HomeMy WebLinkAboutHubert R. Earley --1994 12 02 . ~v I'+L;H'+L~"" ..1 'tV I oJ, I\J;;!I L If. L - , V-I~-~~ , L'~~~m , ~ .. .;1"1:111 U I . I.. L.I L.I r\ Q 1\ I " ,I'" ',: .. I. j ... If.. OFFICIAL RECORDS '"' f? . 'rf..:, i I BOOK PAGE 12~~ / ' . - 2 8 5 7 0 6 I 6 , THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND . L""TER RECORDING RETURN TO)1 SEMIHOLE co. fL. Miranda F. Fitzgerald Lowndes, Drosdick, Doater, ~ I Kantor & Reedr P.A. ~ ~ost Office Box 2809 Or1andor FL 32802 I I I I i 0'\ I i ~ ! : SE'I'TLEMbT AGREEMENT ' 0 i i -.I I 'I'lIIB BE'I''I'l.EMlINT [AGREEIIENT is made this ::bd day of -g; ! e. e, 1994, by and between HUB!lRT R. EARLlllY ("Earley") and 8he CITY OF WIN'I'ER S~RING8, FLORIDA (the IICity"), a municipal I i : : fOFrporation organized iand existing under the laws of the State of !lorida. i ;; ~ I ~_ .. ' WHEREAS, Earley !:>wns 114 acres of land wi thin the City's g I : i ~) i in, pnicipal boundaries jWhiCh is more particularly described in J, ! . , i' ~?,hibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and ;:g ~ i i T-":> ... ipcorporated herein by: reference; and.,,\ ;. I i .~ ~ I: WHERZAS, on May 13, 1993, and on November 11, 1993, Earley ,,, ~ s~mitted applications:to the City requesting rezoning of 80 acres lei; the Property which i~ more particularly described in Exhibit "C" J~tached hereto and inJorporated herein by reference and depicted JJExhibit "B" as "Tradt A" (the. "SO-Acre Parcel"); and ; ., WHEREAS I on Janu~ry 24, '1994, the City Commission denied E~rley's applications ~or rezoning; and , WHEREAS, Earley, a~ Petitioner/Plaintiff, filed a Petition. for , liit of Certiorari and; Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive lief against the City, as Respondent/Defendant, styled Hubert R. , Florida, Case No. 94-365-CA-16-K th~Circuit Court of the Eighteenth JUdicial "f4"/'" ! , '" I \I - V ..I , ". \I \I r 1'1 , .. V , .. L ;; L .. , " ~ J .. V I ~ " V" I L '" ,J ~~~I Ol'~ V V non I '. . ,,, , i :.'. OFFICIAL RECORDS · "[1', "'\', BOOK PAGE ! 2857 0617 I ! I SEMINOLE CO. Fl. : I I I ! I ~ircuit in and fori Seminole County, Florida (the "Court") 9hallenging the CitY'1 denial of the rezoning applications; and ' I I WH~REAS., in an a~tempt to resolve the issues surrounding the ~etition, the parties! agreed to a mediation of this matter with I " ,J,ohn J. Upchurch of C~bb, Cole & Bell, as mediator, on August ~, ~994i and I : I : WHEREAS, as a rrSUlt of the mediation, the parties have ~tered into this Sett~ement Agreement; and ; WHERRAS, notice; of intent to consider this Settlement ! , greement has been properly published and giveni and . ; WH~REAS, the City has determined that it is in the best ipterest of the City ~nd its citizens to settle the Petition by laoption of this Agree~ent, NOW THEREFORE,. fo~ and in consideration of settlement of the jetition and other gOO~ and valuable consideration, Earley and the crity hereby agree as f9llows: I 1. The foregoing recitals are true, correct and accurately the matters af~ecting the Petition as of the date hereof recitals are expressly incorporated herein by this ! I 2. By entering into this Settlement Agreement, the City is I , :reby rezoning the SO-Acre Parcel from R-Cl to R-1AA as restricted , the terms and conditions of this Settlement Agreement. The ! di:"elopmen~ standards ~PPlicable. to ~he ~O-Acre ~arcel shall be those appl~cable to the;R-1AA zon~ng d~str~ct unless the terms and I : ; 11I'1h.l/i41 i 2 . I "'TWI"T._."T.V I ......" \,I,"' \,Iyl,,'" At' .. ,... .... . ....... ,., , Ut' f kC1AL RECORDS ..,.... I .., I . _ _ WI' '" I' -- j:. I \ BOO PAGE . , ' I, . "I. ".' )' .... : ': i 2857 06rS SEHlUOt.E co. F'L. I '" . I I I conditions of this Se9tlement Agreement are more restrictive than, I ..or in conflict with, the development standards applicable to the R- . , I 'lAA zoning district, in whioh ,event, the terms and oonditions of ! 'the Settlement Agreem~nt shall control, The terms and oonditions I . this I tof Settlement Agreement have been mutually agreed Upon and Ihave been determined ~y the City to promote the general public j :ealth, safety and we~fare, , 3., Earley shaLl. be permitted by the City to develop, , pnsistent with the ~terms and conditions of this Settlement I . ! i ~reement, all portio~s of the aO-Acre Parcel which are approved I ; ; for development by the St. Johns River Water Management District rrhe "SJRWMD"). The: remaining 34 acres of the Property (the r~emainder Parcell!) s~all be used for ,stormwater management and wetland mitigation associated with and necessary for development of .Jbe aD-Acre Parcel, in:accordance with permits to be issued by the ~?WMD. Any portiont of the Remainder Parcel not used for s~ormwater management or mitigation purposes shall remain as I ' . . , U4developed open space,; That portion-of the Remainder Parcel that 4~ encumbered with t~~ easement in favor of Florida Power a~rporation shall rema~n as a greenbelt area in which mitigation ! I be permitted,: 4. Those portions of the aO-Acre Parcel approved for , 1 I . d ,ve opment by the SJRWMD, subj eet to the prov~sion of any I ' . : ' I . afFlieable State or cornty regulation, shall be developed as a residential subdivision containing lots of not less than 15,000 I' . , , (1~i11/94) ! 