HomeMy WebLinkAboutMikes, James Special Warranty Deed -1994 11 01~~~o~
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~;'~f~11WOLE :C~. FL
JAMES R. MMES ("Grantor), whose post office address is 1600 Winter Springs
Blvd., Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida 82708, for and in consideration of the sum
of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (,$10.00) paid to Grantor and other and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, by these
presents does hereby grant, sell, and convey unto THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS
("Grantee"), whose Post Office address is 1126 East SR 434, Seminole County, Winter Springs,
Florida 82708, all that certain land located in Seminole County, Florida, being more
particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference
(the "Property).
Grantee agrees that the Property shall always remain in it's natural state as
a nature preserve and never be developed.
This conveyance is made and accepted subject to all zoning and other
regulatory laws and ordinances and all restrictions, reservations, easements and matters of
record (the "Permitted Exceptions"), specifically, including but not limited to Conservation
EAsements previously.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property, together with all and singular the
rights and appurtenances pertaining thereto, including ail of Grantor's right, title and
interest in and to ac~acent streets, and rights-of--way, subject to the Permitted Exceptions,
unto Grantee and the Grantee's successors and assigns ix>t fee simple forever.
And the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that the Grantor is "'
lawfully seized of the Property in fee simple; that the Grantor has good right and lawful -~
authority to sell and convey the Property; and that the Grantor hereby warrants the title to ao
the Property and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, o
through or under the Grantor, but no other. ~~
By acceptance of this Special Warranty Deed, Grantee assumes payment of all
real and personal property taxes and asseBSments on the Property for the year 1894 and
subsequent years, and acknowledges the existence of those certain Conservation Eaements
of record affecting the Property.
EXECUTED on the date set forth in the acknowledgement a ched hereto,
provided, however, that it is not intended to be effective until the let day oho mber,1994.
Documentary Tax Pd. $
$ -_---_~~.~_~,.Intannible TaX ~
Maryanne Mor CI rk S~tn~OOls
County By: ~,~
1600 Wi oulevard
W r Springs, Florida 32 QS`
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JR.M:sb 10/20/93.100
Thin instrument was acknowledged before me on October ~L,1998, by James
R. Mikes. He is personally known to me or has produced as
identification and iHd/did not take an oath.
Pubiic My Comm Exp8~28~95
(Notarial Beal)
Printed Name:
_~~ :,; c~
State of ~ ~ =~ -"
at Large -, _ ,-~ -~,
-~: .J `• ~
My Commission Ezpires: z :y,
`--~ "'
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JRM:sb 10/20/93.100
''°~1=~'~"` ~ITAI CORP, YINTER SPRINGS. FL !4,12.11!3 lids' MO,11 I, _
r ~. ~ F ~ ~ .
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'Brat put of Sections 7, 8. 17 and I8. Township 21 South. Range 31 fast.
Seminole County, Florida, described as rollowa: ; ~ , ~_>
Commer><ae at the Nonhwe~ comer otTroct "B", ~.~ ~ `~'..",
t3REENDRIAR LANLr ' 3 --~ ~ ~?~~
~ola Coun~~~d ~ Plat Book 41 ~ Pa~e 24 of the Prrblk Record: o
y. Florida, thence run S 87 37'08' B along rite North m
line of said Tract "B• for • dbtattce of 34.26 teat; thence ruo c-,
S 3S'33'46' E along said North line [or s diaance or,Sl.99 reel to the = ® '~ ~'
Fsst lino of said Tract "t3" and the POINT OP 8 FAINNINCI• Ihertce ~ -~ . ~ .
