HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter Springs Senior Center -~.- ,~----- - '---'" ---,-- WINTER SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER DOCUMENTS ,':';JtiJi:'-~-~;,'-P 081202 Regular E Senior Center Uses.doc City Manager COMMISSION AGENDA ~ August ~2002 Meeting Consent Informational Public Hearin2 Re2ular X ITEM E Mgr. fL-- / Dept. Authorization REQUEST: City Manager requesting Commission direction relative to the use of the Senior Citizen Center for political activities. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Commission to provide direction to staff relative to the use of the Senior Citizen Center for political related activities. CONSIDERATIONS: Thursday, August 1, 2002 the Seminole County Democratic Party had a meeting at the Senior Citizen Center to discuss party activities. The organization has been meeting there monthly for approximately one year. The Republican Party used to meet at the center regularly but changed their monthly meeting place to another location. A question has been raised relative to staff authority to schedule political meetings at the Senior Citizen Center. My interpretation of the departmental rules regarding scheduling of the facility is that political organizations are allowed provided that they pay the fee and conform to all other rules. Political organizations are strictly excluded from free utilization of the facility offered to Community Based Organizations as defined in the regulations. In this case the Democratic Party did not pay for the facility. Additionally, the Democratic nor Republican parties have been charged fees in recent years. According to the Senior Center Manager they have not been charged fees because they have been exempted under the Community Based Organizations Exemption, again, a practice inconsistent with the established rules. Additionally, we cannot find any action of the Commission confirming the rules established by the department. The rules should be adopted by resolution. However, before this is done we would like to review the rules to determine if changes are recommended. FUNDING: No Funding Required 081202 Regular E Senior Center Uses City Manager RECOMMENDATION: 1. Determine if the Commission desires the Senior Citizen Center: a) To be utilized for political activities. b) To require a fee for political organizations. c) Provide any additional information the Commission deems appropriate. 2. Direct staff to review the rules and return the rules with any recommended changes to the Commission for adoption by resolution. . ATTACHMENTS: A. Seminole County Democrats Facility Application of 12/26/01 B. Senior Citizen Center Rules COMMISSION ACTION: SE:N'IOR./CIVIC CEl'J".L".ER OPERATION EVALUATION TABLE OF CON'TENTS 1U Preface Memorandum page(s) 1 !U Existing Conditions 2-5 Ql Proposals and Recommendations 6-8 !U civic Center Rules & Regulations 9-12 n Senior Center Rules & Regulations 13-18 .n Summary 1~ Q.l Items A-K CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MULTI -USE FACILITY AGREEMENT PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Adminstradon Section: 1126 East s.R. 434 Offlee: (407)327-4761 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Fax: (407) 327-4763 Please complete seetions I, II, and IV: You are required to sign and date your agreement. Falsification of the information provided herein may result in rescission of the Agreement or cancellation of the event/program. I. APPLICATION Applicant/Sponsor Name: SEI1INOLt;"" ('Tp€1-1()Cl~-A..T) Phone: 'I01='J.":3~/tJ IS7 Fax:Lfo'3~ (P31 fa Address: Street c:;( 1<6> 8 Ll\-c~lE.e.. fc City L.OA)6LtJdtfD ST F=L zip3:ttrD AuthorizedRepresentative:Nam~~I+.I!..' p~FEL' Phone:(~7.u) ~ FACILITY REQUESTED: ~; " c1u ~ Date{s) R<quesled: / g. ~. ~ /I!.U><-cL Event Hours: From (P f'UL To 10 J'lA.f4. Estimated: particiPantsJD Vehicles 1. c: Spectators -P-- Name ofEventS~)1ItJ Ot....J::( Cf'l ~f1{X-i1f7:b - Description of Event: Lt)C)f2.K5.JJ~' J.1 OIJTMl \.1 LV O((K. s.w of S _Submit proposed schedule/agenda for event II. How will program/event be advertised/promoted Will any trucks be delivering or unloading equipment or sup Is the event catered: Yes _ No-X- List All special requests. Explain completely (concession, tents, bounce houses, water, power, classroom, parking, rehearsal, sound system, equipment, etc.) QUESTS Will Admission Fee be Charged? Yes_ NoL i s? Yes_~ill food, goods, or services be sold at event: Yes_ No.:)( III. FACILITY REQUESTED # PERSONNEU PREP (CITY OFFICE USE ONLY) at $ per at $ per Sales Tax 7~. ( ) =$ =$ Sub-total Tax Exempt #: Damage Deposit (Refundable, if facility left clean) S Make cheeks payable to: City of Winter Springs. Total Balance due fourteen (14) days prior to use of facility Payment: Cash Check Check # Balance due: date IV. BOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNlFICATIONIINSURANCE AGREEMENT The Applicant or user hereby promises and agrees to indemnify and hold to indemnify and hold harmless the City, from all damages, costs and harmless City of Winter Springs, a city corporation, its officers, agents, expenses in law or equity for or on account of any patented, trademarked and staff from and against any and all liability, claims damages, demands, or copyrighted materials, equipment, devices, processes or dramatic rights expenses, fees, fines, penalties, suits, proceedings, actions and costs of furnished or used by applicant in connection with this Agreement and will actions, including attorney's fees for trial and on appeal, of any kind and defend the City from any such suit or action, regardless of whether it be nature arising or growing out of or in any way connected with the groundless or fraudulent. performance of the Agreement whether by act or omission of the The undersigned agree to abide by the regulations governing and facility agreement between the parties. and is responsible for all donations and charges incurred. The The applicant shall supply a "Certificate of Insurance" reflecting minimum Applicant/Sponsor agree to submit with their application a 2S% deposit of coverage ofSSoo,OOO bodily injury occurrence and $100,000 property the required minimum donation. Litter resulting from the use of this damage. City of Winter SDriusshll be named as an additional facility is to be picked up and deposited in refuse containers before Insured which sha" be noted on the Certificate. The Certificate shall leaving the area of facility. Facility must be left in the same condition as indicate that the applicant's insurance policy shall not be cancelable found. without thirty days prior written notice to the City. The undersigned agrees to abide by the regulations governing the said facility and is responsible for charges incurred and must supply a "Certificate of Insurance" to City Office no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to program/event date. COPYRIGHT LAW: Applicant shall assumes all costs arising from the use of patented, trademarked or copyrighted materials, equipment, devices, processes, or dramatic rights used on or incorporated in the conduct of any event covered under the Agreement; and applicant agrees FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved: Y or N Date: By: ~.,:) (p I ~/)t) I Date Applicant/Sponsor or A orized Representative Signature S:\Parks &; Rcc\docs\Athletics\Admin\FORMS\MUF A-Athletics 6-01.doc Revised 6/01 SEN'IOR./CIVIC c:E:riI".L"~ OPERATION EVALUATION TABLE OF CON".L"ENTS ~ Preface Memorandum page(s) 1 1U Existing Conditions 2-5 g} Proposals and Recommendations 6-8 lli Civic Center Rules & Regulations 9-12 n Senior Center Rules & Regulations 13-18 tl Summary 1~ Ql Items A-K MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 15. 1995 TO: MAYOR/CITY COMMISSION VIA: JOHN GOVORUHK. CITY MANAGER FROM: DON WILSON. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR SUBJ : SENIOR/CIVIC CENTER OPERATION EVALUATION Upon being employed, the writer was requested to review Senior/Civic Center operation and respond with any recommendations which may be deemed appropriate for enhancing the Center and its daily operation. These recommendations were then forwarded to the City Manager. The evaluation process was performed by first becoming as familiarized as possible with the history and existing operation of the complex. Then, a meeting was scheduled on August 25, 1994 by the Center Advisory Board at which they voiced their opinions and concerns relative to the operation and and the corporation activities. On October 21, 1994, Mrs. Beverly Darnell, President of the Senior Corporation and Jack Bergman, Treasurer, met with the Parks and Recreation Director to discuss future status of the Center and the Corporation. The Senior and Civic Center history were discussed along with operation alternatives available. On December 1, 1994, Mr. John Govoruhk, City Manager, and the Parks and Recreation Director met with Mrs. Beverly Darnell again and discussed the status of the Center and the activities of the Senior Corporation. The final evaluation phase involved discussion with other Senior program operators and their program delivery systems. This evaluation report is presented for review in three (3) components. The first is "Existing Conditions" and the second is "Proposals and Recommendations". The third is "Proposed Rules and Regulations" for the Civic Center and the Senior Center. 