HomeMy WebLinkAboutSunshine Building and Development Agreement Form 4th Addition to WM Improvements -1997 02 24r,. SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORM 1. GENERAL 1.01 THIS AGREEMENT, made this,Z~ day of TP 6T u 4r,y 1997, by and between (1) the City of Winter Springs ,hereinafter called the Owner, and 12- Sunshine Building and Development doing business as a 13) Corporation ,and hereinafter called the Contractor. 1.02 WHEREAS, the OWNER and CONTRACTOR are desirous of entering into an Agreement for construction of a the North Orlando Fourth Addtion Water Main Improvements (Bid No. 97-0011 by CONTRACTOR for OWNER. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter exchanged the parties agree as follows: 1. Contract Documents -The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement; all Technical, General, and Supplementary Conditions and Sections contained in the Project Manual; the Drawings as listed on the Bid Form and Index to Drawings; all Addenda issued prior to and all Change Orders issued after execution of this Agreement. These form the Contract and all are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. 2. Scope of Work -The CONTRACTOR shall perform all work required by the Contract Documents for the construction of North Orlando Fourth Addition Water Main Improvements. 3. Contract Time -The CONTRACTOR shall begin work within 10 days after the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed and shall complete the work within one hundred twenty(120)calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. 4. Liquidated Damages -OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in Paragraph 3 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER 5250.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph C for final completion until the work is finally complete. 5. Contract Price -The OWNER will pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the performance of the work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order and subject to the Measurement and Payment Provisions (Section 01 150), and subject to actual constructed quantities; the Total Contract Price of Four Hundred Sixtv Two Thousand Thirty and 95/100 Dollars (5462.030.95). Payments will be made to the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the Schedule of Unit Prices included as a part of his/her Bid, which shall be as fully a part of the Contract as if attached or repeated herein. (1) Owner (2) Contractor (3) Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or Corporation 00500-1 -i ~ . 6. Payments -The Owner will make payments as provided in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. 7. Engineer -The Project has been designed by Conklin, Porter &Holmes-Engineers, Inc., referred to in the documents as the Engineer, whose authority during the progress of construction is defined in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. 8. Bon -CONTRACTOR shall supply a materials, performance and payment bond (s) in accordance with Florida law and to the satisfaction of Owner. 9. Mediation/Venue -The parties agree that should any dispute arise between them regarding the terms or performance of this Agreement, both parties will participate in a mediation. The parties agree to mutually select a mediator and int he event they cannot mutually agree upon a mediator, one will be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The parties agree to equally share the cost of the mediator. Should the parties fail to resolve their differences through mediation, then any cause of action filed hereunder shall be filed in the Circuit or County Court for Seminole County, Florida. 10. CONTRACTOR warrants the Water Main Improvements will be fit for the City's intended use and purpose and will comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations. 1.03 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: Sunshine Building and. Development Name of Firm " // _ eaU Bq (Sig~ure and Title) Jghy~'B,us resident / ~ ttest OWNER: The Citv of Winter Springs Name of Owner N ~/ (Seal) By Signature a T' e)Ron McLemore, City Manager Attest END OF SECTION 00500-2 ,~ UNTIED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY 1041895 POWER OF ATTORNEY ~ ~USF-Cw NO, 106664 iliultttl KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Slate of Muyland and having its principal office at the City of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, does hereby constitute and appoint Lewis Donald Rushing, David Tobin Johnson, Gilbert Oswalt Bennett, Robert Harris Dixon and Alan Douglas Moore of the City of Pensacola ,Slate of Florida its true sod lawful Attomey(s}in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is narrted above, to sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge say and all hoods, undertakings, coWracts and other written insltuments in the nature thereof om behalf of the Company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons; guaranteeing the performance of contracts; and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in soy adioos or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY has cauxd this irtstnttrtent to be sealed with its corporate seal, duly attested by the signatures of its Seaior Vice President and Assistant Secretary, this 2 2nd day of January , A.D. 19 9 3 . ~~ ~ UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY t rmraaa (Signed) By.../. ~. .... .~- t~06 -' ... .. ................ Senior Vice President ~~- ~~~ ~ - (Signed) By ......................:.............................. ~ssistant Secretary STATE OF MARYLAND) ~~ ~' SS: `w BALTIMORE C17Y ) y~~~~ Om this 22nd day of January ,A.D.199 DeCote~mepersooallyc~~~~Robert J. Lamendola Senior Vice President of the UNITED STATES FIDELI'T'Y AND GUA COMPANY an~ 1~'''Paul D . Sims , Assistam Secretary of ssid Company, with both of whom I am personally aCdtt rated, who being b~~'~erally duly sworn s~ that they, the said Robert J . Lamendola and Paul D . Si, l' 7 ~~ ere rcspectivel or Vice President and the Assistant Secretary of the said UNI'i-ED STATES FIDELITY AND GUA ANY, the cio3described in an xecuted the foregoing Power of Attorney; that they each knew the seal of said corporation; that the a d to said Power ey was such co ,that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that they signed lheir~e Thereto by like p~ nior Vice Presi~tl~O ssisgnt Secretary, respectively, of the Company. My Commission expires the 11 ttt day in 5 ~w.u~r L (Si~red~~`~~t. !1.0.-^.~.. ..~i!~ """ ~ ~ • NOTARY PUBLIC 4>up~r`P This Power of Attorney is granted under sod by 4( ~y of the following Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY on Septemb{~4}I~92: RESOLVED, that in connection with the fidelity and stuety insurance business of the Company, all bonds, undertakings, contracts sod other insttumeots relating to acid business may be aired, executed, and acknowledged by persons or entities appointed as Attorney(s)-in-Fact pursuant to a Power of Attorney issued in accordance with lhex resolutions. Said Power(s) of Attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name sod on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairrrran, or the President, or am Executive Vice President, or a Senior Vice President, or a Vice President or an Assistant V ice President, jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers troy be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the foregoing officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Attoraey(a}in-Fact for purposes ody of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the rtaturc thereof, and, unless subsequently revoked and subject to any limitations set forth therein, any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile sigrtalurc and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect -o any bond or undertaking to which it is validly attached. RESOLVED, that Attomry(s}im-Fact shall have the power and authority, unless subsequently revoked snd, in any case, subject to the terms and limitations of the Power of Attorney issued to thetr>, to execute sod deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the seal of the Company to any and all bonds aad undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by such Attorney(s)-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested to by the Secretary of the Company. I. Paul D . Sims , an Assi~ant Secretary of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, do hereby ceRify that the foregoing is a true excerpt from the Resolution of the said Company u adopted by its Board of Directors oo September 24, 1992 and that this Resolution is in full force sod effect. I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of lbe UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is in full force snd effect and has not been revoked. In Testitnony Whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and the seal of t e iTED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY on this day of , 19 t ........................... .......... `J ssavan Assistant Secrets ~g,~ 1196 ~q~ rY "~11 ANtI~ FS 3 (10-92 ) Fisher-Brown, Inc. P. O. Box 711 Pensacola, FL 32593-0711 WEL/cr 904-432-7474 Sunshine Bldg 8c Development Co Attn: Amoret LaRosa P. O. Box 180958 Casselberry, FL 32718-0958 o-o->~IwF:w::::::.>o->swlw>:w>1~F:~1wc~w:~1Rw;;:wR•:w::!~w!~:wwfs::::;;;5',S'.::E27>:~8~8~>:~S>:::>:::>t:.;:::i5:i:::::: s:2~iii'i5i:::':Si:~iSi:~:::~' ................................................... 2/03/97 ' THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A U S FIRE INSURANCE CO COMPANY B CNA Insurance Companies COMPANY C COMPANY THISIS TOCERTIFY THATTHEPOLICIES OF INSURANCELISTEDBELOW HAVE BEENISSUEDTOTHE INSUREDNAMED ABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREOUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENT WITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCH POLICY NUMtER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMIT8 LTR DATE (MMIDDIYY) DATE (MMIDD/YY) OENERALLIAEE.n'Y GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2000000 B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0144619785 4/09/96 4/09/97 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AOG $ 2000000 ii CLAIMS MADE a OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY S 1000000 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one tire) S 50000 MED EXP (Any one person) S 5 0 00 AUT OMOaE.E LIABE.ITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S g X ANY AUTO 0144616496 4/09/96 4/09/97 1000000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY s SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 3 X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE g OARAOELIASR.n'Y AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCESi LIABE.ITY EACH OCCURRENCE S $ Q Q Q Q Q Q A X UMBRELLA FORM 5530244085 4/09/96 4/09/97 AGGREGATE s 16000000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS EMPLOYERS' LIAa1LRY EACH ACCIDENT S THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE ~ INCL DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT f OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE • EACH EMPLOYEE S OTHER Ref: North Orlando 4th Addition Water Main Improvements. The City of Winter Springs, its representative, Conklin, Porter 8c Holmes, Engineers Inc, the architect. their consultants. officers, agents & Employees are addditional i SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES EE CANCELLED ![FORE THE 692380000 EXPIRATION GATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL City D f Winter Springs 3 O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, 1 126 E e s t SR 434 BUT FA RE TO MAIL SUCH NOTIC LL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABE.ITY Winter Springs , F L 3 2 7 0 8 A Y KIN UPON THE CO PAN ITB AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. A OR D EP SENTATIVE 692380000 ~ n A. 02/Q~%9i 1d:1~ $ l~]012 ' SECTION 00652 CERTtF1CATE OF INSURANCE AND ENDORSEMENT Description of Contract: North Orlando FQyrth Addition Water Main Improvements Owner: Engineer. ~{tv of Vthnter Springs Canklln, Porter & Holmes -Engineers, Inc. 1126 East 5.8, ~~~ 1104 E. Robinson Street Vlfinter Sg~'ngs. PL 32708 Orlando, Florida 32801 Type of Insurance: COMPREHENSNE GENERAL UAIBtLITY INSURANCE THlS IS 70 CERTIFY that the following numbered polities have been issued by the below-stated company in conformance with the limits and requirements sst forth in the General Conditlons and Supplemental Condfiions. The insurance company will give at least thirty (3~ days' written notice by registered mail to the Owner and the Engineer prior to any material change or cancellation of said policy or pollees. See attached Accord Form 25 for limits. POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE GATE EXPIRATION DATE 0144619785 4-9-96 4-9-97 ENDORSEMENT The Owner, the Owner's Representative, the Engineer, the Architect, and their consultants, and each of their officers, agent, and employees, are included as additionally named insured under said policies but only while acting in their capacity as such and only as respects operations of the originally named insured, his subcontractors, agents, and employees in the performance of the above-referenced contract; provided, however, that if the loss or damage is ultimately determined to be the proximate result of the sole negligence of one or more of the aforesaid additionally named insured, this insurance shall not apply. This endorsement shall not operate to increase the insurance company's total limit of liability hereunder, The insurance company hereby waives its rights of subrogation against the additionally named insured. Sunshine Bld & Development Co CNA Insurance Co Named Insured Insurance Company 2q1 Anchor St P_(1_ Rnx 154 Street 8~ Number Street 8 Number City & State " ~ I ~' I City & State By (Attach Acknowledgement) (Notice: No substitution or revision to the above certificate and endorsement wilt he accepted. It the insurance called for is provided by more than one company, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided for each company.) END OF SECTION 00652-1 Fisher-Brown, Inc. P. 0. Box 711 Pensacola, FL 32593-0711 WEL/cr 904-432-7474 Sunshine Bldg & Development Co Attn: Amoret LaRosa P. O. Box 180958 Casselbarry, FL 32718-0958 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Associated Industries Ins Co COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFYTHAT THEPOLICIES OF INSURANCELISTEDBELOWHAVE BEENISSUED TOTHE INSUREDNAMED ABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREOUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENTW ITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MMR)D/YY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) GENERAL LIABLRY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE ^ OCCUR OWNER'S 8 CONTRACTOR'S PROT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GENERAL AGGREGATE S PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG S PERSONAL & ADV INJURY S EACH OCCURRENCE S FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I $ BODILY INJURY $ (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE ~$ OARAOELIABS.RY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE S OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS A EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 962301769 4/09/96 4/09/97 EACH ACCIDENT $ 500000 THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE INCL DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 500000 OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE • EACH EMPLOYEE $ SQQQQQ OTHER Ref: North Orlando Fourth Addition Water Main Improvements 692380000 City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs FL 32708 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 Q DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAQ E TO MAIL 8UCH NOTICE 8 I OSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABLITY O ANY IN UPON THE COMP NY, S GENT8 OR REPRESENTATIVES. ORIZE EP ESENTA gg2380000 . ~. .. I.J SECTION 00650 CER71FtCATE OF INSURANCE Doscxiption of Contract: Nart.'^ Crlando Fourth Additlar'~',(ater Main lmorovements Owner. Engineer. City aT inter SQ~g~_ ConkJln, Porter aHolmes -Engineers, Inc. 11~R past S.R. 434 1104 E. Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Winter Sp~s_ FL. 32708. Type of Insurance: WORKER'S OR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE ~ uio THI9 IS TO CERTIFY that the following numbered policies have been issued by the below-stated company in conformance with the limits and requirements as set forth in the General Conditloris and Supplementary Condfions. See attached Accord Form 25 for limits. The insurance company will give at leasithirty (30) days' written notice by registered mail to the Owner and the Engineer prior to any material change or cancellation of said polity or polices. POLICY NUMBERS EFFECTNE DATE EXPIRATION DATE 962301769 4-9-96 4-9-97 Named Insured Insurance Company Snnchina R1 rl f~ 'Tlavcl nnmcnt ('n Acenni ~tcrl Tnrlnctri cc Tnc (,'Q Street & Number rCity Ste P.O. Box 3 7 Boca Raton, FL 33431 291 Anchor St "~ Casselberry, FL gY ` 32707 Authoriz d presentative (Notice: No substitution or revision to the above certificate will be accepted. If the insurance called For is provided by more than one company, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided for each company.) .... ENO OF SECTION 00850-1 •::: \ '~ :: .: ~ .::.> :`'' . 'i. :: iii .:: :i:ii:3i '': i .: iii ''<' >`i'`ti:;E :ir:....DATH (MMIDD/YY) !'.. :::: a it~~..::::: .:::::::.:..::..:::::::::::::::::.:::::::::..:...: ~:: .:::::::::::::::: ::.: ;: 2/03/97 ::>:'V11biSUCEl4;;:.:;:.;:.;;:.;;>;:.>:<:::>:<:::>::::> :>::><::>::>::::>::::>::>::»::::>::»:::»::::»:»>::::><:::::ii:`•>::»::>:: »::> ` »> »::i;:'s:::>;>:>:>::»:;>:::::>::>:::<:: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Fisher -Brown , Inc . HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P . O. Box 71 1 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Pensaco I a , FL 32593-0711 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE WE L / c r COMPANY 904-432-7474 A U S FIRE INSURANCE CO INSURED COMPANY Sunshine Bldg & Development Co B CNA Insurance Com anies Attn: Amoret LaRosa COMPANY P. O. Box 180958 C Casselberry, FL 32718-0958 COMPANY D THISISTO CERTIFY THAT THEPOLICIES OF INSURANCELISTEDBELOW HAVE BEENISSUEDTOTHE INSUREDNAMEDABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREQUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENTWITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTII TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMiER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATH (MMR)D/YY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMlODIYY) LIMBS GEN ERALLIABE.n'Y GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2000000 B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0144619785 4/09/96 4/09/97 PRODUCTS•COMP/OP AGG S 2000000 CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY S 1 OOOOOO OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE S 1 OOOOOO FIRE DAMAGE (Any one tire) S 50000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5 O O O AUT OMOBILE LIAaE.ITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT f g X ANY AUTO 0144616496 4/09/96 4/09/97 1000000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 3 SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) x HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY g x NON•OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE g GARAGE LIAaE.ITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCESSLIAaE.ITY EACH OCCURRENCE S $OOOOOO A X UMBRELLA FORM 5530244085 4/09/96 4/09/97 AGGREGATE S 16000000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM 4 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS EMPLOYERS' LIAEE.ITY EACH ACCIDENT f THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE ~ INCL DISEASE POLICY LIMIT S OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE S OTHER Ref: North Orlando 4th Addition Water Main Improvements. The City of Winter Springs, its representative, Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Engineers Inc, the architect. their consultants. officers. agents & EmDlovees are addditional ins 692380000 City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES aE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE 188UIN0 COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 O DAY8 WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FA RE TO MAIL SUCH NOTIC LL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILRY A Y KIN UPON THE CO PAN ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. OR D EP ESENTATIVE 692380000 . ~. 0~/Q~-9i ld:l? $ ~I01~ SECTION 00652 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND ENDORSEMENT Description of Contract: ~1o~hQrlando Fourth Additjcn Water Main Improvements ~~ ~ Owner. Engineer. City of Winter Springs Conklin, Porter & Holmes -Engineers, Inc. 1126 East S.R. 434 1104 E. Robinson Street Winter S~jng§, FL 32708 Orlando, Florida 32801 Type of Insurance: COMPREHENSNE GENERAL l.1ABIt.fTY INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following numbered polities have been issued by the below-stated company in conformance with the fimib and requirements sst forth in the General Condftlons and Supplemental Conditions. The lnsutance company will give at least thirty (30) days' wntien notice by registered marl to the Owner and the Engineer prior to any material change or cancellation of said policy or policies. See attached Accord Form 25 for limits. POLICY NUMBER EFFECTII/E GATE EXPIRATION 4A1'E 0144619785 4-9-96 4-9-97 HIVDORSEMENT The Owner, the Owner's Representative, the Engineer, the Architect, and their consultants, and each of their officers, agenb, and employees, are included as additionally named insured under said policies but only while acting in their capacity es such and only as respects operations of the originally named insured, his subcontractors, agents, and employees in the perfomtance of the above-referenced contract; provided, however, that if the loss or damage is ultimately determined to be the proximate result of the sole negligence of one or more of the aforesaid additionally named insured, this insurance shall not apply. This endorsement shall not operate to increase the insurance company's tote! limit of liability hereunder, The insurance company hereby waives its rights of subrogation against the additionally named insured. Sunshine Bld & Development Co CNA Insurance Co Named Insured Insurance Company - 2 1 Anchor St P_n_ Rnx 154 Street i~ Number Street ~ Number City & State , ~ ~ i City & State By Re (Attach Acknowledgement) (Notice: No substitution or revision to the above certificate and endorsement will he accepted. If the insurance called for is provided by more than one company, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided for each company,) ENO OF SECTION 00652-1 Fisher-Brown, Inc. P. O. BOx 711 Pensacola, FL 32593-0711 WEL/cr 904-432-7474 Sunshine Bldg & Development Co Attn: Amorat LaRosa P. O. Box 180958 Casselberry, FL 32718-0958 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Associated Industries Ins Co COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY THISISTO CERTIFY THATTHEPOLICIESOF INSURANCELISTEDBELOW HAVE BEENISSUEDTOTHE INSURED NAMED ABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREOUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENTWITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO npE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTI1 DATE (MMIDDIYY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) GENERAL LIASLITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE ^ OCCUR OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT AUTOMOSLE LIABS.ITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GENERAL AGGREGATE S PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY f EACH OCCURRENCE f FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) S MED EXP (Any one person) 3 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ~ S BODILY INJURY 3 (Per person) BODILY INJURY S (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE ~g GARAGE LIASE.ITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: • EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCESS LIASLn'Y EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE S OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ' STATUTORY LIMITS A EMPLOYER!' LIAaS.n Y 962301769 4/09/96 4/09/97 EACH ACCIDENT S 500000 THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE INCL DISEASE POLICY LIMIT S 5 0 0 0 O O OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE • EACH EMPLOYEE S 500000 OTHER Ref: North Orlando Fourth Addition Water Msin Improvements 692380000 City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs FL 32708 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 Q DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAS. E TO MAIL SUCH NOTICES I OSE NO OSLIOATION OR LIABILITY 0 ANY IN UPON THE COMP NY, S GENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ORIZE EP ESENTA 692380000 _ C' o2~os; s; ia: io ~ SECTION 00650 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Doscxiption of Contract: lJort~; Crlando Fourth A.ididar;'~'~/ater Main lmorovemenis Owner: Engineer. City or 1Nnter SRr+.ngs Conklin, Porter 8~ Holme: -Engineers, Inc. 112f3 Eas S.R. 434 1104 E. Robinson Street Orlando, Fiorida 32801 Winter,~,pIIngs. FL. 32708 Type of Insurance: WORKER'S OR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCC ~ oio THIS iS TO CERTIFY that the following numbered policies have been issued by the below-stated company in cor>formancs with the limits and requirements as set forth in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. See attached Accord Form 25 for limits. The ~rsurance company will give at least thirty (30) days' written notice by registered mail to the Owner end the Engineer prior to any material change or cancellation of said policy or pofiaes. P4l.ICY NUMBERS EFFECTNE DATE EXPIRATION DATE 962301769 4-9-96 4-9-97 I.J Named Insured Insurance Company ~nnchina Kira F. 'lla~~c l n mcnt ('n Accnr'1 7LP__ti__ LnrlusrY7Br~-~~is._~;p Street & Number City St to p.0. Box 3 7 Boca Raton, FL 33431 291 Anchor St "' Casselberry, FL BY ` 32707 Authoriz d presentative (Notice: No substitution or revision to the at~ove certifficate will be accepted. If the insurance called for is provided by more than one company, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided for each company.) END OF SECTION 00850-1 Fisher-Brown, Inc. P, O. Box 711 Pensacola, FL 32593-0711 WEL/cr 904-432-7474 Sunshine Bldg & Development Co Attn; Amoret LaRosa P. O. Box 180958 Cassalberry, FL 32718-0958 2/03/97 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A U S FIRE INSURANCE CO COMPANY B CNA Insurance Companies COMPANY C COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATTHEPOLICIESOF INSURANCELISTEDBELOW HAVEBEENISSUEDTOTHEINSUREDNAMED ABOVEFOR THEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDINGANYREOUIREMENT,TERMORCONDITIONOFANYCONTRACTOROTHERDOCUMENTWITHRESPECTTO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTII DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABLITY B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0144619785 4/09/96 4/09/97 CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT AUTOMOBLB LIABLITY g X ANY AUTO 0144616496 4/09/96 4/09/97 ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON•OWNED AUTOS GENERAL AGGREGATE S PRODUCTS•COMP/OP AGG $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY S EACH OCCURRENCE S FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) S MED EXP (Any one person) S COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I S 2000000 2000000 1000000 1000000 50000 1000000 I BODILY INJURY $ (Per person) BODILY INJURY g (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE Is GARAGE LIABLn'Y AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S HXCESS LIABLITY EACH OCCURRENCE S $ Q Q Q Q D Q A X UMBRELLA FORM 5530244085 4/09/96 4/09/97 AGGREGATE s 16000000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS EMPLOYERS' LIABLITY EACH ACCIDENT S THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT f PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE • EACH EMPLOYEE S OTHER Ref: North Orlando 4th Addition Water Main Improvements. The City of Winter Springs, its representative, Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Engineers Inc, the architect. their consultants. officers. agents 81 EmDlovees are addditional i SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED EEFORE THE 692380000 EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAL C i t y o f W i n t e r S p r i n g s 3 O DAY8 WIInTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, 1 126 E a s t SR 434 BUT FA RE TO MAL 8UCN NOTIC LL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABLRY W i n t e r S p r I n g S, F L 3 2 7 0 8 A Y KIN UPON THE CO AN ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. A OR D EP SENTATIVE 692380000 'i A A A. i 0.;'0~%9i 14:12 $ _. . SEC170N 00652 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND ENDORSEMENT Description of Contract: North Orlando FQy~ Addition Water Main Improvements ~Wner: Engineer. ~itv of Winter Springs Conklin, Porter & Holmes -Engineers, Inc. 1126 Eastg.R, 434 1104 E. Robinson Street Vlrntsr Snrinas. FL 32708 Orlando, Florida 32801 Type of Insurance: COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LtABlt.ffY INSURANCE ~ 012 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following numbered polities have been issued by the below-stated company in conformance with the limit and requirements set forth in the General Conditions and Supplemental Condstions. The Insurance company will give at least thirty (3rd days' written notice by registered mail to the ~nrner and the Engineer prior to any material change or cancellation of said policy or pollees. See attached Accord Form 25 for limits. POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE OATS EXPIRATION 4ATE 0144619785 4-9-96 4-9-97 !ENDORSEMENT The Owner, the Owner's Representative, the Engineer, the Architect. and their consultants, and each of their officers, agents, and employees, are included as additionally named insured under said policies but only while acting in their capacity as such and only as respects operations of the originally named insured, his subcontractors, agents, and employees in the performance of the above-referenced contract; provided, however, that if the loss or damage is ultimately determined to be the proximate result of the sole negligence of one or more of the aforesaid additionally named insured, this insurance shall not apply. This endorsement shall not operate to increase the insurance company's total limit of liability hereunder, The insurance company hereby waives its rights of subrogation against the additionally named insured. Sunshine Bld & Development Co CNA Insurance Co Named Insured Insurance Company 291 Anchor St_ P _ (). Rnx 1 5la Street & Number Street $ Number Clay & state - , ~ ~ ,City & state By (Attach Acknowledgement) (Notice: No substitution of revision to the above certificate and endorsement wilt be accepted, It the insurance called for is provided by more than one company, a separate certificate in the exact above form shall be provided for each company,) ENO OF SECTION 00652-1