HomeMy WebLinkAboutSkilling, Marion I. -2001 04 09 04/06/2001 14:19 4078964312 M SKILLING+ASSOC PAGE 02 MARION I. SKILLING & ASSOCIATES, INC. April 6,2001 Mr. Charles Carrington, AICP Community Development Director City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs. FL 32708 Re: 6.2-Acre Nursery Road Property Study Dear Charles: I am very pleased to submit this proposal to assist the City in determining the appropriate Future Land Use Map/Zoning designations and appropriate land development controls to allow the property owner to develop the site while providing protection for the sWTOunding properties. It appears that a PUD zoning and Mixed-Use Future Land Use Map designation may provide an appropriate strategy to allow reasonable development on the subject property, ensure that existina compliance violations are corrected, and protect 5urrounding properties. The following Scope of Services is proposed to accomplish the goals of this study: 1. Background a) Conduct site visit of subject property and surrounding neipborhood to document existing development. b) Prepare a ha..;e map of subject site and surrounding area using Seminole County Property Appraiser's map. c) Map existing zoning and Future Land Use designation on base map. d) Meet with City's Code Enforcement Officer to document code compliance issues. e) Review applicant's proposal. 2. Recommendations a) Prepare written conditions of approval f01" a PUP that would apply to the subject property to address at a minimum: . Permitted land uses . Prohibited land uses . Signage . Setbacks · Parking . Buffering and landscaping . Site lighting . Code compliance f01" ~isting uses . Access . Other PUD requirements to be met by property owner b) Prepare concept plan in bubble form summarizing PUD requirements. lJ :\bu$ineS$\ProjeclS\O 101 C)\<,'()ITe$ponden~\l..ettet C1wIa ClUrinaton 4~.(lI.doc IIAarion I. Skllllnl it. Auoclata, JIIC. . 832 N ThomtCIn Avenue + Orlando, Florida 32803 Phone: (407) 896-70S0' Fall.: (407) 896-4~12 . Emili: makillinl@cfl.f1'.ooJJl .- ',.,~--;f~~--:'''~;y, ;'"". ~f"" ,--:,,.--.-'~ - Apr-<?~:-g} _.lC!: ~~~ P REEC,-~ I T ~ Wll~It:t( ~lNGS \ 407 647 6491 P.02 43? 327 4753 P. 03/03 84/86/2881 14:19 4878964312 M S/(Jl.LIN6+ASSOC PAGE 83 MARION L SICD..l"fflG & ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr. CMrl" Cmingtoa. Alep April 6. 200. p. 2 c) PNpa'a apUaltems for Comprehaallvc Pl. AmcndmlDt... ~"8 oflUbjcct prop&ny. 3. Mocdns Atlend8nce .) AppliCDt b) Mlllina(s) willt City 5tatrto lfti..daft~. c) ODe Neiabborbood meetiDa d) LPA H.u., e) City C(\mlfti.sion Hariap ,. Fiftlt ~tDC ad Adaptioa n. feu for compJetiOll of this .....pnCllt Ire u follows: .. Completion of Numbers 1. ad 2. above, ~ ad ~M1..... ia . lump sum of $4.000.00. 2. AftCftdace at mcetiftIt win bo bUled hDurly bued on Ibe hoady lICe IOWuJe. 3. Norma! ~ill'lburMle cxpcascs will be billed in 1dd11i0l'11G tM r..litecd above. BUlin, wlll be made (tft . tDOIJdIIy hais tor the uaount completed. IrMMCIIIre ID be pIicI by tile City 30 days followiDc receipt. If you hav. UI)' questiCIIII. ,... lift me a calL J look forwanl to warIdDa wi1h tile at, U) complete db. aalpment. If~i. PfOPOIal i. acceptNJ.. pie_lip Wow aod lead. copy to my doe. AccqJted By: ;(~&l1L ?1f"f-(2 Ace. By. Date: If-r; -0/ I Date: . ('1-0/ City and cost of this stUdy equally. U~v-'r~~l'.ta.. ~ ~DIIIII::',: ........ I. a.a . .lUlI~A_.~I'IIdIIIII:DIb "--r. (~.... . JIll! (40'1) ""'2 . .....; -..r1P~...._ TOT~ P.W RPR-09-2001 11:20 407 647 6491 95% P.02 , .. .' 04/06/2001 14:19 4078964312 M SKILLING+ASSOC PAGE 03 MARION I. SKILLING & ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr. Charles Carrington, AICP April 6, 2001 Page 2 c) Prepare agenda items for Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning of subject property. 3. Meeting Attendance a) Applicant b) Meeting(s) with City staff to review draft recommendations c) One Neighborhood meeting d) LP A Hearing e) City Commission Hearings fOT' First Reading and Adoption The fees for completion of this assignment are as follows: 1. Completion of Numbers 1. and 2. above, Backgl'owtd and Recommendations. is a lump sum of $4,000.00. 2. Attendance at meetings will be billed hourly based on the hourly rate schedule. 3. Normal reimbursable expenses will be billed in addition to the fees listed above. Billing will be made on a monthly basis for the amount completed. Invoices are to be paid by the City 30 days following receipt. If you have any questions, please give me a call. I look forward to working with the City to complete this assignment. If this proposal is acceptable. please sign below and send a copy to my office. Accepted By: ;(qvJjd, /1f~ Accepted By: Date: c.;~9-0/ / Date: City and Applicant agree to share the cost of this study equally. U :\buslncs$\Projects\O 1 0 J 9\Com:spolldence\Lettcr ChutCl Clllrl!l1'OJl4oC1~ I.doc Marlon J. Skllliq a: Associates,lnc. . 832 N Thornton Avenue. Orll/ldo. FJorid.1280l Phol'le: (407) 896-7050. FIX: (407) 896-4311. Emall: mskillin&@cft.lT.COlII