1 ; ;;'."" J;'l.,' .. ~;~ f . EXISTING CONDITIONS The exiting conditions at Sunshine Park are as follows: *Two (2) buildings are located in the Park; Civic Center and Senior Center. *Two (2) City of Winter Springs employees are assigned to the Park; (1) Senior Center Manager and (1) Maintenance Worker. Part-Time help is being considered for "fill-in" purposes such as when full-time employees are on vacation, sick, etc. *YMCA presently conducts an after school and intersession child care program in the civic Center. This agreement will terminate March 31, 1995 (City Commission Meeting Minutes, September 26, 1994). *Only Senior events are scheduled and hosted at the Senior Center. *Senior Manager schedules both the Civic Center and the Senior Center and collects rental revenues on site. There is a Senior Corporation which consists of patrons that visit and participate at the Senior Center and has elected officers. The Corporation collects membership dues from anyone that participates in any of the programs offered at the Senior Center. Membership dues are annual beginning Janaury I, and are $2.00 for Winter Springs residents and $3.00 for non-residents. These dues are normally collected by the Senior Center Manager and retained in the Center office until the Senior Corporation Treasurer comes by and picks them up from the Manager. *The Senior Corporation has been successful financially. Presently, they retain a +$5,300.00 bank account and also own a $3,000.00 Certificate of Deposit. *The Senior Corporation has purchased and housed several capital items at the Senior Center such as; 2 Bingo Machine Television and VCR Sofa Stereo Freezer Clay Potters Wheel (for Ceramics) *The Senior Corporation purchases all the coffee, tea and paper products used and consumed at the Center. Donations are deposited into a cup on the honor system. The Senior Manager retains the revenue collection until the Treasurer picks it up. *The Senior Corporation hosts a weekly luncheon at the Senior Center which is catered by a private vendor. They charge $4.00 for each meal and keep a $.50 profit from each which goes into the Corporation Treasury. This money is collected by the Senior Corporation. *A monthly calendar entitled "WINTER SPRINGS SENIORS- MONTH, 1995 (See Item "A") is developed each month by the Senior Center Manager for patrons of the Center. A monthly newsletter (See Item "B") entitled "Winter Springs-Senior Times" is typed by the Senior Corporation each month and submitted to the Senior Manager who places the title on the newsletter and runs copies on the Center copy machine. Newsletter was initiated four (4) months ago. *Programs hosted at the Senior Center throughout each month are hosted by and paid for as follows: CHARGE PROGRAM ORIGINATING HOST CREATIVE CLAY BEG. LINE DANCING LINE DANCING CANASTA/PINOCLE BRIDGE CERAMICS BINGO CRAFTS YOGA CITY CITY SR. CORP. SR. CORP. SR. CORP. CITY/OWNED SR. CORP. CITY CITY NONE FREE FREE FREE .25 PLAYER KILN FREE $3.50/$6.00 FURNISH OWN $1.00 3 FEES GO TO INSTRUCTOR N/A N/A N/A SR. CORP. INSTRUCTOR SR. CORP. NA INSTRUCTOR ~"M~-'--~!'~''-C -_ '---'-p ---~~ *The Senior Corporation/Winter Springs Senior Center, Inc., consist of four Board of Directors and five Advisory Board Members. The Board of Directors meets the 2nd Monday of the month. Annual elections are held in May with nine (9) positions on the ballot for election. A copy of the "Articles of Incorporation" for Springs Center, Inc., dated January 22, 1988 December 6, 1989 are enclosed. See "Item crt. the Winter and amended A copy of the amended "Winter Springs Senior Center, Inc., By-Laws" proposed to be dated May, 1991 are enclosed. See "Item D". NOTE: On Friday, October 21, 1994 the office of the Secretary of State, Division of Corporations was contacted by the Parks and Recreation Department for the purpose of verifying the standing status and current officers of the corporation. The inquiry resulted with a response that the Corporation was "current and in good standing" and that existing officers were: President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Beverly Darnell Marion Dolin Evelyn Carcara Jack Bergman *By-Laws Section 3-D state that "The office of the Treasurer cannot be combined with any other office of this association." These By-Laws have not been adopted by a vote of the membership. *Evening programs hosted at the Senior Center are: Ceramics: 6:30pm to 9:30pm on Thursdays Monthly Function: Once each month an event is held on the weekend in the early evening for the Seniors. This usually is a dinner, pot-luck; with bingo, etc. Senior Corporation usually co~plans this function with the Senior Manager. 4 :".~.._'''',;.7i-'',.,. " *In conversing with the Seniors it was obvious that they are all very pleased with how the Center Manager operates the facility, but most important, they appreciate the caring attitude and genuine concern exhibited by the Manager. *Existing revenue, membership fees, rental fees and program fees collection practices result in collections being made and retained on-site in the Senior Center Manager's office until the Senior Corporation Treasurer picks up the collections. *The Civic Center floor was resurfaced in February, 1995 with a tile surface. *The Civic Center is scheduled and rented during the year by the public through the Senior Center Manager. Fees and processing are: -$35.00 per hour with $200.00 maximum fee for all day/night, plus a $50.00 check for security deposit (clean-up). -Checks are accepted if days prior to requested -Cash is only payment days of requested use. received five (5) working use. accepted within five (5) The Senior Center Manager unlocks and locks the Civic Center when the rental is scheduled for a one (1) to five (5) hour use. The Manager does not remain on-site during the event. A Civic Center facility key is signed out to the renter when the use is scheduled to be over five (5) hours. Example: signed out on Friday and returned on Monday. ,5 PROPOSALS AND RECOMMENDATIONS After thoroughly examining the existing "Senior/Civic Center operations and use the Parks and Recreation Director, along with the Senior Center Manager, recommend that the following items be considered for approval and implementation effective February 27, 1995: 1) Senior Center Manaqer- Is the sole "on-site authority" for managing the Senior and Civic Centers facilities. The manager is the employee of the City of Winter Springs and receives direction per facility/program operation through the City Manager/Parks and Recreation Director only. See attached job description-"Item E". 2) Facility(s) Schedulinq- All scheduling, regardless of the program and sponsor use tenure, will be requested and approved through the Senior Manager. Advance "Multi-Use Facility Agreement" guidelines and submission deadline dates to be administered by management through concurrence with City Manager. See attached "Facility Use Request Form"-"Item F". Facility Use Request Forms will be addressed on a first received-first reviewed for approval basis. 3) Senior Center Use- Any community based organization which is senior oriented in nature, formed for the purpose of producing or sponsoring senior related community activities, can schedule facility use in advance and free of charge, durinq normally scheduled Senior Center hours. This use would be contin ent u on t e group qualifying as a "Community Based Organization" as established in the outline of "Community Based Organization Criterion", see attachment- "Item G" and completing the "Community Organization Verification" form then submitting same to the Senior Manager and Parks and Recreation Director for approval-*see attachment-"Item H". *Any denial could be processed as an appeal to the City Manager for review should the applicant request that further review be made. 6 4) Non-Senior/Community Based Orqanization Use- Any non- senior "Community Based Organization" which ve""'rI"fys and~ qualifies as "Community Based Organization" under the criterion could apply for free Civic Center use and also be considered for free Senior Center use if the Civic Center was already scheduled, again, senior group use and advanced senior use scheduling would take preference over a "Non-Senior Community Based Organization" use. This "Non-Senior Community Based Organization" facility use application would only be accepted for review and consideration for use during normally scheduled Senior Center hours. Approval of this recommendation would not exempt any senior related activity or function and would enhance the use and exposure of the City's facilities for worthy community serving organizations during non- senior activity lulls in the normal weekly schedule. 5) Fee/Revenue Collections- Propose that only City of Winter Springs Senior Center and Civic Center generated fees, charges and rental revenues be collected, received and receipted by City employees. No civic, community organization or other fees are to be collected, received, handled or housed by any City employee at the Civic and Senior Centers, nor will the City of Winter Springs or any Civic/Senior Center employee be responsible for any fees/revenues, other than City generated, collected on site or their security. Recommend that all City revenue collected or received at the facility(s) be hand delivered to the Finance Director's office daily or "night deposited". Propose that no funds be allowed to be retained on site 7 overnight. 6) Civic/Senior Center Kevs- Recommend that no facility keys be signed out to any renter or organization. That any use or rental be staffed by a City employee** for opening and closing and management of the facility. **This recommendation is proposed due to the need to have an employee on duty who is familiar with the facility and its physical operation and security such as location of electrical breaker box, how to open, how to secure facility and to execute Incident or Accident Report forms. An on duty employee enhances property inventory control also. Extra help/part-time employees would be assigned duty for the weekend rentals. These employees are employed at the rate of $5.25 per hour. 7) Monthlv Senior News Publication- Propose that the Senior Center staff be authorized to invite senior related organizations, senior service groups, etc., to submit monthly news worthy articles to be reviewed and edited for a monthly produced senior serving publication. The publication would be a City of Winter Springs-Senior Center generated and produced product and would have volunteer assisted review and production. One additional option, which might promote recognition for the publication, would be to conduct a "Name the Newsletter" contest. SENIOR CENTER RULES AND REGULATIONS ATTACHED CIVIC CENTER RULES AND REGULATIONS ATTACHED 8 -~;~---;----- CIVIC CENTER RULES AND REGULATIONS 400 North Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, Florida 32708 The Civic Center, located at 400 North Edgemon Avenue, within Sunshine Park, is a public, City of Winter Springs owned and managed facility. The Center is operated and maintained through the Parks and Recreation department for use by the citizens of Winter Springs. The facility is at times programmed by the Parks and Recreation department and is also made available for rental for private and community functions. 