HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdvanced Data Processing Rescue Ambulance Billing -2006 10 24 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AND ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, INC. FOR RESCUE AMBULANCE BILLING & RELATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. THIS AGREEMENT, hereinafter "AGREEMENT', made and entered into this 24th day of October, 2006 by and between CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal corporation, with principal offices located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", and Advanced Data Processing, Inc., a Delaware Corporation with principal offices located at 500 NW 165th Street, Suite 104, Miami, Florida 33169, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seminole County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida wherein CITY resides, entered into an agreement ("Seminole Agreement") with CONTRACTOR dated August 28, 2006 and as amended; and WHEREAS, Seminole County utilized the due diligence established by the County seeking responses from qualified firms to provide medical billings, collections, and accounts receivable professional services for Seminole County's EMS Fire Rescue Division; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to "Piggyback" the Seminole County process and obtain certain terms and conditions of the Seminole Agreement, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto now wish to enter into an agreement, pursuant to which the CONTRACTOR will render those professional services in connection with said project as defined in CONTRACTOR'S Agreement and hereinafter provided; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. DEFINITION OF THE PROJECT. The objective of the project is to utilize the services of the CONTRACTOR to provide the CITY with ambulance billing and related services. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The CONTRACTOR shall perform and carry out the work as defined in the Seminole Agreement heretofore referenced and attached hereto. All payments shall be paid directly to CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS or via Locked-Box facility as directed by the CITY. 3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. This Agreement shall be effective for a five-year period from September 1. 2006 through August 31, 2011, under the terms and conditions contained herein unless otherwise terminated. This AGREEMENT shall renew automatically for a period of one additional year at the end of the initial term and any subsequent renewal term unless the AGREEMENT is terminated in accordance with section "12. TERMINATION". All terms and conditions hereof shall remain in full force and effect during any renewal term. ~ Page 1 of 11 4. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. 4.01 The CITY reserves the right to request changes in the services within the general scope of the Agreement to be performed upon mutual agreement by the CITY and CONTRACTOR that shall specify the change ordered and the adjustment of time and compensation required therefore. 4.02 Any services added to the scope of this Agreement by a change order shall be executed in compliance with all other applicable conditions of this Agreement. No claim for additional compensation or extension of time shall be recognized unless contained in the duly executed change order. 4.03 The CONTRACTOR shall be paid by the CITY a monthly amount representing fees for the services provided computed as: 4.03(a) Seven and twenty-five one-hundredths percent (7.25%) of all monies collected by CONTRACTOR, excluding amounts collected from Florida Medicaid, plus 4.03(b) Eleven dollars and Seventy-eight cents ($11.78) per Florida Medicaid account, whether or not such account is ultimately paid by Florida Medicaid. 4.03(c) an amount of $85 per month for providing billed patient required HIPAA- compliant Privacy Notice per Scope of Work (Exhibit A). Contractor reserves the right to increase these fees if postage is increased by the United States Postal Service, but only to cover additional postage costs. 4.04 The CITY shall issue a check for the amount invoiced, within thirty (30) days of receipt and acceptance of an accurate invoice. CITY's obligations hereunder are absolute and unconditional and not subject to set-off, delay, counterclaim, termination or performance. Contractor will resolve any disputed amounts within 60 days from the date CITY gives notification. 4.05 The CITY elects to open and maintain a lockbox, it shall bear all the cost associated with such Lock-box services. CITY, should they elect to participate in any credit card acceptance program, agrees to assume and be responsible for all costs associated with such program. All other costs incurred by CONTRACTOR in the performance of services as specified herein (including, but not limited to postage, materials, communications and phone costs and other operating costs) shall be assumed by the CONTRACTOR. 5. REPORTS. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with status reports as set forth in the Seminole Agreement and other reports as mutually agreed. The CONTRACTOR shall also provide changes to such reports and ad hoc report requests on a reasonable basis and as mutually agreed. CONTRACTOR reserves the right to charge an additional fee for any programming cost associated with ad hoc reports that would require more than a reasonable amount of time to accomplish. Page 2 of 11 6. DATA TO BE FURNISHED BY CITY. The CITY will make available to the. CONTRACTOR, for use in performance of services under this Agreement, all available reports, studies or any other materials in its possession that may be useful to the CONTRACTOR. All material furnished by the CITY will not be disclosed to any party, other than as required under the scope of the Agreement, without the CITY's prior written approval. 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the CITY with the following exception: To the extent necessary to fulfill its billing and collection efforts under the Agreement, the CONTRACTOR is authorized to sign in an administrative capacity for the CITY the following types of standard forms and correspondences only: probate filings; letters to patients or their representatives verifying that an account is paid in full; forms verifying the tax-exempt status of the CITY; and insurance filings and retated forms. The CONTRACTOR has no authority to sign any document that imposes any additional liability on the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall retain full control over the employment, direction, compensation and discharge of all persons assisting in the performance of service by CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for all matters relating to payment of employees, including compliance with Social Security, withholding tax and all other laws and regulations governing such matters. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for its own acts and those of its agents and employees during the term of this Agreement. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold the CITY harmless from any and all claims, losses and causes of action which may arise out of the performance of this Agreement as a result of an act of negligence, of the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents, representatives, consultants, or its SUBCONTRACTORS. 9. INSURANCE. 9.01 CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, the following insurance coverage: 9.01 (a) Workers' Compensation Insurance in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws 9.01 (b) General Liability insurance in an amount no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. 9.01(c) Coverage for business interruption, destruction of data processing equipment and media, liabilities affecting accounts receivable, contracts and independent contractors and, valuable documents in an amount no less than $100,000 aggregate; 9.01 (d) Liability coverage for all vehicles whether owned, hired or used in the amount of $500,000; and 9.02 The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: Page 3 of 11 9.02(a) General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage (CITY is to be named as Additional Insured). 1. The CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds; liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor, including the insured general supervision of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protections afforded the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, it officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance of self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Contractor hereby waives subrogation rights for loss or damage against the CITY. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. Companies issuing the insurance policy, or policies, shall have no recourse against the CITY for payment of premiums or assessments for any deductibles with are all at the sole responsibility and risk of Contractor. 