HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2006-55i RESOLUTION NUMBER 2006-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING THE WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITTEE TO DETERMINE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MAINTAINING OPEN SPACES IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. WHEREAS, there is substantial interest among the residents of Winter Springs to preserve green space and conservation lands in order to increase the amount of available open space in the City; and WHEREAS, open space adds value to the quality of life of our residents in our City; and WHEREAS, open space expands leisure and active recreational opportunities for our residents; and WHEREAS, open space helps to reduce the perceived and real impacts of growth on our City, and its natural resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, establishes the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee as provided herein. Section I. Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify green space and conservation lands for possible acquisition by the City which would add to the City's inventory of open spaces set aside in perpetuity for recreational and conservation uses thus adding value to the quality of life of Winter Springs residents and mitigating the undesirable impacts of growth on the City's natural resources. Section II. Study Advisory Committee a) A seven (7) member advisory committee shall be appointed by the Mayor and City Commission to serve as the Advisory Study Committee. The Mayor and the Commission shall each appoint one member, and collectively appoint one member. The Advisory Committee shall be known as the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee. b) In accordance with the schedule of tasks set forth herein, the Committee shall work with the Technical Resources Committee to identify and evaluate potential sites for acquisition. c) The Committee may appoint a chairman for purposes of running the Committee. No other designated officers shall be permitted. Section III. Recommendations Recommendation of the Committee shall be arrived at by consensus in the alternative to voting, and published in the Final Report of the Committee to the Mayor and Commission. Minority or opposing recommendations may be presented in the written final report as an addendum to the report at the request of any member of the Committee, or member of the Technical Resource Committee. Section IV. Open Meeting, Public Records, Public Input All meetings of the Committee shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Law, and all records shall be handled in accordance with the Florida Public Records Act. The Committee shall set aside a reasonable time at each meeting for input from the public. Section V. Selection Criteria All land shall be selected for proposed acquisition based upon the following criteria: a) Preservation of threatened or endangered animal and or plant species. b) Preservation of wetlands that could be built upon through wetland mitigation rules. c) Lands which would preserve aquifer recharge areas. d) Lands that would provide aesthetic, noise, and light buffers between developed land. e) Land which could be utilized for active or passive recreational purposes. An inventory of possible sights conforming to the above described criteria shall be developed by the Committee in the following categories: 1. Category I. Lands the owners of which indicate a willingness to sale. 2. Category II. Lands the owners of which indicate a willingness to enter into a first right of refusal agreement. 3. Category III. Lands the owners of which indicate no current or future intent to sale. Section VI. Schedule October 2006: Task 1. Adoption of Resolution Number 2006-55. October 2006: Task 2. Appointment of Committee Members. City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution Number 2006-55 Page 2 of 6 October 2006: Task 3. Appointment of Technical Resource Committee as presented herein. November 2006: Task 4. Organizational Meeting: a) Introductions. b) Review of Resolution Number 2006-55. c) Approval of Chairperson. d) Review of Sunshine and Open Record Laws. e) Establishment of meeting dates and times. December 2006: Task 5. Data Collection. January 2007: a) Staff provides Committee with an inventory of sites meeting the selection criteria. b) Input from Study Committee. c) Input from Public. d) Committee finalizes list of sites meeting selection criteria. February 2007: Task 6. Classification of Sites a) Staff contacts land owner to determine classification. b) Staff provides Committee with site classifications. c) Committee input. d) Public input. e) Committee adoption of site classifications. March 2007: Task 7. Final Site Selection a) Staff provides Committee with preliminary acquisition cost estimates and funding options. b) Committee Input. c) Public Input. d) Committee finalizes selection of sites based upon cost, availability, and selection criteria. April: 2007: Task 8. Preliminary Report a) Staff prepares draft final report of recommendations with funding options. b) Committee input. c) Public input. d) Committee approves Final Report Amendments. City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution Number 2006-55 Page 3 of 6 May 2007: Task 9. Publication of Final Report a) Staff prepares Final Report as amended by Committee with funding options. b) Staff schedules Report Presentation to Mayor and Commission. c) Committee presents Report to the Commission. d) Commission accepts Report by vote. May 2007: Task 10. Commission Directive Commission provides staff direction it deems appropriate as follows: a) Sites for further consideration, if any. b) Preferred funding options c) Authority to perform appraisals. d) Authority to perform formal negotiations. IF APPLICABLE June 2007: Task 11. Preparation of Referendum Ordinance June 2007: Task 12. Public Awareness Campaign Through October 2007: November 2007: Task 13. Referendum November 2007: Task 14. Finalize Purchase Contracts December 2007: Task 15. Issue Bonds PROJECT STRUCTURE yyy,~ a,' PROJECT DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER COMM. DEVP. DIRECTOR TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Eloise Sahlstrom John Baker Steven Richart Mike Mingea Kip Lockcuff City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution Number 2006-55 Page 5 of 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS the 9th day of October, 2006 by the Commission of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, duly assembled. T /C2~~~ J F. Bush, Mayor A'II'~T,EST: renzo-Luaces, City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution Number 2006-55 Page 6 of 6