3 , I . ; 6-13-95 ; 2:36PM ; 4074252429~ 1 407 327 6912;# 5 SENT BY. L D D K & R ._ I , _ ..J". '...' ,j. I, I i. OFfiCIAL RECORDS '.'.. ' '..'; BOOK PAGE I 2857 06f9 I ..sEMINOLE CO. FL. I i 'square feet each (the "Development"). A material term of this 1 :Settlement Agreement xs the City's commitment to allow development ' I ,of 110 lots of the required size on the aD-Acre Parcel (with the I .cissociated storrnwater jnanagement facilities and mitigation areas to ,- :be located on the Rem~inder Parcel), unless restrictions included ! :~n a permit duly issued by the SJRWMD reasonably preclude the I development of 110 lots on the aD-Acre Parcel. In such event, the ' i : I ity agrees to allow the maximum number of 15,000 square foot lots ! I , I hat can be developed: on the BO-Acre Parcel consistent with the i I bnditions of the SJRWMD permit. i , S. Although the:minimum size for the lots to be developed on aO-Acre Parcel shall be 15,000 square feet, the lots shall be : I as large as possible given the other conditions contained herein. I ' I . ; I Tne minimum size of the: single family residences to be built on the Lot s shall be 2 , 000 ! square fee t of heated ~ and cool ed area, Iii excluding garages. Each residence shall have an enclosed garage. J: 6. Earley shall;design the layout of the lots such that as dny of the lots as Pos~ible are One hundred (100) feet wide at the i ! ~ont bUilding line. T~e parties agree that not more than a total : . I . . ~ thirty (30) irregularly shaped lots and lots fronting on cul-de- o l StCS shall be a minim~m of ninety (90) feet wide at the front b ,ilding line and Shall~have a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet of f ontage on a public right-of-way. . . ! 7. Earley shall i not be required by the City t.o make any i , road, intersection Or drainage improvements to Fisher Road other I ; i 111Al1/J41 4 I : I ' - - , .1'. I, , i OFF ICIA LRECRRDU ,'. .': . j-':' ' . 800K ~G " 2857 0620 SEMINOLE CO. FL.. , than those improvements directly associated with the construction iof Fisher Road from its present paved terminus on Bird Road to the ;Development's proposed southernmost local road connection only. :Furthermore, there shall be no driveway cuts made to Fisher Road as ;part of the Development. , I 8. As part of the Development, Earley shall provide a fifty : ~5 0) foot natural buffer within a tract along both Fisher Road and I j:anama Road. This buffer tract shall remain in its natural state ",ith the native treesl and vegetation and shall not be mowed or I '! . ., I r~earsd. No roads orjtrails shall be allowed through the buffer ~act, E~rley shall f6rm a mandatory homeowners association which 1hall own and have makntenance responsibilities for the natural I ! buffer tract and for ~ny other common areas within the Property. raintenance responsib,1lities shall include periodic trash and ' I J~briS removal. i ' 9. Earley shalllnot be required by the City to construct a J~ll along Fisher ROad; Panama Road Or Shore ~oad. In. the event '~e City creates a s~ecial district, for purpos'es of imposing fsessments or, pursuatt to Florida Statutes, otherwise assesses :operties for improvements to Fisher Road, Panama Road or Shore ~ad' all Or part of th~ Property may be included in suoh district, o~ otherwise aasesse&; provided, however, that Earley, his s bcessors and assigns I iShall have the same rights under Florida or federal law as other property owners . to oppose any assessment I I (Ubl/1l4) ! 5 I ' I ~ I - .1 , ""'M *V'*'J'*';P I *VI "" O::ll"(.,,, I . U '" ... ... , O-I.:l-::lO , ..'" I , I SENT l?Y.L U II "" II ,_ ., .', .'..'.:,,_.~ ' ...,: j ," B~OIOIKo".",~,.".",;,-::... ,',,' ,'.,' 1,,1, rM.~~ . ". . .: I ,,~. ! "2 8 5 7 0 G 2 'I l ! :;SEMINOLE co. FL:.; I I ,:~ i ,'...~ . , ',;~ i : I ;proposed or levied o~ the basis that the assessment is arbitrary ~ l !~nd capricious. ! I : ! 