HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter Springs Development Joint Venture Assignment Certificate ...: -.!:....( , C'v ... Iff \: I ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,........ .........,>J",,'''-''''.......n....'"''.'>JU ""~;"!t.,.;,",,-; ,,,rU;r-H.""'I.'It:i-.Ll.::l-' n'''~b .....'''-' ..__~_, ...~- "'-I"~" -- -.",v_ -'~..... r-I;..I_ ,'I :-;:,\/' ~j;: .<'," "ij-' L ~~.Fi.iRDr:-, ;, /... .. , .., .... '" I ; , t" 'J I i l... \)" l (!.\ . ...,.. ~ '- L- U<. SEMINOLE COUNTY, FL 'II ':-i"i~ , ,_ r "t '"'' 36155l~ 1992 DEe 17 AM 8: 25 ASSIGNMENT CBaTI~ICATE DERDI, win1:er spring's Development Joint Ventur:e ("WSDJV"), a Florida qener~l p~rtner8hip has executed B Developer contract or ;'0 Developer Aqreement ("AY1'el:llment") wi.th the city of Winter Gprin9s~ ::Jl Florida (lIei ty") 1 and .,j~ i'v __ 0 WllaBAI, the A~~ecmcnt creates certain ri9hts vith rC9~rd ~G3 water and sewer capacity to be obtained from th9 City and ills~ oreates certain obliqa1:ions w1~h regard to the water and sewe;n capacity; and ~ 0 ..,,0 WBBRR1S, WSDJV desires that the City approve an assignmenc or- CO 80 (eiqhty) Equivalent Residential connections (Group I ERe's) to ~ Tho Haylyn Development corporation ("1RRiqnee"); and 1I1lBIUIAS, the ABsiqneEl has &qreec:\ to assume the dueifu!l and obli9ationc or WSDJV with reqard to the 80 ERC'S; and WBII\BAS, the city is willing to approve sueh a"gi9nmeT\~ provided that: 1. The Aocdgnee accepts; all tho duties: and obligatlonl\l attaehlnq to thR 80 ERe's including the obligat1on to provide a Bond to the extent of the interests tran.fer~8d in the event that the oonnQotiona ar9 not on linQ ala describel'l in thR Dev&loper Aqreement and tha Bond. 2. The AssignQQ certifies tha.t it has pl.lid no more than the Ass1qnor's cost. DaB!B (as pait1 to the CIt.y) 1n the water and sewer capacity beinq transferred and hElreby aoknowleaqEls that the City ~oe~~llow the sale of such capacity for more than actual eost. 3. The Assi9nec acknowledges h.vin9 ~aviowod a eopy of thA Developer Agreement dated th~ 26t.h day of April, 1990 between WSDJV and the City and the attached Sand and as to the eo ERe's bein9 acquire4 aoes hereby a~~um~ all tho rQ~ponGibilitiea and obliqationo contained in and asgoc1a~eQ wi~h t.hose documents (1nOluc11nq but not limited tv t..ha obligation for the Dond for said 80 ERC'. tr~ngferrEld to AscignElEl). 4. The Assignee acknowledges t.he city'S right to enforce the Develop9r A9reement and tho Bond requirement8 as to these BO ERe's against thA Assiqnee as it it were an original 81gnato~ o~ obligor on those instrum.nt.. COO C.)-q O"Tl ~~l';n :;> r ::tl fl'l ('") --00 J;;.... :::0 C)CJ ; ." (.f) 5. The Assignee acknowledges that the City is merely approving the a~~iqnment or transfer. The City fa not a quarantor ot ownership or title as to It.~ eapacity if a c1ispute should arise. The city cloes not permitl )'1.1 ,----....b.' all encumbering' of capacity but it dOGS not guarantee titlo ag to third-party claims. '-I' ... . e 6. The A.signee warrants ~hat it has the authority to maKQ the repr..entations containea herein and that suoh representations are true Dna acourate. THB KAYLTX DBVBLO~KZHT CORPORATIO. ~~~:d~~/ Title: ;::::;'e>< Idew/- O.~e: #wepU,bt?/ ~f: /f1.2--- ,'0 . (f) .:J1 STAT. 01' rLORIDA ',--.- r; N COUftY or LJ$AN fJ7 c.. ~,_ 0 Th~toreqo~n9 instrument was aeknowlA~~edbefore.~~thls ~ QGyof N&JII8I11Je/ , 1992 by Al/Jj/#6'J A. f/Ji]8S p,~~tftK THE KA~YN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a '..._ corporation on ):)ehal~ 0'0 the corporation. H4!'~ is personally known to me <*- }olJII P .. U..!itttfAd::::> .,...-----~.:.tde.nti!'ica~1on and. ....../did not. tak!","arCO oath. ~ coo c:> -q o-rt ...'c") >~ r ;0 fT1 C") -00 >:;0 C')O rr1 (J') JOHN C" REBER Notary Public, State of Florida OFFICIAL SEAL My Comm. expires Aug. 16, 1994 Comm. No. CC030992 lfO'l'MY !UI ~ My Com:ndaaion '-. Perlloonally- nown oZ' Produced. Identification Type of Identification produced, The Assignment is approvod by the city of Winter sprinqs, Florida based upon thQ r~pr~~p.ntations contained herein ana the exeoution or ~he Assignment and A55um ion Agree e t. . > f.l ~ .. 1 CITY 0 ~.._~"~' 1'''1'.''''l. ......,,};~.~ '; · c "" ,~ '\.) ......... Ill, t,. .'\' " '. r .. ~ .... "."/) . ~ ..' III .... ~, ..., /(CUY ItaL) "'. ~ C"). ~.~ <::> E co .."'0 "; '~Cl ": S: .., 0 ;;:;:;: ...... (Jl ~.. ~'. Jl. :;.g: ..- -.. <.P ~",-!.~ ... ~ . ",. .... () "'" .... ~.) .,' '<'tJ,..... .....:5;t..... .," ~i} . ...... ~,~ " I .~ / "" .'.,., , By: ,.. ....... ,\ j V .... ,\.,,~ \ This instrument was prepared by: Lisa Miskinis WSDVJ 1301 Winter Springs Blvd, Winter Springs, FL 32708 mtUlfr:~ Marr T. Norton, Notary Public ",OT n purtlC; STATE OF FlOItIDA AT lARQi MV COMMISSION EXPIRES A~RIL 04 199 fOrWED THRU AGENT'S NOTARf BR'O 5 i KERAGS Commission No. CC090706