
,- e:::> -.
1'0.,) .
. .
f . ~
--........----. -
DR..\I:"AGlZ lZA:iE:-'I!::.:"T.S
Ponio:ls e: PHlLU? R. YC:-"Gr: GRJ..NT, Pial eook " Pa()c :!8, I" ubi
ReccrC:s 01 ~c:ml:lole Cour.:y. i':o"c:a, and parI 01 GJ..:\OENJ.. F/.RI.\S,
Pial B;Jc.. G, Paoe 23. ru:Jloc "c,corC:s. Se:n''lch! Cou/'\:y, Floll::a: Ij..r.!J
in Sc:c!ions 7. a, " :lnd lb. lu.....nshi;> :?, So,,:~. r:lanoe 3' E:!sl. C,:~
of \'-'Inter 5~,in~s. Scmlnoh! Cc~nty. F''':l:c:\. b~:n~ ~o:e ~;!rtlcu!:J:li'
cC"~:,i:'c.d ~s 1::lQwS:
.. B~oinnino ~t ~~C: :~:>r:,.......~:..1 c:rncr ot :he ::l::lt of TUSCAV.'lLL" ut .:ii
7, ;lS rcccrC:e:a In r:.:!: Goe\., :-~. P:l~C$ .:6 ~nc .:;. i'.....:;.:,c f.\~':.)ICS.
S~n'lno:t,? Ccyn:)'. :f',C-:'\CC :~ 5,7' .)~'OO" E :110r'ltJ ::1C :~cnh 111'~ 0: ::~::
pIal 10' 2E567 'N:I 10 II'C I':(~I bounca'l' 01 11'<! p:.'1 ('II G;;[;[;I:sr;I:,'1
L/"NE. PI:)t Bc,," ~2. r.::r.c ~2. i'u:':.c R~\:c~cs . Scn~.:".::.lc COl:r.~)".
thence NorU'C:15>lC:ly :)ICnn ~J'a \""t~~1 t'C1.;nC;ur. ::lcn~ 1he :.fC 01 ~
cur\'c cct'\c:\\'c r!:nh\",'C:'1c:::r ~I'".d h~\',r.o :l r~~I~~ 01 ;:5 co :C('1
lhlo~'!Jh a ccnH:l1 :lr.~11l el ,"O'OO.C'O'. ler ~~ 27 1(:<:1 10 I!'." pe,r.' cl
tllnccncy; thence N C::'.02"O:>- \\' :i::;uG :',i~~ \\I(.~. uOt.;nC;,')' :~r ;~ ~.:
fllel 10 111" poinl el CUl\'::h:IC, cl a C"~UIJI Cll~.e cenC:!\'1l
SOt.:lhwC!:';CII)': Ihcr"'.CC ~:c:::-w:('=,~cl~Y :llcr~.lJ :.:ll~ ','''c~' t'c:~:".~:')'.
,,10:'\0 Ihe nrc 01 :'~td (Uf.."C, ':;1\"00 :\ 1:l~IU\ cl .:;2 ~, 'c'c'. ~h'CI.~:' .,
ccroll;ll ;l"lih~ cl 06',i~'~~'. !;;r ~~ :3 leel 10 "'C [;\:.1 I&r.~ 01 a ':0
fool WI~C r:IC"~J Pc:':cr :11'C: ll~!" Ccroc.;:t.(\:1 E:l: ('",cr.t ;l~ r':C:~'I',';;
in Ollrcial RIlC(lrC~ Geck \i~. r,1r.e ;:::)' ~.:'. 1",,:;,1&.: I:'(;{.:'c~.