10. As part of tihe Development, Earley shall pave Shore Road ., . I ; I . as a two-lane section from its present paved terminus to the , : i !~orthern access'point Pf the Project, using a pavement and drainage ' ! I ' . iq,esign that matches ;that of the existing paved section. If . I ! I , i :quthorized by the City's Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance, the ' , I I , , . , 'dity shall give impact fee credits to Earley for all such I ~ j ~mprovements made by marley to Shore Road. I , . . I . . I 11. Earley shall; not be required by the City to make any road : ! b~ drainage improvements to Panama Road other than those directly l~Sociated with the cohstruction of the Development's north entry I, : ~oad system. ; I 12. In the event:Earley has not submitted an application for I : ~ ! a I preliminary subdi visiion plan on the 80 -Acre Parcel wi thin one ! !~ar following the ciaJe of this Settlement Agreement, the City I' I f ljla'll be entitled to: amend, the City's comprehensive plan to I . ~einstate the Rustic Reridential land use classification on the. 80~ l ~dre Parcel, and, in t~at event, Earley shall be deemed to have ~ I I ~ived his right to objiect to the comprehensive plan amendment. . I I , I 13. Within ten ~10) days fallowing the filing of this I Srttlement Agreement wilh the Court, the Florida League of Cities shall pay $50,'000.00 1:0 Earley as reimbursement for Earley's i artorneys, fees and coets. , I . ! I i (11./.11/H) ,6 I : i I I '+v,'+".,,,'+,,v~ I ,+UI ~" U::lI"'" ::l ~~NI tiY;L U U ~ ~ K , O-I~-~~ , "~o~m I , . ,I, ',' !: ,. , , L .CIAL RECORgS ',. . i 4 . -: ". H.. Bvvl'( PA E I i ~857 0623 I , . SEMINOLE ,CO.f:L. : , ' I 17. This Settle~ent Agreement shall inure to the benefit of I ; and be binding upon the City arid Earley and its or his respective :successors and assign~. . ! I : : 18. This Settlement Agreement contains the entire agreement ~ ! :df the' parties hereto~ Any change, modification, or amendment to I :this Settlement Agree~ent shall not be binding upon any of the : , I . , I or amendment has !parties hereto unless ;such change, modification, I ; I Meen duly advertised, ras been the subject of a public hearing, has ~een reduced to writi~g, has been executed by both the City and ~arley, has been filediwith the Court, and has been recorded in the I : ! p~blic records. i i I I I: 19. This Settlem~nt Agreement shall be interpreted pursuant t9 the laws of the State of Florida. ! r 20. This Settlement Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with and on1y to the-extent permitted by all applicable i~ws, ordinances, rule~ and regulations. If any provision of this I ; Settlement Agreement ot the application thereof to any person or I' - . . I~rcumstance shall for ~ny reason, and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Settlement Agreement and the a~Plication of such prbvision to other persons or circumstances I : . shall not be affected thereby, but rather shall be enforced to the I ; . gr~atest extent permitt~d by law. , 21. In the evenJ of any controversy or dispute arising between the City and E1arley in connection with this Settlement I : , I Agreement, inClUding without limitation, in any declaratory action, (lLu/94} 8 I . I : .', J'. ..., ,11 .. I · - OFFICIAL RECORDS " " BOOK . PAtE I 2857 0624 ! SEMll/OlE co. FL. It trial, or in any appellate proceeding, the prevailing party . I I shall be entitled tch recover any and all costs and expenses :. I : I $.ssociated therewith, ;in whatever nature or form, including without ' I I , . limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, legal . I . . ' I : I- . I _ assistants' fees, exp~rt witness fees, and other professional fees i : ~nd expenses associat~d therewith. , I i 22. This SettlJment Agreement and any modification or dmendment thereto ahal~ be filed with the Court and recorded in the ; i I . i ~blic records of Seminole County, Florida within ten (10) days : . I . ! bllowing execution by; the parties. The City Commission shall be i i notified that the Settlement Agreement and any modification or I ! I a~endment thereto has been recorded in the public records. ; IN WITNESS WHER.hF, the partiea hereto have signed this I ! I Settlement Agreement as of the date first above written. ' I i I ! 1: tne a aes : ." EARLli:Y" Q,Q ~. ~~ ] ; ER'J.' :<.. ,l:;ARLEY t>-\A.a' ~ -:c... ~ \ C::, ~ 5 1.J.,:lE- f>9 0 (~rint Name) 'I 7 ... C tP/~""A ; S t PI-I.or ~ -- ~ 11'1 ..,.,. ,.. a f&;. c.J~7'-(, 0 A. L /l1J d. I flo,t." d Jj. '3 :J,.J't> ) ~,{l2<,-;1. ~rL~;("-:U~~;~T ( ~nt Name i I ! i (llill/9~) : 9 "FJCIAL RECORDS - . ; .IuOK PAGE . I 2857 0625 I i ',SEMINOLE CO. Fl. I I I I THE "CITYu THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida munic , corporU ) By:- ~ I I !ts: MAYOR, CrTY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA II;)..G fA-rr S..