HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeminole Community College - 1991 11 22 .. MEMORANDUM TO: Charles Holzman, Chief, WSFD Gary Kaiser, Director of Public safetycS~~~ Public Safety Training Center Lease Agreement FROM: SUBJ: DATE: November 22, 1991 u.... .___,____..i__.-~___.._.....!. Enclosed, for your information, is a copy of the fully executed Public Safety Training Center Lease Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and Seminole Community college, as approved by the BCC at their November 12, 1991 meeting. Should you have any questions on the enclosed, please advise. Thank you. ENC RECE\VEf)~' GEK:mtp Same Letter wjEnclosure to: NOV 2 G 199\ T.L. siegfried, Chief, ASFD Paul Algeri, Chief, CFD Bob Stoddard, Chief, LMFD Charles Chapman, LFD Andrew McDaniel, Chief, OFD Tom Hickson, Chief, SFD WINTE.R Sr-'i\ii'.\o.',:l, EffiE. O.-E.EARIMf~iU ~SI',86 LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY BY SEMINOLE COUNTY TO SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING CENTER THIS LEASE is agreed to on the I~--day of , ) / C-lj-. 1991 by SEMINOLE COUNTY, (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY") a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771 and SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, a political subdivi- sion of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "SCC") whose address is 100 Weldon Boulevard, Sanford, Florida 32773. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the COUNTY has experienced tremendous population growth in recent decades; and WHEREAS, this population growth has led to the need for increased fire and safety protection; pnd WHEREAS, this need for increased fire and safety protection requires additional trained personnel; and WHEREAS, SCC has successfully provided EMS/Fire and Criminal Justice training in Seminole County for many years; and WHEREAS, SCC through its District Board of Trustees has unanimously expressed interest in expanding its EMS/Fire and Criminal Justice training programs in the form of a public safety training center; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY also supports the creation of a public safety training center 'and owns a suitable parcel for its location. " THEREFORE, the COUNTY and SCC agree to the following provi- sions as parties to this Lease. 1 CERTIFIED COpy rlAR Y ArvNE r.10Rc;;. ~;ERK OF CIRel/'r COiJRT Sti.1/NOLE COUNTY. FLORIO" BY ~ ')L () ) CLi-Q , DEPU ry CLERK - 1. PROPERTY TO BE LEASED: Under the authority granted to it by section 125.38, Florida statutes, the COUNTY leases to SCC real property (property) which is located in seminole County, Florida, and which has the following legal description: A portion of section 2, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of said section 2, Township 20 South, Range 32 East; Thence run N OooOO'OO"E 285.00 feet along the West line of the East 1/2 of said section 2 to the Northerly right of way line of Osceola Road (an existing 50 foot right of way, per Plat Book 6, Page 48), and the point of Beginning; Thence continue along the West line of the East 1/2 of said section 2, N OooOO'OO"E 1908.00 feet; Thence S 90000'00"W 1100.00 feet; Thence N 00000'0- O"E 1551.27 feet; Thence S 90000'00"E 728.92 feet; Thence S 30041'07"E 727.16 feet to a point on the West line of the East 1/2 of said section 2; Thence S 14054' 59" E 678.' feet; Thence S 52010'43"E 1274.27 feet; Thence S 82~,;r'13"E \')1.53 feet; Thence S 26008'52"E 748.06 feet to the Northerly right of way of Osceola Road and the point of curvature of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 954.93 feet and a central angle of 39 c 10' 14"; Thence run Southwesterly along the arc of said CU1/e and the Northerly Right of Way of Osceola Road 661.18 feet to the point of tangency, said curve having a tangent bearing of S 38004'51"W; Thence S 77045'05"W 1488.81 feet to the point of Beginning. containing 100.000 acres more or less. 2. TERM OF THE LEASE; EARLY TERMINATION: (a) This Lease shall have a term of sixty (60) years, I terminating on the sixtieth anniversary of the effective date of this Lease. On the thirtieth (30th) anniversary of this Lease, SCC shall have an option to renew this Lease for an additional thirty (30) years, beyond th~ original sixty (60) year term. (b) However, this Lease shall automatically terminate I . beforehand, even if none of 1ts other terms, and conditions were breached, for the following reasons: 2 (1) SCC fails to obtain a minimum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500,000.00) funding for the construc- tion of the public safety training center by the date of the fourth anniversary of the execution of this document. (2) SCC fails to commence construction of the public safety training center by date of the fifth anniversary of the execution of this document. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE LEASE: (a) This Lease shall become effective when the COUNTY has rezoned the property for use for Public Lands and Institutions (PLI), which must take place before March 1, 1992 or this Lease shall become null and void. (b) Once the property has been rezoned PLI, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole Count~ shall notify SCC in writing that the rezoning has occurred and that the Lease has become effective. (c) until such time that this Lease becomes effective, SCC shall not commence construction of the public safety training center upon nor make any changes to the property in any manner. 4. AMOUNT AND PAYMENT OF RENT: The rent shall be FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE AND 95/100 DOLLARS ($4,931.95) per year payable annually by SCC to the COUNTY. The first annual payment shall be due within thirty (30) days of the notification to SCC under section 3(b)~ Subsequent payments shall be paid on each '1 anniversary of the date this Lease went into effect. Such annual I Lease payments shall expire upon defeasance of the Seminole County 3 Franchise Solid Waste Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 1990 or until April 2020 whichever shall occur first. Thereafter, the rent shall be ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1.00) per year paid annually by see to the COUNTY for the remainder of the term. s. ACCEPTANCE OF PREMISES BY SCC: Taking possession of the property by see shall be conclusive evidence against see that the property was in good and satisfactory condition at the time possession was taken by sec. 6. USE OF THE LEASED PROPERTY: see shall use the property for operation of a public safety training center. sce may erect on the property such buildings as it may desire for the operation of a public safety training center, so long as such buildings are in conformity with federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, particularly land development regulations. The education and training of EMS/Fire Rescue and criminal justice personnel shall take place at the center. Any other use of the property shall require the prior approval of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners. 7. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: see shall not, nor permit others to use, the property for a purpose or in a manner which is prohibited by the laws or regulations of the United States, the state of Florida or the COUNTY. 8. COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT: The COUNTY agrees to permit , see, upon faithful p~rformance of the terms and covenants of this Lease, to peaceably and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the use of said premises for the purpose and for the term aforesaid. 4 9. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: (a) see shall not assign nor sublet the property, or any part thereof, without first obtaining the written consent of the COUNTY. (b) All rights, obligations and liabilities given to or imposed upon the COUNTY and see by this Lease shall extend to and bind jointly and severally their successors, permitted sublessees and permitted assignees. (c) Neither this Lease nor the leasehold estate of see nor any interest of see under this Lease in the property or in the buildings or other improvements upon the property shall be subject to involuntary assignment, transfer or sale, or to assignment, transfer or sale by the operation of law in any manner except by statute. 10. STATUS OF IMPROVEMENTS AND E~UIPMENT WHEN LEASE EXPIRES: (a) All improvements, including fixtures, made to or placed upon the property by see, at the expiration of this Lease shall become the property of the COUNTY and shall be surrendered with the property to the COUNTY's control, if the COUNTY so desires. If the COUNTY does not so desire, see shall have the responsibility of having, at see's option, the improvements removed, intact or removed after demolition. The right of the COUNTY to any improve- ments at expiration shall not be construed as giving rise to any obligation on its part to provide any type of insurance coverage. (b) see shall remove all of its furniture, furnishings, " property and equipment, ~nd moveable trade fixtures, not constitut- ing nonmovable fixtures, prior to the expiration of this Lease. 