HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1999 02 22 City Commission Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 22,1999 I. ROLL CALL The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka. Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present Commissioner David McLeod, present City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, absent Attorney Robert Guthrie, present City Clerk, Margo M. Pierce, CMC, present A moment of silent prayer was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA CHANGE: THE COMMISSION ASKED THAT REGULAR AGENDA ITEM G AND REGULAR AGENDA ITEM J BE MOVED UP. Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell had a question on Consent Agenda Item D. Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. had a question on Consent Agenda Item C. Mayor Partyka read a personal statement to those in attendance. Mayor Partyka spoke about recognizing the Winter Springs High School Girls Champions. He stated that there would be an extravaganza next Monday (time to be determined), and that he would present a large plaque to the Winter Springs High School Girls Champions. Mayor Partyka added that the USA Today (newsletter) will run a full page feature next Monday, in addition to assisting with a promotion, (through a local retailer) which will involve giving out complimentary bumper stickers to all Winter Springs' residents. He added that the Commission will be included in this event, and that everyone is invited to attend. The Winter Springs Little League had their Opening Day, this past Saturday. The Mayor applauded the City and the Parks and Recreation Department staff for doing an excellent job organizing this event. Mayor Partyka added that there were from one to two thousand people in attendance. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22,1999 Page 2 OF 13 Mayor Partyka recognized departing City Clerk, Ms. Margo M. Pierce, and presented her with a plaque. Ms. Pierce spoke briefly to the Commission and the audience, and thanked everyone. The Mayor then appointed Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk, to the position oflnterim City Clerk. Ms. Pierce departed. COMMISSIONER McLEOD THEN STATED, "I'D LIKE TO RATIFY THAT BY MAKING A MOTION FOR THE COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE INTERIM CITY CLERK, AS APPOINTED BY THE MAYOR". SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. The Mayor stated that he felt that this was out of order, but he would allow it. Discussion. DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL ASKED COMMISSIONER McLEOD, "DOES THAT MOTION INCLUDE RECEIVING THE CITY CLERK'S PAY DURING THAT PERIOD"? COMMISSIONER McLEOD REPLIED, "YES, THE PERSON THAT'S DOING THE JOB SHOULD RECEIVE THE PAY". FURTHER DISCUSSION ABOUT THE RANGE OF SALARY. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Partyka then stated, "I want to go on record that I believe the Motion to be out of order, and I will so note it here on the records, and it will be determined at a later meeting whether it is out of order or not". Discussion. II. PUBLIC INPUT Janet LaPlaca, 622 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on Regular Agenda Item J, and asked the Commission to continue working on this problem. Pat Cucci and Don Kuhl, 755 Sybilwood Circle, Winter Springs, Florida and Debbie Gordon: representing the Indian Trails PT A, requested a Declaration or Proclamation from the City pertaining to Winter Springs Sports Day '99, scheduled for March 27, 1999. THE REQUEST FOR A CITY PROCLAMATION TO BE ISSUED FOR WINTER WAS "SO MOVED". MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 3 OF 13 Barbara Waldren, 1180 A lien dale Drive, Oviedo, Florida and Chris Braun, 608 Casa Park Court "I", Winter Springs, Florida: read a statement concerning the Town Center. The following Agenda Items are documented in the order that they were discussed during this meeting. III. CONSENT AGENDA Community Development Department/Land Development Division C. Requesting the Commission approve the acceptance of the water and sewer system, the reclaimed water system, the stormwater management system and the roads for public ownership and maintenance, Winding Hollow Unit 5. There was initial discussion about Consent Agenda Item C that pertained to Units 2 and 3 in Winding Hollow, with City Engineer, Mark Jenkins. AGENDA CHANGE: THERE WAS DISCUSSION BETWEEN THE MAYOR AND THE COMMISSION ABOUT TAKING THIS ITEM OFF THE AGENDA, WITHOUT A MOTION. THE COMMISSION WAS POLLED BY THE MAYOR REGARDING TAKING THIS ITEM OFF THE AGENDA. IT WAS TAKEN OFF THE CONSENT AGENDA. Mr. Jenkins said that he had planned to call the Engineer with Universal Engineering, tomorrow regarding Unit 2 of the Winding Hollow subdivision. There was further discussion on this Item regarding problems within the Winding Hollow subdivision, including the design and specifications of the roads in this subdivision; the related bonds; and the potential liability for the City. There was also discussion about the Commissions' concerns with the Engineer for the developer, Mr. John Florio. Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager said that staff would get with the developer to resolve the problems and then bring this back to the Commission. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION TO TABLE THAT ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Department D. Requesting Authorization for the Contract Renewal with the Florida Department of Transportation for Maintenance of S.R. 434. Deputy Mayor Gennell asked about "The median on 434 that is east of Hayes", and then asked if "Are we going to do something with that Median". Mr. Kipton Lockcuff, P.E., CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 4 OF 13 Director of the Public Works/Utility Department replied, "It wasn't part of the Beautification Grant." He added, "I was thinking that it was part of the overall western improvements that you're doing from 17/92 to 419". Manager McLemore agreed and then elaborated. City Manager A Requesting the Commission to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with AP.C. Fireworks for the July 4th, 1999/Winter Springs 40th Anniversary Celebration. Fire Department B. Requesting authorization for emergency roof repairs to Fire Station #24. Parks and Recreation Department E. Requesting the Commission to approve an additional appropriation in the amount of $7,000 to install three-phase wiring (ADD-A-Phase) to operate pumps in the main retention pond at Central Winds Park. City Manager - ADD-ON F. Requests that the Commission approve additional funding to upgrade Commission Chambers Audio Visual System camera. Mayor Partyka asked ifthere was a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda? "SO MOVED". MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McLEOD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. IV. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA None. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 5 OF 13 ~. REGULAR AGENDA City Manager A. Requests the City Commission review the complaint of Linda Ingoglia concerning charges for water services. (THIS ITEM IS CONTINUED UNTIL THE MARCH 8, 1999 MEETING). "MOTION TO TABLE ITEM A" (TO MARCH 8, 1999). MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Community Development Department B. Requests the Commission table a first reading of Ordinance 707 adopting the proposed Town Center boundary and Town Center District Code scheduled for February 22, 1999 to March 8, 1999. "MOVE TO CONTINUE IT - TABLE IT" (TO MARCH 8, 1999)". MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McLEOD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELlL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: NAY. MOTION CARRIED. Community Development Department C. Requests the Commission consider tabling and Interlocal Agreement between the City and the County which addresses the design, maintenance and construction responsibilities for the relocated Cross Seminole Trail segments located within the new Town Center scheduled for Public Hearing February 22, 1999 and reschedule to March 8, 1999. "SO MOVED". MOTION TO APPROVE THE TABLING OF REGULAR AGENDA ITEM C, TO MARCH 8, 1999 BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: NAY; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. City Manager H. Requesting the Commission to approve the use of Central Winds Park for the Annual Rotary Club fund raising event on Saturday May 1, 1999, and City participation in the event. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22,1999 Page 6 OF 13 Manager McLemore briefly presented information pertaining to this Agenda Item and explained some of this year's changes. "I'LL MOVE TO APPROVE ITEM H". MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. There were questions about camping at the park; preventing the displacement of normal park activities; what kind of signage may be used; that our criteria for signage on 434 is followed; and liability and insurance concerns. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Community Development Department/Code Enforcement Division J. Requests the City Commission set a date for a workshop to discuss regulations regarding the parking of commercial vehicles in residential districts. In addition, staff requests direction as to the enforcement policy of current regulations regarding parking commercial vehicles in residential areas and instruct staff as to the policy in handling violations of this regulation. The Commission agreed to meet for a workshop regarding this issue on Monday, March 15, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. Tape I/Side B Mr. Charles C. Carrington, AICP, Community Development Director and Ms. Jimette S. Cook, Code Enforcement Officer addressed the Commission regarding this Agenda Item and issue. There was much discussion regarding what is affected by the moratorium; what options should be enforced; and whether to specify "a date certain". Further discussion. DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL STATED "I WILL MAKE A MOTION (ON YOUR SECOND SUGGESTION) THAT JIMETTE RESPONDS TO COMPLAINTS, AND ISSUES WARNINGS AND CREATES THE RECORD AND THEN HOLD IN OBEYANCE UNTIL WE'VE REACHED A BOARD DECISION ON THE FINAL OUTCOME OF THE CODE AND THEN GO BACK TO THE ONES THAT ARE NECESSARY, AND ISSUE VIOLATIONS". MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. Mayor Partyka asked Ms. Cook to clarify this process. Ms. Cook responded, "On complaints only, complaint driven only - I would go out, look at the address, if there is a commercial vehicle that fits the definition of the commercial vehicle as the Code now CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22,1999 Page 7 OF I3 stands, in a residential area; I would issue a warning notice and not giving them a reasonable time to correct the situation, but letting them know that there is a violation as the Code now stands, and letting them know also that in the very near future the code may change, they still may be in non-compliance". Ms. Cook continued, "If they are in non-compliance after we've made a decision, then we will issue a notice of code violation. After the Code has changed, we will re-check, because we have a record. We will re-check those addresses. If the address is still in non-compliance, with the new codes, we will initiate code enforcement proceedings at that time". Mayor Partyka asked about hose violations that might be in