HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Resources Management Group Agreement to Provide Utility Consulting Service -2008 02 25Ga~,p~ 2.06
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Pubic Resources Management Group, Inc.
Utility, Rate, Financial and Manngement Consultants
February 21, 2008
Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.
Utility/Public Works Director
City of Winter Springs
110 N. Flamingo Avenue
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Subject: Agreement to Provide Utility Consulting Services
Dear Mr. Lockcuf£
Public Resources Management Group, Inc. (PRMG) is pleased to submit this letter agreement
(the "Agreement") to the City of Winter Springs (the "City") to develop a comprehensive water
and wastewater utility rate and charge study. Specifically, the Agreement identifies the firm's
direct hourly billing rates to be charged to the City for services provided, a summary of the scope
of services anticipated for the engagement, and certain other contractual terms (e.g., price) for
the City's consideration. Based on our discussions regarding the needs of the City, we propose
the following:
With respect to the performance of the engagement, Mr. Jack Burgiel will be the project manager
for the daily activities relative to the development of the rate model and financial forecast
required for the fee evaluation. In addition to Mr. Burgiel, PRMG may use other employees as
necessary to complete the engagement. Included on Exhibit A is a summary of the direct labor
rates by project team title which will be used by PRMG to invoice the City for services rendered
in association with the engagement.
The scope of services to be provided by PRMG is summarized on Exhibit B to this Agreement.
Based on the scope of service delineated on Exhibit B and the direct hourly billing rates
identified on Exhibit A, both of which are made a part of this Agreement, PRMG proposes anot-
to-exceed contract price to perform the utility consulting services in an amount of $60,400. This
cost estimate includes i) the direct labor cost to be incurred on the project and ii) an allowance
for other direct costs. A detailed cost estimate summarizing the projected not-to-exceed contract
price is included on Exhibit C. Other direct costs include the cost of travel, communication, and
delivery charges. Such costs will be billed either at standard rates used by PRMG for such
G:\DM\Ltrs\Pend'g Agmts\Winter Spgs Ltr Agmtdoc
TELEPHONE (407) 628-2600 FAX (407) 628-2610
Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.
City of Winter Springs
February 21, 2008
Page 2
expenses or at the actual cost incurred. A summary of the standard rates used by PRMG for the
billing of the other direct costs also included on Exhibit A. PRMG will bill monthly for the
services rendered to the City which will be the sum of i) the direct labor costs incurred by PRMG
personnel on the project based on the Direct Labor Billing Rates referenced herein; ii) the other
direct labor rates as identified herein; and iii) the cost of subconsulting services, if any, required
to perform any tasks, including additional services, as directed by the City.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide utility consulting services on behalf of the City. If this
Agreement is acceptable, please either i) acknowledge below the acceptance of the general terms
and conditions outlined in this Agreement or ii) utilizing the information contained herein
regarding the direct labor and standard cost rates and scope of services, develop a separate
contract to be executed by both parties. If the City uses this agreement as the contract vehicle,
please send us a copy of the executed agreement for our files and records. Again, thank you for
the opportunity to provide utility consulting services on behalf of the City and we look forward
to working with you in the near future.
Public Resources Management Group, Inc.
Very truly yours, ACCEPTED BY:
City of Winter Springs, Florida
J ian J. B giel i ~ ` ~ _ _
ssocia thorized Signa e "
C 1 7~-1 r'y1 ~ rV~ G C/r
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G:\DM\LUS\Pend'g Agents\Winter Spgs Ltr Agmt.doc
Direct Labor
Project Team Title Hourly Rates [*]
Principal $160.00
Associate $125.00
Managing Consultant $115.00
Supervising Consultant $110.00
Senior Consultant $105.00
Rate Consultant $ 95.00
Consultant $ 85.00
Senior Rate Analyst $ 75.00
Rate Analyst $ 65.00
Analyst $ 55.00
Assistant Analyst $ 45.00
Administrative $ 48.00
[*] Direct labor hourly rates effective twelve months after the date of execution of the
Agreement; rates will be adjusted by not more than [he net percentage change in the Consumer
Price Index -Urban Consumers per annum (rounded to the nearest dollar) or as mutually agreed
between parties for invoices rendered after each anniv ersary date of each year thereafter until
project completion or lamination ofthe Agreement between the parties
Expense Description Standard Rates [*]
Mileage Allowance -Personal Car Use Only $0.485 per mile
Reproduction (black and white) (in house) $0.05 per page
Reproduction (color) (in house) $0.25 per page
Reproduction (contracted) Actual Cost
Computer Time
Telephone Charges
Delivery Charges
Lodging/Other Travel Costs
Subconsultant Services
Other Costs for Services Rendered
$0.00 per hour
Actual Cost
Actual Cost
Actual Cost
Not to exceed per PRMG Employee:
$8.00 -Breakfast
$12.00 -Lunch
$25.00 -Dinner
Actual Cost plus 5.0%
Actual Cost
[*] Standard cost rates effective twelve months after the date of execution of the Agreement; where applicable, rates
will be adjusted by not more than the net percentage change in the Consumer Price Index -Urban Consumers per
annum (rounded to the nearest dollar) or as mutually agreed between parties for invoices rendered after each
anniversary date of each year thereafter until project completion or termination of the Agreement between the parties.
