HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestbrook Service Corporation Proposal for Maintenance I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROPOSAL FOR MAINTENANCE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AIR CONDITIONING AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE,SERVICES 110 North Flamingo Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32708 November 19,1998 Depend on Westbroc* P.O. Box 555459 -Orlando. Florida 32855.5459 (407)841-3310 FAX (407) 425-1835 '1"" C-\,U~" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I November 24, 1998 Alan G. Hill 110 North Flamingo Avenue Winter Springs, F1 32708 Dear Mr. Hill, We have prepared this package in reference to your request for a quote on a preventative maintenance program for various city facilities. I hope you will find the enclosed information helpful in making your decision. If, you should have any questions please feel free to call me at (407)-841-3310. Sincerely, Westbrook Service Corporation ~ Ken Sass Vice President Depend on Westbnd P.O. Box 555459 . Orlando. Florida 32855-5459 (407) 841-3310 FAX (407) 425-1835 ";'--;-,.; ;'-~.~~:;-"?""::. I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I. I I I I I BIDDER EXPERIENCE WESTBROOK SERVICE CORPORATION 1411 South Orange Blossom Trail . Orlando, F13280S Phone Number (407)-841 ~331 0 , , Westbrook Service Field Personal have over 187 years of combined experience in service for . . residential, commercial and industrial BV AC equipm~nt. We have been in business.since 1949 and are pro.ud of our Unblemished reCord with the Better Business Bureau..' OUl' technicians ~e advantage of current and on going factory training prov~ded by schools and ._ variouS manufacturing companies thrOughout the United States. This ~ eStablished a wide. variety of knowledge in the followirig equipment, but not limited tOi HVAC . . Energy Management FUl'nace, Heaters, Boilers, (Gas and Oil) Refrigeration Chillers Cascade Systems Air Dryers Ice Machines Walk~In Freezers & Coolers Hydronic System I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I "_~ :,;-r--, - ~--:C'!~-i"I\.y. ----,---~"- . , ,'-~.~~;:<:.:~_+r.'":-:'-, - ,- ,: ~!:" :;:~. ~~;:;-' -{'i'::;: i>:_~-:-, . , FIELD TECHNICIANS AND YEARS OF EXPEIUENCE Rich DeDominicis Harry Demetres' MiChael Dorfman Horace Ellis Keith Farnham John Folsom 'Kevin Gibbs Don Gray Brennan Hoyt Jeff Keller David Lampp 'Jeff'Leone Rob Matuszko Kevin Murphy David Sanford Kenneth Sass 15 years 15 years 5 years, 3 yea'rs ' , 5 years . 21 years 20 years . , 7 years 2 years 20 years 20 years 8 years .' 10 years 11 years 15 years 20 years . . I I I I I I I I- I I I , I I ,I I I I I I' ~r-'?"~-.;:,:'" ;',":\ ~-, f'- )'-_::~_-, -.':.>~\,.-,..,';';':-:;"":-;' ,~": '- :, - ~,7", .:y:,:~ ,--'.;- ~-.' :',''''''c'- , J~-';"-':).. , CARIBEROYALE RESORT 14300 International Drive Orlando, FI 32821 . . Contact: Dave Haywood Phone Number: (407)-238':'8496 UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE Naval Training Center . - 1900. Leahy Avenue Orlando, FI 32803 '" Contact: Tom Bryson ' Phone Number: (407)-975-1952 L LAKE HIGHLAND PREP. SCHOOL 901 North Highland Avenue Orlando, Fl 32803 .