HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthland Building Contractors Public Safety Complex Change Order 1 -1997 03 05 J'.- ---~~ . . ~:;"';~; ~ ~--- · CHANGE ORDER Contractor's Job Number: 9603 Bid #: 96-002 City Project 30301 OWNER ARCHITECI' CONTRAcroR FIELD OTHER iii iii iii tr o PROJECT: Wmter Springs Public Safety Complex 300 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Horida 32708 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 DATE: March 04, 1997 TO CONTRACTOR: Southland Building Contractors Inc. 1005 Sweetwater Boulevard South Longwood, Horida 32779 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.:534-9312.21 CONTRACT DATE: April 10, 1996 CONTRACT FOR: Construction of Police Facility The Contract is changed as follows: I) Per RCO # 05 : Provide all supervision, labor, materials and equipment to revise the communication system and conduit revision per drawing lOl-COM for the lump sum amount of: 2) Per RCO # 1 : Add 4" service conduit from the building to the property line and add additional couduit boxes etc. for this service inside the building for the comunication service for the lump sum amount of: 3) Per RCO # 03 : Credit to delete the sod from the bottom and sides of the ponds as outlined in RFI#2 for the lump sum credit amount of: 4) Per RCO # 02 : Credit to substitute Bahia sod in lieu of Sl Augustine Horatam at the ponds as outlined in RFI # 12 for the lump sum credit of: 5) Per RCO # 6 : Credit to delete light fixture type "R" to be supplied by the Owner (will reuse an existing fIxture) for the lump sum credit amount of: $27,659.00. $1,894.00 <$3,639.00> , <$306.00> <$218.00> $25,390.00 TOTAL Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original Contract Sum was ...................................................................................$ Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .................................................$ The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was ..................................................... $ The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of ............. $ The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be ...................................... $ 1,831,344.00 ( 591.534.09) 1,239,809.91 25.390.00 1,265,199.91 This Change Order adds 97 davs to the contract and the resultant Substantial Completion date is April 24, 1997 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Architects Design Group. Inc. ARCHITECI' Southland Building Contractors Inc. City of Winter Springs CONTRACI'OR OWNER 333 N. Knowles Avenue Address 1005 Sweetwater Boulevard South 1126 East State Road 434 Address Address Winter Park. FL 32789 \ \ I ~ Lo~~9 Wmter Springs, Horida 32708 BY 4J;BY~. CSI 0 ction Administration A March 04. 1997 DATE ~ S / f7 DATE DATE ~- S":Jr / AlA DocumeDtG781 * OIange OrdcrO 1987EDmON 0 AlA. 0 0 1987 EDmON 0 The American InatiIute of An:hitec:ts, 1735 NEW YORK AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 DLH/pjb G701-1987 { 132/26/1997 14:81 41377883599 SOUTHLAND BUILD CONT PAGE 131(j) Ii. .1 "', ~ SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS. IN'C. r I I P. O. Bo:x 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 . ij-t. AiChi!2C:3 }~i~~Si~~C~i~'~ !nc. February 25, 1997 ;=;:=, 2 6 :-:>~-:- Mr. Douglas L. Huffman AIC, CSI -- , . . Architects Design Group, Inc. ~'Sl< i "" : .:.. . ._~ ; .,;: ~~~~~~~~Orida 32790 I '. . : f6 ,~ ' [ 'S34 {-2.Z0 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number ~ :~ 2 sacl Job NO. 9603, ACC Project Number 534--93 Proposal Request No. None Request For Change Order NO.5 Original. quotation dated November 19, 1996 Revised quotation dated February 17, 1997 Dear Doug: .I We submit our revised proposaJ to furnish a1l labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the work as contained in Request for Change Order No.5 to revise the I communucation system and conduit revision per drawing 101-COM for the lump sum amount of: Twen~ Seven Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Nine Dollars (527,659.00) to be added to our contract amount. This quotation is based on the enclosed breakdown. Subcontractor quotations are attached for your review. ' The work as contained in this proposal request will extend the completion of this work to April 24, 1997. This additional time is required. for the Change Order for this work to be approved and issued, submittal and approVal of the cable tray shop drawing layout, fabrication and delivery of the cable tray system, installation of the cable tray, aU related work contained in this proposal and the completion of other trades such as the ceiling system, HV AC, electrical and flooring, which can not start in the main corridor until the above ceiling work is completed. This time extension is based on authorization to start this work beIng issued by March 7, 1997. We request that our contract time be extended due to this additional work. Sincerely, ~olJ{J:NG C~NTRACTORS I~. Robert A Nidzgorski c~ Vice President \maworl<&\wspollcelpropoeal\RFCONO!5A..WPS attachments Telephone 407788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 '", ~..~ WINTER SPRINGS PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. COMMUNICAnON CHANGES C:I123RliWlWSPOUCEIRfCON05A.WK4 TRADE COMPANY QUALITY UNITS MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR TOTAL SUB COST TOTAL COST/UNIT MATERIAL COST/UNIT LABOR SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS CARPENTRY PLYWOOD BACKBOARD 3/4" FIRE TREATED 8 SHEETS $47.69 $382.00 $15.00 $120.00 $0,00 $502.00 CARPENTRY SET WOOD DOOR AND HARDWARE 1 EACH $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 MISC. NAILS, SCREWS 1 LOT $15.00 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.00 SUB TOTAL $397.00 $195.00 $0.00 $592.00 SALES TAX AND LABOR BURDEN 26.00 49.00 $ 77.00 TOTAL $425.00 $244.00 $0.00 $669.00 PLANS PLAN & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. HOLLOW METAL ARCHITECTURAL OPENINGS INC. WOOD DOOR HOLMES ARCHITECTURAL FINISH HARDWARE CLYDE C. CARPENTER,INC. DRYWALL G. E. JOSEPH ACOUSTICAL CEIL. ACOUSTI ENGINEERING RESilIENT FLOOR J & B COMMERC1AL FLOORS PAINTING APEX PAINTING fiRE PROTECTION SOUTHERN FIRE PROTECTION