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The Scope of Services to be performed by the personnel of Public Resources Management
Group, Inc. (PRMG) relative to this project is summarized below by task:
1. Data Request and Kickoff Meeting -PRMG will interview staff members, collect
financial, customer, capital and planning documentation, and schedule field visits such that
sufficient information can be compiled to perform the study. Information to be obtained
will include population projections, persons per household statistics, land use and building
information, capital improvement plans, inventory of existing facilities, development
ordinances and policies, financial information (such as loan documents, debt service
schedules, and fund balances), operating budgetary data, staffing requirements, customer
billing and usage data, annual audits, monthly operating and financial reports, and other
related information. Additional research and data analysis may be required by City staff
based on data review and rate study needs.
2. Customer Usa e Anal. -PRMG will conduct an analysis of the customer usage or sales
requirements based on detailed bill frequency and customer accounting information
provided by the City. This task will include a review of historical customer and usage
statistics (by class based on data availability), development of a five-year forecast, and
providing assistance to the City in the development of a bill frequency computer run.
PRMG will provide the parameters necessary for the preparation of the bill frequency
analysis so that changes in rate structure (e.g., modification to water conservation rates) can
be modeled and implemented. PRMG will review detailed customer statistics and billing
3. Development of Revenue Requirements -PRMG will summarize the most recent historical
fiscal years (up to three complete fiscal years) to review recent trends in utility
expenditures, cost relationships, and rate covenant compliance. PRMG will prepare afive-
year projection of the revenue requirements of the utility system using the Fiscal Year 2008
approved budget as the Test Year for financial projection purposes. This task will also
include the development of a revenue model based on the City's existing rates and the
customer forecast developed in Task 2 above, the evaluation of operating expenses, and
assistance in the preparation of a funding plan for the City's capital improvement program.
A review of revenues from other sources and the requirement for working capital reserves
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will also be conducted. The net effect of this task is to develop the target expenditure and
net funding requirements to be recovered from monthly water and sewer rates and user
fees. Special emphasis will be made to identify the contractual costs associated with the
operations of the utility by the City's approved contractor.
4. Capital Finance Analysis - As part of the development of the revenue requirements from
rates, PRMG will assist the City in developing afive-year capital funding analysis. It is
expected that this analysis will recognize both capital expenditures associated with growth
or expansion as well as the performance of renewals and replacements of the system. As
part of the study, PRMG will assist the City in identifying potential rate impacts as a result
of designing and constructing utility system packing towers. If additional indebtedness is
identified as a capital funding option, PRMG will review rate covenant requirements
necessary for the issuance of long-term bonds.
5. Design of Monthly Water System User Rates and Charges -PRMG will classify the water
system revenue requirements in order to recover costs appropriately from the various users
of the system. This task will include the development of equivalent billing units
recognizing cost differentials among rates to specific users, allocation of costs among the
utility customers based on a cost analysis to promote equity, review of water conservation
based rates while recognizing price elasticity adjustments, and the consideration of the
phasing of rate structure changes, during the ten year financial forecast. For the purposes
of this scope, it is expected that no more than two rate design scenarios will be performed
based on data availability.
6. Design of Monthly Sewer System User Rates and Charges -PRMG will classify the sewer
system revenue requirements in order to recover costs appropriately from the various users
of the sewer system. This task will include the development of equivalent billing assets
recognizing cost differentials among rates of specific customers, review of maximum
billing threshold for residential accounts, allocation of costs among the utility customers
based on a cost analysis to promote equity, and the consideration of the phasing of rate
structure changes, during the five-year financial forecast.
7. Design Reclaimed Water Rates -The demand for reclaimed water has increased over the
years and reuse water has become a commodity. In the past reclaimed water service was
largely viewed as an effluent disposal mechanism rather than a water supply resource and
as such, the costs for reclaimed water service were recovered through water and wastewater
system rates. With the growing demand for reclaimed water for irrigation purposes, the
City needs to review the cost allocation process used to allocate the costs of reclaimed
water service among the utility systems and determine the proper level of cost to recover
from reclaimed water rates. In addition to monthly rates for service, the project team will
develop a proposed cost recovery method for providing reclaimed water in existing and
G:\DM\Ltrs\Pend'g Agmts\Winter Spgs Ltr Agmtdoc B-2
new neighborhoods anticipated to commence receiving reclaimed water service once such
service is made available by the City. As part of this analysis, PRMG will assist the City in
the development of acost-effective reclaimed water rate to provide such service to the
Tuscawilla Golf Course that would be agreeable to both parties.
8. Rate Impact Analysis - A comparison of the potential effects of the rates developed during
the above-referenced tasks will be performed to illustrate customer bill impacts.
Additionally, comparisons of the recommended rates with other neighboring utilities will
be prepared to assist the City in the evaluation of the proposed rates.
9. Develop Capital Recovery Charges (Impact Fees) -PRMG will develop capital recovery
charges for the recovery of capital costs from new users of the water and sewer systems.
This task will include a review of level of service standards used by the City, the
identification of existing plant capacity allocable to growth, review of future capital
projects which may change the cost recovery strategy of the City, and the design of the fees
based on the cost of capacity relationships associated with the monthly user fees discussed
10. Design of Other Capital and Miscellaneous Charges -PRMG will review the current cost
recovery requirements of the other capital charges, miscellaneous fees, and the installation
fees, which are currently included in the City's rate ordinance. The review will be based on
the current rate policies of the City and will address the recovery of both direct and indirect
costs of providing service.
11. Master Metering Policy -The need for this policy is related to the Hacienda Village mobile
home park where the City provides service through a master meter; however, based on
historical circumstances, the City is responsible for maintenance of the facilities beyond the
meter. Also, it is our understanding that the mobile home park has installed individual
meters beyond the master meter for purposes of rebilling for water service. The problem
with this situation is that the City only receives a monthly base facility charge for one
master meter while incurring costs associated with multiple on-site facilities. We believe
this problem can be addressed in a number of ways, which include: i) developing a policy
forbidding master metering in the future and where individual meters have already been
installed by the property owner, the City could purchase those facilities (or assume the
ownership in the form of acontribution-in-aid-of-construction) as a condition of continued
service, particularly in light of the on-site maintenance considerations; ii) discontinuing the
maintenance of the on-site facilities beyond the master meter and treating Hacienda Village
consistent with other master metered customers; and iii) developing an ERU-based rate that
would collect base facility charges for the equivalent number of units beyond the master
meter. Our rate design scope already contemplates consideration of an ERU-based rate for
master meter accounts.
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1 R'
12. Review of Retail Rate Revenue Adequacy in Area of City Provided Wholesale Service by
Seminole County -PRMG will review the adequacy of City retail rates in recovery of the
costs of providing water and wastewater in an area of the City provided wholesale service
by Seminole County. PRMG will perform an analysis of such revenue adequacy and make
recommendations to the City with respect to implementing rate schedules adequate to
recover total costs incurred by the City.
13. Prepare Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Utility Rate and Charge Report -Based on
the results of the above-referenced tasks, PRMG will prepare a draft water and sewer rate
study for the City's review and presentation to the Board of City Commissioners at a public
hearing. Prior to submittal of the draft report to the Board, comments will be received from
City staff and incorporated in the report. After presentation to all parties, ten (10) copies of
the comprehensive report will be issued.
14. Review of Rate Ordinance -PRMG will review the revised rate ordinance prepared by the
City Attorney or staff to provide consistency to the recommendations reflected in the
Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Rate Study report.
15. Client Meetings -Based on the scope of work discussed above, PRMG will attend
meetings as necessary with the utility and other parties in order to prosecute and present the
water and sewer rate study.
After being given notification to proceed by the County, PRMG will complete the study for
presentation by September 1, 2008. This assumes that the City will provide the required data
necessary to PRMG in sufficient time to perform the rate evaluation on a timely basis.
During the course of the study, the City may request additional services from PRMG. Such
services will not be conducted until authorized by the City as mutually agreed between the City
and PRMG. The City will be billed for such additional services based on the hourly rate
schedule of PRMG members as shown in this Agreement or some other basis as mutually agreed
between the City and the Project Team. Although no additional services are anticipated for this
engagement, examples of additional services may include, but not be limited to, the following:
Compiling detailed customer billing statistics due to lack of computer billing program
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2. The receipt of inaccurate or incomplete data from City which was relied upon the analysis
of rates and which must be revised due to such inaccuracies or must be re-evaluated due to
the lack of data.
3. Delays in the project schedule which may have impacts on analyses performed which
would affect the budget for the scope of services reflected herein.
4. Preparation of a project feasibility report in support of the issuance of utility revenue
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Exhibit C
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Preliminary Job Cost Estimate for Water and Wastewater System Rate Analysis
Public Resources Management Group, Inc.
Line Srnior Rate Rate
No. Activity Principal Associate Consultant Consultant Analyst Administrative Totals
Project Billing Rates ($ per hour) $160.00 $125.00 $105.00 $95.00 $65.00 $48.00
Development of Revenue Requirements
I Data AcquisitioNReview/Kick-off Meeting (1 Meeting) 0 4 0 0
2 Idrntification of Fiscal Policies and Objectives 2 2 0 0
3 Compilation of Historical Customer Statistics 0 2 0 0
4 Development of Customer Usage Forecast/Bill Frequency 0 4 4 0
5 Developmrnt of Revenue Projections from Existing Rates 0 4 0 12
6 Functionalization of Utility Operating Budget 0 4 0 0
7 Development of Operating Expense Projections 2 4 0 12
6 Capital Improvement and Funding Analysis 2 8 6 2
9 Other Revrnue Requirement Identification 0 2 4 4
10 Development of Net Revenue Requirements 0 2 4 4
I I Compliance Analysis 0 2 4 4
12 Meetings with Staff (I Meeting) 0 4 0 4
13 Total Hours 6 42 22 42
14 Direct Labor Cost $960 $5,250 $2,310 $3,990
Design of Retail Water, Wastewater and Reuse Rates
15 Development of Equivalrnt Billing Units 0 4 8 8
16 Allocate Net Revrnue Requirements 0 4 4 8
17 Design Retail Water Rates 2 6 8 0
18 Design Retail Sewer Rates 2 6 8 0
19 Design of Reclaimed Water Fees 2 8 8 4
20 Design of Impact Fees 2 8 16 8
21 Design of Miscellaneous Charges 0 8 16 8
22 Design of Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 16 24 24
23 Retail Rate Impact Comparison Analysis 0 0 0 2
24 Retail Rate Comparisons with Other Utilities 0 0 I 2
25 Meetings with Staff(1 Meeting) 0 4 0 0
26 Total Hours 8 64 93 64
27 Drect Labor Cost $1,280 $8,000 $9,765 $6,080
Water Audit Preparation
26 Prepare Water Audit 0 2 0 6
29 Total Hours 0 2 0 6
30 Direct Labor Cost $0 $250 $0 $570
Master Metered Customer Cost Analysis
31 Prepare Cost Analysis of Hacirnda Village Service Area 0 6 4 0
32 Individual Meter Customer Analysis 0 6 0 0
33 Total Phase VII Activities -Hours 0 12 4 0
34 D'vect Labor Cost $0 $1,500 $420 $0
Retail Rate Analysis of Wholesale Service Area
0 2
0 0
16 0
16 0
0 0
16 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 2
48 4
$3,120 $192
4 253
$192 $26,617
0 0
0 0
$0 $0
4 2
4 0
8 2
$520 $96
35 Allocate Net Revenue Requirements 0 4 4 4 0 0
36 Design Utility Rates 0 6 4 2 6 0
37 Total Phase VII Activities -Hours 0 10 8 6 6 0
38 Drect Labor Cost $0 $1,250 $840 $570 $390 $0
Public Information and Presentations
39 Repon Preparation 2 24 16 0 0 30 72
40 Workshop/Public Hearings (Attend Two [2] Hearings) 12 12 6 0 0 4 36
41 Review Rate Resolution 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
42 Total Hours 14 40 24 0 0 34 112
43 Direct Labor Cost $2,240 $5,000 $2,520 $0 $0 $1,632 $11,392
44 Total Activity Hours -All Tasks 28 170 IS I I I6 82 44 593
45 Total Direct Labor Cost-AIITasks $4,480 $21,250 $IS,SSS $11,210 $5,330 $2,112 $60,237
46 Average Hourly Billing Rate $0
Allowance for Indirect Costs
47 Delivery Charges (2 Express Mail Deliveries (w, $25.00) $SO
48 Miscellaneous (Telephone, Fax, Copy, etc.) 113
49 Total Allowance for Indirect Costs 163
50 Total Estimated Cosl of Service Study Project Cost (') $60,400
(') Amount shown inclusive of all computer modeling for ultimate submittal to the County for subsequent sensitivity analyses.