Scrrur.oh! Co~n~)': tllcncc I; ~~'':5.::::- \'" n1coo :..,,:.<: !;~:'.1 ;1:'\~ ~\..f
2< 12.~9 leel 10 :h" cen.c,l&rl: CI H,:)wc,!l C'<.'<:" M,C lI'e Pv"': Cl
.... r-
... C>
=- .-
_0 r"
C) t;:;
ThenCe! ccn:inuQ :~ 3"1.5'~:. \\' ~~ong $:\IC [;:\~~ 1,I'".C ~cr :l Cr~::\:-.~~
01 ,J.~'-~!l leel; Il\cnce N ~~'C'~"37' I'.' lor 7&7 C:l lec: \0 "'~
Sou:hQ:lS1Crl)' I\IQ:"\l.ofo\\';\y hr.e 01 \','Ir.:Cf SC"(\C~ nculr:\o:\rC. ~I...~:-.( ~
S 2;(20'26- \... :,10no S:ll(~ Scu1t.f:l:'.lar1,. !'I~!"'~'G!'\':::)" !;:"ie ~C'
20.:16 lec:1 10 Ihe po,nl cl c:;rv:!tu'e cl :! c,,'VCr . 'nc:!v~
Nonhw~st(lrll', ant 1}':no ::!cr.O ~:il<, Sou~:-.(~::." .y r;1~t.l"C~.\\':~Y
line: :h<:r.cC! Sov::,.\'~S~CI:)" ~'r::'\O ~t.e J', c:.~ \:\';: curvC'. t..~\.r.c. .,
I:lcius 01 \20S.!;2 fHI, lIue,,;:1\ a Cl'n\lal ar.c.:c: c.f C::'~~.~C:', I~I
E3.~9 leel 10 Ihe ;:,olnl cl re"l':~C cur\':!lu'" cl a cu've ccnC:l\'(,
E:lSlerl)' 3nd Irln~ :!Ion(l ::-e ::C';l\<:3s:erl)' tcur.C:l1)' Cf "..(: (:':\1 c,!
COUNTRY CLUG VILL/.GE ~:~l':" Cl\:E, .u rcccrceC: ,,, Plat ~ce~. ::2.1':\:,0
.:. ; and 6, tlu:::!!c ReCOrdS. S<:m.nc1e Co"nl)'; I~.ence So,,:he~~:(""j'
:lIon, ,~o N~r;~::::c:I)' ~n.C: ~.1\'C::')' t:)unC:'1r)' 01 ~::I~ C~'''lt !c' '~'(1
tc.'lowino ccursC!S: SO\J:t,~!t). :i:';::--.'; l:"le ~I~ ct \h~ I~~\ ";~:,crl~C~
C""'f. ha\'inl: a rad'~'s 01 ~~ ,0 I~cl, II\lCI.::)1\ a cr.r.lr,,1 "n!;le of
92'O":!G', lor ~O.'S Icel 10 :"IC 1=-o,nl 01 l:\r.~(:nC)': S GO':!rj',::-, E
fOI 15.:)' ((:<:1 10 Il\e po,nl of curva:ure t'! a cu".e conc:!"/! I~e,::'.r")'.
Easlerly along Ihl! alc c! S~'C Cu:v(:, h:!\.,no a :;;C:rI:S 01 , 7:!.:-: 7 :,,~l.
Ihlouch 3 Cenllal 3nOI" of :!:?":;C.,,', lor !;S.E9 I<:el 10 ;he n~lnl cl
lanl1cncy: N (\6"S:)'0':" E 10/ ':O.!'~ leel 10 Il\e pOlnl 01 CI:"...I"r/! c!
a CUl'\'1! concave Soul~."rl~'; E:!~:erly ~lon(l Ihe 3rc /'\1 sai" cu:"..e.
h""I:'\O a radius 01 , 52.22 ICCI, lhrcuCh a (er,:'al ;;nGI\! el
38'57':)3'101 'C3.!'>O leel :0 lh/! poml 01 1unccncy: S S':'CS';::;' E
lor ::55..:6 '''el 10 Ihe poir:1 ot CU!\'alure 01 3 curve cenc:l\'e
Sc:;;hwI!Slell)'; SeulheaSICr:)' ;:10/'\0 Ihe ~rc 01 S;)ld ';J'VC. ~,a"'''o a
la~i\.'$ of 6;,62 lefl, Ih,ol.:CIl a centr;ll ;;n~le 01 5S'50'~S', 10/ (.9 ~~
teet :0 Ihe poinl 01 l:lnQenC)': S N'': ":1~' W 10/ 55.S': lH~;
S S<"Os':n" E lor 20.C6 lc:~I: lrocnce S !"'5'S:?" E ;llor.!) 1M E;;~'
bounc~ry 01 ~:li~ ;:l::!1 et COU~TRY CLUa VILLl,GE l'r~IT O:1E, :!:':d :!lc.nJ
Ihe ::!sl bounca')' ollhe p::'l ef COUN'TRY CL~S VILL/.GE UNIT 'TH~l:E.
.l:ld Ihe Soulherly projection Ihereof leI a clslar',ce 01 "23.0': lee:
mOle 01 Il!ts ;0 said ce:-:lerline et Howell CrEek: I~!!~=e lI,n
N 55"~S'':2' E 110n9 saic c.:!nlellane! 10/ il distance 01 \ 10. i 0 l.:!~l
m::e 01 le~s :0 Ii'll! Peinl cf 5.:Qi:lning.