HVAC CLIMATIC REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDo ElECTRICAL STATE ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL STATE ELECTRIC CONDUIT PER SHT.i0'I-CON SUB TOTAL 1 LUMP-SUM 1 LUMP-SUM 1 LUMP-SUM 1 LUMP-SUM 1 UJMP-SUM - " ~ 10 "- 10 1TI "- r-- ill ill 'J r-- J:. CSl r-- ~ ~ 'J --.j CD CD W Ul ill ill $106.00 $106.00 $100.00 $100.00 $225.00 $.225.00 $271.00 $271.00 $325.00 $325.00 NO CHARGE $0.00 NO CHARGE $0.00 $550.00 $550.00 (fJ 0 NO CHARGE $0.00 c -l $1,119.00 $1.119.00 I $12,655.00 $12,655.00 ~ z $9,009.00 $9,009.00 t:l $24,380.00 tIJ c H 10.00% $67.00 b 5.00% $1,218.00 0 0 4.00% OF COST $24.360.00 $974.00 z -l 10.00% $97.00 $27,385.00 $274.00 $27,659.00 1 LUMP-SUM 1 LUMP-SUM "1 LUMP-SUM 1 LUMP-SUM CONTRACTORS FEE ON WORK BY SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. CONTRACTORS FEE ON SUBCONTRACTOR WORK GENERAL CONDITIONS CONTRACTORS FEE ON GENERAl CONDITIONS SUBTOTAL ALL WORK BOND COST GRANO TOTAL ALL WORK -~------ - - ------~- ----- PAGE 1 ;", lJ ]> Gl 111 t . \ .. .' \ , .~ --) PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. 279 Douglas Avenue Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs, FL W074 788 - 3 3 8 2 407 -786-3755 Fax 407-786-3758 SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 INVOICE 1506 SALESPERSON I DiTl r fjlfiF76 " SHIP TO JOSEPH, G. E., INC 5865 NORTH US # 1 COCOA, FL 32927 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA COL P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER S3382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND NET 30 DAYS BOB f - QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WSPD PHONE SYS 10 LARGE DOCUMENT BOND 30X42 1.15 11.50 - 1~?aWf[[n n, NOli" l; Ii ' . t 1. 2 1~~S i.:' : . I........ ~.. j); '~;-.: !, I . ...J '. j ., . . ....--...._..a __.-. . . ... "-..- . ~.. -.. .....,; Freight/Handling 5.31 Sales Tax 0.81 Above signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents that the TOTAL 17 . 62 re roduction of the above described material does not violate an co ri ht laws and the p y py g abovesigned agrees to indemnify and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claims and expenses (including attomey's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of such material. ) ...;./ . ".,::,..:.,;::..:i;'~l I ......~..~l..'\.. '~~.\" ~,,~. . . .....' """',\;J',/::h~" !."' .. ",' I..': 1M. '.;.t~~ ~'.'7- I~~"~?~t.-:',:..:':' ';"'.4,'.~~',..~"'';i!J.\ f ~ ': .-;:.:_ ~'I..#,t(">"':;..ti"-'j;..~~I1o..:.?~Ai.It\. ~. . 'I.,h~\~:\'.~ 1\::1 'r:ft~~.~:~~i . ...... ..f:(.... \\;",jj,'I." f..... :4 ';' 1~1t';~')1 J.:: ~l.,; (,t~f,t · . ";;i,{,~I~~,~:~{j' .', t."... ". '.",. .,I.'it '~J..i/j ....~.r;:~.:,. ,';';~~;~~{flti~j:l;~i~ . ~ ",,;:' ."_".' ("I'~J' ,~.~.~~~ ....;,:.:~.~ft<.~~;~:t:T'~~i& " "'d' ?~..t{.." ~~~ j , ";,,+.#-.~.~f~?'~)< ,- .' '::.,,1,: . : .' ,::..,;,~,c:~",;,,,,~'i.;i~~ .,~. ~ ,_I t, ':;J , "'.''1;1- "~ ," ~"'~ ~~~;~;::~{. ... ':-'f;'; '.1:;=.~~~ PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. ':i:.i;.,:" . 279 Douglas Avenue :-~f::t:';< Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs. FL 32714 407-786-3755 407 788-3382 Fax 407-786-3758 INVOICE 1505 SALESPERSON I DATE OF INVOICE 11/06/96 SHIP TO SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWDOD, FL 32779-5304 CLIMATIC REFRIGERATION & AC 6950 VICKIE CIRCLE 1 WEST MELBOURNE, FL 32703 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. P.OINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER 1382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION NET 30 DAYS BOB UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WSPD PHONE SYS 10 LARGE DOCUMENT BOND 30X42 1.15 11.50 f:DXc ,-.., --. . (! 1: .-1 ... , ...;.,.":1.LI1fIlfc., 0 n' N'DV I,. II 1 n 10n" Ii I I:, . t; ""0 /; J f l' :~; "'C~' -.,. _.. _ ' i . " ., ....' ,----. I, ,.____~:~._ _'.~'__'~ ~~_~_~!~-=' u Freight/Handling Sales Tax ...w-' '.'-'V'.~"~-""""-':"""''''_-L . . .~'p:,~rm~;~;l!: !'ft,", ~,,;J..."_'~~'}' ..~:~,{'~lY;iY.'1 ..-";1:.:'" PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHI'C"~S' I if"~;:: "'~~'~I;"\~;';:':';',,;.,:;:::i..;,.~ ,t.,", ... . ',,;:, "'~"'~; ~,.~ . " ;'''''' J t --",'" '..'. .". ,I,:.~.....,',::. :-",: 279 Douglas Avenue ::""it ,ft, /":{r"~lil:.~:":: Suite 1112 "~!.i,lt~':' ," . ',';; F::,1' > Altamonte Springs, FL W074 7~~~'3t~;;' ", ':'~ ' 407 -786-3755.".,,~;~;:.,,;ll: " SALESPERSON , "~~~~~,I..,,.' . Fax 407-786-3758h::;::~~~~' .. ~ '~~..: \,~.: ,~ ':.;~~f~;-~~:~:,~'~.~ SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTbRS~ INC ,~- , 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 INVOICE 1504 I Di~r~~~6 SHIP TO SOUTHERN FIRE PROTECTION 3801 E. STATE RD. 46 SANFORD, FL 32771 ACCOUNT NO. .,,, .:-DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA eOl P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER' S3382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND QUANT!TY'8 NET 30 DAYS BOB UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WSPD PHONE SYS 10 LARGE DOCUMENT BONO 30X42 1.15 11. 50 /'- n' rr (;)f7 nrrril n i IJr~;--~-;~:-e 111 I ~ iT':' :'"_'~i~'o:, I~ . . .t __ .... _.~ _ '_. ,_ __.________._ - .-.-.- -----."....J , :.::~r "~ """. Freight/Handling Sales Tax Above signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents th~t the : ; ... reproduction of the above described material does not violate any copyright laws and th_e,,:::'i,~."(~ abovesigned agrees to indemnify and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claim~ a~~ . eXpenses (including attorney's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of s~ch .rn,~t!~a.!' . II. , .' . , ~LANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. 279 Douglas Avenue Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs, FL ~14 788-3382 407-786-3755 Fax 407-786-3758 INVOICE 1503 SALESPERSON I 0111 rtJ't:J'?96 SHIP TO SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 APEX PAINTING 1210 EAST COLONIAL SUITE 10 ORLANDO, FL 32803 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA COl P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER S3382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND NET 30 DAYS BOB QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WSPD PHONE SYS r 10 LARGE DOCUMENT BOND 30X42 1.15 11.50 fOp@IC/]f1fl?