HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter Springs Development CorporationDECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION is made this 25th day of September, 1985 by WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, ~ (hereinaEter referred to as "Developer") which declar:es that th~ real property described in Article II heteof, i6 and shall be . held, transferred, sol~, conve~ed and ocoupi~d subject to the ? covenants, reetrictiono, c~aem~ntB,.ch~rge5 and l~ens (SOmetimes ceferred to as "covenants and restrlctlons") herelna~ter seF forth. : . I . I . WHEREAS, Developer plans ~rom time to time in the future to sell certain PropAr~i~s ~~~cribed in Articlo II to various entities, persons, pa(tnerships and/or corporations, and I WHEREAS, it is desired toiestabliSh covenants and restrictions concerning The Properties for the fOllowing purposes: I (a) To develop The P~opetties with a ~ssuro i~c being a con~inuin9 ~~~et to the owners of land in the surround+ng area; character which will present and futuJe I of. ; (0) To guard against th~ erection on The Properties struotures built of improper o~ unsuitable material~; (d) To encourage erectiQn of properly located, attractive improvements on The Proper~ies; (e) To prevent haphazar~ and inharmonious improvement of The Properties; and i (f) To secure and maint~in property setbacks from stceets and to provide adequaLe free sI>acebetwet:u bui1din9:S~ ! I NOW, THEREFORE, the fOllowing covenants and restrictions are hereby established which shall !run with the land descibed in Exhibit "AM, and is hereby dec~ared and prescribed: ARTICLE I ! DEFINITIONS I The following terms, when !used i.n th; s:I Op.cl ~TAt: ion (unlp.$=l~ the context shall p~ohibit) shall have the following meanings! I I (A) liThe Properties~ 5h~11 mean and rarer Lo all such existing properties and additidns thereto as are subject to this Oecla~ation under th~ provisio~s of Article II hereof. i i :and refer to the record owner, :~ntLtieg, of the fee simple title (b) "OwnerQ shall mean whAth~r nn8 or m~r.e persons or to any tract. t CDB : WS-oOC-l c:n -., (.J"I ." o C\ ~:;: l~ ,. ,- c::. c:> CJ') of=- , ;"'; ,. ; : ..i. ~; ~) ", ,,, 07/19/20~4 10:13 4E:l72464941 1 DIOCESE OF OR~NDO PAGE 03 " (c) "Developer" shall mean and refer to WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORA1'LON, a Florida corporation and its express suocessors and assigns who own and hold all or any of The Properties remaining. ART ICLE II en CD V> 0 tt'l ~ ("~ ~ ~ z (.J1 (.:> r- tt'l iJ.;$ c::;:) ~ ~ (:;:) -., r 0") ':'."" '.) <-n m PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARA~ Seotion 1. Le9al DescriPtion. The real property which and shall b~ held, transferred, SQld, conveyed and occupied subject to thi~ Declaration is lu~ated 1n Sem1nole COunty, Florida, and is more partieularly described on EXHIBIT A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. ARTICLE III GENERAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS "7* Sec~1on 1. APPlioability~ The provision of this Article III shall he applicable to all The Properties. Section 2. Use Restrictions. The tracts may be used only for church buildings, Church patking facilities, and activities ~elated thereto for a teLill of ten (10) years at whiCh time suc6 restrictIon snaIl terminate; provided that nothing in these restricltions shall prohibit any of th~ lands bein9 lpft tn a natural state. The exterior construction of all structures shall be briCk, stucco, wood siding, stone or a combination ther~of. Roofin9 and other mato~ialG must be of a high enough grdde tv be in harmony of design with other existing struct~res in the surrounding property of the development known as Tuscawilla. No bu1l~1ng structUre shall be erected nearer than 30 feet from any public right-ai-way, or 30 feet from the north, east or south boundary line of the pro~e~ty. Section 3. Care and Appearance of Premises. The structure and grounds or all uf The. Properties shall be mainta1ned 1n a neat and att(active manne(. No weeds, underbrush Or other unsightly 9rowth shall be permitted to grow or remain upon any of The Properties and no refuse