HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeridian Community Services Group Home Again Diaster Recovery -2005 04 15
THIS CONTRACT Is made and entered into' this J S~ day of ~\) \ \ , 2005,
by and between the City of Winter Springs (hereinafter the OWNER) and Meridian
Community Services Group, Inc., (hereinafter MERIDIAN). This Contract shall become
effective immediately, with Program Administration and Management Services subject to
the beginning date of the OWNER's Grant Award Agreement between the OWNER and the
Florida Housing Finance Corporation (hereinafter FHFC).
WHEREAS, the OWNER has selected MERIDIAN ta perform Program Administration and
Management Services for a HOME Disaster Relief Housing Assistance Program through a
non-competitive procurement pursuant to emergency provisions oudlned in 24 C.F ,R.
Section 85.36 for competitive procurement and as deemed necessary to obtain these
services an an emergency basis for the Owner.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements as
contained herein to be kept by and between the parties, the OWNER and MERIDIAN agree
as follows:
A. Covenant for Servl~es
The OWNER does hereby contract WIth MERIDIAN to perform the services described
herein and MERIDIAN does hereby agree to perform such services under the terms and
conditions set forth in this Contract.
B. Availability of Funds
Payment of funds pursuant to this Contract is subject to and conditioned upon the release of
authorlzed appropriations from the rHFC. MERIDIAN shall be paid in accordanoe with
Section D of this Contract. The OWNER's Grant Award Agreement from FHFC shall
become part of this Contract consistent with the requirements established in Florida
Administrative COde, Section 67-50.
C. BcoDe of Services
(1) Intent of this Contract
MERIDIAN agrees, and represents and warrants, under the terms and conditions of this
Contract and the applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, to undertake,
perform. and complete the necessary Program Administration and Management Services
required to Implement and complete the OWNER's HOME Disaster Relief Housing
Assistance program in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
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(2) scope of Services - Program Administration and Management
. Representation during site visits and monitorings
. Develop project information management and filing system
. Develop project financial management system for receiving and
disbursing funds
. Maintain project account records
. Develop WOl'kplans for project contract document
. Preparation of project contract document
. Develop budget for project contract
. Environmental Review
. Oversi9ht of project schedule and compliance
. Coordination with other agencies and contracts, as necessary
. Request Wa.ge Decisions
. audget tracking
. Review bid docum$nts and contract documents for compliance
. Conduct Preconstruction Conference
. Housing rehabilitation work write-ups
. Housing rehabill~tion Inspections
. Housing rehabilitation bidding and construction coordination
. Oversight of citizen complaint process
. Monitor contractor, engineer, and construction specialist progress
. Supervision of payment authorizations
. Develop and process amendments. as needed .
. Review change orders a.nd amendments for compliance, as needed
. Provide regular project status reports to Commission
. Monitor all project activity to ensure compliance
. Provide all other necessary technical assistance
. Review final change order, pay request, and construction documents
. Balance final project bUdget
· Gather all necessary supporting documents
. Prepare documents for admlnlstrativelfinancial close out
. Prepare final status report
If the Grant Award Agreement between the OWNER and FHFC is amended, the scope of
services for the project shall be amended to be consistent with that Agreement.
D. Consideration and Method of Payment for Services
(1) Amount of Consideration
For Program Administration and Management Services, for a HOME Disaster Relief
Housing Assistance Program for Housing Rehabilitation and/or Replacement activities the
OWNER will pay MERIDIAN the sum of 10% of the grant award, subject to availability of
grant funds. The OWNER shall issue the fee amount to MERIDIAN over a period of twenty-
four (24) months and shall be paid in 24- equal monthly payments. If the project Is
completed In less than 24 months, the baJan'ce of the administration fee will be paid to
MERIDIAN after completion and submission of the Closeout Status Report to FHFC.
