HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthland Building Contractors Police Facility Performance Bond and Payment Bond -1996 03 25 . ..., .. . '" ""': ., ' CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND (SURETY) EbND ASO-03-S9 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEM\NOLE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Know all men by . these presents, that , ~l JTHI ANn Rt ) I I n I N(; ('[)NTRA(~TORC;. 1 Nr.. as Principal, and ATI ANTTr. All T A!\.Ir.F FTTlFl TrY & 51 IRFTY (j:}1PAI\IY a corporation organized under the laws 01 the State of NFW ,IFRC:;FY , with It'S home, office in the City of CHERRY ~TII as Surety, (said Principle and said Surety hereinaher collectively being relerred to as Obligor). are reld and firmly bound unto the City of Winter Springs, Florida acting by and through the City Council of the City of Winter Spring~, Floridaf and their successors in office, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum 01 ONE MI LLl ON ~I GHT ~l!NDREDItuRTY ONE THOUSAND 1tiEFF HI JNflRFfl &:J.D..LORry F 01 JR lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof to the Obligee, the Pnncipal and jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. No/100THS Signed, sealed and dated this, 25th day of --,-=-March 19~6 Whereas the Principal and Obligee have entered into a writ:1en contract, hereinatter called the "Contract" for the construction complete 01 tho City of Winter Springs Police Department as evidenced by Contract. Plans and Specifications made a part thereof, entered into between the " / Principal and the Obligee on the '\ () "t!i day of A ~ p..\ L , 1996 -- a copy 01 which Contract is attached hereto a 's h f ferred to' and made a par1thereof,~ , C Now, therefore, the condition of theforeg g obligation is such that if the Principal shall indemnity the Obligee for a11 loss that the bllgee may sustain by reason of the Princlpal'~ failure to comply with any of, the terms of the Contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force, This bond shall also be security for the performance by the Principal and Surety of the following additional covenants and obligations, and the recitals and reference herein contained shall constitute a part of this bond and obligation: 1, Said Principa!', (Contractor) shall well and tluly perform; carry out, and abide by all the terms, conditions and provisions of said Contract and build cOr:T1plete the structures therein identified in accordance with the terms thereof, and the Obligor herein shall and does hereby agree to indemnify the Obligee and hold it harmless of, from and against any and all liability, loss, Cost, damage or expense which said City of Winter Springs, Florida, may incur or which may accrue or be Imposed upon either thereof by reason of any negligence. default and/or misconduct on the part of the said Contractor and agents, servants and/or employees, in, about, or on account of,the construction of, said structures and performance of said Contract by the said Contractor, and shall repay to and reimburse to the said City of Winter Springs, Florida, promptly upon demand: all sums of money, each and every, reasonably paid out or expended by said Obligee on account of the failure and/or refusal of said ........-. 534-93 @A.D.G., Inc. 1995 00610-' Bond f . . ,- Contractor to carry out, do, perlorm, and/or comply witll any 01, the terms and provisions of said Contract at the time and In the manner ttlerein provided 2 TM Principal will make payments to all persons Supplying the Principal labor, material, and supplies used directly or indirectly by the Principal or any subcontractor or subcontractors of the Principal In the prosecution of ',he Work provided for in said Contract. Each and every person, natural and artificial, for whOse Mnefit tMis bond hilS been executed as disclosed by the te^, 01 this bond, and 01 said Contract, Specifications, Drawings and all paperG, and of said agreement and instrument8 attached and made a part 01 said Contract, and eaeh ond every per80n, natural and artificial, supplying labor, material, or supplies 1:1 turther8ClC\J of said Contract, shall have tM same several rights of suit or action upon this bono 8S d he or"they were the Obligee or Obligees herein.,speclfically mentioned. and the obligations hereof shall be several as to the rlgnts of said persons or said Obligees hereof. In each and every SLit brought against the Obligor upon this bond in which the plaintiff shall be successful, there shall 00 assessed therein against the Obligor flereln, in favor of It\e plalnli1t therein, reasonable CQunsel fees, which the Obligor hereby expressly agrees to pay as part of the cost and expense of such suit ' In witness whareq,tJhe said PrinCipal and said Surety hereto have caused these presents to be exocuted this 25th' . day 01 _ March _, 199_6 THIS BOND HEREBY IS AMENDED SO THAT THE PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF SECTION 255.05 OR SECTION 713.23, FLORIDA STATUTES, WHICHEVER IS APPLICABLE, ARE JS'h~9ffhqf~lihgp~~~EJ~ l~vi~~~FRENCE. Signed. sealed und delivered in the pre senee or' (Seall (Witness) (Signature 01 Indivi0ual) (Ssai) (Witness) (Prinled Name of Individual) When the Principal is a Sole Proprietorship or Operates Under a Trade Name: Signed, sealed and delivered In the presence of: _(SB21~ (Witness) (Name of Firm) (Seal) (Witness) (Signature of Individua.l) Bond 00610-2 53493 ~ A,O,G, Inc, 1995 . " 'h . When the Principal is a Partnership: Signed, sealed and delivered in the ,_,presence of: (Name of Firm) A Partnership (Witness) (Witness) Partner When the Principal is a Corporation: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence Of: Attest: 5:)UTHLAND BUILDING CoNTRACTORS, INC. (Correct Name of Corporation) By: President '.-." AT.LANTIC ALLIANCE FIDELITY & SURETY Q11pAiw (Name of Surety) 2955 HARTLEY RD., SUITE 202 JACKSONV I LLE. F LOR I DA 32257 B : /l (Address of Suretyj y~~~ CAROL A. HoPSON-ATTORNEY-IN~FACT NOTE: If both principal and surety are corporations, the respective ~orporate seals should t)8 aHixed and attached. .,-.... 534-93 @ A.D.G., Inc. 1995 0061 0-3 Bond .,. ;I" ,'" . '. . . CERTIFICATES AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, Janet K. Gibson . certify that I am the Secretary of the corporation _ named as principal in the within bond; that John D. Gibson . who signed the said bond on behalf of the' principal. was then President of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto Is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation\bY authority of Its governing body, ~ Janet K. Gibson Secretary/Treasurer STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned, qualified and acting, personally appeared: CIIROL fJ !-bPSON To me well known. who being by me first duly sworn upon oath says that he 15 the at1orney-in--- fact for the ATI ANT T r. (J..i I T At\Ir.F F T nl F!TY R SIIRFTY rrnp (lNY and that he has bean authorized by em lIt\ITr r. AI I T At\Ir.F F I [lFI !TY & SIIRFTY ('rnp At\IY to execute the foregoing bond on behalf of the Contractor named therein in favor 01 the City of Winter Springs, Florida, ' SUbscribeg and sworn to before me this 71TH A.D., 199_ , day 01 MARCH r- '.'- . <-~{Jf J} ~~ Notary Public, State 01 Florida . .. ..... .' "" "t- . ::j" ,KATHLEEN H, COLLlN~ 110tary Public, Slale of Florida ,"y Comm, Exp, May 1, 1998 I;Ol11m', No, CC 368971 5-1-98 My Commission Expires' Bond 00610-4 534-93 @ A.D,G., Inc. 1995