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Winter Springs, City of Application for Acquisition of Land
APPLICATION FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND RETURN TO: OFFICE OF GREENWAYS AND TRAILS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MAIL STATION 795 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2400 PROJECT NAME: Winter Springs Town Center Project COUNTY(IES>: Seminole County APPLICANT: City of Winter Springs ^ Owner of I,aztd ^ Managing Entity ~ Sponsor of Project (check one) ADDRESS: 1126 E . S . R. 434 Winter Spring s, FL 32708 CONTACT: Charles Carrington TELEPHONE: (4~ 327-1800 ext.319FACSIlvIII..E: 40 327-6695 SIGNATURE(S): City of Winter Springs [Printed Name of Applicant] [Printed Name of Applicant, if more t o ] ' Yxxnt ;~me: Ronald W. McLemore Print Name: Charles Carrington, A CP Title':. City Manager Title: Community Develoyment Director Date:: 2 Lam/ 00 Date: 2 / 25 / 00 L RItQ:T~'~ DESCRIPTION Provide a general narrative description of the project, including features and characteristics that qualify tie project as:a greertway or-trail (see- deftnitions on,page 1 of Instructions):. It is the objective of the C~.ty of Winter Springs to utilize grant funds available through the Flar3.da Forever Program, to acquire key connected greenspace and trail par.eels-dispersed throughout the Town Center to enhance conservation and outdoor recreation. These pareelswill provide public access to multi-use trails and public parks and greenspace5. ^ Check if separate sheet attached and label the additional information"Item L" DEP Form #OGT-1 Florida Greenways and Trails Program Effective (effective date of rule( Application for Acquisition of Land Page 1 oC 5 Pages II. PROJECT FITNDING A. Estimate the total purchase price of the project and explain how it was determined: $ 2,950,000 (see attachment Item II. A.) B. If matching, alternative or additional;funds have been requested:undereny other program, wTiat type of other>funding was requested and to-whom and when was the application made? ``lList specify type olfuna6~g sud, as IST'EA. TEA 21 ortocal funds]: N /A C..Lsahere an opportunity forpartnership with a local government in the acquisition or development. of -the project? ^ YES LINO If yes,'identify`the potential partners'and any.previous attempts to discuss or °coordinateproject acquisition or development with them: City is acquiring greenspace' on the adiacent Schrmsher'tract. Check if separate sheet attadtied and label the additional infamacion "Item It-A, B. or C." as appropriate. IIL PROJECT LOCATION A. Are there any other publicly owned lands in the vicinity of the project upon or over which the .:proposed. greenway or tratl could be located? ^ YES ~ NO If yes, .describe the location, current :ownership and current uses of such other public lands: B. Delineate and identify the planned:project corridorand all project boundaries on county property appraiser maps, then attach'to Application as' Composite Attachment"C." C. Is any part of the project a railroad corridor or right-of-way? ^ YES ~] NO Is any part of the project within the. planning corridor of the Florida National<Scenic trail recognized by the U. S. Forest Service? ^ YES H~ NO If yes to either gliestion, outline and clearly 1abe1 project areas Iying within -said right-of-way orplanning corridor on attached property appraiser maps. D. Approximate project acreage and mileage: Acres36.62 ~ Miles ~~A f Number of separate parcels involved in acquisition of the planned project corridor: ? E. If all parcels proposed by this Application cant>ot-be acquired, is an alternative route or alignment possible? ~ YES ^ NO If yes, please describe: The trailhead and .accompanying facilities may be located on eit er tract. F. Identify any