HomeMy WebLinkAboutH.W. Bill Suber Seminole County Property Appraiser -1992 03 03 ,\ . ~CJf ~~ , \ \ .~ '.. H.W. "Bill" SUBER \ CERTIFIED FLORIDA APPRAISER TERRY GOEMBEL, CFE Seminole County Property Appraiser TERRY P. MANFRE, ASA, CFE ASSISTANT APPRAISAL DIRECTOR PROPERTY APPRAISER SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING KEVIN P. HARDESTER, CFE 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 DIRECTOR, INFORMATION & SUPPORT TELEPHONE (407) 321-1130 EXT 7506 March 3, 1992 ~~~rrwm:~ ~. ,fj",...G ~ -- .. ~ MAR 4 1992 Ms. Mary T. Norton, City Clerk CITY Uf WnnfR SPRINGS City of Winter Springs CITY HALL 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Ms. Norton: Enclosed herewith please find the City's copy of the executed contract with Mr. Suber whereby he agrees to perform certain duties under Chapter 197.3632, Florida Statutes. When the City of Winter Springs adopts their resolution as required under Chapter 197.3632 (3)(a), Florida Statutes, please forward our copy of the resolution to this office as soon as possible. On June 1st, Chapter 197.3632 (3)(b) requires the Property Appraiser to~eliver to the City: (1) the current owners; (2) property descriptions; and (3) parcel identification numbers for all property within the district boundaries as described in the resolution. This information may be transferred by Iist.Q[, as stated in the contract, by compatible electronic medium. In addition to the transfer "required" to be made on June 1st, this office would be happy to provide a ''test transfer" of the data in the spring of 1993 in order check the compatibility of the computer equipment. Technical information regarding the data formats, etc. may be obtained from Kevin Hardester, Information & Support Director for this office. His telephone number is 321-1130 (ext 7560). Mr. Hardester or Harley Barrow, EDPOperations Manager, at 321-1130 (ext 7561) can also assist your technical personnel in making the arrangements for the transfers of information. Please direct any questions regarding the above information to me at 321-1130 (ext 7509). Slnce~ r4J/ - /~ Terry G embel, CFE Assis nt Property Appraiser Copies to: (1) Kevin Hardester (2) Harley Barrow .. .. ....' AGREEMENT J~ 11M ell , THIS ~ made and entered into this _ day of " 1991"; by and between H. w. "BILL" SI.JEffi, as the Seminole Co..tnty Frq::lerty /1:lprai SE!l"', herei naf ter "9...Iber", and CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS , hereinafter "Local Government", w-EJ;EAS , Local Government is desi r'o...lS of collecting I its non-ad valor'em assessment (5) pursuant to the Ltniform method for the assessment, levy, collection and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments as provided for in Section 197.3&32, Florida Statutes, and w-EJ;EAS , Suber is desi r'o...lsof enter'ing into an agr'eement with Local Government as descr i bed in Secti on 197.3&32(2), Florida Statutes, for' the provision to Frovi de the i nformati on o...ltl i ned in Section 197.3&32(3) (b), Florida Statutes. I\O;J, n-EREFCFE , in consideration of the follONing covenants, ccrlditicrls and pr'011ises the parties agr'E'e as follows: 1. -me above r'epresentations ar.e tr'Lle and correct. ~ Suber is entering into this Agreement withcut any "'-. determination that Local Government is qLlalified to collect its non-ad valcr'em assessments by the Ltni form rrethod and Local Government agrees to indemi fy and hold Sl.lber' harmless fr011 any challenge thereto. 3. Suber agrees to provide Local Government with the information described in Section 197.3&'32(3) (b), Florida Statutes, in cClO"patible electronic lTlE:'diulTl by JLlne 1, i1m. 4. In retLrn for the provision of the information as CK..ttl i ned in Paragr'aph 3 above, Local Government agrE.'E?S to r'ei n"burse 9...tber, in accordance with Section 197.::3632(2) , Flori da StatLltes, for the necessary administrative costs incLrred in providing the infor'mation. 4 .. . . . ~... - ... ". . , 5. The parties acknowledge that, ~ile Suber has taken reascnabl e care to prevent such, sore errors may ex i st en the assessment roll provided Loc:al GovernlTEnt by alber. In recogni tien thereof, Loc:al GovernlTEnt agrees to release, indennify and hold 9..tber harmless frc:m any liabil i ty fer errors or any other problems arising frc:m the provisien of the infc::rmatien to Loc:al GovernlTEnt. IN WITl\ESS w-EJ;ECF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above first """itten. A";~~ ByI~~Z_I~ t4~. 11810.:' SJE€R Date: 3 ATTEST: CI I\GS ~:r. ~~ By: ~) Rlo-mD ROZMlSkY, C lY I"f:t~ Date: ;:;~ ,,~?, I C; '.:L 0'. . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327.1800 February 25, 1992 H. W. "Bill" Suber, CFA Seminole County Property Appraiser Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Mr. Suber: Enclosed please find Agreement to use the Uniform Method for the levy of non-advalorem assessments which has been signed by City Manager Richard Rozansky. The City Commission has directed garbage bills to be placed on the tax rolls for 1993. We thank you for your past assistance, and would ask for your assistance in this matter as we proceed to getting this on the rolls. Yours truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~-r: ~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk enc. ! ~ . ... The part! es ocknOolledge that, """ i 1 e Subi:!r has taken ~. reasc:nabl e care to prevent such, sore errcrs may exist on the assessment roll provi ded Lcx:al Government by 9..lber. In recogni t!on thereof, Lcx:al Government agrees to release, indemni~y and hold 9Jber harmless ~rcm any liability for errcrs cr any other problems arising ~rcm the provision of the in~crmation to Lcx::ai Government. IN WI"Tl\ESS w-eJ;ECF, the part! es hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above first "",i tten. A II t:.::iT: !x:MIl\O..E a::LNTV FRFffiTY ~ISER By: H. W. "BILL" 9.JE€R Date: Allt:.::ir: eI a= WINTER l\GS ~t: ~4= By'RI~~'C ~~ Date: F~ ,;1?:: I -3'''.1.. / ./ . '. .-