HomeMy WebLinkAboutViera Company Amended Settlement Agreement ,/ .~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~' ~, ~~ -->-- '" ----- I AMENDED SETTI,EMENT-AGREEMENT .) / . \ THIS AMENDED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter, the "Agreement") a f... ;1 _ J/ ~ hereby entered into thisL day Of~. 1995, by and between the CITY OF OVIED~ a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinaft~ "Oviedo"), and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter, "Winter Springs"), and THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation (hereinafter, "Viera"), and ROUSE-ORLANDO, INC., a Maryland corporation authorized to do business in Florida (hereinafter, "Rouse") (Oviedo, Winter Springs, Viera, and Rouse are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties"). \J WIT N E SSE T H: 'WHEREAS, Oviedo and Winter Springs wish to provide for better inter-governmental relations and coordinate planning efforts, as authorized pursuant to Section 163.01, Fla. Stat.; and WHEREAS, Part II of Chapter 163, Fla. Stat., and as a corollary thereto, Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, address the need for an efficient and orderly system of planning and growth management by and among governmental entities and subdivisions thereof to ensure continued growth while preserving and enhancing the public welfare; and WHEREAS, Sections 163.01(4) and (5), Fla. Stat., p",vide that a public agency of the state, as defined by Section 163.01(3), may exercise jointly by contract with any other public agency of the state any power, privilege or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and 7' 19 r,:vlslon by Krupp.:nbachcr & Associates 1\J U)\.O rrJ Ul == Ul roo O"T1 O"T1 ~n :r> r ;:u f"Tl ('") ~~ (;")0 r-r1(1) C) -.J -.J N -.1 W CD W -.J \..D c> r fT'l:J: ~l> 0:::0 .,,~ ("'):z ;:OZ ("')fT'l C::3, :::jO ("'):::u . (.f) l?['r~. 1..0 ::0 (J) (J1 fT'l'" C"):J: :c.a 0- c::: ;:0% G') aO ..-,r- -.J (:~l"'1 t.~<J ~ ,. 0 :l: <c: fTtZ c:'.) ;:0-4 . . ::;;:< I'::) r:;;-" Iv .---1 I I I, WHEREAS, Oviedo and Winter Springs are public agencies within the meaning of Section 163.01(3), Fla. Stat.; and . . I WHEREAS, Oviedo and Winter Springs are both located in Seminole County, Florida and ;'0 portions of each city are contiguous to portions of the other city; and (/)".0 ,.,., U1 :J:: Ul ..,.. WHEREAS, Oviedo has entered into an Agreement with Viera and Rouse dated Novem~ ,.,., 21, 1994 (hereinafter, the "Pre-Annexation Agreement"); and g ." WHEREAS, the Pre-Annexation Agreement contemplates that a 1.2 million square feJt C> -.J -.J W roo C> ." C) ." ::lIC- n 1> r ::::0 (T1 n -00 >::::0 e>o rr1 (J) regional shopping center will be developed on land which is located in unincorporated Seminole County (hereinafter, the "Mall") and that such land, together with contiguous land thereto (but not including Parcel 14 as described hereinafter), will be annexed into Oviedo as more particularly described in the Pre-Annexation Agreement; and ~~~~ /' WHEREAS, the parties hereto intend and desire that Parcel 14, as descriJbe annexed into Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, the Mall is a portion of a larger project which is a Development of Regional Impact (hereinafter, "DRI"). Viera has heretofore received development approvals for the DRI from Seminole County, Florida, pursuant to Section 380.06, Fla. Stat. The real property on . which the DRI project is located is described on F.1Chihit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, Viera has applied to Seminole County for additional approvals concerning the DRI project including, without limitation, an amendment to the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, an amendment to the existing DRI Development Order (as defined in the Pre-Annexation Agreement) and the existing master plan for the DR! project which is attached 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher &. Associates 2 ....... ') ( . thereto. and various other permits. approvals and development orders to allow the DR! project to be developed as provided in the Oviedo Crossing Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval dated November 1994, as the same has been or might be modified (all the foregoing applications being jointly hereinafter referred to as the "Land Use Approvals"). ;'0 The development, as may be ultimately modified by the Land Use Approvals, shall herein~e~~ =:: Ul -... ....- be referred to as the "Project"; and o r CTl WHEREAS, Winter Springs is the grantee of a ten (0) foot conservation ease~ntC) . --J .." pursuant to that certain Easement between Winter Springs Development Joint Venture and Wimer;; Springs recorded September 17, 1993, in Official Records Book 2648, Page 0039, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter, the "Conservation Easement"; the lands subject to the Conservation Easement are hereinafter referred to as the "Conservation Easement Area"); and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Pre-Annexation Agreement, Oviedo has filed suit against Winter Springs in Seminole County Circuit Court for the purpose of condemning the Conservation Easement so as to allow the construction of a public right-of-way; and WHEREAS, Winter Springs has filed suits against Oviedo and Rouse and Viera in connection with the Pre-Annexation Agreement: and WHEREAS. Winter Springs and Oviedo and Viera and Rouse desire to provide for an amicable settlement of such suits; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has adopted the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (hereinafter, the "Growth Management Act") which is codified in Section 163.3161 et seq., Fla. Stat. (1993. as amended); and 7/19 revision by Kruppcnbacher &. Associates 3 roo C) .." C) .." :An l:> r ::::0 rrl ("') -00 >>::0 G'> CJ CTl (J') 1 1 'I r I WHEREAS. the Growth Management Act requires local governments to coordinate and cooperate with respect to projects which have multi-jurisdictional impacts; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plans for Winter Springs and Oviedo require coordination between the two cities in connection with projects which have multi-jurisdictional impacts; and ,'0 WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act requires cooperation between municipalitiesaPd,D rr1 U1 ..,.. other governments to assure coordination of their respective planning and development activi~s;U1 C> r I'Tl ("") o and C) -.J WHEREAS, Policy 64.10 of the East Central Florida Regional Planning CotYiCil-.J . c.n Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan (hereinafter, the "Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan") calls for interlocal solutions to transportation needs, including the impacts of a development project in one jl:lrisdiction on an adjacent jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Policy 65.5 of the Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan calls for intergovernmental coordination to assure that multi-jurisdictional impacts are properly addressed; and WHEREAS, the State Comprehensive Plan requires cooperation between, among and within all levels of Florida government; and WHEREAS, if the Project is developed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. then Winter Springs and Oviedo determine that the Project and the benefits of the Project are in the public interest; and 7/19 reviSIon by Kroppenbach.:r & Associates 4 coo O~ O~ ~- ("') l> I ::::0 tT1 (") -UO l>::JJ (;')0 I" (J) I , , , WHEREAS. the Project provides certain economic development benefits to the region including. but not limited to. significant job creation. increase of ad valorem tax base. increase of sales tax revenue. increase of gas tax revenue. construction and expansion of public facilities and infrastructure at private expense. and numerous other benefits; and WHEREAS. in consideration of this Agreement. the Parties have agreed to terminate al~,-> pending litigation between the Parties as described herein and to take such other action ~ i~ __ U1 :z: contemplated by this Agreement; and ~ rT1 WHEREAS. Viera and Rouse have executed this Agreement in order to facilitate c~irP . -.J .." -.J of the undertakings of Winter Springs and Oviedo as specified herein and to perfomith~ undertakings of Viera and Rouse as hereinafter set forth and to receive the benefits set forth herein; and WHEREAS. in consideration of the foregoing, each of Oviedo and Winter Springs acknowledge that this Agreement is in the public interest and serves a valid municipal purpose; and WHEREAS. each of the Parties hereto represents and warrants to the others that it has complied with all procedural and substantive legal requirements and has the legal authority to execute and perform the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS. the Parties have previously entered into that certain Settlement Agreement dated March 24, 1995 (hereinafter, the "Settlement Agreement"); and WHEREAS. the Settlement Agreement contemplates development of the Project including a road connecting the Mall to Winter Springs Boulevard; and 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher It AssocialO:S 5 coo C) .." o .." ;;ll:- ("") ):> r- ::0 rT1 ("') -00 ):>::0 C')C) CT1 (/) , " WHEREAS. as a result of recent hearings held by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter. "Seminole County"). Viera and Rouse have modified the plans for the Project by substituting in place of direct vehicular access to Winter Springs Boulevard, a public road which would begin at State Road 426, include a bridge over the Central Florida Greeneway, and run through the Project to Red Bug Lake Road, all as depicted in the revised I\,) Plans attached hereto and incorporated herein as Rxhihit "8" (the "Bridge Road") " and CJ') ,0 rr1, U1 ~Ul WHEREAS, the Parties desire to replace the Settlement Agreement with this Agreemifit, I rr1 which address the changes in the Project, including without limitation provisions conceminggte C) . -.J ,"T1 , . Bridge Road; -- . -.J NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the premises hereof and the mutual covenants CD 0 0'Tf o "T1 :x- C'") l> ,- ::u rrl C'") -00 ~:::u C') CJ fT1 (/) contained herein, and good and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. RRCITAI S. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 2. NOV ATION. The Settlement Agreement including all exhibits attached thereto is hereby superseded and replaced in its entirety by this Agreement. Upon execution of this Agreement, the Settlement Agreement shall be of no further force and effect. 3. ORVF.I .OPMRNT R~I~IONS. With respect to that portion of the Project which abuts the southern and eastern portions of Tuscawilla as shown on the Master Development Plan attached hereto as F.xhihit "8, It the following restrictions shall apply: (a) Ilel!.eJDpm.enL No development, including parking. roads, buildings or other active uses (but excluding water retention and detention and drainage facilities) will 7/19 reVISIOO by Kruppenbacher &. Associates 6 . . " be permitted within 250 feet of the boundary between the Project and adjacent residential uses. (b) Height.~_ Building heights shall not exceed 35 feet within 275 feet of the boundary centers will be included in the buffer area shown on the Master Development Plan, :'0 (j) ',D (DO rr1 CJl <:) .." :t: <:) .." Ul :::x:- z C") <:) l> r r rr1 ;0 ("') C) rr1 0 ("') .." -oJ ~~ r -oJ C')C CO rrI (j) of the adjacent residential uses, 45 feet within 300 feet of the boundary, nor 65 feet for the remainder of the said parcels which are adjacent to Tuscawilla. (c) Wall.. A 6-foot high masonry wall and 4-inch caliper trees, planted on 40-foot where existing natural vegetation does not exist. 4. RIKF. PATH AND PF.DF.STR I A N W A I .KW A Y - In the interest of safety, and to promote alternative forms of transportation, Viera and Rouse shall provide a system for cyclist and pedestrian circulation on the Project site. Comfortable and direct walkways and bikeways shall be constructed between the Mall, peripheral retail and the roads adjacent to the Project. Bikeways which satisfy current state standards shall be connected at Project entrances with adjacent external bicycle systems (if existing). Provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, no bikeways shall be constructed on any property outside the real property described on F.rhihit T. Further, if (and only if) after consultation with their respective professional consultants each of the Parties determines it is reasonable and feasible to connect bikeways between the Project and Northern Way and such a connection can be accomplished at reasonable cost (and without relocation of drainage facilities and canals) and will not create a safety hazard. then Viera and Rouse shall do so. Appropriate signage identifying bike routes will be installed. If the Parties are unable to agree whether a connection can be accomplished at reasonable cost and without reloCation of drainage facilities and canals and will not create a safety hazard, then they shall refer 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher & Associales 7 , . ( the dispute to the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council for mediation, in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 20 hereinafter. 5. FINANC.IAL RENEFITS TO WINTER SPRINGS. The Parties acknowledge that there will be sources of revenue for Winter Springs as the Project builds out, such as, without (a) IV (.f)\.O fT1 U1 SalP..4;l Tax. It is anticipated that the first year the Project is built out the amount of s~s U1 C> r- tax revenue remitted from the State of Florida to Winter Springs which is attributablelb go the Project shall be approximately Eighty-Four Thousand Dollars ($84,000). It is furt~r j '\.0 anticipated that the amount of revenue so remitted to Winter Springs will increase each cno C) ." C> ." ~- ("") l> r- ::t:l rr1 ("") -00 1>::0 G") c:J rT'l (/) limitation, the following: year. (b) Imparl FeP..4;l. The developer of Parcel 14 (as defmed in Paragraph 9 hereinafter) shall pay impact fees to Winter Springs in accordance with applicable ordinances. Viera and Rouse agree that such impact fees may be used by Winter Springs for any purpose it desires, notwithstanding the provisions of any impact fee ordinance to the contrary. (c) Ad Valnrem Tax It is anticipated that Parcel 14 will be developed to allow for the construction of approximately 50,000 square feet of office use and 57,000 square feet of retail use. Based on standard planning assumptions, it is anticipated that the ad valorem tax revenue attributable to said parcel will be approximately $40,000 per year. (d) Sehnnl~. It is anticipated that the Project will contribute a sum of money in ad valorem taxes to the Seminole County school system at buildout, which inures directly to the benefit of the citizens of Winter Springs, Oviedo and Seminole County. 7/19 revision by Knappenbachclr &; Associates 8 I , 6. IMP ACT FEE CR En ITS. Oviedo acknowledges and agrees that Viera and Rouse (and other developers within the Project) are entitled to and shall receive transportation impact fee credits for the costs of design and construction of (i) all the portions of Oviedo Crossing Terrace 1'-> West (as shown on the Master Plan attached hereto as Exhihit "R") which are located no~ of-D fT1 U1 -y Red Bug Lake Road, (ii) the Bridge Road (from State Road 426 to Red Bug Lake Road), and:$ii)'-'.l o r fT1 ("") o various other roads, consistent with Oviedo's codes and ordinances. (a) c:::> -.J MITIGATION OF IMPACTS OF PROJRCT ON WINTER SPRINGS ~ a> c:::> Impact Mitigation Fee. Winter Springs anticipates that, as a result of the Project, it will 7. incur additional municipal costs. In order to defray the costs thereof, subject to the terms and conditions set out hereinafter Viera and/or Rouse shall make (or cause to be made) a one-time, lump sum payment (the "Impaet Mitigation Fee") to Winter Springs in the amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THOUSAND AND NO/lOO DOLLARS ($150,000.00) if the Project as modified to include the Bridge Road is approved by Seminole County and the Florida Department of Community Affairs (and all appeals are resolved in a manner which permit construction of the Project, including the Mall, and the Bridge Roacl), and the flrst building permit is issued for vertical improvements on the Mall site (Parcel 12 on Exhibit B). Said payment may be used for any municipal purposes determined by Winter Springs. Said payment shall be made within ten (0) days after the first building permit is issued for vertical improvements on the Mall site (Parcel 12 on Exhihi~) . Further. within ten (0) days after the first building permit is issued for vertical improvements on the Mall site (Parcel 12 on Exhihit "R") and after issuance of all the 7/19 revision by Knappenbacher &. Associates 9 a::J 0 0'" 0'" ~n ):> r- :::0 1"'1 ("") "0 >:::0 C>O CT1 CJ) I , I permits for the Bridge Road. Viera and Rouse shall execute and record in the Public Records of Seminole County. Florida. a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions encumbering the portion of the Project property then owned by them providing that Viera. t'V Rouse. their successors and assigns. and any successors-in-title to the portion of the Pr*d.D :xt.Jl - CJl owned by them shall never construct roads or other improvements within the porti~ of- I (T1 the Conservation Easement Area located west of the Central Florida Greeneway, wi@:>ub :." -..J ~e prior written consent of Winter Springs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, provideff'the:x> ~ect is approved by Seminole County in accordance with the applications for the Land- Use Approvals, the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida not later than ten days after the first certificate of occupancy for the Mall is issued, even if all the permits for the Bridge Road have not been issued. The form of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions is attached as Rxhihit "C. " (b) Seeurity. In order to secure payment of the Impact Mitigation Fee to Winter Springs the Parties agree that no certificate of occupancy for the Mall (including the department stores therein) shall be requested, issued or accepted until the Impact Mitigation Fee is paid as described above. Oviedo shall be under no obligation to issue a certificate of occupancy unless it has received a copy of the check used to pay the Impact Mitigation Fee (or other reasonable evidence of payment if the payment is not by check). (c) Indemnity. In the event Rouse and/or Viera fails to pay the Impact Mitigation Fee and Oviedo declines or refuses to issue a certificate of occupancy as required by this Section 7 due solely to the failure to pay. then Viera and/or Rouse shall defend Oviedo against any 7/19 revision by Kroppenbacher & Associates 10 coo C) ." C) ." ==--- ("') J> r- :::0 (T1 ("') ~~ C)C) fT'1 (J) , , action brought by any party seeking to compel issuance of said certificate of occupancy and shall hold Oviedo harmless from any d,amages, judgments, losses or consequences arising out of Oviedo's compliance with the terms of this Section 7. (d) No ~onstruction. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if the Mall ['-> Cf) '...0 fT1 U1 is not built, then no Impact Mitigation Fee shall be paid to Winter Springs. ::t (J1 z o 8. GREENRW A Y TOT.T.";. Oviedo and Winter Springs agree that it is in the mu{dl go interests of both communities to facilitate the use of the GreeneWay and the regi<iQf1 -.I r en transportation system. Both cities agree that the tolls on the GreeneWay act to inhibit its ~se. N Consequently, the cities agree that they shall work together in order to eliminate or reduce the tolls on the GreeneWay within the vicinity of each community. 9. ANNRXATTON TSSIJRC;;. (a) Parl'.l'J 14. Simultaneously with execution of this Agreement by all Parties (or earlier at Viera's sole option), Viera shall prepare and execute a petition (hereinafter, the "Parcel 14 Petition") to voluntarily annex into the City of Winter Springs Parcel 14 of the Project together with an adjacent conservation area and a small adjacent upland parcel all as more particularly shown on the DR! Master Development Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Rxhihit "8 " The property which will be the subject of the Parcel 14 Petition is referred to in this Agreement as "Parcel 14." Viera shall deliver the Parcel 14 Petition to Kruppenbacher & Associates, Inc., 340 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801 (hereinafter, the "Escrow Agent") to be held in escrow, subject to the terms and conditions of this Section 9. 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher & Associates 11 mo C> ""T1 C> ""T1 ::x- C") ):> r :::0 rr1 C") -00 >:::0 (;) C) rTl(l) I' I I In consideration of Winter Springs' compliance with its obligations set out herein, including but not limited to those set out in Paragraph 11 hereinafter. if Seminole County approves all the applications for the Land Use Approvals, then ninety (90) days after f''0 Seminole County issues all such approvals and renders the Amended Development Oirder-o rr1 01 :t: 01 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the East Central Florida Reg@j1al - r- rr1 Planning Council (and only then), Escrow Agent shall deliver the Parcel 14 Petiticg too . -.J Winter Springs. Winter Springs and Viera shall take such action as is appropria~ toCO W consummate the annexation and to consider such Land Use Approvals including the Development Order required by Section 380.06 Fla. Stat.. for Parcel 14 as is contemplated by this Agreement and the applications for the Land Use Approvals being processed by Viera. The parties acknowledge that Winter Springs has no rights and shall have no rights with respect to approval of any portion of the Project except Parcel 14 (following the completi, of the annexation of Parcel 14 into Winter Springs). er Springs may, but shall not be required to, provide municipal services to said Parcel l,~. if it does not provide services it shall enter into an interlocal agreement with anomer i.., :emmental entity which agrees to provide such services; Viera and Rouse shall be third party beneficiaries of the Agreement. If this Agreement is terminated and/or Winter Springs fails to perform its obligations hereunder. then the Parcel 14 Petition shall be returned to Viera and Rouse and Parcel 14 shall not be annexed. Prior to the anne. ..tion of Parcel 14 Viera shall disclose the terms and conditions of this Section 9(a) to all its purchasers, tenants and mortgagees of Parcel 14, and shall 7/19 revision by Kruppenbachcr & Associates 12 coo 0" 0" ~- ("") :1> r ::0 rr1 ("") -00 :1>:::0 C)C (T1 (J) , \ convey the propeny described in the Parcel 14 Petition subject to this Section 9. If Viera fails to do so, then Winter Springs may terminate this Agreement. Further, this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida as provided in Paragraph 21 hereinafter. (b) Additional Agreement Concerning Annexation. Oviedo agrees that it shall not object .'v to the petition for annexation described above and any petition for deannexation lJ;om;':J ,." (J1 3:(J1 Oviedo into Winter Springs filed by any owners of the parceI(s) of property boundeil by._ o r Seneca Boulevard on the west, Winter Springs Blvd. on the south, the Central Fl~da cO GreeneWay on the east and the Chelsea Woods subdivision on the north, as allow~b~ . +- law. In the event such petitions are filed, then Oviedo shall cooperate with respect to any legal requirements regarding deannexation. 10. LA WSIJITS (a) Oviedo. (1) Within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this Agreement by all Parties hereto, Oviedo shall dismiss without prejudice or abate Case No. 95-259-CA-13-B filed in the Circuit Court for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida. When the Mall is opened for business to the public, Oviedo shall dismiss the case with prejudice and the Parties shall authorize, properly execute and deliver mutual releases with respect to Case No. 95-259-CA-13-B, each party to bear its own attorneys fees and costs. (2) The Parties acknowledge and agree that the agreements represented by this Agreement are in settlement of allegations and claims asserted by Oviedo in the 7/19 revision by Kruppenbachc:r & Associates 13 coo o ..." (:) ..." ?e- n )> r ;0 rr1 n -00 J>;o C>CJ I"Tl (/) , \ (b) above-referenced litigation, which allegations and claims are contested by Winter Springs. The Parties acknowledge and agree that, by executing this Agreement, neither Oviedo nor Winter Springs are admitting to any liability in the respective lawsuits and that, should this Agreement be cancelled, terminated, held invalid, or not enforced for any reason, neither this Agreement nor any of the negotiatiomf'V (n ~D rT'1 U1 concerning it are admissible into evidence in any subsequent litigation, nor iliall(J1 :z: . 0 this Agreement be construed as a waiver of any of the Parties' rights regardin~d go . -.J ~c:o '(J1 arising out of the above-referenced litigation. Wintp.r Springs. (1) Within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this Agreement by all Parties hereto, Winter Springs shall abate or dismiss Case No. 94-2405 and Case No. 95-319 which it has filed in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida. When the Parcel 14 Petition has been delivered to Winter Springs and the Impact Mitigation Fee has been paid to Winter Springs as described above, Winter Springs shall immediately dismiss said lawsuits with prejudice and the parties to the lawsuits shall authorize, properly execute, and deliver mutual releases with respect to all parties to the litigation, each party to bear its own attorneys fees and' costs. (2) Win.ter Springs represents that it has not filed any other lawsuits that directly or indirectly affect the Project, or that name Rouse, Viera, and/or Oviedo (and/or its City Commission) as a party. Provided Rouse and Viera are not in default of their obligations hereunder, Winter Springs also agrees not to file any lawsuits, 7/19 revision by Kruppenbachcr & Assol:iates 14 CD 0 o "Tl Q"Tl ::s; - (") ~ r ::0 ", (") -UO )>::0 C>O ", (I) , , administrative proceedings. or take any other action which will inhibit Rouse and/or Viera from obtaining the Land Use Approvals as contemplated herein. (3) The Parties acknowledge and agree. that the agreements represented by this Agreement are in settlement of allegations and claims asserted by Winter Springs in the above-referenced litigation, which allegations and claims are contested by Oviedo. Rouse and Viera. The Parties acknowledge and agree that, byexecutingcn ,." :I: this Agreement, neither Oviedo. Rouse nor Viera are admitting to any liability inz o . r- ,." the respective lawsuits and that. should this Agreement be cancelled, terminated.(") o . held invalid, or not enforced for any reason, neither this Agreement nor any of tht? negotiations concerning it are admissible into evidence in the litigation. (c) Agreement. Nothing herein is intended to prevent any party from entering this Agreement into the record in any land use proceeding. 11. A PPR OV A I. PR OC:PR.C;;. In consideration of the undertakings and commitments described in this Agreement. and so long as there is no default by Rouse or Viera under this Agreement. Winter Springs and Oviedo each agree to not object to the approval of the Project by governmental entities including without limitation Seminole County, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The foregoing shall include, but not be limited to, letters to be Sent by Winter Springs and Oviedo to each of said agencies either indicating that the respective City does not oppose the Project. In addition, a representative of Winter Springs and Oviedo shall appear at all public hearings to affirm its 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher & Associates 15 (v \D CJ1 Ul (Dc_ o~, O~. ::x;~ :t J ;;.r f. ~ -0., )>0,,-, c;,~ rr1" C) -.J CO en , \ position. Winter Springs shall also advise all agencIes to whom it has heretofore sent correspondence adverse to the Project that the previous adverse comments have been withdrawn and that it does not oppose the Project. 