HomeMy WebLinkAboutUniversal Engineering Sciences Proposal No. 9604-38 -1996 04 29 " E:!3 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering. Environmental Sciences. Construction Materials Testing Offices In: . Orlando . Gainesville . Fort Myers . Merrill Island . SI. Augustine . Daytona Beach . West Palm Beach April 29, 1996 City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Attention: Mr. Donald LeBlanc Reference: Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services City of Winter Springs Public Safety Facility Winter Springs, Florida UES Proposal No.: 9604-38 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: Thank you for letting us submit this proposal to provide construction materials testing services for your project. Universal Engineering Sciences wants to work with you on this exciting project. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide outstanding quality, fast service, and competitive unit prices. Because we are professionals, we take care to conduct our testing according to acceptable standards. We know that fast response to your project and rapid turn- around of test results represents a significant cost savings to you. Our ability to respond to a project on short notice and provide accurate test reports is unsurpassed in the Orlando area. We will not let you down! Universal Engineering Sciences is a full-service consulting engineering firm specializing in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering and Construction Materials Testing and Threshold Building Inspection. From our home office in Orlando, we operate a 240 employee, Engineering News Record Top 500 engineering firm. We have six regional offices strategically located across the state. We have more than thirty years of experience in Florida. This experience and knowledge of local conditions and construction practices are sure to save you time, money and frustration on your project. Based on our understanding of this project, we will provide one of the services listed below. We will be glad to provide any other services you request. . Sampling and testing plastic concrete - 1 set per type, per pour, per day per 50 yards or part thereof - (see Exhibit I attached) OR . Sampling and testing plastic concrete - 1 set per pour per type, per day per 150 yards or part thereof - (see Exhibit II attached) 3532 Maggie Blvd. · Orlando, FL 32811 · (407) 423-0504 City of Winter Springs Public Safety Facility UES Proposal No. 9604-38 Page 2 For your budget planning purposes, we have prepared a cost estimate for our services. We based our estimate on the information available from the project plans and specifications, our discussions, and our experience with similar projects. We are confident that these quantities reflect a reasonable approach to meet the project specifications. However, since we have no control over construction procedures and scheduling, the actual number of tests will vary. Therefore, you should only use this estimate for budgeting. I believe the information supplied in this proposal is satisfactory for your current needs. If you have any questions or need more information, please call. If you wish us to begin, please complete the enclosed Work Authorization/Proposal Acceptance Form and return both copies to our office. We will mail a copy back to you after we have signed it. Thanks again for your consideration. We look forward to serving you on this project. Respectfully submitted, aterials Testing RHW/FJS:jwj Enclosure: Exhibit I Work Authorization/Proposal Acceptance Form General Conditions 83 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. Work Authorization I Proposal Acceptance Form Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) is pleased to provide the services described below. The purpose of this document is to describe the terms under which the services will be provided and to obtain formal authorization. PROJECT NAME: City of Winter Springs Public Safety Facility PROJECT LOCA nON: Winter Springs, Florida CLIENT NAME: City of Winter Sprinas Date: ADril 26. 1996 CLIENT ADDRESS: 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Phone: 407-327-1800 I. Scope of Services and Understanding of Project (See attached proposal or as indicated below) UES PROPOSAL NO. - 9604-38 SEE EXHIBIT I ATTACHED II. contract Documents. The following documents form part of this Agreement and are Incorporated herein by referral: A. UES General Conditions.B. UES Proposal Dated: April 26, 1996 C. Plans. reports, specifications and other documents provided by the Client prior to this Agreement date. D. Other exhibits marked and described as follows: Exhibit I In the event of any inconsistency or conflid among the Contrad Documents, the provision in the Contrad Document first listed above shall govem. III. Authority to proceed and for payment. (To be completed by Client) If the invoice is to be mailed for approval to someone other than the account charged, please indicate where, below: Social Security Number or Federal Identification No.: Firm: Address: City: Zip: Attention: Title: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized CLIENT City of Winter Springs BY (Signature) I~ t/J, ~ BY (Signature) TYPED NAME Ronald W. McLemore TYPED NAME TITLE City Manager TITLE DATE mA'I ., \ ~~lo DATE S 7 ~~:~ 0 UO IE 0 0 S' ffi 'dO tedbl "etum executed copies to the nrversa nglneenng clences 0 ce In lca e ow: [xl Orlando [ 1 Daytona Beach [ 1 Merritt Island [ 1 Gainesville [ 1 West Palm Beach [ 1 Fort Myers 3532 Maggie Boulevard Ortando, Florida 32811 \ EXlllBIT I SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY, WINTER SPRINGS, FL UES PROPOSAL NO. 9604-38 I. BUILDING A. Cast In-Place Concrete (Foundation. Slabs) Concrete Test Cylinders (5 cylinders 20 sets $55.00 $1,100.00 per set with Slump & Temperature Test) Additional Slump and Air Entrainment 20 each $7.50 $150.00 Tests Subtotal $1,250.00 $1,250.00 I TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE NOTES: (1) All engineering review, report preparation and typing services will be provided at a charge of 5% of total charges incurred on each invoice; in any event, we will not exceed the total Construction Materials Testing budget unless verbal or written approval is received. All unit fees are for normal work hours, Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Saturday, Sunday and holidays will be invoiced at the standard rate x 1.35. (2) A minimum of four (4) In-Place Density Tests oer trio is required. (3) All hourly work requires a minimum four (4) hour call-out per trip. This estimate is based on our review of the project documents and our experience with similar projects. However, we do not have control over the contractor's construction practices, scheduling, or inclement weather. Therefore, actual quantities; may vary from our estimated quantities. EI:I . UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. GENERAL CONDfTJONS SECTION 1: RESPONSIBIl.mES 1.1 Universal Engineering Sciencea, Inc., heretofore referred to as the .Consultant,. has the reaponsibility for providing the services described under the .Scope of Services. section. The work is to be performed according to accepted standards of care and is to be completed in a timely manner. 1.2 The .Client" or a duly authorized representetive, is responsible for providing the Consultant with a clear understanding of the project nature and scope. The Client shall supply the Consultant with sufficient and adequate information, including, but not limited to, maps, site plans, reports, surveys and designs, to allow the Consultant to properly complete the specified services. The Client shall al80 communicate changes in the neture and scope of the project as soon as po88ible during performance of the work so that the changes can be Incorporated Into the work product. SECTION 2: STANDARD OF CAfE 2.1 Services performed by the Consultant under this Agreement are expected by the Client to be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the Consultant's profe88ion practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the project. No other warranty, expr888ed or implied, is made. 2.2 The Client recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those observed at locations where borings, surveys, or other explorations are made, and that site conditions may change with time. Data, interpretations, and recommendations by the Consultant will be based solely on information available to the Consultant at the time of service. The Consultant is reaponsible for those data, interpretations, and recommendations, but will not be reaponsible for other parties' interpretations or use of the information developed. SECTION 3: SITE ACCESS AND SITE CONDfT1ONS 3.1 Client will grant or obtain free acce88 to the site for all equipment and personnel nec8888ry for the Consultant to perform the work set forth in this Agreement. The Client will notify any and all po888880rs of the project site that Client has granted Consultant free aCC888 to the site. The Consultant will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site, but it is understood by Client that, in the normal course of work, some damage may occur, and the correction of such damage is not part of this Agreement unl888 80 specified In the Proposal. 3.2 The Client is responsible for the accuracy of locations for all subterranean structurea and utilities. The Consultant will take reasonable precautions to avoid known subterranean structurea, and the Client waives any claim against Consultant, and agreea to defend, indemnify, and hold Consultant harmless from any claim or liability for Injury or 1088, including costa of defense, arising from damage done to subterranean structures and utilities not identified or accurately located. In addition, Client agrees to compensate Consultant for any time spent or expensea Incurred by Consultant in defense of any such claim with compensation to be based upon Consultant's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. SECTION 4: SAMPLE OWNERSHIP AND DISPOSAL 4.1 Soil or water samples obtained from the project during performance of the work shall remain the property of the Client. 4.2 The Consultant will dispose of or return to Client all remaining soils and rock samples 60 days after submi88ion of report covering those samples. Further storage or transfer of samples can be made at Client's expense upon Client's prior written request. 4.3 Samples which are contaminated by petroleum products or other chemical waste will be returned to Client for treatment or disposal, consistent with all appropriate federal, state, or local regulations. SECTION 5: B1WNG AND PAYMENT 5.1 Consultant will submit invoices to Client monthly or upon completion of services. Invoices will show charges for different personnel and expense cl888ifications. 5.2 Payment Is due 30 days after preaentdon of invoice and is past due 31 days from invoice date. Client agrees to pay a finance charge of one and one-halt percent [1-1/2%] per month, or the meximum rate allowed by law, on past due accounts. 5.3 It the Consultant incurs any expeneea to collect overdue billings on Invoices, the sums paid by the Consultant for reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, Consultant's time, Consultant's expenses, and interest will be due and owing by the Client. SECTION 6: OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS 6.1 All reports, boring logs, field data, field notea, laboratory test data, calculations, estimates, and other documents prepared by the Consultant, as instruments of service, shall remain the property of the Consultant. 6.2 Client agreea that all reports and other work furnished to the Client or his agents, which is not paid for, will be returned upon demand and will not be used by the Client for any purpose. 6.3 The Consultant will ratain all pertinent records relating to the servlcea performed for a period of five years following submi88ion of the report, during which period the records will be made available to the Client at all reasonable timea. SECTION 7: DISCOVERY OF UNANTlCIPAlED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 7.1 Client warrants that a reasonable effort has been made to inform Consultant of known or suspected hazardous materials on or near the project site.