._ 4m1YJII.
~. _ 4.
,... CO t:,.
, :
!":..' to ' ,
. . N
~ c:>
-, C:l
N . ,
:-"1 ..\
-..----.. --.--,.....-
.,.- .
. .....
.......... .
lV llIl~': .~,.f' "".
~o.oo FOOT DRAI~AGE E....SEl-1E:\T I!!)
Begin al Ihe in:ol5ection 01 the Westerly RiOhl.ol.Way line 01
Greenbriar Lane (60' R^Vrand the Soulherly hne 01 BRJ.EWICK AT
iUSCAW1LLA, PHASE I, as recorded in PIal Boo~ 37, Plloe S3 IhrOl1'jh
5~ 01 Ihe Public Reco:es 01 Seminolo Counly, Flo/lca; \h(:r.co r\on
along Iho Soulherly and WeSlerly boundaries 01 s;lid 13RAEWICK /,T
iUSCAWILLA, PHASE I, Il'IC! lollowinO courses: N \6'(0'35" E, 39.C.\
loel 10 Iho poinl 01 CI:l\':IIUI,) 01 3 CUI\'e conC3\'0 10 Iho SOlllhW(;:1
hllVinO :l r:ldivs 01 57.5\ 11;1:1: lhcn~e run ~Ollh\...O~:OII)' :llor.!) l!.o ::1(:
01 SOlid CUIVO Ihrouoh 3 cor.1l31 llnotc! 01 e:l'00'20" l;lr ;I dl~:;lr.C\! c:
e2,3\ lael: Ihonco run N e5."'(S" W lor II diGI3nCO 0: :.eo.oo h:~:
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That part of PHILLIP R. YOUNGE GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1,
Page 38 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, lying in
Sections 8, 17 and 18, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, City of
winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly
described as follows:
Begin at the Southwest corner of Glen Eagle Unit IV, as recorded in
Plat Book 43, Page 55 of said Public Records; thence run North 050 ,
54' 54" East along the Westerly line of said Glen Eagle Unit IV, a
distance of 279.57 feet to the intersection of (a) the southerly
line of the "10' Drain. Esmt" situated along the north lot line of
Lot 221, as shown on the plat of Glen Eagle Unit IV and (b) the
westerly lot line of Lot 221, and the Point of Beginning; thence
run North 840 05' 06" West a distance of 152.30 feet; thence run
North 420 41' 25" West a distance of 94.92 feet; thence run South
00 09' 16" West a distance of 40.16 feet; thence North 830 44' 02"
West a distance of 115.35 feet; thence North 60 15' 58" East a
distance of 30.0 feet; thence North 530 46' 20" West a distance of
79.74 feet; thence North 80 58' 56" West a distance of 93.96 feet;
thence North 430 57' 50" West a distance of 183.81 feet; thence
North 590 00' 08" West a distance of 196.74 feet; thence South 630
11' 33" West a distance of 180.55 feet; thence North 890 35' 29"
West a distance of 135.88 feet; thence South 850 20' 31" West a
distance of 402.56 feet; thence North 730 12' 02" West a distance
of 288.95 feet; thence North 570 15' 21" West a distance of 123.99
feet; thence North 490 26' 27" West a distance of 196.33 feet;
thence North 430 51' 04" West a distance of 122.59 feet; thence
North 360 08' 38" West a distance of 119.26 feet; thence North 150 ~'
51' 37" West a distance of 185.28 feet; thence North 4. 17' 52~C;
East a distance of 65.15 feet; thence South 850 42' 08" East a
distance of 64.99 fee~; thence South 170 09' 59" East a distance of
56.86 feet; thence South 660 05' 20" East a distance of 255.40
feet; thence North 470 51' 42" East a distance of 151.42 feet to a
point on the southerly lot line of Lot 29, Glen Eagle Unit I,
according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 14,
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence South 570 16'
57" East along the southerly lot lines of Lots 29 and 28 of Glen
Eagle unit I a distance of 20.72 feet; thence South 470 51' 42"
West a distance of 147.95 feet; thence South 660 05' 20" East a
distance of 92.49 feet; thence South 90 14' 17" East a distance of
379.33 feet; thence South 730 12' 02" East a distance of 266.79
feet; thence North 850 20' 31" East a distance of 550.06 feet;
thence North 630 11' 33" East a distance of 223.53 feet; thence
South 600 03' 58" East a distance of 125.44 feet; thence North 850
17' 26" East a distance of 176.95 feet; thence South 510 47' 42"
East a distance of 110.61 feet; thence North 230 10' 50" East a
distance of 147.19 feet; thence South 660 25' 16" East a distance
of 20.00 feet; thence South 230 10' 50" West a distance of 152.42
feet; thence South 510 47' 42" East a distance of 57.19 feet;
thence South 00 09' 16" West a distance of 259.63 feet; thence
South 420 41' 25" East a distance of 97.34 feet; thence South 840
05' 06" East a distance of 144.74 feet to the point of intersection
of (a) the westerly lot line of Lot 152, Glen Eagle unit III,
line of the "10' Drain. Esmt" situated along the south lot line
of ~.