12. ATIORNEYS FER<\. (a) i"V ,.D Winter Springs.. Upon delivery to Viera and Rouse of fully-executed copies of ~s U1 3:U1 :z: Agreement, Viera and Rouse shall deliver to Kruppenbacher and Associates the su~f fT1 Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to defray the cost of legal fees incurred by Wigr 0 . -J ~co Springs in connection with the Project. . -J (b) Oviedo. Rouse and Viera shall pay all fees due and owing from Oviedo to Pinel & Carpenter and Gray, Harris & Robinson concerning the Project (not to exceed Forty Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000)). Rouse and Viera shall also pay to Oviedo Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to defray additional legal fees incurred by Oviedo in connection with the Project. 13. DEFAIII.T. (a) Remedies. In the event of a default (i.e. a failure to perform any term of this Agreement) by any party hereto, the non-defat,dting party or parties shall have such rights and remedies provided by law and equity, including a separate contractual right to injunctive relief. (b) Waiver. The waiver of any breach or default under any of the terms of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be, nor shall the same constitute, a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. (c) Notii'.e. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) above, before exercising any remedy at law or equity. a non-defaulting party shall provide written notice to the 7/19 revision by Kruppenbach<< " Associates 16 coo 0" 0""" ::r; - n );> r- ;u ,." (") ;g~ C>O fT1 en , >, other parties of an asserted default and the asserted defaulting party shall have the right to cure the asserted default within thirty (30) days. (d) Attorneys' FP.f>S In the event that suit is brought by any party to enforce the terms of this Agreement, then the prevailing party bringing such action shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees, legal assistant fees and court costs at all trial and appellate i'V U)v:J levels, against the party from whom a remedy was sought. r'T1 CJJ :?:U1 :z: .- 14. NOTTeR Any notice required or allowed to be delivered hereunder shall be~ fTI writing and shall be deemed to be delivered when (i) hand-delivered to the official hereinarQ <::) ."...... designated; or (ii) three (3) days after deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified ~ coo 0""1'1 0"" ~- n )> r- :::0 fT1 n ~~ (;)0 rT1 (J) mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the party at the address set forth opposite the party's name below, or such other address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party and delivered in accordance herewith; or (ill) the date of actual receipt of a courier delivery: City of Oviedo: Oviedo City Hall 400 Alexandria Blvd. Oviedo, FL 32765 Attention: City Manager With a Copy to: Donna McIntosh, Esquire Stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, Colbert Whigham & Simmons, P.A. 200 W. First Street, Suite 22 Sanford, FL 32771 City of Winter Springs: Winter Springs City Hall 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL Attention: City Manager 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher " Associates 17 With a copy to: Frank Kruppenbacher, Esquire 340 North Orange A venue Orlando, FL 32801 The Viera Company: ..", The Viera Company 7380 Murrell Road, Suite 201 Viera, FL 32940 Attention: Mason Blake, Esq. i'v tJ)1.D rr1 (J1 3:(J1 % o r- rrt go . -J ." rCD \..0 With a copy to: Hal H. Kantor, Esq. Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Orlando, FL 32801 To Rouse-Orlando, Inc: Rouse-Orlando, Inc. c/o The Rouse Company 10275 Little Patuxent Pkwy. Columbia, Maryland 21044-3456 Attention: General Counsel With a copy to: Hal H. Kantor, Esq. Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 North Eola Drive Orlando, EL 32801 15. SRVRRARILITY. (a) If any provision of this Agreement, the deletion of which would not adversely affect the receipt of any material benefit by any party hereWlder, or substantially increase the burden of any party hereto, shall be held to be invalid or Wlenforceable to any extent, the same shall not affect in any respect whatsoever the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. (b) If this Agreement is challenged by any third party in any judicial or administrative proceeding (each party hereby covenanting not to initiate or pursue such challenge), the 7/19 revision by Kroppenbacher &. Associates 18 coo 0-" 0" ="- C"> )> r- ::0 rrt C"> -0.0 )>:;:0 c>.O rrJ (I) , >, Parties collectively and individually agree to defend its validity through final determination. 16. AMF.NDMF.NT. This Agreement may not be mooified or waived orally and shall only be amended pursuant to an instrument in writing and jointly executed by all of the Parties hereto, shall be enforceable by, binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and theh-'V CJ)I...O rr1 (J1 respective successors and assigns. Any party to this Agreement shall have the right, but neEthc.n :z: C) obligation, to waive (in writing) rights or conditions herein reserved for the benefit of such p;rty. ("')0 , C) 17. APPLIC.ARLF. LAW AND VF.NlTR. This Agreement shall be governed b~he-l .-\.0 laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any action to enforce the provisions of this Agree~enP shall be in the Circuit Court in and for Seminole County, Florida. 18. C.ONSTRIJC.TION OF AGRF.F.MF.NT. All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made herein shall be deemed to have been material and relied on by each party to this Agreement. All Parties have participated in the preparation of this Agreement, and the provisions hereof shall not be construed for or against any party by reason of authorship. 19. C.OlTNTF.RPARTS AND TF.LF.C.OPY. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts. If so executed, each of such counterparts is to be deemed an original for all purposes and all such counterparts shall, collectively, constitute one agreement, but, in making proof of this Agreement, it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more of such counterparts than are required to show that each party hereto executed at least one such counterpart. A facsimile, telecopy or other reproduction of the Agreement may be executed and delivered by the Parties (in counterparts or otherwise) and shall be considered valid, binding and 7/19 revision by Kruppenbacher & ,\ssociales 19 C:JO 0'"'11 0"" :XC:; l> .- :::0 f11 (') ""00 )>;0 C),'C rT1 (if) effective for all purposes. At the request of any party, the Parties hereto agree to execute an original of this Agreement as well as any facsimile, telecopy or other reproduction. 20. MRDIATION. In the event the Parties hereto are required by the terms of this Agreement to mutually agree upon any terms, conditions, plans or any other items, and they are not able to do so, then they shall enter into mediation in accordance with procedures prescribed!"" (/) '-0 f'Tl U1 by the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. 3: CJl % o 21. RF.CORDING. Within fifteen days of the execution of one original of ~is ("")0 Agreement by all Parties hereto, Viera shall, at' its cost, record the original Agreement in~he-.J ;:2\..0 . Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Notwithstanding the recording of this Agreement, - the same shall not constitute any lien or encumbrance on title to the Project and shall instead constitute record notice of governmental regulations which may regulate the use and enjoyment of the Project. Winter Springs and Oviedo shall, upon written request by Viera or Rouse, provide written confirmation of the status of this Agreement and performance or nonperformance of obligations hereunder as may be reasonably requested by Viera or Rouse or any lender with respect to the Project or any portion thereof. If this Agreement is terminated, the Parties shall record a termination of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and such termination shall be conclusive evidence that this Agreement has, in fact, been terminated. 22. COI JNSF.I. In addition to acting as escrow agent, in any dispute hereunder Escrow Agent may represent Winter Springs. 23. COMMUNITY DF.VF.LOPMF.NT DISTRICT. Winter Springs and Oviedo acknowledge that the Project (including Parcel 14) is located within the boundaries of the Dovera Community Development District (herein, the "CDD"), as provided under Chapter 190, Florida 7/19 revision by Knappenbachlll' & Associata 20 roo C) .." 0"" ~- ("") l> r- ~ rT1 ("") -00 >:::0 C)C ("1'1 en . ... Statutes. Winter Springs and Oviedo shall take such steps as may be necessary. if any, so as to permit the COD to continue to exercise all rights, privileges, and powers that are currently provided to it or to which it is otherwise entitled under applicable law. 24. BINDING F.FFF.l;T. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, their heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the dat~'" '....0 ~U1 and year hereinafter set forth. ~ U1 :z; o r fT\ ('") 0 o -J \.D N :~~~PiJ:t Title: ",,e DATE: ~g"Og-9!J- co 7/19 revision by Kruppenbachcr " Associates 21 coo 0'" 0'" An l> r :::0 fT\ ("') -00 )>:::0 c>O fT1 (/) " ROUSE-ORLANDO, INC., a Maryland corporation BY: Name: Its: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE .'>.,) f.I'j ~.D rT1 CJl :J:U1 OlO C) -r'\ o -r'I ;s;;c=; }:::o I ;0 "., c:> n ....... -00 ;:>;0 \.D (;')0 W/ rT1<1l ::z: C> r "., ,-:0 . h.. A ~ _.rIiIlJ~N-"'} Y APPEARER"h-t.?ef.o~, me, the undersigned authorit~ ~"J ~Oi."y , (!JJ'ff and "Ajd';lov ,\, ~'PJ!h'!J well known to me to be the ~Pj,r, (.,., ,.Yl..",,,,- and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Oviedo, Florida, aJd acknowledged before me that they are personally known to me and they executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the City of Winter Springs as its true act and deed, and that they were authorized to do so. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 7!!: day of (SEAL) Not Pu~ ~" h-- Name: J ..~". My Commission Expires: , ~ i. . ~ tj.' 'Cor:-:~(J~C::!::~~" Pone:" TL ~-- ,J~ L. ~ Iif':J T:r" 7/19 revision by Kruppenbach.er &. Associales 22 ,1995. ~''"\'tl''''l' (I'.\,.~ ~\~.~,l.J J;;'i'", .f ...... ... '" ,~,' "i~t.!",: ,... "'-..,.''''--;. .I :. :' v 'i,., b ....,...-:; i :~' OJ' -9 ~ (/I :. """'-1 . ''",.. ' , .... : . c. '.'~;\.' ^'. : . __ -( . "". . v. . : __ J 1,-1/: \'~' . ... ~--, Q'fy ,'::: ~'o. ./. ON ... ~ ""1, "'~'." ...... ,....'... ",; [) 'i'Q';:"J~ .,/ "'". ""'f'_."",~\,\\" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE PERSONALL Y APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority, ;:f6~w r gvr 1./ and /'1AMo ,All IIDlr/1v5 well known to me to be the ~AYtJ fL and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and acknowledged before me that they are personally known to me and they executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the City of Winter Springs as its true act and deed, and that they were authorized to do so. WITNESS my hand and official seal this L day of A v6 U J) ,1995. N C,/) '....0 fTl CJ1 :tUl :z: o r ", n o o -J ." r \.0 . s:- CXJO 0'" 0'" :An )> r ::0 fTl (") -00 3>::0 G>O r" (I) : ~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W\... ~ . ~.,.y ~~4' ( ;. ~_~ Lee H. Logan ( ': 'a ~ NoWy Public, State of Florida ( ',,"?- rf CommissionNo.CC4161J9 : : : OF ~!fA~JM1ission Expires 11/13/98 ~ :' 1-IOO-3.NOTAIl.Y..... NocIry Savicc. . ( '((((((((<<((((((((<<(((((((((((((((((((~;;(. ~ ~~::]~~ My Commission Expires: II /13/j cf STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .r.A>,.~~~ PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, the unpersign~ authority, 7:...... f.t.1V/ (fc,h..1 well known to me to be- the 1.-1. ~ /rq~ of The Viera Company, and he acknowledged before me that he is personally known to and he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the corporation, and that he is authorized to do so. (SEAL) " ,0,""J'0'''1''''I" ~~\)\~ .~..-.1;IJ''''''' '. , "",,,,,, ..' ". " .;:~'.:f .0 .." t .' ., 8 ..'~ In.t. .: ,n -.. ~ Name: ~ J t.~J- \':\"~:\fl\J" Jl\ t >f My Commission Expires: '1:.,//...... ....::~/ ""~ 0 4;; '6" '\\ o,~", ff'41,... I" , ",\11I' 4fvF t- J ,1995. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 713. day of ~er;-'^""", ;j I' 7/19 ro=vision by Kroppenbachcr" Associates 23 " STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF >t.-._A/'o. PERSONALL Y APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority, ;v,.c~~~1 .F Ir1wof well known to me to be the II.~ j),.....J.U of Rouse-Orlando, Inc., and he acknowledged before me that he is personally known to me and he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the corporation, and that he is authorized to do so. IL WITNESS my hand and official seal this ~ day of , 1995. "\,,UUIt"111 ,i..\~'C~lJ JO ./"111 ~ ~ ........ './"" ~ .... .... ~ ~ .<(" ~ .' 1'\ I 1 ' .. "" ~ : ... .., .8/lJ .. ~~~~ .. -.. ~: :'t.,ft}_. : N :".~(: 1: ~ : -{': : _~. J,L. .... - ~. <;T IT , n ,,' . ::: ),;.". . " . 1IC v"'...... ~ ,:." · ~,~ 0 ~;.. ....~ ~ .: "1, f..TO '....... ,\~ ,~ I"" D NO u,,\\\ ""'' 1111" \ \" (SEAL) Notary Pubw: T / Name: ~/\ J~ ~v My Commission Expires: (cr-: ~~n:'-:I T1- <I:-"j,'-\.< . [.....) (j') . ..0 rn Ul 3:U1 :z: o r ,." (") o o --' -n r 1..0 U1 000 0'" 0'" An :t> r- ::0 ITl (") -00 l>::o G')C P'(J) 7/19 revision by Knippcnbacher & Associalea 24 Law Offices KRUPPENBACHER & ASSOCIATES A Professional Association Frank C. Kruppenbacher 340 North Orange Avenue Post Office Box 3471 Orlando, Florida 32802-3471 Telephone (407) 246-0200 Facsimile (401) 426-7767 August 14, 1995 Mr. John Govoruhk, City Manager City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Oviedo Crossings Amended Settlement Agreement Missing Page No. 25 Dear John: Enclosed herein is the original document "Joinder By Escrow Agent," which should have been included as Page 25 of the Amended Settlement Agreement. This original was stored in the safe at our offices along with the Viera Company's Application for Annexation. We have pulled the original and numbered it "25" for inclusion in your original Amended Settlement Agreement for recording. By a copy of this letter, I am confirming my telephone conversations with Aaron Gorovitz and Donna McIntosh that they are in agreement with this action. Should you have any further questions, please contact me. /lek Enclosure cc: Aaron Gorovitz Donna McIntosh ."-0) u> \.D rr1 c.n :t:c.n % o r ,." (") o "T'\ r- o' aJO C> "T'\ C> .." :XC=; )> r ::0 ,." ("') -00 :>::0 C')(:J P1U> o -.1 \.D 0"\ JOINDER BY ESCROW AGENT Kruppenbacher & Associates, Inc., joins in this Amended Settlement Agreement for the purpose of acknowledging receipt of the Parcel 14 Petition and for the purpose of agreeing to act as Escrow Agent in accordance with all the terms hereof. .<l 220906\POWELLRR 25 \D coo (J) 0"" rT'1 U1 0"" 3: CJl :-xc:; x )> 0 r- r 1"1 ~ ("') 1"1 0 0 C") . -J -00 ..., :>~ r \.D G)O -J r" (J) . " Exhibits: A - Legal description for Project property B - Project plans with the Bridge Road C - Declaration 208103\ETAYOKM f'V .( (J) \.D mo U1 0"" rT'1 0"" :t: U1 :XC=; % )> 0 r- r- I"T1 ::0 ("') <::) rT'1 0 ('") . -J .." 0 -ra >::0 r ~ c;') 0 0) rT'1 (I) 26 OVIEDO CROSSI:iG LEGAL DESCRIPTION \IGlB\L\TY :P\~:';T\:'r;;(jrOR'f. fOR MlCROflLl~llNG ~ PARENT PARCEL: A PORTION OF SECnONS 16. 17. AND :0. TOWNSHIP 21 SOU1H. RANGE 31 EAST. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER. OF SAID SECTION 17. FOR A POINT OF R!FDENCE~ THENCE RUN NORm 89.'1'00. WEST. ALONG THE SOU'TH UNE OF SAID SEcnON 17. A DISTANCE OF 1083.%1 ~.,. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING~ ~ CONtINtJE NORm 89.'7'00- WEST. ALONG SAID SOUTH UNE. A DISTANCE OF 249.02 FEr TO nm NORniWEST CORNER. OF LOT 28. Sl.A VIA COLONY COMPANY'! SUBDIVISION. AS RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 2. PAGE 71. PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLOR.IOk mENCE. DEPARTING SAJD SOtmi LINE. RUN SOUTH OO.SO'SS. EAST. ALONG rrm WEST LINE: OF SAJD LOT 28. A DISTANCE OF '71~ FEr~ THENCE. DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE. RUN soum 37-09"0'. WEST. A OIST ANCS: OF 312.85 FEr~ mENCS: RUN SOtmi 32.1 TOS. WEST. A DISTANCE OF 711.7' FEr TO THE SOUTH I..INE OF LOT 33 OF SAJD SLA VIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDIVtSION~ THENCE RUN NORm 89.'1'''. WEST. ALONG SAID SOUTH LIN! OF LOT 33. A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEr TO nm SOtrrHWEST CORNER. OF SAID LOT 33~ mENCE. DEPARTING SAID SOtmi LINE. RUN NORm 00-'2'11- WEST. ALONG nm WEST LINE OF LOTS 33 AND 34 OF SAJD Sl.AVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION. A DISTANCE OF &7&.78 FEr~ mENCE. DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE. RUN NORm 41.S8~16. EAST. A DISTANCE OF 605.7& PEETTO A POINT ON mE NORm LINE OF SAID LOT 34. SAID POINT ALSO BaNG ON mE SounUJNE OF SAID ECTION 17~ !HENCE RUN NORTH 89.47'OCr WEST. ALONG SAm SOtnHLINE OF SECIION 17. AOISTANCE OF 1071.12 FEET TO mE NORTHWEST CORNER. 'OF LOT 3' OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY"! SUBDIVISION. SAID CORNERALSO BEING mE SOUTHEAST CORNER. OF TIm SOtrrHW'EST QUAllTElt OF SAm SEC'IION 17~ mENCE RUN SOutH 89-'8'42- WEST. ALONG SAID SOutH LINE. ADISTANC! OF 1~ FEET TO mE WTERLY RIGHT.cF.WA Y LINE OF PROPOSED RED SUG ROAO.HA VJNO APROPOsm RIGHI' .cF-W A Y WIDTH OF 140.00 FEET. SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A NON.TANGENT ctJR.VE. CONCAVE SOtrnmASTERL Y. FROM WHICH A RADW. UNI BEARS SOUTH 37-37"39'" EAST~ THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTElU. Y ALONG SAID PROPOSED RED SUG ROAD AND SAID ctnlVE. HAVING A RADlUS LENGTH OF 1203.24 FEET. A CENTRAL ANOLE OF 13.38'3r. AN ARC LlNOTH OF 2I6..U PEET. A CHORD LENGTH OF 215.85 FEET. AND A CHORD SEAlUNOOF sourH4S-mIr WEST~ 1HENCE.DEPAR.'I1NG SAID PROPOSED RED SUG ROAD aaD'.oF.WAY.RUNNOR11I51-16'16- WEST. A DISTANC! OF 140.00 FEET TO 11I!NOR1HEAS'I!RLYIH or A 110 FOOT FLORIDA POWER. AND UGHI' COMPANY IASENENT. AS RECORDED IN omcw. RECORDS SOOK 143. PAGE 253. OF SA1D PUBLIC UCORD~ THENCE RUN NORTH 32-11'14- WEST. ALONG SAID NORTHEASTDL Y LJNIL A DISTANCE OF SO'.11 FEET~ nmNCE DEPARTING SAID NORnEA.S1'!lU.YlH.RUNNOR'1lIOI-U'4O' !AST.ADISTANCE OF 'SO.79 PEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENI' CtJR.V!. CONCAVE NORnmASTDL Y. FROM WHICH A RADIAL LINE SEARS NORTH 01-43'03- !AST~ THENCE RUN NORnlWESTElU. Y ALONG SAID CURVB.HAVINO ARADlUS LENGTH OF7SO,O) fEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE or 131-)4'34-. AN AE LSNOTH OF 1113.96 FEET. A CHORD LENGTH OF 1403.D6 FEET. ANDACHC)RDS!ARlNGOFNORnI 11-'9'W WEST~ nmNCERUNNOR11ISO-l1'3r EAST. A DISTANCE OF 423.