-: . Contact: John Kennedy Phone Number: (407)..206-1922 , --i,T ~,~-~ . -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I ,T;.-_~- ..,_~'- -, - ) :---,--;-,] ': ..''';' ^'"_ >" "'~~.' :<:';" O~:.:. ,~"': .,. 1 WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT We have outlined below the approach we will take with your service. You can.be assured that these procedures will be faithfully followed to the last detail. For years we have been complet~ly computerized using an ffiM 36 system. It is the only way to keep up with all of the details required to provide professional service to our many discerning customers. ) If awarded the service, we will plan each of the regularly scheduled service calls as outlined in EXIBIT . "A" of the request for quotation titled" AIR CONDITIONER PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE". These will all be entered into the computer, each with a scheduled run date. Each of these calls will be identified as either a quarterly or annual inspection. EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT WILL BE GIVEN A UNIQUE IDENTITY I: Each piece of covered equipment will be given a sequence ~umber. This number is unique to that piece. of equipment and does not change for as long as Westbrook does the service. Each time a repair is made to a piece of equipment, the data for the repair Will be retained in the computer associated with that speCific; sequence number. This will allow us to print out the history and the repair cost for individual pieces of covered equipment. This is very useful in pinpointing the reason for any rising cost. When you look at your equipment after our first regular service call, you will see a green and yellow numbered sticker on eachunit. This will be the Westbrook sequence number. Our customers often find it convenient to reference this number any time they call in about a particular unit. . INSPECTION SHEETS WILL BE USED FOR EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT Westbrook will inspect the covered equipment in accordance with the schedule set forth in exhibit "B" of the request for quotation. If we identify any other reading or maintenance items that my pertian to an individual piece of equipment, we will add that item to the inspection sheet for that piece of equipment. When the service is scheduled to be performed, our Service Supervisor will select the Service . Representative best qualified for the particular procedures to be performed. THERE IS EVEN A CHECK SHEET FOR YOUR BUILDING MANAGER Our customers like to know when we are on site and what we are doing. It is important that we spend a few minutes with the customer's designated representative on site to ask a few questions con~erning such things as: any operating irregularities since our last visit, any unusual noises, any warm or cold spots, any dripping condensate, humidity, odors, etc. . At this time we also want to know if there is anything at all that needs to be brought to our attention. . Westbrook Service 'Corporation - P.O. Box 55S459 - 0rIInd0. FL 32855 Phone (407) 841-331OJFax (407) 425-9934 ~-----c-r-:~-<-"i------;.' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I 2 SERVICE WORK DONE CAREFULLY AND METHODICALLY By now you should be getting the idea that Westbrook will not just send someone out each month to look at your equipment and change the filters.' The Westbrook Customer Service Representative will come to your site with a complete set of tailored service procedures to be performed on each piece of your equipment. He will have been briefed on any special needs by our Service Supervisor and will have on . his truck the correct filters, belts or other parts that will be required for the service to be performed. The Service Representative that comes to your site is qualified to perform the planned service on the types of. equipment that you have. , , OUR SERVICE MANAGER WILL rERSONALLY REVIEW. EACH SERVICE PACKAGE Following each service call our Servlce Manager will review the report from the Service Representative . and make notes of anything that might need attention during the next scheduled service call. These notes go right on the package that has already been reproduced for the next regularly sch~uled service call so they will not be overlooked. Of course, if we see anything that needs immediate. attention we will schedule . the. work right away. A letter will then be sent to you or your designated representative along With copies of the reports. . . SETTING UP THE SUBSEQUENT REGULAR SERVICE CALLS Before the next service visit,. you or your designated representative will get a call from our dispatcher letting you know when we are coming, what we will bedoing and perhaps most importantly, asking if there are any special needs or problems relating to the air conditioning or plumbing that we can address during the regularly scheduled service call. The dispatcher will review the package wi~ the. ServiCe Representative before he goes out to be sure he has aclearl1I1detstanding of what he is to do and to be sure he is ,aware of anything needing special attention. Westbrook Service Corporation - P.O. Box 55S459 - Orlando. FL 32855 Phone (407) 841-331 Max (407) 425-9934 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , ...,' ,-'., ".-, ~,-~.. f..... '. ,; ';;.'-:~i... i>;')"'~ J ~ /'~. ;! \' :Tr':>......:. C-: "'i:"~' ":_'';:--:.'~--',I \~~:;:..:':"',; Z0'd:::;O tstt7 t~ '-0t7 '~c::~t 866t-8t-{'G4 Certificate of InnnDce TMIS aamrCAtI..., At It. loIAftIIl (II ~1ICN ONLY AND caNJIII NO aanI UPON 'IOU 'THI <:IImR:Aft HCLOSI. THIS CIIT1J11C.\TlII NOT AN lN5UaAICI PCIUl:'\' AND OC* NOr AWlND.IXtIND. OIl Al.TU THI COVIIACI AfIIIOIDID I\' nCll"OUOU t.II1'ID IILCW. ThJJ is to - ,- that UBERlYfe. MUTUAL" Westbrook Service Corporadon 1411 So, OraD.. Blossom Trail Orlando. FL 3280' Name and addna ot Insund II. .. Ute iMue elate Of ItliI certificate, ""urecs by 1M' Company under the pollcy(la) lilted below. The insurance afforded by the lilted POIicy(iIl) illUbieCt to IlII their tIImII. exduliGnl and conditlona anc:l it not .~ by ~ reqult8me1'lt. term or c:ondition of an c:ontnld Of oItterwith ta wh' th' C8f'tif'1Ca , TVP! OF POUCV · 8 CONTINUOUS EXTENDED GJ IilOt.JCV TI"toC POUCV NUMB&R UMrT OF UABtUTV 1/1/99 , WC7.151-276011-".8 CoMIiiii' AIlarcled Ilftt W Law 01 h ~1OwIlI1I Sta...: Florida WORKeRS COMPENSATION BodIly Injury By Ac:adent ~ $500,000 ACC*r4 I",ury By Oiaeaa. ~ $500.000 '- Bodly InJUry By 0...... !1dI $500,000 ........ "'...., Aggregat"OV\I( INn roGIComllleteCJ OW.lIons S2.00Q.000 ' PrcxlUCD'CamPeI8d peratlOns Aggregate $2.000.000 Bodily 'InJUry and Pl'OllMY lftlaQe I.iaDllitV $1,000.000 PIfIOnIl ana ling I"I\I'Y S1,000.000 Otl'ler: IRE I.EGAL. $100.000 $1.000,000 C!NIRAL L1AIIUTY CJ CLAIMS MACE 2/1/99 TB7-151-27801'-048 I AETRO QA TE t I( Occurrence PI( P.,1OtII OrganIzatlClll OlMt: MEO PAY 55.000 ~ OCCURRENCE AUTOU081U! UABIUTV ([] OWNED l[] NON.OWNEO [!] J.11111!D EICIl ACCIdent. Slngl. LImn .. !!II. and P. D, ComCllritcl EacI'I Person " 2/1/99 AS2.151-276011-058 EldI AcCIdent or Occurrence Each Accident 0' Occurrttnee ~.OOO.OOO Slngl' Limit 10' Dodily InJUry .1Id Property THl-151-276011-018 D.mage Liability Over Unc.rtylng LimIts UMBRELLA, EXCESS UIoBIllTY 211/99 ."THE ClATlPlCATlIXPIRATION DATE IS CONTINUOUS OR IXTiNDiOTERW, YOU WILL" NOTIFIED IF COVERAGE IS TERMINATEDOf' REOuceD 8iFOAS THa CEATlJllCATIIXPIAATION DATE tIOWEV!A, YOU WIlL NOT BE NOTIFIED ANNUAlLY OF THE CONTINUAnON Of COVERAGE. InClAL NOTlCI- OHIO: AHV 'IRION WHO. WITH INTENT TO DlIlAAUO OR ICNOWING fHAT ~E 18 'AClUT ATING A ~AAUO AGAINST AN INSURER, SUBMITS 1M APIlUCAT10N OR JIILU A CLAItoC CONTAlMNG A'ALS! 0.. OECEPTIVE STAT!MINTIS tl.TY OF INSUfWlCE 'RAUD. NOT1Ca 0' CANCILLATlON: INOT APItUCAll.E UNLUS A NUtoCl!A 0' DAY, IS INT~EO _CW.) IUOAETHl STATIO I)CPJIIlATION Do\TE THI COtoCPAHV WLL NOT ~ CANCSL OR AiOUCl TNlINIUIWICI AM)N)ID UtCER THE ABOVE POUCIU 1 Liberty Mutual Croup UNTIL AT LEAST ~ DAYS NOTIC! 0' SUCH CANCEU..\TION HAS BEEt.! toCAILlD TO: City of Winter Sprinll r.J.InIC ~ ' CEJlTlACATI Public Works Depl. VINCI!N M ACO HOLDER 110 No. Plaminlo Avenue AUTHOAIZEO REPRESENTATIVe ' Winter Sprin8s. FL 32708 IDV I & 1M Orl8ndo cn (800) 988-1251 O~FICE PHONE DATE ISSUED nus a:rlarlUlIl: ia "'2 . dI by U1IUT'r WUToAL eJUX.'P .. napeclIlUcl\ ~t.Ilt..... II aIfotdecI b' d . '/S3~ A.ld3S I 1, WdS2: E0 86 I 8 t N:>>J IS 77't.L (fl.l . .--".,\.-;.:-~ -~ ".....,.--~.-~"., _..--:,.,\:-,-~,..-,~r..~l" ;". - ';:1., ;','~:-:---."i<:1;;'::""~~::---,-~~-c;~, ;.; :.-:: 7'~,-:.;~-:-, -. .':':'. -. ~ -;- -r-,.--"____"':" _"C-;,:.--' . ';",..- ;._~ ~ :'" -:...."7-,-. ~ ..- :...~,..--,.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I Signature Page A representative must sign this quotation form. , , Company Name WESTBROOK SERVICE CORPORATION Authorized Signature . . Namerritle (Print) KEN SASS - VICE PRESIDENT Address 1411 SOUTH ORANGE BLOSSOM 'TRAIL . City/StatelZip ORLANDO. FL 32805 Telephone Number (407) 841-3310 Emergency Telephone Number (407) 841-3310 Fax Number (407) 425~9934 Pager Number (407) 974-5171 . Cellular Phone Number . (407) 948~9405 " ,". ;.\:.~ "', - ':- - ''''''''--'''\-':': :~;~~~:-: --~~~y ,v', .~-;- /:--l'-": I I I I I I I ,- l , l _ , l I , L I I I I I I I :1 I TO: Public Works Department City of Winter Springs - 110 N. Flamingo Ave. Winter Springs, FL 32708 The undersigned hereby -declares that' after carefully examining the quote terms, conditions, and specifications as well as survey the property for Air Conditioner Preventative Maintenance Service does hereby submit the following prices t9 the City of Winter Springs. Total price for Air Conditioner Preventative Maintenance service for all units, per the following months and total for year.. Cost Per Month December $>3.486.00 {.Includes AnnuAl Coil Cleaning) March$ 1,538.00 June $ i~538.00 September $ 1,538.00 Annual Cost $ 8.100.00 Hourly rate for repairs not covered under the maintenance contract, including overheard and profit with a two (2) hour maximum response time. For the following; Regular Working Hours - Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Service Mechanic $ 39.50 Ihour Helper (if needed) $ 25.00 /hour Duct Mechanic $ 35.00 Ihour Helper (if needed) $ 25.00 /hour Overtime Hours - Monday through Friday 4:31 PM to 7:29 AM, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays Service Mechanic Helper (if needed) Duct Mechanic Helper (if needed) $ $ $ $ 55.00 35.00 50.00 35.00 Ihour /hour /hour /hour Cost plus Markup on parts - percentage 32 % - - -- UNIT '1 CONDENSOR . Rheem AIR HANDlER. RhHm lINT '2 CONDENSER. RhHm AIR HANDlER - RhHm UNIT '3 CONDENSER -T,_ N/R HANDlER . TraM UNIT' 1 CONDENSER -leMOX AIR HANDlER - Lennox. UNIT , 1 (OFFICE) CONDENSER - Ruud AIR HANDlER. Ruud . \NT'2 (GARAGE) CONDENSER - Ruud AIR HANDlER . Ruud 'lINTf3 (8REAKROOM) . WAllUNIT-GE ----------- - - -- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AIR CONDITIONER INVENTORY COST SHEET FIRE STATION 124 102 N. MOSS ROAD r MODEL" I SERIAl " I FILTER T QUARTERLY COST ANNUAL COST RPlA 04IAZ 5735-M2196-12923 22 RBHA 21J05NUGA1 TMI996-0:s.t93 1020X20X 1 ~O 28 -- RPlA 048JAZ 5735.M2196-15162 30 22 , RBHA 21J05NUGAl TMI696-03612 1 024X30X 1 28 TTR06OC100A0 1022.3644 2020X20X 1 30 22 TWV06OP15OC1 G05307.855 'R SUBTOTAL ' QO Pin . FIRE STATION 126 . 850 NORTHERN WAY , I MODEL' SERIAL , FILTER HP21651-4P . 5894G-4905 22 CB21V-<<i-2P 5894J-04760 1021X24Xl 30 28 SUBTOTAL 30 .50 PUBLIC WORKS 110 N. FI.AMINOO AVE I MODEL" SERIAL " Fit. TER . . 3VAf0-031 JAS . . 4729-M:s.t91-8527 1016X20XI 30 22 UBE.17J10NF0A1 TM2096-02Q94 28 . . 22 UAJ<A.024JAZ. . 5882.F399610726 iOI6X20Xl 30 - UE88-101OBDS "'11585-8251 28 ..-. .' , AZC212OBV1 S2836736 30 35 - . SUBTOTAL .' 90 135 -- I I v 1 --------------- UNIT '1 CONDENSER. Tr_ AIR HANDlER. T,- UNIT '2 CONDENSER. T,- AIR HANDLER. Tr_ UNIT 11 (RTU) Ruud UnIt 12 (RTU) RhHm UNT 13 (RTU) Ruud . UNT.l (CONTROl BLDG.) CONDENSER. CIIrrier AIR HANDLER - Carrier lHT .2 (MAINTENANCE SlOG) CONDENSER. Ruud ' AIR HANDLER - Ruud . - - -- SENIOR CENTER 400 N. EDGEMON AVE I MODEL' I SERIAL , I FILTER I QUARTERLY COST ANNUAL. COST TT A 120B300A8 E43192355 28 1WE l2OB100A8 E39178412 1.20,5X32Xl 42 38 I TT A072AJOOA..1 E24236595 38 28 TWV06oPl5000 El4525146 . 2.20X20Xl ~a . I SUBTOTAL. 80 132 . CMC CENTER 400 N. EDGEMON AVE I MODEL' I SERIAL , I FILTER I lINREADABLE . . UNREADABlE.' 1.12X24Xl 30 35 . RSKA-A036JK 5542F0559_986 1.12X24Xl '30 35 : UNREADABLE UNREADABLE 1012X24Xl 30 35 SUBTOTAL. 90 105 j 1 WATER PLANT, 1 861 NORTHERN WAY I MODEL' I SERIAL , I FILTER I 38YKB024300 0993E15607 .30 22 FB4ANFD024 . 