HomeMy WebLinkAboutWiginton Fire Sprinklers, Inc. "- '" GWo~oouQ@ou [?o[J@ ~~[JooulliD@[J~\) Dou@o RECE\VEO May 26, 1994 capt. Dallas winter Springs Fire Department 102 N. Moss Road winter Springs,. Florida 32708 MAY 2 7 1994 \ ,iTR Sr: EffiE. D,E.P.AfUMt:.~ Dear Capt. Dallas: As per your request, please find the following breakdown prices for each of your locations. The prices are for four (4) inspections per year for each location below. winter Springs Fire Department Administration Building 102 North Moss Road winter Springs, Fl. Price per year -------------------------------- $335~OO winter Springs Senior Center 400 N. Edgmond Avenue Winter Springs, Fl. Price per year -------------------------------- $335.00 Concession Building Center Winds Park winter Springs, Fl. Price per year -------------------------------- $265.00 Maintenance Building Central Winds park winter Springs, Fl. Price per year -------------------------------- $265.00 Please call me if you need more information. Sincerely, WIGINTON FIRE SPRINKLERS, INC. Ray Wiginton Sr. Inspection Sales RW/am p, O. BOX 520160 0 LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32752-0160 0 PHONE (407) 831-3414 0 FAX (407) 831.5740 ADDITIONAL FULL SERVICE LOCATIONS: JACKSONVILLE (904) 262-6107 0 MELBOURNE (407) 255-0378 0 MIAMI (305) 625-0004 POMPANO BEACH (305) 960-0033 0 TAMPA (813) 623.2333 0 WEST PALM BEACH (407) 585-2244 -; WIGINTON FIRE SPRINKLERS, INC. P.O. BOX 520160 LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32752-0160 CONTRACT # P0778 ATTN: R.Eo DALLAS. FIRE MARSHAL PHONE #327-2332 THIS AGREEMENT made between Wiginton Fire Sprinklers, Inc. (hereinafter called "Contractor"), and WINTER SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 No MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 (hereinafter called "Subscriber")o (1) Subscriber owns or occupies the building (s) located on the premises known as VARIOUS FACILITIES FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS located at SEE ADDENDUM "A" in the City of WINTER SPRINGS County of SEMINOLE, State of Florida, wherein there is now installed certain fire protection equipment as defined in NoFoPoA. 25. 1992 EDITION-WATER BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Chapter 2: Sprinkler Systems Chapter 4: Private Fire Service Mains Chapter 9: Valves & Fire Department Connections (2) This agreement is for quarterly plus annual inspections, testing and maintenance requirements as described in N.F,P.A. 25. Contractor shall tag system (s) upon completion of each inspection and promptly report to Subscriber and other companies or persons designated by Subscriber all needed items of maintenance, repairs, replacements and additions, which in the judgement of Contractor may be necessary and reasonable to ensure the highest degree of protection in accordance with the facilities provided and the use of such facilitieso (3) In connection with any water based fire protection system on Subscriber's premises ,defined in paragraph "1" above, Contractor shall: A. Provide training to Subscriber's personnel on procedures and documentation to allow them to conduct activities prescribed more frequently than Contractor's inspection cycle. B. Contractor shall perform and document all requirements listed in attached Exhibit "A"o C. Coordinate with Subscriber and Authority Having Jurisdiction all activities required less frequently than annually. These requirements are outside the Scope of Contractor's normal fees as quoted and will be conducted upon specific directions from Subscribed and shall be paid for by Subscriber at Contractor's prevailing charges. See Exhibit "B" for Schedule of Activities. (4) This Agreement is limited to inspection, testing and required maintenance services only and does not include alterations, repairs, replacements or other items that could not be determined to be necessary prior to inspectiono Alterations, repairs, replacements or performance of other unforeseen items shall be made by Contractor only upon Subscriber's order and shall be paid for by Subscriber at Contractor's prevailing chargeso It is understood and agreed that in some cases above mentioned work will need to be completed prior to Contractor's tagging of systemo (5) Contractor shall be admitted into all areas of said premises for the purpose thereof at all reasonable timeso (6) Any additional equipment relative to this Agreement, added to the above premises after the date hereof, shall be inspected by Contractor and Subscriber shall pay an additional price commensurate with the usual charges made by Contractor for inspecting such equipment, and a new contract will then be executed incorporating usual charges made by Contractor for inspecting such additional equipment and/or adjuncts at price to be agreed upon between Contractor and Subscribero (7) The terms of this Agreement shall be annual & renewable, commencing on the date of this Agreement, and thereafter until terminated by sixty (60) days written notice by either party to the other. (8) Subscriber shall pay to the Contractor after first inspection has been performed, the sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($1,200.00) per year for said inspection service. (9) All notices by either party to the other shall be in writing and served by first class mail, postage prepaid, directed to the other party at its address stated in the Agreement, or at such other address as such other party may designate in writingo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their respective hand and seal this 3RDo day of MAY, 1994. Subscriber Subscriber's Witness Print Name Date t?~1n 'f; WIGINTON FIRE SPRINKLERS, INC. EXHIBIT 'A' NFPA 25 requirements that are included as part of this Agreement: ITEM ACTIVITY FREQUENCY SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INSPECTION QUARTERLY ALARM DEVICES TESTING QUARTERLY MAIN DRAIN TESTING QUARTERLY FOC-GAUGES INSPECTION QUARTERLY VALVES OPERATE FULL CYCLE ANNUALLY HEADS & HANGERS INSPECTION ANNUALLY EXHIBIT "B" Inspection, testing and maintenance requirements for this facility that are not a part of the is Agreement. Note: This schedule is provided for Subscriber's B information. ACTIVITY YR l' 94 YR 2' 95 YR 3' 96 YR 4' 97 YR 5' 98 CHECK VALVES INTERNAL INSPECTION x UNDERGROUND PIPING FULL FLOW TEST x REPLACE GAUGES x BACKFLOW PREVENTERS TEST X X X x x ADDENDUM "A" THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AT THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES TO BE INSPECTED QUARTERLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH N,F.P.A. #25. 1. WINTER SPRINGS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 102 N. MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FL. 2. CONCESSION BUILDING & MAINTENANCE BUILDING CENTRAL WINDS PARK 1000 E. STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL. 3. WINTER SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER 400 N, EDGEMOND AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FL. ~ IHlrlCTIOH I!"Y!C! OEHERA~ TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. This agreement, is :for servicfJ' as described in enclosed document, and'spec~~ica~ly re~erences a.l~ aspects o:f National Fir~ Protection Assoc. CN.F.P.A.) 25, inr.luding responsibi~ity o;f the Subscriber in complying with a~l requirements therein. The Con tractor, on eccount o:f' this' 'inspection, does not werrant, essumea no responsibility :for, and shall not bp. liable ;for a ;failure o;f this system due to de;fects in system design or installation or current occuP.~cy, ,demands. Furthermore, the. .Contractor can assume no liability':for Subscriber's responsibility to comply with this cod~. 2. Payment ;for Services ar~ to be remitted with approved agreement. 3. De;fault by Subscribers " a. The occurrence o;f anyone or more o;f the ;following events shall constitute a de;fault by the Subscriber: (i) the Subscriber shall :fail to pay when due any payment due hereunder, time being o:f the essence, (ii) the Subscriber shall ;fail to per:form any of the provisions o:f this egreementl (iii) proceedings in bankruptcy or :for reorganization o;f the Subscriber or :for readjustment o:f any 01 its debts, under the Bankruptcy Code or any part thereo:f, or under other act o;f law, whether s~ate or ;federal ;for the relie;f o;f debtors, now or hereAfter existing, shall be commenced by the SubBcr1her or shall be comm~nced against the Subscriber or not discharged within thirty (30) days of. commencement; (iv) a rece1ver or trustee shall be appointed ;for the Subscriber or ;for any substantial part o:f its assets. b. In caae o:f any de:faul tby the Subscriber, Contractor IIlllY ,. . J., declare the ;full pric.e set :forth herein or all unpaid installments thereo:! to be immediately due and payable in :full, may terminate this agreement, or may avail itsel:f o;f any remedies to which it may be entitled under the lava 01 the StAte 01 Florida, inCluding ~he provisions relating to secured cre-ditors. All remed.1.es o:f. the Contractor are cumulative and not exclusive. c. In the event o:f any def.aul~. hereunder, Subscriber agrees to pay reasonable attorney' B :feea and costs incurred by the Contractor, whether or not suit is :filed. Furthermore, in the event o~ any litigation between the parties, Contraotor ahall recover ita attorney's feeo and coat a from the Subscriber. 4. In the eVent pBlymenta are not made when c;iu~" including final payment, the Subscriber shall be liable ;for interest in an amount equal to the highest rate o:f interest which may be ~egally charged under the ~aws o~ the State of FloridaJ prov1d~d, however, that the amount o:f interest which may be charged ahall never, under any circumstances, e~ceed the maximum amount alloved under the ~avs oi the State o:f FloridR. 5. I:f any legal action arise-a out of thereo;f, Subsc.riber "'Qrees that auit this agreement or' breach ahBll be instituted and , ,.-~, ma~ntained in the county designated by Contractor. Ii no county is designated by Contractor, Subacrib~r agrees that any suit sha~~ b~ ~i~ed and maintained in Or~nge County, State 01 F~orida. Subscriber hereby speci1ically ~~ives its right to venue under F~oride ~aw and B~BO waiveB its right to tria~ by jury. 6. The Contractor may at any time assign all or any part 01 its righ~B under this agreement. The Subscriber may not assign a~~ or ~ny part 01 its rights under this agreement. 7. No modi1icationa 01 this agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto or either 01 them, unlp.Bs such modiiication shall be in writing, signed by the Subscriber and by an authorized o1iicer oL the Contractor. 8. This agreement and the interpretation Bnd eniorc~ment thereo~ shall be governed by the laws 01 the State 01 Florida. 9. This agreement is the exclusive agreement between the Subscriber and the Contractor and there are no agreements, whether written or oral, which are not speciiically Bet iorth herein. "., , " ~ , " ~. 1/94 / CWll!lnton Flra Sprlnldan.lnc. fire protection systems ~ STATE CERTIFIED DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND INSTALLATION Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, Commercial and Residential, Fire Pumps, Tanks, Standpipe Systems, and Underground Installations. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Weekends & Holidays and between hours of 5~OO P.M. and 8~OO A.M. CALL . . . (407) 331.5300 P.O. Box 520160 · Longwood, FL 32752-0160 · (407) 831-3414 Additional offices in West Palm, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami & Pompano Beach. SERVICE AND INSPECTIONS