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOtnHERN MOST LINE OF N \...0 CD!;t (/) Ul o ' fT\ 0"" :x U1 :Pl;C:; - :z: J:I.<J. - ~ 0 r ..... fT1 ::0 (") fT1 0 0 (") -J .,,0 :Po ::0 "'T\ ~ C)C ..... r'I'1 CJ) . ~ 2 of 5 LEGIBILITY UNSATISFACTORY FOR MICROFILMING TUSCAwII.L~ UN1T 7, AS RECORDED IN PLAT HOOK Z'-PAGES 46 AND 47, OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS: TF~*1CE RUN SOUTH 69.03'43' EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERN MOST i..'`lE. A DISTANCE OF 664.77 FEzT TO THE SOLTr~;AST C CRNER OF LOT 31, OF SAID TL'SCAWB.L1~ UNIT 7; TF~NCE, DEPARTL'vG SAID SOUT'r~...RN MOST I...'~1E, RL'N NORTH 00.41'26' WEST, ALONG T'rR EAST LL~IE OF SAID TZSCAWILLA UNIT 7, A DLSTANCE OF 1796.40 FEET TO TI-s'E SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TUSCAWn t e UNIT 13, AS RECORDED IN PLAT HOOK 29, PAGES 1 AND 2, OF SAID PUBLIC RECORDS; THENCE, DEPART'II~1G SALE EAST LL*l'E. RUN NORTH 89.51'03' EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TUSCAwII.LA UNIT 13, A DISTANCE OF 2741.19 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT I 1 OF THE AFORESAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION: THENCE. DEPAR'IZ~1G SAID SOUTH L.Ir1E. RIB SOUTH 87.16'25' EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LII~IE OF LOTS 11 AND 12 OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDIVL40N. A DISTANCE OF 1285.36 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 12: THENCE. DEPAR?II~JG SAID NORTH LII~tE- RUN SOUTH pp•2g-Z6• EAST. ,~i,ONG THE EAST LII~JE OF LOTS 12. 10. 7 AND 6, OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION. A DISTANCE OF 2682.12 FEET. TO THE NORT~IWEST CORNER OF LOT Z. OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPAt~tY'S SUHDMSION: THENCE. DEPARTL*IG SAID EAST LL*1E. RUN SOUTH 89•a541' EAST. ALONG THE NORTH LL~JE OF LOTS 2 AND 1, OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SL'HDMSION, A DISTANCE OF 1267.80 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST Li'~E OF A CSX RAIIROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, HAVII~IG A 75.00 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDT'rI; THE*1CE. DEPARTII~IG SAID NORTH LINE- RUM SOUTH 23.48'40' WEST. ALONG SAID WEST LII~IE, A DLSTA.vCE OF 501.88 FEET; THENCE DEPARTIIVG SAID WEST LL*1E. RUN NORTH 89.45'41' WEST. A DLSTANCE OF 387.75 FEET TO A POIIYT ON TKE EAST LL'VE OF SAID LOT 2 OF SLAVIA COLONY COMPANYS SUBDIVLSION: THE.*1CE RUN NORTH 00.40'15 WEST. ALONG SAID EAST LII1E. A DISTANCE OF 197.37 FEET TO THE SOUTH LII~IE OF THE NORTH 2b2.66 FEET OF SAID LOT Z: THENCE. DEPARTII~IG SAID EAST LII1E. RUN NORTH 89.45'41 • WEST. ALONG SAID NORTH LII~1E. A DLSTANCE OF 281.76 FEET; THENCE. DEPARTII~IG SAID NORTH LII~1E. RUN SOUTH 73.48'01' WEST. A DLSTANCE OF 405.71 FEET TO A POQ!"f ON THE WEST LII~JE OF SAID LOT 2: THENCE CONTIIVUE SOUTH 73.48ro1• WEST. A DLSTANCE OF 25.96 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00.3a'10• EAST. A DLSTANCE OF 226.37 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 89.4541' WEST, A DLSTANCE OF 138.94 FEET TO A POII1T ON THE NOR'I~~tLY LIIVE OF LIGHTw00D 1Q10T CANAL. HAYING A WIDTH OF 50.00 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH Sl •3921' EAST. ALONG SAID NORTF~RLY LIIdE, A DLSTANCE OF 68.71 FEET TO A POIIVT ON THE NORTH LII1E OF LOT 19 OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDMSION; THENCE. DEPARTII~IG SAID NORTF~RLY LII~1E OF LIGHTW0o0 KNOT CANAL. RUN NORTH 89.4620• WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LIIVE OF LOTS 19 AND 18 OF SA1D SLAViA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBOMSION. A DISTANCE OF 97'2.95 FEET; THENCE. DEPARTII~IG SAID NORTH I.II1E. RUN SOUTH 00.3S1T EAST. A DISTANCE OF 668.82 FEET TO THE POIIYf OF BEGII~INII~10'. AND TOGETHER Wfff•L• A PORTION OF SECTION 20. TOWNSHIP Z1 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. HEIIdG MORE PARTICULARLY OESCRII3ED AS FOLLOWS: COI~II~fENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20. FOR A POII11' OF REFERENCE; THENCE RUN NORTH 89.58'42' EAST. ALONG THE NORTH LII~JE OF SAZD SECTION 20. A DL4fANCE OF 1332.41 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 43. OF TIC AFORESAID SLAVIA COLONY COIV~ANY'3 SUBDIVISION. THENCE. DEPARTIIdG SAm NORTH LIIdE OF SECTION 20. RUN SOUTH 00.48'20• EAST. ALONG THE WEST LII~1E OF LOTS 43 AND 44. OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDMSION. A DLSTANCE OF 835.41 FEET TO THE POII1f OF HEGII~INII~IG: THENCE V ~,~ 7 0 0 ~' '_il o ~ ~'' v1 x n o D r r m ~ o ~ n -r~ ~ D ~ r O ~~ C~ - . ~t~FAGSUR`( ' ,~2~~ O~Y GraS(~~ 3 of 5 ~~R ~~11CRGF11-M1NG COIVI'IIviJE ALONG SaID WEST ~:~E, SOLTrI00•s.8'20' EAST, a DISTAI`1CE OF x93.62 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 44; THE'~1CE. DEPARTING SAlp WEST LL"~JE. RUN SOUTH 89.58'S~' EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH I,~ OF g,e~ LOT 44, A DISTANCE OF 667.25 FEET TO THE NORT-s~gST CORNER OF LOT 45 OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SL'HDIVISION: Th'E~1CE. DEPARTIIdG SAID SOUTH LIIdE, RL'N SOUTH 00.51'01' EAST. ALONG T-riE EAST I.LyE OF LOTS 45 AND 46 OF SAID SLAVIA COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION, A DISTANCE OF 1279.50 FEET TO A p0~ oN THE EXISTING No1tTHERLY RIGHT-0F-WAY LII~1E OF RED HUG ROAD, WHICH HAS A VARYII~G RIGHT-0F-WAY WIDTH: THaICE, DEPARTING SAID EAST LII~1E, RUN ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY t.L'vE NORM gg•~28•. A DISTANCE OF 334.13 FEET; THENCE DEPARTII~IG SAID NORTI-~RI„Y RIGHT-OF-aIAy ~ R~ NORTH 00•x9'40• WEST. A DSSTANCE OF 439.30 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 42.19'05' WEST. A DLSTANCE OF 488.49 FEET TO A POINT ON TFg WEST LIl~JE OF LOT 46 OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SL'HDMSION: TF~NCE RUN SOUTH 00.4.82p• EAST, ALONG SAID WEST LL*1E. A DLSTANCE OF 77.73 FEET TO THE AFORESAID F.JdSTII~IG NORTHERLY RIGHT•OF-WAY LL~1E OF RED HUG ROAD; THENCE RUN ` ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LL~1E THE FOLLOwIIVG COURSES AND DLSTANCES: THENCE RUN NORTH 89.5628• WEST. A DSSTANCE OF 66825 F tE T : THENCE RUN SOUTH 00.45'39' EAST. A DISTA,~ICE OF 35.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 89.56'28• WEST. A DSSTANCE OF 668.28 FEET TO A POII~1T ON THE WEST LII1E OF LOT 65 OF SAID SLAVIA COLONY COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION. SAID POINT ALSO HEII~IG ON THE EAST LIIdE OF A PARCEL OF LAND, RECORDED 1TI OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 691. PAGE 637.OF THE AFORESAID PUBLIC RECORDS; THENCE. DEPARTII~JG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF•wAY I.II1E. RUN NORTH 00•aYS8• WEST. ALONG THE WEST LII~1E OF LOTS 65, 64 AND 61. A DISTANCE OF 1816.12 FEET; THENCE- DEPARTII~IG SAID WEST LIIdE. AND SAID EAST LII1E OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND RECORDED III OFFICIAL RECORDS HOOK 691. PAGE 637, RUN NORTH 89.17'02' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 155.00 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH 56.12'58 EAST. A DLSTANCE OF 190.00 FEET: THENCE RUN SOUTH 83.59'55• EAST. A DLSTANCE OF 169.67 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 42.32'02• EAST. A DISTANCE OF 175.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 89•iT03• EAST. A DLSTANCE OF 120.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 72•x2'55• EAST. A DLSTANCE OF 85.93 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 89.17'02• EAST, A DLSTANCE OF 531.89 FEET TO THE POIIVT OF HEGIIINII~IG. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARENT PARCEL OF LAND CONTAII~IS 496.860 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. LESS: ;J a ao n i ,~ ~ ~ ~~ u~ ~ n '~ D ° r r ~' ~ c~ ~ i r -n o r- O i n .__. i v THAT PORTION OF THE FOLLOWIIJG DESCRIBED RIGHT-0F-WAY FOR STATE ROAD 417 THAI LIES W1TfID1 THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARENT PARCEL CObA~NCII~JG AT TIC SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE S 89.4T50• W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LIIYE OF SAID SE 1/4. A DLSTANCE OF 5'7203 FEET TO A POIIVT BE1rtG THE POII+fi' OF BEGIIVNIIdG: THENCE CONTII~1tTII~IG S 89.4T50• w ALONG TH8 SO[JTFIERLY LII~ OF SAID SE i/4, A DISTANCE OF 1090.x9 FEET To A POII~1'T; THENCE LEAVII~fG THE SOtTi'f~RLY LII~JE OF SAta SE 1/4. N 05.51'37• E. A DLSTANCE OF 174.11 FEE? TO A POQ~1T: THENCE N 74.4T07 W.• A DISTANCE OF 113.07 FEET TO A POII,1'i': THENCE N 87.30'44• W, A DISTANCE OF 39059 FEET TO A POIIVT: THENCE N 80.08'06 W, A OLSTANCE OF 111.72 FEET TO A POIIVT: THENCE N 00.26'50 W A QISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET TO A POII1f: THENCE N 86.07'09 E. A DISTANCE OF 300.90 FEET TO A POII1i': THENCE N 75.09'40 E. A DISTANCE OF 136.93 FEET TO A POIIYf; THENCE N 31 •SSS4• E. A DISTANCE OF 15321 FEET TO A POIIYT: THENCE N 13.20'52• E. A DISTANCE OF 19115 FEET TO A POII~1'; THENCE N 09.3839' E•. A DISTANCE OF Z7S37 FEET TO A POII~JT; THENCE ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTf~A.STERLY AN ARC OLSTANCE OF 560.89 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVII~IG A RADRJS OF " ~ , . \-nI UNS"'T\SF~Cl0R1 lEG\6\lI1 G fOR MICROfllMIN 640.00 FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF SO't2'.