pile or unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. The eKterior of all structures and improvemenLs Oil t;:i;lcll tract shall be maintained in a good state of repair and shall be otherwise painted and maintained so as to present a neat and attractive appearance. Section 4. SignA. No si9n of any kind dis~la~ed to the public view on The Properties shall be erected without prior written approval of the Developer which shall not be unreasonably wlthheld. Billbo4rd~ g~ uthec outdoor advertising Signs located o~ The Pcoperties Shall not be permitted. CDB:WS-DEC-l 2 07/19/20B4 10:13 4el72454941 , DIOCESE OF ORLANDO PAGE 04 .- Section 5. Temporary Structures. No structure of a temporary char~cter, or trailer, tent, mobile home or reoreational vehiclt: :.;bal1 be permitted on any oE The Properti.es except temporary buildings used by a builder in connection with construction work. Section 6. Architectural Control. No building, wall, si~n^" flag, ponnwnt, fence, OJ; othet structure or improvement of an~ -.., natUte shall be erected, placed or altered on any of The ~ ~ Properti9s unless the construction Pla~s and spe~ification pla~ and specifications and a plan showing Ghe location of the n ~ structure and landscaping as may be required by the Oeveloper ? ~ have bA~n subn'lit:ted to the Developer ill dupllcate anCl approved?i.P writing by the Developer, Each building, wall, fence, or other' en structure or improvement of any naturei toqether with the en ldmiscaplng, shall be erected, placed or altered upon the premises only in accordance with the plans and specifications and plot plan so approv~n. RsfuSlal of appro....al of plarHl;', specifications and plot plan, or any of them, shall be based on reasonable gro~nds, including aesthetic grounds, and such objections shall be prov1ae~ to apPlicant in writing upon request ot applicant. Any change in the exterior appearance of any buildin9~ wall, sign, fence, or other ~~ructurQ or Improyemento, and any change in the appearance of thellandscaPing, shall be deemed an alteration requiring approval. The Developer shall h;lVQ thQ power to p~omu19a.te ::luch t'ules; a.na regUlations as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions and intent of this paragraph. The Developer may designate a representative to ac~ for the Developer and may employ personnel and consultants to act for it. t'Q o i~ ~ ..., 1:.= ~." .-.. f', ," > ,.j ~~i ,,, M Prior approval by the Developer shall be neceSSary before any such exterior finishing color is changed. The landscaping, including, without limitation, the trees, shrubs, lawns, walkways and ground elevations, shall be maintained in accordance with said Decla~atlon~ of nestrictions and COvon~nt3 as originally installed unless the prior appcoval for any substantial change is obtained from the Developer. All submittals shall be SUbmitted to Developer in duplicate prior to any such construction, modification, alteration or any other changes to the structures, walls, etc. Seller Shall have fifteen (15) working days from receipt of such Rnbmi~t8ls in whioh to approve or disapprove. Section 7. Zoning. The Owner, its SUCCessors and assigns hereby covenant and agee that they shall n9ver object to any application for zoning changes to property owned by Oeveloper, its successors and assigns or appl;~~tions f~om any foderal, state, or local govermental agencies (or any subdivisions thereOf) for development Or building permits on any 9ueh land Sect!on 8. Fencinq. No chain link fence Or part thereOf may be placed on a parcel except if used to protect materials during construction. CDB;WS-DEC-l 3 ~7/19/2~~4 10:13 , , 4~72464941 1 Dr OCESE OF ORLANDO PAGE 05 Section 9. Roofs. Gravel type roofs or built-up roofs may not be used p.xcept as approved by Developer. Section 10. Trees. In connection with the development of any paecal for reSidential purposes, or the construction of improvements thereon, reasonable care shall be used to preserve and retain as many trees as is reaoon~bly possible. No excavation or fill or clear cutting of trees shall be performe~ in violation of law. 2 :01: a Section 11. Vehicles, Boats. No