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2006 12 06 October, November, December 2006 Treasurer's Report (2)
C O Thank you for the honor of serving as the Treasurer for CALNO. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. OCTOBER, NOVEMBER ~ DECEMBER 2006 TREASURER'S REPORT Register Report -All Dates 1/1R004through 12/52006 12/52006 Date Atxount Num Desaiptlon Memo Category Clr Amount BALANCE 1213112003 0'00 1/12004 CALNO Che... Opening Bala... [CALNO Che... R 0.00 1/12004 CALNO Che... Balance Cam... 1,450.70 1/12004 CALNO Che... City Of Allam... Ck#095911 2004 Dues 25.00 _- 1212004 CALNO Che... Seminole Co... Ck#188253 2004 Dues 25.00 1232004 CALNO Che... City OF Oviedo Ck#102752 2004 Dues 25.00 1 232004 CALNO Che... City Of Cass... Ck#1022937 2004 Dues 25.00 1232004 CALNO Che... City Of' Lake ... Ck#61599 2004 Dues 2 1232004 CALNO Che... Cily OF SanfordCk#079700 2004 Dues 25.00 1272004 CALNO Che... City Of Long... Ck#093941 2004 Dues 25.00 1272004 CALNO Che... Sem. Co. Bo... CktIKi50336 2004 Dues 25.00 2/42004 CALNO Che... Seminole Co... Ck#000049... 2004 Dues 25.00 3/312004 CALNO Che... Quarterly Into... Interest Inc 0.78 3/312004 CALNO Che... Bank Charge Bank Charge -~.~~ 1/1/2004 - 3/31/Z004 1,871.48 BALANCE 3/3112004 1,871.48 4!612004 CALNO Che... Cily Of Winte... Ck#014793 2004 Dues 25.00 6/30/2004 CALNO Che... Quarterly Irate... Interest Inc 0.84 4M12004 -813012004 25.84 BALANCE 6/30/2004 1,697.32 9/302004 CALNO Che... Quarterly Irate... Interest Inc 0.86 711/2004 - 9130/2004 0.88 BALANCE 9/30/2004 1,698.18 11/52004 CALNO Che... Refound From... Other Inc 5.00 121312004 CALNO Che... Quartery Irate... Interest Inc 0.86 10M12004 -12131/2004 5•~ BALANCE 12/31/2004 1,704'04 3/12005 CALNO Che... Seminole Co... Ck#223782 2005 Dues 25.00 3!12005 CALNO Che... Clty Of Long... Ck#98970 2005 Dues 25.00 3/12005 CALNO Che... Sem. Co. Bo... Ck#621947 2005 Dues 25.00 3/302005 CALNO Che... Quartery Into... Interest Inc 0.85 1!1/2005 -313112005 75.85 BALANCE 3/31/2005 1,779.89 422005 CALNO Che... City OF Winte... Ck#022781 2005 Dues 25.00 4/?J2005 CALNO Che... Cily OF Altam... Ck#102806 2005 Dues 25.00 422005 CALNO Che... City Of Lake ... Ck#0663~ _.__ 2005 Dues __ 25.00 422005 CALNO Che... Cily Of Oviedo Ck~112887 2005 Dues 25.00 42/2005 CALNO Che... Seminole Co... Ck;A1000348... 2005 Dues 25.00 4272005 CALNO Che... Inv. 7440 Country Club... Carol Foster.. .Ctiffs Given '~? ~ ~~ 5272005 CALNO Che... City Of Cass... Ck#032318 2005 Dues 25.00 6/302005 CALNO Che... Quarterly Irate... Interest Inc 0.95 411/Z005 -813012005 88.89 Page 1 BALANCE 8/301'1005 1,888.78 722005 CALNO Che... City Of SanfordCk#093745 2005 Dues 25.00 9/302005 CALNO Che... Quartery infs... Interest Inc 0.98 Register Report -All Dates 1/18004 through 128006 Page 2 12/5/2006 Memo Category Gr AmouM pate Acxount Num Description - -- --------- 25.98 _ 1,894.76 BALANCE 913017005 0 ~ 12/298005 CALWO Che... Quartery infs... Interest Inc • 0.98 1t?n12005 -17!31/1005 _ 1,895 T4 BALANCE 1213112005 00 25 3/308006 CALNO Che... City Of Wirrte... Clc#030947 2006 Dues . 3/308006 CALNO Che... City OI Lake ... Ck~70416 2006 Dues 25.00 3/308006 CALNO Che... City OI ONedo Ck#121551 - 2006 Dues ---- 25.00 _- -- - ----- ------- 3/308006 CALNO Che... __ _ __-- ---- --- -- --- --- City Of Atiarn... Ck8108807 2006 Dues 25.00 3/308006 CALNO Che... City Of Long... Ck8103731 2006 Dues 25.00 3/308006 CALNO Che... Seminole Co... Ck80~605... - --- -- 2006 Dues ------- - _ _ - -- ---- 25.00 -- - - 3/308006 CALNO Che... .._..__ - - - - - - Seminole Co... CI~257436 2006 Dues 25.00 3/308006 CALNO Che... Sem. Co. Bo... CId1643584 2006 Dues 25.00 3/30/2006 CALNO Che... Cily Of Cass. CIdw037724 2006 Dues 25.00 _----_. 3%308006 CALNO Che... - --_-- Ctiy Of SenfordCk#100541 2006 Dues 25.00 3/308006 CALNO Che... Void Check ...Lost check Olher Inc ~•~ 3/318006 CALNO Che... Quarterly infs... Interest Inc 0•~ 313.02 1n12008 - 3/3112008 208.76 2 BALANCE 3131/2008 , 06 -62 4/148006 CALNO Che... 2139859... Country Club... Carol Foster. ..Reresue Lost ... . 4/148006 CALNO Che... 2139659... Intervention ... 2006 Leads. .. Donation -1,000.00 5868006 CALNO Che... 2131138... Baskets & Be...Card Foster...lrn 28296 -54.08 6/308006 CAL.NO Che... Quartery Irrte... inbere~ Inc 0.64 -1,115.50 4Hr1006 -6/3011006 BALANCE 813011008 1093.26 9898006 CALNO Che... Quarterly Into... Interest Inc 0.55 7nrlooe - o.5s BALANCE 11151'1008 1093.81 OVERALL TOTAL 1+093.81 TOTAL INFLOWS 2,2'77.01 TOTAL OUTFLOWS -1,183.20 NET TOTAL 1,093.81