HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUD-1 Settlement Statement -2005 11 02 "U(;.J';:',:Ii.O='O I n~ MUK 1l"J14tJt. I'" 1. t<J"I t-'A\:It:. la4/i:l4 flI004 _ O.~/~~/~5 10: IS F~ 4~7_ ~6~ ~7~8 _ _ _ _ _ I~WIN_If.9~A~E_ _ _ _ _ _ CERTIFICATION OF BUYBF fOR FHA INSURED MORTGAGE TRANSACTION fJ COpy Date: 08/23/05 I certify that the te~~s of the sales contract Dated are t=ue to the best knowledge and belief and that there are no other agreements entered into be~ween me, and the seller(5) or Realtor e~cept Lhoee attached to the sales contract. I certify that I have no knowledge of any loans that have been or will be made to mM(us) or loans thet have ~een or will be assumed by me (us) or loans that have been or will be assumed by me{us) for purposes of financing this transaction, other than those described in the sale8 contract (including addendums). I certify that I (we) have not been paid or reimbursed for any of the caeh down payment. I certify that I (we) have not and will not receive any payment or reimbursement for any of my (our) closing costs which have not b~en previously disclosed in the sales contract (including addendums). (J~ ERIC A. DOUGLAS ~~~tJ?U~ Il\~\o{ "/ SE:LLl!:R S) (l..oy\Q~d.. lAJ . ~. LtiVWr€.., ~ e:,~ Dr W~iY)+-ef SV(~S WARNING: It is a crime to knowingly make false statements to the UNITED STATES on this or any other similar form. Penalties upon conviction can include a fine and imprisonment. For details see: · TITLE 18 U.S. CODE SECTION 1001 and SECTION 1010. Instructions for the Settlement Agent: Upon settl~~ent of this transaction, you must sign the Settlement AlJent Certification required by FHA and attach it to the compl.eted: * HUD-1 SETTLEMENT STATEMENT (BUYRCERT) 9/95 t - I H Jtl Nd,I:S soaz 'S;~O \,./.;, .-.J' ......'t,)...1 .l.(J. .l.~ ...tJ r ...'.,J:J'-VJO I nc. ITIU"- I \;I"'~c. r .1t".I'1 I~W I~ "lIKlV.C! "au U9IZJ/\I$ 10:13 F-It .07 169 on. ADDENDUM TO HUD-15ETTLEMENT STAnmNT NonCE to AlJ.l'AJl.TIIf. If Iofblm...., ilObl8iled wlli<h Old;CllIOl 1hII1l1....... 0'.' "",""f.lllllll<laI00nll\llalion io olb.flNO Ir>In cb'l:oorfO_orolh"'llIft11_~fbolr~d.. in i~ closillr!emu;li.... d............ ",00\ i.", ,"tU>.writml lnallll'OllonJ bm a.ol~ "'fo~ pro<eedill! - ..lIlamaot aRTIFJCA nON OF BUYER IN Al'f FBA-INStlUD LOANTM~"SACTION 1..rtifrl1lol lhav...ia>o",leil!o oC.nyJollllNlhavt _MIl Ofwinbemlldc 10 lIIO (U!I) orlooDa lh~~~Wll1 be ""'lII1LGd Jy lft. (1IO)lor P"'f0ltl offillw;lll1hilll1ll'KllIOlI, OIl.... _ d..,mbe4ln dl..... ,otItt1Q1 r ,.-,. I eertify lNlt! ("") h"'lIOlbotl\pll~ or rtlmlnl"td1br uyoflllc'" do.... ptlY_ 1...,;~ ..,t (....}"... uol I.l\l jtJ =.Ivt ~ pI)'DlllllOl' rolmmOlllOll' '0".' or my (OIIr) .Jo.uc "",rn,kick mc Rot \ooun provloaJly 4lNIDICillR lhclOlll~ C<IIIttICl (l'olu4ln3144011dIl) ....Vor"" I\llplic.liallfor ~ .......<0 subrIllJr.olllll tIllI (0If) 1l0000~qo\ml... It-- ;:J~ 13ort...... ElUC A. IlOUGUS ;j'll.oj ~1a - 1_... Dol. CERTIflC^TJON OF SELLER IN ,m rBA.INSURED LOAN TRANSActiON 1 ~ dllt IMVO 110 klIo..Wp olmy low tII., law "- or wiD '" III- tol\t \0.