according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 53,
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and (b) the northerly
, 'J~'::~.-1,'~;:"'~_.{~~""#"O-;If'''/
Lot 152 as shown on the plat of Glen Eagle Unit III; thence South
50, 54' 54" West along the west lot lines of said Lot 152, Glen
Eagle Unit III and said Lot 221, Glen Eagle Unit IV a distance of
20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Containing 7.076 Acres more or less and being subject to any right-
of-ways, restrictions, and easements of record.
~"'~'-:;;", .,: "T"-;X"''(~'Yo.t~
On this 23rd day of May, 1995, I attest that the attached document is a true, exact, complete, and
unaltered photo copy made by me of the Dedication of Drainage & Retention Easements
presented to me by the document's custodian, Burley G. Adkins, and to the best of my
knowledge, that the photocopied document is neither a public record nor a publicly recordable
document, certified copies of which are available from an official source other than a notary
My Commlnlon CC403745
Explr.. Aug. 28, 1~
Bonded by ANB
entered into this day of , 1995, by and
between Florida Country Clubs, Inc., a Florida corporation d/b/a
Tuscawilla Country Club ("FCCI"), James R. Mikes ("Mikes"), The
ci ty of Winter Springs, Florida, a municipal corporation ("the
City"), Glen Eagle Community Association, Inc., a Florida
corporation not for profit (the IIAssociationll) and the Haylyn
Development Corporation (IIHaylyn"), a Florida corporation.
A. The FCCI is the owner of the country club property
commonly known as "Tuscawilla Country Club" and Mikes is the fee
simple owner of a portion of the real property to be dedicated
herein, (hereinafter FCCI property and Mikes property referred to
as collectively lithe Landll);
B. Association is the homeowner's association for the Glen
Eagle community, consisting of real property shown on (i) the Plat
for Glen Eagle unit I, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 16, (ii)
the Plat for Glen Eagle unit II, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page
18, (iii) the Plat for Glen Eagle unit III, as recorded in Plat
Book 43, Page 53, and (iv) the Plat for Glen Eagle Unit IV, as
recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 55, all among the Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida. The Glen Eagle Community is hereinafter
referred to as the "Community";
C. Haylyn has or may have some right, title and interest in
Drainage and Retention Easements granted and dedicated herein and
joins herein for the purpose of consenting to the grant and
dedication herein.
D. The Land is located in the corporate limits of the City.
E. FCCI and Mikes are willing to dedicate the easements
described herein for drainage and retention as more fully described
below and the City is willing to accept the same as more fully
described below:
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars
($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, including the
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, FCCI, the City, the
Association and Haylyn hereby agree as follows:
1. Dedication of Easement. FCCI and Mikes hereby dedicate
to the City, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement over, under,
across and through the parcel of real property described in Exhibit
"A" attached hereto for the public's use for the purposes of cf
-- ------------~---)~1hi;<"'~mri';
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utilizing, maintaining, repa1.r1.ng and replacing, as required,
existing drainage and retention improvements together with the full
right and authority 1;:0 enter upon the Land and maintain such
easements in such a manner as may be necessary from time to time to
ensure the full use, benefit and enjoYment of such easements,
subject to the limitations herein set forth.
2. Dedication for Public Use. The dedication of easement
in Paragraph 1 above shall be for a public use, i.e., for the
benefit of all property located in the Community as defined above
(whether owned or simply administered by it and whether it be a
subdi vided lot or Association-owned property), and shall be binding
upon Mikes and FCCI and its successors and assigns. Hereafter, all
rights and privileges and liabilities and obligations in
Declaration of Overflow and Drainage Easement recorded at O.R. Book
1892, Page 0010, et ~, of the Public Records of Seminole County,
Florida, as such pertain to the Community and/or Haylyn shall
hereafter be null and void and of no force and effect and the
description of Drainage Easement #2 shall be replaced and
superceded by the description set forth in attached Exhibit A.
