HomeMy WebLinkAboutSprings Land Jessup Shores 3rd Amended Lease -1999 08 30 THIS AGREEMENT made this THIRD AMENDED LEASE IfoiL day of july 1999, by and between SPRINGS LAND JESSUP SHORES JOINT VENTURE, as Lessor, ~ hereinafter referred to as "SPRINGS LAND", and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, and/or assigns, as Lessee, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" : WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, the CITY has constructed a park known as Central Winds Park which requires the use of SPRINGS LAND'S property for access to State Road 434 in the area known locally as "Wagner's Curve" , said access lands being more particularly described ln Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and hereinafter referred to as "access parcel"; and WHEREAS, the CITY has constructed improvements across the access parcel ln a manner acceptable to the State of Florida, Department of Transportation with DOT Permit No. 5-77VC-90-59; and WHEREAS, SPRINGS LAND is the property owner across whose property the CITY has constructed the access improvements within the area delineated as the access parcel and lS desirous of maintaining it use and enjoyment of the same indefinitelYi and WHEREAS, SPRINGS LAND lS desirous of maintaining its constructive relationship with the CITY, and the CITY is desirous of maintaining its good relationship with SPRINGS LANDi it is THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations paid by the CITY to SPRINGS LAND, it is agreed as follows: Page 1 of 5 1. SPRINGS LAND does hereby lease to the CITY, and the CITY does hereby hire from SPRINGS LAND, the lands described as the access parcel. These lands are to be used by the CITY as they are currently improved for the uses for which they were improved and for no other use whatsoever. 2. The CITY shall not have the right to modify the construction presently existent on the access parcel without the written consent of SPRINGS LAND, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld. '- 3. The term of this lease shall be for three (3) years commencing on July 22, 1999, unless sooner terminated pursuant to paragraph 4 below. 4. SPRINGS LAND shall have the right to terminate this lease on one hundred twenty (120) days notice given to the CITY. Within said one hundred twenty (120) day period, if the CITY wishes to retain occupancy of the access parcel, the CITY and SPRINGS LAND shall negotiate in good faith for the acquisition of the same. 5. The CITY shall have the right to terminate this lease at its discretion with one hundred twenty (120) days' notice given to SPRINGS LAND. However, any termination of this lease by the CITY shall have no effect upon the vested rights special use permit. That is to say that said vested rights special use permit shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination of the lease by the CITY. 6. In the event said negotiations do not lead to an agreement, the CITY shall have the right, but not the obligation, to seek acquisition by eminent domain, or in the alternative, Page 2 of 5 to remove any improvements placed upon the property restoring the property to its original condition within sixty (60) days of the expiration of the one hundred twenty (120) day period set forth above. 7. The CITY's access across the access parcel to State Road 434 shall be governed by Rules 14-96 and 14-97, of the Florida Administrative Code. 8. To the extent permitted by law, the CITY hereby inde~ifies and agrees to hold harmless SPRINGS LAND from any and all claims whatsoever resulting from the use of the leased premises. 9. The CITY and WINTER SPRINGS understand that the CITY may be interested in acquiring an as yet undetermined portion of SPRINGS LAND's property which may include the access parcel leased under this agreement. Any such sale from SPRINGS LAND to the CITY, or other proceeding instituted by the CITY to effect such a sale from SPRINGS LAND to it, shall not be deemed to cancel any obligation of the CITY pursuant to this agreement. 10. The CITY shall maintain and keep the leased lands, together with the roadway improvements thereon, in good repair free from refuse and rubbish. 11. The CITY shall duly obey and comply with all public laws, ordinances, rules or regulations relating to the use of the access parcel. 12. The CITY shall pay all governmental taxes, assessments and charges which shall be assessed and levied upon the access parcel or any portion thereof during the term of this lease as they Page 3 of 5 shall become due. Promptly upon execution of this lease, the CITY shall reimburse SPRINGS LAND for any unpaid governmental taxes, assessments and charges which have accrued against the access parcel from the time of the CITY's occupation thereof. 13. This lease is strictly contingent on the CITY's approval of the vested rights special use permit VR 93-02 from July 21, 1999 through July 29, 2002. In the event this extension occurs, the CITY shall not have the right to cancel or limit the same unless SPRINGS LAND, pursuant to paragraph 4 above, terminates this lease agreement. 14. Both parties acknowledge that certain changes in SPRINGS LAND's remaining property are necessary in light of the takings by the Florida Department of Transportation for the widening/realigning of State Road 434 The CITY agrees to cooperate with SPRINGS LAND in relocating the proposed improvements on the remainders so long as the total square footage proposed does not exceed that previously approved by the CITY provided that any such improvements do not violate existing CITY development standards relating to uses, density, or front, side or rear setbacks. 15. The foregoing constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. Any additions and/or changes hereto must be in writing signed by both parties. 16. This lease shall be governed by the Laws of the State of Florida. In the event that any provision or clause of this Lease conflicts with applicable Florida law, such conflict shall not effect the other provisions of this lease which will be given full Page 4 of 5 effect without the conflicting provision. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the covenants and agreements herein contained shall enure to the benefit of ahd be equally binding upon the respective executors, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: SPRINGS LAND JESSUP SHORES JOINT VENTURE, Lessor 175 Lookout Place, Suite 201 Maitland, F 32751 WITNESS AS TO LESSOR I!!UlIWhlnve1 Printed Name ~~ Hf<)~I(~ \>~ Pr'nted Name ~ BY: T i tl e ; '0ln ('\0"3' ~~ q- ~~ ~,--, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Lessee 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 WITNESS AS TO LESSEE BY: Printed Name Printed Name Title: G:\Springs\Lease.wpd Page 5 of 5 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF V rw. A-(\~~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared A.C. ,LEERDAM, who is personally known to me or Hho has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath and who acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my han~nd OffiC~ seal in the aforesaid this .3 Q day of u~ l LQ~ NOTARY PUBLIC: County and State last , 1999. ~ . ~~ Sign: . ~ Print:' ~ ' Commission No.: ~ \)g~1 \ S.' State of Florida at Large ~, .. . My Commlsslon Explres: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowl5=dgments, personally appeared RONALD W. McLEMORE, CITY MANAGER, on behalf of CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath and who acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of , 1999. NOTARY PUBLIC: Sign: ' Print: Commission No.: State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: Page 6 of 6 FROl1 : EUROCAPI~RL PHOI'{E NO. 407 6455244 JuI. 12 1395 02: 35Pt'1 P8 r-, ,-. ''ooi-.J' ~ , " , . LEG AL (NOT DESCRIPTION AND, SKETCH BOUNDARY SURVEY) A 't:- ~~ ~~- -.:..;o~" t" l5 8. ."'\.) w ~ \.D .J (J!l ~ 1h' Ff.. b~ 7'Z/'4:r'~" f;c. 11'l.. "ZJ.i' l,,-I4t.f#'t' ...~ '\ ~:ll.7~ 4:t'~:' ~.tJ\ \ ~J2. ~ -6"f' \"- '. \ \ f~\ ~ ~~~_~):.IJ \.~\~~ ~~ . ~-~ \ UlCALO",CH'mo.. \ \ AU. TIlAT Tll.AC1' OR PARCEL Of u,..,o alllNO A 10 FOOT tJTlUTV IiASIiMI1NT....... \ LYING IN SEMINOLIi COUNTY flLOIUOA AND IltilNO .10 PORTION or- LOT It 01' ~ \ aLOC" D Or: O,Jl, MITCHELL'S SURVEY 01' THE LCiVY GRANT J\CCORDlNO TOTHIi '. q). ~ rUT THERIiOF. Rr.cOROED IN PLAT aoo" I, ""GIl.s. 3&II1INOI.Il COUNTY. .~~~ \~ FLOluD.Io, HOCOROS AND UnlNO MOME rAIlTlCUL.AI\L v DmaCRIDJ1D ^S I~OLLOWS: \ .~ a; ~ COM"IENCJNO AT Tun I'OINT,OP CURVATUJtE ON Tltn MSl! LINE! OF SURVSV AT 0" ~ STATJONSS7+14.IOACCOKOINOTOFLOIllDADfl,,^J\1'Ml!NTOFTRJ\NSI'ORTATI0" ~ ", ~) \ ~ MAINTI!NANCa MAl'. STATn ROAD d4, 3EC'TJON 77070; THBNCD S06a09'37"S A ~ ~~ \~ DISTANCI! 011 :U.OO rm,t TO A I'OINT or: CURVATURU ON mIi SOlrrHWI'STCRLV \J' 'C M^',..TI!NANCa RIOIIT-Or-.WA Y UNU AND THIi flOltIT or: DI10lNNINO, THnNCIi ALONG SAID MAINTENANce llIOUT.Oll'WA'" LING AlONa A eURvl! BEI,NO CONCAVE TOTHIi SOlJTl.wr~"AV1Na A TANOI!NT D~RINGOF NU*so'n'Ii, A ::..,J~" \, ~ CENTR.IoL Al'mLI! OIl n"H'W. AND A. RADIUS or- "J.U Fmrr, IN It. \.~ SOUnil!ASTfRI. Y DIREc:rION AN Aile DISTANCE OF 142.~' FSQT TO THE POIN'r OF T ANOI;WCY; nmNCl CONTINUE ALOtlG SAID MAlmGNANC~ RIGHT.of'-WA Y LINE Sll'1l'Ja's ^ OISTANCJ: Of' 88..98 FCIiT TO A POINT ON iUG SOUTli PROPERTY LINE Of. SAID LO'!' II; THGNCIl PlU'"IlT'NO SAID MJ\II"I1TINANCI! luOtIT.or.WA'Y UNn "NO ALOHO TlU~ SOUTII 1'P,Ol'nItTY UNn OF SAlO LOT .. SI"S()'1:J"W A OISTANcn OF 10.''1 FEET TO A POINT 10 PEEn' FROM. WHEN M!ASURED f'fill.f'fiNDICULAR TO TlIIi MAIN'rIlNAMCIl RIGHT.Or.,WAY UN Ii. THIiNcn N2)"'I')a'w ALONe Tim 10' UTILITY JiAS[it.tIiNT LINE MID ,"^IlALLEL TO HiE SOUTHWliSl'IiRlV RIGHT-i)~.WAY LING A D1STANCIl Ofllll.80 parr TO THE rOINT Of CURVA11JRE, THaNC€! ALONG II. CURVE DDINO CONCAVE TOTHn SOUTlfWaT HAVINO A' CErfi'RAL ANOLR OF 7Z0.."J9' AND ^ RADIUS OF IOl.n fEJIT, IN A NOIlTHWESTEiRI.Y DIIU!CTION. A.N ARC UiNOHT or: 1'N.Il:1 r:mrr SAID CURVE nGINO 10 f'1!n'f PAIlAu...EL TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY NAINTCNANcn 11.1 G lIT .O(f.w ^ Y LING; TlU!NCE N064C)9')10H IN ^ IU.DIAL DIRECTION ^ DIST "'''ell' OF 10,00 FE.Iil TO TUfi POINT Of IlEOfNHING, -.I a \D ~ ~ ': : I~~~' - 100 -oJ CONTAIN/NG 0.'20 ACIlI! MORG Oil l.mas, ~-12.. 6~ CaJ-~'~ eo e'.t,olJs l.,r:., ~ LbJ~I..l ~~ c'ffil.Jr or: CJ~~IJ4: P.-r.~ 'fb!lJr o~ ""'~fI..t)? ~i~;,J(1f 10 '5:Jxe... ~ e:s'!.d 'Z,'6"w 10.4-( -? U~ ~J. ~~ 'D (,.01 Iu, OIlAIUNQS BASED ON THl: I1ASIiLlNfi OF Slll~VI;Y Of STATIiJtOAt) Ho. 434 FROM STATION 498+48.4& TO STATION S57+ J4, 10 DE/NO N8:t.~O'2)-1! ACCORDINO TO FLOttlOA DErARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAIN'rtiN^NCI: MAl' OP STATu ROAD No. 414 SIlCTION '7010, AND ARl! ASSUM1!P, biE SUHVCYOA 11"$ 140T 1J!$I'llACrcD IHE L~I>$ SliO""" I1EfltOH rOR hs.(I4IHS L'b:U'l'Il,'l(:ATrONI , AHO/OA FUllHl~ OF w",,, 01' IllCORD, IIII!IU!IIY CIiMTII'Y TIM'r'rIllS 1./lO,\L U'lSr:RIl"T10N M"l) :lx/en;'lI/!; Sullsullr .IoC( MD lOA AUIl-"l. a:"'CAClACH~(Hrs. rI' ANY, ARI: "OT LOC" teo. COlt It l!C'r'to "l'Hn Dl!S"r 01' M \' r.NOwu:.UOr. AIlD ''',LIEI'. I /'UKTIII(IC niEH( ARE /JO [MCflOACIIIoI[HTS 1:)t;C(PT AS SHOlltl, (:liltlWY 1'IAY '1'11I1; SOMVJ!Y MUl!'/'S TltII MlrllMUM TIJCIfNICI\l. nANUAROS },S !lIlT !'Olt'!" 11\' l'llH !'LOR!UA ADAKIl or: '-ANI.) ~URVliYOIt$ I'UUUAN'I' 1'0 AUMiNIS1' ' vG CClDJ3 KULn :)11111.(, ANI.) SliCTlON 2 or- ~ fLOR TATun, 10' UTILITY EASEMENT ~ ~VIVEIl,(I..Lf1It16J DR A WN 8 Y: !:': PROJECTH \J..k2,.~/..4.. DA TE'I'l."~.Lfl1 p"or-r~~lom.L I.ANO SIJI(VCVOU IHOO c:.. 1,tJ, '/~; V^LID Otll.~ WITII ~U,)SStiD s::....t. ~PVl~PO~VEofNG fldm 11. Wdii k Assodnfc~ lHc. - 3,319 M^O\.lI1~( OOUL1:VARO. SIJITE 100 ORI-ANDO, f1.0nIDA 3280J PHONE: 407-898.9322 FAX 10'-894-0169 ~ I FROM EUROCAPI \RL PHOr-IE NO. : 407 6455244 J 1 1:;;>, 1'399 02: 34PJ'1 P7 u. ~, ---, ',~ "~e. P_. o~. (~~ AI 8j.Ii;:~1 '7;"070\' ~ ZS" 'J e ~~/' lQJ.r ~ ~1.1~UJI P.c.. t:Jr~. 591...10 - IV ( o 50 ~~ ,": 'SQ' LOT 18, f &.ax D 1?1: o.e. l.Jrrul~ ~~ o.:..,..k L.M' 9t'l>Jr- 'RA-r !co:: I, 'P~ 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKE,TCH (NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY) L!;OAL 1)1:.~CllII'TION i \ 1 .. ~ ~ ~ '\ w ~ ~ f.. N " to C N ~ If) Al.I. 1'UAT TRACT Oa MMCF.L OJt I.ANO l.YING IN SltMlNOLlt COUNTY "I.OIUD,\. ;,NO nlUNO ^ rOlnlON 01' Lor IS OP nux:1C D 01' 1,).". Mn'CItULL'S :SUNVar OP TIll! LIJV~' OIV.H1' ACCOkDINO TO Tiff! PLAT TWRROOF AS RECOJlOllD IN N.AT BOOK I, rAOll J, SI;MINOU! COUI-frY, FLORIDA. RECOROS AND BIllNO MORI; P^'tTICU~kl.l' DE.$CRIUIm AS fOu.oWS: COMMIlNC'NO AT TilE I'OINTO/f CUR,VJ\TURG ON TUF. 11 AS 11 LINE OF SlJJlVnV AT $jAT,ON ~S1+ 14.10 ^CCOIlDINGTOflOMIDA DIiPAR"MI;N1'OJflllJ\NSPORT'A110N t./AINl'C:N^NC.E MAr, STAT! ROAD f)4, SilmON 7?O70; n/l~NCe SOIS"09')7'1: ^ DISTANce 0/1 H.W rmrrTO ^ "OiNT or- CURv.\TUfW ON THI! SOlTTUWESTilllLY M""N'I.:.N^NCfl Jl.ICiIlT.or.w.u UUI3 AND 11m I'O'I-fr or. 1lI.:OINNINO; THENCS A1.0NCi SAID MA/NTeNANCIi RIGII1'.OF.WAY WNU ALONO A CURve BElUCi CONCAVE,.O Till: ~OUTllwrsr. IIAVING" TANCI!NT UI!ARINO OF NI)"O'U'li. A CIONTRAJ. ANCLS or 11..7"9" ^,,"D ^ MD/US OF 112.2' FEI!T, IN A SOUTIIEASTERLV DU\r.-crION AN ARC DUTANCL! OF '.2.62 FJiET TO THE POINT Of T ANonNCYj TIII!NCl! COl-ll'lNUn ALONa SA.IO MAINTIiNANCG JUOfIT.OF"WA Y L1Nf 5n"11'31'" ^ DISTANce Of 363." PJUrr TO ^ POOl1fT' OF CURYATUR.e ON 'nfE PROf'OS1!O RIGIIT-Q/;,WA Y 1.INE. 111liNCE Dllr'ARTING SAID MAINTENANcn RIOHl.or.WAY AND AI.ONO rROI'OSED IUGlff.o,..w^,Y iNA NOlTHWESTl!RLY OIRIlCTION Al.ONa A CURVS RUlNO CONCAVQ TO THD SOUTHWEST IIAV/NO A "ANOI!NT DEARJNO Oil NJI'19'2'"W~ A CJiI-frItA.1.. ANCilG Of' 1:5'0$'22", AND A R.-\DIUS OF 1209,'2: AN .l.RC Ul.No-rn ()Il 311.54 Pnlrr TO J\ PoINT OF It NON T ANOr:NT COMPOUND CURVBj TUENCBCONTINue.fLoNO 1lIE PIlOI'OSED lUOHT- OF-WAY IN A NOR1lfWF.!TnRLY tllIUl.CTION ALONO A CURVII BEING CONCAve TO THF. SOUTHWEST. HA VINQ A TANCiEHT DEAJlINO or N.sO')4',~' W, A CENTRAL, OF ]7'50'46', ;.NO A JlADIUS OF 464.19 FImT'. AN ARC ll!HOTHOf Z25.60 FEET; TlffiNCf: N06"06'Ol'W Oi:PAIlTINQ ntE PROI'OSGO /lIOlIT.Or.W;, Y LlNS A. DISTMICE OF "'2.07 TO A f'O'Hr ON ex'5TJNO MAJNTJ:NANCI! R/GlIT-OP,WA Y 1.INE; TIW.NCE NU''sO'2J"a ALONG MAINTfiNANCq IUOtrr.OP-wAY LINE A DISTA.NCl; OF 14UI FnE't TO TlIe POINT OF RIiOINNINO. If':UB.1o A:c~~, e~~ck. t.-~ ~1"~ ~.t( ~ ~,.JI!6. P.f, ~lbt~ 0(. T"~ ~CcC.. 'II: fb~ o~ eo... R:rocJ~ 'Re.... I ~ PARCSL CONTAINING 0.13 ACRIl MORl! OR Lt.U DEARJNGS IlASED ON THli n^Sl~L1N(j OJ: SUnVl!\' OF S1'^'J-e 1t0AD No, 434 FROM ~TATJON ...9lf+48....1l TO STI\'nON ~~7+14.IO UClNG NR3-S0'2)"I!,^CCOI{OINC TO "lOIUDA Om'ARl'MENT or- TRltNSI"OltTA"iON MMNTl!NANCli MM' 0J1' STATS \tOAD NO.,4;J4 SHe-nON 77010, AND ARE ASSUMl:O. , . TH( SVRII(yOR HAS IIOr AeSTll...crcD DIe tAHOS S...OWN t1EfltO,.. rCIII U$tH[ 1$ ClUt'fWICATION: ...ND/OIl fliGHts OfWM Of R(CORD, ' H IUI"Jtr..uv Cl!RTtF'I' 'rHATTIlIS ~u....l. Dr~C'UI'TION ^NI> Sl('iTClIIS ~lJBSI)(l{ ACt "'101M 1\Oll,oU fHCROAe_CNTS. ., -yo Nl' Hor 1.0CA /to CORRI!C,.. TO TlIllllr..sr Ofl",H' KNOWLI!OOa ANI) am.mr. I r:UWI'IH,R n1[1I( ARt NO Cjo;ello^Ct'''~'''1! tXCf"l AS 5HOWH, . CI,K"I1FV TNAT 'rillS SUI<',;CY MEl;fS 'rill) MINIMUM 'fECI/N'C^,. STANDARL>S AS SIlT' ':,)1<1''' lJy TfU! r-l"ORI,DA 1I0^,W OT' L^NIJ REQUIRED RIGHT-OF-WAY :;UKvr;roRS rUllStlANT YO ^D:.\THlSTRATlVc CODE StULE 21tIlH STATE ROAD 434 ~...?:~~4'~,--._ I (W AGNERS' CURVE) II. /'AUL ""VIV21l0. ".U. ,:DRAWN 8Y'~I~ PROJECr.N"III1..~n.J 1 DATE'IZ."~~ I'ROI:'::;SI~ltMI.I-^NI):\&jR\.'liVOIl'~91JO . ~ "IN V.I"~ . ..,.,-rr '!AUI' ONLY \".'ITIIl!.MIlOSSliO Sf:At. ~fVl~Po~n:;ING !111m J.I. WcNJ k AsSddulcs, jRe'. .3319 MAOI.I/RE 801JU:VARO. SUI'll: 100 ORLANCO, fl..ORiOA' 32aOJ', PHONE' 40'-898~9J22 FAX <f01-894~OIG9 ,r- -, Jl.ll. 12 1999 02: 33PI'1 P6 EXHIBIT "A" FROM : EUROCAPITAL PHOt~E ~~O. 407 6455244 I , LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A AND SKETCH BOUNDARY SURVEY) ~ I , ttr.:f.. (.JlJe. ~~ ( 1- _ - ;l~ I .~t~. ~..~..W~-< 'tt\b\~ S sa- f1]'40"'J.I e44:sl' 'fto~ eJoHf~a:"II.j~ t,.Aje flJ,Jr or:- !M1~fWf Rc,,~. 551+-t4:1O ---- , .. J ~.eo' ~ e, U\ I _ J ~ ; tz ~I ~~1'~ _tbAO.4::>"t" i \k ~ ~-ooJ 11010) ~ ~.l I a,l'> ' z~.6a I --~ tn ~ ~~ (Ji. il tJ, D t\\ I'V (I) :....,.) !.:.~ v::> ::I:: \.D ::-': o f-' f"1 ('") C) . I JO I ,..,., , '"T1 ~ ~n 5 8'" SO' Z:~ vJ -- o ~ ~=..:..:.:;~ ," ::00' Ir I.Oi P), ao:x: D :r> r- :xl PI n . 0 >::0 r,O I len D.'. J..11,.CJ.1~U.l~ ~-? D~ Ifk. ~ ~ R.A-r 8Gc;;: 'I ~ 5 "Tl-.J r <::;) -.I L.EGAL,l)QSCRIPTlON M..t.1"HAT TItA.CT OR l'ARCm. or LAND L'tSNG IN sEMINOLI! COUtolTY r-t.OItIDA ANO DII"'O ^ rOR.TION Of LOT IS At-ID I..OT 19 Of BLOCli: D OF D.R.. MliCHI!LL'S SURVEY OF THIU..aVy ORANT ACCORDING TO niB t'l.A.T'ruaruIOF AS It IiCOKUBO IN PLAT DOOK I. PACE 5, SI!MINOLB COUNTY. FI.OtUDA RJiCORDS. AND OIllNG MORI! PARTICULARLY DESCRIUDO AS FOLLOWS: C;OMMfiNClNO ATT1fn POIm-O,. CORVATUJUi ON THf! 81.513 LINIIOr: SURVEY AT STATION 55'7 + 10&.10 ACCOltolNGTO FLORIDA DI3J'AR1lo4ENT OF'l'AANSPORTATlON MA~NTBNANCS MAP, STATI! 10lto 0&,... SeCtiON no70i nJE1NCS SU.SO'2]"W "'1.0"'0 SAID BASI; UNa OF SUP.YUY ^ DISTANCE or :nUl Pmn": TIif.NCB DIlI'A1tTING SAIl) BASIl!.'N!! S06.Q9'37"1! A DISTANCE OF '2'.00 FOOT TO A I';OINT ON nIB SOUTHr:JlI." M"'NTENANCB IUOHT.OF.WAY l-INIi ANO "lIE "OINT OF BEGINNING; 'I'Uflj\ICB DllPARTIHG SAID k10HT.QP.WAY LINn JOlS"06'O)"S ^ DISTANca OF 201 FEI!T TO A POINT ON THE PROroSliD AJGIIT.OF.W,\ Y UNn AND A POJtn' ON ^ CUM.VIi. SAID CUIlVE DlilNG CONCAVE TO THe SOUTH, H,\VINO 1\ TANOENT,DUAlUNO OF Nal"SS'~'"W. A CEmIl.AL ANOW! Of 03"06'36", "ND ^ RADIUS or ~64:t~ rEETj TJlE!NC2 IJ.ONO SAID CURVE IN A W!:STEJtLY OIIUiCTION AND ALONO SAID PROPOSa> fUOHT.OF.WA v I.lNE A.N ARC LEI:IOTII OF 'U .20 FIiIiT TO THO ponn OP T "NOENCY; THIiNCB CONnNUIl.S ALONG SAID l'ROl>OSW) RJOlrr.oF.WAY UNB SU'~7'''O"W'' l>Ln'ANCE OF 2U.II FJ;ET-ro A !'OINT ON SAID ..tAItn'~,o,NCE RJOIff..oP,WA'W'. THI!NCI! ^LONO SA10 "'^INTfiNAHCE.IUCHT.OP.~A V NU"!O'U"E A DISl'ANCe. OF 268.88 FilET TO nUl fOINT OP 9WINNINO. ,0', I ' PARCEL CONTAIN1NO 0.07 ACRIi MOIUl OR LESS ~~D ' t:.;: ~et<.,.. ~ !..:: f't-~~ (..:= bp.. Lbl~J ' 'P.~~ lQiJ'( 0,::. UJ~-rJ~ '!."^./~'NG!; nAsr:1) ON nm /l^SI!UN'~ 011 SUltV!;)' OF STATfl ROAD No, 434 FROM, g~:t~gN ~?~~'48.48 TO Sl'i\'nON SS7+I4.lO U~JNO N83"SO'2J"13 ACCORDINO TO . ^ .....I:I.^RTM~NT or l'R^NSrOll'rATION MAINTIiN^,~cn MAP Of STATIi HOld) No, H. S':CTION 77010, AND Ani; AS.o;UMf:O, M( !:URv\:YOA H..S Not Ail~Tf(.C"ri:D n1t LNlOS $HO~ HCRECltI rOR CAS(W(Nts Cf.nTIli'JCATION: ,/olD/Oil flICH1S or WA.Y or RtCOIll), I HEIU;i)Y CURTlfY 'mAT TillS 1.l?J"L .::r:.'iCttlrT10N "NO 5Kf.TCIi IS UO~UtlrAct ~!)/OR ",DUAl OICROACHM[NTS. " N<4'1. AIl( ..or lOCA1tO. CORRC-cr 'rOTlm pr~T 01'1 MY KNOWL~I)CI1 ANI> rW'II'r- II'UIlTBER l-ICRC ,o./tC IlO [NCIlOACU"'C"'IS (IlCt:Pl AoS SHO~, CfltTlfoV TlIA1'11115 !\t.iRVr:'t MGffi niu MINIMUM' :n;cll"'lc~l. $'r"'NOAl'O~ AS SI!:1' rOR'ttf 8Y .,.~c I'LOklD^ 00"1(0 Of LAN') SURV~\'ons I'URS'J,Io,NT TO ^J)MINlSl':t^TIV~ CODE RULLE 211iH," ~If.'~ ^ ^'"~i,4/qL , , 'tAUl. deVJVmtO, ".I..S. )RA WN BY: fv1E.. PROJECT # VJl'z..-~1 "I.OA TE: IZ"'.L,.:J)( I'MOrr.sSIOH.",1. !..'tfD :lCJIWI:\'OR '4?90 ~ 'l VM,IO Otl:.Y ~'rrli r'''\llOSSm) SI,-^l. l.A~fVl~~VE~YNC fldm JJ. Wdi1 It AsSt1dal($~ lu-C., 3319 U^OUIRE BOUU:VARO. SUITt: 100 ORL....NDO. Fl.OntDA 32803 PHONE: -407-898.9322 rA.'( -'0'-894-0169 REQUIRED RIGHT-OF-WAY STATE ROAD 434 (WAGNEAS' CURVE) ~) I . . . LAW OFFICES FRANK KRUPPENBACHER A Professional Association P,O, Box 3471 Orlando, Florida 32802-3471 105 E, Robinson Street, Suite 201 Orlando, Florida 32801-1622 Telephone (407) 246-0200 Facsimile (407) 426-7767 Frank Kruppenbacher* * Also Admitted in Colorado MEMO TO: Ronald W. McLemore ~jfYCIEIrWJE]J)) AUG U I 1997 FROM: Frank Kruppenbacher, Esq, DATE: August I, 1997 RE: Springs Land Jessup Shores Joint Venture CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Cny Manager Enclosed is the original Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Springs Land Jessup Shores Joint Venture that has been executed by A C. Leerdam as Managing Partner. Please execute the same on behalf of the City, Thereafter, the Agreement should be recorded in the property records and a copy returned to my office, If you have any questions, please let me know.