HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 03 10-20 International DeMolay Week
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I -, ~ y~ars 01 ag~, \'/ho are seeking to prepare thems~ve5 to beccm~ b~tter ,.,
'i,it(1 cItizen3 and le~ders for tomorrow by developing those traits of character .{1(;f~i
,~ 1i* which have stren3th~ned good m~n In all ase~; nnd ~> !i
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t. g~.1 so ~s to ~empllfy to all citIzens here and ev~rywhere their many activities, l;r~
~ r~f j" and to tender recognition to their millions of Senior DeMolays, now, r/1!
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t .t!~~ that MAR CHI iJ - 2(J: , 1 9 8 3 be observed as~"~i~
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~ {:~1 arid ccl} upon <:41 our citizens to join in Saluting the Young Men of the order;~j1
f ?~::~ of DeMolay, and in expressing our grateful appredation for the flne'l~})~
!' '::~~~'~1 examples set by them in contributing to the welfare of our community by [li:,t
~ i~~:1 addressing themselves to the building of good character among our youth; 'i~~l'
~: ~~)_ thereby aiding in the development of leadership for tomorrow. i'tWI
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