HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthland Building Contractors Public Safety Complex Change Order 3 -1997 04 01 ,-~-- - -.oT- '" t.. CHANGE ORDER OWNER ARCHITECI' CONTRACI'OR FIElD OTIIER r!I r!I r!I t:l o . Contractor's Job Number: 9603 Bid #: 96-002 City Project: 30301 PROJECf: Winter Springs Public Safety Complex 300 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 3 DATE: April 1, 1997 TO CONTRACfOR: Southland Building Contractors Inc. 1005 Sweetwater Boulevard South Longwood, Florida 32779 ARCHIn;Cf'S PROJECf NO.:534-93/2.21 CONTRACf DATE: April 10, 1996 CONTRACf FOR: Construction of Police Facility The Contract is changed as follows: 1) Per ReO # 04 : Provide all supervision, labor, materials and equipment to revise the color of the storefront system to be Trinar Metallic Spice Paint # 20700 for the lump sum amount of : $1,273.00. TOTAL $1,273.00 Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original Contract Sum was ...................................................................................$ Net change by previously authorized Change OIders .................................................$ The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was .....................................................$ The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of .............$ The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be ......................................$ 1,831,344.00 ( 644.090.95) 1,187,253.05 1.273.00 1,188,526.05 This Change Order adds -0- davs to the contract and the resultant Substantial Completion date is April 24, 1997. NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have be:,e~ authvrized by Construction Change Directive. Architects Design Grout>. Inc. ARCHITECI' Southland Building Contractors Inc. City of Winter S!)nngs CONTRACI'OR OWNER 333 N. Knowles A venue Address 1 ()()S Sweetwater Boulevard South 1126 East State Road 43'.4 Address Address B 'By W~h 32708 ByWmU7A.~ ~Yes Project Manager DATE April1. 1997 DATE 4;;1: /li7 DATE 4 .. \ (g.. 9'7 AlA DocomeotG701 * Change Order * 1987EDmON * AIA~ * 0 1987 EDmON* The American Institute of An:hitects, 1735 NEW YORK A VB., N.W., W ASHINGlON, D.C. 20006 DLH/pJb 0701-1987 ,~ ig.;' , \,:" I'. ~: ~i it V ji' ~.- .. :{' 1, " ~.. :.:.~ h F .' ;to f:: ,~r: t~ j~. r . 1. "" ~ 1 ~.. ..:.-... .1 ~'1 ' f. l' ' r f ;!.~ ;:, " .i .~. ~" =; ~;' 'r' " >.,( """~.:'- -. ,. .~ <.- ,~~...:, ..'- ~ I 'I [~ ~ SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. February 17, 1997 Mr. Douglas l. Huffman AIC, CSt Architects Design Group, Inc. P. O. Box 1210 Winter Park, Florida 32790 P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 SSCI Job NO. 9603, ADC Project Number 534-93 Proposal Request No. None Request For Change Order sacl No.4 Original quotation dated November 21, 1996 Dear Doug : We submit our proposal to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the work as contained in Request for Change Order No. 4 per the owners request to revise the color of the storefront system to be Trinar Metallic Spice paint #20700 for the lump sum amount of : One Thousand Two. Hundred Seventy Three Dollars ($1,273) to be added to our contract amount. This quotation is based on the enclosed breakdown. Subcontractor quotation is attached for your review. Diamond Architectural Glass, Inc. $1,200 Contradors mark up 5" I:J $ 60 / Subtotal $1,260 v Bond colt $ 13 v Total cost of all work $1,273 ~ This change in the paint finish and color from the original selection will extend the project completion. We will be able to advise as to the number of days to be added to our contract for this owners change, after the storefront system is delivered to the project. We authorized this change to be made to the storefront metal color at the time the storefront was released for production to help avoid any construction delays to the project. Sincerely, SOUTHLAND BU'LDING CONTRACTORS INC. ~ ul;;;tD ' .. Robert A. Nidzgorski CPE Vice President \msworb\wspolce\proposaI\RFCON04.WPS attachments Telephone 407 788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 ..----.";:w~'~~,"~.,"'C":.. -':r,7'"~~;:;- - "-":T'TV'~-:<,"':.'::--1---' , .... . nl"\.II"'" nl'<:..../I. ,;Il_M~~ L 1'11.... uu"t 1"01 . ....