-01(1). or 10..... Ilm 1la.Y~'l'"' / or "in bo u~ by 1lIo bortoWOl(o). fWJI"'PllIlCS oC finIIII:IIIc lblo ~ ""'............-..s In 60 III" -l::{J (\ i- (loollNlal044.ndl). I eortlly III", I h... III/t 0114 ";11 not PfO' or rohabanO a.. ~.-.r(.) tlIt IIIJ pll'toflhe caoll ...... pll)'IIlCllt. ~ ~Ilml hl.UIll onol.nR nolp,yOfJolmlNn< ll10 ~~) '"'''''1 pill otdlol>orroW....olol...ol...,bicb"-1IOtbocll 1"""'''''1)1 diodo"" In dlc ..lot COlIact [1IIC1""1II1 II)' IddCl4a). To \hi """ ~rmy kn......cIt..lII, H'oJDol kttloullolSDlcmooal wlricll 1 h... PI1pI* III nolll\llllllCln/l; IGGOWll of lb. Moll wlILclr..... (l>_he4, qr GQ plid aulDd. 01..1/1.. ..4 the w,<b reool..d..... '*" f/ will \1 <Ik\ul'Md by die ondftlll\0411por\ollllo Imloromtofllll'lnn'ooUOlI. 16riw~dml M... .balnotl ...\>tOt oonili",. wllich...... ",.c.". 1110 bon<>'RI(al ond IO\IeI(.) .. iadiCllri. '\IV AltNl/IO: II It. orlmt lD ~y mllkt 1lI1ao f1BlIlmoall t> dlc UailOd Sla... 00 Ill.. or illY oOIor olllNar form. PlIIlIld.. lIpOll .onYled"" GOO ;"dIld..lino ood ..h......." Po<cIclIil...." T;do tA U.J. CoI.o5ot1l...10g1 Ill4 1010. 1if:'C\ I"'A\X. tl.;/tl~ LJ copy ,"!:JlI:; ~DOZ .~ 'p) ~ ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE CONTRACT ~ COpy SELLERS: TRE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BUYERS: ERIC A. DOUGLAS and KIM LAPOINTE, husband and wife PROPBRTY ADDRESS: 124 RHO~EN LANE, 'WINTER SPRINGS, fL 327(:)8 PARCEL J.D.' 34-20-30-541-0400-0010 1. The Seller and Buyer acknowledge that the following language should have been added to that certain Contract for Sale and Purchase dated and signed on August 10, 2005 for the above property. ~y "It is expressly agreed that, notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract, the purchaser shall no b obligated to complete the purchase of the property described herein or to incur any penalty forfeiture of earnest money deposits or otherwise unless the seller bas delivered to the purchaser a written statemCJ].t issued:>>e'the Federal Housing Commissioner setting forth the appraised -faIue of the property (excluding Closing costs) of not less than 5102,000.00 which statement the seller may deliver to the purchaser promptly if appraised value statement is made avaUable to the.seller. The purchaser shall, however, have the privilege and option of proceeding with the conaummation of the contract without regard to the amount of the appraised valuation made by the Federal Housing Commissioner." ,r b~ 2. Seller and Buyer aCknOWledge .and agree that Buyer has delivered, through The Mortgage Firm, Inc., an appraisal of the Subject Property, which was prepared by J. Timothy Bums and dated August 12, 2005, in . the amoUnt of $108,000.00. Buyer agrees that said appraisal is acceptab!.e for the purposes of closing on the property . THE CITY OF WINTFR SPRINGS ~~-.('~ ~~ 111'~o)' By: fZ()/"OvLcL w~'~re.., ERIC A. DOUGLAS KIM LAPOINTE l 'd BL09'oN ~d61:g 'gOOl '9l'PO '...iI.....RDli.I~..__I..---.__ .u......_:._ ..~.I.~.. .1DUlW........~