HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 12 06 Meeting Minutes of November 1, 2006COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY
Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2006
The Council of Local Governments in Seminole County held a meeting on Wednesday, November 1,
2006 at 7:00 p.m. at Seminole County Public Schools' Educational Support Center, 400 East Lake
Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida.
1. Call to Order
Chairman Brender called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. The chairman called for a moment
of silence and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roil Call -The following members were in attendance:
• City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Steve Wolfrom
^ City of Lake Mary Commissioner Gary Brender
• City of Oviedo Councilman Keith Britton
• City of Winter Springs Mayor John Bush
Also present were:
^ Superintendent Bill Vogel, Seminole County Public Schools
• School Board Member Bany Gainer, Seminole County Public Schools
• School Board Member Sandy Robinson, Seminole County Public Schools
• School Board Member Dede Schaffner, Seminole County Public Schools
• Susan Pascalar, Teacher, Greenwood Lake Middle School, SCPS
• Andy Pascalar, Student, Lyman High School, SCPS
• Deana Schott, League of Women Voters in Seminole County
• Robert Adolphe, Citizen
• Joan Brown-Bachmeier, Citizen
^ Stanley Stevens, Citizen
Those members who were not in attendance were:
^ City of Casselberry Commissioner Linda Hart
• City of Longwood Commissioner Dan Anderson
^ City of Sanford Commissioner Jadc Bridges
• Seminole Community College Representative Donald Payton
• Seminole County Commissioner Brenda Carey
^ Seminole County Public Schools Board Vice Chairman Diane Bauer
3. Approval of Minutes: October 4, 2006
• Commissioner Wolfram moved to approve the minutes from October 4, 2006. Mayor Bush
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Treasurer's Report
• The Treasurer's Report was postponed until the next meeting.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
November 1, 2006
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5. Program A: The State of Seminole County Schools - SupeMntendent Blll Vogel
^ Superintendent Vogel provided a PowerPoint presentation. Dr. Vogel began by discussing
the mission of SCPS "to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills and
attitudes necessary to be successful in adult life." He stressed that the district is a "school
system," not "a system of schools" and tiiat SCPS is a part of, not apart from, the
community. He discussed the importance and numbers of business partners, PTA
members and dividend volunteers. He highlighted the district's commitment to reading
and math. Dr. Vogel discussed many recent successes including A+ grades, SAT scores,
and graduation rate. Acxording to Newsweek, all Seminole County high schools are
ranked in the top 3% in the nation. He reviewed the district's commitment to the arts.
Parental satisfaction with the district is at an ail time high (21,000 parents responded to
the climate survey). He discussed the district's magnet programs and the access students
have to the programs. The School Board's priority is putting funds into the classroom (the
district ranks 1 or 2nd in the state for funds directed to the classroom). He discussed
district enrollment statistics and presented various reasons to explain the district's
flattening enrollment. The district continues to have funding needs to address the class
size amendment, building renovations, upgrade technologyrnfrastructure, bus
replacement, land purchases, etc. The district's growth committee has recommended an
increase of impact fees from $1,384 to $5,345 for asingle-family home as well as a half
penny sales tax to adequately fund Seminole County Public Schools. Dr. Vogel discussed
globalization and its impact to the American education system. Overall, the presentation
stressed that educating everyone takes everyone.
^ Commissioner Brender, who served on the district's Seminole County Educational
Advisory Committee (Growth Committee), explained the committee's recommendation to
increase impact fees and implement a half penny sales tax.
^ Mayor Bush asked if the district is expecting the enrollment to continue to decline. Dr.
Vogel responded that it is anticipated that next year's enrollment will be less than this
year's. Superintendent Vogel and Commissioner Brander explained various reasons for
the current enrollment figures and next year's anticipated enrollment figures.
• In response to a question, Dr. Vogel also explained the voluntary mitigation fees for
developers as well as a recent situation that arose with a developer and the City of
6. Other Business:
^ None
7. Reports from Members:
^ Winter Springs -Mayor Bush announced that the City of Winter Springs is hosting the next
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County meeting at the Tuscawilla Country
^ Altamonte Springs -Commissioner Wolfram discussed the dedication of the tower at
Uptown Altamonte, the City's Halloween event, a planned development, and the potential
sale of the Channel 55 building in hopes of the building's construction moving forward.
Lastly, he discussed the completion of the Emerson tower.
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
November 1, 2006
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Lake Mary -Commissioner Brender discussed the elections within the City. He discussed
the voting on the Lake Mary Community Center ($5 million bond issue to replace the
center). He announced the upcoming Lake MaryMeathrow Festival of the Arts and
discussed the Jazz Festival. He discussed the Lake Mary Boulevard crosswalks near
Lake Mary Elementary School and Rinehart Road. He discussed enforceable noise
ordinances. Lastly, he announced the construction of a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse at the
Lake Mary Town Center.
Oviedo -Councilman Britton discussed Oviedo's Oktoberfest including a city sponsored
fireworks display. He announced the 11"' Annual Great Day in the Country. He shared the
City's parks and recreation vision. Lastly, he discussed the outcome of the traffic calming
8. Adjournment
^ The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.