HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrlando Business Telephone Systems, Inc. Maintenance Agreement -1999 10 01
Orlando Business Telephone Systems;
4558 sw 35th Street, Orlando, Florida 32811
Maintenance Agreement
Orlando Business Telephone Systems, Inc. , hereinafter referred to as OBTS,
and City of Winte~~~2rt~~1!.,e,~~.I!~ S~'!y'1126, ~~st. s,~~te. Ro~d 434 Winter
Sprinas. FL. 3270~~2799,herelna1te[Je~JQ~e~~g~r, hereby agree.
as follows: I . ~
The initial term of ~iscontractshaILbe,12mOnth$_beginning- O~ober 1. 1999.
The Customer sh,Utp.}r{<f OBT?'eqa~I""~(I~~'$i~7",!,orytl1IY'PaYlfents in the
amount of ~583J75 ,pluS1axegeach"payment being dtle~and p~yable upon
presentation of a,\Jn~~4~0';:'~~!~'~Jm~~~~;~-based..tJPOA'"t~~~\:I~ment listed in
the Schedule of EJ:1~.lpment, .~fl~~,ny,cf1arlS;Jestothequantitles-o_, types of
equipment may afEiCt the amount oUiUaYlilSt "". .i
Iii. . iif _.'.'<' .... ....... >J
OBTS will maintaip(the equipme,ttl Iistedllin the;i\Schedule of~i.quiRment in normal
the option of OBT.S andlor it'~aulhoAz.eajage9tij(s). i'ldeadsels"ar~ not covered
under this maint~pance agreem~nt .
:..::;; .:\
OBTS will makEf~mergency ~~lce,.a_~blej~Qa,seS!en.,d&~tf1 ~eek basis and
::de:"~~':~~~~~'~d~~~~~re~fa~~~il~~o~Ot~~~~~ ~r~~~~g
emergency servicr calls on the~:~sinessday following the day gBTS received
said non-emerge~7Y call. Em~rQenc~.rvice can.sa~ede~necl ~s such situations
as complete sys~~.m failure, tie"l;"e,g~iMe out-of-sef\'icr,'~vi~enCF of a major
alarm, failure of/(~I' att7ndant po;~tiQni~lird cc:>mp!ete ~~~9i'ity to receive incoming
calls or to plaC1~ftgolng calls. it" ,Q\Qlfi! seMce 98"$ pre:clefine~ as normal or
non-emergency~rvice calls. ~ jf . .,
. ~- '
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Customer shal~~~~lJr~Jor .2~I~lj~~SS t() all~rea~()f ~u~torYl:rs premise for
the purposes Qf;t~i$;qq~traa anq;shail:proviaeaaeqtiatei;worksp~ce as required
by 08TS. . ,
Customer agrees to control and maintain 'the ambient environmental conditions in
which switching equipment and associated peripheral equipment are installed at
levels between 40F and 80F degrees, with humidity not to exceed 80%, and the
equipment shall not be exposed to moisture or to corrosive gases or Materials.
Equipment required to control and sustain these environmental conditions shall
be provided at the expense of the Customer.
Page 1014
OBTS Maintenance Agreement
" ',,','"
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."i\i~,i!'~Y:*\':~(Customer'agreesto provide separate electrical outlets or service connection
. ". "flN.)';.:, circuit breaker restricted solely for the use of the system during the term of this
. contract. Customer agrees not to locate in close proximity any other electronic
system or electrical power equipment which may cause interference or damage
to the switching system or its peripheral or ancillary equipment.
Customer agrees,' where necessary, to relocate sprinklers or provide a cover
over the equipment which does not restrict sufficient air flow to the system, so as
to prevent water dama .!tlQJ!l~,.~g~!em~I!!;'"M",''''''''''"'"'''''''''''''''''''''...., ...w..........
Connection of the quipn;\ent to peripheral, ancillary, orsimUar d~vices provided
by Customer or b . another vendor shall be performed only. by O~TS: . however,
t~is type of work i'~.Q!..~Y'~~'~~:~~~M~.~:.!~~:!~!~~:~!:!~!~.~.':!!!!~.:~rd is therefore
bIllable at OBTS' preval!tng labnrand .matenaLrat~s. ;.;
~ ... .............. ............. '............ ,........... ,.........
i~ '
Should Customer aijSe;;ilitf!1
perform any worklot:.the'equlp'
device to the equi'~"ent, and sti
any problems whi~ arise as a (,
Customer shall ini~ediatelypay~..
labor and material ~tes.
;Rif$Pfror"a:g~n~'5ttfer,.ttfin OBTS to
. .... ~
tor~ffj)(a9yperiPh~rcll;~n~tlary, or other
Id.this~~Use~S1:g~tP itlll4lle>pmse to rectify
ult thereofjOBTSshall invoiceiCustomer and
a,.S.w'8rsJ~ft~"reip;ll";at eB"~' prevailing
...... '.' '....... ,..' ".
." ,-' ' ' , .
Maintenance s NI.:.".' ce.......'..' to the e...quiP~.meHf'.;!a~.'.'.:"..fid1bf.:....s..t..".;.'.eY."rJice.";.'ea'." lI~n'.'.'.*e.'..;'.'''.ees..'....sitated by power
failure or pop~uation or~y !he;c.fijf~re",Qfi;~riptU~'\il"a'iiiUary, or other
equipment or)pro~lems in's~rtice, Hr~s,~~.!~n~~.g~~vid~eby Customer's
local or long dist$~ telepl")~H~ ~ompIAY.(les'i;'are"rf5f'''covEJfeCl~nder this
contract and shalt b~ billed tciq~.~tomerat'OBTS'\prevailingJabqr and material
rates. .' ." .' ". .
~i\ '
.- .', "-
Customer shall q~lfesponsible.,,!qr da!!,,~~e to or f~ihJrenfthEfeq~ipment caused
by Customer's f,'~re to adherel~p th~.:t!~S and roneition~:ofthjs contract, and
OBTS will char~~~he Custome~ Jor';1a!!~ and/or mat~ri~ls; r=~uir~d to repair or
replace the da.px, ed or fail.ed ~<iuipmefl,tt at OBTSrp~v~it.ing labpr and material
rates. ~:'",:; .
'.. .--~.' ...........
.'. -..'
, .,''--
Damage to th ui ...~~ntcaus~,;,QYat:?~~~tmI!~!~t,:;!:,~gl~~L:~~~' water,
lightning, pow" ....:.ower s4rg~~!()rP<:>"1I~r~lJ~lJ~ti<:>~~"1IiIIJ'ot be covered
under this contra . ... ..... ..... '" ..' .
If single line telephones are included in the Schedule of Equipment herein and
found defective, they will be repaired or replaced, at the option of OBTS.
Defective single line telephones will be delivered by Customer in quantity to a
centralized location within Customer's premise (e.g., the telephone equipment
room) for repair and/or replacement by OBTS.
Page 2 of 4 OBTS Maintenance Agreement
Payments shall be made to OBTS at its Orlando, Florida address or at such other
address as OBTS may notify Customer. Should Customer fail to pay any of the,
payments provided herein within ten days after the due date thereof,OBTS shall
have the options of withholding performance of maintenance and/or charging
interest on such d~I'!I!9,~~!!Le,~,~!!!~Jl!.!l!~!,,~i,r.!=lt,!~r:' ~f ~~L<!!~.!'~days until paid
at the highest rate;iofinterestallowabl,eJ:ly,laVi.,~._._~--_._._~--_._,-~._._J
; . 1(' \
. '^..."...-....n..' ".e.-..... --"""',. ~
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If Customer fails to make'any,paymenthereunder~whendue or f~i1s to perform
any of the covenar~~.~r~~~i!i~f).~:~!:'::!~~~l~~~,~o.be'f!!!~!"n.~~~!If a bankruptcy
or Insolvency proqeecJ,ng ,~..filect by oragall')sU~uSIOmerollr Customer makes an
assignment for th~ benefifofCreaitorS;-'OBTS-shalrnav~"tne righ~ to consider
Customer in brea~n:~~~!~;~~~:\ .:~{f~;:1'rratftt1titm'1craIt1tS1jttfel rights, OBTS
shall have the rigijt Ibcancelthi~ntract;::ln:tt'le-event'Qf'such$ncellation, and
in addition to any ~'paid amount aGQi\le~,tdi.daIAilf ~il~lI~tion, Customer
shall remain Iiabl~ ~b OBTS for ~~a~'1l!aes,I.9~~~s,~p~e}(E~~s+ resulting to
OBTS from such breech and caneellht15fl'."" i\l%lt~"l\ti ~~1..'{~ i,,:%tii!.i,t, I
, Service calls which result in a "no trouble found" diagnosis (by OBTS' definition)
are not covered under the terms of this contract and will be billed to the
Customer at OBTS' prevailing time and material 'rates. .
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Customer shall p~y~BTS alltc6~ts ~~9,~xpen$esiin~llJain~,r~a$onable
attorney's fee~.J~cu~red by cpBTf in'e~~rc~i~"anl$(Jf~\s<ngf1tS 9r remedies
hereunder ori{'l'er;tfo,rcing any of the,,,ti.~,,%P1ijitiQqil:,pr,,p~p~siqlnS hereof.
': " ,;:, , ::::~ ' ;:.::
'i~'-,,:.,' " ".:". .........::.......: ". ..::. .......... ....... .... ...;.........:-. . ....................'......... ..... .... ...... .-'...........--......'.... ....... .'
OBTS will exerci$~~1I reaso~at>l~ effoft~irf'ff!lMlsl'firigi:the'seFVi~s and furnishing
parts and equipmen} provideon;-einrbut s"'alt.oot"be lJableJgr delays or failures
caused by Acts of <-100, Gov~rn~ent, labor difficulti~~,failu~~of ~ransportation. or
other causes beyo~,d the control (Pf OB~~, orforint~rruptionin lile operation of
the equipment. I.~,no event sh~1I1;OB~~!,~e liable f()r~pecial,indirect, incidental
or consequentia!gamages whe~....~er',iA!!~ntract, toJ:t;o~,neglJgen~.
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This contract n}~J\be canqeled py eit~&t~party UPQllthirtY~. (39) d~ys written . f~
notice to the o~~n~Ba~:y..Pon'~{Cpiral~n.ofthe i(liti~llerrn:9f~hi~ contract, it may
be renewed bJ~nj.dtual~nsentiqf G>BIl::S.land custqro'er/iJbi$Coptract may be
transferred, a$;~,i~'~e9'()I' ~old.,.by..,P~!~.~!,!~,().~!:I)~!!~:,:!~i~;e9I'l~ract is
transferable by;;e,~~!9~~,~l with 0I3!~'p~()~\I\I~~~~~?~~:~~~>\'~i9... consent shall
not be unreasonably withheld. ........ ',' . .,- . .'
Page 3 of 4 ' OBTS Maintenance Agreement
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". Orlando Business Telephone Systems, Inc
Maintenance Agreement and Schedule of Equipment and Services
. ,
Maintenance Aar1~!!!~~~~~~~'~:::"".."~,.""",,,
~ !
1 Mitel SX2000 MicrtolightPBX
2 Peripheral ~Qg~.'":::::~::.::-~:=:.~::~::-..:..:.~:....-.................... ........... ....
~ g~~ ~~:cf~d~0, CJ c~~-~~:::~~:M..':-:'-~:'~"--~..""""'''---'-'''..... ''''''''''',
1 OS-1 Formatter..Gard
~ ~~~~~ruai~;d~~:;/l
~ ~'i .! t
20 Superset 4n (!) ; !!
:~ t ;' i i
51 Superset 4~p ; :!
4 Superset 4p~ ! ;, '..
1 superconspl~OO i. ,/ I.
1 V?ice ~~i1Fy~tem (1~PofS)'"
~ ~~~~e ~~~'~~~n~~:~islem\
1 UPS" i: !.:, t.,..:~.-....~...~.i-.""....'.'.;-........I'..,."'"
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.i i,.-.'~,-,-"",,:, W
i '> ,-,' ;~i:
AQreed To And ~ted: '~~ r. ~
//; Authorize
t/ ~ohn E. Fi
Print or T4
City qr~6~~f:Sprina~ Public Safety
. ""..,.,'!a. .' '.' i
, f;l~
p. rint or Type... N.........~me and Title
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