9.02(b) All Coverage 1. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. Contractor shall furnish the CITY with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the CITY before work commences. The CITY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. Page 4 of 11 10. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. CONTRACTOR shall be required to work in harmony with other consultants relative to providing information requested in a timely manner and in the specified form. The CONTRACTOR agrees that any and all documents, records, disks, and electronic data produced in the performance of this Agreement shall be the sole property of the CITY, including all rights therein of whatever kind except as may otherwise be provided hereinafter. 11. ATTACHMENTS. The following named attachments are made an integral part of this Agreement: A. Seminole Agreement, dated August 28, 2006 (Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof) B. Business Associate Agreement (Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof) 12. TERMINATION. During the time of this agreement the CITY may terminate this Agreement either for convenience or for default after first giving to CONTRACTOR thirty (30) days written notice. For cases of default, the CONTRACTOR shall be given opportunity to cure the default within the thirty (30) day period following such written notice. In the event the acts constituting default are a violation of law, CONTRACTOR shall be subject to immediate termination of Agreement. Upon termination for any cause, the CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice(s) to the CITY in an amount(s) representing fees for services actually performed or obligations incurred to the date of effective termination for which the CONTRACTOR has not been previously compensated. Upon payment of all sums found due, the CITY shall be under no further obligation to the CONTRACTOR, financial or otherwise. For purposes of this section, the notice period begins when the CONTRACTOR receives written notice from the CITY. 13. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES. Neither the CITY nor CONTRACTOR shall be considered to be in default of this Agreement if delays in or failure of performance shall be due to Uncontrollable Forces, the effect of which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the non-performing party could not avoid. The term "Uncontrollable Forces" shall mean any event which results in the prevention or delay of performance by a party of its obligations under this Agreement and which is beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing party. It includes, but is not limited to fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage, terrorism and governmental actions. Neither party shall, however, be excused from performance if non-performance is due to forces that are preventable, removable, or remediable nor which the non-performing party could have, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, prevented, removed, or remedied with reasonable dispatch. The non-performing party shall, within a reasonable time of being prevented or delayed from performance by an uncontrollable force, give written notice to the other party describing the circumstances and uncontrollable forces preventing continued performance of the obligations of this Agreement. Page 5 of 11 14. JURISDICTION, VENUE and CHOICE OF LAW. All questions pertaining to the validity and interpretations of this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any legal action by either party against the other concerning this agreement shall be filed in Seminole County, Florida, which shall be deemed proper jurisdiction and venue for the action. 15. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT. Except to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate, the CONTRACTOR shall not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any part thereof or work provided therein, or of its right, title or interest therein, unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, without express prior consent by the CITY. 16. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City's potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to anyone person for more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. 17. NOTICES. All notices pertaining to this Agreement shall be delivered or mailed to such party at their respective address as follows: To the CITY: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 407-327 -1800 (phone) 407-327-4753 (fax) To the CONTRACTOR: Brad Williams Vice President, Finance Advanced Data Processing, Inc. 500 NW 165 Street Road, Suite 104 Miami, Florida 33169 18. PIGGYBACK. CONTRACTOR hereby extends to CITY the terms and conditions of the Seminole Agreement with the exception of Compensation and Payments which shall be governed by this Agreement (due to difference in transport volumes of the City and Page 6 of 11 Seminole County). Where any conflict exists between this Agreement and the Seminole Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. 19. REPESENTATION AND WARRANTY. CONTRACTOR represents that they have experience and agrees to follow all Federal, State and Local Laws including, but not limited to, Public Records Laws and those laws and statutes applicable to discrimination. 20. SERVERABILlTY. Should any part, term or provision of this Agreement be by the courts decided to be illegal or in conflict with any law of the State of Florida, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected thereby. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. The CONTRACTOR represents that in entering into this Agreement it has not relied on any previous oral and/or implied representations, inducements or understandings of any kind or nature. [signature pages to follow] Page 7 of 11 IN WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING, the CITY has caused this Agreement to be signed by its City Manager, attested by the City Clerk with the corporate seal of the City of Winter Springs, and the CONTRACTOR has executed this Agreement effective as of the date set forth above. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: ,7i~0/'c~U?t!~ CITY MANAGER > ATTEST: ----7 ~----- (SEAL) CONTRACTOR: Advanced Data Processing, Inc. A De are or, tion (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BEFORE ME, an officer duly authorized by law to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared Doug Shamon, as President of Advanced Data Processing, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and acknowledged execution of the foregoing Agreement for the use and purposes mentioned in it and that the instrument is the act and deed of the Contractor. IN WITNESS OF THE FORE~OING, I have set my hand and official seal at in the State and County aforesaid on Oi , 2006. Nota Public, State of Florida at Large My.. 0 mission expires: 0 tr em bM" (I if) D f) tf ~ ill 011 a \ ~ ~rvwvn Page 8 of 11 Exhibit A: Seminole County Agreement lU 6 SEMINOLE CbuN7Y FLORIDA'S NA'IURAL CHOiCE" LmER OF TRANSMIITAL Purchasing & Contracts Diyision 1101 East First Street. Room 3208 Sanford, Florida 32771 Ph. 407/665-7115 Fx. 407/665-7956 TO: Advanced Data Processing, Inc DATE: August 28, 2006 500 N.W. 165th Street, Suite 102 Miami, FL 33169 RE: RFP-0780-0SrrRJ Agreement -- DOCUMENT(S) ATTACHED: o Work Order 0 Amendment 0 Other o Agreement 0 RFP/PS Documents 0 THE ATTACHED DOCURMENT(S) ARE: 0 For your signature liS> For your records 0 For your review & comment 0 For your information 0 For your use 0 Returned for 0 As requested additional signatures COMMENTS: cc: Finance/File SIGNED: TIm1JflC Contracts Analyst ~ ~ NlGP 10-.." '!'HIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of Q........\..~\A.._'--')J:.2-, 20 C,J(v, by and between ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, \..) INC., duly authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida, whose BILLING SERVICES AGREEMENT (RFP-0780-06/TRJ) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRANSPORT c:J ~ v\C I address is 500 N.W. 16Sth Street, Suite 102, Miami, Florida 33169, . hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR", and SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter called the "COUNTY". WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to retain the services of a competent and qualified contractor to provide billing services for emergency medical services transport in Seminole County; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has requested and received expressions of interest for the retention of services of contractors; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR is competent and qualified to furnish services to the COUNTY and desires to provide its professional services according to the terms and conditions stated herein, NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and covenants set forth herein, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR agree as follows: SEC'l'ION 1 . SERVICES. COUNTY does hereby retain CONTRACTOR to furnish professional services and perform those tasks as further described in the Scope of Services attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "AU. SECTION 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR SERVICES. Authorization for performance of professional services by the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall be in the form of written Notice to 1 Proc~ed i'Cltffi~EDncbpy MARYANNE MORSE CLERK Of CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY, flORIDA ~(\ ~~' BY ~.Y It , n&'DIITV ClFRK executed by the COUNTY. , l SECTION 3. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT. ( a) The COUNTY agrees to compensate CONTRACTOR for the professional services called for under this Agreement as follows: Compensation shall be an incentive fee (percentage of collected amount of 6.25%. Monthly contingency of all monies collected in the previous month (excluding Medicaid accounts) plus a $7.50 flat fee per account - for collecting of all Medicaid accounts, taking into consideration that Florida Statutes prohibit charging on the basis of receivables for billing of Medicaid accounts. (b) Payments shall be made to the CONTRACTOR when requested as work progresses for services furnished, but not more than once monthly. CONTRACTOR may invoice amount due based on the total required services actually performed and completed. Upon review and approval of CONTRACTOR I S invoice, the COUNTY shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice, pay CONTRACTOR the approved amount. SECTION 4. BILLING AND PA'YMENT. (a) CONTRACTOR shall render to the COUNTY, at the close of each calendar month, an itemized invoice, properly dated including, but not limited to, the following information: (1) The name and address of the CONTRACTOR; (2) Contract Number; (3) A complete and accurate record of services performed by the CONTRACTOR for all services performed by the CONTRACTOR during that month and for which the COUNTY is billed and the name of the individual performing each service; (4) A description of the services rendered in (3) above with sufficient detail to identify the exact nature of the work performed; and ') 'l (5) Such other information as may be required by this Agreement or requested by the COUNTY from time to time. The original invoice shall be sent to: Director of County Finance Seminole County Board of County Commissioners Post Office Box 8080 Sanford, Florida 32772 A duplicate copy of the invoice shall be sent to: Public Safety Department / EMS Fire Rescue 150 Bush Loop, Suite 2-138 Sanford, FL 32773 (b) Payment shall be made after review and approval by COUNTY within thirty (30) days of receipt of a proper invoice from the CONTRACTOR. SECTION 5. AUDIT OF RECORDS. (a) COUNTY may perform or have performed an audit of the records of CONTRACTOR after final payment to support final payment hereunder. This audit would be performed at a time mutually agreeable to CONTRACTOR and COUNTY subsequent to the close of the final fiscal period in which the last work is performed. Total compensation to CONTRACTOR may be determined subsequent to an audit as provided for in subsection (b) and of this subsection, and the total compensation so determined shall be used to calculate final payment to CONTRACTOR. Conduct of this audit shall not delay final payment as required by Section 4(b). (b) The CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidences pertaining to work performed under this Agreement in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of this Agreement and to make such materials available at CONTRACTOR'S office at all reasonable times during the Agreement period and for five (5) years from the date of final payment under the contract for audit or inspection as provided for in subsection (a) of this Section. \ (c) In the event any audit or inspection conducted 'after final payment, but within the period provided in subsection (b) of this Section reveals any overpayment by COUNTY under the terms of the Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall refund such overpayment to COUNTY wi thin thirty (30) days of notice by the COUNTY. SECTION 6. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR. (a) CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy and the coordination of all reports and other services furnished by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in his services. (b) Neither the COUNTY'S review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services required shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement and the CONTRACTOR shall be and remain liable to the COUNTY in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the COUNTY caused by the CONTRACTOR'S performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. SECTION 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All deliverable reference,. data, survey data, plans and reports that result from the CONTRACTOR'S services under this Agreement shall become the property of the COUNTY after final payment for the specific service provided is made to CONTRACTOR. No changes or revisions to the documents furnished by CONTRACTOR shall be made by COUNTY or its agents without the written approval of. CONTRACTOR. SECTION 8. TERM. This Agreement shall take effect on November 20, 2006 and shall remain in effect for a period of three (3) years and, at the option of the parties, may be renewed for two (2) additional one (1) year periods. " SECTION 9. (a) The TERMINATION. COUNTY may, by written notice to the CONTRACTOR, terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time, either for the COUNTY'S convenience or because of the failure of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill CONTRACTOR'S Agreement obligations. Upon receipt of such notice, the CONTRACTOR shall: (1) immediately discontinue all services affected unless the notice directs otherwise, and (2) deliver to the COUNTY all plans, studies, reports, estimates, sunnnaries, and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by the CONTRACTOR in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. (b) If the termination is for the convenience of the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid compensation for services performed to the date of termination. CONTRACTOR shall be paid no more than a percentage of the Fixed Fee amount equivalent to the percentage of the completion of work contemplated by the Agreement. (c) If the termination is due to the failure of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill his Agreement obligations, the COUNTY may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by Agreement or otherwise. In such case, the CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the COUNTY for reasonable additional costs occasioned to the COUNTY thereby. The CONTRACTOR shall not be liable for such additional costs if the failure to perform the Agreement arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR. Such causes may include, but are not limited to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the COUNTY in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather; but, in every case, the failure to perform must be , I beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR. (d) If, after notice of termination for failure to fulfill Agreement obligations, it is determined that the CONTRACTOR had not so failed, the termination shall be deemed to have been effected for the convenience of the COUNTY. In such event, adjustment in the Agreement price shall be made as provided in subsection (b) of this Section. (e) The rights and remedies of the COUNTY provided in this clause are in addi tion to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement. SECTION 10. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT. CONTRACTOR agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment for work under this Agreement because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability and will take steps to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. SECTION 11. NO CONTINGENT FEES. CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee workir;tg solely for the CONTRACTOR, to solicitor secure this Agreement and that CONTRACTOR has not paid or agreed to pay any persons, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for CONTRACTOR, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For the breach or violation of this provision, COUNTY shall have the right to terminate the Agreement at. its discretion, without liability and to deduct from the Agreement price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration. SECTION 12. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement, or any interest herein, shall not be assigned, transferred, or otherwise encumbered, under any circumstances, by the parties hereto without prior written consent of the opposite party and only by a document of equal dignity herewith. SECTION 13. SUBCONTRACTORS. In the event CONTRACTOR, during the course of the work under this Agreement, requires the services of any subcontractors or other professional associates in connection with service covered by this Agreement, CONTRACTOR must secure the prior written approval of the COUNTY. If subcontractors or other professional associates are required in connection with the services covered by this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall remain fully responsible for the services of subcontractors or other professional associates. SECTION 14. INDEMNIFICATION OF COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR agrees to hold harmless, replace, and indemnify the COUNTY, its commissioners, officers, employees, and agents against any and all claim, losses, damages or lawsuits for damages, arising from the negligent, reckless, or intentionally wrongful provision of services hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, whether caused by the CONTRACTOR or otherwise. SECTION 15. INSURANCE. (a) General. The CONTRACTOR shall at the CONTRACTOR'S own cost, procure the insurance required under this Section. ( 1 ) The CONTRACTOR shall furni sh the COUNTY wi th a Certificate of Insurance signed by an authorized representative of the insurer evidencing the insurance required by this Section (Professional Liability, Workers' Compensation/Employer's Liability and Commercial " General Liability). The COUNTY, its officials, officers, and employees shall be named additional insured under the Commercial General Liability policy. The Certificate of Insurance shall provide that the COUNTY shall be given not less than thirty (30) days written notice prior to the cancellation or restriction of coverage. Until such time as the insurance is no longer required to be maintained by the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the COUNTY with a renewal or replacement Certificate of Insurance not less than thirty (30) days before expiration or replacement of the insurance for which a previous certificate has been provided. (2) The Certificate shall contain a statement that it is being provided in accordance with the Agreement and that the insurance is in full compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. In lieu of the statement on the Certificate, the CONTRACTOR shall, at the option of the COUNTY submit a sworn, notarized statement from an authorized representative of the insurer that the Certificate is being provided in accordance with the Agreement and that the insurance is in full compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. The Certificate shall have this Agreement number clearly marked on its face. (3) In addition to providing the Certificate of Ins~rance, if required by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request, provide the COUNTY with a certified copy of each of the policies of insurance providing the coverage required by this Section. (4) Neither approval by the COUNTY or failure to disapprove the insurance furnished by CONTRACTOR shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR'S full responsibility for performance of any obligation including CONTRACTOR'S indemnification of COUNTY under this Agreement. n (b) Insurance Company Requirements. Insurance companies this Agreement must meet the following providing the insurance under requirements: (1) Companies issuing policies other than Workers' Compensation must be authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida and prove same by maintaining Certificates of Authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of the State of Florida. Policies for Workers' Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self-insurer by Section 440.57, Florida Statutes. (2) In addition, such companies other than those authorized by Section 440.57, Florida Statutes, shall have and maintain a Best's Rating of "A" or better and a Financial Size Category of "VII" or better according to A.M. Best Company. (3) If, during the period which an insurance company is providing the insurance coverage required by this Agreement, an insurance company shall: 1) lose its Certificate of Authority, 2) no longer comply with Section 440.57, Flor~da Statutes, or 3) fail to maintain the requisite Best's Rating and Financial Size Category, the CONTRACTOR shall, as soon as the CONTRACTOR has knowledge of any such circumstance, immediately notify the COUNTY and immediately replace the insurance coverage provided by the insurance company with a different insurance company meeting the requirements of this Agreement. Until such time as the CONTRACTOR has replaced the unacceptable insurer with an insurer acceptable to the COUNTY the CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to be in default of this Agreement. (c) Specifications. Without limiting any of the other obligations or liability of the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall, at the CONTRACTOR'S sole expense, procure, maintain and keep in force amounts and types of insurance conforming to the minimum requirements set forth. ,... in this Section. Except as otherwise specified in the Agreement, the insurance shall become effective prior to the commencement of work by the CONTRACTOR and shall be maintained in force until the Agreement completion date. The amounts and types of insurance shall conform to the following minimum requirements. (1) Workers' Compensation/Employer's Liability. (A) CONTRACTOR'S insurance shall cover the CONTRACTOR for liability which would be covered by the latest edition of the standard Workers' Compensation Policy, as filed for use in Florida by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, without restrictive endorsements. The CONTRACTOR will also be responsible for procuring proper proof of coverage from its subcontractors of every tier for liability which is a result of a Workers' Compensation injury to the subcontractor's employees. The minimum required limits to be provided by both the CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors are outlined in subsection (c) below. In addition to coverage for the Florida Workers' Compensation Act, where appropriate, coverage is to be included for the United States Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, Federal Employers' Liability Act and any other applicable Federal or State law. (B) Subject to the restrictions of coverage found in the standard Workers' Compensation Policy, there shall be no maximum limit on the amount of coverage for liability imposed by the Florida Workers' Compensation Act, the United States Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, or any other coverage customarily insured under Part One of the standard Workers' Compensation Policy. (C) The minimum amount of coverage under Part Two of the standard Workers' Compensation Policy shall be: $ 500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $ 500,000.00 (Each Accident) (Disease-Policy Limit) (Disease-Each Employee) (2) Commercial General Liability. (A) The CONTRACTOR I S insurance shall cover the CONTRACTOR for those sources of liability which would be covered by the latest edition of the standard Commercial General Liability Coverage Form (ISO Form CG 00 01), as filed for use in the State of Florida by the Insurance Services Office, without the attachment of restrictive endorsements other than the elimination of Coverage C, Medical Payment and the elimination of coverage for Fire Damage Legal Liability. (B) The minimum limits to be maintained by the CONTRACTOR (inclusive of any amounts provided by an Umbrella or Excess policy) shall be as follows: LIMITS General Aggregate $Three (3) Times the Each Occurrence Limit Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $500,000.00 Each Occurrence Limit $500,000.00 (3) Professional Liability Insurance. The CONTRACTOR shall carry limits of not less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500,000.00) . (d) Coverage. The insurance provided by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement shall apply on a primary basis and any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by the COUNTY or the COUNTY'S officials, officers, or employees shall be excess of and not contributing with the insurance provided by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. (e) Occurrence Basis. The Workers' Compensation Policy and the Commercial General Liability required by this Agreement shall be provided on an occurrence rather than a claims-made basis. The Professional Liability insurance policy must either be on an occurrence basis, or, if a claims-made basis, the coverage must respond to all claims reported within three (3) years following the period for which coverage is required and which would have been covered had the coverage been on an occurrence basis. (f) Obligations. Compliance with the foregoing insurance requirements shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR, its employees or agents of liability from any obligation under a Section or any other portions of this Agreement. SECTION 16. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION. (a) In the event of a dispute related to any performance or payment obligation arising under this Agreement, the parties agree to exhaust COUNTY protest procedures prior to filing suitor otherwise pursuing legal remedies. COUNTY procedures for proper invoice and payment disputes are set forth in Section 22.15, "Prompt Payment Procedures," Seminole County Administrative Code. (b) CONTRACTOR agrees that it will file no suitor otherwise pursue legal remedies based on facts or evidentiary materials that were not presented for consideration in the COUNTY protest procedures set forth in subsection (a) above of which the CONTRACTOR had knowledge and failed to present during the COUNTY protest procedures. (c) In the event that COUNTY protest procedures are exhausted and a suit is filed or legal remedies are otherwise pursued, the parties shall exercise best efforts to resolve qisputes through voluntary mediation. Mediator selection and the procedures to be employed in voluntary mediation shall be mutually acceptable to the parties. Costs of voluntary mediation shall be shared equally among the parties participating in the mediation. SECTION 17. REPRESENTATIVE OF COUNTY AND CONTRACTOR. (a) It is recognized that questions in the day-to-day conduct of performance pursuant to this Agreement will arise. The COUNTY, upon request by CONTRACTOR, shall designate in writing and shall advise CONTRACTOR in writing of one (1) or more COUNTY employees to whom all corrununications pertaining to the day-to-day conduct of the Agreement shall be addressed. The designated representative shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive information and interpret and define the COUNTY I S policy and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Agreement. (b) CONTRACTOR shall, at all times during the normal work week, designate or appoint one or more representatives of CONTRACTOR who are authorized to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR regarding all matters involving the conduct of the performance pursuant to this Agreement and shall keep COUNTY continually advised of such designation. SECTION 18. ALL PRIOR AGREEMENTS SUPERSEDED. This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are not commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the SUbject matter of this Agreement that are not contained or referred to in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. SECTION 19. MODIFICATIONS, AMENDMENTS OR ALTERATIONS. No modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. SECTION 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed as in any manner creating or establishing a relationship of copartners between the parties, or as constituting the CONTRACTOR including its officers, 1 "2 employees, and agents, the agent, representative, or employee of, the COUNTY for any purpose, or in any manner, whatsoever. The CONTRACTOR is to be and shall remain an independent contractor with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. SECTION 21. EMPLOYEE STATUS. Persons employed by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall have no claim to pension, workers' compensation, unemployment com- pensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges granted to the COUNTY'S officers and employees either by operation of law or by the COUNTY. SECTION 22. SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. No claim for services furnished by the CONTRACTOR not specifically provided for herein shall be honored by the COUNTY. SECTION 23. PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. CONTRACTOR acknowledges COUNTY'S obligations under Article I, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, to release public records to members of the public upon request. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that COUNTY is required to comply with Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, in the handling of the materials created under this Agreement and that said statute controls over the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 24. NOTICES. Whenever ei ther party desires to gi ve notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by certified United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified and the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this Section. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving of notice, to wit: For COUNTY: Public Safety Department / EMS Fire Rescue 150 Bush Loop, Suite 2-138 Sanford, FL 32773 For CONTRACTOR: Advanced Data Processing, Inc. 500 N.W. 165~ Street, Suite 102 Miami, FL 33169 SECTION 25. RIGHTS AT LAW RETAINED. The rights and remedies of the COUNTY, provided for under this Agreement, are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. SECTION 26. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing all services pursuant to this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to, or regulating the provisions of, such services, including those now in effect and hereafter adopted. Any violation of said statutes, ordinances, rules, or regulations shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and shall entitle the COUNTY to terminate this Agreement immediately upon delivery of written notice of termination to the CONTRACTOR. SECTION 27. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (a) The CONTRACTOR agrees that it will not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement with the COUNTY or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (b) The CONTRACTOR hereby certifies that no officer, agent or employee of the COUNTY has any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes, as over 5%) either directly or indirect- ly,in the business of the CONTRACTOR to be conducted here, and that no such person shall have any such interest at any time during the term of 1 r:; thi s Agreement. (c) Pursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees that monies received from the COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement will not be used for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature or any other State or Federal agency. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement for the purposes stated herein. ATTEST: &odaL~ Secretary (cote SEAL) ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, INC. ~(- By:11J. . ~ /0 - WILLIAM J DEZ~re6ide:.l'lt EVP Da te: 'JL J ne___ :J.Cl I ;)OCl{a BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SIDfiN~ECO~~ By/?~ ; . CARLTON HENLEY, ChaJ.rrnan Date: g-dd~(P For'the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved legal s and As authorized for execution by the Board~county commissio,n ers at their .1 A-J r 3 , 20~, regular mee J.ng. Co y A AC/lpk 5/23/06 rfp-0780 Attachments: Exhibit UA" - Scope of Services Exhibit UB" - Rate Schedule ~ r AMBULANCE BILLING SERVICES FOR THE SEMINOLE COUNTY EMS/FIRE/RESCUE DIVISION SCOPE OF SERVICES 2006 Seminole County, Florida (County) desires to enter into a contract with an experienced and qUCllifi~d ,firm (Agency) to: 1. Provide billing services for Emergency Medical Services transport, as required on a case by case basis, with an emphasis on an accelerated turnaround between services provided and payments received. The monthly invoice shouldshow gross collections, patient refunds, Medicaid collections, net collections, M~dicaid transports, Privacy Notice Mailing fee arid Agency' invoice amount. \ , 2. Provide reasonably necessary trainillg to appropriate County EMS/Fire/Rescue personnel regarding the gathering of necessary informatio/'] and proper completion of run tickets. The A.gehcy will work with the County's Collection Company for delinquent accounts. '3. Provide prqmpt submission of Medic;are, Medicaid, and insu,raDc;e c1a(ms within ten (10) qusiness days aft~r receiving the completed patient billing information, which shall be -the Agency's notice to commence th,e bil/ing/collection'service: Ability to re,ceive the County's tr~nsport records file digitally. The receipt of the digital transport records will meet with the County's file layout criteria. (Reference Attachment B).. SecoDdary insurance provider 'claims shall b,e submitted within ten (10) business ,days' aft~r ~~e primary ins!