HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 12 01 Unapproved Minutes of 2004 12 01• ~. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 1, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDE~t The Regular Meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO) of Wednesday, December 1, 2004 was called to order at 7:16 p.m. by Commissioner Gary Brender in the Commission Chambers of the City of Winter Springs Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). After a moment of silence, Ms. Cindy Gennell led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor John F. Bush, City of Winter Springs, present Commissioner Steve Wolfram, City of Altamonte Springs, present Commissioner Linda C. Hart, City of Casselberry, present Commissioner Gary Brender, City of Lake Mary, present Councilman Todd Russell, City of Oviedo, present Commissioner Art Woodruff, City of Sanford, absent Donald J. Payton, Seminole Community College, present Chairman Carlton D. Henley, Seminole County Commission, present Seminole County School Board, absent Commissioner Brender welcomed Chairman Carlton D. Henley, the newly elected Chairman from the Seminole County Commission. • :• AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED IN THE ORDER AS DOCUMENTED. d• • 3. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Linda Hart presented this Agenda Item. Commissioner Brender asked, "If I can get a Move to accept the Treasurer's Report." MOTION. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COUNCIL THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. COMMISSIONER BRENDER STATED, "THE TREASURER'S REPORT WILL STAND AS READ." MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER I, 2004 PAGE 2 OF 8 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NOVEMBER 3, 2004 Commissioner Brender stated, "Entertain a Motion to accept the Minutes?" MOTION BY COMMISSIONER WOLFRAM. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HART. DISCUSSION. COMMISSIONER BRENDER SAID, "AND WITHOUT OBJECTION, THE MINUTES WILL STAND APPROVED AS READ." WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COUNCIL, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. •3• AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED NEXT, AS DOCUMENTED. •• 4. PROGRAM A: SGTV ANNUAL UPDATE -MATT CHESLER AND PAUL LOUIS Commissioner Brender introduced Mr. Matt Chesler and Mr. Paul Louis from SGTV (Seminole Government Television). Mr. Matt Chesler and Mr. Paul Louis, SGTV (Seminole Government Television),130 San Carlos, Sanford, Florida: introduced the Government/Education Channel broadcast programming available to the public on various subjects. Mr. Chesler introduced a "News Magazine Show" called "Seminole Insight". A brief presentation was shown. Commissioner Brender complimented SGTV (Seminole Government Television) on the Seminole County Local Election updates. 4. PROGRAM B: UPDATE ON CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS V. SEMINOLE COUNTY (RURAL BOUNDARY CHARTER AMENDMENT) -ATTORNEY ANTHONY GARGANESE Attorney Garganese spoke briefly on this Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER 1, 2004 PAGE 3 OF 8 5. OTHER BUSINESS Program A. Election Of Officers Commissioner Brender asked, "I was going to accept Nominations for the Chairman -any other Nominations?" "ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF MY CONTINUING AS CHAIRMAN -SAY `AYE'. ANY OPPOSED?" THERE WERE NO OBJECTIONS FROM THE COUNCIL. COMMISSIONER BRENDER SAID, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I WILL CERTAINLY CONTINUE -ENDEAVOR TO DO MY BEST TO DO MY DUTY." Commissioner Brender stated, "We -need to also appoint a Treasurer and I will accept Nominations at this time." "I NOMINATE LINDA [COMMISSIONER HART]." MOTION. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COUNCIL THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Program B. Program Planning For 2005 Commissioner Brender distributed the 2005 Program Schedule to the Council. PROGRAM PLANNING FOR THE YEAR 2005 City of Altamonte Springs Commissioner Brender began with the City of Altamonte Springs for specific ideas for programs for the months of January and February. Commissioner Steve Wolfram indicated there will be an update on the Crane's Roost development and Town Center. Plans are moving forward on the overpass and the City of Casselberry and County are currently doing a study of State Road 436. PROGRAM PLANNING FOR THE YEAR 2005 City of Casselberry Commissioner Linda C. Hart will bring issue up to her Commission for suggestions. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER 1, 2004 PAGE 4 OF 8 With discussion on "Programs", Commissioner Brender asked for suggestions or "Items" from the "Floor". Mayor Bush said, "The School Board." Commissioner Brender said, "So, I will take note of that." Commissioner Brender asked for comments from the "Floor". Ms. Cindy Gennell, 706 Meadowbrook Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke about concerns regarding FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency]. Commissioner Brender said, "I will make a note probably for -May tentatively for a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) update and I will keep track of what's happening with that." PROGRAM PLANNING FOR THE YEAR 2005 City of Oviedo Councilman Todd Russell suggested sponsoring "Communities for a Lifetime" to help in development issues. Commissioner Brender asked Commissioner Hart to report back at the next Meeting date of January 5, 2005 at the City of Altamonte Springs. Program C: Discussion Of Seminole Community College's Driving Track Commissioner Brender gave a brief overview of the proposed driving track for use by City/County Staff and Civil personnel. He indicated that this Program would increase safety, reliability, and decrease insurance rates. Mr. Donald J. Payton presented this Agenda Item. Further discussion ensued. Tape 1/Side B With discussion on contributions from the Municipalities and Sheriff's Office, Commissioner Brender stated, "And with that, by Consent, we all agree that we'll simply take this back to our various Commissions for approvals in December so that CALNO (Council of Local Governments in Seminole County) can officially adopt a position in January [2005]." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER 1, 2004 PAGE 5 OF 8 6. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Winter Springs -Mayor John F. Bush • Mayor Bush spoke about the recent Holiday events and the five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) contribution from the County. Mayor Bush was pleased with the turnout from the Community. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Altamonte Springs -Commissioner Steve Wolfram • Commissioner Wolfram thanked Mayor Bush for the dinner. • Crane's Roost Town Center construction is moving along. • Commissioner Wolfram spoke about the Majesty Center and that it has not changed much. • The Board Appreciation Dinner is on December 14, 2004. • Fall clean up is scheduled for the City once again. • Commissioner Wolfram is the Chairman of the Seminole County Alliance and will be attending aDistrict-wide Chair Meeting in January [2005]. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Casselberry -Commissioner Linda C. Hart • Commissioner Hart announced their newly elected Mayor Bob Goff and new Commissioner Colleen S. Hufford. • The City has free mulch available for the next two (2) weekends located near City Hall. • The City is going to have a Tree Lighting Ceremony this Saturday at 6:00 p.m. • Santa will be touring through the neighborhood next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. • A Public Meeting will be tomorrow night regarding the Red Bug Road and State Road 436 Overpass and an informative question and answer Meeting with DOT (Florida Department of Transportation). • Commissioner Hart announced a new Agenda Format. • Commissioner Hart wished everyone a Merry Christmas and thanked Mayor Bush for the lovely dinner. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER I, 2004 PAGE 6 OF 8 REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Lake Mary -Commissioner Gary Brender • The City is going to have a Tree Lighting Ceremony at City Hall this Friday, December 3, 2004 with about two (2) million lights around various trees and parks. • The City is continuing to investigate aCity-wide sewer service. • Final approvals for two (2) large townhome complexes on Rinehart Road. • Next month, the Fire Station on Rinehart Road will be closed. The new Fire Station located on Wallace Court is currently under construction. • The 188 unit townhomes is going in near Seminole Community College behind Publix. • Currently, there is a proposal for townhomes at Colonial Park. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Longwood -City Manager John Drago The Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony is Saturday, December 4, 2004 at 6:15 p.m. There will be a marathon race in the morning. Old Christmas in Longwood is December 7, 2004 at the Community Building and tickets are available. • The clock tower is complete with Poinsettias and waiting for signage. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Oviedo -Councilman Todd Russell • The Christmas Tree Lighting is December 2, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. Santa will also be making an appearance on December 7, 8, 9, and 10, 2004. • The City will be breaking ground on Franklin Street extension. • Councilman Russell discussed the Downtown Traffic issue. • On November 10, 2004, Boys and Girls Town opened up a new facility. Boys and Girls Town is asking for any donations of new items. Tape 2/Side A REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Sanford -Commissioner Art Woodruff • No Report. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER 1, 2004 PAGE 7 OF 8 REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Seminole Community College (SCC) -Donald J. Payton • Mr. Payton thanked everyone who participated in the Focus Groups discussing the Master Plan of Seminole Community College (SCC). Looking forward to getting the results in the next couple of months. • The Board Meeting will be December 21, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. at the Sanford Campus in the Board Room at the Administration Building Main Campus. An unveiling of the Master Plan will be presented. • Mr. Payton announced the Lynx bus service linking the Oviedo Campus to University of Central Florida. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Seminole County Commission -Carlton D. Henley • There will be one (1) Meeting in December. A Joint Meeting will be held with the County School Board. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Seminole County School Board -Board Member Diane Bauer • No Report. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Altamonte Springs -Commissioner Steve Wolfram • Commissioner Wolfram, City of Altamonte Springs reported that their Commission had an Informational Meeting to discuss the Wekiva River Basin and will meet again either the first or last week of February. The road plans for the Parkway is three (3) to five (5) years out. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS City of Winter Springs -Mayor John F. Bush • Mayor Bush announced that Commissioner-Elect Joanne M. Krebs and Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore will be sworn in on Monday, December 6, 2004. • Commissioner Brender said, "Who do we thank for the dinner?" Mayor Bush stated, "Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces], City Clerk and her Staff." Commissioner Brender said, "Very good. Thank you." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO) REGULAR MEETING -DECEMBER 1, 2004 PAGE 8 OF 8 7. ADJOURNMENT With consensus of the Council, Chairman Brender adjourned the Meeting at 9:00 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY.• JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: GARY BRENDER, COMMISSIONER COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY (CALNO)