1) The general use or rental of the Civic Center is to . be considered the primary use/rental facility under the Parks and Recreation Department's management. This facility will be offered on a "first come/first served" basis for non-city use prior to any other facility being scheduled for use/rental. The only exception being senior activities at the Senior Center facility. 2) Any individual, group, association wishing to legally obtain "exclusive use" of the center must obtain, complete and submit to the senior center manager a "Multi-Use Facility Agreement" form not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the desired use date. All payments/deposits, along with any required insurance certificates are due with the completed "Multi-Use Facility Agreement" form wi th checks payabl e to the Ci ty of Win.t~E.".... ... Springs. *Note-No "Multi-Use Facility Agreement" is considered valid unless the approval signature of the Parks and Recreation Director or his/her designee is executed on the form and the insurance certificate received. 3) Rentals- are scheduled on an hourly basis normally with an 8 hour maximum continued use. This includes set-up times also. Rentals/usage are limited to 12:00 midnight, excluding New Year's Eve and class reunions only. No rentals are permitted beyond 1:00am under any circumstances. 9 4) Use Intervals- only short term use/rental requests will be considered for approval by the Parks and Recreation Department. "Short term" defined as a single use/rental request for no more than once per week and no longer than a three calendar month period of use. This is necessary in order to make the facility available to others who may wish to utilize it. and to assure that a continual ~xclusive use of the facility does not develop. 5) Rental Deposit- A $25.00 Deposit will be collected with the Multi-Use Facility Agreement submission prior to processing the request. This $25.00 Will be applied toward the rental fee balance. 6 ) Food and Drink Deposit- A $50.00 Refundable deposit will be applied on facility rentals where food and/or beverage is to be served. This deposit will be collected by separate receipt in the form of a certified check or money order payable to "City of Winter Springs". The purpose of this deposit will be to cover the clean-up of the facility up and above the norm. This deposit will be returned at the conclusion of the rental if there are no discrepancies found which will be identified and explained by the assigned staff on site, if any. 7) Insurance Certificates- Must list the City of Winter Springs as an additional insured and should be faxed to (407/327-0018) or mailed to the City of Winter Springs Parks and Recreation Department by the insuring company. 8) Staffinq Assiqnments- A Parks and Recreation employee will always be present at the facility when open. Use/rentals that require additional staff assignments will be itemized with hourly rates and documented on the Multi-Use Facility Agreement. Staff employees are on site for the purpose of maintaining and supervising the facility and the activities being conducted on or in the premises of the Center. Employees are not authorized to engage in the activities of the facility user or provide services relating to the activities being conducted. This includes and is not limited to the collection of tickets, passes, money, checks or fees/donations of 10 any sort. 9) Tax- 7% state sales tax will be levied on all rentals, costs/charges when applicable. 10) Tax Exem'Ption- In order to obtain "tax exempt" facility rental status, an organization must complete and submit a "Blanket Certificate of Resale" card which lists the purpose of the tax exemption and the tax exemption number. See attachment-Item "I". 11) Cancellations- If formal (in writing and signed) cancellation notice is delivered or received no later than 14 calendar days prior to the requested use date, an administrative charge of $10.00 Will be applied and a refund processed within (7) calendar days. 12) Alcoholic Beveraqes- It shall be unlawful for any person or group to purchase, sell or offer for sale, have in his/their possession or consume any alcoholic beverages as defined by the laws of Florida, in or on any park, playground or recreation area, their public parking lots within the corporate limits of the city except as follows: The sale, possession and consumptiom, serving of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted when specifically requested in writing and authorized by the City Manager under such terms and conditions as he/she may impose for the protection of the health safety and welfare of the public. May require assignment of an off duty police officer. An alcoholic beverage waiver is available for this purpose. See attachment Item "J". 13) Parkinq- Is provided on site for facility guests utilizing the facilities and its amenities. Use the specified marked parking spaces as provided. In the event that the parking lot is filled to capacity do not park, or allow your guests to park along the entrance/exit driveway. This is necessary to provide access for emergency vehicles. 14) storaqe- No storage of any type or form is provided at the facility for use. Refrigerator is available during use/rental hours only and all items placed in the 11 "MqJlZ'l;t~:t~' ~::;. refrigerator or carried into the facility during use hours are to be removed prior to vacating the premises. 15) Walls. Ceilinqs. Equip.- Facility guests are requested to refrain from using thumb tacks, glue, tape or staples to attach anything to the facility during their use. The use of easels is recommended for displaying of items in the facility. 16) Bulletin Boards & Public Display- All bulletin boards and display areas are provided for placing of public and employee notices. Any item or notice appearing on these areas of display must first be reviewed and approved by (initialed and dated) the Civic and Senior Center Manager. The Manager will be responsible for the placement of approved notice items. 17) Facilitv Entrance Kevs- Only Parks and Recreation Department/City of Winter Springs employees will be issued keys to the facility. 18) Smokinq- All City of Winter Springs facilities are designated "non-smoking" facilities. As a courtesy to others, smoking is restricted to the exterior of the facilities. AUTHORIZATION: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES- ITEM# / / 12 SENIOR CENTER RULES AND REGULATIONS 400 North Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, Florida 32708 The Senior Center located at 400 North Edgemon Avenue, within Sunshine Park, is a public, City of Winter springs owned and managed facility. The Center was constructed and developed for the purpose and use in providing senior services to the senior citizenry of the City of Winter Springs. The facility is programmed and scheduled by the Parks and Recreation Department and through cooperative senior programming with senior, civic and educational institutions and organizations. Senior programs and use are first priority when considering facility scheduling and operation hours. During non-operational hours the Center may be offered for scheduling by any individual, group or association legally wishing to obtain "exclusive use" of the center. The center will only be made available for non-senior use during non-operational hours and when the Civic Center has been previously scheduled/rented durinq the requested use hours. Any individual, group or association wishing to schedule the Senior Center must obtain, complete and submit to the Senior Center Manager a "Multi-Use Facility Agreement" form not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the desired use date. All required insurance certificates, are due with the completed "Multi-Use Facility Agreement." Note": No "Mul ti -Use Faci I i ty unless the approval signature Director or his/her designee is insurance certificate received. Agreement" is considered valid of the Parks and Recreation executed on the form and the 1.1 SENIOR STATUS- In order to be recognized as a "Senior Participant" you must be fifty-five (55) years of age. 11 SENIOR PARTICIPANT- only senior participants and invited guests may partake in the senior programs, activities and events offered during the Senior Center operational hours. 3) OPERATIONAL HOURS- Normally the center operational hours will be from 8:00am until 5:00pm, plus special event and evening program hours. Operational hours are scheduled 13 .il on a "Program/Participant" needs basis and are subject to change by management. SCHEDULING- All programs uses are office of site. activities, special events, dinners, and any and all other facility scheduled and confirmed through the the Senior Center Manager located on ~ CENTER REGISTRATION CARD- All Senior Center participants will obtain, complete and submit for filing a Senior Center Registration Card which will be maintained on file in the Manager's office. The card will serve as a record of information in the event that an emergency, such as injury or patron incapacitation occurs. One time visiting guests will not be requested to complete a Registration Card. See attachment-Item "K". &l USES- Are scheduled on an hourly basis normally with an 8 hour maximum continued use. This includes set-up times also. Uses are limited to 12:00 midnight, excluding New Year's Eve and class reunions only. No scheduling is permitted beyond 1:00am under any circumstances. 