HomeMy WebLinkAboutTip Top Roofing Co, Inc. -1999 08 05 TIP-TOP ROOFING CO., INC. P 0. BOX 941959. MAITLAND. FL 32794-1959 (407) 660-2212 PA Y REQUEST: 01 DA "J."E : April 05, 1999 PROJECT: Fire Station '211 OWNER: same TO: City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 11311 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Pay Period Endi ng : 011/02/99 Purchase Order 1116711 dated 02/25/99 Original Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders: $ 22.590.00 $ nla Revised Contract Amount: $ 22,590.00 Materials Stored On Site: $ nla Complete To Date~ $ 22,590.00 Retainage I f Applicable: $ nla Total Earned Less Retainage: $ 22.590.00 Less Previous Payments: $ nla CURRENT PAYMENT DUE ON RECEI PT: $ 22,590.00 , ~/Full Release of Lien The undersigned certifies that all material, labor or services for which payment is requested have been fully paid for and the above project cannot be liened or made claie to by anyone who has furnished aaterial, labor or services to the undersigned and the undersigned hereby releases the Owner froa further liability for materials, labor or services furnished by the undersigned through this pay period. The undersigned further states that all Social Security taxes, witholding taxes, Sales and Use taxes, permits, Workers' Compensation and other insurance prelliuas and all taxes iaposed by Chapter 212, Florida Statutes as alIended, which have occurred in conBection with this construction project have been fully paid. This release becomes in full force and effect upon receipt by the undersigned the aIIOunt of: $ 22,590.00 State of Florida" County of Orange Subscribed and sworn to before me this 05th day of NOTARY PUBLIC: SUSAN N.lARSON MDDY PublIc - state of Florida MtCommlsslon ExJ*e5 Aug 23. 2002 ComA'llssion' CC769l1YJ Note: This statutory fora prescribed by Section 713.20, Fl u ). Effective October 01, 1996, a person may not required a lienor tofumish a waiver of release of lien that is different froa the statutory form. My Commission Expires: /.~~-l.i T "j.:T'; CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON FINAL PAYMENT (PAYMENT BY CHECK) 'l'he undersigned lienor, in consideration of the final payment in the amount of $ 22,590.00 and conditioned upon payment of check number issued to the lIndersi~ned by City Of Winter Springs in said amount, waives and releases its lien and right to claim a lien for labor, services or materials furnished to (cllstomer) City Of Winter Springs on the job of (owner property) Fire Department - Station '24 , to the following described property: Winter Springs Fire Station 124 102 N. Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida .;" "- Dated On April 05 ,1999 . Lienor's Name Tip-Top Roofing Co.., Inc. Address P.O. Box 941959 Maitland. Florida 32194-1959 By VP Printed Name NOTE: This is n stntutOl'Y form prescribed by Section 713.20, Florida Statutes (1.9.%'). Effectiue October 1, 1996, a person may not require a lienor to furnish a waiuer or release of lien that is different from the statutory fonn. :cn:-v OF .W!NTER SPRINGS, 1126 E, STATE ROAD 434. WINTER SPRINGS~ FLORIDA~708 (407) 327...1800 PAGE ~ MBER " V- ;,I".., . -.,'.:-, . THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL PACKAGES. INVOICES AND CORRESPONDENCE 'URCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED RQUISITION NUMBER VENDOR NO. SPCL. INSTJPURPOSE (i#./ ~~/1,1'j ...._1 ::./ ,_ ~") I .:.; ;',~ ,:.~ 1'," -i.ici4 i.l t.!. 1 Co " . 'r . t.P t'. ! F JI'f" A VENDOR Tn 'I~~'F H(I\'JF I HG p ". BI);{ 'n 1 .~ S" t1A fTiJJn I n, SHIP TO CC'l'j' uF \'ilNTfR SPldN\:> fH.E \)f.f:'I\R'l.'hEN'i'-STi\:fl')N #='.; 1'-): NO:RT'rl 110'3~3 f./l.}Al1 W [ h rEI.... SfJfU NUS I FL <::!\):3 327':;.4'1 ~:,~/:. CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT N N NE..r ,11\ f:f}{;, N.; QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE i JUB l'j'f) f Nt, 0'.,,] DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSIO .;. .:' 'Y:)~) ~ t'(.'; ~ ... !:I <,i(j . l. fi;)OF Rf1-'AIR AS QUAOI'ED PEP, PRCJPOSAL fOF O)A..L, 'CAR. PI'I\::H ROOF SYSTFJ!, A2PH')'v'ED ON CONSENT Jl,GENDl\U IT -f El:':BRU,';.PY :::. IS;!~) FR(H P & l! BlJLLOJ:NG GENF..FAL FUNO FESERJE , '-;' :~!, 0'3(' (l(' PRU'ilDE ALLIE.:n :;',IGN!\L ::0 YH NOL WARRAN"T'Y " J , 5(.-M. 0(' WORK / PRODUCT RECEIVE~ SPECIFIED SIGNED: ~ PRINTNAME:.1.~~ ~~~ DATE: 1.L:.$ ~q q t J '-\ T01'~J.. PfJRCH/l..5E ORDEF AMOUNT 225;'l~'6' 2:'10 54660 2 :2 ~~ '~i2-~ (i{1 BY \... DATE PURCHASING (J P PETRENCSIK) BY ~J. ~. ;, ,-,. 2/ "'"L.-----... DATE CITY MANAGER TAX NO. 69-13-035082-54C RECEIVING COpy BID NO.