HomeMy WebLinkAboutHensch, Richard L. -1999 05 07 Florida League of Qities, Inc. Public Risk Services Claims Center P.O. Box 538135 Orlando, FL 32853-8135 May 7,1999 - - ~ ~ FI.ORIDA lEAGUE OfemES (800) 756-3042 (407) 245-0725 Suncom 344-0725 Fax (407-) 245-0918 -- - ----------- - ------- ---- Richard L. Hensch 259 Robin Court Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Re: Claim Number Date of Loss Member Claimant Dear Mr. Hensch: G980354-809 January 17, 1998 City of Winter Springs Richard Hensch This letter will acknowledge receipt of your April 12, 1999 correspondence. Please be advised our position remains the same. We do not find any liability/negligence on behalf of our Member, City of Winter Springs. Sincerely, ~&e- Claim Representative /TDG Florida Municipal Insurance Trust IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA -R, G~ A-~ L I" J-i.E,j<;CJ.J- PLAINllFF(S) NAME (PRINT OR "TYPE) 2 5"q RtJ B /).! ('oUR', . STREET ADDRESS --A 1 ::rA-rn1JAJT~ ~ f> R-J ~ b~, FL, '3 ;)7{) I / CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE LftJ1 3 J 5-' r;c;- PLAINllFF(S) TELEPHONE: - .1 - f6? CASE NO. STATEMENT OF CLAIM SUES DEFENf:~~AM~(~J::../t!,re<.. 7!J,e)JJk6; FliJR.JPA- ~ [3. ~R-lJh'1! STREET ADDRESS 1!JJNrE12 ~PRlJJt~)'FL 3-;;l7~ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE I A ~ DEFENDANT(S) TELEPHONE: If 07 -- 3;;J7 - "'b l.U - ~E.At;> QEP~~.EJJ1Irr)Vt. I G mA-YbJt 0,4111 p, P.a.D-t-VI<A, And daims the amount of $ together with costs, irfterest';'alia attorn~s f~"";"'ft'pplica/jle, as being due from the Defendant(s) and alleges as e basis of suCh uit the following matters: ON TH!:i- Ev/Z.. of tT-AJJ 11) 11Cftt, )N W JNnR- 5PeJAJ&~ FlDfJ.,11>A-) WltJI~ ~P~JJ6G POU6E. CtJJJPL/ctfi;];> A- "'€47j)h OF .4 Y~UAl&- A-VUrr PIt"R-Ij" 'JJ UR.-;Al6- T#E ''A~~ A- PtJua; Pbb SNI1=F/J) f- S~e.ktCJ}.ID> G;;VE-r<.L/ my /JEW ~et> I=-/~ ~L-r-7JZUtkJ C~tl$'JJGr- ']).A.~ 47 U>T;;;'P oj ~tJGUY;;;E.J) p,(JlER~ I HA..!E. P}.)bftJbR.AIM , PeO'DF OF S/Am1'I6-[;:$ f ~~lIGAAL Y/JLlAlb-J4-))U~T W~ To 7:JJE..J:>.IwJME& pE:5p 1,.E. ~~A-i1i.J) A-iTEmPT$ -ro REtlrFj T-H/~ f'i.tJB'LEm /AJt.l.1lj)/)J~ phvIPJ}Jb- TeE cny of WIJJ1ER...5PJ:>>)Jb;1; pR/JtJF tJF ~ A f-Le DL.~. -YT/" ~.Il Tfft/ I rH~! #AVE- P13A1 IE}? my GlJ} Jtt1, :r. T#~FbAE fJ..EtPU/i-s" /Yl.1 Po/' ItV CiJl4R-T TtJ P~V& tJEbUbE}Jt.E..~ Ph-YY}AMZ-~/ ~^rP 136../2E.i71JWEb ~ my tiJAJPITIt11J pe,PR.. TI IHE-~E.. A1d.pLE~ fat~95 ~, TIJiW~l~ld A copy of the written instrument or invoice on which this suit is based is attached hereto, (Attorney for Plaintiffs) being duly sworn on oath states the foregoing daim is a just and true statement of the amount owing by the defendant(s) to the plaintiff(s), exclusive of all setoffs and just grounds of defense. P1alntiff(s) state(s) that the defendant(s) is/are not in the Military Service of the United States, fM ~~, ~/,~ ..J ~ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED oofore me t Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney/Corporate Agent ?-5tf f2.tJBJ1J ~<<R-r Address NotarpUb eputy Clerk (Seal of Notary c) A~rArntJ}jiE ~PRJJJI.~} FL. 3;;J70! My Issloo expires: ~I LJ-L 1+1) ~O-'{Ja ~qS-t/e~o 7-33) - 5/P';;~ (Area Code) Telephone Number Distribution: White-Qrlglnal Yellow/Pink-Defendants Goldenrod-Plaintiffs Spa0199.001 TO " APRIL 12, 1999 FLORIDA LEAGUE O:F CITIES, INC. ATTN: CINDY EASTLICK PO BOX 530065 ORLANDO, FL 32853 REF: YOUR FILE NUMBER: WINTER SPRINGS G980354-809 CITY OF D EAR }\tIS EASTLICK: I DO NOT AGREE 'VITH YOUR RESPONSE TO MY CLAIlVI (YOUR LETTER DATED JULY 7TH, 1998), AND HAVE FILED APPROPRLt\TE DOCUl\1ENTS 'VITH FLORIDA'S INSURL\NCE COMMISSIONER I WILL PURSUE LEGAL REMEDIES AGAINST THE CITY OF 'VINTER SPRINGS SHOULD IT BECOME NECESSARY. AT THIS TI1\<IE, I A1\<1 DEl\IANDING PAYl\lENT OF THE ENCLOSED CLAIM. KINDLY RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I HAVE PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF OF THE DAl\IlAGES AND \VITNESSES AVAILABLE. I DO NOT DESIRE THAT THIS l\'IATTER B~~ ELEVATED TO A LAW SUIT, BUT AM PREPARED, SHOULD IT BE NECESSARY. SINCERELY, ~~~ RICHARD L. HENSCH 259 ROBIN COURT ALTAlVlONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32701 PHONE: 407-331-5655 " July28th, 1998 Mayor Paul P. Partyka, 1126 State Rd 434, Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Mr Mayor Partyka: Having submitted the following claim to the City ofWmter Springs for damages done to my blue 1991 FORD 1'-150 pickup truck (Fla. tag VZT -85N), and having received a letter from the Florida League of Cities saying they fmd no negligence on your city's behalf, I am hereby serving notice of intent to file a lawsuit against the City of Winter Springs for those damage..'i: Basis of claim: On the evening ofJanuary 17, 1998 in the vicinity ofa vacant lot adjacent to 335 Panama Circle, across from 338 Panama Circle, in Winter Springs, my son David A. Hensch and several other youths were having a party. Wmter Springs Police observed the party and requested the assistance of the Casselberry K-9 to raid the party. During the raid, $1179.59 worth of damages were done to my F-150, as the K-9 dog scratched with his paws, both sides of the truck including doors, the left front hood and the right rear box outer panel. I retrieved the truck from the scene in the early hours of January 18, 1998, and discovered the damages at that time. I notified the Winter Springs police department by phone of the damages and took photos of the damages the following day, January 18, 1998. The following was previously enclosed for your review: (in my certified letter of June 3, 1998 to city wh'") 1. Copy of the Police report 2. Damage estimate from the Ford dealer 3. Photos of the damage Although I certainly understand and appreciate the police closing down this party, and conducting a search, I cannot be responsible for the damage that the K-9 dog did to my truck. It should be noted that the K-9 dog involved was property of the Casselberry Police Department, but was called in to assist by Wmter Springs Police Officers, who were conducting the investigation. The total amount of my claim is $1216.64, which includes $1179.59 for repairing the truck, $1.05 for copies of the police report, $6.00 for mileage to and from the Ford dealer to obtain the estimate, $3.00 for film and developing, and $4.50 for mileage to and from the Wmter Springs Police department for police report copies, and $22.50 for preparing and sending letters by certified mail. At the time I file the lawsuit, six (6) months from now, it should be noted that the costs will be increased as there will be costs associated with filing the lawsuit. I am intending to take this matter before a Seminole County Judge in small claims court, at the expiration of this 1 80 day required notice. S~i~ Richard L. Hensch 259 Robin Court, AJtamonte Springs, FJ 32701 C.DPY it> ~ \3 \ t L t-J '!z l. ~ J.J FLh ~ ,t>A IN'7Ul<A~C.E (b~Yl~'lsSJ/)JJEIc. " WRAYCO, LTD, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 1641 GOLDENROD, FLORIDA 32733 407-696-2626 FAX 407-696-2627 April 1, 1999 Mr. Richard Hensch 259 Robin Court Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Dear Rich: WRA YCO, L TD, INC. is an independent consulting finn, 520 licensed ASE test certified and I-CAR Gold Class trained. We offer services to the automotive industry in a variety of ways from independent damage inspection and reinspection to consulting and training, special investigations, arbitration, mediation, umpiring, second opinions, damageability and repairability evaluations, repair procedure analysis, estimate procedure analysis, auditing, workmanship complaints, values and diminished values. We have been successfully operating our consulting firm throughout Central Florida for the last seven years with such clients as Allstate Insurance, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Nationwide Insurance, United Services Automobile Association, Fleet Financial Corp, Empire Management Services, Assured Underwriters, American Southern Insurance, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, State Farm Insurance, Safeco Insurance, National Car Rental, The Republic Auto Group, Empire Recovery Service, Body Shop Associations, Independent Auto Body Shops, New Car Dealers, Legal Firms and the Private Sector. Currently the bulk of our business is in Central and North Florida; however, we do travel anywhere if needed and have done business on a national and international level. . I am sure you will find our fees are reasonable and customary. It is my belief that we have a service to offer that could prove to be a benefit to both you and yoUr company. I look forward to a continued business relationship. If assistance is needed in any way please do not hesitate to call at any time convenient to you.. :;r: Thomas Wray ~ . .' " WRAYCO, LTD, INC. P. O. BOX 1641 GOLDENROD, FLORIDA 32733 (407) 696-2626 ,FAX (407) 696-2627 INVOICE: 04588 DATE: 4-01-99 CLIENT/CLMT: RICH HENSCH CO: SEMINOLE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT INSD: FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES J C 1,1 0 i=- J.U t JJ rf1i:R... ~p t2-1/J tSv7 CONSULTANT: TOMWRAY CLAllW#: DOG SCRATCHES ADmSTER: CINDY EASTLICK CASE DATE: 1-11-99 DATE OF AUDIT: 1-22-99 D.O.L.: 1-17-98 COMMENTS: REQUEST BY RICH HENSCH FOR FILE AUDIT AND REVIEW. OPINION ON INCOMPLETE, INCORRECT AND DEFICIENT REPORT OF ACTUAL DAMAGES TO REPAIR THE VEHICLE AND THE RESULTING DIMINUTION OF VALUE FROM THE SUST AINED LOSS AND SUBSEQUENT REPAIR. ADMINISTRATION FEE @ $.100.00 PER 0.25 = $25.00 TRAVEL TIME @ $100.00 PER 0.25 = $25.00 VEHICLE INSPECTION @ $100.00 PER 0.50 = $50.00 RESEARCH & REPORT TIME @ $100.00 PER 2.50 = $250.00 MILEAGE @ $.32 PER 6 = $1.92 PHOTOS @ $.45 PER 10 = $4.50 TOTAL D~,:$~~6.42 ~fl{ "'1-e, '-}j[Q) PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH REMITTANCE WRAYCO, LTD, INe. E.I.N. # 59-3485006 ,. WRAYCO, LTD, INe. POST OFFICE BOX 1641 GOLDENROD, FLORIDA 32733 407-696-2626 FAX 407-696-2627 April 1, 1999 Indemnification Demand Notice Ms. Cindy Eastlick FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES for The Seminole County Police Department - C it'} OF- \IV 1 '))~-R- Sr~l..:s~ F1.DerDA Post Office Box 530065 Orlando, Florida 32853 Re: Your Claim # Our Client Date Of Loss Actual Damages Loss of use Lost Time Consulting Fee Diminution of Value Towing And Storage Total Bill Dear Ms. Eastlick: Police Dog Rich Hensch 1-17-98 Consulting Expert Our File : T. Wray : 04588 $2,293.67 $ 230.00 $ 0.00 $ 356.42 $2,117.50 $ 0.00 $4,997.49 Source : Wrayco Ltd Inc. 5 Days @ $46.00 Per. Not Applicable See Invoice of Services 10% of Vehicle Value. Based on N.A.D.A. the (National Auto Dealers Association) as of 1/98 Please be advised that we represent the above mentioned client in their claim against you for damages. Our client has notified you in writing of same. As the" Tort Feasor" your obligation to indemnify our client will be in accordance with Florida law, or" Restatement of Torts ". Our expectations will be to fully indemnify in terms of appearance, function, warranty, loss of use, lost time from work, physical injury if applicable, a reasonable consultation fee and property value. We will als~ expect compensation for the effects this loss will have on the vehicle's value, or the diminution in value that is inherent. In other words the portion of value that cannot be recovered through repair pursuant to the Florida Department ofInsurance and Treasurer, informational bulletin # 84-270 and the relative case law denoted. I hope to hear from you soon in good faith. Respectfully, ~lJ-r WRAYCO, LTD, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 1641 GOLDENROD, FLORIDA 32733 407-696-2626 FAX 407-696-2627 April 4, 1999 Mr. Rich Hensch 259 Robin Court Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 GIrl /)F RE: Your Claim #: Dog Scratches - W I PIf4L~Pf2..) O~ JFt.. Our File # 04588 Company: Seminole County Police Department Insured: Florida League of Cities Veh: '97 Ford F-150 4X2 XLT Supercab 3Dr. Short Bed PIU Mileage: 33,792 Tag: VZT85N (FL) VIN: IFTDX1760VNB34840 Date of Loss: 1-17-98 Color: Blue/Slvr Equipment: 4.6 litre fuel injected 8 cylinder engine, 4 speed automatic transmission with overdrive, air conditioning, power steering, 2 wheel anti-lock power brakes, power windows, power door locks, dual, power mirrors, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, reclining, split bench, cloth seats, tinted glass, body side moldings, intermittent wipers, 2 tone, clear coat, metallic paint, driver's air bag, passenger's air bag, AM/FM stereo, cassette with seek/scan, aluminum alloy wheels. Prior Condition: Good, above average, private driver with good tires. There are no prior condition and/or damage concerns relative to value. Per your request on 1-11-99 to review and appraise your actual damages and audit your preliminary damage report to render an opinion of findings, I submit the following. The preliminary damage repair report provided for review is deficient. In other words incomplete, and would not provide proper indemnification of your loss. In addition, the vehicle will suffer an inherent diminution or stigma loss in value. If the vehicle was repaired to the standards set forth in your preliminary damage report the vehicle would suffer an additional diminution in value due to incorrect and incomplete repair. The preliminary damage report reviewed was prepared by Don Mealey Cadillac, Oldsmobile in Sanford, Florida and does not represent acceptable industry or manufacturer recommended or approved standards for correct and complete repair. I found many errors, omissions and deficiencies. These errors, omissions and deficiencies range from inaccurate line item entries, to items of damage missed and not included in the preliminary damage report. The inaccuracy of the reviewed report was so extensive that I must wonder if the omissions and deficiencies were in error or if they were intentional. In any event they did exist and would affect this loss. The preliminary report of damage was not prepared in accordance with the industry accepted CIC'S (Collision Industry Conference's) "Write It Right" document, I-Car's" UPCR " (Uniform Procedures On Collision Repair), or the vehicle or paint manufacturer's specifications. From a correct procedural repair standpoint the damage report prepared by Don Mealey is understated. In other words, if your vehicle was repaired in accordance with the stated damage report that was prepared, the vehicle could not have been repaired completely or correctly. Your vehicle would not be restored to as close as is humanly possible to it's pre loss condition or value if your vehicle was repaired in the fashion that the prepared preliminary damage report I reviewed suggests. Additional repairs would need to have been accomplished in order to bring your vehicle back to as close as is humanly possible to it's pre loss condition and value. These additional repairs are reflected in the damage report audit that I have provided. The damage report audit I have provided would bring your vehicle back to as close as is humanly possible to it's pre loss condition and value; however since it is impossible to fully restore RICH HENSCH Claim # Dog Scratches Our File # 04588 Page # 2 a damaged and repaired vehicle to it's pre loss condition and value, as close as is humanly possible is all that can be asked for with an allowance for the difference in value after repairs. This type of loss in value is referred to as inherent or a stigma loss in value caused by disclosure of accidental damages and the subsequent repair of those damages at resale. This type of loss is additional to physical damages and is not recoverable through repair. Full indemnification can only be accomplished if the ACV (Actual Cash Value) of the vehicle is restored. In conclusion, I believe and it is my opinion that the preliminary report of damage provided for my review is understated by approximately 95 %. Unfortunately, even if you were indemnified an additional 95% for damages and the vehicle was repaired correctly and completely it would still suffer an inherent diminution in value. Auction and dealer resale figures reflect inherent diminution in values of anywhere from 10% to 50% depending on the quality of the repair and the current market. A stigma loss does in fact exist. This stigma loss needs to be indemnified accordingly and in addition to any physical damage to the vehicle. I have prepared a document for indemnification demand, which is attached to and is a part of this report. This document reflects the 95% deficiency in repair and the resulting 10% of inherent diminution that would occur if the vehicle were subsequently repaired in accordance with the audited and complete report of damages. Please note that these are my opinions only. They are based on my physical inspection of the vehicle, and review of the documents provided, coupled with my experience and training. This report is not intended to be legal advise. If legal advise is needed please seek the appropriate legal counsel. If further assistance is needed in an attempt to settle this matter, please do not hesitate to contact my office. ~w Thomas Wray Collisioll Jlldust" Cmiferellce Write It Right Committee "BEST PRACTICES" GUIDELINES FOR ESflMATING AND PROCESSING AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE CLAIMS June, 1998 We, the participants or tlte Collision Industry Conrerence. recommend that: . In~ur:tnce companies :lOd repair f:M:ililic:s should be able to cummunicalc eh.,"clnmic:llly. . Collision rerair fac:ililic:s and insllr3JIcc ctlmp:anics shaull! eumine pr:n:ticc.~ 3JId proc:ccJures 10 eliminatc unllccessary requirementS. which inhibitthc claims h;mllling. repair 3JId payment process. and C"oIU~ delays aoLl increa.~ed expenses: . Insurers. stilT adjusters. independent appraisers ani! collision repairers must :I1JR:e not 10 particip:lte in the iIIl.ogal. unedtic:d and fraudulent practice of cost-shifting. . Proc:ccJurc., and pans ncccss:uy to repair Illl: vehicle to pre- accident condition (CIC definition-) not incltMlcd or l'C\:Ullni1.r:d by the inf~ation providers' systems must be Ii~t<<l as line items on the estimate. . The final estimate/final invoice musl be a rroc 3JIL1 accurollc report of repairs made to the Vcllicle. . The in.~ur:lnce and collision n:pair indusuiC5 must wrire troe judsmentlime th:lt n:nccts lite cOIls of alll:dJor and cc~namic fact(lrs ncces.o;ary ro penonn Ihe repair. ESTIMATING The Adjuster sl,o"ld call: . Prior 10 Ihe culli~ion n:pair facility vi~ir_ BENEFIT: Venlic-~ th31 the car i~ Ih-=~_ . Tn provide :In :1I:cur:lle dc~ription of \'chic:lo: and illC"oI "fJama!;.:. BENEfIT: ILle:l1lilks Ihe :an:3I1f d:amaGc n:pt,ncd to che in~ur3nce comr:m~'_ . To delcrmine if the !Crair fac:ilil~ hoL' Ihe O\..nc;r'~ ~i:;"c:d :Iurhuri2:ali"n to tcar dllwrv'rep:lir. BENEFIT: Suppurl" .hat is whcre Ihe: owner w:rnlS c;:tr nep:lired. ,~ . To review II!Wing. :lVthurize tear duwn. and a!;.rce on pre.I'::lr duwn photu,,- BENEFIT: Expellites the cstimacdlqJ3ir proo:u. The Collision Repain:r and In...urance Company Representative slrould at tbe lime or initial inspection: . Exchan;c business canb that identify the cump:any 3JId n:prcsc1II3tive. BENEFIT: Provides ncce"atY information 10 identify che people involvccJ. . Document all 3dmlni51l1ltive data. BENEFIT: Provides necessary infonn;lIil1n for the shup :md the illmlrancc company. . Identify covenllc ud payment issues prior CO (:ILIjuslcr/ :apprniscr) leaving repair fxilil)' and sI:trtin~ rcpllitll. BENEFIT: Eliminates fuNre dispules. . Documcnllhe IIS:Ige of a.ppropriate 11CW. used or allcm:alive p;uts. BENEFIT: Verifies n!pair method. . [klCUtnCnl unrelated damage. BENEFIT: R~uccs futun: L1illputes. . Share Ihe N~ponsibility ro I'mtct.1 the \"Chide during lhe rep:lir I'nlCe~~. BENEFIT: Mininli%CS the patL'lllial fill' :Jddiliunal d:lRtage. . LC3ve :I c:t1M' of the rcrair estimate. BENEFIT: It L1neumenls the rerair prncen. The Collision Repair Facilit>" I1111l11d: . O",-"UlIICIII :tny ch:zn~~ 111 the repair pmc~~ :L~ rhcy (lCcur (Or dail~'. BENEFIT: Elimil13te~ the rcn:eplil.n nr fr:luu. . In~rcl:r anLlle~l-dri"'e ,III \'e:hic;lcli when: d:lma~e and Ihe rcraif' 1:111I1\1 pos~ihl)' "n~t the: \chiclc ~rct~ 3ndlor in'!::;.rit!'_ BENEFIT: Dirnini~hc~ cI,IIi~il'" ~r;lir r:ll:jlil~'~ lia"ilil~. L.-__ .Prr.aedJ~,,/ ",m,liti"" . em"I;/;I", "1/1/# 1.,.I,i..lt prittr /" ,1,(" "1'1';'/1'''' --.-------..--...----.-.----------..--...... .......----_..... 04/07/99 11: 28_ '&9207490336 - I--CAR TECH CNTR. ~002 Uniform Procedural For Collision Repair (UPCR)@ Unifonn Procedures For Collision Repair (UPCR) outline Industry-accepted, uniform repair processes for technicians, insurers, suppliers, vehicle makers, educators, and others. They enable the Collision Industry to produce uniform, quality repairs for the consumer. UPCR is intended to build on basic skills, like sanding, welding, applying paint, etc. The procedures do not replace information on how to use specific brands of equipment and materials or repair procedures for specific vehicle makes and models. UPCR procedures can be applied to any product or vehicle. When more specific information is required, it is either referred to or provided, or both. Many manufacturers have given I-CAR their specific information to help enhance UPCR. To ensure the accuracy of UPCR, input is received from all segments of the Collision Industry. Each procedure is reviewed at least twice by a Canvass Review Committee before its release. The Committee detennines if the procedure steps are complete and technically accurate. More than 500 individuals, companies, or associations from all parts of the world have already volunteered for the Committee. Anyone requesting participation is sent an invitation which provides a company, association, or individual the opportunity to choose which procedures they would like to review. To become a member of the Canvass Review Committee, call 1-800-832-4990 in the United States, or 1-800-565-4227 in Canada. You can also request to participate on the Canvass Review Committee, or obtain other UPCR information by visiting our web site at www.i-car.com or by e-mail atupcr@i~ar.com. ",ct INs Info~on~~';,:,:";:'~i':il~~f~~;q}~~~"'~ S:~lii~.}~: ;,-~{: Corrosion Protection .. - .....~l.~.,.. .f..-.........., ""'*"'l ent~ "~r.. " 'Measuri~.... ..:..: .~.:.._!}(.;~....,...~Xl{~J~.,'._!1...."'. ~h.~.'~.:e...J:!D.:';'~.~;:.2f:~.:~{t~ . Btraightemng ,"".S'., :.,,"~...' ',' e8.ble_~~: -;l~.~:!;~t;ill-~~~i~~~"'rt(c~.";..;~. ~~~r. _..:~:. '<~'~'~;'~;:~:4f'.~i2:~~'~PW" CooUL15 """stem.". .~_.... ""'~.<:.'_.'. .......,_...."~... ;lM~,;~us... " . :. ";. ;r 1'1.l0':l~.~..... ..,..~'...~.:.~.....-._......~..- . II"'.......~ po Radiator Core Support. '. .-- .>.}:..~c;;:"7.':.:.~,~:,;.Root.P3riel;.:: FJeco,;:~ .. .:,;~~~~~~$tI:)JK Emission System:.-. /;';;'<. Seats.--. ..t;::,,\:I;.,.,.~,,~;,;:- ~:~E?IY ~.~l~~:;,B~. Front Steering and Suspension Whe~Is. '::;;'~~!~,~':. .' ?'~~...... : Fuel System :"';'':~'" ,;/,' ,'.'-~ ~': 26 I-C,\R Courses & Sen';ecs C.at:lln~ WhallsePs AN laying About .CRI law.,. .IaT' ," ,;,;~;., " ,,~ '-;,. ,,' ,.....iKI:.i',......-.-' Is n MIl In the body shop, I use ~t to edl1~ those ~~'::~~,.., '__ '!:'ill:lt~f~:i;i~~~~,;..t~": don't know abotlt a particuIar re.pau:,.Jhe ~di~~r It~"fri~~,,}eiPcf~~ti~:Tii;:fo~t and the Core Support procedure, for example;.recommends ' ";, f: "1:.~j9.initfutibf&~~~;='c,,,,.. >~"il'I "~.., measuring and're-measurmg. 'Wheli-:you' ~ut :i:Ore~~~e ;,g~ ' , ~""',: "::'" ,:~;:,:-' ;' ,'" 'i1?-~':~~~~~ at", 88, a, if h. I th hi l' f ' .' , shop owner; was ~,"::",':,).-'" " ' . support 0 a ve lC e, eve cle 0 ten twists. Some ::' <;,,":',,:-,~;:, :,:" ".,;':':\ ,-,,:,'.: ~f.~ :C": '0"" ,/", :"'Y' ~;. , , people don't realize that. " '-':~.'-~,,' : ' , It's~~ifg~~~jekt~S:~T1i~t~~:~-~~~~our~es of , '.' .,,- . \ 'l, "',", ,'.. .(,' _ .- infomlati~n' fonq~eCific a~,~'''Jl~t so~~times , technicians need to}ookat a' general procedure , ...::~t::~~i~t~':Zln , the insuranC?e'bUsiD~..We!'ie~DstaDtly looking . : forsciineJ:ype of consisre'nc};/~ere everyone knows what is D.eeessary fora rq.aii;'~to-.remove some of the'dOubt:'~d negotUltio~~so we can get the cuStOme~s,'vehicles.repaired::- 'QPcR gets us out of the. st8ri:ing block in' that effort. These uniform . .. . d.. '"'~ol,-' "'.' . procedures prevent some of the long phone-tag conversations we used to have. . 04/07/99 11:30 'B'9207490336 Easy-IO+-088 The procedures are an easy-to-use reference source that are regularly revised and updated with the latest, most accurate repair information. Each procedure is organized into 12 sections: Section 1 - Description; Section 2 - Purpose; Section 3 - Referenced Documents; Section 4 - Equipment and Materials Requirements; Section 5 - Damage Analysis; Section 6 - Personnel Saiety; Section 7 - Environmental Safety; Section B - Vehicle Protection; Section 9 - Repair Procedures; Section 10 - Use of Recycled Parts; Section 11 - Inspection and Testing; and Section 12 - Definitions. Each procedure contains a pop-up glossary of terms for easy access. I'm a manager in a training department at an insurance company for auto physiC::~,dam~ge.,Fve distributed the CD to my instructors. They use it to make sure all the information that We deliver to our field personnel is based.on current industry- accepted requirements. UPCR is one of the research tools we have available. I have several uses for UPCR.lnmyvocational- technical school shop classes. r use it as a reinforcement ,?f what's done in ~e Industry. Instead of just preaching in front of the class on how a procedure is done, I have somethirig to back me up. I get the students involved in using UPCR. It gets them accustomed to following a procedure, instead of an attitude of "I'll do it this way and you do it that way." From a liability standpoint, that's always been overlooked in our Industry. I-CAR TECH CNTR. ~003 1111 Cast Subscriptions cost '295 in the United S~tes and '370 in Canada. Gold Class Professionals receive a $50 discount. Key industry association members are qualified to receive an additional '50 off the slfbscrtption price. The subscription includes four discs per year distributed quarterly, To order UPCR, complete the enclosed UPCR Order Form today and fax it to I-BB8-FAX-UPCR (1-8B8- 329-8727) in the United States, or 1-800-B31-3034 in Canada. Or, call1-BOO-ICAR-USA (1-800-422-7872) in the United States, or 1-8oo-565-ICAR (1-800- 565-4227) in Canada, to order by phone. [-CAR Courses & Services Catalog 27 WRAYCO LTD. P.O. BOX 1641 GOLDENROD, FL 32733 PHONE: (407) 696-2626 A1 LOG NO 4318476 DATE 04/07/99 CLAIM# DOG SCRATCHES COMPANY FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES INSURED SEMINOLE COUNTY POLICE DEPT LOSS DATE 01/17/98 POLICY# NOT GIVEN AGENT ADJ:CINDY EASTLICK CLAIMANT RICH HENSCH TYPE OF LOSS LIAB/F INSP DATE ADJUSTER ADDRESS PHONE 01/20/99 TOM WRAY P.O. BOX 1641 407-696-2626 LOCATION COMPANY CITY STATE ZIP RESIDENCE WRAYCO LTD. GOLDENROD, FLORIDA 32733 SHOP ************************* ADDRESS ***** OWNERS CHOICE ***** CITY STATE ************************* NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP RICH HENSCH 259 ROBIN COURT ALTAMONTE SPGS, 32701 FL ATTN OF PHONE REF NO. HOME PHONE 407-331-5655 WORK PHONE LIC# VZT85N STATE FL ENG/COLOR BLUE-SILVER CONDITION GOOD VIN 1FTDX1760VNB34840 MILEAGE 033792 ACCT'NG CTL# INV #04588 E=NEW PART EC=ECONOMY I=REPAIR/ALIGN/SUBLET TE=PART/PARTIAL REPLACE AA=APPEARANCE ALLOWANCE *=USER ENTERED VALUE PART EU=SALVAGE PART E P=SEE PX REPORT P=CHECK L=REFINISH N=ADDITIONAL LABOR OPERATION ET=LABOR/PARTIAL REPLACE IT=LABOR/PARTIAL REPAIR RP=RELATED PRIOR DAMAGE UP=UNRELATED PRIOR DAMAGE THIS REPORT REPRESENTS MY OPINIONS ONLY AND IS A PROCEDURAL AUDIT OF THE ORIGI NAL DAMAGE REPORT PREPARED BY DON MEALY CADILLAC. THESE PROCEDURAL ITEMS WOULD HAVE NEEDED TO BE DONE IN THE REPAIR PROCESS TO RESTORE THIS VEHICLE BACK TO A S CLOSE AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO IT'SPRE LOSS CONDITION, APPEARANCE AND VALUE EVEN AFTER A VEHICLE IS REPAIRED CORRECTLY THE VEHICLE WILL STILL SUFFER A STI GMA LOSS FROM DISCLOSURE OF DAMAGE ANDSUBSEQUENT REPAIR AT RESALE. SEE ATTATCH ED REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION AND EXPLANATION OF THE AUDIT.*********************** 1997 FORD F150 SHORT BED SUPER CAB OPTIONS: ELEC REMOTE CONTROL MIRRORS POWER WINDOWS REAR STEP BUMPER AIR CONDITIONING CRUISE CONTROL OP GDE MC DESCRIPTION P8154C /A OPTNS A/DFGHJMNOQ POWER DOOR LOCKS PRIVACY SIDE & BACK GLASS TILT STEERING WHEEL AUTOMATIC TRANS MFG. PART NO. PRICE AJ% HOURS R E 011 E 028 I 083 L 083 E 112 I 104 L 104 E 106 E 589 E 173 E 607 I 459 L 459 I 209 L 209 E 205 E 255 E 325 E 253 E 347 E G283 E 454 I 428 L 428 N 975 E 443 E 452 N 479 E 529 E 534 E 565 L MOl L M02 L M16 EC M17 EC M50 EC M58 I M60 L M66 N EC N EC N N N BUMPER, FRONT GRILLE. .ASSEMBLY PANEL,HOOD PANEL,HOOD APRON,FRONT FENDER FENDER,FRONT FENDER,FRONT NAMEPLATE,FENDER 01 STRIPE ASSEMBLY MAST ,ANTENNA SHIELD,REAR SPLASH PNL,CAB SIDE OUTER PNL,CAB SIDE OUTER PNL,FRONT DOOR OUTER PNL,FRONT DOOR OUTER W/STRIP,BELT OUTER 01 MLDG,FRONT DOOR LOWER 01 MIRROR,OUTER R/C 01 HANDLE,FRONT DOOR OTR 01 MLDG,REAR DOOR LOWER 04 GLASS , REAR DOOR P MLDG ASSY,BACK GLASS PANEL,BEDSIDE PANEL,BEDSIDE BED ASSEMBLY,SET MLDG,BEDSIDE PNL 01 MLDG,BEDSIDE PNL TAILGATE R & I BED LINER TAILLAMP ASSEMBLY 02 BUMPER,REAR STEP CLEAR COAT TWO TONE PAINT COLOR BLEND COVER CAR EXTERIOR CLEAN INTERIOR CLEAN FOR DELIVERY HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL COLOR SAND AND BUFF R&I REAR TOOL BOXES M07 R&I RT RR BOX STONE GUARD CLN & RETAPE MLDGS & TRM DISCON & RECON BATTERY RESET ELECTRONIC MEMORIES R&I TO BLND ADJACENT PNLS BACK UPR LWR RT R/F 46 ITEMS MC MESSAGE RT RT RT RT RT RT RT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT RT RT R & I R & I REPAIR/ALIGN REFINISH R & I REPAIR/ALIGN REFINISH R & I F65Z1520000GAC R & I R & I REPAIR/ALIGN REFINISH REPAIR/ALIGN REFINISH R & I F65Z1520879AAA R & I R & I F65Z1829315AAA R & I R & I REPAIR/ALIGN REFINISH ADDTL LABOR R & I R & I ADDTL LABOR R & I R & I R & I REFINISH REFINISH REFINISH ECONOMY PART ECONOMY PART ECONOMY PART SUBLET REFINISH ADDTL LABOR ECONOMY PART ADDTL LABOR ECONOMY PART ADDTL LABOR ADDTL LABOR ADDTL LABOR * * * 1. 9 1 .5 1 1 3.0 4 .4 1 1. 0*1 1.8 4 .2 1 2.0 1 .2 1 .1 1 1. 0*1 2.0 4 1. 0*1 2.5 4 .6 1 .4 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 .5 1 2.8 1 1. 0*1 3.0 4 2.0 1 .4 1 .4 1 .2 1 .5 1 .2 1 1. 2 1 2.0*4 3.0*4 3.0*4 1. 0*1* 1. 0*1 1. 0*1 1 3.0*4 2.0*1* 1. 0*1* .4*1* 1. 0*1* .5*2* .5*2* 2.5*1* * * 103.06 * * * 51. 75 * * 20.53 * * RT RT * * RT * * * 10.00* 10.00* 10.00* 5.00* 20.00* 10.00* 01 CALL DEALER FOR EXACT PART NUMBER/PRICE 02 PART NO. DISCONTINUED, CALL DEALER FOR EXACT PART NO. 04 PRICE NOT YET AVAILABLE, CALL LOCAL DEALER FINAL CALCULATIONS & ENTRIES GROSS PARTS OTHER PARTS PAINT MATERIAL PARTS TOTAL 175.34 60.00 372.80 608.14 RATE 28.00 58.00 28.00 28.00 16.00 @ 7.000% 42.57 REPLACE HRS REPAIR HRS 18.2 11.1 820.40 1.0 58.00 23.3 652.40 1,530.80 @ 7.000% 107.16 5.00 2,293.67 NONE 2,293.67 TAX ON PARTS & MATERIAL LABOR 1-SHEET METAL 2-MECH/ELEC 3-FRAME 4-REFINISH 5-PAINT MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL TAX ON LABOR SUBLET REPAIRS TOWING & STORAGE GROSS TOTAL LESS: DEDUCTIBLE NET TOTAL ADP#AUDATEX A1 U CO LOG 4318476 DATE 04/07/99 17:24:54 482 NPU NSU ACOPY N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON THE USE OF CRASH PARTS SUPPLIED BY A SOURCE OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR MOTOR VEHCILE. THE AFTERMARKET CRASH PARTS USED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS ESTIMATE ARE WARRANTED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF SUCH PARTS RATHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR VEHICLE." MSG ID GUIDE NUMBER DECISION SUPPORT DATA MESSAGE $84.00 - EXCEEDS THRESHOLD 058 M02 TWO TONE PAINT AMOUNT - END OF DECISION SUPPORT DATA ADP # AUDATEX (A1)U LOG 4318476 DATE 04/07/99 17:24:55 482 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tn-.:'_,l',';"," 'To. ~',.ihll I - ,.~ UJ' ......1_... _, .... ~.! _". _I J. ~.' DAMAGE REPORT ~5/26/q8 ~t JS~~0 ~A~ 407-3~4-4~~~ DON Owne-..- :; Addt'e~5: t '_4 t:'.='C.-=-l.:.'~: . .. .L_.' -.J I'~-. F>~ ~" ~ /'~"1\ VY\t..t\~~ F12tJ W\.._ (0 ~i(VIf\rn C/"U::../ ....,- ./ " . }--e,n.D DEALESP-- 'D (J,J W\ t;:..A L <:;;....1 - S Enl',J(/) L ~ "F(? ~b l'l:"-:-,13CH D.R. 3402B-0003280 E; 'it-: L. peNN MEALE~ CADILLRC aL~SMOBX~E C'_l(..;;__:C;-y I:; r:':_.'~: TOP r:-~JO~::'TY 3700 HWY X7-92 SQU7H SQNFORD, F~ 32773- ~ .....,.L~7~ 321."l"-7~3lJ- RICH HENSCH 259 ROB I N cmmT A'- T st:'n:,: I'IGS FL ::-:":701 I.n~'_''t''''u''''L~e Co. ~ C.l;"d III N.~..; s'..;'m:'HSI-:r::S FnGM !::-r~L ': Cr: ;':Q:::~ ~d j. : ~7 FORD F1S~ 4X2 XLT SU~ERCAB 3~ SH~RT r.LU~ Vin: lFTOX1760vNB:;;I.)el.0 Lic;;;,-,!i'~:: VZ.-<!.'SN Da'y' Pt',\;,n<2 ~ at :-.<?t'" Ph: Dee: ,-I<'~ ':; ,;, !:.~ l.~ : 33: -5f...S5..- ( :j; 'iI. ~ll(1 r:'r-, u 1) (-~ : a-ft.60L--FI t,'!-'~d D3te: >:,.// '" Odome'l; eY': POWfH- ~ ,(; e: e r~i n g r.'owp.r 1 oe I: ~ R1~ ~o"di~iDning nnti-l~c~ brakes (2) ~1 nth sr~at '3 Al'_lmillum whel?ls PlJ~e~- b~~.?,:-(~1''; r.-\.-,~: e-r ill). r r"~.-,;;, ;- i ~. 1:: ;,...r~-, ~ e 1. nt'" i \.1 e r~ 2t i t"'bti,a ~~clin~/lounilE s~at5 :::"'(1 I....rG:: '1'1 i. !'~cr OJJ5 1)0.' ,;:-1 :n i. l~t. 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CURRICULUM VITAE WRAYCO, LTD, INC. P.o. Box 1641, Goldenrod, FL 32733 Owner: Thomas Wray Phone: 407-696-2626 Fax: 407-696-2627 SERVICES Automotive Collision Consultant - Service includes training, special investigations, mediation/arbitration, umpiring, second opinions, values, diminished values, consulting, court certified expert witness, investigative services and accident reconstruction related to the automotive industry for legal firms, insurance companies or the private sector. Collision Repair Equipment Consultant - Assist shops in design and layout of repair facility for maximum performance and efficiency. Ensure the proper equipment and skills are available and used to restore pre-accident condition and structural integrity to the damaged vehicle. Collision Repair Training - Provide technical and non-technical training to the collision repair industry as well as the private sector; independently and as an national Master Instructor for the Inter-Industry Conference On Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR). Classroom consists of lecture, video, demonstrations with props and student interaction through exercises and reviews. File Auditing - Examination and evaluation of claims and repair order files to ensure correctness and that all proper procedures were followed. Determine strengths and weaknesses of the process for training purposes. Independent Appraiser - Damage appraisals, total loss evaluations, condition reports, residual value reports, establishing actual cash values (ACV) , supplements and reinspection of my reports as well as reports done by others. Liaison between repair shops, vehicle owner and insurance company to ensure customer satisfaction. Technical Writing - Assist in research, development and production of technical training manuals for the collision repair industry as well as the educational system both entry level and secondary education. Produce articles for trade publications and technical newsletters. AFFILIATIONS Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair a-CAR) A non-profit organization dedicated to research, development and delivery of quality technical education programs for the collision repair industry. Currently maintain the following positions: Uniform Procedures for Collision Repair Technical Committee - A committee directed by I-CAR coupled with members from every entity of the industry that will develop uniform procedures for collision repair. Field technical advisor on this committee. Equivalency Committee - A committee directed by I -CAR coupled with members from every entity of the industry formed to CV: WRAYCO, LTD. Page 1 -, , . discuss the subject of equivalent course credit for training programs other than I -CAR to be included in the Gold Class points requirements for both entry level and experienced personnel. Master Instructor - At Large - Conduct training seminars on a national basis at trade shows and association meetings. Responsible for the training of new instructors and committees on a regional and national basis, as required. Provide the support and direction needed by newly formed committees and instructors so they can operate efficiently on their own. Assist in the development of new courses and course updates through instructor workshops and liaison with the technical center and headquarters. Lead Master Instructor - Southeast Region - Primarily responsible for the training of instructors, committees and students in the state of Florida in all classes offered by I -CAR: Aluminum Repair & Welding Collision Repair Course Finish Matching Electronics Detailing Plastics Repair Steering & Suspension MIG Welding Advanced Vehicle Systems Workplace Hazardous Materials Collision Repair for Office Personnel Florida State Chairman - Assist the Regional Manager in upgrading the quality of existing training programs and implement new programs within the State of Florida. Evaluate Volunteer and Instructor effectiveness to ensure continued growth and awareness. Liaison between Florida District Committees and regional, national and tech center staff. Orlando District Committee Chairman - Responsible for maintaining the committee, scheduling and promoting classes, training instructors and students in Central Florida. Liaison between regional, national and tech center staff. SupJ>orting Member of the I-CAR Education Foundation - Participated in development of a trim and hardware module for the Vo- Tech Student Manuals that are being