11 COMMUNITY BASED USE-_ ~~y community based Winter Springs organization which is community service oriented in nature~ formed for the purpose of producing or sponsoring community activities, can schedule and request use of the facility free. aurinq normal scheduled facility hours. This use 14 1St _':~,'~. would be contingent upon qualifying as a "Community Based Organization" as established in the Community Based Organization criterion. See the Senior Manager for details. !l INSURANCE CERTIFICATES- Must list the City of Winter Springs as an additional insured and should be faxed to (407/327-0018) or mailed to the city of Winter Springs Parks and Recreation Department by the insuring company. j} USE INTERVALS- Only short term Use requests will be considered for approval by the Parks and Recreation Department. "Short Term" defined as a single Use request for no more than once per week and no longer than a three calendar month period of use. This is necessary in order to make the facility available to others who may wish to utilize it and to assure that a continual exclusive use of the facility does not develop. The exception to this rule is that Senior activities, programs, events and general use are excluded. Applies to non-senior use of facility. 10) STAFF ASSIGNMENTS- A Parks and Recreation employee will always be present at the facility when open. Staff employees are on site for the purpose of maintaining and supervising the facility and the activities being conducted on or in the premises of the center. Employees are not authorized to engage in the activities of the facility user or provide services relating to the activities being conducted. This includes and is not limited to the collection of tickets, passes, money, checks or fees/donations of any sort. III SMOKING- All City of Winter Springs facilities are designated "non-smoking" facilities. As a courtesy to others, smoking is restricted to the exterior of the facilities. 15 !ll ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES- It shall be unlawful for any person or group to purchase, sell or offer for sale, have in his/her possession or consume any alcoholic beverages as defined by the laws of the state of Florida, in or on any park, playground or recreation area, their public parking lots within the corporate limits of the City except as follows: The sale, possession and consumption, serving of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted when specifically requested in writing and authorized by the City Manager under such terms and conditions as he/she may impose for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public. May require assignment of an off duty police officer. An alcoholic beverage waiver is available for this purpose. 13) STORAGE- No storage of any type or form is provided at the facility for use. Refrigerator is available during Use hours only and all items placed in the refrigerator or carried into the facility during use hours are to be removed prior to vacating the premises. In the rare instance that storage may be required to facilitate an ongoing activity, an organization may request permission to store an item by writing and requesting storage use via the Parks and Recreation Director to the City Manager. 14) FACILITY ENTRANCE KEYS- Only Parks and Recreation Department employees will be issued entrance keys to the facility. ~ PARKING- Is provided on site for facility guests utilizing the facilties and its amenities. Use the specified marked parking spaces as provided. In the event that the parking area is filled to capacity, do not park, or allow your guests to park along the entrance/exit driveway. This is necessary to provide access for emergency vehicles. 16 1&1 WALLS. CEILINGS. EOUIP.- Facility guests are requested to refrain from using thumb tacks, glue, tape or staples to attach anything to the facility during their use. The use of easels is recommended for displaying of items in the facility. !1l TELEPHONE USE- Telephones are located in the following areas: Lobby/Reception Kitchen Card/Classroom Managers Office Exterior of Civic Center (Public Pay Phone) Manager's office phone is for City of Winter Springs business only-please do not request use of this phone. No long distance calls can be placed from the Center telephones. A "Pay Public Phone" is available on the exterior wall of the Civic Center located adjacent to the Senior Center. ~ BULLETIN BOARDS AND PUBLIC DISPLAY- All bulletin boards and display areas are provided for placing of public and employee notices. Any item or notice appearing on these areas of display must first be reviewed and approved (initialed and dated) by the Civic and Senior Center Manager. The Manager will be responsible for the placement of approved notice items. AUTHORIZATION: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES- / / ITEM: 17 '~^; , , Insununary, the Parks and Recreation Director requests the City Manager, in conjunction with the Mayor/City Commission, review the evaluation with its recommendations and the proposed Rules and Regulations and consider each for approval and implementation effective Monday, 1995 to include the attached proposed use forms, criterion, etc. Should a Commission/staff workshop be desired to discuss the details and background of each recommendation prior to being placed on Commission agenda, please advise. 18 k\ NEED HELP CALL SOSIEl, 327-4031 WIN1ER SPRINGS SENIORS January 1995 ,WI + \\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1230 PII CNJMJrA, 1MII CRAFT OlABS HAM LlNE-DANGEING 1:otPII BINGO PINOCHLE, & BRIDGE WI UIPM LUNCH $.f.00 lt30-9:aJPM CERAIIICS 1MM EXERctGE YOGA WI lHELWt tOO PM BINGO I.R.B. HELP QU'..1PM DONNA 12:30 BRIDGE/CANASTA PINOCHLE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1!PM BOARD IlEETlNG 1230 PII CANMJrA, 1M., ORAFTOlABS 1 fA M LlNE-DANGEING totPM BINGO PINOCHLE, a BRIDGE WI 11!PM LUNCH $.f.00 ltao.9:aJPM CERAMICS 1MMEXERctGE YOGA WI BEGINNERS LINE DANCE lHELWt 1:00PM BINGO I.R.B. HELP QUHPM DONNA lO:3OUd ALlMJlwlll~ .. 9:30 W/JEAHE & HARGE MBIlTUfO BRIDGE/ CAHASTA FREE LURCH PINOCHLE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AARP MEETING 1230 PII CANNrrA, 1MM CRAFT OlABS HAM LlNE-DANGEING totPM BINGO PINOCHLE, & BRIDGE WI UIPM LUNCH $4.00 lt30-9:aJPM CERAIIICS 1MM EXERctGE YOGA ~. BEGINNERS LINE DANCE lHEL,," 1:00 PM BINGO I.R.B. HELP QUHPM DONNA 9:30 w/JEANE & MARGE LEGAL ADVICE FOR BRIDGE/ CANASTA SENIORS 11:00 A.H. PINOCHLE GRACE ANN GLAVIN 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BEGINNERS LINE DANCE 1230 PII CANMJrA, 1MMCRAFTOlABS 1 tAM LlNE-DANGEING 1:otPM BINGO PINOCHLE, & BRIDGE WI 11!PM LUNCH $4.00 lt30-9:aJPM GERAMICS 1MM EJ(l:RctGE YO~ WI 9:30 W/JEANE & HARGE lHELIIIt 1:00PM BINGO I.R.B. HELP QU'..1PM DONNA BRIDGE/CANASTA . PINOCHLE 29 00 81 2:~:OOIM OPBN mlllB 1230 PII CNJMJrA, PINOCHLE, & BRIDGE WI lHELIIIt I Il.tIIlo1Y MOIUY MeIl4Y V1CCfCIlDAY TIUlIIlo1 V mD4V llAlUlDAY ~ ,. "~ t. ~ -4 rn 3 (B "'E;_',~~'l'!'iJ!:.-J:' '~ ' -'~--, -~~, :,:~~j#,'~ .WINTER SPRIfGS .T. '~>u...~A" , .' r,y~~., . ,<;,"::':;:;I:0:,,;:/\-;::~:ij'; ."..:. .' "," ,'" ," ,,:~~.';~.,". '~~l;~~)~~~ls~:~.~'(t~rk':~;~'f.;:,;,:~~.t i{;~~~~;'~.,i~~~~;" ':: ....00..'Yl' '~~~, t;;;~:;,' ;':~},~t:~';&,'jJi'i; " '~-ii~~h., '" This-is~.the second is'sue of our Newsletter: We wo'uid"'1ike t~'''tllank.'you''-foi: your.1J.elp and support. ',We have installed the suggestion box and ask that, you:fill it with your suggestions or complaints. We 'have several people . inte~(Jsted in helping. with our 'activities ."Let' shave a great year and . make our Senior Center- one of the.best in the state. ::i!EM~~) ,<.:\ ".,..':\ :".~..:" :... . ':';:'.- . Septerilber- 12th: ",. ..~".,:.'" . :' '-,Y~:" ....~.i~', ' '.F,';,,:':; ..' .' This wliibei.orJr final sunda:Y;'BingO"and Dr idge year. Come and help us make' it a great )!ay.'" Monthly board meeting at 2 :00 P.M. in' the classroom at 'the Senior Center. . Attorney Grace Ann Glavin' will be at the Senior Center (11:00 A.M.) to help you with . any legal problems, before luncl?'Hand Bingo. Your reservation.and payment are .due:for:~ the St.":: Armands Arts'& Crafts Festival ~ $20.00and,lrinchis on your own. In Sarasota Bay. /. ..' :':'''::.!' ....:;:..7f'!;..... '.5ept;eznber':'ll ~h:, September 21st: 'csept;'mber22nd: '" r_. . '~~.':"5~ ..'-.;~~',! :'j>~:~.:-"... ,. . ..:- . Computer~Class'es:' , ., .. .:". . -;..,...~.;..~:...:,.,i.;.:.."~"':.' '..'.~.,." ",;,'".,_,; '"~ '-~"--;f.,-,~:.....~;,:--.,: . ." . Susie: has worked to get two' c~mputersand is, vorklng.on getti]'tg;~bbe nlOre~' .....T.hfil..]Joard.. has.purchased.three computer desks ~..- Mr .:Harold McBierney'arid two ,:, .:.:"of.;'jlisJ:,assoqi,atfls,will. give .,'computer'l essons ".onMonday afternoons:"."Three'."."', >;~1;;~i~~~3~~?:jf~;?U ' ~reiuterested" ple',se,' sigu up, WiJ,~#~~~~c~~,i:,'~I).;. . .. .,'" .." 'L.~,:"..''-_. _ _ _ "Grai,e Hirfieldhas beent.i,achingthe advanced line dancing for,."bout seven,' 'r~~t~~\~~ttSf~~~S~(:~s~~7?!;r~~i,:~l,t~,at 10: 00 "Mi{rge'R~be-n;;t';;ill-an'dJean .Sun:';;have "c"a beg i'nning<l ine , :Mo.ndays~t9 :30.A~M ..",please'co,me.,i!J.TJd )e>.in the~,.:'-", . '" ~ .......IJ .. ' . _;,.... : ,.".>:",,~:, .,::..:.. :~.~. ~ ~ . . '.~ ' .i."':,:, .., :::,:, 'A VERY"SPECIAL..:T!lANK rqU'TO: . .L"'.~,:,;,;\;:,;' .. .... ::~:i:;;"i i.., "::"::';~:;;f~r,' ,,~~~~i:::fr~;i;1r.:~:~~~:~ ", :::;l~:Ojj~~~i;kfil!cfl~i,J~~~~7;~;~~~t~~~~f~TI~;~l , July; and August and is always w~ll~ng' .to he.1p. .:: . :., ,'. ',~::. ''';~..~''''';~: ''';.'J'f:F'''"",~ ~:".:;,;;,," .~,,: <i':;":"tr.~l~i;~~;:' ,:.,;.~'<,~". ..; \c:;..};i.;;. ;::,'.: '.J: X~ :,. __ . '. .' :;~-~;y;::;.~':" ,";;;";,,,<~,;, . .' ".,;.:,--",~:; ; . ',"" ,,'" ,;",~~~K,'.!'c;'<;;,<~c;;.':i'S:'>'i':" . - , ( rSTER'BERNE5.,H. ;;;;~1 wor~s' 'e'veiy;~.'week<"to,'bring.,:you.,;tan':- enj oj fll?le:nA!!.go>,.game ,_ GRACE CLARK ~s work~ng very llard to get people to .call, so ~f you can 'help, p~ease get in touch with her. '., ~r-~1!":"F'~''f' 'Pi ;'!i;::'~rw ..' 1>. j; " .,:\~:J ...:. ," \' ..,.-1 '.r~ ....... '.. ~ ',' <'" -i'r .. .-0.;".' .THELMAREDDICK ~'.. has'a very busy week.withher.Bridge on Tuesday~,and Thursday and:no~ has star~~d ~dvanced Bridge. ?n Wedn~sday. afternoo? . ."2'h~"~oHow~n~p:::~iei:~;:~;;~:;e;'H yhaidat' ~h~fOfl0,~f~rX2~i:' ... ;;:'/,'.,BINGO CARD, SELLERS:~::::, .,,;,'.;' .".. .' . . .', ... ;.,:-KITCHEN~"~HALF-:-TIME> '. ::'~"'(-.'."~~.;.:::.'.~'.X'~":':::;;~;~;~~.':'~< ~:~';'."~_;-.;~"-.~,~./,."..~.,..~.~~~.ir,~..~:.. ~::~:.;.~..'~.'.~':~.'~.'..,~. ~~~....<.':".?i.'~.:-.~,"~.~~.,.-.'.;:::"~,~;.-~:.- :;':\.:~.::'.'.:,~.~;'~.:~..-;-~~',;'.:.::'~:~.'.::.',:',:.::'>: .- ~,. 9( "r ,'}.' I' , ~ . ,....... .,lI,;,--., b~-'~lI'.~'I->."':j, 'k .~" - -',' ,- .' , .. ShiTley. Parzero'.>... .. . .?',t;,~;:,'€';~~;t.