stripped, unsightly, ~ offensive, wrecked, junked, or dismantled vehicles Or portions g thereof, shall be parked, permitted, stored or located upon any~ parcel in such manner or locations as to be visible to any otheF paroelor from the streeL. ~u boat, boat trailer, camper, mobile homes, travel traile~ or other vehicle, trailer or conveyance shall be kept or stored on any parcel. Section 12. Casualt~ No building or improvement which has been partially or to~ally destroyed by fir~ U~ other casUalty shall be allowed to remain in such state for more than six (6) months from the time of such destruction. If reconstruction Or repdl~ of any SUCh bUilding or improve~ent is not so oommenced within six (6) months, the Own~r thereof shall raze or remo~e the same promptly from such OwnAC's lo~. ~ction 13. Construction. Every building, structu(e or other improvement, Lb~ ~unstruct10n of whiCh ts begun on any parcel, shall be diligently and continuously prosecuted after the beginning of such construction or placement. lIntil the same shall be fully completed, except to the extent prevented by strikes, lockouts, boycotts, the elements, war, inability to obtain mat@rials. acts of Cod, or similar causes within twelve (~2) months from the date of commenoement of construction thereof. Section 14. Landscapinq. Landscaping plans shall be submitted to Developer fo( it approval and all of said matters are subject to thp. r~view and approval of Devcloper as specified above. ARTICLf: lV GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. DUration.' The covenants and restrictions of this D~claration shall run with and bind Lh~ land, and shall inure to the benefit of ana be enforceable by the Developer, its representatives, heirs, successors, and assiqns. for a term of fifteen (15) years from the date this Declatation is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for Successive ~Qriods of ~~n (10) years each unlcoo ~n instrument signed by the then Owner(s) of The Properties has been recorded, agreeing to change said COvenants and resttictions in whole Oc in p~rt. CDB:WS-DEC-l 4 en '"" c..n CD g ~9:, ~ ,- ,.. Q c::) O"l -.. :'.J '" , ., '-' . " .uL~ r. ,:'l 1T1 07/19/2004 10:13 4672454941 I DIOCESE OF OR!....ANDO PAGE 06 Section 2. Notice. Any notice required to be sent to any Owner under the proviaion6 or this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly sent when personally delivered or mailed, postpaid, to the last known address of t.h~ pp.rson who appears as Owner. S otion 3. Remedies for Vi.olations. In the event at a violation or breach of any 0 the covenants or restrictions by any peraon or conpern Claiming by, through or under Owner or by virtue of any jud~cial proceedings, Developer, its successors o~ assigns shall have the right to proceed at law or in ~quity to ~ compp.l compliancelwit::h t:he termo hereof Or to prevent the ~ violation or breabh of any of them. m n p ~ r In a~ditiOn to the toregoing remedies, the Developer shall have the following rightsl - {a) Upon the Owner's failure to maintain the grounds in a neat and attractive manner as ptovided in Paragraph 4 hereof, Developer may at its option after giving the owner ten (10) days written notice sent to his last known address, enter upon The Property1and have the qrass, weeds and vegetation cut when and as the s!me is necessary in the Developer's judgment and have dead trees, *hrubs, plants, refuse, all unsightly objects rQmo~od from said1lot. Suoh entry enal1 not be deemed a trespass. (b) In the event that the Owner shall fail to maintain the exterior of any struoture in good repair and appearancp., the Developer may, at Itg o~tion, aftor 9i~in9 Owner three (3) days wr it ten notice sent to hlS las"t known address, enter upon such property and make such repairs and improve the appearanCe ca the Dev~lu~er, in its sole opinion, ~eems neoessary to remedy the said violation. Such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. (0) Whenever there shall have been built on any of The Propc~tics ~ stru~ture which is in violation o( the~e restrictions, the Development, may at its option, after giving the Owner ten (10) days written notice sent to his last address, enter upon The Property where such violation exists and summarily abate and remove the same at the expense of the Owner and such entr.y ~nn abat~m@n~ and ~emoval shall not be deemed a trcopass. In the event that the Developer shall have exercised i~s privilege granted 1n subparagraphs (al, (b) and (0) above, the Ownet of suoh property shall reimburse The Developer for the costs of any work as therein required therein including fiftp.~n (15%) per annum interest from the date the work is completed and to seoure such reimbursement the Developer shall have a lien upon The P~opertieB enforoeable as herein provided. Upon performing the work, The Developer shall be entitled to file in the Public Records of Seminole County a notice of its olaim of lien by IJir:tue of t,his cont.r:act with the Grantee. Said notice shall CDBrWS-OEC-l 5 - Q7 m 0 ~ ~5 ... c.n F. Y- ,. ;'2 ~. CJ . . c '" C) "'t3<:: >'" en C') 1"\"1 00 e7/1~/2e04 10:13 4072454941 i D I DeESE OF ORLAt ~DO PAGE 07 state the costs of said work, including interest, and shall contain a description of The Property against which enforcement of the lien is sought. The lien provided shall date from the date the work is completed but shall not be binding against creditors Or subsequent purchasers foe a valuable consideratton and without notice until such notice is recorded. The lien herein provided shall be due and payable forthwith upon completion of the work and if not paid, sa.l.u 1l~1I may be enforced by foreclosure in the same manner as a mortgage. The liens herein provided shall be subordinated to any first mortgage encumbering any loan to any institutional lender provided, ~ however, tha~ any such mortgagee then in possession ~nd any ~ purchasAr ~~ any foreclosure sale ~nd ~11 persons claiming by, ~ through or under such mortgagee or purchaser Shall hold title ~ SUbject to all the provisions of these covenants including the ~ lien rights herein provided fot. ~ Section 4. Enfo~cement. If. any pp.r~~n, firm or coxporation or their heirs, SUCcessors oc assigns shall violate Ot attempt to violate any of the easements, covenants or restrictions of this t>cclarat:.lon, it shall be t.he right, but not ~he Obligation, of the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, or any person or persons owning any adjacent property, to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate this Declaration, whether such proceeding is to provQnt such persons from 00 doing, or to teCOver damages, and if such person is found in the proceedings to be in violation of or attempting to violate this Declaration, he shall bear all expenses of the litigation, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees (including those incurred in post judgment or aPPellate proceedinqs) 1 n~Il,rr.eod hy th2 party enforoin9 thic Declaration. Developer shall not be obligated to enforce this Declaration and shall not in any way or manner be held liable or te.eponeible for any violaLlou of this Declar:at1on by any person other than itself. Failure by Developer or any other person or entity to enforce any provisions of this Declaration upon breach thereof, however, long cohtinued, shall in no event be deemed waiver of the right to do so thereafter with respect to SUCh person, or ao to Qimilar breach ocourring prior Or $ub.eequent thereto. Section 5. Severabi11t~. Invalidation of anyone of these COvenant~ or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect Any nth~~ p~ovisions which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6. Arnenument. In adCl1t1on to any other manner herein provided for the amendment of this Declaration, the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens of this agreement may be amended, changed, added to, derogated, or deleted at any time and from time to time upon the execution and reeorda~ion of any inatcumcnt executed by The Developer, and the Owner(s) of The Pro~erties. CDB:WS-DEC-l 6 ~ CJ:I QI -., ~~ 01 -, r. .~ "'.1 ,.". e::" ~...! "" CJ -:..I I.: 1 en ;:.....~') C"J c..c ,... 