-,rance provicjer h?s paid, this process shqiJld .alsq include Me~,iC(are 'secondary. ~gency shall folloW-Up promptly on rejected a~~ inactive cIailTls and establish payer remittance accounts and procedure.s, . If there.is no response from insuran<;:e companies within 45'd~ys clainis will be .res~brriitted. ' " , [- \4. Reconcile t~e number of transpprts collecte9 with those transl1litted t9 the Agency. The Agency shall contact ~MS/Fire/Rescue within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt to rep,ort any 'discrepancies. 5. Agency shall provide a designat~d liaison f~r patient/payer ~oncerns. 6. Prpvide aU cl,Jstomer-related inquiry services and prepare,additional.third party cl?imsbased on this information exchange. p'rovide a'tol.l:"free telephone r)!lmber and secure web site address for c'ustomeraccess. 7. Implement a collection system involving a minimum of six (6) invoices, which l/:Iillin9lud~ an initial' statement to all transported patie8ts. Establish a fo1l00- up campaign or up to twenty-four (24) telephone atterTlpts' to' :colleCt all priv'ate pay accounts' with Qutstpriding balances, 'including required cq~payments ,and deductibl~s assessed by"Medicare, Medicaid, HMO's or private insurance., Records of terephon~ calls and contacts sh~1I be main~ain'ed and 'ayalIaqle to the County via on-line access to the Agency's database. Any payment on an aCCOl:Jnt shall reset this cycle. Returned mail accounts are exempt from the above-required subsequent mailings. The County reseNes the right to approve the invoice format. The invoice will contain a stafement in Spanish to call the toll-free telephone number for assistance. 8. Agency shall utilize the approved hospital medical record identifier number (MRI#) to contact the hospital in retrieving patient information that was not available during transport. It will be the responsibility of the agency to contact the receiving facility for additional insurance information. 9. Agency will provide skip tracing through a nationally recognized change of address system, example would be Accurint or similar agency. A credit information resource will be used to determine returned mail corrections and Agency will resubmit statement to patient with corrected address. 10. Attempt to collect all balances due for seNices rendered as well as attempt to assess patient's ability to repay the debt, and if necessary, extend time payments, all subjec~ tQ such policy guidelines as the County may establish. 11. Process requests for refunds through County on a monthly basis and provide EMS/Fire/Rescue Division With documentation of eaGh refulld processed. r-. 12. Provide ~o EMS/Fire/Rescue Division all unpaid invoices alol1g with the complet~ processing history once collection effort~ are exhausted. Shquld th!? agre~ment be terminated for any r~ason, the Agency shall turn over all existing information in its pos,session concerning existing unpaid accounts. Such information shall be transmitted by an electronic medium r,easonably acceptable to EMS/Fire/Rescue. 13. Th,e Agency shall provide sufficient bi,-lingualpersonnel to process all billinglrun tickets in ,a timely, efficient and effective manner and shall respond pr<;:>mptly to the County al!d patients on reque'sts for information or records., '14. Agency will be HIPAA compliant with all their federal standards and will prbvic;fe their policy upon request. The Agency will be willing t,o sign the ,HIPAA Business AS,sociate Agreement (Reference Attachment C) rega'rding the us'e of any confidel)tial records of care ,or treatment of patients ,:~olely for the purpose of processing and collecting claims a'nd shafl not . release any such information in any legal action, business dispute or competitive bidding :process other than disputes with the Coun'ty over billing services. ' 15. Any procedL!res described:in t~is scope of seNices represents a IT)inimum effort required by the Agency and shall not limit the Agency's use of its ptoprfet~ry acco~nts receivable and billing and collections systems, including modi~ca~ions ~s 'required ,by major provider groups, or ,its usual and customary practj~es. The, successful collection rate will be calculated on a m~nthly basis and reflect the percentage bas.ed upon what is billed versus whC!t is actually collected before any other action is taken on the account, not including any reduction or write-off for uncollectible Medicare or Medicaid payments. The Agency will use its "best efforts" to ensure that the annual collection rate does not fall below an annual 65% minimum. If the annual collection rate falls below 65%, the County will require the Agency to provide justification or corrective action. . 16. The following monthly reports shall be prepared by the Agency and submitted to the County (Reference Attachm~nt A): Reports: · Transport Charges & Collections · Billing & Collection Summary o Ambulance Payment · Ambulance New Patient Billing · Ambulance Unit Report · Collection by Financial.pass · Report of Accounts Receivable · Ambulance Billing Adjustments - Write Offs - Reversals · .Accounts "Receivable for Collections · Audit R~port of Accounts Changed · Insurance Denial · Revenue p'er Transport Report · .Revenue Report . r 17. The County requires on-line read-only and printable access to the Agency's patient billing database, which will include the ability to select by account number or by last name Index. The database access will include the . following patient information: · I.ncident location afld unit JD · Patient contact information · Date of ~ervice · Trahs'p~rt mile~ge · . Tr~nsport rate & mileage charge · .Number of mai!ings' . · . Pat(ent message screen with dates and descriptions of mailings, comml..!nication with pati~nt, insur~nce company, a~orneys, etc. · Pc3yment screen shoWing adjustments, payment type, payer name, check number, dafe received, amount of payment and balaj1cedue 18. ..In the. ca~e of any untimely claims r~fusal of payment from an insurance company for which the Agency is responsible, the amount of the transport . charge. will be credited to the patient's account and deducted from the calculation of the County's mi;>nthly invoice. 19. In case of a catastrophic event a toll-free telephone number will be avaiJable for patient access within 24 hours. The Agency will provide the County with a copy of the .Agency's Disaster Plan. 20. Agency will attend at least one meeting annually with the County at a mutually agreed upon specified location. Agency will be responsible for tracking the Medicare and Medicaid renewal dates and application .forms for the County. 21. Seminole County EMS/Fire/Rescue Division RFP Billing Summary For the fiscal year October 2004 - September 2005, the transport net charges were @ $3,700,000 and net revenue was @ $2,700,000 with an additional $70,000 in revenue from coliection accounts. The billing collection rate for that fiscal- year was 72%. The demographics of the 2004/2005 fiscal. year collections were: · 40% lnsurance. . .. 47% Medicare · 7% Medicaid · 6% Se.lf Pay t--- The current fee schedule for our EMS transports range from $287 to $493, dependi~g on th~ level of seryice with an ad~itional$6.05 per loaded mile. . · BL$ - Emergency $287.31 · ALS 1 - Emergency $341.18 · ALS2 $493.81 ATTACHMENT A Brief description of monthly reports to be prepared and submitted: ,1. Transport Charges & Collections: Report should include the mO,n,thly transport gross charges, adjustments, net charges, receipts (based on transport date), net balance, gross % of collections, net % qf colle.ctions arid the % of paying patients. This should include a line of all the data from ,the first billing month and year to the present. Totals should be on each column. 2. Billing & Collection Summary: Report should show by month/year total gross Qilling, ,adjustments, collections by month, collections to-date. Totals should be on each column. r 3. Ambula,n,te Payment Report: . 'Report should list patient number, patient na'me, address, check nl,Jrnber, check amount, payment type (self-pay, Insurance, MEldicare, Medicaid), payer'if other than patient. It shp'uld subtotal.for each transport deposit pate, with the batch number and totalamountof d~po~it. Tpt~ls for check amount coiurrin and each of the payment types broken out separatl?ly and adjustments. 4. Ambulance New Pati,entBil/ing Rep~rt: , Report sh~uld include the foil owing data for new patien,ts transported duri~g th~t ' , month. 'Patient number, pati~nt nalJ1e, incident date, base amount, rnileage 'amount, total ,billed and leVel of service. Totals on' number of new accounts, base amdLin( miieaQe ~mciul"!t an~tofaE"',by"ea(ih "evel of service':" _' , .,,' " '. " '. , . '5. Al1!bulance Unit 'Report: R~poii shqLildinclude~'rnbuJance unit numbE;!r with its number of Ga.lls i:jnd gross ,bili:ed for that month. -Total 'on number ,of p~lIs' and.:g'ross 'billed. ,"' , 6. Collection by Fi,n.ancial Class Repo,rt: ,Report should show by m.onth/year and each payment type (Self Pay,lnsUri311ce,' Medicare, 'Meqicaid). It should Include amount billed, amount collected, % collected, number of accounts arid gross billed for each month. Totals for, each payment tyPE? : and.%colfeCted.. . 7. Report of Accounts Receivable: " Report should show by year to date, the gross amount billed, less removed accounts, less payments, less adjustments, less reversals and the accounts receivable balance. These figures are shown by dollar amount and number of accounts. 8. Ambulance Billing Adjustments / Write Offs / Reversals Report: Report should include pt;ltient number, patient name, incident date, adjustment amount and adjustment type. Total of adjustment amount and number of adjustments should also be on this report. 9. A~counts Receivable for ~ollections Repo~: This report should show patient number, patient name, patient addres,s, zip code, incident date, amount billed, amount paid, adjustments, balance. Totals by gross billed, 'less payments, less adjustments,' balan'ce of accounts receivable. 10. Audit Report of Changed Accounts: Report should show account number, account name, leyel of service change, date Changed, from base amount, to base amount. 11. Insurance Denial Report: r Report should show account number, account na,me, incideht d?te, inqident amount, insurance c.arrier, condition code, reason for denial. 12. Revenue per Transport Report: ~eport should show the total dollar amount of payments received for a transport mo'nth divided by the number of transports for a month and listed by month and ~~ ' . 13". Revenue Report: . \. ... .. Report should sh()w by month/year gross charges, adjustments, net chc;lrges, ' receipts (based on deposit d?te), %'collected. .. l. I i- \ ATTACHMENT B Fixed Lengt.h Billing Extract Format-Existing Phase N/A D.ate 08/04/05 Author , Docwnent In Fixed Length Billing Vertlon 2 Extract Fonnat- Existin/l.d6c Introduction: 11lls document details the fixed longth billing extract format that '",,;}1 be u~lized to tran.smi~ incident information electronically to ADPI. rfa field is not requireq, or not, IleedCd, 'the deSignated '1ocatio~ 'for that ,field may,be l~ftbla,nk Numeric fomiats are right justified and alpha'fonmits are left justified. Record 1 :,Patien t. ~surance: and Level of Service Information 431 c~~ters, 1 record per incident/account -- -- - -- ---- " - - -- - ,- .- - . - &- -- - . . '" \. . '. . ~ : ...... . .. " " -. '. -' I': : ~~OD, ~ RCICOro Code, y A 1:' ; RccortI codc .'1 '. .:.. 2-1.1' ACTNR Incident Number y N' 10 w~ ~,positjollS,arc lakoi for the account inimbcr' and last 2 'posItions for#. ~{paticrilS 1241 ANAME Patient NlIlTIc N A 30 lohn Smith ~7..s1 'UNE2 Patient AddreSS N A 20 Filllt20 chazaclcr3 62-81 LINE Patient Addrc:s! N A 20 .. UtiliZe if more than 20 chanlctcrs 82-101. : LINE4 Patient Cilyand Slate 1'1 A 20 "City, Statc" 102-106 ZIPCD Pati ent l.iP Codc N N ,5 101-116 ?I3ONE Patient Phonc,lI N " A 10 No seplX'lllOrs 117-124, mATE lnpidcnt pate . y N 8 MMDDYYYY 17S-IJ~ ~r.r UnifNumbcr N A ,12 . " . '\37.144 VPOB Patient pce N A 8 MMDOYYYY ., !<l5 " Y~EX,.': Pati~t Sex y A " 1 M~M~Ie.,:' .- l' -l'analc ' 146-154 SSNR' Patient Social See II ' N l'! 9 No s~ori , , 155--189,' IADOR lncidentA~! N A 35 .- 190 ',' " BLSI ALS Tran.sport Service Y A I' B - BLS , Level' A'-ALS T~1V(T, A;" Ailplane H ';'He!icoplcr S - Standby/Event 191;195 HOSP# Dc:s~ation lD y A 5 i Receivc Wliquc dcsl1natiOll #$ froni ADPl 196-215 HOSf NAME ~ation'Name N A 20 " 216 OXYFLG ~xygcn Used? y A 'I :'fIN. Default to N if not charging foroltygen. ,. " , " ) Fixed Length Billing Extract Format-Existing Phase N/A 'Date 08/04/05 Author Document ID Fixed Length Billing Version 2 Extract Format- Existinll,doc 217-221 MIMILE Total Mileage Y N 5,\ 9999.9 222.231 BPHONE Patient Business N A /0 No seplll1llors Phonc 232.236 START Start Tune N A 5 runeon=c:. Example; 0121P. or02S0A 237.241 STOP Stap Time N A 5 Examplc 0121P or 02S0A 242 HELlCOP A!r Transport? y A I YIN. Default 10 N ifnol providing air traiuportscivices. ~43 SpECHDLG Special Handling? N A Th is is an open fi el d that can b. utilized 10 mi:et client uniqu'e needs; such as ALS/BLS identifiers for TWT. 2#-255 MEDICARE Mcd,icarc ID N A 12 NO$Cp8llltolll 256-267 MEDICAID McdiC!'id ID N A 12 No SCPllt3tolll 268-287 INSNAMEI Patient IllSUral1ce # 1 N A 20 Name 288-302 INSII?I Patient'lnsul'llllCC # 1 N A IS No scpataiors Polley /I 303-322 INSN~E2 F.atient Ins\ll'1lllcc #2 N A 20 ) Namc C- 323-337 INSID2 Patient Insurance #2 N A IS No sepllt3lors Policy 1# 338 ~U1' Worlc. or AulD Y A W-Work Related InjUl}' Flag A - Auto N-None 339.34~ ' ~ICKUPZlP Piclc-up Zip Code Y N 5 ' 344 'ALS+ Advanced Tl'llllSpOrt N A 1 2 . ALS2 Service Level ,S:"scr 345.349 MlLESBYND Mileage In Excess of N N 5.1 9999.9 FiatAppropriatc Designation " ' 350 '~S Resident YIN? Y ,A Y IN. Default 10 ,N if not billing differently for residents vs. non. residents. m' AMBUL Paljenl Can Y A I' '(IN Ambulate? 352 ALSASS ALS Assessment Y A YIN Given? ' 353 MUTAID ],futual Aid? y A I, y~; Default 10 no if not providing ,assisianc;c to other providers. \ Fixed Length Billing Extract'Format-E;cisting Phsl<! . N/A Dllte 08/04/05 Autho'r Docwnent ID Fixed Length Billing Version 2 Extract Fonnat- ExLStinrl.doc \ / r---' \ : '. . . , , . .. : ..... 354 SCODEI Spa:ial Code I N A I Thi.J b an,cp<n licld thatcin be ub"liz.cd to mccl cliO)t lUIique n=ls. 355 INTF Int=facility7 Y A I YIN 356 MODCD Pickup 'Modifier N A ] E" Residential, Domiciliary, Custodial Facility N.. Skilled NlU'Sing FlICility H - Hospital I ~ Sile ofTransport Between Ambulance Transport (Airport or Helicopter Pad) po. Physician's Office S - Scene of Accident or Acute Event R" Residence D ,;, Diag~sti.c or Therapeutic Site Other Than "P" or '11" G" Hospital Based Dialysis FBCllity J - Non-:Hospital Based Dialysis Facility 357 MODCD Destination Modifier N 1 E - !l-aj~tia), Domiciliary, . . Cl,IStodia' Facility N .. Ski!led"NlIl3irig Facility H - HospilBl 1- Site of Transport Between Ambulance Tran$port ~Airport or H~ieopler Pad) p.. PhySician's Office " So. Scene or.A~cnt or Acute Event R .. Residencc D - DiagnOstic or Thcnpeutic Site , otJi~ Than "P" or ''R'" " G ~ HllSJ'ital ~~ Dialysis FaCility . J.. Non-Hospltal Based Dialysis Facility X:- lntc:rmedialc Stop In j!.oute to Hospiial Dciitiilatioil ",' ') Fixed Length Billing Extract Format-Existing Phase N/A Date 08/04/05 Author Docwnent In Fixed Length Billing Version 2 Extrac.t Format- Existinll:.doc ) j-'--- \ ' -. ' , - - " ~.'. . . . ..' .. . , .. -- ,'. 358.359 MODCD HCPCS Modifier N A" 2 GM-Gl'Oup~~ GW .. Scniice IlOt related to hospice patienrs terminal condition GY.. Not Medically Necessary . QL-Death 360 Fcc I Fcc\? N A I Y IN. Each w.iII hav~ a consl8nt and.unique S1!PPlemental fee tied to it. Dc::fau!t to N.ifnol charging for supplemental fee!. 36\ Fcc2 Fcc2? N A I .. 362 Fce3 Fce3? N A \ '.. : 363 F~ Fec4? ' N A 'I .. 364 FeeS FeeS? N A I .. ,365 Fee6 Fec6? N A \ .. 366-371 Fcc:Arnll Fee I DoUar Amount N N 6.2 9999.99 372:377 'FeeAmi2 Fcc 2 Dollat Amount' N N " 6.2 .. 378-.383 FceAmtJ Fec.3 Dollar Amount N N 6.2 .. 384-389 FeeAmt4 Fcc 4 Dollar AmOUllt" 'N N 6.2 .. 390.395 FccAmtS Fcc S Dollar AmOUllt 'N N 6.2 .. 396.40\ FeeAmt6 Fcc 6 Dollar AmOUnt N. N 6:2 .. 402- 4.16 PGrou~ I Patient JnsgRlla: #1 N A 15 No scp...to~ GioupID 417-431 PGroup2 Patient InsuriInce #2 N A 15 No separalol'3 GroUp ID . ~e~ord 2: Impressions Information . . . . ~ 291;ch~ct~., ip.uJ~pl~ ~~rd~,p;~ ~ci~~t/~c~unt'p~~sible. . .....:.l.~r:...;:.::.;..._...:.I.: .:::._:,..~.~.:,'':"..'.;'I.''"",,''',,'''':'''''~ ':'~"..'.. '.~ :_~.:::'.~;., ~.' '" . . . " .,- .. '. '.- " ........ ,'-:' - " . - -. .~.' ~ ;. : , , " '. '., I ." " R,ECOD .. ReCord Coda .. Y : A," \' , RecOrd Code-2 - " 2-11 ACJlo:IR lnciilent Number Y' t:I 10 .. /2-291 ' IMPRES imPrcssiom N A 280 ;. ,Fixed Length Billing Extract Format-Existing Pha.se N/A Date 08/04/05 I Author Docwnent lD Fixed Length Billing Version 2 Extract Format. Existinll,doc Record 3: Interventions Information 29.1 chara~tcrs. ~ultiple records per incident/account possible_ ~---::------. .-----------~- ------------_-:_- ---------.:._-- -------~-~-- --- - . . . --- I' RECOD Record Code . Y A 1.' R.ecorti Code.- 3 2-11. ACTNR Incident Number y N 10 12-791 INTERV lntcrventiolU N A 280 lV, Meds, etc. . . Record 4: PCR N ar~ative 291 ch~~t~. ~~tiple re~rds per inci~ent/~ccoimt possible,. n___C - .'~--- . . .. 'n - - - - - - - - .' : -'.: - ,. .- I .. RECOD " ~'~ ., y A I Record Code - 4 ., .. 2-11 ACTNR Incident Number y N '. 10 " 12-291 R'[NRPT RUI\ p.epOtt Text! Y A 280 NllIT8Iive ----~.------...----- ---- .. - ----~~--_....._----- 'Record 5: Char2e List 7 5 cIj.8r:aC~~': niuitiple recorclspet incidcnt/a~co1,1I1t possible, Only utilize if S\}bmitting itemized ch,aigeo/suppl~en~ f~, . '. . ":.. , ....'..:. " . " .'.:: \ '. ';:';.. .: !." ~- .. .- '. . '. .~.' .. .' .' '. n .' ... 1...- -- '. ..' '. .. .- n " : .. .' - .. .. - -- - .. - : .. .. '. T\.'