HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 General Election e - ELECTION PROCLAMATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS A General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, on the 5th day of November, 1991, for the purpose of electing a Commissioner Seat/District I; Commissioner Seat/District III; and Commissioner Seat/District V for a three-year term. The location of the Voting Places will be as follows: Precinct 13 - Civic Center on North Edgemon Avenue Precinct 24 - Seventh Day Adventist Church on S. Moss Road Precinct 50 - Fire Station on Northern Way Precinct 67 - Seventh Day Adventist Church on S. Moss Road Precinct 75 - Wedgewood Tennis Villas Club House, 1401 Forest Hills Drive Precinct 76 - Church of the New Covenant, 875 Tuscawilla Road Precinct 78 - Board of Realtors Building, Shepard Road Precinct 94 - Wedgewood Tennis Villas Club House, 1401 Forest Hills Drive; Precinct 95 - Fire Station on Northern Way The Pollworkers are as follows: Precinct 13 - Betty L. Woodward, Clerk; Mary E. Peterson, Ruth Holzman and Martha L. Hoag; Precinct 24 - Cecilia Champagne, Catherine T. Soluski, Hazel Painter, and Josephine A. Stankiewicz, Clerk; Precinct 50 - Patricia S. Peterson, Clerk; Phyllis S. Walter, Barbara Bush and Clare Torcaso; Precinct 67 - Barbara L. Shell, Clerk; Myrtle J. Hall, Shirley R. Osgood and Gladys Zahand; Precinct 75 - Patricia J. Lombardi, Clerk; Laura M. Etze, Margaret R. Geissler and Dorothy Harris; Precinct 76 - Anita P. Storrier, Clerk; Rob Benbennick, Irene Benbennick and Veronica L. Cunningham; Precinct 78 - William Sigler, Clerk; Gloria Hoenicke; Shirley J. Whittington and Theresa Duffie; Precinct 94 - Eddie J. Fields, Clerk; Nan R.Gilmore, Rita C.Astle, and Valerie Rogers; Precinct 95 - Millie Dahlin, Clerk; Claire B. Hopkins, Donald N. Hopkins and Pat Drebert. The Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p. m. on Election Day, November 5th, 1991. Registration Books will close October 7, 1991, 5:00 p.m. IJ OF WINTER SPRINGS .--t~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~~r:~;;: C Y C ERK Tht Orlando Sentinel e Publiahed Daily Altamonle Springa, Seminole County, Florida ~tatJ of ,3Florilm} ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared CANDACE CODY . who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- ELECTION PROCLAMATION vertisement, being a in the matter of NOVEMBER '), 1991 in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of SEPTEMBER 8. 15. 22. 29. 1991 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this odvort~t to, publimli7J;;;;;]cyt L (lc()~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of OCTOBER 91 R.~ ~ M~ Commission Expires August n~_Public Bonded Thru Brown & Brown. Inc. . ADVERTISING CHARGE ELEcnON PROCLAMATlOlt. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, A General MunlciDBI Elec:tIon ,will be held In the City of Winter Springsn;lor- Ida, on the 5th d,ay of N,ovember,.uIlt1', lor the purpose of eteclIl1lI a Commis- sioner Seat/District I; Commissioner Seal/Dlstrict III; end Commlssioner,Sea!. /District V lor a three-year term. The location of the Voting Places will be as lollows: -' Precinct 13 - Civic Center on Norih Edgemon Avenue '''''''':''''"' Precinct 24 - Seventh Day AdveIIlIit"J'" Church on S. Moss Road " PrecInct 50 - Fire Statlon on .~ ~~.:::Y ff7 - Seventh Day ~;':' Church on S. Moss Road .q~.~;; Precinct 75 - Wedgewood TennIS Villas Club House, 1401 Forest Hills Drive Precinct 76 - Church of the NEWiI Covenant, 875 Tuscewllla Road " " Precinct 78 - Board of Realtors Building, Shepard Road Precinct 94 - Wedgewood Tennis Villas Club House, 1401 Forest I-IIlIs ~::~ct 95 - Fire SIallon on North- ~e ~~Iworkers are as follows: Precinct 13 - Belty L. Woodward,' Clerk; Mary E. Peterson, Ruth Holz- man and Meriha L H~ b'~~ne2t So~:~Haz~"lf:ln:: and Josephine A. Stankiewicz, Clerk; Precinct 50 - Patricia S.' Peterson, Clerk; Phyllis E. Waller, Barba,r,a," Bush and Clare Torcaso; , Precinct 87 - Barbara L. Shell, Clerk; Myrtle J. Hall, Shirley R. 0&-' good and Gladys Zahand; Precinct 75 - Patricia J. lombardi, Clerk; Laura M. Etze, Margaret R. Geissler and Dorothy Harris; Precinct 76 - Anita P. Storrier, Clerk; Rob Benbennlck, Irene 8en" bennlck and Veronica I.. Cunningham; PrecInct 78 - William Sigler, Clerk; Gloria Hoenicks; Shlriay J. Whitting, ton and Theresa Duffie; Precinct 94 - Eddie J. Fields, Clerk; Nan R. Gilmore, Rita C. Astle, and ~=~~~;Mlllle Dahlin, Clerk;" Claire B. Hopkins, Donald N. Hop-, klns and Pet Dreberl. , : The Polls will be <!fl8n from 7:OQ,am. to 7:00 p.m. on Eleclion Day, November 5Ih,1991. Registration Books will close ~ ' 7, 1991, ~Wl6~'W1NTER SPRINGS - ~~r:nI~PA~i<~=, MAYOR ATTEST: Is/Mary T. Norion CITY CLERK LS-550 105 Sept.8,15.22,29,1991 $250.56 FORM NO. AD-264