(2) Method of Payments
MERIDIAN will submit a monthly invoice, which will reflect an equal monthly amount due for
the Housing Rehabilitation grant. The Invoice shall be submitted to the OWNER for the
OWNER's review and approval. Payment will be Issued within three (14) days of approval
of the Invoice, subject to availability of project funds.
(3) Additional Services
If additional services are requested or required, then the additional services shall be
established based on the hourly rates identified in Attachment C of this Contract. Additional
services shall Include additional project management due to construction delays beyond the
construction contraot period. The liquidated fee clause established In the construction
contract would be utilized to pay for the additional services caused by the construction
E. Subcontracts
(1) MERIDIAN will obtain prior approval in writing, from the OWNER
before entering into any subcontract for this project. If MERIDIAN subcontracts any of the
work required under this Contract, MERIDIAN agrees to include in the subcontract that the
subcontractor is bound by the terms and conditions of this Contract with the OWNER.
(2) MERIDIAN agrees to include in the subcontract that the
subcontractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the FHFC. the OWNER and MERIDIAN
from and against all claims of whatever nature by the subcontractor arising out of the
subcontractor's performance of work under this Contract.
F. Modification of Contraot
All modifications or amendments to this Contract shall be in writing, executed with the same
formalities as this contract, and addre:::;;sed to the appropriate pa.rties hereto and given
personally, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, by facsimile, or by a
national recognized overnight courier service. All modifications or amendments shall be
effective upon the date of receipt and attached to the original of this Contract. The amount
of compensation to be paid to MERIDIAN will not be amended without mutual agreement of
the OWNER and MERIDIAN, formally executed In writing, SUbject to availability of funds.
G. Termination (Cause and/or Convenience)
(1) This Contract may be terminated in whole or In part in writing by
either party in the event of substantial failure by the other party to fulfill its obligations under
this Contract through no fault of the terminating party, provided that no termination may be
effected unless the, other party is given (1) not less thi'ln ten (10) calendar days written
notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of Intent to terminate and (2) an
opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination.
(2) this Contract may be terminated in whole or In part in writing by the
OWNER for its convenience, provided that the other party Is afforded the same notice and
consultation opportunity specified in G. (1) above.
(3) If termination for default is effected by the OWNER. an equitable
adjustment in the price for this Contract shall be made, but {1} no amount shall be allowed
for anticipated profit on unperformed services or other work, a'nd (2) any payment due to
MERIDIAN at the time of termination may be adjusted to cover any additional COSt5 to the
OWNER because of MERIDIAN's default.
For any termination, the equitable adjustment shall provide for pSY!l'ent to MERIDIAN for
services rendered and expenses Incurred prior to receipt of the notice of intent to terminate,
in addition to tennination settlement costs reasonably Incurred by MERIDIAN relating to
commitments (e.g., suppliers, subcontractors) which had become contracted prior to receipt
of the notice of Intent to terminate,
(4) Upon receipt of a termination action under paragraphs (1) or (2)
above, MERIDIAN shall (1) promptly discontinue all affected work (unless the notice directs
otherwise) and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the OWNER all data, drawings,
reports specifications, summaries and other such information, as may have been
accumulated by MERIDIAN in performing this Contract, whether completed or in process.
(5) Upon termination, the OWNER may take over the work and may
award another party a Contract to complete the work described in this Contract.
(6) If, after termination for failure of MERIDIAN to fulfill contractual
obligations, it is determined that MERIDIAN had not failed to fulfill contractual obligations.
the termination shall be deemod to have been for the convenience of the OWNER. In such
event. adjustment of the contract price shall be made as provided in paragraph (3) above.
H. Remedies
Unless otherwise provided in this Contract, all other matters in question between the
OWNER and MERIDIAN, arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach of it.. will be
deolded by a Florida court of competent jurisdiction. The venue for any legal action or other
proceedings. which might arise from this Contract, shall be Seminole County, Florida.