07/19/20S4 10:13 . - 4072454941 i DIOCESE OF ORLANDO PAGE as Section 7. Right of Assignment. Developer may assign any and all rights, powers, obligations and privileges under this instrument to any other c:o~porations, 4ssociaLiOJl$ lJL.' b'ecsons. Such assignment must make specific reference to this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and shall not become effective until recorded in the public Recoros of Seminole County, Florida. sec~ion 9. Effective Date. This Declaration shall b~~ome effective upon its recordation ln the Seminole County, Florida Public Records. WINTER SPRINGS CORPORATION, a corpOJ:ation en ~ ~ at o ~~ EXECUTED as of the date first above written. (~=nce of: n so: ~ ..,., .... :-:~ :u "t) '.J l- r"., , C) :,'\ ", _............. .....-r "...\";' .",.....,.1"\'" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ~(4v.1 e I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowle~9ments; A~AND ~. BLAIR, of WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the fore\;Jo;ng in$;~rllmp.nt and they acknawledged before me that they executed the sam~ for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and OffiCial?serl/in last aforesaid this ~day of ~(_ , State Cj)I! ('" J',',. \,' .' " ;:',." ;tr-'~I nw tt ~ 4-t>., ,', ;i '\1 r'(, ov- ':l " ,I! Infl!' , I ..'""...... "11."'11', ~(,.~. ~''\ \ \ .. ;.' ~> '. "~'''':'''..~... 0 I ...", ..... "':'J 4.... :: .~... '~ ...~ My commiss ion ~~1.fes: ~ 'i ;. ~ c.... ../.' Q. ,. ..... . Nol""y Pahnl, ~l~l~ "r ::'fril'4 ", P'../. () ".:. : If ( "" . "'~' t J .:'1_ {IIY onrnW$lu,)n L:kP""U'. ,;,1~, ~ ,_. \ 110 ~ ~. '" .: "'"0 . \ " .....II..IJ nil" '...., ,.. u ,,~..... _ ''1.. .. ,. t\. .. '., 0, ...\..' "',\.1 ..... I", ..., l1,n . .".- J '. , .~ I" I . I ,. . j. .d..' ?if' N -..04 ,~~~~ ",' ("'l (.oJ ..... '~_-:-=;. ~ w c:..n V'l ~-" ~ 0'\ ~ .~; ~ ~ c: ~ ~ ~ r~ .. 00 c::IQ c.n l....~,.! ...., I, : I I '. I ~.:..,. :.\ 1 7 CDB:WS-DEC-l 07/~9/2e04 10:13 4072464941 \ DIOCESE OF ORLANDO PAGE 09 LEGAL DESCRIPTION From the Southeast corner of GARDENA FARM SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 23 & 24, Publi~ Rp~ords of Seminole County, Plorida,run thence along the Easterly line of said Gardena Farms Subdivision N.05009'SOBE. 7155.06 feet to the North lina of a Florida Power CorporaLlon Easement, recorded in Official Records Book 193, Page 276, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run thence along said Northeast easement line, N.65.10'12Hw. 2515.09 feet to a poLnt on the Westerly line of a Florida Power & Light Company Easement, recorded in Official Records aook 183, ~~ge 130, Public Rocords of Seminole County, ~lorida; thence run S.Olo02'14"E. 100.53 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 46, TUSCAWILLA UNIT 6, as recorded in Plat Book 21, ~ages J2 & 33, Public Reoords of oeminole County, Florida: thence run Southerly and Westerly along the boundary line of said Tuscawil1a Unit 6 the followinq cour.~~~~ Run South 692.21 feet _to ,the point o~be9inning; thence continue South 301.07 feet; , thence N.85010'12.W. 772.70 feet; thence leaving said boundary ~ line of TuscQwilla Unit G run N. 04-49' 48"E. 300.00 teet:; the~e-. S.85010'12"E. 747.35 feet to ~he point of beginning: containtftg~ therein 5.2343 acres more or less, p m n ~ <::) ~ <::) r- ...... BB8:1928LEGe-l EXHIBIT "AU al c:o =0::> ~..., .... ~ i: ,- '""" 9 "'O~ ~ a 1TI ," ';;r-, PAGE 113 sf-IroN ~---- ~7/~9/f0B4 10:13 407246C,941 i DIOCESE OF ORLANDO I~ WARAANTY DEED ~ THIS INDENTURE, made and executed the 2.5__, day of September, 1905, by WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor," t.o THOMAS J. GRADY, as Bishop of ~h~ Diocese of Orlando, hia succe~SQrs in ~ office and a~si9ns, a corporation sole, whose post office addr.e~ is P. O. Box 1800, Orlando, Florida 32802, hereinafter called ~ I"'l the "Crantee II: C"':) o WIT N E SSE 1 H! THAT the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum 6f"Ten Dollars ($lO.OO) Dnd other valuable ~ons!derat1on, receipt' ' whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, rel~ases, conveys and confirms unto the Grant.A~, all that certain land situate in..,.Seminole County, Florida, to- wit: See Exhibit "An attache~ hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenance5 thereto belonging or in ~nywise appcrt~inin9. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. ANO the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that the Grantor is lawfully seized of said lann in fea simplQ: that the Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said landJ that the Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the eelme against the lawful Claims ot all persons whomsoevQr; and that said land is free of all enoumbranc~s, except: (1) Taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 1984; (2) Easements, Reservations, and Restrictions of Recocd, but (eferBnce hereto shall not serve to reimpose same. Docum"'llary Tel( "'C!o $ "7~~'-. ~ $ Intllnaiblo TIIX PII. Pavld N'~~h11t C...n\.' 8y: --z;::::r- D.t!,. C) ~ :~;';Z(} ~ ~.J",~~ ~. ": ''F~f J: ~ ~~fl BBB:1929DBDa-l 1 - == c.n ? C) CD ..... ~, c:.n - .. 0 c ~ c;::, ~.. ""'" >c. c;') N M1 N t...) (.J1 . -.& WI (C 07/19/2004 10:13 4072454941 i DIOCESE OF ORLANDO PAGE 11 IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered 1n the presence of: ~ _&~~. l~OM\- WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation -, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF l',(~/'E } ) 55, ) ~ C1) .~ ~ ..., ~" :z: <.T.? By: c Armand E ala-x;. ,':'.. ",U,"U"'I'", t.r1 :' ~ ~ . ~.~.":;;.I;'r .....",\ "02 Its PrQS1~Qnt:,.,h..-:., \" ..... ~;.,.Q :t,< :" ~..." .... -",.,,~ ::;:" $ "-,,~ ..~ p , ! l ..,. ~,"~.\ ~. ... . 1),.. . 4 .~. (corporateJ3~l~;~ ! CiJ ; \. ~ I ~...~ ; ~ ~ -. t,;i. I ,.... ..- .~ 4'! ..v.....,J... ~ '" -.. ('0" ~ " _ ......., 1:.". # "',> +...>t' ~"~,j,",~t'l'~ . ~ ~ -ue :!loti ~ 1 HEREBY C~RTIPY that on this day before me, an officer duly authorized in the state and county aforesaid to take acknowledgments; personally ~ppearQd Arm~nd E. Blair, ao Presi~ent of WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, to me known to be the person described in and who after being du1t ~worn, execute~ the foregoing instrument for the purposes mentioned therein. WITNESS my hand a~~fficial seal in the last aforesaid this ~~day of Septemb , and state This instrument ptepared by and return to: 0.- C. David Brown, II, EsquireII"' Broad and Cassel , 1051 Winder ley Pl~ce, 4th Floor Maitland, Florida 32751 . ',.: . "..\ ",,\ ..!,. ~ I . I , I '. . ':' ~':>l'i".,,\,\ \ "l ."'. ....'1 NOTARY PUBLIC ' ''''''~:-... '> I I ''.., My commission e~~ies: 9~." Nll~arv FIt,:!:. 5tilm (1-1 Fl~4' 7 t,' 0.- ,: [:j ;;, My Cool:ui$.iDn E.tpires fWo, ~/~~ ~ -I. j t'J ,: t') :. Uull~d Ihru hu', hili" .M".hflnc~, 'f)G", . -. .' 1'... ," ~. ~ " " ~ '." "'/ 0"... '~~ '.' "" Iii 'g Q .. ,...~\... ,...' ""'''1\1111''''\\\ :2 BBB:192SDEDa-1 PAGE 12 \) 5 G. ;fo) :...------ 07/1g/~e04 10:13 4072454941 \ DIOCESE OF ORLANDO LEGAL DESCRIPTION From the Southeast corner of GARDENA FARM sUaDtvISION, as recorded in Plat Book 6, P~ges 23 & 24, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run thence along the Easterly line of said Gardena Farms Subdivision N_Oso09'50~E. 7155.06 feet to the ~orth lin~ of a Plorida Puwer Corporation Easement, reoorded in Official Records Book 193, ~age 276, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida1 run thence along said Northeast easement line, N.Sso10'12"W. 2515.09 feet to a point on the Westerly line of a Florida POwer & Light Company Easement, recocded in Official R~ccrds Book 19~, rage l~O, Puu11c Reoords of Seminole County, Florida; thence run S.Olo02114~E. 100.53 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 46, TUSCAWILf.,A UNIT 6. as teCOrdAd :I." 1?lat: Booy: ':21 I Pdyas 32 ~ 33, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thenoQ run Southerly and Westerly along the boundary line of said Tuscawilla Unit 6 tn~ follOwing oourocs: Run South 692.21 teet ~ to the pOint of beqinning; thence continue South 301.07 feet; ~ ~ thence N.85010'12"W. 772.70 feet: thence leavinq said boundary p line of Tusuawilla Unit 6 run N.04049148"E. 300.00 feet; thence ~ S.85010'12RE. 747.35 feet to the point of beginning; containing g therein 5.2343 acres morA or l~;s_ ~ : BBB:1928r..EGe-l EXHIBIT t/A" - CI), :m '0 ...., o,e CIII ;::ot~ c:; s ,.... '::0 ,... CQ ~ , t::) ~~ .....' ~ ... . ~: