HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrivate Industry Council Agreement -1987 05 12
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Grant No.
Mod. No.
PIC Agreement No.
Mod. No.
This AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL
of Seminole County, Inc., herein referred to as the "GRANTOR" and The City of Winter
-- _ SprinQ's .J hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR".
WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has enacted the Job Training Partnership
Act (JTPA) of 1982, Public Law 97-300, hereinafter referred to as the "ACT"; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the ACT, the Governor of the State of Florida
designated Seminole County, Florida, as a Service Delivery Area for the purpose of
delivery of Job Training Services; and,
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Florida has approved the Job Training Plan,
hereinafter referred to as the "PLAN" and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to the ACT, Seminole County established the PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUN-
CIL of Seminole County, Inc., certified as in compliance with the ACT by the Governor
of the State of Florida, for the purpose of delegating to said Council control and
oversight of program operation; and,
WHEREAS, the Seminole County and the Private Industry Council have entered into an
agreement to provide for the delivery of Job Trianing Services in Seminole County;
WHEREAS, the agreement designated the COUNCIL as the grant recipient and the entity
to administer the ~b Training Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the Service Delivery Area's Job Training Plan identifies a need for SYETP
Work Experiences (WE) for JTPA participants; and,
WHEREAS, the Contractor is ready, willing and able to provide computer payroll
services and workers' compensation coverage for SYETP work experience participants
working on Contractor's property.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations contained
in this Agreement, and subject to the terms, conditions and assurances as herein
set forth, the parties do hereby agree as follows:
1. Period of Performance: The services provided under the terms of this Agreement
hereinafter referred to as the "Project" are to corronence on -6-15-87 and shall be
undertaken and completed in conformity with the goals, objectives and schedules
contained in the Agreement, as set forth in paragraph 4 of this Agreement, and in
such manner and sequence as to assure expeditious completion. Al) s~rvices required
hereunder shall be completed and the Agreement shall terminate 8-14-87.
2. General Duties of Contractor: The Contractor will provide check writing
services for SYETP work experience participants on a basis.
Workers COmpensation wi~l be provided for work experience participants working
on the worksite property for the duration of the Agreement.
3. Method of Payment: Grantor agrees to pay Contractor in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement, for funds appropriated or otherwise made available for
performance of the services herein described and the Con tractor agrees to accept
as full payment for the services furnished the amount of the actual allowable
costs incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the Services; PROVIDED,
and expressly understood and agreed to by the parties of the Agreement, that in
no event will the payment to be paid hereunder exceed the sum of S 6, 914'. 62
It is also expressly understood and agreed that the obligation of the Grantor
for the above stated payment, or any part thereof, shall only extend to payment
of such monies as are appropriated by the Congress for the purpose of obtaining
the services described herein and paid thereto into the treasury of the Grantor
as an allowable cost under terms of applicable Federal law, as the same way
from time to time be amended.
a. GRANTOR agrees to compensate CONTRACTO~ for expenditures set forth in
the Contract Document and the roNTRACTOR 6udget.
b. CONTRACTOR shall submit to the GRANTOR a report of Expenditure/Request
for reimbursement no later than the 10th working day of the month following
the month for which reimbursement is being requested. Each and every item
of cost must be accompanied by documentation offering proof of payment.
Reimbursement will be made to CONTRACTOR for all substantiated allowable
costs reported as paid by CONTRACTOR through the last day of the reported
c. The form in paragraph b. will also constitute the CONTRACTOR' s monthly
Financial Status report to the GRANTOR and as such must reflect total
accrued expenditures as of the last day of the reporting month.
4. Agreement Documents: The parties hereto agree that the terms and figures
set forth in th~ following list of documents constitute the Agreement, and said
documents are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein as though the
same were set forth verbatim and at length:
a. Agreement
b. General Provisions
c. Special Provisions
u. Monthly Budget Information Summary
e. Contractor Program Budget
All of said documents are filed and will be maintained on file by the Grantor.
One fully executed counterpart of the Agreement will be furnished the Agency
without charge by the Grantor.
Counterparts of Agreement: This Agreement will be executed in three counter-
parts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts will
constitute one and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
effective on the date last signed by the parties. )
I ,
I hereby certify that on this day before me, a Notary Public duly authorized
in the state and county named above to take acknowledgements, personally appeared
-.f2. eH"tU ((0 Z;,IJ!.KV , to me known to be the person described as
Authorized Person's Name
c Ir'; M"AJIIG""~
, of C I rr Or tVlJ/jbz:.. .sf/.-! J/6.s
who executed the foregoing instrcment; and he acknowledge before me that he
executed it in the name of and for the Contr~ctor and that he has statutory
authority or has legally been duly deligated the authority to bind this
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the county and state named above
this 12.:1bday..of M /J 1 /13 7 ,
Notary Pu lie
Notary Public, Stat9 J~ Fl()ri-~a >Jt Ln"r:e
My Commission Expires April 4, 1991
Bonded thru Agent's Notary Brokerage
JTPA Agreement
Seminole CoWl ty, Florida
1. Gontractor
shall retain personnel files on all participants with the following
JTPA application
JTPA Enrollment/Status Change
Copy of social security card
2. Gontractor shall retain separte files with all payroll information including
attendance sheets for each participants.
3. Gontractor shall retain all cancelled checks to be avaiable upon request for
audit purposes and copies of all Requests for Reimbursement.
4. Participants may begin work ONLY when they present a work voucher signed and
approved by a Employability DeVelopment Counselor.
5. 6ontractor assures that JTPA participants will receive meaningful work._-experience
in a fully supervised and safe working environment.
6. Gontractor
must post Job Descriptions for each participant.
Contractor agrees to provide funds to pay
per day, fi';;e days per week. Each participant
wage of $3.35 per hour.
. 6 participants to work 8 hours
will be apid the federal minimum
8. Contractor agrees to provide one (1) worksite supervisor, whose qualifications
are commensurate with the job specifications, for up to but not to exceed
twelve (12) participants. Contractor also agrees to provide an alternated worksitE
supervisor in the event of the worksite supervisor's absence. The Contractor
agrees that the worksite supervisor or alternate supervisor will be present
during participants' hours of work.
a. That participants will not be paid for unworked hours.
b. That the worksite will have sufficient equipme~t and/or material to
do the assigned job and that sufficient meaningful work to occupy participants
during working hours will be provided.
, '
c. That the worksite will comply with the Title II-B SYETP regulations, and
actively cooperate with designated representives of the P~ivate Industry
Council of Seminole County, Inc.
d. Participants will sign in when reporting to work, and sign out upon
completions of work daily.
e. Worksite supervisor or alternate supervisor will sign time and attendance
records on a daily basis, verifying the accuracy of hours worked.
f. No participant will work after 8-14-87.
That worksite supervisors will have an alternate plan of activities
in case of inclement weather for those participants whose duties involve
mostly outside labors. The alternate plan will be listed on the job
description which will be posted at the worksite.
Seminole County, Florida
Date: 4-14-87
1. Performance of Conditions Precedent to Validity of Agreement:
The Grantor and the .Oontractor" each certifies that all conditions precedent
to the valid execution of the Agreement or its parts have been satisfied.
ContractoIassures it possesses legal authority to participate in this Agreement,
that a resulution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as
an official act of the Contractor.s governing body, board of directors, or
officers, authorizing participation in this Agreement, including all under-
standings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the
person identified as the Contractor's : official representative to act in
connection with the Agreement and to provided such additional information as
may be required.
2. Laws Applicable:
It is the intent of the parties hereto that the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, and the work to be performed hereunder, are subject to the applicable
provisions of Federal law, and any rules and regulations lawfully promulgated
thereunder, and all applicable state and local laws, ordinances, rules and
3. Compliance with the Job Training Partnership Act:
a. Contractor agrees it will comply with the requirements of the Job Training
Partnership Act of 1982 (P.L. 97-300), her~inafter referred to as the Act and
with the regulations and policies promulgated thereunder. Contractor also
agrees to comply with 41 CFR 29-70 and Office of Management and Budget Circular
A-87 and A-I02.
b. The Contractor further assures and certifies that if the regulations
promulgated pursuant to the Act are arnrnended or revised, it shall comply with
them or notify the Grantor within 30 days after promulgation of the amendments
or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the Grantor may take appropriate
action including termination, if necessary.
4. Restriction on Use of Agreement Funds:
No funds made available pursuant to this Agreement shall be allocable to or
included as a matching contribution or cost of any other Federally Financed
program, either directly or indirectly in either prior or current periods to
the terms of the Agreement, unless as otherwise authorized by Federal law.
5. ^ccoullting Syste~:
Contractor shall establish and maintain on an accrual basis an accounting
system in accordance with 41 CFR 29-70 and generally accepted accounting
principles and standards. priot to disbursement of funds pu~suant to this
Ilgreemcnt, Contractor and Grantor shall review Con.ractor's internal
control, accounting, and report systems. Except those instances where the
the system has been accepted by DOL, -Contractor, agrees to modify or
correet said systems in accordance with Grantor's requirements subsequent to
said review to accomplish the purpose of this section. The internal control
process will provide for adequate safeguards for JTPA cash and other assets,
and incorporate mechanisms to check accuracy and reliability of Contractor's
financial data.
Payment Adjustments:
All prior payments shall be subject to correction in the project closeout and
final payment; but in the absence of error or manifest mistake, it shall be
understood that all payments, when approved, shall be evidence of the services
performed; PROVIDED, however, that all payments made by the Grantor to the
Contractor on account of the Agreement shall be made subjec~ to correction
in accordance with the audit findings of the Grantor or the Federal Government
of the Contractor's books and records relating to its costs and contributed
services and work under the Agreement.
Suspension of Payments:
The Grantor may suspend payments under the Agreement in whole or in part for
failure of the Contractor to comply with the terms and conditions of the
Agreement. Upon such suspension, Grantor shall inform Contractor in writing
of the necessary steps to be take to correct any failure to comply with the
Agreement. The Contractor" shall have ten (10) working days in which to
respond with a plan agreeable to the Grantor for correction of the deficiencies.
Payment spall be resumed for all services performed in accordance with this
Agreement and pursuant to the corrective action taken from the date of
suspension. If no corrective action is taken by the Contractor, Grantor may
take action as is granted by this Agreement or applicable provisions of general
law, provide, however, that Contractor ,shall have the right to appeal in
accordance with Paragraph 15 of these General Provisions. Until final deter-
mination of such appeal, Contractor shall be paid only for those services
',.hich the Grantor determines to be in compliance with this ^sreement.
b. BOllolns:
If Contractor is to receive advance funding, every officer, director,
agellt or employee of the Contractor who is authorized to act on behal f
of th(.> Contractor for- the purpos<! of receiving or depositing, funds into
program .Jccounts, or issuing financial documents, checks; or other instru-
r:1i'nt s of payment for program cost s sha I] be bonded, as follows:
a. S100,000, or
b. The highest advance received through check or drawdown during the
preceding grant year consider~ng all JTPA contracts, or tor new Con~
tractors, the highest advance planned for the present grant year
considering all JTPA contracts.
9. Confidentiality of Participant Information:
The Contractor--.- agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any and all
information regarding project participants, or their immediate families that
identifies or may be used to identify them, and which may be obtained through
application forms, interviews, tests, reports from public agencies or
counselors, or any other source. Such information may be publicly divulged
only upon the written permission of the participant and to the extent per-
mitted by Florida Statutes.
10. Records and Reports:
a. At such times and in such forms as the Federal Goverrnent, the State
or the Grantor may require, there shall be furnished to the Federal Govern-
ment or the Comptroller Gereral or the State or the Grantor, su~h statements,
records, reports, data and information as the Federal Government, State or
Grantor may request pertaining to matters covered by the Agreement, or related
to implementation of the Agreement.
Contractor - further agrees to give the State, Grantor, the Department of
Labor and the Conptroller General, through any authorized representative,
the right, during normal business hours, to audit, examine and make excerpts,
transcripts or copies ~rom such records, and to make audits of all contracts,
invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel conditions of employment
and other data relating to any and all matters covered by the Agreement, or
related to implementation of the Agreement. All records pertaining to this
Agreement shall be retained by the ~Contractor for a period of five years.
b. Contraetor agrees to comply with such additional requirements as to
maintenance of records as the Grantor may request in writing. In the event
that the Contractor cannot continue to be responsible for maintenance of
the records, then the Grantor shall be so notified in order to take custody of
any and all records established under this Agreement.
11. Project Monito~ing and Project Closeout:
a. At any time during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall permit
the Secretary of Labor, Comptroller General, or the Grantor, or their author-
ized representative to monitor project performance pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement.
b. Project closeout upon completion of the project or upon termination of
this Agreement shall be perfgrmed in accordance with the terms and conditions
of JTPA Regulations. Except as expressly waived by the Grantor, project
closeout shall be completed prior to final payment for services performed
pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to Grantor such infor-
mation and materials and within such time period as Grantor may require
necessary to complete project closeout in accordance with said Federal
12. Sub-Contracting:
The Contractor shall"not assign of sublet the whole or any part of the
work and services called for by the Agreement without the prior consent of
the Grantor. Services subcontracted under the Agreement shall be specified by
written agreement and shall be subject to each applicable provision of this
Agreement. The Contractor shall give the Grantor immeditate notice in
writing of any action or suit filed, and prompt notice of any claim made
against the Contractor by any subcontractor or vendor which in the opinion
of the Contractor' may result in litigation, related in any way to the
Agreement, with respect to which the Contractor may be entitled to reim-
bursement from the Grantor.
13. Insurance:
The Contractor shall not commence work under this Agreement until all
insurance required hereunder and certificates of proof have been furnished
the Grantor, nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor or agent to
commence work until all similar insurance required of the Contractor has
been so obtained and approved. Such insurance shall be in the amounts and
type of coverage as required by Federal or Florida State law applicable to
the Contractor.
a. Contractor agrees to provide Grantor with proof
coverage and liability insurance (if applicable). If
insured, the insured plan must be submitted to Grantor
of Worker's Compensation
Contractor is self-
for Department of Labor
14. Changes:
The Grantor may, at any time, by written order, and without notice to the
sureties, make changes which shilll be within the general scope of this Agree-
ment, and which shall be binding upon the Contractor. If any change
causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or time required for perfor-
mance of any part of the work under this Agreement, and equitable adjustment
sh<111 be made in the Agreement price and the Agreement shall be modified in
writing accordingly. Any cl.lim by the Contractor for adjustment under
this Section must be .lssertcd ....itJlin fifteen (15) (l,11'5 from rjate of receipt
by the Contractor of the notific<ltion of changes; provide, however, th.lt
the Grantor may receive and act upon Llny such claim asserted at any time prior
to f ina 1 p<lyment under tlli s i'\(Jrccp!"n t.
. '
15. Disputes:
a. Except as otherwise provided in the Act and the regulations promulgated
thereunder, any dispute concerning applicability or interpretation of the
Agreement or Contractor's performance of the Agreement which is not
disposed of by agreement of parties shall be decided by the Grantor, which
shall reduce its decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy
thereof to the Contractor. The decision of the Grantor shall be final and
conclusive unless within fifteen (15) days from the date of the receipt of
such copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes to the Grantor a
written appeal.
b. Said appeal shall be heard by the Grantor's designated Hearing
within a reasonable time of receipt by the Grantor of Contractor
appeal. Contractor shall be afforded reasonable notice of said
and an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence on its behalf
cross-examine witnesses.
and to
c. Upon determination by the Hearing Officer, . Contractor shall be so
informed and the determination will be referred to the Council for decision.
d. Subsequent
the provisions
to final determination
Contractor has the
of JTPA Regulations.
by the Council and only upon final
right to further appeal pursuant to
e. During the pendency of any appeal hereunder, Contractor agrees to pro-
ceed diligently with the performance of this Agreement in accordance with
Grantor's rYO~'ic~s determination, subject to the appeal and fianl determination
entered therein.
f. This section shall not be construed to preclude consideration of legal
issues in connection with the subject matter of the appeal, provided that
lIuLiung in this Agreement shall be construed as makinq final the decision
of any administratil."! official, re~r~s""Ldtl.V;::, or board on a question of law.
16. Termination:
The performance of work under this Agreement may be terminated oy tne Grantor
~n \o,'hole or in part for either of :.he two following circumstances:
a. Termination for Convenience - Ei ther the Grantor or the Contractor may
request a termination for convenience. The Grantor will give a thirty-calendar
day advance notice in writing to the Contractor of the effective day of
such a termination. The Contractor shall Ve entitled to receive just and
equitable compensation for any scrvic~s satisfactorily performed hereunder
through the date of tprmination.
b. Termination for Cause - The Grantor may terminate this Agreement when it
has determined that the Contractor has failed to provided any of the services
specified or comply with any of the provisions contained in this Agreement.
If the Contractor fails to perform in whole or in part under this Agreement
or fails to make sufficient progress so as to endanger performance, the Grantor
will notify the Contractor of such unsatisfactory performance in writing.
The Contractor has ten (10) working days in which to respond with a plan
agreeable to the Grantor for correction of the deficiences. If the Contrac-
tor does not respond within the appointed time, or does not respond with
appropriate plans, the Grantor will serve a termination notice on the Con-
tractor which will become effective not less than fifteen (15) days after
receipt. In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall be liable
for payment only for services rendered prior to the effective date of the
termination, provided that such services performed are in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement.
c. The Contractor shall have the right to appeal any such determination
made by the Grantor pursuant to b. above except that if the. ConbraQt01:'\:: had
failed to submit his appeal within 30 calendar days from the date of the ..
termination notice and has failed to request extension of such time, he shall
have no such right of appeal. The appeal shall be governed by JTPA Regulations.
d. If the funds anticipated to be received by the Grantor pursuant to the Act
under which this Agreement is funded, are suspended or terminated in whole or
in part, then the Agreement shall be terminated in accordance with instructions
as received from the Private Industry Council of SeMinole County, Inc.
e. Upon termination, final payment shall be made upon project closeout as
provided in Paragraph eleven (11) herein, and in arriving at the amount
due Contractor hereunder, there shall be deducted:
(1) All unliquidated advance or other payments on account theretofore made
to the Contractor, applicable to the termina ted portion of this
(2) Any claim which the Grantor may have against the Contractor in
connection with this Agreement; and
(3) The agreed-for price for, or the proceeds of the sale of, any materials,
supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor or sold, pursuant
to the provisions of the clause, and not otherwise recovered by or
credited to the Grantor.
f. If the termination hereunder be partial, pr~or to the settlement of the
terminated portion of this Agreement, the Contractor may file with the
Grantor a request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices
specified in the Agreement relating to the continued portion.
17. Hold Harmless:
The Contractor shall hold and save the Grantor, its officers, agents and
employees harmless from liability of any nature of kind, including costs
and expenses, for or on account of any suits or damages of any character
whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or
property resul ting in whole or in part from the negligent performance or
omission of any employee, agent or representative of the Contractor.:"
18. Rights and Remedies Not Waived:
No payment by the Grantor to Contractor shall be construed as a waiver
by Grantor of any breach or default of COntractor in performance of any
requirement of this Agreement; nor shall such payment impair or prejudice
any right of the Grantor with respect to such breach or default; nor shall
any assent by Grantor expressed or implied, to such breach or default, be
construed as assent to any succeeding breach or default.