3. Maintenance by the City..The City shall be responsible
for the costs of maintaining the drainage and retention
improvements over, under and across the easements dedicated herein.
The City shall be responsible (i) for the perpetual maintenance of
all pipes, pumps, weirs, dams, inlets and other improvements used
for the purpose of drainage and retention and other related
improvements now or hereafter located in the easement areas, (ii)
maintaining the aesthetics for the drainage ponds, (iii) exercising
appropriate weed and other vegetation control for the drainage
ponds, and (iv) to minimize interference with the normal and
customary use, as a portion of a golf course, of the easement areas
and surrounding property in the Tuscawilla Country Club. All
maintenance, repairs and restorations contemplated herein shall be
performed in accordance with paragraph 5 hereof, and at a level at
least equivalent to the level of maintenance originally required by
the Declaration of Overflow and Drainage Easement recorded at O.R.
Book 1892, Page 0010 et seq. of the Public Records of Seminole
County, Florida. Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the
City to payor to complete, normal day-to-day maintenance of the
Land such as mowing, watering and fertilizing portions of the golf
course. After all such maintenance, repair and restoration, the
Land and all improvements and landscaping thereon shall be returned
to their pre-existing condition. No change in the use, grade,
landscape or other conditions of the Land after or as a result of
any maintenance, repair or restoration shall be allowed without
wri tten permission from FCCI or Mikes, as applicable, which
permission may be withheld in the reasonable discretion of FCCI or
Mikes, as applicable, and the location, size and capacity of all
drainage lines, retention areas or other improvements will not be
expanded, increased or changed from their location, si ze and
capacity at the time of granting this easement unless allowed in
wri ting by FCCI or Mikes, as applicabl.e. Any withholding of FCCI' s
written permission as contemplated in this paragraph shall not be
deemed unreasonable if the basis therefor is the fact that a
proposed change in the' use, grade, landscape or other conditions of
the land would alter the golf play on or in the vicinity of such
4. FCCI Maintenance. As distinguished from the drainage
system maintenance to be performed by the City as provided above,
FCCI shall be solely responsible for (i) maintaining the
landscaping on the banks of all drainage features, and (ii)
ensuring that such property does not, through action or inaction,
come to be in such a state (allowing for temporary interruption in
connection with work on or to the Land) that it does not function
substantially for its intended purposes, including without
limitation functioning substantially for the purposes for which the
easement sets forth herein has been granted; provided, however,
that nothing in this paragraph shall require FCCI to perform any of
the duties of the City hereunder. Subsequent to such maintenance,
the Land and its improvements shall be restored to substantially
the same condition.
5. Performance of Maintenance. In the event the City
intends to conduct any maintenance, repair or restoration
activities on any of the Land, the City shall notify FCCI of the
nature and extent of such activities at least fifteen (15) days
prior to undertaking same. FCCI shall nevertheless have the right
to impose reasonable scheduling restrictions on such activities so
as to avoid disruption of the use of the Land during times of peak
golf play, during golf tournaments, or for any then current use of
the Land, by which restrictions the City shall abide.
6. Maintenance Not an Association Responsibility. Nothing
herein shall be construed to create or imply a duty on the part of
the Association or Haylyn to maintain the drainage and retention
improvements which are the subject of this dedication or any future
changes or modifications thereto.
7. Damages. Notwithstanding the foregoing allocations of
maintenance responsibilities, should the City or FCCI, directly or
through persons under its control, cause damage to any drainage,
retention or other improvements, the party so causing such damage
shall be solely liable for the costs of repairing and/or restoring
such damage.
8. Powers. The Association, Haylyn, FCCI and the City each
covenant that it has the right to grant the approvals, consents and
privileges and to dedicate the easement described herein, and that
they and Mikes covenant that each other party hereto shall have the
quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the easement granted herein.
.,~. '<':'r,,:'~,"~~T!:'
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Dedication
of Drainage & Retention Easements on the date and year first above
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
< -!tl~:rtfj( It::-:::=,
(Print Name)
(Print Name)
(Print Name)
FLORIDA, a municipal
VdJjA/ A... () I/. ~ /I
Ie: M$'Yd,!
