HomeMy WebLinkAboutVoiceStream October 17, 2000 .q.~;:C 1.; ,,,.D . .. o C 1 1 {) 1000 R SPRINGS CI''t Or ~~~'~\.. City of Winter Springs City Manager 1126 East S. R. 434 . Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: A2E015-B (City of Winter Springs) APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., Site Agreement for Land Located at 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, in the County of Seminole To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to Paragraph 15.h. of the Site Agreement for Land ("Lease") dated December 12, 1997, by and between the City of Winter Springs and APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., ("VoiceStream"), VoiceStream hereby requests your written approval to sublease the premises to PrimeCo Personal Communications, Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless. ("Sublessee"). Attached is a preliminary site sketch trom Sublessee indicating the placement of their equipment within the existing compound. You will note that they will be placing a platform in the existing leased compound. The Sublessee will be bound by the terms and conditions of the Lease. Please indicate your acceptance of this colocation and the Sublessee's equipment location within the existing ground space by signing in the space provided below (2 originals of this letter enclosed) and return one original to me. Retain the second original for your files. Any questions or requests for additional information should be directed to Roberta Petish at 813-348-2520. Thank you tor your cooperation in this matter. Rb~?2-~~ Roberta Petish Site Marketing Program Coordinator cc: Verizon Wireless "City Clerk LANDLORD CONSENT: In consideration ot the terms, provisions, conditions, covenants, and agreements of that certain Site AQreement for Land, by and between City ot Winter SorinQs and APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., landlord hereby agrees and consents to the above sublease, including but not limited to the uses, rights-ot-way and other rights and responsibilities granted to the tenant. City of Winter Springs, City Manager By: Date: Signature (Print name and title if different from above) Rev. Date: 12/28/99 3111 West Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Suite 400 Tampa, Fl 33607 Page 1 " ft, -~-"""'--, -.........-... -....... ....... ~h...... ....... .......l) ........ ........ ~~........ ..............-..... 4Ii;~ .............-......... ...................... ~................ ........-.........., .................... -.......-.....-..... i '.................. ................-...... .1 .......................... ..............-...., I,.. .............. .......... ~! " @ '~""-. s --;....-....... "....l ............~~~J:--..-....... ~ '. c '_ ,.J //..............:!!!?;..91. ..-................. ..... "................................ ,,// ......... ~! ..........z;():Cc.,. "" t;;\ ,//' .................. -............................. '-I , ' ICJ / >" /!II ",,/ /~ \:---....... ........____.... :!!j ....,\ //" .", ...................- ................. ~I ". 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", DIIII:DII-smlRBED' ~ _PnON OF PARENT 'I1lACT, ,.-- LOTS 1 Tl<ROUQi 25. .....0 "'CllJOlHG HOO'oat STREET, LUTlREll lANE. ANll THE SOUTH ONE-ti;llF (51/2) Of SECOND STAfET Of LUTTRELL P_, ACCOROlNG TO THE PlAT lHDlEOf AS RfCXlRllED "' PlAT BOOK n. PWiE ~ Of THE PuIIUC RECOROS or SOIINa.E COJNTY, ~A. lIEJNC A PORTlOH or LOT 27. lllOa< B OF OA llTOlDJ. 'S SUR~ or lHI: lEVY GRANT AS RECORDEDIH PlAT BOOK 1. PAGE 5 OF lHI: PIJBUC RECOROS OF SDlJNCU ~TY. FlORIOA. L'lING NDflTHf:ASlDllY or STATE ROAD 4". (SANf"DfIO-CMEDO ROAD). ...... '. .........~~---.... ........~~-- --- . "9 SITE DATA .. - CITY Of' WINTER SPRINGS lIIINTER SPRINGS. FL 17 DATA TAllUU.T1ON. ZONING: 'A-l' EllGINEERIlIURVEYOR: IIIKE LEAHY, P.E., P.LS. INTERST A lE BUSINESS PARK 8413 LAURU rAlR CIRCLE BlD(;. 5, SUllE 100 TAlAPA. FLORIDA 33610 PHI (813) 626-7300 rAXI (813) 626-7233 1111! ADIIfWlSo 1126 S.R. 434 SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 20. RANGE 30, SEIIINOlE COUNTY, FLORIDA DEVELOPER> '<UlIZON WIRELESS 100 TAlAPA OAKS BLVD. SUllE 450 1EIIPLE lERRACE. FL 33637 PHI (813) 615-4800 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCAI..E v.s. ~ 1zI;!f:/oo ~ ~~ ~ ~ '^-""'--^-""'~^~""'~--..J'o. ~ -^-^- ~~ \ \ """<,q Lr~:f!fl.tk:wl pooct / / / / / / ENLARGED SITE PLAN , INOf - 10 fEET I tOEBy C(RTlFY tHAT THE Silt: PlAN Ri:PRESOCTED ON THS WU' WAS WAC( lH)ER: NY DlRECllOH ON 1M( DATE SHOWol eASED ON tHE INFOflWATIOH fURt<<SM1) TO WE AS HOlED NIO CClNF'tRrS TO NXfPTED 0fGI0IEERIHG PRACTICES tl 1HE STAl[ Of f\.a!tIDA PuRsUANT 10 SECTKlH 471, fl...Cm)A STATUlES. tl ADDlllON. TO DtE: BEsT CF MS EHQNEER'S KNOW.EDCiE. M Pl.NCS N40 SPEC>>1CA nc>>cs CClIR. y wtH tHE APA.JC.IaL WlHlWUW BUlUIIHC COOES. '....... MiCHAEl K LEAHY flORIDA UCCHst:D PflOffSSlOHAL DlClNWl No. 45287 PR<lfESSlONIoL SURIO"OR It IW'PCR No. 5658 s: .. '" =< 0 '" ,. '" Q: ~ " .. tl fl Q \!! -< Q ~ ..... ('t4 f'I\ .. to C) .... .~ Putnam OlQllEDllNCft:OHS1RUCl1oN aJlP. INt[RSTATE BUStNESS PARK 8413 UJJREl. rAIR aRO..E BtJlUlINC No. 5 SUlIE No. 100 TAMPA, FlORIDA 33610 PHONE: (813) 626-7JOO r~. (81J) 626-72JJ alnRD QMJIA. CCM1JUCItII uc. fCXJ ~ COtIlAED EUX:tRIC.N. OOM1IUI.Cb u:. ,n; ~ CDlFQ ~ COUIUCD u:. 10' c:&:I5IIeR lJCDCU~~u:.p_1 ~~MDtuI'f'OtSl&.1I8JI W I- <( <-> (f)(/) 0 (f) ~---l w0 I I G:1Z~oz 0:::0:::~<-><( -CLI'0 ---l 3:(/)OWCL lX)---l Z 0::: ~O W 2~wg,~ -Zl--Z O:::-(/)O ~3: ~ -:q. (Q ~ THfS ORA.W1NC rs Jl.t[ ~OPERTY OF Tl1E SUR:'oJEYOR/'ENQNEER AND "'A Y NOT BE USED OR REPROOUCED WTHOUT HrSjHER EXPft(SS[O _TlEN f"ERWtSSlON. DRAWN BY: S. SALTERS CHECKED BY: L WOOD APPROval BY: lA. LEAHY FILE NAME: SllE SCALE: AS NOlED OAlE: 10-13-00 JOB NOI: 00-5255 SHEET TITlE: SITE PLAN SHEET: 1 or 'i -. / " \ \ , " " , , 72.00' , , PROPOSED AREA FOR PORTABLE GENERATOR existing /) 1E;4} -~ \ \ \ i \ \ \ \ i /' Y /'/\ /' \ . t. / \ ex;s Ing /'/' L retention / /'/' Dond /' ' /' /' /' />( /' " , " PROPOSED VERIZON EQUIPMENT PLATFORM ... ,...... / monopOie , , " , " " existir;'~ pes '- carrier \ , " " " , " existing chain fink fence , " " " " " , " " / -- ----'-' / / / / / // / / \ " ""- lec7se " , " " " eXistinG ./ \ \\ / \ / -~... -.... \/ ~ ,.' \ / . ;>' \ ,"", x ; <' + Y"I /'j ./ \\. :...:-,;....;:;,.'j / /' \- D~:S /' . / c'r'rYtC"!T' / ,......1, , 1,-.' /' !)Crcei .::..xic:;f-in r! l".., '..... ......, '::1 r' ,,-- (> ,..JL ,~j CCirr1er //// / .' ~ 1;k \