HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 12 06 - 2007 Legislative Session Priorities Seminole Community College E. Ann McGee, President 100 Weldon Boulevard ~ Sanford, FL 32773-6199 ~ 407.708.2010 I vvvvw.scc-fl.edu 2007 Legislative Session Priorities SCC-Specific Items $1.2 Million for the Renovation of Building L. (CBIR) • Building L is SCC's largest classroom building. It houses 38% of the general classroom student stations and 35% of the general classroom net square footage on the Sanford/Lake Mary campus. • The building was constructed in the late 1970s and remains largely unimproved • Building L now houses SCC's library, classrooms and other instructional, study and support spaces. The structure needs major remodeling and renovation to create and/or renovate vitally-needed classrooms, computer labs, student services, the faculty development lab, audio-visual support, and office and support spaces. This will become especially critical when the bulk of the existing library is moved from Building L to the new SCC/UCF Joint Use Facility. • Mechanical, electrical and communications systems need to be replaced due to the age of the systems and will be reconfigured to better accommodate the new space use. The building envelopes, exterior walkways and roofing systems will also be renovated as necessary. • All classrooms, new and renovated, will be equipped with state-of-the-art academic technology to accommodate modern curricula needs. • SCC's $1.2 million request for 2007-2008 will fund comprehensive planning for the project. • Actual construction will occur in the three following fiscal years, at a cost of approximately $4.6 million in each of those years. • This is the highest priority, unfunded project in SCC's Capital Improvement Plan as submitted to the Department of Education. District Board of Trustees Verdell Pugh Horne, Chairman ~ Richard H. Lee, Vice Chairman ~ Christopher Dorworth ~ Dr. Charles W. English I Dede Schaffner ~ E. Ann McGee, President Oviedo (Sanford/Lake Mary I Hunt Club A Diverse Learning Community...An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity College $500,000 for Altamonte Springs Campus Operations SCC requested $1 million during the 2006 legislative session for start-up operations of its new Altamonte Springs campus. Ultimately, at the end of the session, we received $500,000 for this purpose, embedded within the college's allocation under the Community College Program Fund. We are requesting the remaining $500,000 during the 2007 session. • Funds will be used to hire teaching faculty, academic schedulers, and academic support staff in the areas of registration, academic advising, testing, financial aid and library services. • Funding will also be used to acquire the operational licenses and support services necessary to support state-of-the-art medical and support services technology. • Because community colleges are funded in arrears (not forward funded), SCC will begin receiving a modest amount of funding under Operating Costs of New Facilities in Fiscal Year 2007-2008, but full, formula-driven funding will not begin to flow until Fiscal Year 2008-2009. • SCC cannot drop vital student services into place on the day the new campus opens. We must begin hiring staff and bringing expanded services on line early. in order to be ready to serve students when they begin registering for classes at the new site. Costs will be incurred for two years before formula-driven funds are received. Fund SCC's PECO Projects at a Total Cost of $6.644 Million as Approved by the State Board of Education. This includes: $1.743 million for the Joint Use Facility with UCF. $1.425 million for general renovation. • $1.307 million for remodeling of Building K. • $2.169 million for the remodeling of Buildings E and I. Fund the Central Florida Higher Education Consortium • Funding to be shared among UCF, BCC, LSCC, SCC and VCC. • Expand baccalaureate programs on community college campuses via innovative 2+2 partnerships -more degreed graduates. • Concurrent advising, scholarships and student services. • Collaborative development of strategic projects -such as economic development, nursing and teaching. Systemwide Request $129.4 Million in New Community College Funding • Includes funding for capacity, growth, equity, SUCCEED, teacher preparation, matching funds, 2+2 community college/university partnerships and other initiatives. • This should yield approximately $1.75 (about a 3% increase) in unrestricted new operating funds for SCC, plus grants. Restore the Community Colleges' Historical Share of PECO funding. • Funding has dropped from the historical 27.4 % of the total available funds to 25.2% of the total, due to class size reduction. • The system needs to recover $105.5 million that was lost last year, plus the $22.8 million the colleges stand to lose in 2007-2008 due to the lower allocation. • This problem will be compounded in future years since funding is based on a five-year average. Fully Fund the Philip Benjamin and Facilities Matching Grant Programs. • This will yield in excess of $500,000 for SCC.