~. I.f3.t.;'d ):;..1< f/J IjJ TU1- S~.R-;rJd-S I nOA-1 ~ I ATE OF FLORIDA UNTY OF ~LJI' . . Th . ,,';going." st .[ ument was ~knOWledged before me this c#1d; y of ' . . ./ 1$3 9 , by Hubert ~. Earley who is . p rsonally known to me , I n. lJ'~" & d ~ .... ._~~<,::-":'t ..,.", , 'P..-, .) ~",:.,.. . Notary d;Ublic . ')I'e'tfih,;" .....~.i:>'\.. Name: ~?-/f. d?~ .v.e:'h#' ! ~'''fo'' \;~~ '\ . (Printed or Typed) : Cii;' , . ~.:;1: : CommJ.ss~on No. ~ ,;,W'.. ~t1j j f My Commission Expires: ...... ';;1 u a,:~, ....:.. .... NOTARY PlJBLICI STAt! OFJlLOJlIDA AT LAllCJ! .... I............. ,., ..,.. MY COMMISSION lXPIUS AU()UST 10. 199' '.., if ~.,., BONCiC THIlU ASHTON AOiNCY tHe. l~ f 4) . .' , , 11 r'" I 10 SEN'(-BY:L D D K & R I 0-13-95 I ~;4Ut-'M , 4U'/4~n4,~"'1 4U'/ ~n O\:lI~,,,I~ .Il ..,/ I ~BIT IIAW OFF - '~l RECORDS ..' II I ~OOI\ PAGE, II ! 2857 0628 ! TRAC'r A I SEHINDLE ~O. FL ~:i= g:~,' Beoinning at Jhe southelllt corner ot North Orlanc1o R~noh88 ~ Z; seo. 1, aa redorded 1n Pllt Book 12, Page 3, PUblio Reoord.S ot sel'll.ino.u C 'unty, Florida I run N. 07011 t 3.7.." W., along the r,:; East 1.1na of aa.1d North OrllncSo Ranche.!ll S.O. 1, and thin EaaterlY right ot-~ay line of Shore Road 133.90 teet to the~ ~ Southerly l1ne ot a 'lo~1da Powlr Corp. ..aamant recorded ~n~ ~ O.R. Book 3'3, use 54, lIublLcRlcorda of Sem1nole County, r- - 110dda. Run thenoe S. 79-39'3S. 2. along .!lIdcS Southerly - ! 11ne, 229.52 ut to the clnter Hne of a FlodeSa power , Corp, eaa.men~ recorded .in 0.1'. Book 353, Pllge 54, PubUo Reoorda of sa~nOle county, Florida. Run theno. along a~1d center 11ne, S. 0004S'26" S, 4142.B9 teet to a point on the , North lina of Lot 147, Block .~", C.R. Mitohell Survey of . the Moses B. Levy Grant, .8 recorded ~n Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Recordsl ot S.minelll COunty, Florida. Run thence S. : 83037138" W., I along add North line a distanoe of 115.73 t..t; thence N, 1~""27" W. 23g.20 t..t to a point on the EAsterly r1ghtrof-way line of Fi.har Road, said PQ1nt be1ng on a curve co~cave Soutllw..tlrly, with a r~~ua of 558.00 tut, a central angle at 39-01'36", and a taugent bearing of , N. 15049 '34" wi., :'Un thence Northerly along the arc of said - I curve, and sa! s:uh:-ly riQht-ot-way UnQ of F:i.Bher Road, as shown on lata ot "Horth Orland-o J:\anches Sec. 7. I r recorded in Pl t sook 13, lIag. 3, Publio RGcords ot Seminole County, Flor.id.; "North Orlando Ranch.. Sao. 1-B" recorded I in Plat Book ~2, pagaa 46 & 47, Public Reoords of Seminole I CO\,1nty, 1'1orida, and "North Orl.ndo Ranches Seo. 1-1\", , reeor~ed in P~at Book 12, p,ge. 31 & 32, Publ10 Reco~d8 ot I Semino1e Co~nt~, Florid., a diatance of 380.08 feat to the Pt. Run thenoe fl,.\rther along sdd Euhrly right-Of-way lin. of Fiahe%1 Road the follo~1~g QOUrsea: N. 54'SO'lO" W. 347.47 feet t the p.e. ot a CUrv0 conoave Easterly with a rl!diu!5 ot 617.,0 flilet and a c:entr&l anglQ of 34"30'00"; ~un thence North.r~y along the arc of laid curve 371.52 faet to the Pt., thence N. 20'20'10" W. 101.87 f~et to the P,C. of a curve concav.lsouthWQ5Iter1Y, with a radius ot 1033.00 feet and e centru an91e of 11'31'1'". ~un thence Northerly along the arc of said ourve, 31S.S9'fest to the Pt.: thenOe N. 37'51'25" ~. B2.9~ feet ~o the P.C. of e curve concave !aaterly, withl a r~d~v8 gf 492.00 f66t, an~ a central angle of 51'19'4!S". ! Run thenoe Northerly along the arc of said curve. 440.771 hat to the Pt.; thenoe N. 13'28'20" E. 1257.58 feet t~ the P.C. of a curve concave Westerly. with a radius ot 1151.11 feet, and A centr2ll angle of 19'50'30". Run thence NQr harly along the area! said curve 400.71 feet to the Pt.: hence.N. 06022' 10" W. 400.00 feet to the SouthBrlyrigh~"of-way line ot Panama Road. as shown o,n the. Plat of the a~oreeaid North orlando Ranches Sec. 1;, thence 1uving afore8a1d Easterly right-Of-way line .ot F1sner,Road, ru~ N~ a3030'~a" E. along uJ.d sou't:hllllrly right-oi-way 11n" ot Panama Road~ 710.07 faet to the Point of Beginning. All ot the preOlilcSing <':l1sor1pUon lying within Lots 111, 119. lZ7, 135, 143,112B l\nd 136, Block "D-, C.R. Mitchell Surv~y of the MO&eS sj LeVA Oran't:, a. r.corded in Plat Book 1, Pags 5, Pub110 ~eoo;ds ot Seminole County, Florida. , TRACT B i , I j Fron! the. N.orth~east coi"ner of North Orlando Ranche51 Sec:. 1, as recorded i Plat Bool< 17. page 3. Public Records of i Seminole count I Florida, run S. 07'11'37" E.. a1on9 tho I East boundary tine of sa1d North Orlando Ranches Sac. 1 ~nd I the tast right of-way line of Shore Road. 20.93 fe~t to the I Point of BGlgi n1ng. RUn thence N. 33'37'55" E. -1690.23 I feet; thence S. 01'27'55" W. 663.10 feet; thence S. 83'3'/'55" W. 663.10 fust: thence S. 01'27'55" '1'/. 4473.1\5 , I I f I I w..." . ..... I" _ _ .., .\ ~ .\ - , . . . - '.... '"" . ... . . -... - . - . , . , - - , """"",,,,,,,,,,,\1' :,.t 'I' " \ ..' . I feet. to a point on the North Line ot Lot 147, Block "D", N I I C.R. Mitchell Survey of the Moses E. Levy Grant, 8B recorded (J') CO tt I in Plat Book 1, page 5, Pub11c Recc~dB of S9minole County, trt Ul C , Florida. Ihln "thence along said North lot Un. S. 83'37'38" :r c if I - -.;J ZJi: '1' W. 499.33 tut. to 8 point on the center 11n. Of a i'10:o!da Z 'I' .. Power corp. aasement "H" , reoordedin O. R. Sook 353. page CJ I: r- ; } I 54, pub11a Re~rdS of Saminole County, Flo~1d.. Run thtn=_ ~ , :, I I Ilong said Q6n ar eaaament 11n8 N. 00'45'26" W, 4142.99 feet ~ to a po1nt oni the Southerly Unt of a Flor1c1a Power Cct'p. 0 0 ' I .aaement 'e', ~8 reoorded in a.R. Book 353, Plge 54, Pub11e · (1\,-0: Records at h~in01e County, Florida. Run thenclI along IUd ;::J 'N)' '~i Southerly ua m.nt Una N. 79'39'35" W. 229.!52 teet to D ...... ,,,, ; ! I point on the foreaaid East boundary line ot North Orlando;'-J ' Ranch.. S.o. i. Run thenoe along aforesaid !aatbound~ _::-- 1'00 I line, N. 07'11637" w. egg.77 feet to the POint of Beg1nn1ng, -- :5~'. )0 allot the pre ading de80r~ption lying w1th1n ~ot. 100, lQ~, ~~ ~~~ ~ 102, 110, 1111, 119, 127, 135 and. 143, BlOck "t)", ora. ;;; I Mitchell S\.lrY.~ of the Mose., E. Lavy Grant, as reoorded an r- ! I Plat Book 1, : Page 5, Publio Records of Seminole Coun, Ai , 'lodc!a. I . P 0 ::TIn I ' ~ ~ ~o I LESS AND !XC!P~ the fOllowing detoribed property; . -- m~ ! N i D!SC~IPT%ON OF THE PROPBRTY CONVEYED P~OM ICAMERON-SROWN INVSSTMnNT GROUP, . 11 ,MASSACHUSETTS BUSINESS TRUST TO F~ORl~A pmW!R CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION I . I Frcm the South.'lt CQrner of North orlando Ranches Seo. 1 as I racord.d 1n Pl~t Sook 12, Page 3, public Recorda ot SeminOl&. I i County, Flor1da, run N. 07'11'37- W. along t~. ~$a~ lint of said North Orlkndo Ranchea Sec. 1 a distance of 133.90 feet . I to interseot ~With th. Southerly linQ ot 175 teet wide Florida Powor orporation Eaaament Area "C", a. r.co~d.d in I O.R. Book 353,1 P.g. ~4. Pub11c Records of Seminole County, Florida; th.n~ s. 79'39'35" E, along said Ea..mane line I 140.35 i.et t I ita int.r..ction with the west Un. ot 175 teet w.i.da rlorid.. Power Corporation EaSell11'tnt Are8 "H" IU!l I raQor~.d jn q,R. Book 353, paqe ~4 of said publiC rocords tor the POINr OF BiGINNING; run th&nce N, 00'45'26- W. clong a Northerly Pr1jOct1on of the Weet line of !aaament Aroe "H" a d1stane. ot, 1:52,85 feet to the NortherlY line of said Easement Araa rC"; thence S. 79'39135" E. 178.34 feet along the Northerly iine of Easement Araa "e" to intersect with a Northerly projection of the Eaat line of aforesaid EAsement - AraB "HilI th8~c8 S. 00'45'26" E. 2:S.4S teet along aa.id proj action ot Ithe East line of Ea!lement Area "H." to its intersection with the Northe~ly l.1n. of the 100 feet wide Florida Power ~orporation Easement as recorded in O.R. Beok 193, paoa 270, I Public Recorda ot Seminole COl,lnty, Florida: thenoe S. 79'39'35" N. along th. NcrthArly lina ~f said 100 feat wide Florida Power Corporatio~ Easement 34~.20 teet to an anqle pOLntl thenca S.- 6$'04'35" E. along' said .100 feet i wide EsSemtnt Lne 251.90 feat to its intereection w~th the I EZlIst boundary b line of thlll Camaron-Brown Inveet/llent Group ! propertll U .re orded in O.R. 'Book 1124, PS99 1762, Public RecordS! of Seminole County. Florida; thence S. 01'27'55" W.. along aa~d East bOundary line 566.36 fut; thQnoQ S. 89'14'34" W. 7.18.81 feet to the Weet line of Ui"d 175 felilt wide Plcrida Pdwar Ccrpo~a~ion Easement Araa "11-; thence N. 00-45'26" W, 6~a.50 feet 810n9 said West line of El1sement Area "HM to th~ POINT O~ B~GINNING. Being a part o~ Lots 111 and 119, Block "0", O.R. MitChell's Surve~ of the O!lIHI E. Levy Grant. a.s recordod in Plllt Bool< I 1, Page 5, P\.lb~ic Records of Seminole County, Florida. i LESS THE FOLLO~ING TWO DESCRIPTluNS: I (As recited 1~ Partiel Releases in Official Racords 'Sook , 1615, pago 1891 ~nd in Official Racords Sook 1621. ?~go 694) I I ! I I .. - " . ... ... , ......,. I I '-I , ~"'I~"W..-r...., I ~WI ,,~, .....,..,'Pr,..,. .'. I (OffiCI.,'a.cor!. BOOk 1615, ' , ~.,.. " : . . " ..; - . I Page 1692) I I I From the Northeast corner of North Orlanao Ranohes Seotion N : 1, as ~ocorded t in Plat Book 12, Page 3, Publio Record. ot fA CJ:) rot I ! Seminole County Pl0~1da, run s. 07'11'37" E. along th~ Bast ~ tJl ~. t " boundary Une of said North Oriando Ranohe. Secs'tj,on 1 and j: ~: I " I the B~U!tR1ght let Hay Un. of Shore Road 20.93 hat: thanea z ~ ! i run N, S3'37'~J." E. 1690,23 feet; thenoe S. 01.21'~5. W. (:) :: i :~':" I 6~3.10 feat' t ence s, 83'31'55" W. 663.10 teetl thine. s. ~ r , .';" I 01 · 27' 55' W.. 2~' 21 ...t to tho point of boginning I th.noo n ' : ",- I .. , continue S, 01 27'eS" W. 21g9,24 feet to a point on the 0 0 ~ ./.,: . I North line of ot 147, BlOCk -Dd, D.R. Mitche118 Survey of' en ~c ....... the Moaee E. Le Grant, u r.Clorc1el1 in Plat Book 1, 'age 5, .", ' ' )>~ , PubUo Records ot Seminole County, Florida: thence run s. r ,N ~~ ...~. . I 83'31'38" W. along ..S.d North l1ne 615.06 feet to a po1nt on\) CO. ". the Eaabl'ly r.i.ght ot way line of Fhher Roadl thence ~mN-=- &t::) I 1 S. e!5 '27. W, atong ..1c1 EUU~ly r1gnt Qf way 1J.ne !5 7er. 0 ~ i faet, thence run N. 83'37'38. E. 216.,98 feet to Q Po.i.~ oft.,) ::t~ - I I tho B"~",y tiQht of woy Un. of 0 ..o..ido P 0" S ) , Corporation Jr.. 1II.nt, Arsa IfH". recorded in O. R, Soak I"!JS3, r- I PaBO .', PubHO a..orda of .alllino," county, Florido, tOi ill I run N. 00.45'2 · W. along said Euhr1y right ot way;; ~g i 2138,95 teet; . hence N, 83'37'38" E. 497.11 teet t m::O I poi^t of beg1nn~ng; ~ '8? I I (Ott.i.0111 Record. Sook 1621, Page 695) From the NO~he~Gt oornar ot North Orlando Ranch.. a_otion ! I I 1, as ~ecord.d I~n Plat Sook 12, Page 3, Publio Recorda of i Sem1l\Ole CountYI 1l01'1da, run S. 07 '11 '37" !., a.1.ong- the I ~'st boundary 1tnl ot 8a1d North Orlando Ranches Station 1 I I and the East 1'1 ht of way .1.1ne of Sho~e ROld, 20,93 feet to I the POINT OF BECJINNINCI thence eontinu& s, 07'11 '37" t., .longsai(i 2nt boundary Un. anti Eaat right of way line I 742.47 feet to ~h. North l1n. of a Florida Powe~ CQ~por.t1on I eaaQ~'~t "0", as r.oorded in Official Reoord. Bock 353, Pag. $4, PubliCI Rec*,dll at Seminal. County, Floridal thenoe S. I 7g'30'35" E., .' on9 said eAsement "a", 336.66 fQQ~; thanea I S. OO.4~'26H. s.~ 2S,4S fest to the North 11ne of A Florida POW.r Corporation ....m.nt ra~o~ded in Offioial Records Book I'::': 193, Page 270, !J'ubUo Reeordb of SeminOle County, Florida: I th$nee s. 79'39'3~" E., along ~aid ea~QmQnt 345.20 feet to " an an91e point: ~thQnOa S. 6e'04'35" E'r along SAid easement j 251.90 feet1 ~hence departing from said easement N. i 01'27'55" EL, 4 1.83 !eet; thence N. 24'33'0]." W:, 691.44 I I fu't:; thence S.! 83'3".5~" W., 721.00 het to the POINT OF' t B~OINNING. f I \ I I , I I I J ~ , I ! I , : I ; I I ) I I , 1 : ! i i . i I I I I I i I I" :.1. .... . I " rEGIBLnY UNSATISFACTORY \. FOR MICROFilMING I . I ~ ~ r 1.1 r ;:J 'I . . N Q) CO rn c.rt :3: -.1 Z 0 r- m { I n 0 0 , oj . 0'\ ~:l ;1'1'0. ~; l . \Q I' tn ~ 1'1"I ~ :c 0 ! ." I' I to .1 II ij .. I, ... ,: II. :a I g q z Ilr I' if Ii ... h {' " II ;:1 : I l't .. . . I :1 I "-:' i II -' ... ... \ \ , - 00<_ ---- I~I OONALD w. McJNTOSH ASSQCl....T1:I, INe. ........._~ u-,,, I ...-." - tN()~U~S I'I.AHJ/r~s Iiu1'l(\,oou . .. " ~. ~': OR. ~ 'lOll ,.."...c....c 1Gllll\ "JIIl:'''~ ~ utw c.."......... . 'u.. .._. ' , ... '_a- . lhlh' ,- ' CI" 1 :Ila1qof.... .. tA. "~'I ~ fI \IW __.. ... \,'..... . M' M. I I _. -... .-." '. .0 r: -. i :, . , . EXHIBIT .e. N CfJ OJ a10 ", en o~ :J: 0"" RE-ZONING PARCEL - -.I. ~c; I ;z: - o. ~ r- r- f"I ~ C") M DESCRIPTION: o. ,0 C'"> I . ~ ..".0\ ~ r-' . .(..)'. G)C IRacr..A I · rr'fc.n 0 Beginning at the Southe~stcorner of NORTH ORLANDO-RANCHES SEC. 1, I as recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 3, Public Records of Seminole County, I Florida, run N 07'11 '3i' W along the East line of said NORTH ORLANDo I RANCHES SEC. I, an the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Shore Road 133.90 feet to the Southerly lin of a Florida Power Corp. Easement recorded in a.R. Book 353, Page 54, Pub~ ic Records of Seminole County, Borida. Run thence S 79039135" E along said Southerly line, 229.52 feet to the centerline of a Borida Power Corp. Ea~ement recorded in O.R. Book 353, Page 54, Public Records of Seminole CoUnty, Florida. Run thence along said centerline, ' S 00045'26" E 4142.89 feet to a point on the North line of Lot 147, Block "D", D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE MOSES E. LEVY GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Run thence S 