critical.parcels that must be acquired to make the project viable: Either parcel may serve as a trailhead and connection t:o the proposed toss- emino e .Trail. (~ Check if separate sheet attached; label additionatiaformation "Item I[I-A; B.; C., D., E. or F'' as appropriate. DEP Form #OGT-1 Florida Greenways and Trails Program Effective [effective date of rule) Application for Acquisition of Land Page 2 of 5 Pages ITEM II. A. Project Funding -Estimate the total purchase price of the project and explain how it was determined: Parcel 1 Park expansion -Parker tract Estimated purchase price from an appraisal of the 27.2 acre tract dated December 30, 1997 by Pardue, Heid, Church, Smith & Waller, Inc. Subtotal $1,400,000 Parcel 2 Park expansion -Springs Land/Jessup Shores tract Estimated purchase price from an appraisal of the 9.42 acre tract by Rex McGill, Inc. appraisers dated April 6, 1999 Subtotal $1,550,000 TOTAL $2,950,000 IACE JESSUP ~~'~ 1 I i 3.D 11 3.A ~ I 1 11 j i 3.B ~1 1 I ~~,I J.A 1 ~~, ~, 3 . E e'1 ~ ~~ ', I 3.0 jl J'0 x~ 3.B -i all ~I ^I 3.D ~},F ~1 ', r 3 . c '~ R . R . C ~_.~ ..J - - ~~ S Q ~ ~' ~__ _~ ~- 21.0 II tt 1.0 I ~'" ~ " Trail Seminole Cross ,o ~ _ . 19 iB.C ~°-~ ITEM III - B COMPOSITE ATTACHMENT C to 0 B ~ . 8.A a 8.C I 8.8 t ~ o B/ ~.A u x~ E A-~ 11 11.0 O t2 13 S -- 5~/a R D B 19 ' 19.0 20 2t StCONp 26.0 sr n ~--, 30-20-31 1 6 ~ O 5.0 ; m ~ ~' ,.; 5 5 6.0 6.A i r 5 _.~-e e ~ ~ ~-- - / 15.0 1 14.0 ' IS. i t~ ~ f IS 15 ~ 15.0 _~ ~ -- 19.0 t2 1t N. TYPE OF INTEREST TO BE ACQUIRED. A. Is fee simple acquisition necessary.to,achieve the recreational and consen~ation purposes for,which the project is being established? %)?tYES ~ NO Why? B. If:fee simple acquisition is not possible far:particular parcel (s); what'less-than-fee simpie;opti©ns are available? N/A C. If less-than-fee simple acquisition is proposed, what rights does the owner want to retain and how will retention of:those right affect the proposed-uses of the greenway or trail? N/A D. On a .separate attached sheet, list each parcel to be acquired and identify the.-type of interest to be acquired for that parcel (such as-fee simple, conservation easement,,purchase of development rights, lease, license or life estate}. ~ wed: if separate shad attad~ed; label:addRional u-focmation "Item IV-A., H., C, or D" as:appropriate. V. ENCUMBRANCES AND'.IlVII'ROVEMENTS -To the:eztent'[cnawn;by theowner or managing eatity orvisiblc on the ground: A. Identify all existing and proposed easements, encumbrances or encroachments on project parcels (such as hunting,: grazing or timbering<leases; roadway and utility easements; or other leases, licenses or interests in land): Parcel Identification No. Description of Encumbrance or Encroachment - There are no known easements, encumbrances- - or encroachments. B. Identify improvements {such as building, sheds,. fences,. roadways 8c culverts) on parcels; & describe the condition, current & proposed uses and estimated value. of the improvement: Parcel Identification No. 1~ovemeut and Condition Pmyosed Use Value N/A ^ Check if separate shed attadiod; lapel additional informati«i "Ilan V-A. or B." ;as apptnpraste: DEP Form #OGT-1 Effective (effective date of rule) Florida Greenways and Trails Program Application for Acquisition of Land Page 3 of 5 Pages ITEM IV. D. Type of interest to be acquired. Parcels to be acquired by fee simple title. Tax identification number for all parcels within the project boundary: Parcel Name Tax ID# Owner s Park Expansion 26-20-30-SAR-OD00-0010 Parker, Edward H. & Sue S. & Co Trust 26-20-30-SAR-OD00-0180 Spring Land Inv Ltd. 26-20-30-SAR-OD00-020A Jessup Shores Partnership Ownership Fee Simple Fee Simple Fee Simple VL RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES A. Check each type of outdoor recreational opportunity to be provided within the project: ~l Hiking/Walking ^ Camping 7C] Running/Jogging X] Horseback Riding ~] .Bicycling %~] Skating ^ k'ishing ^ Archeological Study ^ Canoeing ~]' Playgrounds 0 Boardwalks ^ Nature Trails/Study _ _ ^ Sailing ~ Soccer ^ Historical Study ^ Scenic Overlook Ma'or tralhead ^ Diving ^ Swimming ~] Brding ~3 Other: J on Parker tract. with corral for equestrian users B. On`the attached property appraiser maps, identify the location of each recreational or outdoor ,opportunity checked above. Check if Separate abed attaohod end label additional information "Item Vi-A ar B:". as :appropriate. VIL ECOLOGICAL, HLSTORICAL AND CULTURAL FEATURES A, Deseribe'the ecological characteristics of lands and waterways Tying within the project, including intaet:or partial ecosgstems;<wetlands and wildlife habitat, and the quantity andquality of:wetlands. Describe the currentcondition of lands and waterways (whether cleared, timbered, replanted, dredged filled or otherwise'altered); ahe ypes of wildlife on>site and ways in which the ecological features of projectpaicelssupportorenhanceadjacentlands: Parker tract is a frozen out citrus .grove that has been-replanted with S as Pine. Springs Lan Jessup ores tract s a ormer,mes c ammoe «w t some Sand>:Pine rep anting. sees prow: e oo an s e ter or ;wi e. B. Describe the historical, archeological and cultural features within the;.projeci (if-any): No historical or archeol;aga;cal futures .have been. i ent:ifi.ed C. Are exotic plants .located on any parcel(s)? E~ :YES ^ NO If yes, identify. the species. and the extent of coverage; hem-,.explain any efforts to;control or eradicate the plants: Bamboo- on west end: could be dug out and chemically treated': D. Is dumping of trash a common practice orrthe project site? ^ YES ~ NO -Are there airy known hazardous wastes or toxins presenron the site or adjacent o the site? ^ YES i~- NO ff-yes to either questioa, describe the type and location of the discarded trash, hazardous wastes or toxins and any effort or plans. to control or clean the site: ^ Chadc if separate shad attaohod and label additior-ai infomiatian "VII-A, B., C. or D." as appropriate. DEP Form #OGT-1 Florida Greenways and Trails Program Effective (effective date of rule) Application for Acquisition of Land Page 4 of 5 Pages ITEM VI - B ~cE :ESSU7 /~ I /~ ~.~ ~/ ~ ~l ,I E 1 3.0 , :~3 ~` ', .. ~~1 ITIES 1 I,pCP•TIpTi4NAL ppPpRTUN ', ~C~A ..A ~i -' gil{ink ~ • ~trjrb ... e', g;cycting ~, S~~tin~ ~~ 3 . o p1~y~r0nnds <'~ } =~1 SpCCCr rln~ . ~~ ~ R°nnin~Jo~b ~~ Bir~inb ~Qin~ ~ ' o ~~~ ~ . r K°rscb~-ck ',~ ~~ ',, ' ° E - ,,,., MIx~Z.,E TAIL , 9 . o ---- CROSS S . A -- ~ 10. jj1 t Eo 8,0 8.A ~ e . c so ~o•.~ ~ ~ e.e -~ ~•o B ~.A 4 i 0 So 6.0 6.A O~AK~~ BEY[ ,S ' ___ „ 11.0 O _ -- , z I, 3 I, .s. 14.0 i. i , ~I ~' ~ is.o --`CROSS .SENIIN OLE T~jL e ~- ,~ 19.d~ 10 15C 1I .B ftro,p 26.8 r, 7 6 . 0 ~~`, VIII. PLANNING A. Describe any facilities currently on the project site and;any plans .for future infrastructure development: No existing facilities, possible future parking, restrooms and concession stand to complement trailhead. B. Does the project prouide any connections or have potential forfurthecconnections o other,public elands? ~ YES ^ NO C. ,Explain how the project will furEher specific goals, policies and objectives of local government ' comprehensive plan elements: Thee planned active 'and passive recreational activities will further support the level of service standard for parks- and recreation in the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. D. Describe,planned and potential public access points within the project, then identify and clearly label- each access point on the attached. property appraiser maps: , (see attachment VIII. D, ~ E. Does the; project permit or provide for,alternative transportation use(s)? ~ -YES ^ -NO If yes, describe each type of use and the proposed location(s), then identify and clearly label each location on the attached property appraiser maps: Limited vehicular parking at the trailhead on the Parker. tract. [~ Check if separate s}-ed attacfied and label additional informatian'Niil-A, B•, C., D oc.E." as appropriate IX. PROJECT MANAGEMENTAND SUPPORT A. 'Attach letters of intentfrom locai:governmenis with jttrisdiction over the project, stating the project can be adequately accessed by safety/emergency personnel and equipment and that the local gtrvernment will provide law enforcement or .other security upon project completion. B, Describe anypublic safety issues>orconcerns that may arise in connection-with operation and maintenance of the project and haw hey could be addressed: No- public saf e t~ issues or concerns anticipated.' C. Describe measures to be taken to protect, conserve and enhance recreational, ecological;: historical; archeological- and cultttral features of the project during acquisition, development: & operation of the project: The Gity Arborist will;,give special attention and protection to any' specimen trees- or an.y. identified pxotec a pecies';. D. Describe community support and specify how it will enhance project development and management: The' local coinmunty has endorced'the Town Center concept and supports t e trail segment improvements. (~ Check if separate sheet attached and label additional infortnalion "IX-A.; B., C. or I).:" as appropriate END OF APPLICATION FORM DEP Form #OGT-1 Florida Greenways and Trails Program ElTective (effective date of rule) Application for Acquisition of Land Page 5 of 5 Pages VIII - D '' ACCESS POINTS TO SUBJECT (PROJECT) PROPERTIES Access points will be to the Parker Property • from the Central Winds Park on the north side; • from the Cross Seminole Trail on the south side; • from road leading into Central Winds Park on the west side. Access points will be to the Leardam Property • from the Cross Seminole Trail on the north side. tACE lESSUP J Central Winds Park O 1.0 I to t 8.0 e.A I ~ 9 e.C ~ },0 1 ! B.B i.A ] I , ~ 8 ~•A ~.a ~ .• Central Winds ;` oRAw ' ' •. Park oc ~ ~e .. 3.A If 11.0 ].E 1.0 1 O 2 12 }.0 1 ~~ LLt -i } . 0 I~ 1 . F ~ / A D • Trail • ;= } c geminole ,,,., I Cross - ~ ~ i9 _t1,A >. c. ~. S. ~ _ ~~~' t! 19 iD 19.0 :0 1e.e 1. :, 1e.c 20.0 Z 6 . 8 tP~or~ .. a~G'"atie~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~f ~ Y ~~a~aU -~.,~ ~ . ~,<, ix '~**i ~~~ Daniel J. Kerr Chief of Police ITEM IX. A. WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT 300 North Moss Road • Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business (407) 327-1000 • Fax (407) 327-1102 February 24, 2000 Office of Greenways and Trails Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 795 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify the Office of Greenways and Trails that the City of Winter Springs will provide law enforcement or other security of the trailhead included on the Parker property and the Springs Land/Lake Jessup Shores property upon project completion. incerely, i f~ _ aniel err Chief o olice DJK/eds O~ MINTER s'°9 • - IN 11Sf dEY F[ORIDp' February 24, 2000 WINTER SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE: (407) 327-2332 FAX (407) 327-4750 Office of Greenways and Trails Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 795 Tallahassee, FL 32399 To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify the Office of Greenways and Trails that the Parker property and the Springs Land/Lake Jessup Shores property, which would include a trailhead, can be adequately accessed by safety/emergency personnel and equipment. Sincerely, Timothy J. Lallathin Fire Chief ITEM IX. A.