HomeMy WebLinkAboutProgress Energy Lighting Service Application Partially Executed -2004 04 26
~ Progress Energy
Gllbelt M DeFrelras
SERVICE LOCA TION(S): SR 434, Sheoah Blvd to Moss Rd
MAILING ADDRESS: 1126 East S,R. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708
(Slreel addl"ellS, city/county, Progress Energy accounl number if established)
Application ill hereby made to the Progress Energy (hereinafter cplled the Company Or Progress Energy) for lighting service ellhe above
location(.'I). CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, (hereinafter caUed the Customer) requests and agrees on this 31". day of March, 2004 to receiVI
amI P'ly for ligh~ ~rvil:l! from tlw Company ill a\:cordance willt lite rales, lerms and provisions of lite Company's RaleSchedule 1.5-1"
its successor, as the slime is on file with lite Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) and as may be amended and subsequently filed wi
the FPSC.
The Customer further understands that service under this rail(! shaD ~ for an initial term of six (6) years and shall continue
hereafter until wrminatl>d by either party llpon writtP.n notil"p. !;ixty (1iO) day,~ prior to tP.rmination.
TI1e Company shall install the following facilities (hereinafter called the Facilities):
Fixture TvDe It ImJtaUed
Thirly Four (34) 175 watt, Metal HaUde Qermont Ilxture..QIl5SSRT
Pole T YPt! it Installed:
Thirty Four (34) 16 ft. Decorative concrete,. Washington poles, Black....PLBC16WB
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, !he parties hereby caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate by their duly authorized
repC't"Senlalives to be effective as of the doy and YeiIr fir.;t written at-ove. Cl.:Stomer ACcepts terms and condition, on reverse side of
lhis Agreemenl
Chuges and T\:ruu; JU~\:pted:
Customer (Print or type name of Organi2atian)
,6 .w.-J~ 1--
(Print nr typP. namp.)
Gilbert M DeFreitas
(Print or
Title: Liehtin2 Soecialisl
1'h4 mtmth1y ehug.>A ~n.list of the i",l\'\$ boIow, Thn" eha'll" may be ~c1j\lsted .u~ l(I revWw and ~pprDVaI by the Flondo Public Service Commission.
Monthly Cuslomer Charge
~ole Monthly I.easing fee
Light Fixture Monthly Le4Ising F,,'V
Ughl FbLure Mumhly Malnleruu...", Ftt
Monthly Energy and Demand OIarRe H See Shcct No, 6.103
Fuel Cost Rocovery Facto""":
HFud ~n,1 r:u"I'S!I QrtJ. Dc'nlm4 Oftl'l(j ,"" nJ)H1WJy ((vised ~ry l"'th...: r,tCIJOlj
Addltlt..... ChatY.K:
Cc:rt.un addiaonal dIa'll'" may aoo apply to the m.16U.tion,
t;ross KfceJpls Tax l'aclllr: ~ ~hw No. 6,1116
Right.o(..Way Utilj",,1ion Feeo: See Sheet No, 6.106
Municipal T." SeeShffL No. 6.106
SaJes Tax: See Sheet No. 6.106
These chsrges 8re n()tlllally rOvlsad on ..... annual basis. PlGasa...... attactlod Slwlel Numbers 8.105 ar><! 6.106 fOt dotaila.
1. To purchase from Progre5S Energy aD of III<> e1octrU: ""..gy used lor !he operation 01 the lighting System.
2. 1.0 be I'tSJlOI'SiblelOr paying. when due, all bills rmdere<! by f'rOR"!JS EneIJ\Y pumtant to f'ror.T'ess EnelJ:y'scUTTtIllly effective Uglltlllll RAte Schedule I.S-l. or lIS
sucress<Jr, /0' IadIiIies and service provided in accordance wilh tftis Agreement
3. He rcspcnsiblc lor trillwting lree:I IIlat may eillter obslnlct the light outpul from tixtu~sl or lIlat omtruct Dlaintenance ace.... tD lite facilities.
4. f'rogret.& Energy. while exercl6ing reasonable d.lligenee at all limes to fwnisll servia! hereunder, does not guarantee continUO\lS ligh~ng and win 001 be liable lor
dAmtlges lor any inlrrruptinn. deficiency or failure of oerW:e. and "'"""''''' the nghtm interrupt service .t any time for nf""""aT)' repam In lineo or oquiJlrn<'n1.
/nstaIlatiun shall be made only when, In the judgment of Prugress J;nergy, the location and the type uf the facilities are, and will cunhnue 10 be. easily and
""""onric.lIy o\Cc...a,Ie 10 ~ Energy ~t .nd p<'rsonn~llor roth coJ\$lruction .nd ""'ml~..."...,.