{ " ;. ; J I n. f . Ii! ~OV 1 I) 1'",ns I U ~~~=--=:~:; (;;:5.i -.....- .........-........ Freight/Handling 5.31 Sales Tax 0.81 \bove signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents that the TOTAL 17.62 eproduction of the above described material does not violate an co ri ht laws and the y py g lbovesigned agrees to indemnify and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claims and Jxpenses (including attorney's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of such material. -77,r:"2~",,"'S'" I . . . . . ") PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. 279 Douglas Avenue Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs, FL W074 788-3382 407-786-3755 Fax 407-786-3758 INVOICE 1502 SALESPERSON I Df1 <}f ()l~~6 SHIP TO SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC DWAR 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 HOLMES ARCHITECTURAL DOOR & HAR 4080 SEABOARD ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32808 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA COL P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER Q DESCRIPTION AMOUNT .r WSPD PHONE SYS 3 LARGE DOCUMENT BOND 30X42 ! ~r;:' ~.r.crU~:.rrrlri) !. ,,' 1 , J ~ , I' I ,n ~:OJ12~n,~." 1:11 I I' 1;;'.j0 I!, I I,' . I, l,.---- _ _ I ; I j '... Jl 'h,. "'-~--:"::"-~. ,JUU'I . --' '-':_:~ ~ LJ ~L..:.I ....------------... --...... - .._-._~ 1.15 3.45 ) Freight/Handling Sales Tax Above signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents that the reproduction of the above described material does not violate any copyright laws and the abovesigned agrees to indemnify and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claims and exp~nses (including attorney's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of such material. ~ - - - - .---.-- - - . - -. - - - --.. - 5.24 0.24 TOTAL 8.93 _. i\ .' .'.. ~ .~':.."'": _0;:_.... '. ~ 0 . o' I " ~ PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. 279 Douglas Avenue Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs, FL ~14 788-3382 407-786-3755 Fax 407-786-3758 INVOICE 1501 SALESPERSON I DiTl o;(J~pj6 SHIP TO SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 CARPENTER, CLYDE C, INC 3030 EUNICE AVENUE ORLANDO, FL 32808 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA COl P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER S3382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND QUANTITY NET 30 DAYS BOB UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION WSPDPHONE SYS 3 LARGE DOCUMENT BONO 30X42 1.15 3.45 ~~ I~/?nnrr-~rr: "0,' I. ./ 17 r' f' . _.....JJ...!. n~ NOli -'i/! 1 n in ,.1 f! ,. ''':, , ' 4; 1;;:96 f;.' I --. . ...' "-., III _ -' _.:.-..' OJ' '-. "0 ~(J ---"'......... ~ J_l I -.:;...1 'J --... .... . ---' ....--...-.. ....... --~ .~ '* Freight/Handling Sales Tax 5.24 0.24 .... \If.ove signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents that the 'J.8.P.~1 rOd~ction of the abo~e des~ribed material does not violate any copy~ght laws .and the ~2rveslgned agrees to Indemnrfy and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claims and '. enses (including attomey's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of such material. TOTAL 8.93 . 'i : o .. '. . ..'~, .... , . PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. 279 Douglas Avenue Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs, FL 411'74 788 -.3.3 8 2 407-786-3755 Fax 407-786-3758 ''OJ SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 INVOICE 1500 SALESPERSON I DiTf r(J~?~6 SHIP TO J&B COMMERCIAL FLOORS, INC 1200 S. TILDEN AVE APOPKA, FL 32703 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA COl P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER S3382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND NET 30 DAYS BOB QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WSPD PHONE SYS 3 LARGE DOCUMENT BOND 30X42 1.15 f 3.45 (fi)fl{@1?nnr 1"?'7\ I I, I --.~, ., " I., I "--. f ~ I:: t If!' .~~ r. \I " j .: I:....,. if 1 n .,,....,.... "" !(; :l/! . - L :...;..;' i'i I : . r7' II: , " ~"-,:Uj ,.. -... ..- -" -" _: -:' - . . '. . -- .._-..~ Freight/Handling 5.24 Sales Tax 0.24 \bove signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents that the TOTAL 8.93 e roduction of the above described material does not violate an co ri ht laws and the p y pyg ~bovesigned agrees to indemnify and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claims and !xpenses (including attorney's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of such material. i ) . . , '1 PLANS & SPECS REPROGRAPHICS, INC. 279 Douglas Avenue Suite 1112 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407-786-3755 407 788-3382 Fax 407-786-3758 INVOICE 1499 SALESPERSON 1 DATE OF INVOICE 11/06/96 SHIP TO SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC 1005 SWEETWATER BLVD SO PO BOX 915304 LONGWOOD, FL 32779-5304 ARCHITECTURAL OPENINGS, INC 1975 CORPORATE SQUARE LONGWOOD, FL 32750 ACCOUNT NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA COl P.P. F.O.B. POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBER S3382 11/06/96 UPS GROUND NET 30 DAYS BOB QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT WSPD PHONE SYS , 3 LARGE DOCUMENT BOND 30X42 1.15 3.45 Ir,~f?ffi]arrm . ) I, 1 I ~ /J 0 V 1 2 100^ j; j . . . ,,,,,,0 I" ,,: I '- I -'-" '_._ .I' .1.1'1-.:.:: 1.:;."-'::'-': -'!...Ti5~ ..--.--------. - - .. --. - - ._--~ Freight/Handling 5.24 Sales Tax 0.24 Above signed acknowledges receipt of above described material and represents that the TOTAL 8.93 re roduction of the a ov described material does not violate an co ri ht laws nd he p be y pyg at abovesigned agrees to indemnify and hold Plans & Specs harmless against all claims and 3xpenses (including attorney's fees) for an alleged copyright infringement of such material. /' '1 From: John M. Eckotf To; Robert A. Nidzgoraki To: Com pan)' : Fax#: Subject: Date: Pages: COMMENTS: Date: 11!121118 Time: 10:47:50 ".ge 1 of 1 ARC~HITEc~rftJRAL OPENINGS INC~ORPOR~L\ TEL) Robert A. Nidzgorski Southland Building Contractors, ln~. 