II J..G JJils .,. ,~;e - ,f _
/n/ivr/dlt.. S',(JI{ /wa:j J-./.!1 - .~^'J~ 75
(Address) J .
,SOt) U//pr#~ ~......d/~S. ~~~
L:V/Q7U-.,S'~~&~ r~~4 .3L70~ -
(Address) .
corporation t for profit
*$ /.:S"
(Print Name) /7 A~
(5 c.J t,6-y 6-. MfG/ A(S
(Print Name)
a Florida corporation
By: '7S,~~~A .~
Name: f.Jft, . MIC$./kS.
Title: "..t?fU-sI~
P.()-;&'O'f- S'"f{.k)
UJ /'~A- P4,e{(.&:L ~ 2 ~ q ~
'--- ~Il~ Y!1C;:;
. _..::v
(Print Name)
THE FOREGOING INSTRUM~ was aqknoW~d,l'.,:,.!'orl! \Il!" .1;,his 27/'9-
day of ~, 1995, b ~ilvlf"f .~d "-.U-Wtt='~ (. MIU:S , as
pre.sld.-en-r- of Florida Country Clubs, Inc., a Florida
corporation d/b/a Tuscawilla Country Clubs, on behalf of the
Corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced
as identification. f
eel ~
Ll~Q e- kyers
(Print Name, stamp, affix
Notary seal)
Commission Expiration Date and
Number Cc... ?f11C(7 ~ i-I? -CC8
My CommiIoIlon Cc:J91973
Bonded by HAl
" --~...~~::',,"C. .?~"'R+~~~~,<'i!)'l:-:,t~~"t:'t~~c~-- T"7C'~~
COUNTY OF ..5@.~ l~tD\t.r
. ~
THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me this ~--
day' of ~ , 1995, by -s'b~,~Sh , as
IV\AUO(--CJ of The City of Winter Springs, Florida, a
municipal corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. He/She is
JLerSOnalli known to me or who has produced
as identi ication. ~ ~. ~l_~
(Sign~re) ~
MARlrD M. J4~k',..;~
(Print Name, s~ affix
Notary seal)
Commission Expiration Date and
Number #'6.~' ~4ARCilO M WOPI<''''''
W My~nCC403745
* * &p/r..Aug.28.1S;,lil
Bonded by ANa
";.41tDFp,."~ 800-852-5878
COUNTY OF I nO c...-
FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowl~dged before me this -Z.Z/~--
d \Q ,1995, by.LQ.Ullt'1fYl S. L:$C'lSchr'Y\CLf\Y) , as
of Glen Eagle Community Association, Inc. ,
a Florida corporation not for profit, on behalf of the Corporation.
He/She /J is Q.ersonally known to me or who has produced
PCDL;II- ~ 7-c;:~q2.'YSB29ID as identification. R tfU
eurel . ~
(P~n~Nam~,' ~i.e;:affiX
Notary seal)
Commission Expiration Date and
Number Cc- ~:t1q7~ -,~( 2... -4~
~'\tAY 'IJ~,
.. ~f:. '1>
~-' ~~
MyCornrninion C~391973
Expires Jul. 12. , _ . J
Bonded by HAl
""r"i".'ff ';:(1;-nr1'\,:'''~
.-,? r--4
OREGOING INSTRUMENT~as acknowledged before me this ~
(1 , 1995, by lU' le~ Ad Klr\ C; , as
of Haylyn Dev lopment Corporation, a Florida
on behalf of the Corporation. He/She is. personally
known to me or who has produced FCT)(-:t:8 It- 32S0lP7 'f '-I ZC;"70 as
identification. - Q
~ -~
~ (<. ~~ljS
(Print Name, stamp, affix
Notary seal)
Commission Expiration Date and
Number . G-C3Alq1~ 'l,.-n..-t:f6
,n THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me this
z..ZIl.=L day of Ma_~ ' 1995, by James R. Mikes. He is
Fersonally known to m or who has produced
as identificat,ol1. ~ p. ~
COUNTY OF -Se./Yl1 e,.
My Commln/on CC391973
Expns Jul.12, 1998
Bonded by HAl
(p~~amf .st~~;ffiX
Notary seal)
Commission Expiration Date and
Number ,-/2--"7'R CC 3Ot/Q73
May 15, 1995
"A.' ~~
My Comminion C0391973
Expires Jul. 12. 1998
Bonded by HAl
^ - "?:,":>,"~_1i'-,-,'Y_" ~..~ ':
That part of PHILLIP ~. YOUNGE GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1,
Page 38 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, lying in
Sections 8, 17 and 18, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, City of
Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly
described as follows:
Begin at the Southwest corner of Glen Eagle unit IV, as recorded in
Plat Book 43, Page 55 of said Public Records; thence run North 050,
54' 54" East along the Westerly line of said Glen Eagle Unit IV, a
distance of 279.57 feet to the intersection of (a) the southerly
line of the "10' Drain. Esmt" situated along the north lot line of
Lot 221, as shown on the plat of Glen Eagle Unit IV and (b) the
westerly lot l~ne of Lot 221, and the Point of Beginning; thence
run North 840 05' 06" West a distance of 152.30 feet; thence run
North 420 41' 25" West a distance of 94.92 feet; thence run South
00 09' 16" West a distance of 40.16 feet; thence North 830 44' 02"
West a distance of 115.35 feet; thence North 60 15' 58" East a
distance of 30.0 feet; thence North 530 46' 20" West a distance of
79.74 feet; thence North 80 58' 56" West a distance of 93.96 feet;
thence North 430 57' 50" West a distance of 183.81 feet; thence
North 590 00' 08" West a distance of 196.74 feet; thence South 630
11' 33" West a distance of 180.55 feet; thence North 890 35' 29"
West a distance of 135.88 feet; thence South 850 20' 31" West a
distance of 402.56 feet; thence North 730 12' 02" West a distance
of 288.95 feet; thence North 570 15' 21" West a distance of 123.99
feet; thence North 490 26' 27" West a distance of 196.33 feet;
thence North 430 51' 04" West a distance of 122.59 feet; thence
North 360 08' 38" West a distance of 119.26 feet; thence North 150
51' 37" West a distance of 185.28 feet; thence North 40 17' 52"
~,', /'
'l -;,~'FfW,~~__~fi:'t,"~:-w.'~'" .
East a distance of 65.15 feet; thence South 850 42' 08" East a
distance of 64.99 feet; thence South 170 09' 59" East a distance of
56.86 feet; thence South 660 05' 20" East a distance of 255.40
feet; thence North 470 51' 42" East a distance of 151.42 feet to a
point on the southerly lot line of Lot 29, Glen Eagle Unit I,
according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 14,
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence South 570 16'
57" East along the southerly lot lines of Lots 29 and 28 of Glen
Eagle Unit I a distance of 20.72 feet; thence South 470 51' 42"
West a distance of 147.95 feet; thence South 660 05' 20" East a
distance of 92.49 feet; thence South 90 14' 17" East a distance of
379.33 feet; thence South 730 12' 02" East a distance of 266.79
feet; thence North 850 20' 31" East a distance of 550.06 feet;
thence North 630 11' 33" East a distance of 223.53 feet; thence
South 600 03' 58" East a distance of 125.44 feet; thence North 850
17' 26" East a distance of 176.95 feet; thence South 510 47' 42"
East a distance of 110.61 feet; thence North 230 10' 50" East a
distance of 147.19 feet; thence South 660 25' 16" East a distance
of 20.00 feet; thence South 230 10' 50" West a distance of 152.42
feet; thence South 510 47' 42" East a distance of 57.19 feet;
thence South 00 09' 16" West a distance of 259.63 feet; thence
South 420 41' 25" East a distance of 97.34 feet; thence South 840
05' 06" East a distance of 144.74 feet to the point of intersection
of (a) the westerly lot line of Lot 152, Glen Eagle Unit III,
according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 53,
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and (b) the northerly
line of the "10' Drain. Esmt" situated along the south lot line of
-".-"'''-,'' ""'
Lot 152 as shown on the plat of Glen Eagle Unit III; thence South
50, 54' 54" West along the west lot lines of said Lot 152, Glen
Eagle Unit III and said Lot 221, Glen Eagle Unit IV a distance of
20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Containing 7.076 Acres more or less and being subject to any right-
of-ways, restrictions, and easements of record.
'~ .'
1. Parties.
The parties to this Settlement Agreement are:
A. Glen Eagle Community Association, Inc., a Florida
corporation not for profit, its present and past officers,
collectively referred to as "the Association";
B. Florida Country Clubs, Inc., a Florida corporation,
d/b/a Tuscawilla Country Club, its present and past officers,
collectively referred to as "FCCI"; and
C. The Haylyn Development Corporation, a Florida
corporation, its present and past officers, directors, employees,
attorneys and agents, hereinafter collectively referred to as
2. Background.
The parties have a longstanding dispute over the care,
maintenance and entitlement to use of a certain stormwater drainage
system (hereinafter "the drainage system") consisting of two
certain ponds on FCCI's property and various ingoing and outgoing
pipes to and from the ponds. FCCI's ponds are described more fully
in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by
The dispute arises from a certain Declaration of
Overflow and Drainage Easement recorded at O.R. Book 1892, Page
0010, et ~, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida,
a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "B", and events that have
occurred since the recording of that Declaration.