I. Liability
(1) MERIDIAN shall be responsible for all damages to persons or
property that occur as a result of MERIDIAN's fault or negligence in connection with work
performed under the provisions of this Contract. and MERIDIAN shall be financially and
otherwise responsible for the proper care and protection of all such work performed until
completion thereof and final acceptance by the OWNER. MERIDIAN maintains $1,000,000
of Professional Liability Insurance. $2,000,000 of General Liability Insurance. $1.000,000 of
Automobile Liability Insurance and $100,000 per accident of Workers Compensation and
Employers' Liability Insurance through Old Dominion Insurance and WIll do so throughout
the course of the project. Documentation regarding insurance will be made available upon
(2) MERIDIAN shall indemnify and save harmless the OWNER, its
agents, attomeys, commissioners, and employees from any and allliabillty for any Injury or
damages to persons or property (including all attorney's fees and costs) resulting from
MERIDIAN's prosecution of work pursuant to the provisions of thi5 Contraot.
{3} MERIDIAN acknowledges that their services are being retained by
the OWNER because of MERIDIAN's expertise In Home Disaster Relief Housing Assistance
Program for Housing Rehabilitation and/or Replacement activities and that the OWNER does not
have the experience or expertise to run said Program. As such, MERIDIAN represents and
warrants that it shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all work performed and money
expended. under the City's Home Disaster Relief Housing Assistance Program for Housing
Rehabilitation and/or Replacement activities. shall be In compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations goveming the aforementioned program. Furthermore. MERIDIAN shall Indemnify and
save harmles~ the OWNER, its agents, attorneys. commissioners, and employees from any and all
liability for damages (including all attorney's fees and costs) suffered by the OWNER, its agents.
attorneys, commissioners, and employees which are a result of any work. or expenditure approved
by MERIDIAN under this Contract being declared Ineligible by FHFC or any other jurisdictional
(4) Notwithstanding any assumption of liability as noted In Paragraphs I. (1), (2). and (3),
the following limitations are applicable to Meridian's agreement to indemnify the CITY:
(i) MERIOIANwlll undertake reasonable measures to determine program eligibility
for program participants but is not responsible for false or misleading Information provided
by program participants, induding but not limited to household composition, Income,
sources of income. property ownership, and damages to real property allegedly caused by
the hurricanes of 2004.
(ii) MERIDIAN is not responsible for damages caused by contractors working on
behalf of program participants.
(iii) MERIDIAN is not responsible for actions taken by CITY staff to expend or
obligate for expenditure HOME Again funds without the prior written recommendation of
J. Enerav Efficiency
MERIDIAN shall comply with mandatory standardS and policies relating to energy efficiency
which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Public Law 94-163).
K. Project Representatives
The OWNER's Project Manager for this Contract is: Ronald W. McLemore. City Manaaer.
MERIDIAN's Project Grants Manager responsible for the planning and application services
of this Contract Is Calvin Knowles, Director of Community Development, Meridian
Community Services Group, Inc., 5925 Imperial Parkway. Suite 128, South Lakeland,
Florida 33660 and LIsa A. Blair, President, Meridian Community Servicos Group, Inc.. Post
Office Box 13408. Tallahassee, Florida 32317. In the event that different representatives
are designated by either party after execution of this Contract, notice of the name and
address of the new representative will be rendered in writing to the party and said
notification attached to the original of this Contract.
L. Terms and Conditions
This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
M. EIiQibilitv
MERIDIAN certifies that it is eligible to receive state and federally funded contracts.
MERIDIAN also certifies that no party, WhiCh Is ineligible for such work, will be
subcontracted to perform services under this Contract.
N. Conflict of interest
No member of or Delegate to the Congress of the United States. or Resident
Commissioner, and no elected state official or state employee shall share In any proceeds
of this Contract. or in any benefit to arise from it. No officer or employee Qf the local
jurisdiction or its designers or agents, no member of the governing body, and no other
official of the locality who exercises any function or responsibility with respect to this
Contract. during hlslher tenure or for one year thereafter. shall have any Interest. direct or
Indirect, In any contract or subcontract, or the proceeds thereof. for work to be performed.