~9', AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N 34'.U'04' E. 543.11 FEET) TO A POINT; TIiENCE N 59'51'21- E. A DISTANCE OF 348.93 FEE! TO APOINI'; nmNCEALONGAct."R.VE CONCAVE NORTHWE:S~Y A..'i ARC DISTANCE OF 620.79 FEET (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADrus OF &50.00 FEET. A CENI'RAL ANGLE OF 41-50'43-, AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N 38'56'07" E. 607.08 FEET) TO A POINT; THENCE N 18'00'45' E. A DISTA..'iCE OF 125.70 FEET TO A POINI'; THENCE S 65'Ono- E. A DISTANCE OF 60.17 FEr TO APOINI'; mENCE N 2,4'52'30- E. A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FE!! TO A POINT; mENCE N 30'11'15' W, A DISTANCE OF 120.06 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N 20'51'49" E. A DISTANCE: OF 111.94 FEET TO A POINI' ON mE EASTERlY tH OF SAID NE 1/4, THENCE S 00'47'59' E. A DISTANCE OF 564.17 FEET TO A POINT BEING THE NE CORmR. OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SEcnON 17; niENCE ALONG nm EASTERlY LINE OF SAID SE 1/4, S 00'59"36' E. A DISTANCE: OF 484.46 FEET TO A POINI'; niENCE LEAVING mE SAID EASTERL Y LINE OF SAID SE 1/4, N 70'16'15' W, A DISTANCE OF 150.23 FEET TO A POINI'; THENCE S 19'4)'45' W, A DISTANCE: OF 130.00 FEn TO A POINT; THENCE S 23'17'55' E. A DISTANCE OF 36.16 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 07'55'20' W, A DISTANCE OF 102.61 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 11'23'56' W, A DISTA..\lCE OF 902.33 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 10'34'09' W, A DISTANCE OF 308.38 FEr TO A POINI'; THENCE S 01'01'49' W, A DISTANCE OF 100.77 FEET TO APOOO; mENCE: ALONG A Ct1tVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERlY AN ARC DISTANCE OF 377.07 FEr (SAID CURVE HAVING A RADrus OF 262.00 FEET, A CENI'RAL ANGLE OF 82-:7'32', Al'm A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE: OF S 39'04'57' E. 345.36 FEET) TO A POINT; THENCE S SO'18'43' E. A DISTANCE OF 119.86 FEET TO A POOO; THENCE S 18'18'16' E. A DISTANCE OF 101.45 FEET TO A POINT; niENCE S 71'59'29" E. A DISTANCE OF 332.86 FEET TO APOOO; mENCE S 09'14'$8' w. A DISTANCE OF 220.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N 86'50'19" W, A DISTANCE OF 326.93 FEr TO A POINT; THENCE N 82'53'52' W, A DISTANCE OF 197.3i FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 15'40'41' W, A DISTANCE OF 83.60 FEET TO A POIm; mENCE S 00'57'24' E. A DISTANCE OF 73.33 FEET TO A POOO; nmNCE S 89'47'50' W, A DISTANCE OF 111.87 FEET TO A POOO; mENCE S 40'04'59" W, A DISTANCE OF 19.66 FEET TO A POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THAT PORnoN OFnm ABOVE DESCRmED RIOHI'~F,WA Y FOR STATE ROAD 417 mAT UES WITHIN THE AFORESAID PARENT PARCEL CONTAINS 39.159 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. AND ALSO LESS: THAT PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED RIGHI'.oF.WA Y FOR STATE ROAD 417 mAT UES wrmIN THE ABOVE DESClUBEO PARENT PARCEL. A PARCEL OF lAMJ LOCATED JNmENI 1/4 OF SECTION 20. TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH. RANOE 31 EAST. SEMINOLE COtJNI'Y.fLORJDA.SEINO ALSO mAT PART OF LOTS 33 AMJ 34 ACCORDING TO SLA VIA COLONY CO'!. SUBDMJION RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 1. PAQE 11. OF nm PtJBUC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. LYING WITHIN mE FOU.OWING BOUNDARIES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCJNQ AT nEEAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION ~ nmNCE S ,,.4846' W ALONG mE SOUIBERLYIJNB OF SAID NllI4.A DISTANCE OF 1401.1% FEET TO A POINr BEING THE POINT OF 8EGJNNJNct THENCE CONmMNG S .-46'46' W ALONG nm SOUTHERLY UN! OF SAID NE 114. A DISTANCE OF 149.71 PET TO APOINr~ 1HENCI tBA VING THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID HE 114, N U.U'30- Eo A DISTANCI OF 55.44 FEET TO A POINt' ON THE NORnmRLY lUGHI'~F.WAY UNE OF RED BUG LAD ROAD (100 FOOTRIOHr.oF.W,\ Y LINn nmNCE ALONG SAID NOR1HERL Y RIOHr.QF.WAY LINE S ".oW W. A DISTANCE OF 114.dO fEET TO A POINt' ON THE EA.STElU.Y RIGHT-oF.WAY LJNE OF TATRA. STREET (JO Foor RIGHT-oF.WAn THENCE LEAVING SAID NORnmRL Y RIGHT-oF.WAY LH ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIOHr.oF.WAY LINE N 01'01'30" W. A DISTANCE OF 22.10 FEET TO,\ POIN1'~ niENCE LEAVING SAID EA.STE:RL Y RIOHI'~F.WA Y UNE N 26'34'2&'" E. A DISTANCE OF 957.77 4 of 5 i'" 1,.0 coo (j) (J1 0'" ~ 0'" :J: U1 ':Xn :z:: - l> 0 I r f"1 ;0 ("') f"1 0 ("') 0 -00 0) l>:::O .." C) C)C ,... Pl CJ) .~ N' } 5 of 5 L~i~1~1i.1~Y 'JF#~~11SF~,CTD4~ FOR C~IICRGFILi~"~Iw(1 FEET TO A POINT: Th'ENCE N 27.05'36' E, A DLSTANCE OF S00.Z2 FEET TO A POINT; TF~NCE ' N 21.4T55 E. A DISTANCE OF 400.78 FEET TO A POINT; T-r~CE N 16.50'39• E, A DISTANCE OF 7.02.24 FEET TO A POII1I'; TF-~*1CE N 08.40'33• E, A DLSTANCE OF 417.61 FEET TO A POL*1T; • • 1124 THENCE N of w, A DLSTANCE OF 156.52 FE`T TO A POII1T: THENCE N 05.5137• E A , DLSTANCE OF 160.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NOR'I~-~RLY LIIVE OF SAID NE 1/4; Tf~CE , J N 89.4T50• E ALONG THE NORTHERLY L~1E OF SAID NE 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 1090.89 FEET T~, '.A ~ A POINT: THENCE LEAVING THE NORTHERLY LL~1E OF SAID NE 1/4, S 40.04'59• w, ~ ~ o'n DLSTA,~ICE OF 788.55 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE S 56•Z0'20• w, A DISTANCE OF 116.62 TO A POINT: TF~1CE S 34.2TSS• w, A DLSTANCE OF 506.36 FEET TO A POIIdT' THENCE ~ ~~_ ~ : 25.22'30• w, A DLSTANCE OF 1300.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 21.20'ZZ• w, A DLSTAN~ ' ' ~ OF 388.65 FEET TO A POII1T ON THE NOR I f~RLY RIGHT-0F•aVAY I.II~IE OF SAID RED BU G N , LAKE ROAD: Tf~NCE S 89.46'46• w ALONG SAID NORTI~FFtLY RIGHT-OF-wqy ~ pp o ~ - , DISTANCE OF 166.11 FEET TO A POII1I': TF~ICE LEAVII~IG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-0F-wAY, vo ~ v ~ LII~tE S ZS •220' w, A DISTANCE OF 55.44 FEET TO A POINT BEII~1G TIC P0II1I' OF HEGIIdNII~1~ w ~ N THAT PORTION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIDED RIGHT-0F-wAY FOR STATE ROAD at7 THAT L.ZES wTI'F~J THE AFORESAID PA,RE.*1T PARCEL C0NTAIl~IS 7.413 ACRES, MORE OR LFSS. AND ALSO LESS: THAT PORTION of RED HUG LASS ROAD RIGHT-of-wAY, ACCORDQ~IG TO RIGHT-OF-wAY AND RESERVATION MAP HOOK 2- PAGES 56 THROUGH 90 OF TI-s'E PUHUC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. THAT LIES wITFID1 THE PARENT PARCEL OF LAND. 'THOSE PORTIONS OF THE ABOVE SAID RED HUG LAKE ROAD RIGHT-0F-wAY THAT L.ZF wlTftat THE AFORESAID PARENT PARCEL CONfAII~1 15.126 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIDED PARCEL OF LAND L1FS IId SEMII~IOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CONTAIIIS 435.162 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. Sov~e: ProjsrJiara! En~inserrn8 Constrltmur. Inc ';"!f:'"-'J"-'i!-"'" ~~:i:~:'ry~1"iN. ---. '.',,","'- "'(;:+ , ~ fl' .. , . en fT1 :J: :z o , ("T1 n o o CO '"T1 ,0 +:- Parcel 1 II Ornee ------ Parcel 18 Offtee ill ,~" Ii"" ,~ /I~' 1/ ,'f ,Zt' ,I;~" ..J..' , 'f oIh'~~ ~~,'f ~~' ." /" , 'f ,Zt' /I~" It.'." - --=1'1 /f _,-J-- - - SIam Road .Lumd ----.-- Propert7 BOUDdU'7 ;-v ',...:) Ul U1 mo o "'T1 o "'T1 ::::r;t=; > r- ::0 ("T1 (") -00 >:x:>> C)o r.."c.n . WeUUld Coue"aUoll Area . AppreYed Dpelopmellt. · · · · · · Soreen Wall and Development' Kestrictic Proper1:Y ~ Winter Sprina' AnnexaUon Parc.1 Oviedo Exhibit B Crossing The Vlen CompUl7 Applicant ClatUll&' laeDoll ICercber AqI1ll Lop" Rlllebut, ..,....Oll.. Ellllneerilll COlleultalltll. Illo. Project l.fanCl9er /Transportation Planner Project Engineer OVIEDO CROSSING LowIld.. Dro.cliek Do.ter Kalltor Ie R..d, PA Legal Counsel K.YlIl L. Erwill COlllUlUq loololf.t Enwanmental Scientist 1200 ( ,.. ,..... .' ,-'" Cf> ....D rr-t cJ1 :r. cJ1 This instrument was prepared by and should be returned to: Aaron J. Gorovitz, Esquire Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, Professional Association 215 North Eola Drive Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 843-4600 -,... _. C) r fT1 n 0 o CO -rt rO U1 010 <:)-rt <:) ..." :An - )::It r ::0 rr1 n -,,0 J> :::0 C')O fT1 <Il DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS is made this day of , 199_, by THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation (hereinafter, "Viera") and ROUSE-ORLANDO, INC., a Maryland corporation (hereinafter, "Rouse"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the City of Oviedo, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter, "Oviedo") entered into an Agreement with Viera and Rouse dated November 21, 1994, which agreement contemplated that a regional shopping center would be developed on land which at the time of the Agreement was located in unincorporated Seminole County (hereinafter, the "Mall") and that such land, together with contiguous land thereto, would be annexed into Oviedo, all as more particularly described therein; and WHEREAS, the Mall was and is a portion of a larger project which is a Development of Regional Impact (hereinafter, "DRI"); and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter, "Winter Springs") is