. ooatinue S 33.33'46• E for a dl':tanve of 1080.33 leer Ihetke run. ~, '~~
S 23.18'32" E for. a distarwa o[ 392.33 fear UttneeNtua 3 71'34'46" W
. for a distanoa or 184.01 tea. thenoa twt s o4 17 32 W roc a dlsutnoe or •
. ~ • 87.14 tea; tlxnca run S 39'?$'43" 6 for a distaooa-ot7l?A9 ~teet: titertoc '
*' ram 3 73.12b2" B for a distance of Z88.9S k~ thenos`rtts ~~~ rv
. N iS'20'31.6 for a dixtaniaae o< 40236 toot; tbortce run a 89.33`29' K N 'r `~O
for a di:tarKe of 133.88 teat; thence run N 63.11'33• B for a dtstanoo of ~ w `x'^-'
i Ross toe4 thertoe run S s9•oob8• B for a dlslartq of 196.74 foot; tbeace ~
• sva S 43•S1'SO" B for a distance of 183.81 teet;~ thanoe ~ ° ~
s 06.38'36' 6 for a dbtance or 93.96 tact thatce rite S 33•46'Z0~' R tor. rn ~
. a ~startce of ?9.94 toot: thertoe ruo S Od'iS~" ;W;. /or a distance of .o -'• -oo
• • ~ !21.12 tees: thence tun S 68'178' W tort-a dlstartce o~'417.?,4 rat: ~ ~ ~ ,
tbestoe rue S 81•S8'16" W for a divaac~e o(w763.79,~ pierce fro .
N 22•iS'3S" W for a distance of 478.46 re,et: thence-rwi S 89°tT3Z" SN ~
for a distartoe of 774.22 reel: thence sun S S9.41'IZ• w for a dbt>ttcd of -.
..- 171.66 tbet; thence run S 46'~OR'3S`~iltor a disuaq otZ8Q,40 teat: ''
. ~. • thence tvn N IS•1S'14" W for a distance of 391.42 feat; tboneq run .
• *N S3'18'SOri Ww~or:i dbtanoa:ot'?r13.OS tbet; thetsca'~ S 31'0107' W .
for s dT:taaos or !64.22 rat, thertoe rat N 66 316 W tot a.diwntoa of
-~~ • 32.31 tbet tp a point on a ttott-past catt~e concave Not~M~et~- ~1,1~g:
•~ • a chord beariAB of N 09.46'38" Lr and a tadlus`ot 120aZ4 text. qid p~ '
•, ~ • ~ being oa the Easterly Right•ot•Wq Hue ettsaki Oai~IBRG11t LAN$' " • . ~.
~Ci8NS10N; tltettce run Northeastarty slortt .the ~, ..
r~. o~,tttld _curi-a ttAd. •...
said Easterly Right-of-Wiry Tine thrw~~h a oentrai ~iiagk or 09•13'S9" rQr,~t ,
distance of 193.42 reef; tlrettco run N OS°09'38" E along said Lacey ~. .
• Right.ot-Way, line for a distance of 193.01 feet to the poirtt,ot can-Attue;oR
. • a crave eortcrtve Euterly huvlltg a ndhts or 1333.11 rca; theacgraan '
• Northeasterly along the era of said curve and said Craver! R1~ht•ot•Wa
~~ • : ~ line throuih a contra! angb or 16.39'30" for a distance or 38$,3p [ee0 r
• thence run N 21!49'28" B along said Ea:krly Right-orwar 11ne rota.. ,
• distance of 346.02 fat to a point on a non•tangent curve cq>eave westcr(ji
having a dtor~beatrinj or N 1 I•26'01" B and a radius of 1632.82feet
.. tlteree run Northeasterly along the ttr~a of said curare` and sold
~ ~ ~~
' Rlght•ot•Way line throw h a central angle of 21.36'42" for a db~ ~ ~'~' ~~`~
' • • 613.89 feet to a point o~fion•tMngertay; ~~ run 3 ~. ~i
8!~'Zr20.8 along ~~ ~'
the South liae of Bald Tact 8 for a dbtartce of 114,44 feet; thence rMti o~, G~~,
ti N 00'3740" B along the Eau. ilna of said Tract "8" for a d'btanos eh ~~-~, "9-~ .
• - ~ S3S.13 leer to the POINT OR BFAiNNIrKI. ''
Containing 69.304 acres morn or less and being subject to any rigltts•ot;,. ~~
way, resit lions or casenknts or record and also subject to a co,uenratiot:
• easement recorded In Official Record Book 2433. P,~e' 7 Z9S of the PubiiQ
. Records of Seminole County, Florida. __
• . , i