5 11. MAINTAINING THE PREMISES; TAXES: (a) see shall have the responsibility of maintaining the property and any improvements made upon it in accordance with the laws and regulations of the united states, the state of Florida or the COUNTY. (b) see shall pay, on a current basis} any taxes and special assessments which may be levied and assessed on the leased premises during the term of this Lease which arise from the use of the property by see, its assignees or sublessees for which see is not otherwise exempt from paying pursuant to state law. 12. INSURANCE: (a) see shall procure before taking possession of the property and maintain at all times during the term of this Lease, liability and casualty damage insurance, in an amount of not less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500,000) and FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500,000) respectivelY. All such insurance shall be written by a carrier licensed to do business and regularly doing business in the state of Florida. The COUNTY need not be named as an assured in any insurance policy required by this section. However, if the COUNTY is not named, the policies shall contain a provision waiving all subrogation rights against the COUNTY. (b) certified copies of the above policy or a certificate evidencing its exist~rce or a policy binder shall be delivered to the COUNTY prior to sca taking possession of the property. In the event a binder is delivered, it shall be replaced within fourteen 6 (14) days by a certified copy or by a certificate of the policy. Each such copy or certificate shall contain a valid provision or endorsement that the policy may not be canceled, terminated, changed or modified without giving fourteen (14) days' written notice to the COUNTY. (c) If see is self-insured as provided by sections 240.375 and 240.376, Florida Statutes, it shall be deemed as having met the requirements of sections (a) and (b) of this section. 13. HOLD HARMLESS: see agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the COUNTY from any and all loss, expense, damage or claim for damages to person or property, including court costs and attorneys' fees, which may occur as a result of see's, its agents' , its employees' or its students' negligence or fault. The term "students" shall be construed to mean' those individuals who were enrolled at see at the time of the commission of an act or failure to act. 14. FULL OR PARTIAL BREACH OF THE LEASE: If either the COUNTY or see fails to perform or otherwise breaches a provision of this Lease, the other party shall give the party, failing to perform or otherwise in breach, written notice specifying the performance required or breach to be repaired. If, after thirty (30) days, the party still has not performed or otherwise remains in breach, the second party may bring an action. All remedies shall be deemed cumulative and no one exclusive of the other. .\ 15. NOTICES: When~ver either party desires to give notice to the other, notice may be sent to: 7 SEMINOLE COUNTY: Ron Rabun, County Manager County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 / SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE: District Board of Trustees of Seminole Community College c/o Mr. Andrew J. Vavreck Vice President Administration and Finance 100 Weldon Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773 Either the COUNTY or SCC may change the address at which they receive notice by providing written notification. 16. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS LEASE: If anyone or more provi- sions of this Lease is found by a court to be unenforceable for whatever reason, such a finding shall not affect any other provision of this Lease. This Lease shall be construed as if it , had never contained the unenforceable provision(s) . 17. APPLICABLE LAW: This Lease shall be construed in accordance with statutory and case law of the State of Florida. 18. INTEGRATION CLAUSE; AMENDMENTS: The COUNTY and SCC acknowledge and agree that they have not relied upon any state- ments, representations, agreements or warranties, except such as expressed in this document, and that no amendment or modification of this Lease shall be valid or binding unless expressed in writing and executed by the parties in the manner of this Lease. '1 8 THIS LEASE shall be deemed executed after signed as provided below. WITNESSES: Zi . . / ------ ;/~!, /' / /-" C - '.' ,_ ,1/ " //i /. I #, _~ /..~ -~"'L-= / ) 1 I }i !0UL;~/ Ii 01 ATTEST: For use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and 14:;~L {'L < tounty Attorney HW/dre 10/02/91 '1 SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES By: ~ ,,--I /7 -:I ~. ,f 7.1e'!: .f -:., ( 1/. P;. J./- 't. ONSTANCE M. AUSTIN, Chairman Date: /Gi /e /'1 I / COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUN.TY, FLORIDA Date: ., \, . I STREETMAN, JR., ,d!lf/91 I I. As authorized for execution by t~e Boa:r:d of. cou~ Comrnis- Sloners ln thelr . .H.r. 1)- , 19~, regular meeting. 9 RESOLUTION NO. 91-R- 295 SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON THE 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1991. WHEREAS, SEMINOLE COUNTY has experienced tremendous population growth in recent decades; and WHEREAS, this population growth has led to the need for increased fire and safety protection; and WHEREAS, this need for increased fire and safety protection requires additional trained personnel; and WHEREAS, Seminole Community College has successfully provided EMS/Fire and Criminal Justice training in Seminole County for many years; and WHEREAS, Seminole Community College through its Board of Directors has unanimously expressed interest in expanding its EMS/Fire and Criminal Justice training programs in the form of a public safety training center; and WHEREAS, SEMINOLE COUNTY also supports the creation of a public safety training center and owns a suitable parcel for its location; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. LEASED PREMISES. (a) The real property located in seminole County, Florida which is being leased to Seminole Community College is fully " described as follows: 1 A portion of section 2, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of said section 2, Township 20 South, Range 32 East; Thence run N OooOO'OO"E 285.00 feet along the West line of the East 1/2 of said section 2 to the Northerly right of way line of Osceola Road (an existing 50 foot right of way, per Plat Book 6, Page 48), and the Point of Beginning; Thence continue along the West line of the East 1/2 of said Section 2, N OooOO'OO"E 1908.00 feet; Thence S 90000'00"W 1100.00 feet; Thence N 00000'0- O"E 1551.27 feet; Thence S 90000'00"E 728.92 feet; Thence S 30041'07"E 727.16 feet to a point on the West line of the East 1/2 of said section 2; Thence S 14054'59"E 678.19 feet; Thence S 52010'43"E 1274.27 feet; Thence S 82025'13"E 497.53 feet; Thence S 26008'52"E 748.06 feet to the Northerly right of way of Osceola Road and the point of curvature of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 954.93 feet and a central angle of 39040'14"; Thence run Southwesterly along the arc of said curve and the Northerly Right of Way of Osceola Road 661.18 feet to the point of tangency, said curve having a tangent bearing of S 38004'51"W; Thence S 77045'05"W 1488.81 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 100.000 acres more or less. . (b) The real property is to be used for a public safety training center in accordance with the terms of the Lease approved this date by the Board of County Commissioners and Seminole community College. The terms of the Lease include: (1) A leasehold period of sixty (60) years with an option of renewal by Seminole community College on the thirtieth (30th) anniversary for an additional thirty (30) years. (2) An annual rent to be paid by Seminole community College of FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE AND 95/100 DOLLARS ($4,931.95) payable ann~ally, an amount which shall decrease to ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1.00) per year paid annually upon defeasance of the Seminole county I Franchise Solid Was~e Disposal system 2 r ,. Revenue Bonds, Series 1990, or April 2020 whichever shall occur first. SECTION 2. FINDINGS AS TO PROPERTY. The Board finds and determines that the property described in section 1 above is not necessary for the operation of Seminole County Government, that the use of the property described in section 1 above for a public safety training center is advantageous to SEMINOLE COUNTY, and that the use of the property described in section 1 above for a public safety training center will benefit the citizens of Seminole County. ADOPTED this 12th day of Nov. , 1991. ~y C1er to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMI~OLE CO~~: :LO~IDA BYG.~0.erJ/ Y\~("(L"t-:/ -Fred W~Streetman, Jr. , Cha1rman ATTEST: d / HW/dre 11/14/91 n c.ry -<;. \.0 .< ;~.., ~ , ) .. . ~ ..;~ ....., .: -I .. - I ClO- - 0' roo.., r-:. rrl,:.-; '. ,--:',r C" . I~.." " - . J U1 " ::J: W : ,,-: ;, . 0"' 'Ie.> c;-- lJ w - - ...> 3