788-3599 Winter Springs Police Department November 12, 1996 I, including this cover sheet. The pri",c to add one (1) Hollow Metal Frame 16 ga. (opening # 148), per your Change Request No.5, is $100.00. This price was quoted to Don Evans approximately two (2) weeks ago. Please advise us if this change is accepted. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you. , ; 'I From the desk of... JalYl M. Eckoff Engineering Department Architecturai Operings, Inc, 1S75 Corporate SQuare Longwood. Florida 32750 407.260-7110 Fax: 407.260-8373 NOV.19.1996 11:48AM . '. I. ,," . . HOLMES NO.321 P.U1 ..., JACKSONVILLE 5930 Orlando Slreelt Jacksonville. FL 3220S 904-764-5500 FAX 904-764-2095 800-764.DOOR ATLANTA 4761.E Hugh Howell Road Tucksr. GA 30084 800-938-5861 FAX 800-461.01303 J ORLANDO 4083 Seaboard Road Orlando, FL 32808 407-291-5800 FAX 407-299.0303 TALLAHASSeE 2670 Industrial Plaza. Tallahassee, FL 32301 904-671.3360 FAX 904-671-3364 November 19, 1996 Mr. Robert A. Nidzgorski, CPE Southland Building Contractors P.O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779-5304 Re: City of Winter Springs Police Department November 4th Proposal Request j Change Request #S .{ Dear Bob, The added cost to provide one additional door, #148A, will be $225.00 plus ta."(. Please issue a change order if you wish us to proceed with this change. . Just a reminder - we are yet to receive the approved wood door shop drawings. The manufacturer's normal lead time is 6-8 weeks but with the upcoming holidays you can expect another two weeks. Please expedite these shop drawings. Sincerely, ,. .,;'" ?--~~ Thomas A. Wintemhcimer, ARC Orlalldo Branch Manager T A W/mw · ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE · ARCHITECTURAL WOOD DOORS · STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES. DETENTION CONTRACTING SERVICES · SALES · SERVICE .INSTALLATION CLYDE C CARPENTER INC 413729713193 p.el I ',. CLYDE c. CARPENTER,INC. I!-~#~~ . POST OFFICE BOX $A7M' 'r!U:PMONt (..07) ~'80ge OR~NOO. FL 3~e!04-7iti9 S~:)l)H",L.AtJP ~tJll.Dl~(eVN;rAA<!J"OR..s. (fJ~ DATE 1/-11- 96 PROJECT ?@.LIC SA.nmJ(?e>ti'~X LOCATION LJIN:rr;:~ :SPR,I{<:;S . ATIiJ. BOB N f DZGo{{Stcl ARCHITECT DUE DATE We acknowledge receipt of Addenda: GENTLEMEN: WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE ~ NcS':tl:HARnI.0AR;;:" "'Tb~. 1)tx:J,R. /4 SA--. --13Lh'TI, Loc~~ (]Lo:S/:;J( .f YnJfJ ') 6070 FL SALES TAX FOR THE SUM OF $ 25'b,60 Is' 36 27/.~ TOTAL ....cccp. cd 8) RfI~etfully Subminccl CLYDE C. CARPENTER. INC. BY COMPANY DATE "~,;"C..:~..:.-~,...,...,---- . : 1 '14 . SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC. -) TELEPHONE BID Project: ~ S~~ ~U'E Bidder: ~ E -l.Q~~ Representative: ~(.(\~ Date: ltlt- if b 407- ~J ~ .; 4317 Phone: City: Specification Section: (Quantity & Description) +----------------------------+ : Base Bid $ 325 : +----------------------------+ Alternatives: ) Scope oi Work ~Q..t'tJ~ W - V f V ( .V Include Sales Tax r-- Per Plans & Spec. Installed Addenda ) By: . 'I" ') -) l:W~~'f~':i>1&" ."'~~"'W'Yf": NOV-11-36 MON 3:12 PM SOUTHERN F!RE PROTECTION FAX NO. 4073288931 P. 2 Southern Fire Protection of Orlando', Inc. 3801 E. sn 46, 5l1li/.",1., FL 32171.91$$ PlaoM, (407) 3234200 Fo*,(407)328-893J Emerpncy. (401) 328.2912 TO: Southland Building Comractors, Inc. ATTENTION: Bob Nidzgorski RE: Winter Springs Safety Complex. .r DATE: Novemer 11, 1996 ) Please be advised, the owner changes dated October 9, 1996 will required only one (1) addhional Pendent Fire Sprinkler Head. Southern Fire Protection will not pursue a change order for this work. Our field crew will make the necessary changes to meet codes. [fyou should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank You, L&~ PROTECTION OF ORLANDO Credibility · llleesrity ,.":""',""..:."....".. -",c',.. ) .,~) ). 11/11/1996 88:48 4877245725 CLIMATIC REFRIG & AC . . ~. . . rL IMATIC REFRIGERATION a. AIR CONOITtON.NG, INC. November 11, 1996 Southland Building Con:tractors, Inc. P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Fl. 32779 Attn. Robert A. Nidzgorski Re. Public Safety Facility Winter Springs, FL Change Request #5 Dear Robert, We submit the following costs associated with the referenced changes. We have attached the itemized breakdown of costs on a separate sheet. Upgrade Unit only. $245.00 Revise duct sizing $874.00 In as muc.h as. the duct system for RTIJ-5 is in place, I feel that it would be a . consideration not to replace the duct system. The size as initially indicated will handle the additional air requirement Velocities will not exceed that considered reasonable for a low pressure duct system . Equipment is c:xpcctcd at the job site early the week of 11-18-96. It is imperative that a decision be rendered on this change at hand immediately so that changes can be made in the order. If the order is shipped and changes' have to be made latter. considerable additional charges will apply. such as restocking and handling charges. Sincerely. . [J~. ~~r David N. Jolinson President PAGE 82 l 69~ Vickie Circle - West Melbourne, Florida 32904 - (407) 725-2430 - Fex (407) 724-5725 ~",,,,,,:~.,",,,,~". 11/11/1996 88:48 4877245725 CLIMATIC REFRIG & AC PAGE 133 t ~ ~. . '. " . , . . E$TIMATE SHEET PAGl1t NO. I OF' ..T_ta NO, / P~' ~ "ACl ~ Ck/ If1A11 '- ANOMlnC::T DAn CHaCKa" BY 8ID PAT. ) :~ I I I DESCRIPTION OV4N1lTY . ,MA n:RIAl lABOR SUBCONTRACT TOTAl. ~t..:i.t, 1"0 ~6"'.f ~()> .. / " t: b16 7~j. .-. '" I~ /7 J'8 ~% t:I;I' ~ f ;1> " ...."' ~e 1<>9. P~/'" 12.1- 3/ : ~ "J,n ~cr~..: IS'.. ,,,,..,/(, S-(}~'f ~d .5/:) ~tf s'd .l.b' - ~o i It!> ~ l?JtI II> 5c, ,( (11; ~ ~j:. /").,.JtJ- /Sb .'If i z. ~, '-,"0 ~;; I" ""Cf" w~p .;.0 .3' ~ CO ~i:- , /'1 r;, ;"p 1':1 z. ((). .~ 1)~1ItO .t./ 2- e> 1z. 92- &8 ..&r' .. ,r/ t,.)srll",-, I,), '2. IS ~"Lo- '2 ,,~ ~p, 1:L".,- .( 7_ ~ In.. SIll.. 1& ' I ~ ).I"u f,Jt-- ~ , . ~"1... ~z. /(, t:'",.c.r ~ ~IfP .~~ Z. :r) .,~ 10 '3L " ".. 9r,. ,,~ 9-z.. ~~ 1- ~)4 II I $5 " .. . , TOTAL COSTS _~~J,_ J~ . - . - ., -.....- . - . MI6C. JOB IXp!NSI!S ",MOUNT {, ~CJ '1'1 ,/6'.. . '" OVERHEAD 1/ =>i' ~ rt ~r; "1-- Pf'Ol'IT It:> .. 11 4/3 ...-- ......-.. . - ~ 1'3 '1S TOTAL ~~ P'CIlW tt, ,~~_ '~'~''''7~. 0.-. _ Ot4l\l1 ' ,'" , tN', . '" ...., ., FEB-17-97 MON I~;~~ ~'"'~ I.:;.~. t:",;...... , j',... '- . . FACSIMILE TRANS MITrAL c......,.. . I"'w,h'.' t............. ....1.... .IIMC..._ DA'l'E': . 2--[2- 97 &t '10: FECI., : 4u" er- MESSAGE: ~'tCf I I ! ~~ ~C~'N9 ~~f ~T14---G::: I' I ~'l-l/. -S ~~~ Cirlt,r ~ ~ KIa!;'- - I~ ~~ ,. \ . <OJ. WE\ARE TRANSMI'l'TING ....! y' PAGES, INCLUDING THIS PAGE. P.O. BOX 6855661 ORl.ANDO,FLORIDA 32858/ PHor"E (407) 296.8630 / FAX (407) 295-3217 .r i.. r-t::..\:'--.1~~;;.t\lI;r'10H 1~":32 ~~;"""'"':""""':"'~~."-" STATE ELECTRIC CO. 2~53217' P.02 ,'1. I l ".. I :~ I I Cu~tt41e'l SCUTHLAtlD 'Billing n.te: OIIO~/GO Inynlc. . I CO-l~'9 REViSlrn~s OAiEO 16\9 :. Job D~sC(iplion: WS POLICE REYISIONS 10\9\~~ Tl!r~,,: 9Q ~iYS '. { NLIIIl De~cripl.io/l A~~unt .--- ~------~~~----*--------~ ~~B~ ~Q/3 F/HU 250~ KEMA I EACH l.m 112.61 11UI ,354 1 li4 m FEET 3~.QOO ~. ~472 19,.2 4fl~ 1 114 EM! 10 El~Ow EACh 4.~M 5,lB14 2(1.13 m 1. 11 ~ STEEl. EMT mr- tau EACH bOQ{l S.(i~4 10.02 750 1 11 ~ SlEEL m tOMP CON eAt!; 2.coa 4.5&9 9.18 13S9 1 ii4 EM! I HOLE SI~Ar E~C'rI 35.(IO~ ('t,~b5 19.79 2245 6. TKhN STR CU fEET 120.000 O.bQb52 B~.~e 3 B EACH 1.000 112.50 1 li.50 17~1 4SQ CONe 1-1/2 D ~Ol 'EAtH 2,000 ~.5097 7.14 1751 4 4 sa ~lANK COVER EACH 1.01)(1 O.8!~3 0.81 17~a 4SG 1/~ ~ S~ IG PL~S ~lN EACH t. \1(10 1.5616 LSb 1623 li2 FL~1 CO~~UIl FEET 12.000 0.403& ..S4 1647 1/2 FLEX STR. (DNN E~rH 4,O(iO 1. 229 4.91 ~09$ 20A 277V lP TOGGLE SPEC fflCri 2.~OC ;~.4(z 29. eQ 3~78 18 GALV, CA~LE l~AY FEE! 3bO. MIC 12. ',1) 4.35~.OO .f 3969 lS KANGE~-CA8LE TRAY EACij 60. {ICO &.50 39Q,OO 1161 4-11/16 so 2-118 n 1 KO EACh 21.0M 4, J69b 91.7b me 4,-1 i II b 5Q 26 P-R 1 NG 1-1 EACH lSO,OM :<,z~o 487.50 jSS 1m FEEl WI. 0(10 o,mo 271.20 7U 1 STEEL E~T C~P CONN EACH 3(IO.OO{l. 2.35 7\l5.00 1359 1 EnT 1 HOLE SlR~P EACH b~.. 000 ' 0.343 ' 22.)0 ~212 bO/3 POLi-QM SREA~ER EACH LOCO 624.00 1124.(10 , .-....--.. ..- ~ATERiAL Tom 7.409.1:14 Kilterial Tu 1,40'U~ h 6.00 444,58 .....---......-- SUBTOm 7,854.22 lA9UR J!llJr~i'l~.n 170. O~ t 3J,uO 5,oHl.00 Helper J7MO t 18.QQ 3,ObO.OO . laborE'r 0.00 . --.................. SUBTOTAL 8,670.00 E~PEl'lSES Tr.v.: ... freight l!liCe 1 laneous ... .....-.........-- ... SUBTOTAL UUtHm lit. . TOTAL 16,524.22 :A i I I ! w~~". . . 1tlllit tOI ," . . . . ClistOlif I ~ saUTHlAt.O \, , . " Job Descriptionl ~S POLICE REYISIOkS 10\1\16 Teru~ 90 Dill! NUj Desc'iption . ----f--------____..___________ 2v8 3'4 PVC SC~ 40 FEeT ~7b 3/. P~c 5CH 40 ~G E~BOW EAr.K S56 3!4 ?VC SOl ADPT/M4LE EAtH lI~lEf{{ Al TOTAL /lateri.1 Ti~ . SUhTOTAl LA&OR JournPilllan He;pfr 'Laborl:r Sii~iOTAl WENSeS iravel Ftei~ht llisc.l:ar.,OlIr. SlJ1lTDTAL TO r.~l .. '''~:::;.:~~::v, ",":":n"'".-:-,c- -- ,-,- ---: :':;vO::-~~;..:,'.i:J;]F.3:.'l:;', ::.?"'-~~~,,~," f'.~e I ~/Ilount 4,~OO.OOO O.l&(~ alo.(I~ 106. O~lO O.3~ 35.16 53.000 0.2. 11.~~ --------..- m. 82 &S~.82 l 6.~O 51.51 , .......----... I 9 j I. 41 I 34.0(; . 3),00 I 1.122.01} 1~2.00 . 18.00 I 1,836.00 0.00 t i L_________ 2,953,OJ WlUW 3,8b9.41 , . ,,",~T-:"';W'" ;".;~iJ;.:';;l-:i 'f. ~EE-l~-97 TUE 13:~9 STATE ELECTRIC CO. 296'3217 P.06 " . TeiU: 11) ~iY$ . . ~W~ Descli~tiDn Al'lolJr.r ~ _..,. ~____M____._...__.___.~~_ . 1737 450 ~Q~9 1-1/2 0 BOX EACk 2.~Nl 3.5b97 7.14 1755 4 S~ SURf CQ\ER 2 D~ E~CH 2.000 2.(l29S 4.06 352 3/4 m FEe! 20.0(10 0.2894 ~,79 t:sl:n> "-'0'" IW-- 748 !/1 STEEL EMT CO~P CO~N EACH 4.~!;~ 1.428 ~.71 22~2 12 ThHK STR CV HET 31)0 , 000 ().lSOg4 45.25 21b 4 I've SCH 40 FEET qB~.O(IO 4.20/-.1 2,Ol€,93 CO~Du 'f 1'E2- 384 4 ?\C SC>> 4~ 90 ELBOW eACH 8. {II)O 2~.I,\2 20(:.lb 1m 18.~m6 GA~V J'.BOX [QCH 2.000 42.0 suo SI-lI!I!T Jol--CON 524 4 fVC COUPLl~G EACH !6.00(1 b.15 ~e.40 ~M 4 pvt BOX A~PT/M~~E EliCH B.OClC 1.9 03.20 1 r"~5 4 LOCKNUT E~CH 9,000 .).9 S5.2~ 1070 4 PLASilC BUS~!NuS Hell 8.000 4.37 34.9b 10>1 20A 5362 125V IVORY ~EC. E~CH 4.t'(iO P.l ~S.40 3S~ 2 EIH feET 51),(:00 O. 9~,5b 47.78 4ll 2 EMT ~o E~m EACH U0') 10.487(1 20.97 752 ~ S;,El EMf CG~P CONN EACH 2.~I,\~ 9.6ty :'.32 796 2 STEEL EMT COMP COUP tl1C,1 11),000 ',9D(t ~9, (.11) ~ .., ~ ?'Ie SOi 40 FEET. (i.J,O(lO \.5707 31.10 ~H Sll~ ~ PYC ~CH 40 9Q ELRQw EACH 3, ~),)t) 4.5) IJ.~9 ~)Z~ 2 rye COUPLl~& E4CH 0.0(10 l,4(! 9.40 56~ 2 p~c iQX ~DP1!MA~E EACH ZoC!;/.1 L6 ~,oo .3~;3 1 E!'!T FEn 2~(I.W) ~, 4b2r) 1:5. ~,(l i4'~ 1 STEEL EMf COMP COHN EAGH D,OO(l 2....5 ;~. :0 m 1 STEfl EMf COMP COUP EACH 25. ("JO 2.1B3 c~.58 2251 ~/O r~HN STR (u fHT 250.0QO 3.9oibb '1I6.Q2 ~112 tROU~DING ~r~S E~CH 3.'(1(\ liS.OO H5.XI ...-.- -- -... --- Ifl:mI~l Tam 4,457 .~o lIater I i 1 ra~ 4,4SJ.~O x ~~OO 207,,45 .....................- SUBTOTAL 4,725.01 l~oGR JOv'R~EYMtl i4, Or} , 33.0a t.712.00 lIelper 64.00 1 !~.{lO 1,512.00 tabori' O. D~l , ------..--.. StlflTa! ~l 412a4.00 [lPE,mS lravl'l FliiQht "iscl'l: lif:eu~s Nu~ D~i(rlptiDn AII.(;unt -~-. ---_~_~_____.M______ SlJ~T01'Al TOTHL uumUi 9, (tQ5. Q1 ~~I1";;-U~,>:~ .~.. ---- I':" . r.~' . . I:. I." . .. '.,,6 i:. .~ f: .F. ,.t . . -::.'.... ~.~ " ;~. ~., " 1,: )0' fi .: :~ ~:' ~"":":""~~r..:w'''''''..''.' '''''7:.....~-.,. ,~m.~'I"'...,',' (;1) SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS. INC. P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 February 17, 1997 Mr. Douglas L. Huffman AIC, CSI Architects Design Group, Inc. P. O. Box 1210 Winter Park, Florida 32790 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 sacl Job NO. 9603, ACC Project Number 534-93 Proposal Request No. NONE Request For Change Order SBCI No.1 Original quotation dated July 12, 1996 Dear Doug : , We submit our proposal to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the work as contained in Request for Change Order NO.1 per the direction of the owner to add 4" service conduit from the building to the propertY line and add additional conduit boxes, etc. for this service inside the building for th.e communucation service for the lump sum amount of : One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Four Dbllars (51,894) to be added to our contract amount This quotation is based on the following breakdown. Subcontractor quotation is attached for your review. State Electric Contractors mark up Subtotal Bond cost Total cost of all work $1,760 $ 88 $1,848 $ 46 $1,894 This work has been completed to help avoid any construction delays to this project. Sincerely, Southland Building Contractors, Inc. ~~a. Robert A. Nidzgorski CPE Vice President , Imsworks\wspolice\proporal\RFCON01.WPS enclosure Telephone 407 788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 ':;"f}~_'i;"""'::~""':'~",*f"".' " C''''..,.rel'' , I.....t',.. 1".t.U.t&." h,wl.. & .......... DA'.rE: 10: . FROM: ~1ESSAGE : FACSIMILE TRANSMI~~AL 7-/- 7t, ~~~F-"cl LtuA'/~ 12,;.. - w'N~ ~ '''s- /I~ A~;- --;;;--1-/ ~ /k:id~'7-~p4,V . US~ -7- /Nr-~4/ . 4/~ 77 44.... ~ '1 S:-e--~ ~... <" ,c--c G ~~t, r-; ';'-'1 ~_ - ;4w~~. ~v~'~.:r'" -/L_ . c;Ar/~u,v ~t".::A->-?tO;v'f AI//J"/~ 7:P'r;1(}.... / A. r:/d' - If /76()<Pe ~A> ;JJA-n44~-;: 4fr- f{c>;:- L4A.fJll_. . us, - 'tJ --~ ~ I 7() >-nI-- /7~o (k IN!:: AR.I:; l'RANSMI'l~l'ING I PAGES, INCLUDING'niIS PAGE. P.O. BOX 585655 / ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32058 / PHONE (4071296.8630 I FAX (407) 295.3217 . "---. : }~ ~ . " ", - l I I I I I I I. i ~Ult h.t CU!;tOtlell 3ClIiHLA:;D ~_~.,~____,~"""-~.,,,..,....~pw ""<>;"':':;'"v., Pa~! 8illinq Dat~: 01f~4}80 Invoice' J CHANGE ADD CUMDUrT ~ OUTLeTS con" REV Jc~ G'StrlDtlOr.: ~S POL:C~ AOD 4"CONDUIT COM" ~EVISIDNS lerJE: ,0 h;'~ ~u. Dtscrioti~n iib ~ PVC iCH 40 rEET 352 3/4 flIT FEET ~a4 4 PVC 5tH 40 ~O EL&OW E~CH 524 4 PVC CDUPLING EACH 564 4 PVC &~~ AOPT/MALE E_CH 748 3/4 STEEL E~r COMP tONH EACH 792 314 STEEL E~r cc~p COuP EACH 1045 4 LO~nt;; EACH I07b ~ PL;S~IC BUSHINGS EACH 1357 314 EIIT 1 HOLE STRAf' EACH 1737 43Q COMa !-1/2 D 80% CACH 1749 4SQ 1/2 0 sa IE PLAS ~IN EACH 2031 20A 5~~1 125V IVORY hEC. EACH 2182 lG 43~ SS D~PlEX ~EC FL EACH 2:42 l2 r~HH SiP CU FEET .~PERIAl TOTAL ~~terial Tax SUBT~rAl LHBC~ Jourr.e'illl.n Ilelou Latan( SUBWAL nPEU~E5 Travei hri;nt Jllsci'llio&:lu:> SUBTO~Al roT~l Ib.OO . lb.\lO I 0.00 * 33.00 lB.tS m.oo 2<<i2.(lO 820,00 ummu l,7bl.5b _",;f""~"j"":''"'"'' ...:9:5.:521(' p.e2 , . r " /, ~) ,- SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS1NC. P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 February 17, 1997 Mr. Douglas l. Huffman AIC, CSI Architects Design Group, Inc. P. O. Box 1210 Winter Park, Florida 32790 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 sacl Job NO. 9603, ADCProject Number 534-93 Proposal Request No. None Request For Change Order No.3 Original Quotation dated July 12, 1996 Dear Doug : We submit our proposal to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the work as contained in Request for Change Order No. 3 to delete the sod at the bottom and sides of the ponds as outlined in Request For Information No. 2 for the lump sum credit amount of: Three Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Nine Dollars ($3,639) to be deducted from our contract amount. This quotation is based on the following breakdown. Subcontractor quotation is attached for your review. Marks Landscaping, Inc. Contractors fee Bond cost Total credit credit credit credit $3,432 $ 171 S 36 $3,639 This work has been completed to help avoid any construction delays to the project. Sincerely, SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. ko/i:tO. · Robert A. Nidzgorski CPE Vice President RFCON03.wPS \msworks\wspolice\proposaI\RFCON03.WPS enclosure Telephone 407 788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 ;\i'f~"> ,~--~'~ r~7 '~'.~~f~(~;;:\"',;;. ;;fi';!..,::r.~:~"'" '-;-:?~{.'.:!'iWIf'W,)~~',:~~ ". SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. Page 2 February 17, 1997 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 SBCI Job NO. 9603, ADC Project Number 534-93 Proposal Request No. None Request For Change Order SBCI No.3 Labor Material Cost Per Unit Total Cost Floratam Sod Credit 17,600 SF @ $0.117/ SF $ 0.078/ SF $0.195/ SF $3,432 Total Sod Credit $3,432 Facsimile Date: May 16, 1996 TO: Doug Huffinan, A1C CSI ADG Number of PIl~l'S Including Cover: 1 FROI\1:Terry M. Zaudtke, P.E.,DE , . Conklin Porter and Holmes Engil3eerl'rChlteC1S I ;:'1:"'1';~~ 1"104 E.Robinson Street as gn Group, nc: "~'\'': _. Received . .,' :'~r'f1.r1i{.1 Orlando, Flonda 32801 _h_",_ ...A!!lit.~1 Phonc: 1-407-425-0452 MAY.1, 6" 1996 Fax: 1-407-648-1036 Phonc:647-1706 Fax: 645-5525 SUBJECf: RFI No.2, Winter Springs Public Safety Cc.mplex REVISION OF EARLIER Ii'AX CPH PROJECf NO.: W0442.00 Message: _Action XF or Your Info _Reply ASAP Please Comment vVe agree with the City Engineer and do not want sod placed below the wet season high water table as it will be under water all summer long and will not survive. No sod should be placed below elevation' 40.0 in the ponds and no sod should be placed in the ditch bottoms or under water. TIle ponds are designed as a wet detention system and water will exist in the ponds throughout the year. (Please note that we removed the elevntion restriction from the ditch sodding.) We would expect that the City would receive a c~cdit for the deletion of this soddding. Phone II Fax II .. 3.57 7 Fax II hr.] :#;2 Facsimile Date: May 16, 1996 TO: Doug Huffinan,AlC CSI ADG Number ~f Pn~cs Includinr Cover: 1 Fij.ol\1:TefT)' M. Zaucltke, P.E.,DEE :~ ~onklil1 Porter and Holmes, Engineers 1104 E. Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: Fllx: 645-5525 Phone: 1-407-425-0452 Fax: 1-407-648-1036 SUB.mer: RfoI No.2, Winter Springs Public Safety Complex epn PRO,JECr NO.: W0442.00 Message: _Action X For Your Info __Reply ASAP Please Comment. Wo agree with the City Engineer and do not wnnt sod plnced below tho wet season high watcr tablc as it will be under water nil sununer long and will not survive. No sod should be plaoed below elevation 40.0 in the ponds and no sod should be placed below elevation 39.0 in the ditch. The ponds are designed as a wet detention system and water will exist in the ponds throughout the .1 year. Architects Design Group. Inc. ,j Received ~ .~.. : MAY 1 6 1996 7671 Post-it" Fax Note Date Fax 1/ i.6'i:, -3Sqci Fax 1/ . "'.'~~)o",,!":,,. -"""~.-",'n.<''':l~;-.", . FrOln: 10: DouU Hulhn;Ul LJate: 5/15/96 I ;lIle: 22:5U;.11 Page 1 of 2 . , SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. P. O.BOX 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 " May 15,1996 ArchlleCIS DeslQn Group. Ine. ':',:,~y. Received ,. .:.1.. .... ....."..... ~~~_.. 'MAYt16 1996 Mr. Douglas L. Huffman AIC, CSI ISI< I<R SL c-a .rv Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Ave. Winter Park, Florida 32790 Co L RE: Winter Springs Police Department Facility City Project Number 9G-002 SBCI Job Number 9G03, ADG Project Number 634-93 Request for Information No.2 Dear Doug : This will confirm the request made by our job superintendent, Don Evans, on Tuesday May 14, 1996, to your office to advise if sod (per sheet L~1 0.1)' is to be placed in the bottom of the new drainage ditch and retention ponds below the water level. The removalof the sod from the bottom of the ponds and ditch was discussed at the job site with the city engineer for Winter Springs and was acceptable, if approved by your office. Thank you for your help to resolve this matter. Sincerely, Southland Building Contractors, Inc. S~~ I 13"'- f'.AX Robert A. Nidzgorski ePE Vice President RF12515.wPS File Field Telephone 407788 - 3382 Fax 407788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 _"...J '_'_" .....\"J f.i. c: . , 110' STA81UZED 8ERJ.4 IAROUND PERIMETER OF POND (T'rP.) '- ...... ...... '... " " " r.O.O.T. TYPE III SlLT FENCE (TYPICAL AROUND UM1TS OF CONSTRUCTION) " "- " '\ \ \ "- - -- 'G~ -- 120' : ____ 0 : ~ ;ROTI:CT TREES 'I o~o IN 'THIS AREA ~ ,. \ \ \_--- 0tiE:..:: ~~ - ~G ~~H- ~E ~~__-~~ ----------f----- -42-- TH'~ ~: IS A ~'FI~nol4 oF OJf=oFZMA-nolJ MITe~ e-+P !IJJvaT GLeIlA-no~. I I b ART OF A CLARIFICATION THIS DRAiWING ACCOMP ANTES. & IS eF'o" I ~ f>s'jd' '(V ~. C::f t-Jo. ~C1' N.4/"'E. i i , , ~ ~ POll1 oe,.-r. PR4.lIJINQ TITUl. I CLARr1C.A T10N i I ! ! i ~NO_ lLl0442.0el ~NO. DAre ::ll-HA'T'-~ CFI-1: 0f'UllN ey ~ CLR-l ~lOy .Nl xcHtec!S cn:l F'I:rrDs . '. ... N......... __ "'JIbOI,GM 0__ -- -- . , 05-21-96 09:57 AM FROM CITY OF WINTER SPRGS ?Ol/O't n:kJin, Po:rter ~ gme.ers, InC. E. Robinson St. Or ndo, Florida 32S'Ol-A092 . po : (407) 648-1036 Ph ne: (M)7) 415-0452 7671 . A~ Architects p.qeslgn Group. Inc. Received MAY 21 '96 08:29 Phone t Fax H '1"1 Fax H I . , I . No. or Pages / Caver Sheet for ~~c.similo Trnnsmlssion M ge '1'0;: . 'Do 11. t..t;..J3/~~ r I ~I I . .:: ': .,.. t'br "f I.J/.;$~;r. ~~,5 _ F.~ Number: ,8.z7 -~ 1'~ ,/'!" 'C. ents: " -r-t# ~~, t(J. $. rr#.l/c :$.k-fy ~~ ;: ; .CPR Job Numbar: /l./Ot./7'2.,ol . 'Job Name: '.: ~ \ L.J..t. Sod( UJ/ ~ Difd - /d I "'" f;,//!-v-. S1~ '0 sk. uJ~ t>>t 14G,.. ~, .~S ~r"J4~_ $ (.J1.. ""~~~ J=A k~, Tk.- (zr~ i PP.OM !-407-6~a-IOj6 nf'-? 1-0'::: ~t'!...,.., ...... ..lL.-._ '.7: I l. 'j' . SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORSINC. P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 February 17, 1997 Mr. Douglas L. Huffman Ale, CSI Architects Design Group, Il1c. P. O. Box 1210 Winter Park, Florida 32790 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 sacl Job NO. 9603, ADC Project Number 534-93 Proposal Request No. None Request For Change Order SBCI No.2 Original quotation dated August 9, 1996 Dear Doug : l~) We submit our proposal to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the work as contained in Request for Change Order No. 2 to substitute bahia sod in lieu of St. Augustine floratam at the ponds as outlined in Request For Information No.12 for the lump sum credit amount of: . Three Hundred Six Dollars (5306) to be deducted from our contract amount. This quotation is based on the following breakdown. Subcontractor quotation is attached for your review. Marks Landscaping, Inc. Contractors Fee Bond cost Total credit credit credit credit $288 $ 14 ~ $306 This work has been completed to help avoid any construction delays to the project. Sincerely, Southland Building Contractors, Inc. 1?d4-0. Robert A. Nidzgorski CPE Vice President '* \msworks\wspolice\proposaI\RFCON02.WPS enclosure Telephone 407 788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 l!:<~~----- - -:--~ """--<.;'C:"~'l:,,"8'"'''''' , . ~. Southland Building Contractors, Inc. Page 2 February 17, 1997 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 SBCI Job NO. 9603, ADC Project Number 534-93 Proposal Request No. None Request For Change Order SBCI No.2 Floratam Sod Credit4,800 SF Credit @ $0.195 / SF @ $0.135/SF @ $0.060 / SF Bahia Sod ,f To substitute bahia sod in lieu of St. Augustine labor and material included 4,800 SF @ $0.060/ SF = - $ 288 'N,.~:::;: . · . ,- : l:lb/U<l/l'j':Jb 14:Ut:l. 4l:l71l:ll:lJ~9'3 ~uu IllLAlllJ BUILD CUH I I"AGE l:U i ... , Architects Design GroUpr Inc. MCOO1l97 Architects and Planners < < < . . . P. Q. Box 1210 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32790 Phone (407) 647-1706 Fax (407) 645-5525 . , ... ..', ...," ,,;,,;0" ,~, ," ;-{:'};.@~,lf." t'~''''J*''' lM-~ l,,"\~\s..o" iMi".":' ''''l~ ~ '.It~... ,~~)m~ I"f "~.hi&"'i.~"i." I ,j;~.,tJ' ~"~''''l ' . ,I "1, " .:'0 \~" h h ~;,I :'~.;;S. \~Ij'" t!i~rf4~:.~J:l~~.1., ~~~').:>!:.~1~f ~?,~'~~..\f.f~t:I;'~~ ~/ i\~;:.':"'., L"';}~-J~ '. " -'.' ,,~ 1 . '''.~<lt1b~~ i. :. : Jf~~; )~~ Project: Winter Springs Public Safety Facil~ty 534.93 / 2.19 Corttractor: Southland Building Contractors Inc. 1005 Sweetwater, Bo~levard South Longwood, Florida 32779 Phone: 407-788-3382 Fax: 407-788-3599 . RFI #: l2.. 0- 4 -1(0 , Received by Architect: 4- JUkJe cr (p ArchiteCt to Consultant: 4 JUJJ6 'f(p Consultant to Architect: 5 ~uu-c Cf(P Architect to Contractor: 16 Ju"-JC ~(p Description: , C)\)~ L~t-l''b.SC~PE COtJ1R~(,loQ..... H~~ ~V€STlOtJ~ --rHE VSE: c F S"'7:. ~ '-JG \)~'11NE FLO~ ~~M m.tJ THE: SLOPE.., of ~E. NEw 'brrc..t4 \N IT~Cv-r nVl..L~ ~1trlO,.j 'N -r.H,~'T7' ,~:flEt'\.J . rr COJLb 'OE A. M~ltJj'~N CE WC!'~LEt'\ 'rO~ nt.E. O'NNER-', Proposed solll:tion: t"'l t\ d. A "t'. J'\ ",",\ ^"'"T- ,,() ro." . sVDg/mVr"!. I.:> ~n SO+J l\l I l"'\"", K~+:;',", Response: . ~ee A1fAa.lllAe~T ~P-- RE.Sft!'klSC. Respondent: L c;r~, :j I .. . . ~UN-e5-96 135:134 PM BELLOMO-HERBERT&CO. 1 4137 422 4845 P. 13 1 . ' .. BELLOMO-HERBERT ---..--.--- ..------.,..-.-..-----------..----- ---.---.---.-----.^-"IT)i::()-,\n;TF-"'J\~~~ LA NOSCAl'r AflCH/Ttcrs FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET Date: ~ -(p - CJW? 4(1/ Ita/I!.':! (:1111101011 ,,,it,,, S,IIII. h I.1rl,II/'/,-, If,"''/,I ,1.';:111 111/ ,I;.'.' I;;,f:, . loll /(1/ ,I, '.' '4-,'1:1 fI 1/., 'If,T:l1/t I.' II Please deliver the following to: N am e:J::1..tchru.L.f r2f1 k Company: ADCI FAX Number: {~ - %Z~ From: Ru\"H R:;rf'c i ,., Number of pages (including cover sheet): Comments:~: \cl1t:\TSe ::')PelHC-{.'5 ~K'el(I,C.&k:-, CI~~3 Trcc~ ~ -thLt riel m\ coof\ ie" u:I \ \ r\crc9{ ;lCr'C... ~z. ~*xJ\-irute rnhl~ ~ In area::> Lob ic h receit JC rn /rriCf9h6rJ. If all pages are not received, or if any of this transmission is unclear, please call (407) 422-4~45. . ,:.:J;;:..:..;:.):~~~dif < .~'~~"'T. ....:7~~-'~.--- - - - -- ,,--,,--,--.,-~" ," "'_:")'-~':;;~Y.:W'l;\-",''?',,~f.!i.''1'~'\;C~lo;o'0-!J!;,,\C;;;:;i!<.~ ,.' ($) r '- SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORSI.NC. P. O. Box 915304 Longwood, Florida 32779 - 5304 February 17, 1997 Mr. Douglas L. Huffman AIC, CSI Architects Design Group, Inc. P. O. Box 1210 Winter Park, Florida 32790 RE: City of Winter Springs Police Department Facility Project Number 96-002 secl Job NO. 9603, ADC Project Number 534-93 Proposal Request No.4 Request For Change Order No.6 Original quotation dated February 5, 1997 Dear Doug: . We submit our proposal to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the work as contained in Request fo~ Proposal NO.4 dated December 17, 1996, to delete type "R" light to be supplied by the owner (will reuse an existing fixture) for the lump sum credit amount of Two Hundred Eighteen Dollars (S218) to be deducted from our contract amount. This quotation is based on the following breakdown. Subcontractor quotation is attached for your review, State Electric credit $218 Sincerely, SOUTHLAND BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC. -ktJl;;t a / Robert A. Nidzgorski CPE Vice President \msworks\wspolice\proposaI\RFCON06.WPS enclosure i", ~ ~~; Telephone 407 788 - 3382 Fax 407 788 - 3599 CGCO 24926 -"--'-""""'..,:J"oJ'."'l'":r~~,'~--"-- ....,:~~-."....,.....'".'''-~---- " . I ... "" -. ~ -':"If ( "'oP. 1~::S~ STATE EI..ECTRIC co. :Z~~3:ZJ7 '-,01 .~ .. It, - C."'n'.'''_1 I ,..".111.. 'nc\"'.I~'", ..~ ..... .1I_...ft....... FACSIMILS ~RANSMll~AL '. " . OA'!'E : '1'0 : .~ 4;;.7 ~ ~r^Jb /.t4,E' ___400__ f'I\O(-1 : ....- ..--.-.-............- -... ..... ~Ul'.ssAGm : , A . ~-/J6r.. 7A~~-;r--"1f- r:: .,. -r:-~._ -.."p ~=- " R.... "'_ <t 21?? ---- -- -----...-------.--.-.--.. -------.--- .-.-.....--.------- ------.....---..------.----...---...-.......-.-....--- ---- ---------.--... HE ARE: 'l'RI\NSMl'l"l'!NG ~_PJ\(".p'.s1 INCLUDING '.I.'H13 PAGE, P.O. HOX GOUtHiG I OnLANVO,Fl.On lOA 32Uti8/ PIIONE (,",0712oo.003U I FAX ('10712UU..J21i' .. :"T;~~~~~TO:~' '~:"'~./'F~""""~~ 7'""f:~ :~~~'r:,:~~,~,rt '<"',,<t~""'~O"c":''''''-~,7''''''''~' "c:i .. . ' ~ i'OOPOSAL REQUEST AlA DOCUMENT G709 OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANT CONTRACTOR X DON LeBlanc X File X A.I. X SOUTHLAND PROJECT: (name, address) OWNER: TO: (Contractor) WINTER SPRINGS PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY 300 N. MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 PROPOSAL REQUEST NO: 4 CrrYofWINTERSPRINGS 1126 E. STATE ROAD # 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 DATE: December 17, 1996 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: 534-93/2.22 SOUTIfLAND BLDG. CONTRACTORS CONTRACT FOR; NEW PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY 1005 S. SWEETWATER BLVD. LONGWOOD, FL 32779 CONTRACT DATED: 10 APRIL 96 Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifications to Contract Documents describes herein. .f TInS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. '"'escription: (Written description of the Work) 1) Delete light fixture type "R" (As directed by the Owner). Attachments: (List attached documents that support description) 1) RFI # 47 ARCHITECT: {: Architects Design Group, Inc. &~ Peter Bauer Construction Administrator AIA DOCUMENT G709 . PROPOSAL REQUEST . APRIL 1970 EDmON . AIA@ . <<:? 1970 . THE AMERICAN INS1TI1JIE OF ARCmTECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N. W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 Page 1 of 1 /pjb ~ - ~ - - . ~. . : _:J'__I_="::O ..;87-3c..;=-=-= ~c:... 7":-~~G ~L:~ -=::~(7" .. .. ~., .. . .' .l ~ tit Architects end F!cr:ners .. ..{ ..: . . . P. O. Box 1210 333 i'JCrih Kncwies Avenue Winter Pade Florida 32790 Phcne (407) 647-] iCe ,=cx (.107) 64E-.5525 ..J. ~ ~ ~ ~~..:. ~ 00 <::1J -.. :::r::~ J - ~ rJ ~ ~ ,'\I h..c.... <:)<::,;.. I~ " ~ Cl =- ~ 5 .3 x ,--:] ... 0 ..::: '.'0 C U. C a. u. Architects Design Group/ Inc. ~A CC01197 ..- n;"'~. ~~~:... .~,,~ ~:':."';~ ;;'~;.I~.'Z~~',~",,:,~~':';~.-",:.:_~<.;.:H~".~~~~..:c':"....(..:..: ~~.,,~ .. (',,',,~ .' d~ : ~~~.. '"'_ ,"<,~ ~.~. I~/~""~~~~~,.,-~~~,~"'~;"";'" -:SJ~,-~=\~.ft~,*~,::: ":/:-~~^l~~~"..,~ I~~;~~~. ,:,,~'!:"'.T~ -- -... 'xo,.......... ....~ ,~~. _I" .~.iollIlhft,:"<......,~...,. ,,'" 1._.. ,,~__..( .'~.^'. ~..r '~.~~l. RFI #: 47 ~ [0 ( ~, i'- \.\J 1 :{ t! o -l rJJ .c. ~ ~ -;::: ~ ~z Ix"')>.... "" "' c ,.-)'1 ~ \1) Qa (f2!: _.. "j'H I . ~~ ~ ~ ".L I :..,J!_..--.__~_L.,__ _ "ci: ~ <3 : . =:2' --..:::.;. /'. I L', ,.) f (1' - -r-.....------- <3"T \?' II) i'11 ~ '" r- E =- S " '" it u. Projecr: Winter Springs Public Safety Facility 534.93 / 2.19 Con!r:lctor: Southland Building CDntractors Inc. 1005 Sweet'N:lte:- Boulev:lrd Som,,1:! LongwQod. F1orid:l. 32779 Phone: 407-i38-33S: F~~: 407-i38-3599 fg-lt-9G ..... TO: D. H . ) ~ /11 --:;.. Rec~ived by Archirect: /O/;i/9& I I / Ar:::ntec: to Consulcmt: Consultant to AreniteC'".: . Archirec: to ConU':lc:or: IrJ.'1 Z-9~ Desctiption: LL C lrlt.r PL X',UP--..E. \\ Kif L' J 5 CV fL. U /\}T>ZR-. Si?-r-..f01 N ~ -rt-l'E" C r-r-j IN ILL ^J O"l ~ ~\.IlKE ~X71;(2.E: ;-YPC \.\'K.1f ~'D jcu"2.. Cr~/Ce. \~ ~~ \ I N ~Q\2. M E'~ 0 r: /;-;. J~ C N.p.N q E'\ \;'J liHp.. L.L. Or:: ~ O~~e:~ G"LE'c.,'r2.IC..~~ CC.L.,Orl.S ~~'-Gc..T~ c.p.,..J J~~ L.} ~ J..'-( ~t -y. it;(2.1=' 'PU IQ./' ~ A~'(~ Q/Ji)&K.?. ~ J~-:' r} ~~ noposed solunon: - -- "oj - ~y VoW....;; 'J'-Yi. }.-I Response: ~~vmd --1- ~ b~;~ ~;J h"i-~~ "(2 ~ ~ 0-0 ~Jc.... (~V"I"J - p<< t~ttL 0Hv'tr5~ 7r~~!. ~ /1~ ~ .;.. (~+ C.v'~cl. /1 Respondent: ~ /0 JH/~~ *' an ~ 6/.111, ~--- --:--,....---:-;... "'~"'.- ...~--,..--:c~.'!..-~,..---,. .. '.....--- -"'-'. '" ". ,~:".'-.,-..,...- \. . March 6, 1997 To: City Clerk Finance Director Purchasing Director 61 Land Development Coordinator W From: Re: Change Order Public Safety Complex Attached for your records is Change Order # 1.