.-', '~""',""~t~:-;~" '/', '", -,., '~:"k'-, "~'?:i~>i:ifiiY~.t".;~
3. The Agreement.
In exchange for the consideration set forth in Paragraph 4
below, receipt of which is acknowledged by the signatures of the
parties subscribed herein, the parties agree to resolve all of
their differences concerning the drainage system, its care,
maintenance and use. It is the express intent of this Settlement
Agreement that the drainage system will be dedicated for public use
as a stormwater drainage facility to be maintained henceforth by
the City of Winter Springs.
It is further intended that a
Dedication Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and will be
executed contemporaneously with this Settlement Agreement.
4. Consideration.
The parties, in exchange for the consideration set forth
below, have entered into and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.
The parties agree that the consideration set forth below is good
and valuable and sufficient to support this Agreement:
A. The Association agrees to pay the balance due for
the engineer's report rendered by William C. Fogle of The civil
Design Group, Inc. on April 25, 1994. This sum is in addition to
the $1,465.00 which has already been paid by the Association to
William C. Fogle for the subject property.
B. Simultaneosly with the execution of this Settlement
Agreement, FCCI, joined by James R. Mikes, individually, have
granted easements and dedicated the drainage system on the subject
property to the City of winter Springs for public use as a
stormwater management facility. A copy of that certain Dedication
7---'~{:"',f~~~_-"V~~y,'~' " -- C"';';?':-"'7.~tH~~';c.r--
'li':l'.~.:;-']!-,;:;,T'''f'}i::':' ~'~P:"~<\'j1~1','''"
of Drainage & Retention Easements is attached hereto as Exhibit "0"
and incorporated herein by reference.
C. Haylyn agrees to pay Ten and NO/100 Dollars ($10.00)
and other valuable consideration to FCCI for the repair of the
drainage easement and for past maintenance performed by FCCI.
D. FCCI was not involved in the design or construction
of the drainage system and is not responsible for its proper
functioning or whether it may accomodate the drainage intended.
FCCI shall not be obligated to make any repairs to or reconstruct
the drainage system (including but not limited to any recommended
actions as set forth in the report of the civil Design Group
prepared for the Association). FCCI may make such repairs or
reconstruction as FCCI deems appropriate to enhance the aesthetic
quality of the ponds, including adjustment of the elevation of the
ponds to that which may have existed before the drainage system was
E. The parties release each other of liability as set
forth in particularity in paragraph 5 below.
5. General Release.
Each of the parties described in section 1 above releases each
and everyone of the other parties to this Settlement Agreement
from any and all rights, claims, demands, damages, actions and
causes of action, of any nature whatsoever, whether arising at law
on in equity, which the releasing party may have had, may now have
or may hereafter have, against the said released party by reason of
any matter, cause, happening or thing, without limitation,
occurring prior to and including the date of this Settlement
6. Necessary Documents.
The parties agree to cooperate with each other and to execute
all additional documents necessary to effect the ends set forth in
this Settlement Agreement.
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corporation not for profit
By: W.
Name: lvll~aA t ~ ~~~"'~ ~C'_
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Kay 16, 1995
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a Florida corporation
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Name: -e . f1LLb( '- 4\bK 11"..5
T i tl e : V. 1:> f2..a&' pec.:;r
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Exhibit "A"
Exhibit "B"
Exhibit "c"
Exhibit "0"
Exhibit "E"
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Declaration of Overflow and Drainage Easement
recorded at O.R. Book 1892, Page 0010, et ~, of
the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida
Dedication Agreement
Dedication of Drainage & Retention Easements
civil Design Group dated April 25, 1994
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Telephone (407) 327.1800
To: Margo Hopkins, City Clerk
From: John Govoruhk, City Manager
Date: May 26, 1995
Re: Dedication Agreement - Glen Eagle Stormwater Drainage System
Attached herewith is the Dedication Agreement for Glen Eagle Stormwater Drainage
System signed by all parties. Please see to it that this package is put into the vault.
cc: Utility Director (w/o attachment)