comprised for publication in Fall '95 to technical schools. Monetary contributions are also given in support of research and development in our industry. I -CAR Gold Class - Gold Class designates the highest form of recognition for commitment to training. It shows dedication to quality work and customer satisfaction by keeping up with the latest in repair technology. To maintain this status it is necessary to requalify each year. Fleet Financial Corporation Executive Advisory Committee - Offer technical advice and input to the committee that drives the risk management program that provides quality assurance for the auto rental industry. Other board members include Bill Gunter, former Insurance Commissioner and House Representative of the State of Florida and former Governor, Bob Martinez, of the State of Florida, former U. S. Attorney, Bob Genzman and Alan Robinson, former Florida State Attorney. Oranee Technical Education Center - Mid Florida Tech Auto Collision Repair & Refinishing Advisory Committee - Offer technical advice and input to the committee that will assist in keeping educators apprised of the latest and best technology and repair procedures in order for the programs to teach the necessary skills with the proper equipment to the students. CV: WRAYCO, LTD. Page 2 . . PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WRAYCO, LTD. Proprietor - Automotive Consultant OCT '92 - PRESENT USAA PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE Staff Adjuster FEB. '90 - SEP '92 I-CAR AUG. '90 - JULY '97 Master Instructor & Committee Chairman T & L WRA Y'S ENTERPRISES Proprietor - Independent Appraisers, Wholesale Parts Distribution & Marketing & Training NOY. '87 - FEB. '90 CARTOGRAPHICS INTERNATIONAL Vice President of Marketing, Minority Stockholder APR '86 - NOY. '87 F. S.R.INCORPORATED Chief Business Administrator - Collision Repair Shop PPG and Dupont Jobber APR '78 - APR '86 TALMAN PONTIAC GMC TRUCK Body Shop General Manager JAN. '76 - APR '78 NORTH SHORE BODY SHOP Body & Paint Technician, Shop Manager JUN '69 - JAN. '76 EDUCATION High School Graduate (Academic) Lake County Community College (Business) I-CAR Training Florida 520 Licensed I-CAR RECOGNITION AWARDS Southeast Region Leadership Award 95/96 - Tom Wray Certificate of Appreciation for participation in the Equivalency Committee - 95/96 Goal Achievement Gold Star (5 years of meeting the goal) - Tom Wray 95/96 Goal Achievement - State of Florida 94/95 - Tom Wray Southeast Region Leadership Award 94/95 - Tom Wray Southeast Region Leadership Award 94/95 - Tom Wray Goal Achievement - State of Florida 93/94 - Tom Wray Southeast Region Leadership Award 93/94 - Tom Wray Founders Award 93/94 - Tom Wray Instructor of the Year 92/93 - Tom Wray Southeast Region Leadership Award 91/92 - Tom Wray CV: WRAYCO, LTD. Page 3 -" "." . , WRAYCO, LTD, INC. RATE SHEET POST OFFICE BOX 1641 GOLDENROD, FLORIDA 32733 PHONE 407-696-2626 FAX 407-696-2627 APPRAISALS & RE INSPECTIONS APPRAISALS OR RE-INSPECTIONS $100.00 (SEE NOTES BELOW) NOTE: TIIE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL BE ADDED TO ALL ASSIGNMENTS RECEIVED OUTSIDE OF ORANGE, SEMINOLE, VOLUSIA, BREVARD, AND NORTH OSCEOLA COUNTIES: MILEAGE @ $ .32 PER TOLLS LONG DISTANCE PHONE CALLS TIIERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR TOTAL LOSSES OR SUPPLEMENTS. NO CHARGE FOR THE FIRST TWO PHOTOS. EACH ADDITIONAL PHOTO IS $2.00. LITIGATION. SECOND OPINIONS & DIMINISHED VALUE TRAVEL $100.00 PER HOUR PORTAL TO PORTAL & IRS APPLICABLE MILEAGE RATE $100.00 PER HOUR $100.00 PER HOUR $150.00 PER HOUR $100.00 PER HOUR $100.00 PER HOUR VARIABLE AS ADVISED STAFF RESEARCH & PREPARATION TESTIMONIAL WRITTEN REPORTS WAITING OR OTIIER ASSOCIATE WORK COST PLUS MA TERlALS COST PLUS VARIABLE AS ADVISED *FEES ARE NEGOTIABLE WITH PREARRANGED CONSULTING CONTRACTS* WRAYCO, LTD. IS AN INDEPENDENT AUTOMOTIVE CONSULTING FIRM, 520 LICENSED AND I-CAR/ASE TRAINED OFFERING SERVICES TO THE PROPERTY CLAIMS, LITIGATION AND MEDIATION ARENA IN A V ARlETY OF WAYS FROM EXPERT WITNESS, ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION/SITE INVESTIGATION, APPRAISALS/RE INSPECTIONS, AND UMPIRING TO SECOND OPINIONS, CORRECT PROPERTY VALUE AND DIMINISHED VALUE CLAIMS ""'. l'.., . , REFERENCES I-CAR HEADQUARTERS 3701 Algonquin Road, #400 Rolling Meadows, ILL 60008 Dave Heckler 800-422-7872 LITCHFORD & CHRISTOPHER, P A 390 N. Orange Avenue Orlando, FLA 32802 Brian DeGailler 407-422-6600 MITSUBISHI MOTOR SALES OF AMERICA 6488 Currin Road. Orlando, FLA 32835 David Harvey 407-578-4133 FLEET FINANCIAL CORPORATION 750 Fleet Financial Court Longwood, FLA 32752-0578 Mike Towers 407 -834-8400 SAFECO INSURANCE 2300 Maitland Center Parkway Maitland, FLA 32751 Bill Hughes 407-875-7842 HASS, RAMEY & BEIK 1901 N. 13TH STREET, #300 Tampa, FLA 33601 Anthony Britt 813-253-5333 WARLICK, FASSETT, DIVINE & ANTHONY 14 E. Washington Street Orlando, FLA 32802 Robert Anthony 407-872-0200 TERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC 25 W. Jersey Street Orlando, FLA 32806 Terry VanMiddlesworth. 407-425-2721 DON REID FORD 1875 S. Orlando Avenue Maitland, FLA 32751 Donny Miller 407-644-7111 SHERMAN & FISCHMAN, P. A. 3050 Biscayne Boulevard, #600 Miami, FLA 33137 Bruce Fischman 305-576-5522 I-CAR TECH CENTRE 4 Systems Drive, Suite C Appleton, WIS 54914 Tom McGee 920-749-0444 STATE FARM INSURANCE 4251 Mariner Blvd Spring Hill, FLA 34609 Hugh Ziccardy 352-597-6100