HomeMy WebLinkAboutWyman Fields Foundation Settlement Statement Loan Number 5298518 ~.,]I"""'"-'~ A~~EMENT STATEMENT U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development OMB No. 2502.0265 (Exp. 02-28-97) B. Type of Loan 6. File Number 1. 0 FHA 2. 0 FmHA 3.0 Cony. Unins. 4. 0 VA 5. rn Conv.lns. E40DEAS.JOSEPH2 7. Loan Number 8. MMgage Insurance Case Number 5298518 C. Note: This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked "(p.o.c.)" were paid outside the closing; they are shown here for information purposes and are not included in the totals. D. Name and Address of Borrower E. Name and Address of Seller F. Name and Address of Lender JOSEPH G. DEAS WYMAN FIELDS FOUNDATION, INC. 207 N. M:>ss Road, Suite 105 Old Kent Mortgage Company Winter Springs, FL 32708 3918 GANDER COURT 4420 - 44th St SE - Suite B ORLANDO. FL 32822 Grand Rapids. MI 49512 G. Propeny Location H. Settlement Agent GARY E. MASSEY P.A 140-146 LORI ANNE LANE Place of Settlement I. Settlement Date WINTER SPRINGS. FL 32708 100 W. CITRUS STREET ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. FL 32714-2502 J. Summary of Borrower's Transaction 100. Gross Amount Due From Borrower 101. Contract sales crice 155.000.00 401. Contract sales crice 155.000.00 102. Personal orooertv 402. Personal orooertv 103. Settlement charoes to borrower (line 1400) 7.712.95 403. 104. 404. 105 405. Adjustments for items paid by seller In advance Adjustments for Items paid by seller in advance 106. City/town taxes to 406. City/town taxes to 107. County taxes 11/15/00 to 12/31/00 254.30 407. COUlltv taxes 11 /15/00 toI2/31/00 ;L:>4.jU 108. Assessments to 408. Assessments to 109. 409. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 120. Gross Amount Due From Borrower 162,967.25 420. Gross Amount Due To Seller 155,254.30 K. Summary of Seller's Transaction 400. Gross Amount Due To Seller 200. Amounts Paid Bv Or In Behalf Of Borrower 500. Reductions In Amount Due To Seller 201. Deoosit or earnest money 2,000.OU 501. Excess deDOsit (see instructions) 202. Princioal amount of new loan(s) 139.500.00 502. Settlement charaes to seller lIine 140m 4,572.68 203. Existino loanlsl taken subiect to 503. Existina loan(s) taken subiect to 204. ~ 504. Payoff of first mortaaae loan 144,711. 88 205. ~ 505. Payoff of second mortaaoe loan 206. ~ 506. ~ 207. ~ 507. 208. ~ 508. 209. 509. Adiustments for items unoaid bv seller Adlustments for Items unpaid by seller 210. City/town taxes to 510. City/town taxes to -- 211. County taxes to 511 . County taxes to .- 212. Assessments to 512. Assessments to 213. 513. 214. ~ 514. 215. 515. 216. 516. 217. 517. 218. 518. 219. 519. 220. Total Paid BylFor Borrower 141,500.00 520. Total Reduction Amount Due Seller 149,284.56 300. Cash At Settlement FromITo Borrower 600 Cash At Settlement TolFrom Seller 301. Gross Amount due from borrower lIine 120) 162.967.25 601. Gross amount due to seller lIine 420) 155 254.30 302. Less amounts oald bv/for borrower lIine 220\ 141.500.00 602. Less reductions in amI. due seller lIine 520\ 149 284.561 303. Cash [19 From o To Borrower 21,467.25 603. Cash [XJTo o From Seller 5,969.74 Previous Edition is Obsolete HUD-1 (3-86) ISrWHS';nl/n1951~1lJ().1 (3-86VLASER Paq(! 10' '} RF'c:n^ '''' .