429A-Ol400 10135X21.5X2 28 .' " UAJ<M)24JAZ 5JJaM0494-4440 30 22 UBEA-14J05NUCAl M2393-0400 10125X20.5Xl 28 60 / ,100 SUBTOTAL .... *Spl1t'System '. , i . ------------------- MODEL' SERIAL' UNIT " (CONCESSION) CONDENSER - T,.". TT J724A100B0 F34230434 AIR HANDlER. TraM TVN024B14OA1 F50393020 lINT '2 (OFFICE) . CONDENSER - Rheem (Weatherldng) RAWOO75CAS 5382G3S96001 AIR HNO.ER - Trane TWE09OA3OOBA . F..,l70242 UNIT.3 (MAINTENANCE) CONDENSER - TraM TTJ724Al00B0 F36247013. AIR HND.ER . Tn.ne 1WVC3OBl<<1AO F45lIa5275 UNlT., (OFFICE) CONDENSER. C.,,/er AIR HANDlER. C.rrIeI UNIT '2 (MCC CONTROl ROOM) CONDENSER. C.rler AIR HANDlER - Cm.. l.HT 13 (ELECTRIC ROOM) .CONDENSER. RhMm AIR HANOlER . Rheem UNTIl (OFFICE) CONDENSER. C8rrler AIR HANDlER - C8rrler UNlT.2 (MCC CONTROL ROOM) CONDeNSER. RuucJ AIR HANDlER. RuucJ EAST SEWER PLANT 1510 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD I MODEL' I SERIAL . I FILTER I QUARTERLY COST ANNUAL COST 38YRA030310 2196E02900 22 FK4CNFOO2 2096A13957 1 o 16X20X 1 30 28 38TRA024310 4995E4064 30 22 FK<4Ct'EOO2 2096A 13926 1018X81Xl 28 WAMJAOl8JAZ 5JSM049.42273 30 .22 WBHA14JOONFGAJ M279800522 28 SUBTOTAL... 90 150 WEST SEWER PlANT 1000 WEST SR 434 I MODEL' I SERIAL " I FILTER I 38TRA024321 . 1396E00496 22 FK4CNFOO2 209A13924 1014X20Xl 30 28 , UAHE-042JAS 4017M0592-6426 30 22. UEA8-161OBRS . TM0792...241 1 024X24X 1 .. 28 SUBTOTAL 60 100 CENTRAL~DSPARK 1000 EAST SR 434 FL TER QUARTERlY COST ANNUAL COST 22 1 Ol6X20X 1 30 30 lSX25X 1 Bi-*'g 8--49 38 28* 38* 1 o I 6X20X 1 30 . .98 SUBTOTAL f *Split System t:J1H'-f !- - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNT" (RTU) Lennox UNIT '2 (RTU) Lennox' UNIT 13 (RTU) Lennox UNIT '4 (RTU) Lennox UNIT 15 (RTU) . Lennox UNIT H (RTU) . Lennox UNIT '7 (RTU) Carrier UNIT" (RTU) , Rheem UNIT 19 (RTU) . Lennox UNlT"0(RTU) Ruud UNIT ," (ANTENNA BLDG) Senyo. DuctIns spIiI system CITY HALL 1126 EAST SR 434 MODEL' CHA11.053-3(] CHA 11.os3.3G CHA11-053-3G CHA 11.053-3G' CHA24.953-1G' CHA11~ ~,611M 'RSJ<A.A036JKOOO CHA11.9S3-3G USND036J SAP121C SERIAL , UNREADABLE UNREADABLE UNREADABLE UNREADABLE 5696F20619 UNREADABLE 3596G40809 5542F41955757 . UNREADABLE 4566F36903953 . 02083-51 2016X20Xl 2016X25XI B.owning B....3 2016X20X1 20 16X25X 1 810wning B-34 2016X20X1 2016X25X I Browning e.43 20 16X20X 1 20 16X25X I Browning B.43 40 16X20X2 81own1ng A-48 2016X2OX1 2016X25Xl 810wning a,....3 102OX20XI 1 o 16X20X 1 2018X20XI 2016X25Xl .81own1ngB.43 1020X02X ~ f~ WDshablo SUBTOTAL QUMTERL Y COST .52 52 52 '.52 38 . 52 30 .30 52. 30 30 470 *Split System ANNUAL COST 46 46 46 46 46 46 35 '; d i .;1 i! J 'j 1 35 46 35 22* 28* 477 ------------------- UNIT II (RTU) C."., UNIT '2 (RTU) Car,le, UNIT '3 (RTU) Carrier UNIT ,.. (RTU) MOO UNIT '5 (RTU) Car,1er UNIT '6 (RTU) Car,1er UNIT '7 (RTU) CUf,1er UNIT 18 (RTU) C.rrler UNIT 19 (RTU) Car,le, UNT 110 (RTlI) Car,1er .. OudIe...pIiI system PUBLIC SAfETY COMPLEX 300 N. MOSS ROAO MODEL' SERIAL. SOT J.OI2.SII 2890030603 "02PX20X2 B,owning ".49 SOTJ.012.511 2896GJ0594 "020X20X2 Browning ".49 SOT J.0Q8.SI1 4096GJOJ66 4016X20X2 Browning ".48 12863 96M1IER<46 6016X20X2 Browning 8.42 " SOTJ.oos.so1 110021029 2016X2SX2 SOTJ-012.511 299GGJ0533 ' "020X20X2 Blowlllng ".49 . , SOTJ.Q04.511 3496G21521 20 I 6X25X2 SOT J.012:511 3496G30544 ' 4020X20X2 Browning A.49 SOT J.0Q4.511 3496G2 1519 2016X25X2 , ~IOO 2396400958 F IICIofy W.shablo , SUBTOTAL TOTAl. QUARTERl Y COST ANNUAL COST 42 38 ..--..----.--. .42 38 ---.- ..-. 42 38 50 38 30 35 42 38, 30 35 '42 38 .--. - ... -.---- 30, 35 ...-. .. ."'.--. . 22* 30 * / ~80 383 1948 " 'I 1 System ", ." 'i "I i ~