HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 12 03 CALNO Minutes--. MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2008 1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Alliance The Meeting of Wednesday, December 3, 2008 was called to Order at 7:41 p.m. by Chairman Gary L. Brender, at Yen Yen Restaurant (855 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). 2. Roll Call Members Present: Commissioner Gary L. Brender, Chairman, City of Lake Mary Mayor John F. Bush, City of Winter Springs Commissioner Michael McLean, Seminole County Commission, arrived at 7:52 p.m. Government Relations Liaison Donald J. Payton, Seminole Community College Mayor John C. Maingot, City of Longwood Members Absent: Commissioner Steve Wolfram, City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Colleen S. Hufford, City of Casselberry Councilman Keith Britton, City of Oviedo Commissioner Jack T. Bridges, City of Sanford Board Member Diane Bauer, Seminole County School Board Others Present: Commissioner-Elect Gary Bonner, City of Winter Springs Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, City of Winter Springs Commissioner-Elect Jean Hovey, City of Winter Springs Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, City of Winter Springs Commissioner Sally McGinnis, City of Winter Springs Kevin Brunelle, Interim Chief of Police, Police Department, City of Winter Springs Dr. Anna-Marie Cote, Deputy Superintendent of Excellence and Equity, Seminole County Public Schools George Kosmac, Deputy Superintendent of Operations, Seminole County Public Schools Jane Lane, Vice President, League of Women Voters of Seminole Kevin Smith, Director, General Services Department, City of Winter Springs Cindy Gennell, Citizen John Horvath, Citizen Stanley Stevens, Citizen Deborah Schafer, Citizen CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MINUTES MEETING -DECEMBER 3, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 6 3. Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2008 The Minutes of November 5, 2008 were presented for Approval. MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 2008. MOTION BY MAYOR BUSH. SECONDED BY LEGISLATIVE LIAISON PAYTON. DISCUSSION. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Treasurer's Report. Chairman Brender noted that Commissioner Steve Wolfram (Altamonte Springs) was not in attendance so the Treasurer's Report would be discussed at the next Meeting. 5. Business. A. Integrated Water Resources -Tim Brodeur, Boyle Engineering Mr. Timothy Brodeur, Water Market Manager-South East, AECOM Water, 320 East South Street, Orlando, Florida: presented a PowerPoint Presentation regarding Integrated Water Resources and spoke on water shortages; future water sources; water demand forecast; water supply projections and storm water. Seminole County Commissioner Michael McLean arrived at 7:52 p. m. Continuing, Mr. Brodeur spoke on runoff and reclaimed water; water resource options for Seminole County; water conservation; Florida native plants and suggested cities should consider a Policy change. Mr. Brodeur noted that as Seminole County runs out of surface water, cities will need to look at other resources such as storm water, more water conservation, improved storage facilities, sea or brackish water and expanded reclaimed water uses. Commissioner Sally McGinnis (Winter Springs) suggested using tougher measures on residents to conserve water. Mr. Brodeur commented that the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District would work with the cities to help in any way and suggested a Workshop be held. Ms. Deborah Schafer, Citizen, remarked that everyone would get a letter with the date of the suggested Workshop. C[TY OF W[NTER SPRINGS COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MINUTES MEETING -DECEMBER 3, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 6 Mr. Brodeur explained that the Workshop should discuss draft Ordinances; and suggested that the cities take a look at their own Landscape Ordinances and try to include more drought tolerant plants; and commended the City of Oviedo for the Ordinance they currently passed. Discussion ensued on damage to reefs and contamination of water resources. B. ADD ON Student Museum -George Kosmac -Seminole County Public Schools Mayor John F. Bush (Winter Springs) introduced Mr. George Kosmac, Deputy Superintendent of Operations, Seminole County Public Schools and commented that he had asked Mr. Kosmac to attend this Meeting to speak to the Members on the Seminole County Public Schools Student Museum to see if this organization could provide any help. Tape 1/Side B Dr. Anna-Marie Cote, Deputy Superintendent of Excellence and Equity, Seminole County Public Schools, 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida: spoke on various aspects of the Student Museum. Mr. Kosmac commented on repairs that need to be done on the Student Museum; there is a current lack of funding; and handed out pledge cards to each Member. Furthermore, Mr. Kosmac mentioned the costs of restoration; the Student Museum was in the historical district of Sanford; and how the costs of this restoration were much higher than normal costs. Mayor Bush (Winter Springs) suggested each city donate five hundred dollars ($500.00) a year to help restore one (1) window. Next, Mr. Kosmac noted that the Leadership Seminole Class 18 had committed to restoring the Bell Tower at the Student Museum; asked the cities to consider donating; and distributed a copy of `Seminole County Public Schools Fact Sheet Student Museum and Center for the Social Studies'. Mayor Bush (Winter Springs) suggested each municipality have a designated room to put their historical information in which would further help make the Student Museum a better investment for Seminole County. Mr. Kosmac added that the Student Museum would have plaques with the donor's names to show what item they helped restore. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COIiNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MINUTES MEETING -DECEMBER 3, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 6 Chairman Brender commented that he thought it would be helpful to have a room for each city and suggested that this be discussed further. Discussion ensued on funding for Seminole County Public Schools and a future Bill being proposed. Next, Chairman Brender suggested that each Member discuss this topic with their own Commission/Council and report back at the next Meeting. 6.Other Business and Public Participation: A. Discussion -Inter-City Savings Initiatives Chairman Brender spoke of the twenty-five dollars ($25.00) Council of Local Governments in Seminole County Dues that helps fund miscellaneous projects and asked if the Council would like to continue collecting those Dues in the future. Commissioner McGinnis (Winter Springs) suggested donating five hundred dollars ($500.00) to the Student Museum. MOTION TO USE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FROM THE COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY FUNDS TO DONATE TO THE SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO REMODEL A WINDOW IN THE STUDENT MUSEUM. MOTION BY MAYOR BUSH. SECONDED BY SEMINOLE COUNTY COMMISSIONER McLEAN. DISCUSSION. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner McLean suggested making the Motion known and thought that it might encourage others to contribute to the Student Museum as well. 7. Reports from Members: Winter Springs: Mayor Bush commented on Election results; introduced Commissioner-Elect Gary Bonner and Commissioner-Elect Jean Hovey; and noted that the City of Winter Springs Inauguration Ceremony was scheduled for Monday, December 8, 2008 at 5:15 p.m. Commissioner McGinnis added that the City of Winter Springs' Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting Events were this weekend. Altamonte Springs: Absent. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MINUTES MEETING -DECEMBER 3, 2008 PAGE 5 OF 6 Casselberry: Absent. Lake Mary: Commissioner Brender commented on their Tree Lighting Event and wished everyone "Happy Holidays". Longwood: Mayor John C. Maingot remarked on Election Results and their Christmas Tree Lighting. Ms. Gennell informed Mayor Maingot that the chimes in Longwood were broken. Mayor Maingot thanked Ms. Gennell and noted that he would have them fixed. Mayor Maingot continued speaking on how he was happy to be reappointed to the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County and commented on being a Finalist for the Florida League of Cities Cities of Excellence "Mayor of the Year" Award. Oviedo: Chairman Brender remarked about an issue between the City of Oviedo and Seminole County concerning water lines along Lockwood Boulevard and that the Members would be advised further on this issue. Sanford: Absent. Seminole Community College: Legislative Liaison Donald J. Payton spoke on their Interior Design Program; possibly becoming a four (4) year Institution in the future; and an upcoming Gospel Concert and Holiday Concert. Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs expressed her delight with "Hair" (the Musical) and Commissioner McGinnis agreed. Seminole County: Commissioner McLean commented on the newly appointed Chairman of the Seminole Executive Committee Jason Brodeur; Election Results; being nominated as Vice-Chairman and Commissioner Bob Dallari being nominated as the new Chairman for the Seminole County Commission; and that Chairman Brender had been nominated to serve as Vice Chairman of the Seminole County Expressway Authority. Continuing, Commissioner McLean thanked Commissioners Donald A. Gilmore and Robert S. Miller of the City of Winter Springs for their past service; welcomed new City of Winter Springs Commissioner-Elect Jean Hovey and Gary Bonner; and noted that changes were being made to the program for the Seminole County Regional Chamber of Commerce Annual State of the County Address. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) MINUTES MEETING -DECEMBER 3, 2008 PAGE 6 OF 6 Seminole County School Board: Dr. Cote thanked everyone for the donation to the Student Museum. Mr. Kosmac mentioned new School Board Member Sylvia Pond; and noted that Dede Schaffner was the new Chairman of the Seminole County School Board. In other Council business, Chairman Brender spoke of Election results in Lake Mary. Ms. Cindy Gennell spoke of a previous incident handled by the City of Sanford Police Department and what a great job they did. Mr. John Horvath mentioned how he was pleased that the cities and Seminole County could work together. Ms. Jane Lane spoke about the partnership between the League of Women Voters Seminole and the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections this year. Chairman Brender mentioned that Mike Ertel, Seminole County Supervisor of Elections and his team did a great job with the 2008 Elections. Ms. Schafer mentioned a future Meeting on water is going to be held in February or March 2009 in the City of Longwood and asked everyone to work together to help solve the water problem. 8. Adjournment Commissioner Brender adjourned the Meeting at 9:10 p.m. RESP FCTFt~'I ~ Y SUBMITTED: _i~ !,~ I DA~I~LLE H.ARKER ;~E UTY_ Ci ~'Y CLi~F.3~ CI'T'Y OF V~II~IrrR SPRINGS NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the January 7, 2009 Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) Meeting.