Further. MERIDIAN shall cause to b~ Incorporated in all subcontracts the language set forth
in this paragraph prohibiting conflict of Interest. .
O. Federal Statutory ReQuirements
When applicable. MERIDIAN and the OWNER shall comply with the provisIons contained In
Attachment A and incorporated herein.
P. Attachments
This Contract is subject to the provisions of the following Attachments, which are attached
to and made a part of this Contract:
(1) Attachment A, "Federal Provisions", consisting of three (3) pages.
(2) Attachment B, "Section 3 and Affirmative Action Plan", consisting of
one (1) page.
(3) Attachment C, "Fee Schedule", consisting of one (1) page.
(4) Attachment 0, "Swom Statement on Public Entity Crimes",
consisting of two (2) pages.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Contract the day and year first
written above.
-~ Q-QJ~
Name and Title: Lisa A. Btair. President
Attest: ~CL ~
~~. mA.~ ~ ./~.
"." . ~ 'lO." --:-"" ". .
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III ,: Ronald W. McLemore; !='rtj ~~naQ.e~.'.:: .
. '..-..... . . .,- ....,
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1. Eoual Emplovment ODDortunitv
During the perfonnance of this Contract, MERIDIAN agrees as follows:
a. MERIDIAN will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of age. race, sex, national origin, ethnic background, and handicep
status. MERIDIAN will take affirmative aotlon to ensure that applicants are employed. and
that employees are treated fairly during employment, without regard to their race, creed,
sex, color or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer: reoruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or
termination, rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training,
including apprenticeship. MERIDIAN agrees to post in conspicuous places, avaUable to
employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the OWNER setting
forth the prOVisions of this non-discrimination clause.
b. . MERIDIAN will, In all solicitation or advertisements for employees placed by
or on behalf of MERIDIAN, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to age, race, sex, national origin, ethnic background, and
handicap status.
c. MERIDIAN will cause the foregoing provisions .to be inserted in all
subcontracts for any work covered by this Contract so that such provisions will be binding
upon each subcontractor. provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts
or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials.
d. MERIDIAN will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of
September 24, 1965, as amended by Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967 and as
supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR Chapter 60).
e. MERIDIAN will furnish all information and reports required by Executive
Order 11246 of September 24. 1965. and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the
Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto. and will permit access to his books, records and
accounts by the OWNER and the Florida or United States Secretary of Labor for purposes
of Investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules. regulations and orders.
f. In the event of MERIDIAN's non-compliance with the equal opportunity
clauses of this Contract or with any of such rules. regulations or orders. this Contract may
be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and MERIDIAN may be declared
Ineligible for further government contracts In accordance with procedures authorized in
Executive Order 11246 of September 24. 1965. and such other sanctions may be Imposed
and remedies Invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by
rule, regUlation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.
g. MERIDIAN will Include the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (g) in
every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules. regulations or orders of the
Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive order 11246 of September
24. 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
MERIDIAN will take such action'with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the
local governing auUlority(s) representative may direct as a means of enforcing such
provisions including sanction for non-compliance: Provided, however. that in the event
MERIDIAN becomes involved In, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or
vendor as a result of such direction by the OWNER. MERIDIAN may request the United
States to enter into such litigation to protect tho Interests of the United States.
2. Civil Rights Act of 1964
Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no person shall, on the grounds of
race. color, or national origin, be excluded from participation In, be denied the benefits of, or
be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial
3. Section 109 of the Houslnq and Communitv DeveloDment Act of 1974
No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin,
or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits .of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or In part with funds made
available under Title lof the Housing and Community Development Act.
4. "Section 3" ComDllance In the Provision of Trainina. Employment, and
Business Opportunities
a. The work to be performed under this Contract is assisted by direct federal
assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is subject to
the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (24 CFR
Part 135), as amended, 12 U.S.C. 170. Section 3 requires that. to the greatest extent
feasible, opportunities for training and employment be given to lower income residents of
the project area and contracts for work In connection with the project be awarded to
business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in
the area of the project.
b. The parties to this Contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3
and regulations issued pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development set forth in 24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department
Issued thereunder prior to the execution of this Contract. The parties to this Contract certify
and agree that they are under no contractual or other disability. which would prevent them
from complying with these requirements.
c. MERIDIAN will send to each labor organization or representative of workers
with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, if
any. a notice advising the said labor organization or worker's representative of his
commitments under this Section 3 clause and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous
places available to employees and applicants-for employment or training.
d. MERIDIAN will include this Section 3 clause In every subcontract for work
in connection with the project and will. at the direction of the applicant for or recipient of
federal financial assistance. take appropriate action pur$uant to the subcontract upon a
finding that the subcontractor Is in violation of regulations issued by the Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development. CFR Part 135. MERIDIAN will not subcontract with any
subcontractor where it has notice or knowledge that the latter has been found in violation of
regulations under CFR Part 135 and will not let any subcontract unless the subcontractor
has first provided it with a preliminary statement of ability to comply with the requirements of
these regulations.
e. Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the regUlations set forth in 24
CFR Part 135, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department Issued hereunder prior
to the execution of this Contract, shall be a condition of tho federal financial assistance
provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or recipient for such assistance, its
successors and assigns. Failure to fulfill these requirements shall subject the applicant or
recipient, its contractors and subcontractors, Its successors and assigns to those sanctions
specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which federal assistance is
provided, and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 CFR Part 135.
5. Aeeess and Retention to Records
The OWNER, the FHFC, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the
Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized representatives,
shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of MERIDIAN which are
directly pertinent to this Contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts,
and transcriptions. MERIDIAN shall retain all records relating to this Contract for three (3)
years after the OWNER makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed.
~ .
1. MERIDIAN will solicit and evaluate applications for employment in a manner that is
non..discrlmlnatory based upon age, race, sex, national origin, ethnic background, and
handicap status.
2. When training and/or employment opportunity arises in connection with this project.
MERIDIAN will, to the greatest extent feasible, provide maximum opportunity to lower
income residents of the project. Employment opportunity will be locally advertised in a
manner that will ensure that potentially eligible applicants are 1) made aware of the
opportunity, and 2) provided a convenient way to apply far employment.
3. During this project. MERIDIAN will seek to purchase necessary goods and/or
services from businesses that are located in, or awned by persons residing in the
4. MERIDIAN will utilize the HUD and Florida lists of minority businesses in filling
subcontracting and/or purchasing needs.
5. MERIDIAN will include applicable equal opportunity provisions in subcontracts
issued in connection with this project.
6. MERIDIAN shall publicize and post this policy in a conspicuous place available to
employees and applicants for employment and training.
7. MERIDIAN Is under no contractual or other disability, which would prevent
compliance with this policy.
Where gra.nt funds cannot be used or for additional services the following schedule will be
$150.00 per hour
$120.00 per l'lOur
$ 100.00 per hour
$ 100.00 per hour
$ 120.00 per hour
$ 90.00 per hour
$ 90.00 per hour
$ 38.00 per hour
$ 26.00 per hour
Director of Grant Services
Project Grants Manager
Chief Financial Officer
Director of Project Development
Production Manager
Construction Specialist
Administrative Assistant
Data Processing
.Please note that all fees include overhead. travel, office supplies, benefits, etc.
The City of Winter Springs (CITY) and Meridian Community Services Group, Inc. (MERIDIAN) agree to
the following:
A. Summary of Services to be Rendered
Services to be rendered by MERIDIAN will include technical assistance related to FEMA Pubic
Assistance and other disaster funding as outlined in Attachment A.
B. Project Cost
Fees for services will be $150 per hour plus travel.
