HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarion I. Skilling & Associates Proposal -2001 04 09
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04/06/2001 14:19 4078954312 M SKILLING+ASSOC PAGE 02
April 6, 2001
Mr. Charles Carrington, AICP
. Community Development Director
City of Winter Springs .
1126 E. State Road 434 .
Winter Springs. fL 32708
Re: 6.2-Acre Nursery Road Property Study
Dear Charles:
I am very pleased to submit this proposal to assist the City in determining the appropriate Future Land
Use Map/Zoning designations and appropriate land development controls to allow the property owner to
develop the site while providing pTotection for the surrounding properties. It appears that a PUD zoning
and Mixed-Use Future Land Use Map designation may provide an appropriate strategy to allow
reasonable development on the subject property, ensure that existing compliance violations are
corrected, and protect surrounding properties.
The following Scope of Services is proposed to accomplish the goals of this study:
1. Background
a) Conduct site visit of subject property and surrounding neighborhood to docwnent existing
b) Prepare a hase map of subject site and surrounding area using Seminole County Property
Appraiser's map.
c) Map existing zoning and Future Land Use designation on base map.
d) Meetwith City's Code Enforcement Officer to document code compliance issues.
e) Review applicant's proposal.
2. Recommendations
a) Prepare written conditions of approval fOf'a POO that would apply to the subject property to
address at a minimum:
. Permitted land uses
. Prohibited land uses
. ' Signage
· Setbacks
. Parking
. Buffering and landscaping,
. Site lighting
. Code compliance for existing uses
. Access
. Other PUD requirements to be met by property owner
b) Prepare concept plan in bubble form summarizing PUD requirements. J
U:\business\ProieelS\O I 0 I '/ICorrespondence\l..etter Charles Carrington 4-6-oI.<loc ,
"Aari(ln I. Skilling It Associates. Jnc, . 832 N ThomtonAvenue + rando, F orida 32803
Phone:. (407) 896-7050. Fax.: (407) 896-4312. Emall: mskilling@cfl,lT.com
~9-01 10:39A PREECE . 407 647 6491 P.02
. - .. -- -~.. .....-., \,.11 T lr W!NII:I< ~INGS 437 327 4753 P.03/03
. 84/86/2881 14: 19 4878964312 M S1al.LI~ PAGE 83
Mr. Charles Cminatotl. Alep
c) Prejwe -senda itallS for Comprchasl~ PI., Amc:ndmclDt and ~08 ohubjec:t proputY.
3. Mccane AKendance
a) AppliCC1t
b) Meclinps) with Cily 5Wfto lniew draft ~OIls
c) One Ncighborbood meetma
d) LP A Hearina
e) City C('lmm;uion Hearinp f'nr Finrt Reading and Adoption
The fees for eompJeticm of tNs usipmc:nt are as follows:
1, Completion of Numbers I. and 2. above, Background and ~~ is a lump sum of
2. Attendancc at meeting! will bo biUed hourly based on lbc hoarly ~ IdteduJe.
3. Normal rcill'lburMble cxpcuses will be billed in addition to the fees listaJ above.
Billing w1ll be made "" II monthJy basis lor tIie lIIUOunt completed. Invoices are to be paid by the City
30 days followmc receipt.
1( you have my questioas. pleue aive me . call. I look forwud to 'NOf1dq with the City to complete
thi.t &S.!l18nment. ((this propo.-1 i. acceptable. please siga below and seod. copy to my office.
AcccpIed By: Date:
I?fMo4LtI ?1f~ '1-7 -0/
Acce By. Oate:
- ('1-0 I
City and agree to share the eost of this study equally.
~I. a ~. rllG. . au )l'n...-A_ . 0111I'Io. ~lDlb.
.....! (." I96-lMO. ,..~ (40'1) -"'.2 . ."..,,; ...uI1I\Ieoa.rr._
TOTAL p.a3
95% P.02 ~
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' ~ t +04/06/2001 14:19 4078964312 M SKILLING+ASSOC PAGE 03
Mr. Charles Carrington, AICP
April 6, 2001
Page 2
c) Prepare agenda items for Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning of subject property.
3. Meeting Attendance
a) Applicant
b) Meeting(s) with City staff to review draft recommendations
c) One Neighborhood meeting
d) LFA Hearing
e) City Commission Hearings for First Reading and Adoption
The fees for completion of thus assignment are as follows:
l . Completion of Numbers 1. and 2. above, Background and Recox><'<mendations, is a lump sum of
2. Attcndance at meetings will be billed hourly based on the hourly rate schedule-
3. Normal reimbursable expenses will be billed in addition to the fees listed above.
Billing will be made on a monthly basis for the amount completed. Invoices are to be paid by the City
30 days following receipt.
If you have any questions, please give me a call. I look forward to working with the City to complete
this assignment. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and send a copy to my office.
Michael D. Wadley, AICP
Accepted By: ~.
L/ -~
City and Applicant agree to share the cost of this study equally.
U:lbusiaess\Projects\O10191ComspvndencelLetier ChiTlp Carrington 4.6-0l.doc
fvlarion 1. Skillin8 dt Associates, nc. ~ 832 N'Itwrnton Avenuc • an o, lorida 8U
Phone: (407) 896-7050 • Fax: (407) 896~t312 ~ ?email: mskitlingQcfl.rr.com