~ , .. , r DIAMOND ARCHITECTURAL GLASS, INC. · Entr."ces · Cut'talnw.lIs · Window. · Glazing CCntrlJetors · ~ov~mber '9, 1996 P.O. SOl( 5Z1742 Longwood, II/or/d. 327$2-1742 401-331-mO FAX: 401-339-2285 SOlJt,hlanct Builctlng Contr);lct:.Ot'~', Inc. PO DOl< 915304 r.,oni;Wcod r FL 32791 -5304 PAX 1~: 708-3599 Attn:8ob Nidzg?r'skl n~: Wirlt...co!' Springs p..,lice O<,pL. Dear But.>: The :'ollow1115 ; ~ a recap of the deli ver'Y a;"tes and costs t"elat irg ;to the vSlr1ou~ rin1$oE:s. The cur'rent cont.ract flr.isn is a nUOt'opolylftel~ 'J (:oat. ~)(otlc color paint, WhiCh was to have a 12 week d~llve~y time from t.he racto~1t ')P~\'l compl.et.e a.pproval. Should f..tle owner and &rch1 tect eJ ~ct co eo to a darl~ bl"on~e anodized fi.nish \..sampl('~ and cechnical data previously SUbtllittcd), the deli ".i.;;ry dates '../Ould be 9 weeks after' rec~lpt of ~ complete approval. :~I~r~ wOlud also be: a s&vir\g in r.ne a:nO!Jot of $2,275.00 net due if the dark br'onze anod~.::ed l~ 5lelec~ed. .Should the own~rg elect. to go to a 1'l"inal" f-let.allic Spice paint 1/2U'(00, r,.hcre wi!: be an addit tonal cost of $1,200.00 plus ~,,., addHlonal 3 weeks of extra de:livery tlmoe, making U 15 weeK" bet'or'e t.he l'flater1al ..ou1.d sh:i.p. Si:JCp. the approval proc~3s and d€ci$1om; on pa'l.r,t;. c910rs have not been approved as of this date. YKK n~w info~~ U$ chat the delivery date will be determined upoh ~€celpt of complete approval, which could even be .longer. The allocated production ~lot and t1m~ reserved for tn13 j_lh has been wi thdr'CI,wn due tQ approval rl'.llays. VHry truly yOUt's, t? ~~Yr~ ~(Y JUchard f1\Jgg1cri I/" V1cc Prflsident RR:bj ~"''''''';'~~:_,~:;C_~,,_,' ~;~'~I'~~,'\ii~F:f,'; -, "'-~;'::':;1'If.t'r~'~r'T SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 --.., ,;.i::~':;~cr3 , :; S2:'=:~ /~;::'~:. :r:c. 1 ., . .:.~'';;;';;''/ ';;j........-.-'.j j \ ''\") :) 7 '(:/:;7 I :01..:.\ ... .-,./1 . March 26, 1996 :;;~..;'-' Mr. Ian A. Reeves Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Ave. Winter Park, Florida 32790 L._....... RE: Winter Springs Police Department Facility City Project Number 96-002 SBCI Job Number 9603, ADG Project Number 534-93 Storefront Metal Color, YKK fax dated March 24, 1997 Dear Ian : Enclosed is a copy of a fax dated March 24, 1997, from YKK AP America regarding the metallic finish for the storefront on the above referenced project. It is my understanding after talking with Diamond Architectural Glass, the metallic finish selected for this project is a more expensive paint process than the premium colors specified. I was advised that this information was provided to you by Mr. Jody A. Ogaz of KYY AP America. If this information is correct, I must conclude that the chang~ order for this additional work will be forthcoming. Sincerely, SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. -RoM- O. Robert A. Nidzgorski CPE Vice President mswork\wspolice\letters\ADGD0326.WPS File Telephone 407 788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 'i~~_~ ,~, Y'~'"":':~'"i".''5ll''~ _ .A~~"7""~-~f_",,- J :~:;I " - '} ..;. - .:: ') v c;I : _~ ,. j '" U I j -.J j :::.::: d L,.; ! Ml":l-,l'll.".<\~rc::l_.!". '-';'l..-;-...J~ ! l~\""'. '~ -... , -.-. .. . . M~N-2~-97 MON 1~:2S PM JO~Y A OGAZ .ot97 "jI7'7 E"3'5ll5 P.01 YKK AP AMERICA 1601 CUIUlENCY DRIVE OIlLANDO, JL 3l809 FAX COVER SHEET 8'om ehe de. 01 JODY A. OGAZ Architectural Sales RepmeDt.tive DATE: '3-2,1/. '1 TO: e.1I4AI.J~ -prd\:5(JJ./ mm: Ie: "I.S PHONE: 3~/" "7'160 P'AX~ 11...,. ..."t.IG OFf'lCE PHONE: (407) ~~ QPPICE FAX: (40'7) 8~90 HOMIS arflCJi: (401) 911.0_ HOME'IJ<; (401)m.o895 RE~ #Y'~~ ~J"'1" ALl" l)u1: cc: ,.....__._.........___ Nla1abor qf .... iJlCludinlOtlWt abcet: I MESSAG.E '@!llWrt~ "AR 2 5 1997 WAJIOl4D~ ~JJM t.. ,l.. . ~(L......... ;rtt,~ ~y", ", t1tw"""'M4"'"uul ~ ~; , ~r'~ff:~~::r~ ;;:~!~ ~;~"... :: ==::==~:: = -f:::_,:;~;.:!"~t ?:::f~ 71J~ _ F:IN I :t# ~s,t f.1) u t. .-r~.1::J . 1997-03-~4 23:2S PAGE = 0 1 '-"~t,<',,,,,_',j'J~!;,!>>,~_,.~!:r:i-~)'- ~,"'-~.._, ~ ... .-_;,;.o:'.~. ,';,~':}':,;. . ,. \ April 17, 1997 ... To: City Clerk Finance Director Purchasing Director d Land Development Coordinator ~ From: Re: Change Order Public Safety Complex Attached for your records is Change Order NO.3.