C. Schedule
Time of completion estimated to be 15 or no later than October 15, 2004.
D. Notice/Project Manager of Consultant "
The project manager for MERIDIAN shall be Lisa Blair, and all notices and correspondence shall be
addressed to Lisa Blair, Meridian Community Services Group, Inc.~ :1500 Mahan Drive, Suite 230,
Tallahassee, FL 32308.
~IM 0. 6J~
Name: Lisa Blair
Meridian Community Services Group, Inc.
Address: 1500 Mahan Drive, Suite 230
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager ",
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL,32708
Dated this L day 0
Dated this J (j 1/1
day of ~ ' 2005
The scope of services to be performed by MERIDIAN shall include the following
Provide preliminary technical assistance regarding FEMA Public Assistance and other
disaster-related funding programs. Tasks include:
1. Meet with City Staff to provide information on FEMA Public Assistance and a
variety potential funding programs to address disaster-related projects.
2. Identify potential projects eligible for HMGP and other grant funding.
3. Prepare all Notice of Intent Forms for the HMGP Program.
4. Review all FEMA Project Worksheets prepared by FEMA representative.
5. Provide recommendations regarding additional eligible items for inclusion In
FEMA Project Worksheets.
6. Answer questions and provide assistance to City staff as requested.
Fee for Services is $150 per hour plus travel expenses. Invoices will be submitted at 100%
completion and will identify tasks completed.
The City of Winter Springs (CI1Y) and Meridian Community Services Group, Inc. (MERIDIAN) agree to
the following:
A. Summary of Senices to be Rendered
The services to be rendered by MERIDIAN will include services related to the conversion of units at
Lori Anne Lane, AKA Lori Anne Acres. For further detail regarding this scope of serVices, reference
Attachment A.
B. Project Cost
Initial budget not to exceed $3,000; reference Attachment A for invoicing schedule and Attachment B
for additional services rates.
C. Schedule
Time of completion estimated to be 60 days after receiving authorization to proceed and based on data.
. .
D. NoticeIProject Manager of Consultant
The project manager for MERIDIAN shall be Calvin Knowles, and all notices and correspondence shall
be addressed to Calvin Knowles, 4905 34th Street South, Number'352, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33711.
d~ Q. W~
1f~tU JJ1(~
Name: Lisa Blair
Meridian Community Services Group, Inc.
Address: 1500 Mahan Drive, Suite 230
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Name: Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
Address: 1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dated this ~ day O~2005
Dated this
I-b-OS day of
J:"",....'1 ,
The scope of services to be performed by MERIDIAN shall include the following
Provide preliminary services related to the future acquisition, renovation, and sale of
multi-family housing units roughly described as Lori Anne Lane. Tasks include:
1. Meet with local non.profit housing provider(s) and government official(s) to
discuss future phases of the project and to identify possible non.profit. housing
provider(s) to facilitate conversion of the rental units to owner.occupierl units,
probably by low-income, first.time homeowners.
2. Meet with lender(s) that specialize in housing and community development
3. Prepare periodic updates on the results of these meetings and a final summary of
efforts, including contact information and the time, date and place of all meetings.
Total Fee for Services is not to exceed $3,000. Invoices will be submitted at 50% and
100% completion and will identify tasks completed.
During the course of the study, CITY may request additional services from MERIDIAN.
Such services will not be conducted until authorized by the CITY as mutually agreed
between the CITY and MERIDIAN. CITY will be billed for such additional services
based on the hourly rate schedule of MERIDIAN members as shown in Attachment B of
this Contract or some other basis as mutually agreed between CITY and MERIDIAN.
.. ' ,
Project Manager
Construction Speciaiist
Administrative Assistant
Data Processing
. *Please note tbat all fees include expenses, travel, office supplies, etc.
$150.00 per hour
$,120.00 per hour
$ 90.00 per hour
$ 38.00 per hour
$ 22.00 per hour