the grantee of a ten (10) foot conservation easement pursuant to that certain Easement between Winter Springs Development Joint Venture and Winter Springs recorded September 17, 1993, in Official Records Book 2648, Page 0039, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (hereinafter, the "Conservation Easement"; the lands subject to the Conservation Easement are described more particularly in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein and are hereinafter referred to as the "Conservation Easement Area"); and WHEREAS, Winter Springs and Oviedo and Viera and Rouse (hereinafter, collectively, the "Parties") entered into that certain Settlement Agreement dated March 24, 1995, which agreement the Parties later amended and replaced by entering into that certain Amended Settlement Agreement dated , 1995 (hereinafter, the "Settlement Agreement"); and 2089S8\SCIMECMD "' <. ". v . , , WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement contemplated the construction by Viera and Rouse of a Bridge Road, more particularly described therein, connecting the DR! project via a bridge over the Central Florida Greeneway to State Road 426 (hereinafter, the "Bridge Road"~ in lieu of a previous plan which did not include the Bridge Road but rather contemplate~ construction by Viera and Rouse of a road to the North of the DR! project providing diredir. access to Winter Springs Boulevard over and across the Conservation Easement Area; and ~ rT1 ("") WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement requires Viera and Rouse to execute and recorcP in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, this Declaration of Covenants an<\3! Restrictions encumbering the portion of the DR! project owned by them on this date; and r'V ''-'J <J1 U1 c:::::> ex> o 0"' COO C) .." 0"" ~c=; - )> r ;0 f"T1 ('") "'00 )>;:0 C)O P1 (J) WHEREAS, Viera and Rouse have executed this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pursuant to the Settlement Agreement and to fulftll part of their obligations thereunder; NOW THEREFORE, VIERA and ROUSE declare as follows: 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part of this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. As of the date hereof, Viera and Rouse own the portion of the DR! project depicted on Exhibit "B" (the "Viera and Rouse Property"). 2. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA. Viera, Rouse, their successors and assigns, and any successors-in-title to the Viera and Rouse Property covenant and agree not to construct roads or other improvements within the portion of the Conservation Easement Area located west of the Central Florida Greeneway and depicted on Exhibit "C" attached hereto, without the prior written consent of Winter Springs. 3. BINDING EFFECT. The terms, agreements, covenants and restrictions set forth herein shall run with title to the Viera and Rouse Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Viera and Rouse have executed this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions on the date and year set forth hereinabove. In Witness Whereof: THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation Printed: By' NamP' It~. Printed: 7380 Murrell Road, Suite 201 Viera, Florida 32940 208958\SCIMECMD 2 . ,•. WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement contemplated the construction by Viera and Rouse of a Bridge Road, more particularly described therein, connecting the DRI project via a ::" •J bridge over the Central Florida Greeneway to State Road 426 (hereinafter, the "Bridge Road"fin r ~ ~o in lieu of a previous plan which did not include the Bridge Road but rather contemplate~~ `'~ °~=' _ cn r, construction by Viera and Rouse of a road to the North of the DRI project providing direct ~ access to Winter Springs Boulevard over and across the Conservation Easement Area; and ~° ~ cY- ,v ~ rn WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement requires Viera and Rouse to execute and record° ~ v~ in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, this Declaration of Covenants ands o cso Restrictions encumbering the portion of the DRI project owned by them on this date; and ~~ `'~`J' WHEREAS, Viera and Rouse have executed this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pursuant to the Settlement Agreement and to fulfill part of their obligations thereunder; NOW THEREFORE, VIERA and ROUSE declare as follows: 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part of this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. As of the date hereof, Viera and Rouse own the portion of the DRI project depicted on Exhibit "B" (the "Viera and Rouse Property"). 2. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA. Viers, Rouse, their successors and assigns, and any successors-in-title to the Viera and Rouse Property covenant and agree not to construct roads or other improvements within the portion of the Conservation Easement Area located west of the Central Florida Greeneway and depicted on Exhibit "C" attached hereto, without the prior written consent of Winter Springs. 3. BINDING EFFECT. The terms, agreements, covenants and restrictions set forth herein shall run with title to the Viera and Rouse Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Viera and Rouse have executed this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions on the date and year set forth hereinabove. In Witness Whereof: Printed: Printed: 208958\SCIMECMD THE VIERA COMPANY, a Florida corporation By• Name Its 7380 Murrell Road, Suite 201 Viera, Florida 32940 2 .. .,.~.., ~. r J ROUSE-ORLANDO, INC., a Maryland corporation By' NamP' It!:. 1"V eft \.0 ~~ rr1 U1 0"" :J: (..n :x n 5! :t:- FI r- ,.,., :::0 (") 0 ~ .0 CO -00 "Tl ~:::o ....... 0 C')C . -.J_,fTlU' Printed: Printed 10275 Little Patuxent Pkwy. Columbia, Maryland 21044-3456 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority, well known to me to be the of The Viera Company, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the corporation, and that he is authorized to do so. WITNESS my hand and official seal this _ day of ,1995. (SEAL) Notary Public NamP' My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority, well known to me to be the of Rouse-Orlando, Inc., and he acknowledged before me that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the corporation, and that he is authorized to do so. WITNESS my hand and official seal this _ day of , 1995. (SEAL) Notary Public NamP' My Commission Expires: 2089S8\SCIMECMD 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned acknowledge that Exhibits "A," "B," and "C" attached hereto are the Exhibits "A," "B," and "C" to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions by The Viera Company and Rouse-Orlando, Inc. referenced in the Amended Settlement Agreement between the City of Oviedo, the City of Winter Springs, The Viera Company and Rouse-Orlando, Inq" (/') '-.D f"/1 Ul :I: U1 :z o r ,.,., ("') 0 o . co "T1 rO CO 220908\ET A YOKM coo <:) "T1 C> ." ~c=; )> r ;0 ,.,., n -00 )>;0 C)O l"'1 <J) Exhibit A . n Easement 0, Conservatlo I , Oviedo . CrossIng 1'0 '.D Cfl(J1 fT'1 :t:(Jl z o r ("11 n o ..." r- . cno 0"'" o "'TI ~n );10 r ;0 rr1 (") -UO );10;0 C')C ("11(.1) o co o \.D l The Viera ColllJllll1 AppIiaat Aaglia Lopez RInehart, IDe. GlattiDg JackJoa I~ PIa8Iler Project Muaprlfrmplllll "A Doster laotor 61 Reed, r Lowocles Drosdld I.cpl ColIIIIeI Coasullaots, Ioe. Proreuloaal Eogloeerlog Project Eap.r . L EnriD Coasultiog F.coIogist levlo . Ea.iroamcalll ScieullSl -- Salle la Feet North .. ,., Exhibit B ,,:eV'~ ~ 1?c:,l4~ -r~ iV- ~..o cod (/) Ul o "T1 fTl o "T1 3: Ul :;S:::C:; z - ~ C> r r r'1 ::0 n fT1 C) n 0 -00 . CO ~:;:o "T1 ClO r P1(/) C) 1\\,\QR't \\~Sl\\\sr \..tU\\1\\"\\'< Qt\\..W\\~U rQR W\\\'~ Legend ------- Property Boundary Wetland Conservation Area . Approved Development Source: GlattiDJ 1.._ Kercher AqIin Lopez Rlaelwl, bu:. ,..-...-..------ ...-,,--------.....--..-...... ...-......-..----....--......---".....-.......,- "'-.-.-----..-...--- -,,--....-...-....- ..-...---......- Master Development Plan Map H I OVIEDO CROSSING The Viera Compuy AppIi<aat Glattlq Jlcboa Kerd1er ADgIiD Lopez RiDebIrt, Ine. Project Mwprf['raaaponalillll PlIImer Lowndes Drosdkt Doster Kantor &: Reed, PA LcpI 0IaaaeI Prorealonll Engineering CollSllltull, Ine. Project fla&ineer Knill L EnriD Consn1t1ng Ecologist BnYiroamealll &ientist Revloed la11 1995 R.oIIed December 19M October l>>4 North 100 1200 -', ( ;.. ,. 'c . - Exhibit C to' Conservation Easement I / rv , / \..1) coo (/) 0"" I rr1 U1 0"" !- 3: U1 -- -n I :z: ~ / 0 r r r"1 ;0 Oviedo n r"1 0 0 ("') co ""00 Crossing >:;0 .." ClO r P1(J) The VIera ComJllll7 AppIicut Glattlq JaWoD Kercher AllgIiI Lopez RIutIw1, IDe. Project MlaaprrrlllllpOlllliaa PIaaacr Loncles DraIdIc:k Doster Kantor " Reed, P A Lep! CouIIIeI Professlonl EaglaeeriDg CollSlltaDts, IIIC. Projec:l~ Kevht L. Enria CoasuIliag Ecologist f,a,iroameatal SciclltiIt OVIEDO CROSSING Scale ill Feet .- t?f;/1"l/9'• q~/17/y5 Clis:t14:4(- r~~~r,~~~t~-: no~ss: (:t.EkK {~!' C:a~~~R'f SEM7[NUf_E. GoUWt i os u:~ sH oa 1 ~~ t u~o r X40 kEGtJRDIMG CLERK RG t?g7.3~:379 to ERK 1 RFCQttgING FEE 1 1h1.g0 i2 FUB,RE:C,ORU n4D.I1;iJSi ] :2q.50 TRAM Tt?TAI. 'i81.50 ALL. TRN 1 181.5ii CK CHEGK 1.1;1.50 'f ENDERF.D 1;31. Sq CHANGE .00 ~HRNr; YOU