83037'38" W, along said North line a distance of 115.73 feet; thence N 15'55'27" W 2y.20 feet to a point on the Easterly Right-of.Way line of Fisher Road, said I oint being on a curve concave Southwesterly, with a radius of 558.00 feet, a c ntral angle of 39001'36", and a tangent bearing of N 15048'34" W, nm then~e Northerly along the arc of said curve, and said Easterly Right-of-Way li1e of Fisher Road, as shown on Plats of "NORTH ORL;\NDO RANCHES . Ee. 7", recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 3, Public Records of Seminole co~ty, Florida, "NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. I-B", recorded in Plat Bo k 12, Pages 46 and 47, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and lINORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. IA", recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 31 ~ 32, Public.Records of Seminole County, Florida, a . distance of 380.08 feet to the Pt. Run thence funher along said Easterly . RIght-of-Way line of Fis~er Road the following courses: N 54050'10" W 47.47 feet to the P.C. off curve concave Easterly with a radius of 617.00 . eet and a central angle 0 34030'00"; run thence Northerly along the arc of aid curve 371.52 feet to e Pt.; thence N 20020'10" W 101.87 feet to the .C. of a curve concave S ,uthwesterly, with a radius of 1 Q33.00 feet and ~entraJ angle of 17031'15'J Run thence Nonherly along the arc of said curve, :0 15.89 feet to the Pt.; the ce N 37Q51 '25" W 82.95 feet to the P.C. of a curve 90ncave Easterly, with a r3dius of 492.00 feet, and a central angle. of 51019'45". RWlthence N~rtherly along the arc of said curve, 440.77 feet ~o the Pt.; thence N 13028'201' E 1257.58 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave I I - ], " I _ , ','-. ','" ,I i i , Westerly, with a radiuslof 1157.11 feet, and a central angle of 19050'30". ! Run thence Northerly a~ong the arc of said curve 400.71 feet to the Pt.; thence ! N 06Q22'10" W 490.00 /feet to the Southerly Right.of~Way line of Panama ! Road, as shown on the Rlat of the aforesaid NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES ' I i SEC. 1; thence leaving aforesaid Easterly Right-of-Way line of Fisher Road, i run N 83036'38" E along said Southerly Right-of-Way line of Panama Road, I 710.07 feet to the POINjr OF BEGINNING. All of the preceding description ! lying within Lots Ill, 1/19,127,135,143,128 and 136, Block "D", n.R. I MITCHELL SURVEY 0P THE MOSES E. LEVY GRANT, as recorded in " Plat Book 1, Page 5, Pu~lic Records of Seminole County, Honda. N . I m ~mo . en 0.." I LESS AND EXCEPTth~t portion of Tract "A" described above lying ~'-.J~:::! , within. the following despribed property: ~ ~ I I ~ i DESCRIPTICPN OF THE PROPERTY CONVEYED ~..o ..~ I ! FROM CAMERON.BROWN INVESTMENT GROUP, ~ .. en ~~ I : A MASSIACHUSEITS BUSINESS TRUST .r" ",~ ".~ I I TO FLORIDA POWER PORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION . - I From the Southeast comet of NORTII ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 1 as recorded in Plat Book 12J Page 3, Public Records of Seminole County; Florida, run N 07011 '37" !W along the East line of said NORTH . IORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 1 a distance of 133.90 feet to intersect with the Southerly line 175 feet wide Florida. Power Corporation Easement jArea "G", as recorded in p.R. Book 353, Page 54, Public Records of ~eminole County, F1orida~ thence S 79039'35" E along said Easement line 1140.35 feet to its intersection with the West line of 175 feet wide Florida I . Power Corporation Easement Area "H" as recorded in a.R. Book 353, Page 54 of ~aid public rec:ords forthe POINT OF BEGINNING; run ~ence N 00045'26" W alo~g a Northerly projection of the West line of Easement Area "H" a distance of 152.85 feet to the, Nonherly line of said r I Easement Area "0"; thenqe S 79039'35" E 178.34 feet along the Northerly . ~e of Easement Area "G'l to intersect with a Northerly projection of the . East line of aforesaid Easement Area "H"; thence S 00045'26" E 25.48 feet ilong said projection of th~ East line of Easement Area "H" to its iPtersection with the No~~rly line o'f the 100 feet wide Florida Power ~orporation Easement as recorded in Deed Book 193, Page 270, Public ecords of Seminole County, Florida; thence S 79039'35" E along the ' ortherly line of said 100 feet wide Florida Power Corporation Easement ~~5.20 feet to an angle poUlt; thence S 65"04'35" E along said 100 feet irlide Easement line 251.90 Ifeet to its intersection with the East boundary. ine of the Cameron.BroWfi Investment Group property as recorded in a.R. Book 1124, Page 1762, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; I I, I ! I i ; , ',I: .. ,I .- ,. ; , . ~ .." thence S 01027'55" W along said East boundary line 566.36 feet; thence S 89014'34" W 718.81 feet to. the West line of said 175 feet wide Florida Power Corporation Easement Area "H"; thence N 00Q45'26" W 648.50 feet along said West lin~ of Easement Area "H" to the POINT OF BEGmNING. I i Being a pan of Lots 11 ~ and 119, Block I'D", D. R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE MOSES E. LEiVY GRANT, as recorded in Plat Book I, Page 5, Public Records of Sem~ole County, Florida. I LESS AND EXCEPTJ,t portion of Tract "A" described above lying N I within the .following desFribed property: U') co ro:o I . m U1 O~ I '. I ;; -.J ~ (Official Records Book ~615, Page 1892) :z: ' - I (:) :> I r- r I f11 From the Northeast comer of NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 1, as n <::) ~ reco~ded in Plat Book 12rage 3, Public Records of ~emin,ole.County, p en, ;ll~ Flonda, run ~ 07011 '37" along the East boundary lme of ~ald NORTH? Q' '~ ORLANDO RANCHES ~EC. 1 and the East Right-of-Way lme of Shore. PO Road 20.93 feet; thence run N 83037'55" E 1690.23 feet; thence ,...' I S 01027'55" W 663.10 fe~t; thence S 83Q37'55/1 W 663.10 feet; thence S 01021'551' W 2274.21 f~et to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue S 01021'55" W ~199.24 feet to a point on the North line of Lot r7, Block "D", D. R. MIifCHELL'S SURVEY OF TIrE MOSES E. LEVY GRANT, as recor~ed in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of , eminole County, Florida~ thence run S 83037'38/1 W along said North ~ne 615.06 feet to a point Ion the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Fisher . Road; thence run N 1505~'27" W along said Easterly Right-of-Way line ~O.70 feet; thence run N 3037'38" E 216.98 feet to a point on the, Easterly Right-of. Way line of a Florida Power Corporation Easemen~ {\rea "H/I, recorded in O.Rl. Book 35~, Page 54, Public Records of ~emmole County, Florida;i,thence run N 00045'26" W along said Easterly Right-of-Way line 2138.95 feet; thence N 83037'38/1 E 497.11 feet to the lOINT OF BEGINNING. I ... I . eing subject to any rights'~of.way, restrictions and easements of record. Ii, I I I I I I ! ! I. I i , , I i I __I. I _. - -- ~r . .. I . , ~&BW1AL REC.~~~f < ; - . Exhibit IID'l 2857 06'33 GENERAL R.ELEASE SEMINOlE CO. t1.~. THIS R~LEASE is rxecuted this ____ day of , 1994, by HUBERT R. EARLEY ("Earley") in favor of the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, : FLORIbA (the "City"). ! I IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of TEN AND NO/l0C DOLLARS ($10.00) and . other valuable consideiations, received from or on behalf of the City, the receipt of which isihereby acknowledged, Earley does hereby remise, release, acquit, satisty, and forever discharge the City, the City Commissioners and the City's employees and agents of and from any and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, caue s , sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, oontroversies, agreements, promises; variances, 'trespasses, damages, I judgments, executions, claims and demands :whatsoever, in law or in :equity, specifically including claims pertaining 'to denial of due proc~ss, equal protection and taking without just .compensation which Earley had, now has, or which any personal ;representative, successGr, heir or assign of Earley hereafter can, shall :or may have arising out of or in connection with that certain action pending in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth JUdicial Circuit in and ifor Seminole County, Florida (the "Courtll), Case No. 94-365-CA-16'-K, ~xcluding and except fo~ any claims Earley may have in connection with ~he City's obligations under that certain Settlement Agreement between jarley. and the City dated. , 1994. This Release shall in po way affect the Court' 8 jurisdiction to enforce the terms of the Settlement Agreement. ~ I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,; Earley has executed this Release on the day and rear first written abov~. I signed, sealed and delivered ~n the presence of: ! I ; I -' Hubert R. Earley I ! ! 1TATE OF FLORIDA ; OUNTY OF I .: The foregoing instrJrnent was acknowle.dged before me this day of : , 1994, by Hubert R. Earley, who is personallY'lQ1own to me' or who has produced . as identification and who dad not take an oath. ! , , i ! Notary Public. , Name: i ~ commission No. : I My Commission Expires: (SEAL) , I i 130806\HOCTOIUJ' ~ (Rev, III 11 194 . 11:04 am) i I i I ! ! I