...,....,:..:.:...: }.'~cgD .ReCOrd aide .- y .. ." A. I:, :./ Record COde~ 5 ." "', '. " Hi. ACTNR Incident Number y. .' '. N 10: , .. .. .. '12;~1 CHGCn Uniqu~ <;"hq..ID y A '. 10 .22 -71 CHqDESC Cberge.1xsaiplion y A 50 72 ~ 75 CHGQTY, Quantity Used y N 4 ( ATTACHMENT C Seminole County Business Associate Agreement Between EMS/Fire/Rescue Division and Billing Agency This Agreement between Seminole County ("EMS/Fire/Rescue Division") and AgenGY ("Billing Agency") is eXE?cuted for the purpose of en'suring that Agency carries out its obligations to Seminole County in compliance with the privacy and security regulations pursl,J~mt to Public Law 104-191 of August 21. 1996, known as the Health InslJrance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Subtitle F - Administrative Simplification, Sections 261, et seq., as amended ("HIPAA"). , This Agreement encompasses Agency assurance to protect the confidentiality, integrity, an,d security of any personally identifiable protected health information ,("PHI") that"is coll~cted, processed or learned as a result of the ~ervic~~ provided to Seminole County by Agency r,epresentatives, including any such informatiDn stored and ' transmitted eledrc:mic;ally, referred to as electronic protected health information ("e_ PHI"). ' Agency agree$ that it \yiI/: 1. Not ,use or further disclose PHI exceot as oermitted under this Aareement or required bY'law; (- 2. l.)se, appropriate s?f!?gl,Jards to prevent use or disclosure of PHI except as ,permitted by this Agreement; . 3. T.o mitigat~j to, the, extent practicable, any harmful effect thCjt is known to the Agenc~iof a use "or disClosure of PHI by the Ag'ency in 'violation of th.is . ' Awe~me.nt. 4. Repo.rt to Serri.in.ole CQunty any use or disclosyre of PHI not provided for by this Agr~'e,ment of which the Agency'becomes aware;,' ' , , - "'" : 5. E;ns'ure that'anyagents or subcontra~tors to whom the Agency provides PHI, or, who 'have access to 'PH I, such as other consulting 'companies agr~eto, the same res'Wctlons a,rid conditions -that apply to the Agency with res~eqt tq's~ch PHi; 6. Make, Ptfl available to Seminole County and to th~ in9ividual who has a right of . access as required u!1derHIPAA within 30 days of the reqLJest by,Serninqfe Co0'~tY' to the individual; 7. Incorporate any amendments to PHI w~ennotified to do so by Seminole County; 8. P~o.vide an accoun'ting of all uses or 9isclosures qf PHI made by the Agency as re~uired under the HIPAA'privacy rule within 60 days; . . .' 9. Make it~ internal practices, books and records relating to the use a,nd disclosure of PHI ayaiiable to the Secretary of the Department of Health an'd Hum~n . v . ~\) Services for purposes of determining the Agency' and Seminole County compliance with HIPAA; and 10: At the termination of this Agreement, return or destroy all PHI received from, or created or received by the Agency on behalf of Seminole county, and jf return is infeasible, the protections of this agreement will extend to such PHI. The specific uses and disclosures of PHI that may be made by the Agency on behalf of Seminole County include: ' 1. The review of patient care information providing advice to Seminole County conc~rning a particular ambulance incident; 2. The review of patient care information and o~her medical records and submission of that information to carriers, insurers, and,other' payers with respect to the Agency assisting Seminole County in an insurance or Medicare audit or other similar action; 3. The review of patient care informa~ion with respect to providing Seminole County with business and optional advice generally and 'in the course of perform!ng ,compliance assessment activities by the Agency; 4, Uses required for the proper management of the Agency as a business associate. ) ( 5.' Other uses or disclosures of PHI as permitted by HIPAA privacy rule. , The Agency agrees 'to assume the following obligations regarding electronic Protected Health Information (e-PHI): 1. The Agency agrees to implement administrative, physical 'and technical safegl,jards that reasonably and appropriately proted the' c6nfidE;1ntiality, integrity and availability of the e-PHrthat 11 creat~s, receives, ma'intains or transmits on b,eha!f of Seminole CoLinty. ' 2. Th,e Agency will ensure that any ,agent, including a subcontractor, to whom to Jt p'roviqes e-PHI that w~s creat~d, re'ceived, maintained or tr~nsmitted on behalf .of Seminole County agrees to implement rea?onable, andappro'priate safe~Iuards to pidect the 'col'}fidentiality, security, arid infegrityof e-PHI. 3. Thf? Ag~ncy agrees t6 alert Seminole County of any security inciden~ (as defined by the HIP,AA Security Rule ):which it become~ ,aware, and'the stE?ps ,if has takE?n 'to mi~igate any po\ential security c()mprom,ise that may have occurred, and provide a ,report to Seminole County oJ ~ny loss of data or either 'information system compromise asa result of the incident. ( Notwithstanding any pther provisions of ,this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated by' Seminole Coun~y, in its sole qiscretion, if Seminole County determines 'that the Agehcy has violated a term or provision of this Agre~ment pertaining to Ser:ninol~ County obligations under'the HIPAA priv,acy or s~curity rulE;1s, or if the ~gency ..,"J '" ) engages in conduct which would, if committed by Seminole County, would result in a violation of the HIPM privacy or security rules by Seminole County. Agreed to this day of ,2006. Seminole County EMS/Fire/Rescue Division Agency By: By: -Its: Its: Date: Date: I , ! . '{ 1 Exhibit B Business Associate Addendum CONTRACTOR the "Business Associate" and CITY hereby add the following additional language to the Agreement. 1. CONTRACTOR shall carry out its obligations under this Addendum in compliance with the privacy regulations pursuant to Public Law 104-191 of August 21,1996, known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Subtitle F - Administrative Simplification, Sections 261, et seq., as amended ("HIPAA"), to protect the privacy of any personally identifiable protected health information ("PHI") that is collected, processed or learned as a result of the Billing Services provided hereunder. In conformity therewith, CONTRACTOR agrees that it will: a. Not use or further disclose PHI except as permitted under this Addendum or required by law; b. Use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of PHI except as permitted by this Addendum; c. To mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to CONTRACTOR of a use or disclosure of PHI by CONTRACTOR in violation of this Addendum. d. Report to CITY any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by this Addendum of which CONTRACTOR becomes aware; e. Ensure that any agents or subcontractors to whom CONTRACTOR provides PHI, or who have access to PHI, agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to CONTRACTOR with respect to such PHI; f. Make PHI available to CITY and to the individual who has a right of access as required under HIPAA within 30 days of the request by CITY regarding the individual; g. Incorporate any amendments to PHI when notified to do so by CITY; h. Provide an accounting of all uses or disclosures of PHI made by CONTRACTOR as required under the HIPAA privacy rule within sixty (60) days; i. Make their internal practices, books and records relating to the use and disclosure of PHI available to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services for purposes of determining CONTRACTOR's and CITY's compliance with HIPAA; and j. At the termination of the Agreement, return or destroy all PHI received from, or created or received by CONTRACTOR on behalf of CITY, and if return is infeasible, the protections of this Addendum will extend to such PHI. Page 2 of 11 ~ 2. The specific uses and disclosures of PHI that may be made by CONTRACTOR on behalf of CITY include: a. The preparation of invoices to patients, carriers, insurers and others responsible for payment or reimbursement of the services provided by CITY to its patients; b. Preparation of reminder notices and documents pertaining to collections of overdue accounts; c. The submission of supporting documentation to carriers, insurers and other payers to substantiate the health care services provided by CITY to its patients or to appeal denials of payment for same. d. Uses required for the proper management of CONTRACTOR as business associate. e. Other uses or disclosures of PHI as permitted by the HIPAA privacy rule. 3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Addendum, the Agreement may be terminated by CITY if CONTRACTOR has violated a term or provision of this Addendum pertaining to CONTRACTOR's material obligations under the HIPAA privacy rule, or if CONTRACTOR engages in conduct which would, if committed by CITY, result in a violation of the HIPAA privacy rule by CITY. Page 3 of 11