compliance? Ms. Cook replied, "We will mark it cleared." DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL ADDED, "THAT'S MY MOTION". There was further discussion on the issue of "present complaints". Discussion. DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL SAID, "IN AN EFFORT TO MOVE THIS FORWARD, I MOVE TO CALL THE QUESTION". VOTE: COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Partyka stated, "Call the vote". VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: NAY;; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. The Commission asked that Mayor Partyka clarify for the audience how Code Enforcement procedures should be imposed. He stated, "At this point in time, you will be responding to complaints - complaints only. You will take no actions, other than a warning notice, and that is it. And that will be subject to when we have our final workshop, upon the determination of what the actual ordinance is going to be. Then, at that point in time, you will then go back to those warnings, and determine if they are in compliance or not. And at that point in time, the official citation will be done". Brief discussion. Mayor Partyka called a recess at 8: 15 a. m. The meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m. In other business, Mayor Partyka showed a plaque that was presented in honor of Mr. Brook Seall (previous Parks and Recreation Director), this past Saturday at the Winter Springs Little League's Opening Day, in conjunction with Little League. Mayor Partyka added that it will be hung in an appropriate place in City Hall. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 8 OF 13 Parks and Recreation Department D. Requests the Commission review the following information relative to the 1999 Summer Day Camp Program and provide staff with any direction it deems appropriate. Chief Tim Lallathin, Interim Parks and Recreation Director introduced this Agenda Item, along with his associates, Mr. R.T. Hillery and Ms. Leslie Walsh. The Commission discussed several concerns regarding the fee structure; field trips; and four-day programs vs. five-day programs. Commissioner Blake complemented the Manager on the nice look of the baseball fields, including the green grass. "I'LL MOVE TO APPROVE THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR THE SUMMER DAY CAMP INVOLVING THE T\VO-TIERED PROGRAM". MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Community Development Department/Land Development Division E. Presents to the Commission the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board on the site plan (final engineering) for Discount Auto Parts for Commission action on this proj ect. Mr. Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator introduced this item to the Commission, and mentioned two caveats: no yellow band around the building, and enhanced landscaping. Discussion. The Commission discussed various issues with Mr. Aaron Shutz, Representative for Discount Auto Parts; and Mr. Ken Ehlers Engineer of Record for Discount Auto Parts including: the yellow band; upgraded landscaping; requiring the colors and look of the building to blend in with other neighboring buildings (no grey exterior building color); retention areas; signage; and standard criteria for berms. Tape 2/Side A Further discussion on landscaping issues; and comments from the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION THAT THE BOARD APPROVES THIS PLAN FOR THE DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS STORE, SUBJECT TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 434 REDEVELOPMENT CODE BEING MET, TO INCLUDE BUILDINGS OF A COLOR THAT ARE SIMILAR IN ARCHITECTURE OR - TO ASSURE THAT THE AESTHETIC AND ARCHITECTUAL DETAILS OF THE PLANNED PROJECT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THE SURROUNDING AREA, THIS SERVES TO ENHANCE THE CHARACTER OF THAT AREA, TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 9 OF \3 WIT THIS BUILDING WOULD BE OF EARTH TONE IN COLORS, AND THAT THIS BUILDING WOULD NOT HAVE YELLOW ON THE STRUCTURE, BUT WOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE YELLOW LETTERING FOR THE SIGNAGE, EITHER ON THEIR MONUMENT SIGN, AND/OR ON THEIR BUILDING SIGNAGE. THAT'S MY MOTION". MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Department F. Requesting Direction from the City Commission to Resolve Access Issues with Ray Bradshaw. (THIS ITEM IS CONTINUED UNTIL THE MARCH 8, 1999 MEETING). "MOTION TO TABLE ITEM F" UNTIL MARCH 8, 1999". MOTION BY COMMISSION BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment District Advisory Committee G. Requesting the City Commission to receive and approve recommendations for lighting and beautification capital and operating programs for the district for fiscal year 2000 to take to public hearing. Manager McLemore introduced Chairman Donald Gilmore of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment District Advisory Committee who introduced the members of this Board: Vice-President Gary Hillery, George Morris, Moti Khemlani, and Linda Tillis. Chairman Gilmore also introduced Landscape Management Consultant Kangee Graham. Chairman Gilmore explained the focus of this Board, along with what changes they would like to make. Such changes included improving the landscaped medians; modernizing the street lighting, and refining and updating the entrances. A slide presentation was shown to the Commission, along with the Board's scope of work was explained, which included the entrance designs; street lighting; and the landscaping of medians. Chairman Gilmore further spoke about updating the signage. Mr. Bill Starmer, (President of Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc. (sri) reviewed various aspects including the planned entrances; improving the landscaping; adding pavers to the entranceways; and street lighting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 10 OF 13 There was further discussion on whether beautification designs should be extended to include Oak Forest; and whether there should be a "cooperative" agreement between both communities. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod commended the Advisory Board for their many efforts regarding this project. Next, discussion ensued on public input and how this project is progressing. Board Member Linda Tillis spoke on the merits of the Operations and Maintenance Plan. This presentation included an explanation of which type of pole was proposed; landscaping changes; and the maintenance and support for the nine entrances, 23 medians, and a Property Manager to maintain this project. There was further discussion on the proposed Property Manager's job description. Tape 2/Side B Mr. Jim Lentz of the First Southwest Company spoke briefly on some of the financial aspects involved with this project including refinancing; interest rates, and scheduling Issues. There was further discussion with Manager McLemore regarding the costs; cash- flow; and capital improvements for this project. Manager McLemore and Chairman Gilmore both addressed certain aspects of the formal report. They discussed several options, the job description of the proposed Property Manager. Commissioner Blake commented on Page 13 of the related report, as it pertained to the non-residential parcels, located in the district. There was further discussion on related costs, and the proposed project schedule, including some of the key dates. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION WE ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE TUSCAWILLA BEAUTIFICATION AND LIGHTING DISTRICT BOARD, AND INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO MOVE FORWARD". MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk 1. Requesting the City Commission make an appointment to the Code Enforcement Board. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22,1999 Page II OF 13 "I'D LIKE TO APPOINT OR NOMINATE MR. KEN FURTH FOR THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD POSITION". NOMINATION BY COMMISISONER BLAKE. "I'M GOING TO SUBMIT THE NAME OF AL WHITE". NOMINATION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. Mayor Partyka also mentioned another nomination that was given to him - Janet LaPlaca of 622 Murphy Road. As there were three nominations, each Commission Member was asked to select their first choice of the three nominations: COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: VERBAL VOTE FOR KEN FURTH. DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: VERBAL VOTE FOR AL WHITE. COMMISSIONER McLEOD: VERBAL VOTE FOR AL WHITE. COMMISSIONER BLAKE: VERBAL VOTE FOR KJEN FURTH. Mayor Partyka asked the Commission if anyone wanted to change their vote. There were no changes. TO BREAK THE TIE, MAYOR PARTYKA VOTED FOR KEN FURTH. Mr. Ken Furth was appointed to the Code Enforcement Board. VII. REPORTS A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher No Report. B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore No Report. C. Commission Seat III - Ed Martinez, Jr. No Report. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITV COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22, 1999 Page 12 OF 13 D. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell Deputy Mayor Gennell spoke about taking Agenda Items off of the Consent Agenda, and the normal procedure of approving the Consent Agenda was agreed to by consensus of the Commission. Deputy Mayor Gennell stated that she would be finished with the Code Enforcement review by Friday. E. Commission Seat V - David McLeod Commissioner McLeod said that he would also be finished with the Code Enforcement reVIew soon. Commissioner McLeod voiced his concern about his right to ask questions, especially in regards to his previous questioning of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment District Advisory Committee, and said that he would continue to do so. F. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller Absent. G. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake Commissioner Blake asked if certain properties (such as Discount Auto Parts) were posted, and what was the normal procedure. Discussion. Commissioner Blake inquired as to when the Davis Building (at the comer of Seneca Boulevard and Winter Springs Boulevard) could come into the City. Discussion. Attorney Robert Guthrie said that he would check into this being done within thirty (30) days. Note: Commissioner Martinez added that he was very pleased with the monthly reports that he has received, and that they are very beneficial! H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka Mayor Partyka mentioned that the Winter Springs Cheerleaders had recently come in second place at the Nationals Championship. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 22,1999 Page 13 OF 13 Mayor Partyka added that he and Manager McLemore had received a proposal from an advertising company pertaining to annexation proposals, and he hoped that a decision regarding implementing this would be made within the next thirty (30) to sixty (60) days. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Partyka adjourned the meeting at 11 :00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Margo M Pierce, CMC City Clerk Jan Palladino Secretary to the City Manager Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Interim City Clerk . -. ~ ~. '.~ APPROVED: '" \., . . n" ::~, '.,.~ . ../_ 'r6 .~ .~ ~~: P0~,uL P. Rcfyt,tf:R0 -:, . ~~'''. -..~-;> f " PAUtP.'PARTYKA,MAYOR ~""j/ ~-:(,#..:-