HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 12 03 SCC Building Toward the Future 10th largest Of Florida's 28 Community Colleges 39th largest Producer OfAA Degrees Out Of More Than 1200 Community Colleges In The USA 35,000 Students Are Expected To Attend SCC This Year see BUILDING TOWARD THE FUTURE f"..iBY THE YEAR 2020... / . . . . . . . . : SEMINOLE . : COUNTY . . ~.....POPULATION IS . : PROJECTED TO . : INCREASE +400/0 . . . . . . . . ~................ .. . . . , TODAY'S LARGEST POPULATION SEGMENT WILL BECOME TOMORROW'S BIGGEST CONSUMER OF HIGHER EDUCATION /BY THE YEAR 2020... ;.......i , WILL WE BE READY? rn tin E:1 A NEW CAMPUS IN HEATH ROW . 6-acre site with convenient 1-4 access and high-profile 1-4 visibility ANEW AUTOMOTIVE CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . t ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . "Rev up" a renowned automotive program with a multi-million dol- lar fund, largely donated from Central Florida's auto dealers. serve the region's employees and their businesses . Will become the training hub for the 1-4 high tech corridor . Slated to accommodate community = ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A NEW CAMPUS IN ALTAMONTE SPRINGS .. .,J ;.. - . -'.......... 'j &. .J ..: ....~IE.. '!:;. . . -.~ . 9-acre, prime location site for high-traffic, convenient access CONTINUED GROWTH IN OVIEDO . Will replace limited-space Hunt Club Center . Scheduled to open in spring of 2006 . . . . . . . Expand cUrriculum and services to . : serve burgeoning population of : eastern Seminole County , ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . 37% of County households (Seminole's most densely-populated neighborhoods) are in this area . Potential 7-story facility with classrooms and labs = ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OVER THE PAST 3 YEARS /$25.1 MlLUON/ HASBEEN AllOCATED by the state to fund construction of 2 new SCC facilities... .....~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....~: . . ~.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......~. fl0.s:gifONj IS NEEDED to finish constructing these 2 new facilities... to OPERATING/ DOLLARS ARE BUDGETED AT THIS TIME to operate these 2 new facilities. . . ~g{J IS NEEDED to construct a new Automotive Technology Center on the Sanford / Lake Mary campus... / $5.2 :bLfi:ON / IS NEEDED K 12 Orlando Sentinel OPINION " SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,2003 Orlando Sentinel Sanford: 541 N. Palmetto Ave" Suit< 105, 32771 407.322-3513 Altamonte Springs, 715 Douglas Ave" Suit< 101,32714 407-772-B030 EDITORIAl JOHN BABINCHAK II County Editor ADVERTISING PAUL MATIAS Advertising Manager Altamont< Springs: 407-772-8000 ClassifiedWantA<!s: 1-800-669-5757 ORCUIATION South Seminole: 407-420-5353 Sanford: 1-800-359-5353 College needs help of state legislators Our position: see has made the case that it deserves more funds to build two campuses. es began to dominate along the Lake Mal)'-Heathrow corridor on Interstate 4, SCC responded with specially designed information-technology programs to serve that expanding market. In fact, the Pizzuti Coso and Newport Partners donated land for the proposed SCC campus in Heathrow. SCC got the 6.1 acres so that the college could pro- vide convenient computer training and other educational opportunities for em- ployees in the many office complexes nearby. SCC didn't stop at computer courses. The community college also offers courses in such areas as the building trades, automotive technology and health care. Just as importantly, the courses also offer a shot at a four-year university for students who otherwise might not have been able to attend. The Altamonte Springs campus would be on land SCC owns near Mait- land Boulevard and State Road 434. It would take the load off the Hunt Club mini-campus while providing easier ac- cess to higher education on the county's west side. SCC would like to see both campuses ready to accept students by the spring of 2006. The college needs more funding to reach its goals, however. Officials esti- mate, for one thing, another $35.9 mil- lion is required from the Public Educa- tion Capital Outlay fund. Admittedly, these are tough times for the state budget with many hands dig- ging into the pie. It is up to the Seminole legislative delegation to make sure that SCC can get its hand in there, too. t t Seminole Community College is one of the county's major assets. That's why the Seminole legisla- tive delegation needs to pay spe- cial attention to SCe's needs. With two new campuses on the draw- ing boards, those needs are pressing. The school, bursting with increased en- rollment, needs those campuses to meet the ever-expanding demand for educa- tional opportunities beyond high school. Already SCe's main campus in San- ford-Lake Mal)', a second campus in Oviedo, and a smaller facility at Hunt Club, a shopping center on the west side of the county, are straining to meet the needs of about 35,000 students. The county's young population promises even more rapid enrollment growth. This year SCC broke into the top 100 community colleges in the nation for producing graduates with AA degrees. The college jumped to 39th. The new campuses would be in Heathrow and Altamonte Springs. Building and curriculum plans are still in the development process, but there is little doubt the two new campuses are needed. Students at both campuses would be able to take courses leading to an associ- ate of science or associate of arts degree. Some courses would be in programs de- signed to prepare students for immedi- ate entry into the job market; others would ready them to enter a four-year college to obtain a bachelor's degree. SCC has a proven record in creating programs to provide the skills necessal)' to maintain a thriving local economy. When high-tech, white-collar business- for improvements to SCC's current campuses... -GROWTH ;PUND -BRlCKS&MORTAR -COMMUNITY MATCH Ie s ;j plumm AN ENGINE FOR ECONOMIC .......... see .....~ DEVELOPMENT... Workforce Is... · All A.S. Degrees · Nursing/Healthcare Careers · Public Safety · IT/High Tech Careers · Teachers & More . The Seminole Technology Business Incubation Center (STBIC) is the only small business assistance program in Seminole County. . In the past 10 months alone, over 322 individual clients have been assisted by the STBIC. ENROLLMENT MIX . Since 1997, SCC's Small Business Development Center and the STBIC have served 2,040 business clients, generated 593 new jobs, and have assisted in raising more than $18.3 mil- lion in capital investments. Workforce Workforce 64.0% 36.0% . In partnership with 2 neighboring community colleges, SCC has generated over 11,000 IT jobs in the past 2 years. . The National Science Foundation (NSF) has renewed a $2 mil- lion grant to SCC and DBCC for the Information Technology Education Center AA Transfer 36.0% AA Transfer 64.0% Seminole System ,(,%,\:~,,~~,KN"':~#""<,.. ~_~",'\;';, .., I-see Seminole Community College E. Ann McGee, President 100 Weldon Boulevard I Sanford, FL 32773-6199 I 407-328-2010 I vvvvw.scc-fl.edu 2004 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 1. Fund Enrollment Growth o SCe's full-time enrollment (FTE) has grown by 59% over 5 years. o Seminole County will grow by 40% by 2020. o Today, 21% of the county's population is under the age of 15. Tomorrow, they will be our students - increasing our enrollment by as many as 26,500, to a total of 61,500. o State support per student has dropped by 33% - from $3,300 to $2,200 over the last five years. o We are now 10th in size but dead last in state support - 10/28. o Raising SCC's per FTE funding to the state average of $2,906 would take $7,287,435. 2. Fund Facilities (PECO) Request o $7,337,000 to complete Altamonte Springs campus o $3,514,000 to complete 1-4 Technology Workforce Development Center o $1,214,000 for new Automotive Center on Sanford/Lake Mary Campus o $5,252,000 for improvements on existing campuses 3. Fund Community Match o $2,000,000 for new Automotive Center on Sanford/Lake Mary Campus o $1,364,690 (estimate) for scholarship and other matching gifts District Board of Trustees Sidney Miller, Chairman I Verdell Pugh, Vice Chairman I Dr. Charles W. English I Richard H. Lee I Dede Schaffner I E. Ann McGee, President Oviedo I Sanford/Lake Mary I Hunt Club An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Community College