MOOIflcatlon of lht: fadLllles provl<led by Pn:>gtes/I Energy under Ih1S AlVtemenl may 0I\Iy ~ m.\de through the execution of an addJtIon8/ ^Areemenl delineating
lhe mnditlration'i In hParrnmpli:Vu.d.
l'ro9,ress tinergy wilL at the requelit 01 lhe CUl5Iol11er, reIocab! the lighMI: Iacililies covered by this Af,Tl!en1I!fIt, it prOVided SUlliCient riglllS-of-way or easements to
do 'In. ",. r".lom.... ~han "" ~I'<'~l>I~ for IhP r"y.-nt 01 on ~ ",_i.led w;,h ony Sloct. ("'lSltlmtt.r"'l"I'Sh"<i ....Inrftlinn of Progr.... F.n"'lll' lighting
Prog.ess Eoorgy may. .1 any time. sullstitul. /or any lumirWre/1amp installed hereunder anollter hunioaire/lamp which shall be of .11....1 cq\lal illurninalinfl
l:dJ'~i1y dJll) d.fa.:i.c'lll..y.
The Cu._ agree> 10 take respoMibility lor the cost incum!d 10 repair or replace any 6.t\l1'f! or pole thet h.. been willfully domased. Progr.... Energy shall not
be roqUU'C\1 to make such n-palr at replacemenl prIOr 10 paymenl by the ClI&tOlJlff lor damage.
Thio .~I.haD be lor Q l<:rm of oi. (6) ye... from the dotl> 01 initiation of oc:rvice. Tho dato of i"ilialion of servico .hall be Jofi"od 03lhe d.lo !he Iim liSh\$ Ol'C
energized. AI the end of the lerot 01 servJc... a new A~I w/ll be re.tu1red.
Should the Customer IaiJ 10 p.>y any bills due and rendCl'Od plUSUanllo this Agr"""""'l or olhcrwi:>c f.illn pcrform the obligolioffi ronl.3incd in thi5 ^8"""m<"nt,.
said obligations being rnall!rlal and gOing to the ~e of this Agmmertt,. Progress Energy may ~asc 10 $Upply electric energy Or .service until the Customer has
paid IN! biThl cIUl! and rendered or has fully CUleII such other bmach of this Agreement. Any failure uf Progress tinergy to exercise its rights hereunder sIIaIIllOl be
a WDIivCl' 01 its rightsl. It is undcmood. ho~.. tlull !TUCh di"KXmtinuonce <'If 0,(' supplying 01 ~Iectrk energy or SCf'\.'i('C shull not C"~thutc 0 brellt:h of tIUs
Agreemenr toy ~ F.n..gy, nor shilll II reUeve rhe CUStvmer of the obltgil\1on to perConn any of the I....... .nll conditions of IhlS Agrem\e\ll.
12. If the Customer no longer wl5l\cs to recdve scrvIcc under INs sdu:dulo. the Cuslomer may terminote the ^srccmcnt by &vlng Progrcs.o Eru.-rgy olleasl sixty (60)
days advaoce wntten nobre 10 I'rogress hnergy. Upon early lermlnatlOn 01 5eMCe,lIteCustDmer shaU I"'y an amount equal 10 lbe rmwlUng monthly ru.stoml'r
chatg~ and remaining pole and fixture Iea<e amnunll! for the Irnn 01 the omtract. 'The C...tnmct will be rl!l\)>llMihle fm the =1 of remmring the ladliti....
1:'. In lIIe event of the sale of the real propeny upon whtdl the faal1tleS are mstalleli, or If the Cuslomer's obbgatJOns under 11I15 agreement are to be assJgnOO to a lIIlrd
f"'rty. upon th. w,.;!tt-n con"'-'"I 01 Progress ......gf. Ihi. A&"""","nl m.y "" ..<;signed by the Custom.... 10 Ih~ Purch....... or to II.. Ihird I"'rtr Nn ...,.;gnrn<.>nl.h.1I
relieve the CU$IOmC< from il:l oblisation$ haeun<kr until ~ obliS"lions ","vo be.n ....lID1l<d by the Purelwer or- IhinI pArty end .Veed bO by rrogru., Enc1gy.
14, This Agreemenl .upened... all previouo Agreemenls or ""J""""lltetioNl, either written, oral ()I' otherwioe betwe€'n the CuolOmn and J>rosress Energy. with reopect
to tlw r.cHit... rlld.ruKMf lwl.in IInd t:OIViliLutu the .nm. Ag.nmnll wl...,..n th. pMu.. 11m Agr..rmml do.. nol ~I...lM IIny lir)1lA; or provid. .ny ....n.dia 10
tlUrd pllrti~or crellte any additional duty, obligatiOn or undertaltings by Progress F.nergy I" third parties..