19. Independent Contractor:
No provision of this Agreement shall be construed as creating an agency or
employment relationship between Grantor and Contractor, and Contractor
in performance of this Agreement shall be considered an independent
20. Conflict of Performance Requirements:
It is agreed that neither party hereto has made any statement, promise or
agreement or taken upon iself any engagement whatever, verbally or in
writing, in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, that in any way
modifies, varies, alter, or enlarges, assigns, or invalidates any provisions
21. Titles and'Headings:
Titles and headings are utilized for convenience of reference only and
shall not affect the provisions of the Agreement or interpretation thereof.
P;C (General provision)
- Contractor agrees that, as a condition of receiving funds ~der. the Job Training
Partnership Act of 1982, it will adhere to and abide by the fOllowing procedures:
1. Private Industry Council will determine eligibility for participant enrollment
in all JTPA activities. .Contractor will refer applicants to PIC for eligibility
determination, according to recruitment and referral provisions contained in indi-
vidual Contractor Agreements.
2. PIC Counselors will assess training needs of eligible applicants and prepare
Employability Development Plans (EDP) for applicants being considered for enrollment
in all JTPA activites except Summer Youth Program. No EDP is required for SUDUDer
Youth Program. participants.
3. PIC Counselors will consider recommendations of referring agency in determining
JTPA programs appropriate for referred applicants.
4. Upon selection for enrollment, PIC Counselor will contact applicant and set
appointment for signing enrollment forms. No participant may begin a JTPA activity
until required enrollment forms have been signed.
5. Agencies and Contractor \till notify PIC Counselor promptly (by phone) when
participants are terminated.
ilrogram Budget
Agreement No.
The City of Winter S ri~ s
Title/Proj ect:
Program Activity; Work Experience
Wages to Participants;
6 participants @$3.35/hour, 8 hours/day for 39 days
Fringe Benefits:
FICA @ 7. 15
Workman's Compo @ 3.11
Total Budget
Cost Category:
$ 6,271.20
$ 6,914.62
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~llmmer Youth Emplovment & Traininr Prorram Worksite Agreement
The Private
Operator for the
Industry Council of Seminole County, Inc., will be Program
1987 Summer Youth Employment and Training Program.
14th April
day or ,
of Seminole County, Inc., herein-
of Winter Sprin~s
This agreement is entered into this
1987, between the Private Industry Council
after referred to as Operator, and the City
hereinafter referred to as Agency.
~~: .
The Operator is engaged in planning and coordinating work experience
for the summer for JTPA eligible youth, and
It is the Agency's intent to participate in such program by providing
meaningful work experience, constant supervision, evaluation of participants
every two weeks, maintenance of daily time and attendance records for payroll,
and designatiDn of person or persons to work with Operator in implementation
and operation of th:s program.
1. Agency agrees to provide work experience to partlclpant as referred
by Operator. The specific kind of work to be provided and the Agency's descrip-
tion of the job in which the participant (s) will work is/are described in the
attached job description(s). Copies of this agreement are to be 'maintained by
6perator, th~Agency, and the individual worksite, A copy of the job descrip- "
tion and hours,of work will be provided to each participant by the Agency.
2. Operator agrees to provide funds to pay 6 participants to wOTk
8 hours per day, 5 days per week. Each participant will be paid
the federal minimum wage of $3.35 per hour. Payroll checks are to be issued by
Agency. Worker's Compensation coverage is to be provided by Agency.
3. Agency agrees to provide facilities in a sanitary and safe work en-
vironment for summer youth. Agency agrees to comply with applicable state
and federal laws regarding employment of minors.
4. Agency agrees to designate one (1) worksite supervlsor, whose qualifi-
cations are commensurate with the job specifications, for up to but not to
exceed twelve (12) participants. Agency also agrees to designate an alternate
worksite supervisor in the event of the worksite supervisor's absence. Both
the worksite supervisor and alternate supervisor are identified in Attachment
A of this agreement.
~YETf) \Iorksi te Agrecm"llt
Page 2
The Agency
agrees that the worksite supervisor or alternate supervisor will be present during
participants' hours of work. AGENCY further agrees that worksite supervisor(s) and
alternate supervisor(s) will attend orientation session to be conducted by OPERATOR.
5. AGENCY agrees to allow eligible participants to attend Career Awareness
Program, which will take participant away from their regular work for one week.
6. AGENCY assures:
a. Enrollees wil~ 'not bepaid for unworked hours.
b. That the worksite will have sufficient equipment and/or materials
to do the assigned job and that sufficient meaningful work to occupy
participants during working hours will be provided.
c. That the worksite will comply with the Summer Youth Employment &
Training proqram (SYETP) regulations.
d. Enrollees will sign in when reporting to work, sign out when leaving
for lunch, sign in when returning from lunch, and sign out upon
completion of work daily. For payroll purposes, enrollees may onJy
sign in or out on a half hour increment.
e. Worksite supervisor or alternate supervisor will sign time and
attendance record on a daily basis, verifying the accurancy of hours
f. No participant will work after August 16, 1986, unless approved in
writing by the OPERATOR.
g. The time and attendance records will be reviewed Dor accuracy and
appropriate supervisor's signature by the AGENCY contact person
identified in Section 8 of the Agreement.
7. Worksite supervisor, alternate supervisor, worksite location, worksite
:elephone number, number ;f participants for each worksite (listed by job title)
ire specified in Attachment(s) A of nhis agreement. There shall be a separate
~ttachment ~ for each individual worksite under AGENCY's iurisdiction. Signatures
>f worksite supervisor and alternate supervisor are required on Attachment ~.
. I
8. AGENCY address and name of contact person' Glenn Whitsett, Parks & Recreational
Director, City of Winter Springs, 1126 State Rd. 434 Winter Springs, Fl. 32~08
9. This agreement may be terminated upon written notice by either party
'ithin 10 days stating cause for termination.
Glenn Whitsett
W\ 1'1-: :
STREET ADDRESS: 1126 E. State Rd. 434
CITY, STATE, ZIP: Winter Springs, FI 32708
Fl. 32771
AGENCY; City of Winter Springs
A separate AttachDent ~ is required for each Worksite location within the
AGENCY's jurisdiction.
Worksite location:. Parks & Recreational City of Wi nTf'r ~r; n~
. (List office, department or division wi in HeY)
J. Street Address of worksite: 1126 E. State Road 4~4
City, StAte, Zip Code:
W;pt~r.~prin~, Fl. 32788
4. ~ruite Telephone nWllber:
....-.... .
.....-..... .
(!.~:':.:.~..~:~::.:.;. .
S. Number of ParticipAnts:
Job Title:
Recreation AssisT~nt
Worksi te Supervisor:
Glenn WhiT~p~T n;~~ctQr
(Type or Print Name and Job Title)
~1IlU11 1iUukJ
i~~~~i~~~~)~~;~:~ ' .
7. Alternate Supervisor: Jim Kennedy. Mainten~n~f'
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Job Description
of Winter S rin's
Recreation Assistant
a .m. to
Hours Per Da
to which assi ned: Parks & Recreation
com lete address:
1126 E. State Road 434
isor's Name and Title: Gle~ Whitsett Director
lternate Su rvisor's Name and Title: Jim Kenned Maintenance
Description of specific job duties, skills required, tools and equipment to be used in
performance of job duties:
, B.
A. Must be at least Seventeen Years of age
B. Must be able to supervise young children
C. Have a basic knowledge of athletic sports. volleyball basketball
softball etc..
Have a basic knowledge in arts and crafts.
Check in children for the day.
Supervise ten children for the days activities.
Teach children games, arts & crafts.
Supervise activites such as games of all types
Must be able to swim
Assist the Recreation Director on all off site activities such
as bowling, swimming, ice skating roller skating and field trips
to insure proper conduct and security.
Assist the recreation Director on any matters that he may r~quir
.. Number of participants for each job description