HomeMy WebLinkAboutIkon Office Solutions -2005 12 14 11/23/2005 08:56 4073274751 PUBLIC WORKS PAGE En I Ell Proposal for the City of Winter Springs Canon Image Runner 5570 Digital Copier with Network Printing Bid Soaree: Miami-Dade Schools 114-DD11 Reeolllmended Volume: ap to 50,000 eoples per mODtb Canon IR 5570 Features 55 Copies per minute 4,158 Paper Capuity StaDdard Statement to 11 x 17 sizes 256 Shades of Gray Sean Once, Priat unUmited Sets 5S network prints per mlDate 100 Sbeet Auto OrigiDal Feeder 17-110 LB Paper Stock 2400 x 600 dpl resolutio8 Auto dapleDnl Staples m Multi..po.itiolU Network PrintiDg, Optioaal ~+I~-~ _Prlein2 Model Purebale Canon IR 5570 CopierlDlgltal 57,299.00 hrehae mdudes: Maltl-positiOD Staple Finisher Network Printing" 51,007.00 36 lIlonth $233.00 7...1.97.:;l:;l )t ;l ~,~ S 64.22 :Jt, ~ If. 44 &emu Acreement AU mclusive service agreement wille. IDdudes aIllervlce calls, parts, labor and Toner. ~II conies ~med @ 5.0037 ner co~. EI:~IDda paper and staples. StaDia: !l.1ft '7~ Rlr eal'trldl~ (5000 staples) Contad: Chris Niro, Government Major Acconnt Executive IKON Oftlce Solutions 2600 Lake Lucien Drive, Suite 100 Maitland, Florid_ 327S1 Tel: 407-838-9000 ext. 1283 Fax: 407..s38--9OO1 h~ ~ ~ mfu~ - 101?41?OOli ,. .'~-!:'i~:,'~"'~~"l\I-!~?.'.'r:~~~~~~~r.~p'Jr'N"~~i~~d::!!:~~~~~~I.~~~~:'~Wr1,~~.~,!t~~~~~......._,~ Subject: F'N: appointment Importance: Hlgh- You just did the purchase order last week for the old copier. We could save by upgrading. Let me know if that is a good plan. Nancy From: Nlro, Christopher J. [mallto:CJNiro@IKON.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:03 AM To: Nancy Vobornrk Subject: appointment Importance: High Here you go..... Hi Nancy, . . The time Isapllroachlng for your copier lease expiration. The two Canon IR6doo's expire Nov 1. We need to meet and discuss please. We have alot of options. For example, network printing has been brought up several times. we could now change you out into new Canon IR5000's with network printing on a 36 month agreement and save you $128.88 a month including the copies. Or we could do one IR9070 with Print and one standalone IR5000 for about what you are paYing now. Many options. Let me know when we can get together to discuss and determine what we want to do. oks, Chris Nlro Government Major Account Executive IKON Office Solutions 407 -838-9000 ext.1283 407 -838-9001 fax cjniro@ikon.com "Three things cannot long be hidden - on, and the Truth." P/U IKON SUPPLIES 812132005FLD2 T6441R& DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE The Customer named below bereby certifies that each ite~i)f equipm8llt or product described below has been delivered, installed and accepted and Customer hereby agrees that each such item of equipment or product is in load condition and satisfactory for all purposes, including, in the cue of any rental agreement or equipment/product schedule ("Agreement") for such equipment or product entered inID between Customer and either IKON Pinancial Services or IKON Office Solutions, Inc.. as applicable, for all po of the Agreement I VOICE NUMBE.{ I DATE SHIPPED I CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER fb/l.4.l.n 12/14/05 Fn:114~5 / " . 1) 1 BeNti' 5 ::I / .. Fnuuoo En }.. H(;NHDr I:'H (J 0 () Cl en J ... 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(.1[ I C.'i-rr SHIPPER: n.n IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS :?f.iDU l...HI([ U.lCIEI',1 DrnV[ FL J2t'DO"-2tj]Q QQ\I (11)/nA ~I , f'lnl'nJ~ND FL.. ];1lf51...UUUU ,. J LJ 121J2005FLIN. 2644!R _ DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE The Customer named below hereby certifies that each item of equipmeut or product described below haa beeu delivered, installed and accepted and Customer hereby agrees that each such item of equipmenl or product is in good condition and satisfactory for all purposes, including, in the case of any rental agreement or eljuipmentlproduct schedule ("Agreement") for such equipment or product entered into betweitn Customer and either IKON Financial Services or IKON Office Solutions, Inc., as applicable, for all s ot the Agreement. VOICE NUMBER: DATE SHIPPED I CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER :?fjl,4.1A J2/.lif./U!:i Frl:J14tl Date: ... HL.:!. O~.l TPIJCI(fOI"I. ':iP 1~'/09 1 ::OJ Fdrn 12,' 12 Iii I. F (Hi J P.. '.; r.' 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'!i.,~i~"l.f:.:., ,. ..... ..J YIW ~121J2005FLD7 26441Aa DELIVERY AND ACCEPI'ANCE CERTIFICATE The Customer named below hereby certifies that each item of equipment or product described below haa been delivcrcd. installed and accepted and Customcr hercby agrees that cach such itcm of equipment or product is in good condition and satisfactory for all purposcs. including, in the case of any rental agrecment or cquipmcnt/product schedulc ("Agreement") for such equipmcnt or product enlered into between Customer and cilber IKON Fmancial Serviccs or IKON Office Solutions, Inc., as applicable, for all PUrpo8 of t1;C Agreement. U (" & i bh I I NOICE NUMBER : DATE SHIPPED j CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER )6441n 12/14/05 FA3145 .....- Date: ..~ ,'.' ~. IlCH!; f.iG F200nO FF) [FOe] CANON COPIER IR5570 VPN 0036B009AR (' ",. ~""7 (J c:., () [') ') "" 'I ~I ./ \ "' ~1 ..1 ,.J ...." 4. ( . . t " \. C5510 SlQ02582 ~. /'1F.:: reF .1 U 2.____.._._.__......._. "I E T E F~ I f.l :3..........____.._._...... 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