15. TII15 .Ag1emlent s!IaII Inure 10 the beneftl of, and be binding upon the SUtnSSOIS and assigns of lhe Customer and Progress Energy.
16. TIlls .agn'<-'mCnt Is subject In Progre" fuu.-rgy'. T.1rlIf "" Re.;l\/ Service. or "" they mol' be h.,.,.!tl!t ......Ised, """",dcd Or <\Jpplcmcnt.d. In the evenl of ""y c-onfiicl
between the tem15 of this Ap,reemenl and the proVblOll5 of \he I'rogn!ss Energy TArlfllor JI.eta.lI ServIces, \he provlsJons of Progress Ener"gy'S Ta.rtff for RetalJ
~ and FPSC Rul., ,hall control Of lIS they mey bo? berer1fter ......ised. amended or aupplemenled.
~ Progress Energy
SECTlO'" "'0, VI
page 1 01 2
To the Rate Per Mon1l1 provision in each of ltle Company's flied rate schedules wtllcl1 reference the billing adjustments selloon below.
Rate SdM!dule(
Metering Level Levelized On-Peak Off.Peak ECCR C2) CCR C3) ECRC C4)
RS-l. RST-l. RSl-l,RSL-2. 3,458 4,530 2,991 0.174 0.877 0.061
GS-l. GST-l
Secondary 3.458 4.530 2.991 0.162 0.7~ 0.058
Primary 3.423 4,484 2,961 0.' tlO 0.781 0,051
T I'lJn"mlS$ion 3.389 4.440 2.931 0.159 0.779 0.057
GS-2/Se<:.1 3.458 - - 0.117 0.506 0.032
eS0-1, eSDT-l, 55-1
Sealndary 3.4:16 4.530 2.991 0.147 0.098 0.048
Primary 3,423 4,484 2.961 0.146 0.691 0.048
T I8nsmisslon 3.389 4.440 2.931 0.144 0.684 0.041
CS-l. CST-I. CS-2. CST-2.
5econ(Iary 3.458 4.530 2.991 0.135 0.628 0.051
Primary 3.423 4.484 2.961 0.134 0,621 0,056
Transmission 3.389 4.440 2.931 0.132 0.615 0.056
IS",IST-l. 1$02, I$T-2.
Secondary 3.458 4,530 2.991 0.120 0.529 0.037
Primary 3.423 4.484 2,961 0.119 0.'24 0.ro7
Transmission 3.389 4,440 2,931 0.118 0.518 0.036
LS-l (See.) 3,279 - - 0.063 0.157 0.051
GSLM-'. GSLM-2 See appropriate General Service rate schedule
11) Fuel C08t Recovery FllClor:
The Fuel CosI ReaM!fy Faclors applicable III the Fuel Charge under the Company's various rate schedUles are nOfTTlany determined aMua~y by
the Florida Public Service Canmission (or the billing months of January through December. These Factors are deSigned to recover the costs of
fuel and purchased power (other than capacity payments) incurred by the Company to provide electri<: SeMOO to II:; customers and are adjusted II)
reftecl cI1anges in these costs from one period to Ihe next. Revisions to the Fuel Cost Recovery Factors willlin !he desclibed period may be
determined in the event of 0 signiftcant c:hlJngo in co3ls.
(21 ElMlrgy COIWlIVation COllt RAcovery FadM:
The Energy COnservaliOn COsI Recovery (ECCRI Fadllt applicable 10 the Energy Cllarge under 1I1e Gompany's various rate scIlBllules IS nOll11311y
determined annually by the Florida Public Service Commission for twelve-month periods beginning with the billing month of January. This FaclDr
I:l d~lIned to rewwr the oosls Incurred by Ule Canplllly undtlf ils lJppruvell Energy Cclflservutiun PJuyt9ll1ll1lnd is lIdjUlllllU to Jt,n~1. ctlul'lJtl$ in
lhese costs from one lweIve-mon!h period to the next.
ISSUED BY: Mal1C A. M~, Vice President. finance
EFFECTIVE: Jan. 01,2004
~ Progress Energy
Page 2 of 2
(continued fTom Page 1)
(3) Capacity Cost RllCowry Factor:
The Capacity Cost RllCOYery (eCR) Faclors applicable to the Energy Charge unller me company's varIOUs rate schedules ar" l1ulII1lS1ly
delermilled annuaUy by !he Aorida Public Service Commission fer the billing months of January IIlroll{]h Der.Rmber. This factor is designed
10 recover IhlI cost Df capacity payments made by Ihe Company for off-syslBm clIpaclly and is adjLlSled to reflect changes In lhcsc costs
from one period 10 tho nllXL
(4) Environrn&nl:al Cost R8COVe1y Clause Factor:
The Envillnmenlal Cost ReooveIy CIaIlH (ECRC) Factor:; iiPplicabIe to the Energy Charge under the Company's various rate schedulM
are normally determined annually by thA Florida Public Service CommiSSion for the billing mDnths of January through December. Thls
Jaclur is designed 10 reoover environmental compliance costs incurr9d by the Company aIId ls adju!:led to rellect changeS in these costs
from ooe period 10 the nm
Groa Receipts Tax Factor.
In accordance Wl1ll 5ecIion 203.01 of 1Ile Aonda Statutes, a facial 01 2.5641 % is applic8b1e 10 electric sales cl1arges for collection of tne
slOle gross receiplll tax.
Right-of-WIIY UWlzatIon Fee:
A Rifltt-cf-Way Utilizatloo Fee Is appied In the dlarges for eIe<:lric service (eXClUSlve of any Munidpal, Cuunty, or State Sales Tax) p~dcd
In customers within the Jurl8dictional Omits of each municlpal or county govemmental body or any unit of sJ;ecial-purpose govemment or
other entity wiIh 8lJthority reQUiring lhe pa\'IJletlt of a franchise fee. t1x, chalge, Of ~ imposition wheltler in money. SCMce. or other
things of valuo lot utilization of rights-of-way for locallon of Company dlsllibu~on Of lr3nsmlsslon facilities. The f(jght~W3Y lJllllzatlon Fee
snail be d8t8rmined in a negotiated alJWment (I.e., frandlise and other agreements) In a manner which reflects the Company's payments
to a governmental body or other entity with au1horIty plus the 3Wropriale gross receipts taXes and regulalDry ~ment fees resultlng from
sudl additional revenue. The Right-of-Way Utilization File is added to the charges for electric service prior to lha applic;ati(J'l of any
appropriate taxes,
Municipal Tax:
A Munidpal Tax Is applied 10 Ihe chill'ge for t:lt:ctric seNice pJ'Ollided 10 cuslomer:l wilh1n the juriSdlcIJona11imils of ~ch municipal or other
governmental body imposing a utility lax an such service. The Municipal Tax shall be aetermlne<lln aooordanca willi Iha govemmenlal
body':! utility lax ordinanCll, and the amount collected by the Company from the Municipal Tax shall be mmitted to lha governmental body in
the manner required by law. No munldpallaJl shaD apply to fuel chargEl$ In exce5$ or O.6~Wh.
Sales Tax:
A State Sales Tax is aPPliecl to ttle ctlarge for elewic sefVioe and equipment rental provided to all nOfHO'"...id&ntial C1Jstomers (Ullle$S a
qualified sales tax exemption s~tus is on rP..N"ltd wlItJ the Company). The Stale sales Tax shall be determined in a(X;Oroalll:& with the
Slale'S sales tall Ialw. The amount ooIlacted by the Corn~ny sh3Il be remilt&d to the Slale In the manner required by law. In those
oountlea that hallfl enacted a County Disaetlonary Sales Surtax. sucn laX snail De appUed and paid In a like manner.
Governmental Undorgraundlng FOG:
App/"lCable to customers 1ocal8d in a designated Underground Assessmenl Area wllhln a local government la municipality or a oounty) lhat
requires the Company to wllecl a Governmental Undcrgrounding Foe from &lJch cuatomeJ5 to recovel the Incal govemmenrs costs of
conVllfting overhead electric distribution faCilities to underground facllrtles. The Govemmentl'll Undefgrounding Fee bill9d to II customer's
account shall not exceed thole9ser of (i) 16 percont of II cualomer's total nel electric servillll charges. or Iii) a maximum monll'lly amount Of
130 for I1:lSldentlal customers and $!50 for each 5,000 kilowall-hour incremellt of consumption for commercialJindull1lial cuslDmer9, unless
the Commission IIpprowll a higl'ler peroentage or maJdmum monthly amount. The maximum mon1tl1y amount snail apply to oadllll18 of
billing In lh8 case of a Q/Slomer reoelvtng a 6ingJe bill lor mulUple &eMcc points. and to each occupancy unit in lI'Ie ca5e of a master
m9lered customer. The Governmental Undergrounding Fee sllall be calculated on tile customer's charges for elec;tric :service before the
addiliufI Of any applicable taxe:s.
EFFECnvE: January 1, 2004