~~~i1i:;~~~~:', . ,.: 'Ann .Kucewici';"'.': . Jean Sun ""'.. sophie Wiess~, Esther Berne '.' Eva' gahler ~.~;' BettyBuechler...., Ev.~lyn ,carcara', "." \,','.;.Evelyn .qarcara, " " :.;:\.,,'~~~~;'~.g\:~~ . ",:',,~~:~:'~;'~l;"'!':~-r~;t :.' ';- .;.<'-:.. ';;.~/.,:,: :~.:"~ ~:...,"-");~ .....- "':,- -~ ',' ";;~"~':'."'~" '. , '..' . '':.:^:: ' .i',' Ceram~cs ::}, . -;';"1::!"-:~-": " '''~;;';:::.,.: -":::<:-'" : ~-:;.'.." .. " ;'.<',::'( ~~;,....~;,,~.:~~.;;~; . ' ,.,.,;~: "_'. " ::... ';'~':~"',~:7':;''';'- ~ " "b.,:-, ;~;, '{l'!">!: .. . ., < ~, . :.;':;' . ': :",;,?::::';,:\/,: :.We>~have 'ceramics '-on -, Thursday; evening;at:6: 30 P,~M.::~Several :people. have . .asked'for' ceramics during the day. We spoke with' Sandy, our ceramics' . 'teacher, and,:if we have 8 or 10 people interested, she would have a class . .', Thursday afternoon. If you are interested, please tell Susie or Beverly. ". '. Darnell.~:~,' . . ,,-, C-.' ...'>--:' Volunteers Needed:. . -If. you. hav.~' an,Pextra hour. or two a week, think about, volunteering at a '. 'local ,..,"school'~::':;All.' Seminole., County::.Schools.:are .' in ',.:need. of:volunteers~ :::There is',a jOb.,'to ,fit your: experience and hours available.;contact":'~he office of any:'school or Dividends Office 'at 322-1252, extension 482. -, ~, "HALLOWEEN,PARTY - Saturday, October 15, 1994 .costum';,optional.; Prize'lor ':", 'best ,costume' and .best carved, pumpkin.. Other events,;:are<;being 'pll:m~~c;l~:: , Mu~dc .py ..Sam.Beerman.', Come have a SPOOKTACULARtimeJ~;:!.<;':>" . ';-~:>.<~'f~';:";':::' '.' '. .'>,{:"':K:';S:';/;~":'>:W:;}~ .:'~~ !" Cd; T.":C '/'}':'?;~-<'i2':' ;-::0' ,,": ", ,.~'f~;,:.;.<...: '.' ';'.:,". ',.;:;<T;':7;}'):0,ft>,:.d', ,:,' .: '..' ;:.;~',,-:.<,;: "9HRISTMAS/:pARADE'::'~:";Anita ":'and ';': Charley""'Princiotta';~.have>-:agieed';:' to',;!tbe', ,;", r:chairpersons:for>our'seni9~.:::flo~t. ~u'.I'l~l1se get',in.,touch'#ith themi~fyou'::, '-:.;can ,h~.fP'.'~-':;~;(;,:;~~~.;';'/",;, '''. ',.' : ~'." <. .;': ,.i::;'}~t, '; .,.'; "',,, , . ,';'" ,"':~> "'.,i:~''sEPTEMBER,:, BiRTHDAYS: , ;;.:-~~j: ;_t:}i\~.~ ;:-:;;; ;;:~~t~:r:"'ftif;;:"i;,:~x;:~:';;,.~.' .,L/x :"~:',;"~S:.0~:,~~; '. " . :.':- 4th' ->: :MarY,4.;g11en 'Peter~C?n )..: .... "" 5th - Kenne'th Jolitz' ';".,:".,:'~, .... '11 th-.' Henneri tta. Chapman':::~~t~~',., 11th -. Ted Brunelli " 12 th ~. Gladys:' Zahand .. .21st -Evelyn,Caracara 28th - Russ,Mirfield .'. '~. Shirley::Parzero' . Madeline:, Van" Santi "''lI'';''"",' 1" ,,;.,">1; -. ~ WINTER SPRINGS T~ ~-rEM@ NOVEMBER ISSUE VOL. 1, NO. 4 FROM YOUR PRESIDENT When I was asked to take on this job, I talked it over with my daughters and then said yes. I took the nomination with the backing of Susie and your former President, Ralph Hosford. I very much wanted to help make, the Senior Center a place where Winter Springs and surrounding community seniors could enjoy the facilities and activities. The only activity that was not first approved by the Board, was the Sunday August bingo and bridge. This went over so well that we were asked by a majority of the players to do it again in September. Now, after a meeting with Susie and her supervisor, Mr. Don Wilson, I have been told that a group of members have had a meeting with Mr. Wilson and stated that the Board has not been working for the betterment of the Senior Center or its members. I had a Suggestion Box made and paid for it myself, to try to get the members to give the Board some ideas on what they would like to see at the Center. The only suggestions received were to start Bingo at 1:00 P.M. instead of 1:15 P.Mi and that mailing out the Newsletter was a waste of money. I have asked several times at Wednesday Bingo for your ideas and suggestions. Now this group states that the Board is not doing the wishes of the members. I would like this group to make themselves known and what they would like. . Very few activities have been planned without talking with Susie, before they have been finalized. Right after the election she stated the Creative Class had a good buy on a potter's wheel. Your treasurer, your vice president and I, took it upon ourselves to put $50.00 down as a deposit, until we could have a Board Meeting to bring it up for approval. The Board approved the expenditure and we purchased the wheel. Susie asked for computer tables, and they were purchased. Susie also asked to have the carpet cleaned, and we had that completed. Because Susie was doing all the work last year at the social events, we have tried not to ask her to work at the socials, but to come as a guest and enjoy the events. It is my understanding, the other group would like the corporation out. However, Mr. Wilson, informed me that right now he thinks the corporation is needed to purchase things for the Center that the City will not purchase. If we get rid of the Corporation, we would not be a non- profit organization and would have to pay taxes on any monies we would take in. We would not be able to have raffles or any money making projects without going through the City first, which would take some time to get approval. If anything was to be donated to the Center, we would have to pay taxes on the value of it, as it would be income'. For your information, the Board meetings are open to our membership. -If you are unhappy about something, please attend and give us your ideas about what you would like in your Center. Your President, Beverly J. Darnell November 4: November 8: November 19: November 20: November 24: -."..~ _t1>" EVENTS PLANNED FOR NOVEMBER c Friday Bingo will begin again. Bingo callers are needed. If you are able to call bingo, please get in touch with Grayce Clark, so she can schedule a day for you. We need at least twenty people on Fridays to make Bingo worthwhile. Election Day. Everyone please VOTE 1 On the Ballot, is an item for a Citv owned ambulance service, the cost of which would be borne through a portion of the Ci ty Tax revenues. Medicard Part B, covers ambulance service for Seniors with the deductible paid for by Medigap policies. We will be finishing up the Float in the morning. evening we will have our Thanksgiving Social. That Winter Springs Parade. We will have a float in this parade. Come out and show your support of the Center. Thanksgiving. The Center will be closed. Everyone have "a great holidayl HOSPITALIZATIONS: Please keep the following members in your prayers: John Torcaso, Jack Kreeselman and Edna Koenig. (Edna now is in a nursing home.) ,.' t \. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS:" " 12th - Laura Hagen 13th - Farley J. Wilkerson 23rd - Kelly Hobbs SENIOR CENTER BEGINNING Our Center started on June 23, 1987, when 15 charter members petitioned Mayor Torcaso and the City Commissioners. The officers then appointed by Mayor Torcaso were: Kathern Case, Chairperson; Ruth Ann Kulbes, Co-Chairperson; Merrill A. Peterson, Treasurer; Marge Mess, Secretary; Ben Mess, Recording Secretary; ,Maude Paulson, Programs; Mary Ellen Peterson and Mildred Dahlin, Advisors; Phil Kulbes, Liaison Officer between the city and the Center. . The ":first meeting was held on July 9, 1987, at the winter Springs, Civic Center, which is the building next to.our Center. At that time, a meeting was held with the City Manager, Richard Rozansky, and permission was given for the Seniors to meet three days per week, at the Civic Center from 10:00 A.H. until 3:00 P.M. Volunteers stayed at the building each day to welcome and talk with new members who stopped by. It was decided that admission to the activities would be by membership cards. Charter members paid $5.00, and a membership fee of $2.00 was established. The first Covered Dish Social was held on July 18, 1987, anQ an Open House was held on August 30, 1987. " '~;1 ~. , l'~:;.!t; .. A group called Sertoma first donated $500.00, and the City of Winter Springs donated $205.40. We were on our way to opening the first Senior Center in Winter Springs. The city agreed to maintain the building, but we were to raise all other funds through the organization. On September 15, 1987, our programs were started. Spanish lessons followed by dancing and cards. Later on we held a brown bag lunch and free ballroom dancing lessons, with the help of professional teachers. On October 7, 1987, Kathern Case resigned and the following officers were elected by the appointed Board: Joe .Genova, Chairperson; Mildred Dahlin, Vice Chairperson; Merrill Peterson, Treasurer; Ruth Ann Kulbes, Secretary. Joe Genova and the Board prepared the Corporation papers and Bylaws for approval by Tallahassee. Our Center was incorporated.on February 17, 1988. This enabled the Senior Center to become a 501C (3) Non-Profit Association. On November 13, 1987, Attorney Grace Ann Glavin, donated $400.00 and legal advice, if needed. Chuck Cashell, donated a flag and the pole. To be continued in upcoming Newsletters. Ben Mess, Historian - _ - :(.TEM @ ~ f jfi :. ~nC cd< ~ te 0 "fo .. fJK~ ".~t. a if :::.~.. -~"'~ .J:'~... Vt' ~a ~~ ~ .!:":.: ....,., .' '.'~i:'. U ~i5 rIO\) "1J..Vll. OAc r,{, A1 ~ "}J? DltC rJO\li ~\Ull. o),(c if 0\1 ~\U~ :))~C f,{l)\'l "1J..Vll. Due c,{()\,] ~1VP ~o~ ~\VJJ. ,:5ttC r'/O\" . ~~~U/2 :5.'tC r.ln~ l;J.UP :5J.IC r.10\i ~\url :5AC .0__ ill ,\\i ( ) ~~\U::?- . J :>J\C al),,; t\UP :>~IC an\,; ~'\V/') :)u.C r.fO\\i t\UfJ ?l\{1 r;.\U/J :>)tC r.l 0\\1 ~lVJJ DJtC r,fO\\i ~vra ( a,~c . &(0", I;,\VJ..~ ;J.nJ~C t.ll "1 'iJ.VI:J ~ ~VP ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~.. dU' 7::':'~fr;:-~''lj..;;''.':. ',:,,!~j. . f'''~' 'I'If'~!,~I:;qii';r. ..,.-;..~..". i .- ..~","'~"" ..".~.,..,~ "T:~J'!,:';' . ',... . .' ; 1 ~ , . ,. j ! ' , . IIi \ I ! . , ... I' '\. j \\:p ,,:C: II n.l \VM. ),.e I{ )\.i \\IJ:..l )Jle '(".1 \. '12 1.'0 It ",j \VP )J,e It n,j \VCJ. )JlC fln;) \\ 'J:J '"J.e ,n\,1 \\1/J ~ .. . I. \\.IM. ",e " \\oj ,t 'f; ,.. "0' '(.\.; " T! ""':':: r, \,j ,\ rl';' '''' '...:; {'.\.i ,\)'/::! ",,"1 .; \\;1 ,\ j:.1 It :~ ., \,1 " I:J. )liC ., . hi " -/:J '" r': l ',,; . f'J ~;. ., .. .. ,. I;; ~ f~ . .' f i;i ...! ., IDrllUrllllful uf &Iulr Clnd correct copy or the attached I certify that the IS a tme Articles of Amendment, filed Oil l.)eGcrnlJer 1'1. 1 DU9, to Articles or . . Incorporation for WINTEH SPnlNGSSENIOn CENTErl, INC.. Cl Flol id.. corporation, as shown by the records or this oHico, The document number of. this COI pornlioll is N24U89. 0' @ibtll. ullbrr m}! IJnllb nub Ibr emr'rnt ~tnl of UJc ~lntt ol.11oribn, III llrnUnbnsstc, tbe ClJ:npitnl, tlJin tf)t 15th bn}! of December, 1989. ). ....... '-0 .. ( .' ',.:I~S . ~~- --"-"- I , :. ARTICLES OF INCOll.POItATlON ' ."., :~. ) ,-' .. ' '" The undenigned. acting a9 incorporolor(s) or n corp'oration pursuol1t. to Chl1pler 617. Florida Statutes. Ddopt(s) t.h~ following a'rt.i~les oCincorporation for such corporation, The name ofthe corporation is: Winter Sprin s Sen~or Center Inc. and t.he initial principal address oCthc corporation i5:_ 400 N. Edgemon Avenue, Winter.Springs, FL 32708 , ' _-I - )::~{.~ ..,., (I:) l_~-) c;.:) !,.. ::J -n " .-, ' \ .....' ., :..- -"\ o:J ..... ~ . - '.....::., ..-- , i . ,-ij . .' . . . I -- . ,--' . ! . ..-.. ..-' ,- .... " ..\ " , f',) h. -,- AIlTICLE I AJlTICLt;; 11 ,- The period oCduration oCthis corporation is Perpetual I unlc~s dissolved according to low. COl'porate existence sholl commence upon /I.. -rlllcr/~::> _\ ) The purpose 01' purposes for whic]l the corpornLioll is organized orc; 'Aile P b I1cN r). To operate a multi- service cOllmunity facility for the Ii provi~ion'of a broad range of hunan'services and AltTICLE HI activities' for" older adults residin general area. !' ARTICLE IV The qualifications for members and the manner oflheir admission arc: To reside in the Winter Springs 8,l:meral area and be 5S ycuJ:s .. of age at' older. To sIgn the registration book and receive a membershup card. AIlTICI:.E,V 'rhe street. addl'ess and city o,~t.he initin] regislered o,ffice of th~ corporation is 400 N. Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, FL 32708 , . and the name oCthe registe.I'ed agent al such address is ..... Joseph P. Genova, Chnirperson ( ) " CH2EOOG (9.85) ,.~<~;:}~~ f. r'.~'::r:. ~~ ;-~' , , ' . , . .e number of the members I r the corporation is four (4) t'J serve asthe initial directors are: AH.TICLE VI ' . '" . constituting the'initial Board;~r~'Ad.'{:~sq.ty Board , pnd the names nnd addresses of the 'pcrsons who Hl'C ') -..,. , 'lOT LESS THAN 3) \ME ADDHESS ~hanne Kulbes 'rill A. Peterson l,dred J. Dahlin :eph P. Genova 705 Glasgow Ct., Winter Springs, FL 32708 393 Hacienda Village, Winter Springs, FL 32708 475 Hacienda Villnge, Winter Springs, F1.. 32708 715 Adidas Hond, Winter Springs, .EL~32708 . ARTICLE VII This corporation is organized under a non-stock basis, ) AHTICLE VIII h. the event of dissoluLion, the residual assets of the organization will be turned ovel' to one or more orgnniz~tions which themselves are exempt os organizations described in Sections 601 (c)(3) and 170 ~c)(2): of t.he Internal Revenue ,Code 9f 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or futurc law, or -, . ',(' the Federal, State or local government for exclusive public purpose, ARTICJJE IX l'I.c name and address oreach incorporator is: 'j", '1 .. ME ADDHESS , -- ..- :1' '(~ as in Article VI ,r), '~008 (9.85) ',' --- '~-"""s:";"'wm,;;!~~t,~~.'~ 'il' j-~'-;~-~-:t:i-.,.,':) j' .. t d'th 22nd d f January - '19 88 /a e e oy 0 . _ ,_ , '; '. . . '..... . ';., 0: .:. 0_ .\. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t.he undcJ'signcd beinr~ the incol'pornlor(s) ottliis toj'port\.t"ion have cxecuted these Articles of Incorporation. ./ ACCEPTANCE BY REGISTERED AGENT r laving been named to accept service of process for the above stated corporation, at lhc plncc designated ill this certificate, I hereby agree to act in this capacity, and I further ~grec to comply with the provisions of all statutes relative to the proper and complete performance of m,y duties, nnd I accept I.he duties and obligations of Section 607.325 Florida Stntulcs. 5)~ / d~.<- ?(Rcgistcred Agcnt) , -, I";" ':TATE OF FLORIDA :OUNTY OF ORANGE ..-, ~..~ too,., (0. r-=- ~.'I ':" ,'.-C) C.:J ,.... :;.) ........ ! : -fore me, the _~'anuary tT - . I -/ '. NerrARV PUBLIC. STATE Of FLORIDA ^t JVly commission expires' MY COMMlS910r4 EXPIRES MAY 10. It90 , . IOMJto 1ltMUQH WnoIICMC.,JON. /110. Il2E006 (9.85) ..../. "', , ARTICLES OF AM~~DME~~~, ',: .::.' . ARTICLES OF I~CORPORATlON Li;~.l."U:, I .,I,{$): g:O . . " SECfrEiAl\y O~.. . Pllrsuant to the provision of Chaptet' 617, Florida Statutes, the urfdM~~l'il9.~~~~~lfion 3! .( )pts the following articles of. amendment to Its articles of Incorporation.. -,' r~A " u:~ ~:I.IST: 111e name of the corporation Is: ... WINTER SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER. INC. '.' .GOND: The following amendment(s) to the articles. of Incorporation t'm!J:(were) adopted by :1 l corporation: in . The fo.ll.owing~mendmen.ts to the artlcles of ~~~r.~ration were adopted by the 'eotPdrit1t)ri~.:':._l":.~..:.'-'~':',,\" ....' . . . A. The purpose of which the organization ia organized arc exclusivly religioustch~t8ble.scientific,literary, and educational within the meaning of section 501{C) 3 of the internal revenue code of 1986 in the corresponding prov:f.sion of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.': ". . B. Not withstanding any other provisions of these'articles the organization shal~APot carry out any activities not permitted to be carried on by ~ organ~zation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(C) 3 of the ~nternal revenue code of 1986 or the corresponding ~rovision of any future United States Revenue Law. . I n lIRD: The amendment(s) was (were) adopted by the Board ofDirectonon the 6th day )f _ October .198..2..... . . '. .-' , .... "..,...,. :()URTH: The above amendment(s) was (were) approved by a majority of the members of II" corporation on the 6th day oPecemher ,19 tl9 . Jnled December 6, 19 89 . -- : ~. ~:~a~N~&:~R CENTER,INC. .' Pr 9rlt or Vice President By J~ ~~ Secretary or Assistant Secretary .- " " , ~T.r~'~: . ,. /' . ~~. , ' . ..... .ATE OF FLORIDA - :OUNTY OF SEMINOLE ',' ,~, '., .,' :,;. ", : \ - lafore me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared -lACK..J1ERGMAN ";'. . I rj me well known to by the person(s) who executed the foregoing articles of amendment to ar- 'jcres.of Incorporation and aoknowledged befote me, according to law, that he made and sub- ':crlbed the same for the purposes therein mentioned and set forth. /[~~ITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set m .nd seal this_6..tlLday of J'EG..!_.,. I ::f"_. J' ',~ ....1. /' ~..;/ ..yt.~ -. .' i\Ay commission expires: .~ !:!.rM~VPL"'lICST^TEO:FLoorDA' "~i Il'/CCf'lllSSlotIEXP.OCT.12.1902 " 1)1,."o'IJEU nm Oflf.llAl. lNS.lIlD. .. ...-.........-...-..... ..- .,..' ,y: I I . .,..... " ." " \. -- , ; ----_..--~~.-._-.'..,.,...-- ~~ 51.,/ ~~~~ CO ~ l/n6" ".;-.'.'.~,.',"'"':".":- .' __. 'l.~.~!t~f'''l1I' ~'i.'YV SENIOR CII'IZEN ). TEM @ CENTER 400 N. Edgemon Ave. Winter Springs. Florida 32708 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE WINTER SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER BY-LAWS 1. Delete old original by-laws of Winter Springs Senior Center in its entirety. 2. Add new amended complete set of by-laws for the Winter Springs Senior Center to be dated May 1991. I " WINTER SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER INCORPORATED BY-LAWS ARTICLE I: NAME OBJECTIVE & POLICIES. SECTION 1. NAME SECTION 2. SECTION 1. SECTION 1. a. This Association shall be known as The Winter Springs Senior Center Incorporated, hereafter, known as the association. OBJECTIVES & POLICIES a. The objectives of this Association is to provide religious, chartiable, literary and educational activities within the meaning of Section 501(C)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Laws. b. Notwithstanding any other provis~on of these articles, the Association shall not carry out any activities that are not permitted under Internel Revenue codes set forth in Sub-Section" a, Section 2, Article 1. ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP A. Membership in the Association is open to all individuals, who are Fifty-Five (55) years and older,. who are residents of Winter Springs. b. All members shall be enrolled by signing the Registeration Book normally located at the Winter Springs Senior Center. c. Members shall provide their name, address and date of birth ARTICLE III: VOTING & MEETINGS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS. a. Each member shall be entitled to one(1) vote. Members may vote in person or by absentee ballot. Such ballots shall be filed with the Secretary no later than one (1) day prior to an issue that is being voted on. b. An annual meeting of the General Membership shall be held on the third (3rd) Tuesday in the month of May for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors. A majority of those voting shall determine.who has been elected. Such meeting may also be combined with any other business as listed on the agenda. Additional general membership meetings shall be held on the third (3rd) Monday in the months of January and October. cor",!'!",; ="'C'!iO:_'f"C> 1'-i:;~'':''ffJrf'~.! SECTION 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS a. The officers of the Association shall be: (1) President: (2) Vice President (3) Secretary (4) Treasurer. b. The Advisory Board may recommend for just cause the removal of any officer of the board member. Such officers of directors may then only be removed by a majority vote of the membership at a scheduled or special membership meeting. c. Lack of interest as evidenced by failure to attend three (3) conse~utive Board Meetings without proper excuses to the board, shall constitute sufficient grounds to recommend removal. SECTION 3. OFFICERS All elected officers shall have the following .9uti~s. a. THE PRESIDENT shall: 1. Preside at all the memhership and advisory board meetings. 2. Appoint Chairpersons of all standing Committees: appoint Special Committees and be ex-officio member of all such Committees. b. THE VICE PRESIDENT shall: 1. Assume the office of President in the absence of the President; and assist the President in the duties of that office. c. THE SECRETARY shall: 1. Be the custodian of all non-financial records of the Association. 2. Record the min~tes of all meetings; make notification of all meetings. 3. Handle all correspondence of the Association and assist the President as needed. d. THE TREASURER shall: 1. Receive and record all funds of the Association; account for all dues receipts and expenditures. 2. Report the state of the finances of the Association at each meeting. The office of the Treasurer cannot be combined with any other office of this Association. SECTION 4. COMMITTEES. The President shall appoint any committee as may be required for the efficient operation of the Association. All Committee shall report and be accountable to the President except for the Audit Committee shall report directly to the membership. -~-------:----.- ~.~ ~:.~c,,-,~~:::.,,~,.,.-,,::~ SECTION 2. SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS. a. Special Membership meetings may be c~lled by the President, or on petition of five (5) members of the Board, or on petition of the Membership. The membership petition must state the purpose of the special meeting and be signed by at least ten(lO) per-cent of the membership. SECTION 3. BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETINGS. a. Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or on petition of five(5) Board members. Proper notice and time should be set forth ahd each Board member notified. SECTION 4. COMMITTEE MEETINGS a. May be held on an as needed basis "at a time and place agree"able to all Committee members. SECTION 5. QUORUMS FOR LEGAL MEETINGS. a. MEMBERSHIP MEETING Ten(lO) per-cent of members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any membership meeting. b. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS Fifty(50) per-cent, or a majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any Board of Directors meeting. c. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Committee Chairperson and. one other committee member shall constitute a quorum for such committee ~eetings. d. The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority for procedures and questions of all meetings---unless in direct conflict with our own by-laws. ARTICLE IV: ASSOCIATION GOVERNMENT SECTION 1. The affairs and property of the Association shall be governed and managed by a B~ar~ of Directors, composed of not less than five(5) nor more than &aa'l~ members of the Association.In the event of a vacancy of any of the officers of the Association, the Board of Directors may elect, by a majority vote amongst themselves, a succ- essor to serve the balance of the unexpired term until the next regularly scheduled election. Such successor must be an Association member. ;''ilf-')','':c~''::'~' ARTICLE V: NOMINATIONS SECTION 1. NOMINATING COMMITTEE a. A nominating committee appointed at the regular January memberhsip meeting shall consist of three(3) members. One chosen by the President, two seek names for the prospective Advi~ory Board and submit such names by April 1st to the secretary for the purpose of conducting the regular elections of the Board of Directors. b. All names submitted must have acknowledged in writing their willingness to serve. c. All nominations shall be published at least ten(lO)'days prior to elections. d. At the May meeting, elections shall proceed by written secret ballot. A majority of those voting at the meeting, including absentee ballots shall constitute the election. New Directors will assume their duties June 1st. Members may serve for a limit of two(2) consecutive years. ARTICLE VI DUES SECTION 1. DUES a. The annual donation of this Association shall be recommended by the Board. b. The initial annual donation of this. Association shall be $2.00 and payable January 1st of each year. Non residents can be voted in by the Advisory Board and will be Associate members with no voting privilege, and will pay a dOnation of three $3.00. c. A member shall be considered delinquent for non-payment of donation by April 1st and memberhsip shall be considered inactive pending payment of such donation. d. A member in good standing is a member who is not delinquent in donation payment. ARTICLE VII: REPORTING SECTION: 1. REPORTING a. At each meeting of the membership the Treasurer shall report on the status of funds, credits and debits; ARTICLE VIII AUDITS SECTION 1. AUDITS a. The accounts of this Association shall be audited annually. b. At the January meeting, an audit committe consisting of three(3) non-board members shall be elected based on nominations from the membership floor. A majority shall prevail on the outcome of the election. c. The audit shall cover the Association's fiscal yeart January It to December 31, and a report presented to the membership at the next reguler meeting. d. A copy must be filed with the secretary. ARTICLE IX: AMENDMENTS SECTION 1. AMENDMENTS a. Proposals for the amendments of by-laws may be made by the Board of Directors or any member in good standing. b. Such proposals shall site the reason for the amendments and be in writing. c. Proposed amendments shall be presented to the President not less than sixty(60) days prior to a regular membership meeting at which such proposal is voted on. d. The Secretary will notify each member of the proposed amendment and the meeting date amendment will be voted on and at least ten(lO) days notice given prior to such meeting. e. All amendents will require 2/3 affirmative vote of members present. ';",'P!>~j!;:~r ~i'S:i-~ '_~-~(_l'1A~:!~,"ti\~.~ j:TEM @ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: SENIOR CENTER MANAGER DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION: plans and coord i nates a 11 programs for _ a sen i or recreat i ona 1 center facility. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Parks and Recreation Director. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Plans and supervises programs at the center. 2. Hires, trains, supervises and schedules part-time employees. 3. Complies and maintains various reports and records. supplies. Orders 4. Plans and coordinates various trips and events. Conducts registra- tion activities. Collects fees. Accounts for all expenditures, revenue, equipment and fixed assets. 5. Coordinates building maintenance functions. 6. Organizes special events. (These essential job functions are not to b~'construed as a complete statement of all duties perfonmed. 6mployees will be required to perfonm other job related marginal duties as required.) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Know 1 edge of the fundamenta 1 s of recreat i on as app 1 i ed to seniors. Knowledge of types of facilities and materials required to carry out programs. Ability to analyze and adjust special activities to the needs and structure of participating groups. Ability to train and supervise others in special activities. Ability to use creativity and imagination in development and super-vision of special recreational programs. Skills and interests in a number of recreational activities and other specialty areas. Ski lls in planning, organizing and implementation of the special activities. ~,~', '~'-'7~';':i.~;-~'~r;.,:r't'~ - "t!'~fl':flm"N" ,,-- ".'\'-fvr\"~(~4"'';'''.''M;- . < SENIOR CENTER MANAGER PAGE 2 EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: High school graduation or possession of an acceptable equivalency dip 1 oma, Two (2) years exper i ence in the center programs plus experience in planning and supervising activities and programs for various age groups. (A comparable amount of training, education or experience can be substituted for the minimum qualifications.) LICENSES, CERTIFICATIONS OR REGISTRATIONS: Valid Florida Driver's License and an acceptable driving record. Ability to obtain a CDL, Class "c", ESSENTIAL PHYSICAL SKILLS: Acceptable eyesight (with or without correction) Acceptable hearing (with or without hearing aid) Ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Light (up to 15 pounds) lifting and carrying Walking Standing ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Works inside Works outside occasionally (Reasonable accommodations will be made for otherwise qualified individuals with a disabi 1 ity. ) APPROVED: NAME TITLE DATE ;~"H~'~{':' ,~" l!'i{il.j~f'_i!fg.':-',,-!"::-'~' III.' HOLD HARMLESS/INSURANCE AGREEMENT The Contractor-Vendor or user hereby promises and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Winter Springs. a municipal corporation. its officers. agents. and employees from and against any and all liability. claims. damages. demands. expenses. fees. fines. penalties. suits. proceedings. actions and costs of actions. including attorney's fees for trial and on appeal. of any ~indl, nature ariSing or growing out of or in any way connected with the performance of the Agreement whether by act or omission of tf.- Contractor-Vendor. officers. agents. servants. employees or others. or because of or due to the mere' existence of the agreement be~~ the parties. The applicant shall supply a "Certificate of Insurance" reflecting minimum coverage of $500.000 bodily injury occurrence and $100;1 property damage. The City of Winter Sprinqs shall be named as an additional insured which shall be noted on the Certificate. The Certificate shall indicate that the applicant's insurance policy shall not be cancelable without thirty days prior written notice to . City. The undersigned agrees to abide by the regulations governing the said facility and is responsible for Charges incurred and ml supply a 'Certificate of Insurance" to the Par~s and Recreation Department no later that ten (10) calendar days prior to program/event da- COPYRIGHT LAW: License assumes all costs ariSing from the use of patented. trademar~ed or copyrighted materials. equipment. devicl processes. or dramatic rights used on or incorporated in the conduct of any event covered under theagreement~and lic~r1se ag.rees' indemnify and hold harmless the City. from all damages. costs and expenses irililw or equity for or on account of any patented. trademar~ed or copyrighted materials. equipment. devices. processes or dramatic rights furnished or used by license in connection W' this Agreement and will defend the City from any such suit or action. regardless of whether it be groundless or fraudulent. Licen.e Signature Date, IV. LICENSEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT You are required to sign and date your agreement. Falsification of information may result in rejection or cancellation of the event by 1 City of ' Winter Springs. Date Signature of Licensee' THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ORGANIZATION AND DOES NOT DISCRIM1/"' . ON THE BASIS OF RACE. RELIGION. COLOR. AGE. SEX. NATIONAL ORIGIN OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN 1\-~ FACILITY USES OR PROGRAMS. The program/event will be terminated should it create or cause any violation of Local. State or City of Winter Springs ~aws or ordinances. Litter resulting from the use of this facility is to be pic~ed up and deposited in refuse containers before leaVing the ar of facility. Facility must be left is same condition as when rented. V. OFFICE USE ONLY Contract Approved Disapproved By Authorization of Certificate of Insurance Required: Yes_ No_ Date Received Director Authorization to Waive Insurance City Employee in charge during event USER IS: Resident ( ) Non-Resident ( ) City Program Number City Listed as Additional Insured Yes______ No______ Date Supervisor COPIES OF THIS CONTRACT HAILED TO (I): DATE DATE ( ) City Manager ( ) Police Department ( ) Fire Department ( ) General Service Department ( ) City Cler~'s Department ( ) Finance Department ( ) Utility/Public Wor~ Department COlllllents: Winter Springs Parks & Recreation Department, 1126 East State Rd. 434, Winter Springs, FL 3:"" Par~s and Recreation Department FAX (407) 327.0018 ~, .~ Central Winds Par~ 1000 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs. FL 32708 (407) 327-7110 Civic Center 400 North Edgemon Ave. Winter Springs. FL 32708 (407) 327.4031 Senior Center 400 North Edgemon Ave. Winter Springs. FL 32708 (407) 327-4031 Form\rec.Olf ,-. ;:~,!o;'.."W%ltj.:i[,~~t:im:f~~:'~~> CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS.AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MULTI-USE FACILITY AGREE:MENT ~"EM 0 "LICANT/SPONSORNAME: _1_1- Phone: (W) (H) Address: Street City State Zip FACILITY REQUESTED: Date(s) Requested: Event Hours: From To .' Facility Open: From To Estimated: Participants . Vehicles_ Name of Event: Oescri pti on of Event: How will program! event be adverti sed/promoted? Person Responsible for Program/Charges: Phone: (W) (H) Address :Street City State Zip list All special requests. Explain completely (concession, parking, rehearsal. lighting, equipment, sound system, tents. etc.)_ Fireworks/Pyrotechnics? yes_ No_ Amusement Rides? Yes_ No_ Animal Rides? Yes_ No_ Will Admission Fee be Charged? Yes_ No~ If yes, explain revenue source/costs per person (tickets. donations, solicitation Will food. goods or services be sold at event: Yes_ No_ If yes. explain: ( Will live/recorded music be used? Yes~ No______ Will facility be used for commercial filming or photography? Yes_ No______ If yes. explain: Does your organization have current insurance for these activities? Yes_ No_ If yes, explain type of coverage. amount, carril and carri er phone: ConInunity Based Organization? Yes_ No_ If yes. Approved Verification Date: Phone Name or Organi zati on Address: II. Street City State Zip ZTEM CHARGE (To be completed by Parks and aecreation Department) A. $ B. $ Senior Center-# Eours_ $ Civic Center-I Hours______ $ ltitchen/Other Fee $ I of Additional Personnel_ # Eours_ \ Znsurance Policy Expires (Date) $ Per Eour Sales Tax 7\ (unl.ss Tax Ex_pt) Sub Total $ $ $ Tax Exempt #: Cash_ Ch.eclc_ Check # aeceived By Date Balanc. Due: (Date) Damage/Clean Up Deposit (Refundable) K&lce.checb payable to: City of Winter Springs. $ $ Balance due days prior to event. ::tTEM@ COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION CRITERION *Must be a non-profit group or have tax exempt status through the Internal Revenue Service. *Must serve, but is not limited to, the Citizens of Winter Springs. *Must complete a "ConmunityOrganization Verification" Form at least 30 days prior to initial requested use. *Must complete a "MULTI-USE FACILITY AGREEMENT" no later than 10 days prior to the actual date of requested usage. *Must pay all insurance and any security deposits which may be required prior to the Facility Use Contract being confirmed. *Any groups dealing with or religious activities Status. political parties or causes, elections, are not eligible for Community Based *Maximum time available is four hours per event unless special approval is granted by Management. *.Haximum .' contract time is three months. (continual basis use) *Existing contracts cannot be submitted for renewal prior to 30 days of their expiration date. *A $50.00 security and cleaning deposit is required. Please make checks payable to the City of Winter Springs. Your organization is required to set-up, break-down and clean facility unless prior approved arrangements have been concluded with the management. User will be held responsible for all damages incurred during their use of the facility, except for normal wear and tear and acts of nature. Deposit is refundable at conclusion of agreement if area is left clean and there is no damage to furnishings or equipment. *AII meetings, socials, events, etc. must be free and any admission/donations for special functions must be approved prior to the event. Approval must be received in writing from the Parks and Recreation Management or his designee 10,days prior to the event. . , PAGE 2 COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION CRITERION *Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on property. *Users are to remain in assigned area(s) and are responsible for supervising all participants in their program so as not to interfere with other possible on-going activities/programs within the area. *Permanent or temporary storage of any items before the event day or after the event, will not be provided. *Management will not be responsible for items stolen or left on premises. *The signee of this agreement or his/her designee is the sole liasion between the organization and center/facility management. *The organization and participants are to honor all facility/City of Winter Springs rules and codes. *Failure to adhere to any these conditions may result in immediate cancellation of the existing agreement, forfeiture of the security deposit, and future use of other City facilities. JANUARY, 1994 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS AND RECR~ATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION VERIFICATION FORM lQME OF ORGUfIZATIQ{: PfIOOE: 5'mEEr ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: List of Officers Office Held Address Phone l. 2. 3. 4. PRF.SE1f1' MEE'l'ING LOCATIaf AI>J::fiESS: lDmER OF VOTING ~: ARE YOO amR'l'mED WITH THE STATE OF FLOR.IDA? amRrmI_ ARE YOO A Naf-PROFIT ORGANIZATIaf? TAX 1.0.1 OOES YOOR ORGANIZATICIf HAVE AN ESTABLISHED BANK A<XXXJNT? BANK: AmESS: YEAR EST: WHm ~ YOOR CEGANIZATICIf FOONDED? ~YEAR FRCM NHmE ARE YOOR OR.GUflZATICIf' S REVm<<JES DIRIVED? WHAT ARE YOOR ORGANIZATIaf'S '1WO MAJCR ANNUAL EXPniSES? NtlMBlm OF PAID STAFF: VOLtJN'.I'EImS : ;: ,EM 8) < , PAGE 2 CQ.iMUNITY ORGANIZATION VERIFICATION FORM WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION? (USE BACK OF FORM IF NECESSARY) : **FOR CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS USE a<<.Y** REVIEHED BY: DATE: Au2;trl'W DmIED RFASCti nmIED ). -rEM (1) .. .I( 'I OBTAINING TAX EXEMPT STATOS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT In order to obtain and be recognized as "tax exempt" for facility rental rates and other appropriate "tax exempt" rate status, an organization must first obtain, complete and file with the Parks and Recreation Department a "BLANKET CERTIFICATE OF RESALE" card which lists the purpose of the tax exemption, such as "tax exempt organization" and the tax exempt number. NOTE: This "BLANKET CERTIFICATE OF RESALE" card must be on file before the tax exemption is given. Purchaser Add~n RULE 39 FL.ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, SAL.ES TAX DIVISION BLANKET CERTIFICATE OF RESALE This is to urtify that all material, merchandise, or goods purchased by the undersigned from the after ;S pl/rehased for the following purpose: Id...) o Resale as tangible personal property. o To be incorporated as a malerial or part of other tangible personal property to eo' produced for sale by manufacturing, assembling, processing or refining. o To be exported for sale, use, or consumption outside the continenlal limits of the United States. o Other: This certificate shall be considered a part of each order which we shall give provided such order contains our certificate number. This certificate is 10 continue in force until revoked. CEIlTIF". NUM.EIl BY SEMINOLE 11-3" ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE WAIVER ~I L"~ ~ .. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT " . Date subnitted:(no less than 10 days prior to event)---./---./_ Facility to be used: Narre of Frmction/Activity: Date(s) Requested: Tirre of Event: Fran: To: Estirrated Attendance: Average Age: Narre of Person Requesting Waiver: Address: Phone: Fax: 7yPe Al cohol to be served: Liquor: Wine: Beer : Cbanpagne: Proposed Serving Hours: Fran: To: SIalA'lURE Will be present at the event/facility with the responsibility of assuring that those tmder the age of 21 will not be permitted to drink any alcoholic beverage. FL DRIVERS LICENSE NO. DATE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE/ORGANIZER SUl:rnitted ~o Hanager:---./---./_ ~ ~~te Approved: DATE:---./ ---./_ Ci ty Manager, Ci ty of Winter Springs Disapproved: . Serving Hours Only: Fran: Off Duty Police Requi.red:Yes: Police Officers Assigned: I To: No: and ~^nu. ~inr~~ ~n~inn~ p~li~~ n~n~rrm~nr ~TEM @ SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION CARD A "SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION CARD" will be completed and submitted for file by each Senior Center participant. The card will serve as a record of information in the event that an emergency, such as injury or patron incapacitation occurs. One time visiting guests will not be requested to complete a Registration Card. SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION CARD --1--1- Biyth Date Reg. ,. DATE Name: Last Fi n.t Middle Addyess: Styeet City state Zip Home Phone: Bus. Phone: Resident: Non-Resident: Emeygency Contact: Name: Phone: Family Doctoy: Name: Phone: